City Council Minutes 04-25-1967 Special840100
A-pril 95, 1967
Special _rq.etinP, of the Vill,-,,:--,a Council h�.ld this time and date in the Village
Ha .1. llembnrs pre Sent.- Mayor Erl�ndsonj Councilmen K.@soprt Sandberg, Topel,.-and
Schaffer. kbs ntea Nuno�.
Courjcilm�n K4.-:ts6t-r to grant Bi U_I-e Lake ISRnd &-. G�p
rvel Company a
Cal 9
license to put in sewer provided they have a surety bond end li,;bility insur,,.I,nce
,*s required by Villl-ge Ordinance NJo... 142, Section 11, part-- (42) and (3). motion
seg: condi d by Mlayor 'rland3on and c,-�.rri6d.
Motion by Mayor LrlP.n6I3on to approve a buildin..-I permit for � r. Don Pitts to build
— 7
vdlo'u Rr
201 X 2"41 X J" on Lot l0and .-4 tr-L, ,
CI 4 �, U-, lot adjoining Lot 10 of
ilionticc-lio, and Lot 2 of -6-lock 3, Lower 111onticallo. Motion seconded 'qy Council-
man Sch--c-L'fer and 6arrind.
Uouncil discu5sed the merits of bu iing Q power move -r lr,�'Id cons - d,, -,red orices -riven
T I -ance, and Bak�,_r Rambler & Equipmtnt. Motion
by Our Own rI-,-.rdij -are, Kjpllb!trg Ap-p-Li
bf Councilman Schafffirto b -(.,-,,y a 12 Hr' sli-lift, drivot wiith 48" mo
V w�r power mower from
Bakcr RI,mbltnr an(l Equipment J*cr �$`10.03). Motion seconded by CoLu-icilman SPn J0 -
be -r,7_
and ceirried.
Mlotion by Councilman Schaffer to puthorize, tht reimbursemtnt of 1$'36-32 to Le:& (I.
McKinnon, Civil Defense Directo2�, for Civil Dmfense-, exp�nsms incurrtd.- Motion. 'I,-
sfsconded by Councilman Topnl and c�rriied.
Rilotion by, Council Schaffer to hire Mr. 'Lawritnco LaBroe _0�7rt-time at $'1-75 per
hour to tak.-- czar a of Village p2l_rk this summtr. otion seconded by Top, l and
Motion by Councilman Topel to issu�roor;,_tc,� licmnses to Kern Springborg tc
operatm, a bowlinv alley and to R . , A111'as Schni_-der to operate ;; pool room.
Motion seconded by Mayor Erlandson -and carried.
Motion b y Councilman Schaffer to advertise in the he INdnnf!,;-tpoli3 St,21.r Journal,
MIinnarpoli3 Tribune, St. Olouc7 Timms, IIonticello Tim-s,2nd the ',ivi-r
ight County
,Journal Press for a sewer m;.,.n with Class C licens-�- to ra-olp..ce 'LVx'. R.
Enga who is resigning effective 15 YaY 1967. motion saonded by CouncilmAn
Kasprx :-nnd carr -I( --d.
Meeting adjourned.
V*'! gt Cl-,-rk