City Council Minutes 11-14-1967`!5
Efovember 9, 1967
Special Council= meeting Q*14-thl& of the Villaga Council held this time: and date
at the Village Hall to canvas the election results. Members present: M, yor Erlandson
Councilmen Sandberg, ToADe-1,and Schaffer. Absentee Councilman Kas,Der.
Motion by Councilman Topel to approve the results of the election as reported by
the election judges and to certify them eorrect as follows *& For I1�!yor, Mr. William
S=-.nJberg 254 votes and I,ir. Edvard Schaffer 225 votes, Mr.. S,7.nd.berg declared elected;
For Trustee, NIr. Franz Swanberg 234 votes and Mr. J. E. Madsen 163 votes,, Nr. Franz
Swanberg declared elected; for ' Justice of Peace; Rill I. hcPherson 371 votes, Rill I
'!cph-rson declared el:,cted; for Constable, Mr. Perry Irlalters 86 votes, Mr. Perry
Walters decl!r�.d elected. Mlotion seconded by {;@-44 k Mayor Erlandson snd c ..rri.Qd
« Viektln f adjourned on motion r-45 p,m.
, - P -g-,
Clerk 1_
8;00 P.M.
Nove rrube:r 14, 1967
ire ul_.r meeting of the Vi:ll-;gr, Council w .s held this time a.nd date a.t the Village
Hall. igembers present: 11a.yor Erlandson, Councilmen Sandberg, Kasper, Schaffer,
and. Topel. embers absent: None. 1v1inu'ss-ef _the-rye:=ting for October 10th, 17th,
and 24th2 1967, and November 9th, and 14th, 1967, were read and approved.,
Mr. Farington, Re c iona.l Coordinator for the Gove:rnor's Citizens COcnci.l on Aging,
spoke to the Village Council on the Senior Citizens Club and ho -w ttiAs progrcam is
financed by locti.l and federal aid.
11otion by Councilman Topel-to -_
opel,to_ add the n.=mes of 1,1r. James i1rz, rs Hilda Wingert,
-and W. A. Sandberg and delete th,- name of eg Mr. Stan Hall from list of Board of
Dir--c,--or of the Senior Citizen Activity Center. Motion second by Councilman Kasper
and carried unanimously.
Vii;;tion by Councilman Sandbr-rg to authorize Mayor Erlandson and the Village Clerk `
to sign they Earnest Money Contract for the: Village TAth Floyd and. Ethel Trunnell
for -the. purche-se of the Trunnell Buildin- for the Senior Citi.zen-�Activity Ce-nter.
The Village will rent they above named buildin,_j; for six (6) months at $7.5.00 per
month and"at the endof the stated period, the, vill=age h, s -the" option to buy s' -Ad
building for $109000.00. If the Village: buys s.~id building at that time, all rent
paid by the Village will be applied to ,the purchase price. The Village also agrees
to m�*ke, a down payment of $3,500-00 at that time to the above named parties and the
balance is to be paid vrithin tie period of three years. Motion seconded by Council.
man Sch=ffer and carried un,:-.nimously.
Motion bey Councilman Schaffer to approve A buildin4• permit for Mr. Jim Powers to
build a house 26'X50' on bots ea.stlz of lot 4, 5, and easterly 99' of lot 6, Block6lq
Ionticello proper. Motion seconded by Concilman Topel and carried.unanimously.
(Continued Nov-mber 14, 1-9/0
otion by Counail-man Kas " per to approvr,� a building permit for Mx. Robinson to build a
house 261X441, on Lots 9 and Ely 201 of 10, Block 24, Lower Mlotion
seconded by Councilman Sandb�;rg and crxried un-,inimously.
Notion by Gouncilm=,.n Sch_sffer to approve a building; permit for Mir. J. Lungwitz
-to build a house 24X721 on Lots.1,2, and cly 20' of vacated Cedar Street, Block
19, Lo,,jer lllon-C.Ici!,llo, Motion seconder --d b -,,T CQ-uncilme, 'n Kasper and,carried unanimously
Motion by Councilman Kas,,-Der to approve a building permit for Mr. Tom Ewing to
build a hou'-e,, 2,41X401 on Lots NUIly 461 of 10 and. ely 40' of vacated. Cedar Utre,-_t,
Elock 24, Lower Mont-."i-ct-11o., h',otlion sl,!=nded by Councilman Sch.,,.ff�r -,,and aarried
notion by Kas-pnr to authorize the e 1V�nyor °>nd Clerk to sign a. contr,--tct with
Lowell Zackmon Constrilction Co. to put in a s,��,-,nitary sewer line extension aalong 141est
River Strut from the Corner of Chestnut Avenuc to the -westi!-xly Vill �Ige, limits. am per
resolution adoptind at the October 214th1967Special Council m Ming, 1,lotion second, -d
by Councilmen Schr..--rffr and caTri,--d. unanimously.
