City Council Minutes 10-24-1967 SpecialI.J P 74 (Cont-inued October �r, lb 97} Lotion, by Councilman Kasper to approve of the following n,%med persons appointed as Board of Directors for the Senior Citzen Club: Father Patrick Gearty' Reverend Donald Kinzer;'Ilxs. Carolina Ellison -'Ir. It lirs. Lawrence . Leo Nelsoffl, 14rs. Marie Petersorf; Clausen.- Lr. Hugh McKinnori'v Mr. Frank Thompson, Plr;. Stan Hallv and Mir. Charles Plotnik. Mlotion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried unanimously. 11 F Motion by Councilman Sandberg to tr-:Msfer $2076.88 from eater Fund to 'Water Sinking Funds Motion second, --d by Councilman Kasper and carried. unanimously* - Gurned on motion.at 10',B0 p.m* rk 70 p.m. • 30 , October 24 1967 Special meting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. Members or. -sent. Councilman Sandberg, Kasper, Topel" and schaffer. Absent I'layor Erland.son. Councilman Sandberg presided as acting mayor, Mo+ _.Ion by 'ouncilman Schaffer to reject the bid from Randall and Reed Construction Company for $9,890,00 which was submitted to Council on October 17, 1967, for the sanitary sewer extension along., West River Street.. Motion seconded by- Councilman Topp l and carried unanimously,: Motion by Councilman Kasper to adopt resolution orderin;-; the sanitary sewer alent extr-,nsion along West River' Street by time and material* Motion seconded by Council- man Schaffer and carried unanimously. Hdtion by Councilman Topel to approve of a use permit for Iir. Tom 5chn:�idnr to construct an f,ave on t.11-11 rear portion of his building; located on Lot,,,,.9, Ellock 1, -Upper I'lonticello. Inotion seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously. MI-otion by' --Coy n' Ka3,p,!--r to grant Mr. gene F'yle a corpor-at Iicense to dig sewer lin--w, in the Village of Monticello. Motion seconded by Councilman S h�;Iffer and carried unanimously. Motion, by Ccuncilm;,.n Schaffer to rescind his motion dated Qctob-r 10, 1967, that, reads in part "to approve a building permit to MIIrs.!Ed,An_darspn to con,5trpct apd addit�on,on her house." Ylotion seconded by Councilman Kasper And carried unanirnously, Mr. Ch.--­rles T. Tooker, repre5i-.nting Beckman Swtnson, Associates Plannin;- Firm, spoke to CD '.j 4_1h"lage Council at the request of the Village Planning Committee on the of L' -t Vil C�� havinr, a profissional,planiiing firm plan a village. After a lengthy discussion, Council C> �D tabled the Villac-e Plannin­ Procrram until the next meeting when all Councilmen will ba Cop present. Lotion, by Counci�m;,.n Kasper to advertise to sell the Village snow -blower, 'Model 24 Glencoe �: `fodth a, V-4 Wis. Engine. Motion seconded by Councilman Toptl and carried unanimously. I - T Motion by Councilman Topel to -authorize the X-merican Pipe Service to clean the disposal 0 plant digester at the cost of $27.50 per hour as stated in -their 1,!�tter dated Oct 199"7 i'lotion seconded by Councilman Schaffer Eind c�irried unanimously. Meeting ad urn d on motion at 10450 P.m. e, rk