City Council Minutes 12-05-1967 Special(Continued from 14Novt'7)
14ot'lon by Gouncilrrn 'I'o-oel to acce',pt the re, -,i -n_ -,,tion of T -Kir. O4Ja_kan--_a5 a3
Ch<,ir.,w.:.,-,n of they Villa-cre Planning Committee. lotion seconded by CouncilmanZD C)
d unanimously.
Kaso-r and cc-Irri-....
Mr. Yoncak discuso'-_d i-iith th- Council about -_s tabli n "ling a dunp at his' plen.4Ce
for thIt7 li�� until thy could -,Ieet with
e Council d.,,!�cided to
the To-vn Board of Monticello Township.
I-,Totion by Councilmen Schaffer to approve the bills as presented :�xcept order
8833 which w2s for pajrment of post o'Lficp, box rant for the Civil Defense
Director. The list of the3w bills as approved is in file, in thr. Vill-ige Hall
Orifice. 1,,Iotion second d, by Councilmen lapel ;;.Ae4 and carried unanimously.
Mteeting adjourned on motion 't 11:30 P -m-
..._ __ ----__ _-�. __ __ ___ _/ ___ __ .� __ 1200
�ecefriber 5, 1967
Sptcial me --ting of th-I Villago,
Council heir l 4,-,hi5 time and date at tht-
Tall. M,!.mbtrs present: Mayor Erl--ndson9 Councilman Kasper, Topel, and Schaffer.
Xbstnt: Councilman Sandberg.
'00 -A thn Vi'llarre install & new 15al-Litary surer stub
tion by Councilman Schaff th,
in to the Village property line at the Brenny Building on Walnut Strnl-t,. Elock
529 Lot 11, to corne-c-t said. buil-ling to the sanitary lin--. IK-otion
secondsd by Councilman Kasper and carried unanimously.
11,11otion by Councilman Schaffer to appoint Mr. Jamas HO-Inna as 4ustict of Peace
for the,-, Village of Monticello to serve out the unexpired terra of Lr. jack IiIih--la
who r�sina-d the said office. lotion second -.d by Councilman Toptl ;F;.nd carrir!d