City Council Minutes 06-02-1967 Special80000 P.M. June a, 1967 Special Meeting of the Village Council held this time ;;nd date, at the Villa.? 6 e Hall for the Board of Review for the,Village of Monticello, Members present: Mayor Eflandson, Councilman Kasper, Sandberg, Schaffer and Topel. Absent: None ,Kr. Ralph Middagh requested an explanation as to the mill levy on his property, description number 19798 and Peter R. Christianson requested an explanation of the value placed on his property ,description number 19917. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to accept the assessor's valuation on both personal and real property. Motion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried unanimously( .Motion by Councilman Schaffer to adjourn the Spec'. -al 1-1eeting for, the Board of Review 90*10 P.M. 111,11otion second by Councilman 1'opel and carrie-)"animous I Signed rk 9:15 P -Me June 21, 1967 r, Special meeting of the Village council held this time and date at the Village Hall i'lezmber present** Mayor Erlandson, Councilmen Kasper, Sandberg, Topel, and Schaffer. Absent: None. Motion By Councilman Schaffer to approve of the issuance of a Building Permit to Mr, L, Re Fair to build two additions to the existing structure on the East side 10' X 30' addition and on the west side 201 X 50' addition on Lots I and 2. Block i ",B"',, "Tonticello proper, the completed structure is to be used as a fresh vegetable fruit market. Motion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried unamimously. Council-approved-IMIr. Lando Kirscht attending a assessor tax meeting in Saint Paul, Minnesota on 29 June 1967. Special meeting adjourned on motion at 9:40 P.M. Si;: