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City Council Minutes 08-08-1967
63 8:00 P.N. AUCI 8; 1967 hegular meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. Ylembers ?resent Mayor Erlwandsong Councilman Sandbtrgq Kasperg Top�l, and Schaff. -r. Absent: Nons. Ianutes of the, rti,seting for July 6th., July lath, nnd July 19th were read and approved i,,-ith the following exception, The 4th p2ragraph of Special Council meeting dated July19, 1967, which refers to the motion changing dates ang, , of Council meetings should read *",,lotion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously." The ChAnge has been made accordingly in those minutes. I -lotion by Councilman Schaffer to authorize Er. Larry Flake a Use permit to install three sic -ns at the Ford Garage as per s2ecification presented to Council. Motion C> seconded by Councilman Tope -i grid carried unanimously. Mr. Gene Bland asked Council for he �_pproval to convert his house into a rooming house. ue e f1h - He was instructed to hav` 'D .,,etition si-yn�-,d MM by all interested p -)_sties in t sui�rounding aria and bring it back to Council for approval* I�Tr. Jim Powers requested that the Sewer line be extended out West River Street to take in his property. 'I'lotion by Councilman Schaffer to call in Thort IvIley--r &: kssociates Engin�-,-_rs to run "', survey on extending this sewer to the Village C.t�' limits on West River Street. ivbtion seconded by Councilmen Topel and carried unanimously. I Council inforrr..c'd Mr. 1171useth and I'Ir. J. Bondhus that the additional sewer charges .- levied on their!respectivebuildings P.rf�- in accordance with the Village Sever, Ordinz;.nce. Ar. Lee P. McKinnon, Civil Defense_ Director, discussed the possibility of increasing tho volume Cf the fire alarm siren so that it can be he.7rd by C-11 citiz,-,ns. Tabled for further study. He .aso proposed that the Village'install a phone to be used for Civil Def ense E LD mergency and regul�f_r transmission of Civil Defense matters. Y'otion by C'Ounciiman Toptl to approve of a Civil Defense phone for the Village* Motion seconded by Councilman Kasper end carried un;;,,nimously. Motion by Councilmm Schaffer to adjust 14rs,Ledin's sewer charge from $18.00 to $6.00 for the 2nd quarter, 1967„ Her charge for the current quartl-r will be $12.00. Motion seconded by Council -man Tooel qnd carried unanimously. Council discussed with the Vill;,ge Volunt.,!c,,r Fir,- Department the chP!rges thm-t C; ru the Villa1g,,!! shoiAd make for providing fire protection outside the Village limits. ts I C) L the Fire Chief, end �dayor Erl,-zxndson -to authorize Councilman Schaffer, lotion by 1, 5 the Assistant Fire Chief, as su'�rested by 14r. Fhon,�,�ld Zlichealisj to check with other L-)"Tt� municipalities to see what they are charging for this fire protection. Motion second: -d by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously. Eir. Ojpkpnga3 of the Village Plp.nning Committee reported on the Village of Iaonti cello Reconnaissance Report made by ttheBtckman.Swenson and Associates Planners. The r. -port outlined what '-wduld be covered by th(t professional planners if the Village goes tT ethrough with this project. Mr. Ojakangas stated th;--c� t the cost could be borne by the Village at a cost ' - of $8600.00 to be spread over2 lvmonth period, or the L ae Cc',)-Ia seek federal aid. However, seeking federal aid for this pro(-rQm The Council discussed the possibility ,N-ould delay such C-01 survey at least two years. of getting financiO, assistance from other sourdes benefit -ting from such a proje ct Council asked Mx. Ojakangas to check into this Possibility and report back to them. 64 (Continued August 8, 1967) Mr. Burbaget represchting Suburban Gas, s[,,,oke to Council -bout extending; water and saitary sewer out to their proposed business site.. Motion by Councilman Kasper to have Thor-_ Associates Engineers, to run a survey on the proposed water and sanitaxy sewer lines to thpt prop-.rty and provide thy:, Council vrith an ^-stimated cost for thes,!a iixxx new line Axtensions. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carAtd unanimously. I Mr. Finley 11.1x,, tel-_ new Village Sewer and Maintenance Sup'l-rvisor, spoke to Council about possible improvements at the disposal plant. Mr. Art McIntire, Villvage Police Chief,, spoke to Council about the. children riding,thtir bikes reckle.ssly on Vi].lage streets end sidewalks. Council 'asked, Mr. LcIntirc to see Nor. He"ffernln, the, Village Attorney, on this matter in respect to the possibility of adopting an ordinuance against reckless operation of a bicycle on Village streets 1.nd sidewalks. Motion by Councilman, Kasper to grant the issuance of a building permit to Ivir,, DTA,ht Buckendahl to build a house 381 by 52' on Lots 9,10,11, and 12, Block 12, Lower Monticello. Plotion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried xxx-c unanimously. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve; of $46.98 estimated wl---,t-,r billing for Monticello High School for the 1st quarter�K 1967. 'Filotion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried unanimously. Fir. Doui, Pitt, rE.presenting the Monticellb Chamber of Corm -res, presented tb Council the Chamber's plan for improving West River Park. Motion by Councilman 'J Schaffer to allocate $400.00 for improvement to the above p.),.rk in conjunction with Ghamb3r of Commerce funclsfor improv,-,me.nt. Seconded by Councilmw-n Topil & carried unanimously. 