City Council Minutes 07-12-1967 Special(Continued July 6, 1967)
Pursuant to instructions of the Public-Exarrdner motion by Councilman Schaffer to
transfer $7836.88 from the Street Improvement Sinking Fund to the Street Improvement
Maintenance Fund:Any current and future settle..
metts from the County Auditor for the Street Improvement Sinking Fund will be credited
to the Street Improvement & maintenance Fund. Motion seconded by Councilman Topel
and carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Kasper to issue a moving permit to Mr. Ronald Michea.lis to move a
garage, 20' X 24' with an attached porch 10' X 121, to Lots 4 & 50 Block 389 Lower
Monticello. Lotion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously.
Council approved of installing screen doors mit at the Village Hall's outside entrances.
Council approved of certifying certain unpaid sewer bills to the County Auditor's
office. The list of those bills are on file in the Village Office.
Council approved the Village Clerk attending the tax meeting in St. Cloud, Minnesota
on July 17, 1967.
Motion by Councilman na'sper to pay the bills as read. Motion seconded by Councilman
Schaffer and carried unanimously. `
Motion by Councilman Kasoer to adjourn. Motion secoMed by Councilman Schaffer and
carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned 1130 P.M.
v. vv t .z•1.
July 12, 1967
Special meeting of the Village Council held this time and date in the Village Hall.
Member present; Councilmen Sandberg, Topel, and Schaffer. Absent: Mayor Erlandson
and Councilman Kasper. Councilman Sandberg presided as acting mayor.
Lotion by Councilman Schaffer to hire Mr. Finley Mix as supervisor of the Disposal Plant
and Village Maintenance Department commencing Au,;ust 1, 1967. The starting salary will
be $550,00 per month on a six (6) month probational period at the end of which time
it will be raised to $575.00 per month provided all parties are satisfied. Motion
seconded by Councilman Topel and carried unanimously.
Council discussed Ha.rdrives Inc., street surfacing contractor, about resurfacing
certain bad spots in Village streets. It was tabled until further muUm studies could
be made on cost by other resurfacing firms.
Council approved of having the Village maintenance crew cut grass on all vacant lots
where the of-mers of these lots have neglected to do so. The Village will notify the
owner of such properties in writing that if the grass isn't mowed within 10 days of
the date of the letter, the Village maintenance crew will cut it at the cost of $8.00
per hour. The cost of the above mentioned will be certified to the County Auditor.
Council approved of having the August Village; Council meeting the End Tuesday in August,
August 8, 1967,
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to adjourn Special
3MCo , z eting Motion seconded
by Topel and carried unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 1030 P.M. °`t Village Clerk