City Council Minutes 07-30-1979 SpecialMINUTES
July 30, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White.
Members Absent: None
Meeting taped.
1. Review of the Industrial Cost Recovery and User Charges on Monticello's
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Mr. John Badalich, of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, reviewed with the
City Council the industrial cost recovery and user charge systems as they
relate to the City's current Step III application for updating its
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
According to the report, a major industrial user of the Wastewater Treat-
ment Plant, such as Wrightco Products, Inc., would have to make an annual
payment based on their sewage contributed to the plant. Mr. Badalich
indicated that Wrightco Products' annual payment could vary from approxi-
mately $6,000 up to $10,000, based on current sampling done at the plant.
In addition, the engineer estimated that future increased flow capacities
from Wrightco Products during the life of the City's treatment plant
could require an annual payment of up to $24,000 from Wrightco Products.
It was noted by Mr. Badalich that even if Wrightco increased their volume
but improved their quality of the effluent, their annual charge could be
much less than this.
In addition to the industrial cost recovery charge, Wrightco Products
would be charged a user charge similar to every user of the sewer system
in Monticello. Based on the figures used during sampling processes
of Wrightco Products sewage, this user charge could range from $16,000
to up to $29,000 per year. Again, it was noted that these are engineers
estimates based on the possible increased flows over the life of the plant.
As part of the Step III grant process, Mr. Badalich indicated that all
significant industrial contributors to the sewage treatment plant must
sign a letter of intent indicating that the industrial user will pay
their fair share of the industrial cost recovery charges.
Mr. Robert Brown, engineer hired by Wrightco Products, indicated that he
felt Wrightco Products now contributes less than 10% of the effluent
capacity of the new treatment plant. Therefore, he felt that Wrightco
products would not have to sign a letter of intent since they do not
contribute more than 10%. Mr. Brown also indicated that additional
tests have been performed which indicate less effluent being discharged
into the system than earlier samples taken approximately a year ago.
Wrightco Products plans to do additional pretreatment of their sewage
in the future to lower even more their effluent levels into the treatment
plant. In addition, Mr. Brown felt that Wrightco Products should be classi-
fied as a major industrial user, but not a significant industrial user.
Although classifying Wrightco Products as a major industrial user rather
than a significant industrial user would not affect the amount of the
industrial cost recovery charge that they would have to pay, it would
eliminate Wrightco Products from a letter of intent required by the EPA.
After reviewing the four samples taken at the Wrightco Products plant
between May 1977 and September 1978, it was determined that only one
sampling period had BOD levels and suspended solids levels over the guide-
lines that would establish Wrightco Products as a significant industrial
user requiring a letter of intent. It was therefore determined that
Wrightco Products should not be classified as a significant contributor
by the Council and that a letter of intent would not be submitted by
Wrightco Products.
Mr. Badalich indicated that a letter will be written to the EPA informing
them that, in their opinion, Wrightco Products is not a significant
contributor according to the recent tests submitted from the company.
In addition, Mr. Badalich indicated that a model ordinance for the
industrial cost recovery and user charge system will be prepared by
his firm for Council review in the near future.
2. Review of Library Situation.
City Council members discussed the possibility of the City of Monticello
taking over the present public library system should the School District
be released from its commitment. Currently, the Monticello School District
is considering selling the Oakwood School Building which now houses the
public library, and a recent Attorney General's opinion has indicated that
the School District would have to get a 2/3's majority vote in a referendum
to abandon the public library facility. Council members discussed whether
the City should take over a library in the future if the School District
is able to abandon the present facility, and whether or not the City
should remain with the Great River Regional Library system in the future.
Majority of the council members felt that the City should probably take
over the library system in the future, but indicated that areas of
compensation between the School District and the City of Monticello will
still have to be resolved. It was also the consensus of the Council mem-
bers that a decision will have to be reached before the School Board has
a referendum to enable the citizens to know whether or not the City will
be responsible for a new library before they are asked to vote on the issue.
No action was taken by the City Council other
with the School Board Officials on Thursday,
to further review the library situation.
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than to schedule a meeting
August 16, 1979 at 8:00 P.M.
3. Review of Preliminary Figures on the 197.7-3 Street Im2rovement Project
Assessment Procedures.
John Badalich, City Engineer, reviewed with the Council the proposed 1977-3
Improvement Project Assessment Rolls and asked for clarification on the
assessment policy for certain areas of the project.
The items reviewed were as follows:
A. For all lots facing and abutting Broadway Street, it was determined
that if these parcels received driveway accesses off of side streets,
they would be assessed for the driveway approaches only, with no
front -footage assessments.
B. The storm sewer assessment boundary area will be the same as determined
at the Public Hearing originally, even though some property may not be
directly served with storm sewer facilities in front of their property.
C. A street assessment will be calculated for the Ridgemont Apartment
complex even though the improvements terminate at the property line.
D. Assessments will be calculated for property along Walnut Street and
Maple Street owned by the Burlington Northern Railroad.
In addition, corner lots abutting two (2) streets will receive an
assessment based on the shortest footage, in this case 66'. Owners
of two (2) regular lots would be based on 132'. Vacant lots that
can be subdivided in the future will have assessments based on the
shortest side of the lot dimensions, even if the shortest side does
not actually abutt the street.
E. Property that have had previously installed curb and gutter but which
had to be removed as part of the street project will be assessed the
same as any other property in Monticello.
F. City Property will not be assessed as part of the street project as
these amounts cannot be used in determining the 200 of the project
cost to be assessed.
G. Assessments will be figured for the 64 individual water services and
one sewer service that was installed during the project to vacant lots,
but these assessments will be deferred and not be payable unless con-
struction is commenced on these lots.
H. Parcels receiving sewer and water services along with new streets
and curb and gutter as part of the 1977-3 project will be assessed
at the unit prices determined on the 1977-1 project plus 150.
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I. Property owners receiving a storm sewer assessment under the 1977-3
project will be given credit for any storm sewer assessment they
were charged with under the 1971 storm sewer project.
After discussion on the above issues, Mr. Badalich was instructed to
prepare a preliminary assessment roll for review by the Council.
Hearing no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Richard Wolfst011er
Administrative Assistant
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