4 i"lotion by Councilman Topel to have that portion of W-.1-inut Str'--et from Broadvay to the alley -way by Kjellb-,rls appliance blocked off August 12, 1967, for Crazy Day, Motion seconded by Councilm,-n. J`chr--Iffr-r �,nd carried un,-.nimously. Motion by Councilm,;.n Kasper to -uthorize- the purchase of liodel R-8 cooler from K,. -n I sA, , ppliances for the Eunicipal Liquor Store. Mloticn seconded by Councilm,�,n Sch.-nffer and carried un;�_nimously. Motion by Councilman Sandberg to have those Villag-_ stfe*ets that were rencently rep fired with a matt be given a log, coat to Protict them from the ftlements. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffnr and carried unanimously. C; 41. 'Notion by ouncilman Kasper to transfer 7000.00 from then Liquor il Municip,- 3 ,uor Store fund -to the Strett Fund. Moti3On seconded by Councilman Topnl end carried unanimously. ;lotion by Gouncilmnin Top -_1 to approve of Bridge 'dater Telephone omp2ny to utilize the southerly 106 feet of Lot 1, Block 33, for corm-nerci;pl use. Lltion4 second --d by Councilman Sch2.ff--.r ;nd c-arri-.d unrnimously. Council review -'d the StP,'Ue's report on elm'tree-§ infected with Dutch alra disKPse' All inftcted trees on Village property will be removed 1-f-r-m-ediately by the Village crew. It will be the responsibil4L.ty of `the owners to have dis!!qsl�d trees on their property removed.. (Continued August 8, 1967) Lotion by Councilman Schaffer to change the Vilia.ge Ordinance 1[123 to reflect they new building permit ch-;rgea. A minimum charge of $5.00 for up to "5000.00 building cost, and one dollar per each one thousand doll-.rs or fraction. thereof over $5000.00. 1!oti--,n seconded. by Councilman fopel =end carried xxx unanimously. Moticn by Councilman Kasper to accept the bid from il;r, James Dale to paidt the Villagc Street light posts providing; Hr. Dale agrees to sign a contract to do this work at the cost stated in his bid dat-d August 2, 1967, Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilmen Kasper to rids- the Legion Club's sewer ch�.rge to $12,00 per quarter commencing with the 3rd quarter nd to assess the Masonic Lodge and the IOOF and addition;P1 $6.00 sewer charge, respectively, per quarter commencing smith the 3rd ouPrter, 1967. Motion seconded by unanimously. Councilmen Schaffer and carried u Motion by Councilman Sch;,ffrr to raise they Village Clerk's salary to $650.00 per raonth commencing September 1, 1967, Motion seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Kasper to have Thor- Meyer and Associates, En4;ineers, locate the Village property line n^_. -7.r Dr„ Brenny's office building, so that the Village can determine how Pyr to run the sanitary se i,Ter stub -in without entering private property. Upon completion of the Engineers' report, the Village will have Mr. Brecnterson put in a stub -.in s�-nae•r line to the Pbove building, Furthe•-r, th* t v-ithin 10 days after the above mentioned Villp.ge, portion of work is completed, Dr. Br-n�-y will be required to have completed his portion of work in hooking -up his office building to the Village sanitary suer line. Motion se►conde•d by Councilman Schaffer e.nd carried unanimously.. Motion by Councilman Kasper to pay the bills as presented e=xcept order # 8598 ,to the L & L Sign6 for $10.00 because; there is an outstanding water w nd sewer ci,-Ved by the; above p=Lrty. Potion seconded Councilman_ Schaffer and carried unanimously. Council man Motion by.eSchaffer to adjourn cxd* Council meeting, Irliotion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried unanimously. I'leeti ng adjourned at 12:30 Y .I,` 7:00 P .;.t. Z)e pt e nbe r 5, 1967 r �pecic)l Council iiaeeting of the Village Council h�lc this ti,,ne and date at the Village Hail.. 11 embers present: h'ayor .4:rlancison, Counciltl,en ,-andberg, gas per, Topel and SchUffer. i. Saber Absent; 11 one. F Council discussed T,rit!: 'more ,.:eyer and. Associates, „ nginesrs, on his report for _ the prop ©sed sanitary sewer extension on West River Sheat from Chestnut Avenue to the westerly Village limits, and for the propose seater and sanitary sewer ext&nsien along Sixth ;street from. t1Ze corner of Linn Street to' ',lalnut Strea;t and for the proposed water and sewer extension from the corner of Sixth a1treet down Locust Street to Seventh Street and then down Seventh ,Street to Route X25. I'lotion by Councilman ,)chaffer to adopt Resolution racaivipg the Report dated ;eptem. ber 5, 1967 from, the above engineering firm and callipg a h -firing an Hie abov on the 4bove stated water and sanitary sewer extensions. tion secokided by Councilman Kasper anti carried unanimously. F Q.,n mot' n meeting; adjourned 9:10 P.14. Clerk - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - - - - - - I W 5 •Q P.1_. September 8, 1967 t Speciel Counc;l meeting of the Village Council held 'this time and date et the Village Hull. 1",ember nra sent: l-:ayor P,rlendson, Douncilmen Sandberg, Kasper, Topel, and Schaffer. 1.1er:rbers absent: 11one 1-,:otion by Councilman 3andbarg to approve of XXX Crdinrinae ;,1116 abolishing; the elective office of Village Treasurer and adopting and coiLbining tho office of Village Clerk and Trec:surer. Tie afi'ective date of this ordinc=nce will be date of publication. Notion seconded by Councilracn Kasper c,nd carried unanimously. On rr:o�rnec�.ting adjourned 6:0C P.T::. Clerk