i�iotlion by Go-wricilman '. fo-p.-.1 cauthorizingr t11'11;11 i°"Onyor and Clerk to siGn a contract for
the> Vill,,ge of Monticello -110 thy-, th�Satallite S!7rvic�- Company to Provide. two s; .ni` tary
toilets at the- sk_r_ting rink for two (2) months fron, December 15, 19671, to Fcbruary
15, 1968; the cost to b�., at $39.50 goer unit for each month --plus tha pick-up and
delivvxy charge �of. ��lC.00 for each unit. Eotion 3tconde�-d by Councilman S-n,-I,bnrg and
carried unanimously.
",lotion by Councilman ""aspc.r th��t the of Monticello apply for a Fed,�xal grnnt
f or (the Vill.-_-Ze ?lannin,- under the 701 Plapninl-; Program. i'llotion seconded by
Councilman -
S-ndberg nd carried.�inap!*9�i*ly 4 � Z)
CL. C� ,Voting yes: Councilmnn Sandberg, Kasp,-r
and Topcl., Voting No: Councilman, Schaff -:r. 11 Q
I'lotion by Councilman Schaffer to mark car p<arking ppacns on main street. 1411otion,
seconded by Councilima,.n Toptl -,-Ind cztrrie�d unanimously.
Lotion by Councilman Schaffe!-r to approve of the purchf-sn of color 'IV set for the
liquor store frora Aubol TV Appliancot, Co for $,W-S�O'Z7 Motion s,condfd by Council-
Topel and cerried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Kaspr,,r th,?t in accordance with the Sewer Ordinance 4149, Sftction
3,, the Clerk :-,'--*Lv-- written notice to all own�-rs of houses that have; access to the s,-:,nit,.1_ry
r rec:--uot of th(-,� i-Tritt,-;n
sewer L. -t tT--y hook up to the said sewer vi. -'thin 15 d�.,ys aft,��
notice. Motion sconded by Councilm-n T optl anO carried un.�nimously.
M'otion by Councilman Schaffer th;:,_t the Cl:�rk notify all -oro,,-)-.rty owners who h,-ve houses
or buildings th-t are s�.rv�d. with Villa,c',,in water anal don't have a meter that thi-:y have
meters installed within 1-5 days after rec�i_pt of -vxd,tt.�n no.tict-. Motion se-conded by
Councillman ;3.f,,ndb�,;r,,C) and c�-.rried uncj.nimously.
sir. tfhndered his rr:si-,,.,:.-nfD.tion a,-, Justice of Peace for the Village �ff-ctiv,!,
October 31, 1967. 1,iotion by CouncIlman Kjsp-_T. -to acc-1pt his rasi-ntion after his
r«cords havt btsnn audittd by d"rWys Johnson Asr)ociat,-,s9 Uk's. Motion sf�cond_ed by
Councilman 1or),1 -,and caxrind unanimously.,
notion by Erlendson to hl-;Ivc-.° th-1 Cl-!xk give -writteln notice to '•rs Laura
Rowland., Account No 293 that thf- outdoor privy aft her pl.-ce mu3t b;.� filltd in AtA_
and closed up. Jlotion s-.condf�,d by Councl-iman Sch�j.ffer ;:!.nd carricd unanimously.
(Continued from, 1 Nov0 )
1 d
I otiion by Councilman Topel to accept the: resi_;n -tion of I�ir. 04a.kan7as as
Ch-,irman of thy.- Village Planning Coirmrnittee. Motion seconded by Councilman
Kasp$r and cirri -d unanimously.
M . YonGA ` riscuseed tv-ith the Council about estc.blis'_:ing a dump at hip pl<; de
dor thei- l--=ge. Council decided to tably rt'I^)is until they could, ti ee.t with
the '£o;Am Board of Ivionticello Township.
h-otion by Councilman Schaffer to approve the bills as presented except order
8833 which ws for payment of post office, box rent for the Civil Defense
Director. `htt li �t of t'_.ese bills a.-) a pk?,rov-ed is in fila in the Vill.�;ge Hall
Office. ,lotion seconded . by Councilrrr7,n lopel �Ae4 ,:end carried unanimously.
Heetin- aad ourncd on motion at 11:30 p.m.
