City Council Minutes 04-18-196750'
8: OC P.M.
April 18t 1967
Regular meeting of the Village Council held this time ;--nd date in the Village
Hall. 'T-IeTrtrbers pre6enit-1: Nztyor Erindson, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer.
Absent: Councilman S;;,,ndbLro-. i'linutes of the meeting for April 4 C_
and approved. zz� 11 , 19"7, re -d
.Lotion by Schaffer that -the Village hire 'Mr. Allen on a part-time
C'� �_j
basis * W. t '4")1.75 per hour to help with the, Village maintenance -viork. Secon-.d
by "Vilayor Erland son and carried.
Motion b;' Councilman Schaffer t11 =t the Villagc repair tile b,;ck-st-,p at the
Village soft ball -field, Second -ed 'Qy Councilman Topel and c�:rri.-_-d.
I ",ir. `_L
I-[lvc a -rn Worth discussed with the Council an old water bill. He understood
thl-_;-I,t he was to be billed at a minimum chage bee Luse �-n erlier Council had
advised him to run the water Pt his residence continuously so that his water
lines would flush out. Motion made by Councilm;;n Schaffer th.-t Mr. Worth pay
only $1200 of the old '22.69 water bill. Seconded by Councilman Topel �.nd
i'lo-tion by Councilm�p.n Kasper kto ppy Mr. R. Confrey '$'100.00 for vacv-tion time that
he had. e;_rned up through date of resigntion. Motion secondtd by Councilman
Schaff, -.r ;_,nd c;;rrif--d.
Motion by Councilman Kasper to approve of a building 'permit for Nir. Don Dorf to
build a playhouse 61 by 8' on Lot 4, Block 34. 1,iiotion seconded by Councilman
Schpf.'er �nd carried.
1�'Iotion by 1'j,:,.yor Erl,.,ndson to autlrloriz,_- the Villl;;,ge Police 1>ept. to -purcliVas-_
I I—)
a portable rot�.tin- emergency red. Lor polic-'! work. Motion seconded by
Councilmen Topel a.nd c,;rrled.
1,ir. 1,'.Iuller of Rieke, Carroll, and �;!uller, Consultv-.nt Engineers, reported on
their water study findings and recommended that the Vi11'.1'ge consider building
an aeration -filtration in -addition to chlorin@tting the water. The Council
considered this recommendation as apposed to chemicRl trintment on! -'-,T. Other
towns with similar problems have reportt!d good results with chinmical tre;_7-..trrs-,nt
only. Mo pion mq;-Lde by P'!,?-,yor Erle ndson to heave Don Shipp of Feed -Rite Controls,
Inc. treat the Village: wA,-,1ter with che.,-aic;�ls on a six Month tri�Ll basis as
discussed previously with nim, 11�lotion s -_con,, -`ed by Gouncilru,;n Sch.-r2f'L-r and
carried. The clerk wps requested to ask 11,1r. Shipp to attend the next meeting
to net up the mechanics for this water treatment.
Yx. Doug Pitt, representing the Monti -cello Chamber of Commerce, ,,,diseased vjith
Council the:Ch;,mbtr's interest . in improving and be.Jut-ifying Riverside Park.
They asked that the Village not clump Snow there anyTriore and they would would like
to have the park rt -seeded. They would also like to gain multiple use out of the
5katinc- rink by uning, it as Z_ p�zrking lot durinc, the rummer months and -out
an asp or crushed rock surf��,ce on the rink. The Ch.;mU-r would like for the
viii gto �.ssist with BorneBorneo" thy, exo-_ns' in 'h -s- vf-ntur-s. It Tom,.s t,.)bled
until a -1-urthtr study on cost could be made on th-_ -Wbove improvement.
I I (April 1'-,)67 con -[.1d)
The Committee on Street and Sewer reported their findings as to the needs Pt
-the disposci-I plant a3 reported at the last Council meeting and approved of
I - CD -
these changes. Council *authorized 'Mr. Enlga L to cli- -nge the slant on one of the
I V e, eq
ladders. Motion was ma -de by Councilw%-M 'Kasper to h.__Vfr_- Rieke, Carroll, and
iuller draw up the specification for .�. sand grit chamber. Motion second -!-d by
Councilman Topel ant I carried.
Mr. Maus discussed changing the water rates. 'This w. -.s tQLbD_-d until a furth-r
study could be made on this matter.
K C_ pending Ix. lldch;ielis, 11'ire'Chief, discussed with Council the possibility of a
couple of ffien from the Fire Dep�.rtmt-,nt to the State Fire School course. 1,:Iotion
by i'layor Erlandson to send fir. FLichaelis and one other fireman of his selection
to attend this course. Seconded by, Counc"Llpian Schaffer and carried.
Council approv-d, of having the furnace :;.t the disposal plant cle,;.ned.
Council authorized purchasing of meter 16-:�g numbers and printing of new water
and sewer record cards.
Mr. Labree w,;,,s ;-;.sked tc be, park custodia -i and he s;�,id he would consider it if
Council would *look into -purchasing a riding mower. TaIbl,,,-.-d until Ccuricil could
hVestigate 'price of mower.
Kotion by Councilman Topel -Por adjournment. Motion seconded by Councilman
Schaffer acid carried.
Iileetingat 11:55 P.k.10
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