City Council Minutes 10-17-1967 Special73 7:30 P. 1,54 October 17, 1;67 Special meeting of the Villagt Council, held this time Ond at the Village,, HM -11,. Members pre.---nt-: 1-flayor Erlandson., councilman Sandbergp Kasper, Topel and Schaffer, Absent: None. Council opened the bids for the construction of the sanitary sewer extension calong West River Street at 7:30 p.m. The only bid received was from the Randall and . Reed Construction viaich was for $9890.00. Flotion by Councilman Kasper to ita4Dle the acceptance of the above bid until the Village has had an opportunity to check the above cost out and present it to the property o�mers concerned. Further that the Village Council hold a special meeting, at 7:30 P -m-9 October 24, 1967, and that the_VillageClerk notify all property owners concerned about this meeting. I'lotion seconded by Councilman Schaffer cmd carried un,�nimously. Mr. Emil Yiskocil, representing Centra Sota Dairy Association and I'll-. Jay 11ill r representing the Methodist Church were present for the hearing on vacatinrr th.-.t portion of Locust Street between block 18 and 19. Motion by Councilman Kasper to adopt 4 resolution vacatin- the above portion of Locust Streett and that the cost involved in said vacating,be borne by Centra S9ta Dairy Associ�-:,.tion. Motion,stconded by Councilm2n Sch,--iffer and caicried unanimously. Mlotion by Councilman Topel to authorize the Mayor and Village Clerk to sign an C:� i:D Ernest hioney Contract for the Village of Monticello i-,,ith Centra Sota,D,-,,iry Assn. for $1.00 with the balance ($5599*QO) to be paid by the Villa;, -,-e on or before December ls 1967, for the purchase of Lots 1, 29 3, and 4. Block 14,.Upper 14onticello, from the above firm. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously. -34otion by Councilmen Schaffer to approve a building permit to Centra Sota Dairy Assn. to build an addition to the milk drying plant 65' X 100' on Lots 1,2.3 except south 6612 81 9,, and 10 and 401 of Locust Strcet2 Block 18 and Lots 6 and 5 and 401 of Locust Street, Block 19, Uppev Monticello.. lloti,..)n seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously., Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve a building permit for Zr. Jensen to build a Laundromat on Lots 1 and 2)Bjock 5, Lower Monticello, providing he circulates a etition and that he get 100% of the folloT/ring property owners to sign it: I -Ir. J. E. Burkholder, Mr. Elmer Delong, Hr. J. W. I'd1ler, livirs Vivian 11illerl, Mr. Jean• Brouillird,, Mrs. 'Velma Holddorf, . IN!r. Albert Wesse, , H.11-1. 14Liller., Yxs. B. Franks T1 1,11r. J. Larson, 1-Irs. L. Schoepf, Mr. D. Pitt. Motion seconded by Councilman lopel and carried unanimously. T I -lotion by Councilman Kasper to grant 1,irso Ruth Wangerin (To-vm Cafe) Off Sale non -intoxicating malt liquor license at a pro rata cost of $3.00 and On Sale non. intoxicating malt liquor license at a pro rata cost of $42.009, for the rema-inder of the year. Yloticn seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Topel to approve of building permit for Mr. Harry Gahr to build an addition to a garage 121 X 201 on Lots 4 and 5 excebt north 601) Block 36, Upper Monticello. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. unanimously. 74 (Continued Octobe4ro 1967) Ylotion,by Councilman Kasper to approve of the following named persons appointed as Board of Directors for the Senior Citzen Club* Father Patrick Gearty' Reverend Donald, Kinzer; Mrs. Carolina Ellison9 IfIr. Leo Nelsoffl, IJxTs. Marie PetersoA, 1Irs. Lawrence Clausen, 11r. Hugh McKinn=',, Mr. Frank Thompson,, Mr,. Stan Hallq and Mr. Charles Plotnik. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously. I Motion by Councilman Sandberg to tra-�.nsfer $2076.88 from Water Fund to Water Sinking, Fund. Motion seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously, I . Meetil, �a-ourned on motion. at 10-50 p.m. rk 7130 p.m. 4 October 24 1967 Special meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. Members present. Councilman Sandberg, Kasper, Topel, and schr,lffer. Absent Mayor Erland.son. Councilman Sandberg pre -sided as acting mayor, lalotion by �;ouncilman Schaffer to rej-ct the bid from Randall and Reed Construction Company for $9,890.00 which was submitted to Council on October 17., 1967, for the sanitary sewer extension along West River Street.. Motion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried unanimously. - Motion by Councilman Kasper to adopt resolution ordering the sanitary st-wer alent ext,:;nsion along West River Street by timFA.-I and raaterial. Motion seconded by Council- man Schaffer andcarried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Topel to approve of a'use permit for Iir. Tom $chn^-id,-.r to construct an !:-ave on the rear portion of his building locat,6yd on Lot,..99 -Block 1, .Upper Monticello. Eotion seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously. lviotion bar '-Couficilman'Kasot.r to grant Mr. gene Fw,yle a corporat icepse to dig sewer line 1 in the Village of Monticello. Motion seconded by Councilman 3 hriffer and carried unanimously. I�Iotion,by Councilm.-,,..n Schaffer to rescind his motion dated Qctob�r 10, 1967, that, reads in p,-j.rt "to approve a building permit to Mrs.!EdAnd,-..rspn to congtrpct and addition, on her house." Motion seconded by Councilman Kasper knd carri--d unanipously, wenson, Associates Plannin�- Firm, spoke to Mr. Ch,.,-.-.rles T. Tooker, reprts6nting Beckman S th-e Village Council at the request of the Vill�-gt Planning ConLinittee on the vhy-n of C., having a profissional,planiiing firm plan a village. After a lengthy discussion, Council tabled the Villacre Plannin- Proc-ram until the next meeting when all Councilmen will b-- pres,--nt. Motion, by Councilman Kasper to advertis!to sell the Village snow -blower, 1111odel 24 Glencoe �Y- 1,1fg with a V-4 Wis. Engine. Motion seconded by Councilman Topel and car, ied unanimously. C� C Motion by Councilman Topel to authorize the American Pipe Service to clean the disposal plant digester at the cost of $27-50 per hour as stated in -their lo!,,tter dated Oct 19,,167 Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously. 0 Mt,eting adj�urn,6d on motion at 10: ;0 P.m. erk