__----------e.------___/ ____----"1200---------
I ecermber 5, 1967
Sp,eci_Ll meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the VillagA
Ht.11. I°embers prcsent: Min-yor Brlandson, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, and Schaffer.
Absent: Counciiman Sa.ndblrg.
N'lotion by Councilman Schaffcr that the Vill-a e insta-'_1 & new sa.nit_.ry sew^�r stub
in to the Villcb� property line nt th.e Brenny Building on Walnut Street,, Block
52, Lot 11, to connect said buiI(Iing to the VE 1!. ."P sanitary seg�r line. ::otion
seconded by Councilman and carried unanimously.
1' -notion by Councilman Schaffer to appoint Mir. James Hanna. as 4ustict of Peace
for the Village of Monticello to serve out the unexpired ter�� of `r. Jack Wihela
who resi nod the said office, Mlotion seconded. by Counailman Toptl and carried
Mkm► tiny
8:00 P.r.
12, 1967
Rogular meeting of the Village Council held thie time and date at the Village
Hall. MtmbTrs present: Mayor Erl -_ndson, Coincilman Sandberg, K;_sperj Topel�
and Schafftr. Members absent: Non-* Minut,�s of the meetings for November 14�
1967 and December 5, 1967 were read and approv(-:d.
Mr. Howard Gillham discussed with Council about water rates for the: hospital V-.nd
prtvious years' water bills at tee hos,.Atal. Council tabled thdiscussion until
the,y could make a further study on the wa_t-r rati-if and reco-_mputing previous yttarsl water
]LAotion by Councilman Schaffer to approve tht Fttd mite Controls Inc. wat;�r tr*,-3trrint of the
village water and to authorize the payi-nt of $1468.00 for the equipmtnt 4-nvolved in the
treatment and the ppym�,,nt for the chemicals involved in sr -id treatment. Furtlhc-r th,,,t
the Village will continue with the pr, sent water treatm-int. Motion second.!. d by Council-
man Topel and carri--d unanimously.
Motion otion by Councilman Sandb-rg to an -prove of the applic!.tion doated. 1,1ovtmber 21, 1967,
for Project Grand Under Title III of the Older Am--rican Act for the" r,,Iontic�llo S-nior
Citizen Activity C-nt,-!r and the proposed budget as set up for thy; abov!! application.
Motion s,---conf-jed by Councilm-Fn Topel and carried unanimously.
Motion by Co4ncilmap Ka3p-r to authorizt the;: Vill-,.gc of Monticello to pay $50-00
per month to 1 r. George Yonak to maintain a dump, at his place for the
Furth. -r., that th-, paym-!nt of $50-00 per -month will: be stopped whi-n the Council
feels that the dump his bpcome self sustainin,:r. The dump will be open from
9:00 a..rra. to 5:00 P.m. on. Tu�sda_y and Saturd.,-y of each we -k. Motion seconded
by Councilman Schc-lffer and carried unanimously.
I'liotion by Councilman Sch?Lfffnr to approve a building permit for Mr. Li�ster Dupont
to Uontruct.a basem►,nt 122' X 281 on thy, south half_ of lots 1 and 2, Block 36.,
1 '$5.00.
Monticello,propo�r. Cos -L-1 of p-rmit Motion secondcd by Councilman Kasper
and. carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Schlff�r to tliininr-,te the $50-00 a clothini. allowance for
full time police, and further that the Village purch7-se all ,9-riid polict. uniforms.
motion seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously.
lIotion by Councilman Topel to authoriz-, thA purchasp of tractor ch:::ins for the
Vill- t tractor from Baiv-r Rv.,.mbl-!r Equip. Motion seconded by Councilman S-1nd.b.,trg
and cnrri�►d unanimously.
Motion by Councilmen Top�Fl to authorize the purcham#- of a 1962 two ton Intr-r_
n:---tional truck from Gould Brothers Chevrolet for $1375.00 which includes trade
in of the Villaa-,-. Ford truck. 1111otion second. -d by Councilm,:�,n Kasp_kr P-nd ccari-d
Motion by Councili-nan Sch,!,ffp:r to _-?.utho_rizc, the, payment to 1,1r. Art McIntire,,
Vill.-,A,T,t Police Chief, for ono week vacation due 1111r. Intire. 1-��.otion seconded by
Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman SchAff-r to pay th- bibs Th- list of tho- bill -3
as prftsent-d ar^ in filo' -*t thv- 'Vill,%- 1
' C -L0 1 W i; ", -cond-Td by
r offic�
Councilman K,.3pir snl c,,.rri.-d un,_s.nimously,
M—ting adjour -d czn notion at 10:95 p.m.