City Council Minutes 11-09-1967 Special76 rl* 5-30 p.m. November 19" 0, C.) � $ ? Special Council m.-'etin�- .1a&14-tk!g of the Villag,-� Council h,--,ld this time and date t:� at the Village Hall to canvas the nlection re -sults. Mlembers -pres,!!nt** '111,7-vor Erlandson I- U Councilman Sandberg, Topel,and Sch.--,.ffer. Absent** Councilman Kasoer. Motion by Councilman Ton --1 to capprova- the results of the election as reported by the !!lection jurlo-ts and to certify them aorrect as fol--Lo�;s#- For IAS: or, Mr. 'Ki-1liam -,Ir. Eduard Schaffer 225 votes, d elected; S--.-ndberg 254 votes and I Mr., Sn.ndberg declare 1 cted; For Trustee, VIr. Franz Swanberg 234 votes and Mr. J. E. Madsen 163 votns, Mr. Franz Swanbitrg declared elected; for 'Justice o.-.[' Peace Rill I. 1�jcPherson 371 votes, Rill I Constable, Mr. Perry Tv.ral-'%-.ers 86 votes, Mr. PerryE'cPh-rson declared elected; for Wailters declared elected. Mlotion seconded by CgiAR4; 1,1ayor Erlandson and carried unanimously. I 1-iletting adjourned on motion 5;45 P-m- 'JoverDQer 14, 1967 Rei rul.;.r meetinc, of the Vill;,,Y-e Council was held this time and date at the Village Hall. i�Lembers present: Nayor Erl.,indson3, Councilmen Sandbergq Kasper,, Schaf fer., and Topel. Members absent: Tone, 1v1inu±bss-of,-th-1-mtingfor for October 10th, 17th, and 24th, 1967, and November 9th, and 14th, 1967, were read and approved., Mr. Farington, Reion'al Coordinator for the governor's Citizens Council on Aging, spoke to the Village Council on the Senior Citizens Club and how this provr,-:,,.M is financed by local and federal aid. -�mo - . James'Hanncat Sass Hilda Wingert, Motion by Councilman Topel�to -- add the n, --s of Mr and W. A. Sandberg and delete th,-- n,-7imt of Q)!'L-' Mr. Stan Hall from list of Board of Dir--c--or of the- Senior Citizen Activity Center. Motion second by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously. Mc-Aion by Councilman Sandberg to authorize Nayor Erlandson and the Villl,:;Lgt, Clerk to sign the Earnest Money Contract for the Village sAth Floyd and Ethel Trunn--.11 for the purch,---se of the Trunnell Buildin'g for the Senior Citize-n�Activity Canter. The Villa .,: --e will rent the above n;-,4med buildinD: , for six (6) months eat $75-00 per month and at th,�t -ndof theyst�.,.ted period, the villAge hr -s tht� option to buy s ---,-id building for $10,00,0.00. If the Village, IDUYS s° id. building at that time, all rent paid by the Villaa-e will be applied to the purchase price. The Villc-:-ge ^lso agrees to make a down psyment of $3,500.00 at that -Line to the above named parties and the balance is to be paid within t'.'It period of thlree years. Motion seconded by Council-- man Sch-ffer and carried unr.nimously. Motion by Co-Uncilman Sch-nffer to a-o-orove A building; permit for Mr. Jim Powers to Li - 6, Block6lq build a house 20"X50' on Lots east --f- of lot 4. 5. and -easterly 99' of lot Monticello proper. Motion seconded by Co-;A.ncilman To7,-)O--1 and carried. unanimously.