City Council Minutes 10-10-196771
8.00 p.m,
October 10, 1967
Regular meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall.
Members present: !' yor Erlandson, Council -men Sandberg, Kasper, Topel,and Schaffer.
Absent: None. Ydnutes of the meeting for September 27, 196'7, and October 1967,
we! -,e read. : nd approved''
The Senior Citizen Gruup discussed with Council on`the possibilities of the
Village purchasing the proposed club building for them. Motion by Councilman Schaffer
to approve of renting the proposed Senior Citizen Club buildinCD
g for six months at
which time the Village TAroula have the option to buy the building and the rent paid to
that date to be applied to the principal. Futther that the Village Attorney check out
the legality of the transaction and th.8't he draw up the necessary documents. Motion
seconded by Councilman Topel and carried. unanimously.
Village Council discussed with Mr. George Yonak the possibilities of him establishing
a dump at his plia.ce for the vill:�.ge. This was tabled until Mr. Yonak can find out
from the county officials whether this is possible.
?Motion by Councilman Kasper to approve a. building permit for Mrs Perry Walters to
build an addition to his house 8' X 12' on Lot 4, Block 13, Lower Monticello. Motion
seconded by Councilman Schaffer and. carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Topel to approve a building permit for Centa Sota Dairy Assn
to construct a tank island room 9' X 50' on Lots 1, 2, 3 except the south 66 feet,
S, 9, and 10, Block 18, Upper Monticello. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer
and carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Kasper to approve of George Davis' 0zover-time hours.
Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve of 2 hours over -time pay at $2.15
per hour for Tvir. Finley Mix. Motion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried
Motion by Councilman Topel to rent from Flexible Pipe Tool Company a RPR -1, sewer
rodding machine, according to the following terms and conditions: "Rental of $500,00
per month. Upon completion of thin first month's operation, the Village may at their
option purchase said machine for $1941.90. No set period for rental; however,
rent2.,.1. shall be at least one month." Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and
carried unanimously.
Council appointed the election judges for the Village general election
to be held on November 7, 1967: Mrs. A. Garlid, Wm. JongeT,,raard, Mrs. Perry lialters,
R. Soltau.
Motion by Oouncilman Topel to approve of an amendment to thin Village Sewer Ordinance
#142. !"lotion seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously,
:Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve a building' permit for Mrs. Ed Anderson
to construct an addition to their house, 12' X 14' on Lots 4 except easterly 171,
5, and. 6 except easterly 50', Block C, Upper Monticello. Motion seconded by Council.
man Kasper and carried unanimously.
14otion by Councilman Kasper to authorize the purchase of a 1962 ford ton pick-up
truck for $950.00 less $100.00 trade-in for the 1952 Village pick-up from Baker Rambler
& Equipment. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously„
72 (continued October 10, 1967)
Motion by Councilman Kasper to install a photo cell on the water tower light.
Motion seconded by Councilman Schaff --r and. carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Kasp-,r to set the 1967 Tax levy as follo-t,,is: General Revenue
'-1700.00, Street $12000-00, PERk $3,700,00, Audit 1600.00, Recreation and Park
zp1;00.00; Building and Bonds: General Improvement of 1060 $4 00.00. General
Improvement of 1961 $13,000.00,, Building & Fire Equipment $6,000.00 for a total of
$64,000.00. Further adopted resolutibn to certify $10,000.00 frorn the 11111unicipal
Liquor Store toward paymefit of the Consolidated Improvement Bond of 1960. Motion
seconded by Councilman Topel and carried uananimously.
Motion by Councilman Sandberg to approvp'_ of the renewal of Club Liquor license for
the American Legion Post #260. Motion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried
I'llotion by Councilman Schaffer to approve the bills as presented. Motion seconded
by Councilman Topel and carried unanimously.'
Meeting adjourned on motion 12:20 a.m.