HRA Agenda 06-06-2007 AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, June 6, 2007 - 6:00 p.m. Bridge Room - Community Center Commissioners: Vice Chair Bill Fair, Brad Barger, and Dan Frie. Council Liaison: Wayne Mayer. Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Angela Schumann. 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the April 11, 2007 and May 2, 2007 HRA minutes. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. 4. Consent Agenda: 5. Consideration to authorize preparation of a resolution and to approve a resolution entering into a Loan Agreement between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and the City of Monticello for 201 East Broadway. 6. Consideration to accept the resignations ofHRA Commissioners Steve Andrews and Damn Lahr. 7. Consideration to authorize payment ofHRA bills. 8. Consideration ofHRA Executive Report. 9. Committee Reports: Marketing Fiber Optics EDA/HRA merger 10. Next regular HRA meeting - Wednesday, July 4, 2007. (Need to reschedule) 11. Adjournment. MINUTES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Steve Andrews, Bill Fair and Dan Frie Commissioners Absent: Chair Brad Barger, Damn Lahr Staff Present: Ollie Koropchak, Angela Schumann, Rick Wolfsteller 1. Call to Order. Vice Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order and declared a quorum, noting the absence of commissioners Barger and Lahr. 2. Consideration to approve the February 7. 2007 minutes. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FRIE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7TH, 2007. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FAIR. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. NONE. 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration to approve the Certificate of Completion for SL Real Estate Holdings, LLC dba Karlsburger Foods. Koropchak noted that she has a call in to Kennedy and Graven about charges that are not related to the Karlsburger site. She indicated that the invoiced amount was for $17,055.56, but that there is a $688 that should be removed. Koropchak also noted that Karlsburger has not provided the invoice to pay for grading. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO APPROVE THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR SL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. 1 4.5 Consideration of a presentation on the Cedar Street Garden Center propertv bv Zach Adams. Wright-Sherburne Realtv. Zach Adams, representative of Wright Sherburne Realty, addressed the HRA representing Leslie Delise, Cedar Street Garden Center. Delise is seeking to sell the land and buildings, although the value is essentially in the land. Adams noted that the Garden Center parcel is the largest contiguous piece in the downtown at 1.2 acres. Adams stated that it is the client's intent to propose the HRA purchase the property as a redevelopment opportunity. Adams stated that he had spoken with Allied properties in tenus of a possible project on their block. Allied had indicated that the timing wasn't right for their project due to monetary and parking concerns. Adams suggested that if the City could acquire the garden center property, it could be used to alleviate those issues for the Allied project. Adams reported that Allied couldn't purchase the property, but had indicated that they believes that when the time comes, they will be able to put something together. In summary, Adams stated that they are offering it to the HRA for purchase for parking. He indicated that it is listed at $459,900, for a per square foot cost ofless than $9.53. Fair asked Delise if she would open this year. Delise confirmed. Andrews asked how long she would need to make a transition. Delise explained that traffic pattern had already changed with recent commercial developments, so this was the first year that they hadn't been open all winter. The market has changed. Adams stated that leasing back would be an option. Schumann asked if she would relocate. Delise indicated that she wasn't sure, but most likely not. Wolfsteller asked what Allied owns on Block 35. Koropchak replied that they own the Times building, the old theater parking lot and the bank building. Adams stated that Allied essentially owns about 2/3 of the block. Andrews suggested that the HRA should take the matter under consideration, do some research and bring back the item back for discussion at the next meeting. Andrews thanked Adams and Delise for presenting the option to the HRA. Delise stated it has been 2 years since the first listing of the property. Frie asked if Delise required any kind of terms. Adams stated that as there are two owners of the property, she would prefer to cash out. Frie asked if the HRA did purchase the property, would she rent it back. Delise stated that she was unsure at this time. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO PLACE CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE OF THE CEDAR STREET GARDEN CENTER PROPERTY ON THE MAY HRA AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION AND DECISION. 2 Andrews stated that research on the option needed to be done in the interim. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. 5. Consideration to approve a resolution adopting a modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No. I and establishing TIF District No. 1-38 therein and adopting a TIF Plan therefore. Applicant: Walker In- Store. Koropchak reported that the resolution the HRA is being asked to consider establishes a TIF district for a 5 acre, 1.5 acre developable site. Koropchak explained that all statutory requirements have been met and that the Planning Commission had approved their resolution supporting the land use as consistent with the plan. Koropchak stated that EWers' projections indicate that the district should generate $75,000 in increment. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTERAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. I AND ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-38 THEREIN AND THE ADOPTION OF THE TIF PLAN THEREFORE. MOTIONED SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. 6. Public Hearing on the Business Subsidv Agreement and Land Sale. a. Consideration to adopt a resolution approving the Purchase and Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and WRE, LLC including the business subsidy agreement and land sale. Koropchak stated that she had talked with the HRA attorney, who had spoken with WRE about the proposed changes. Koropchak reviewed the proposed changes. In section 3.6 referencing indemnification, Walker does not want to indemnify the City and HRA until after closing. Walker's attorney was adamant on this item. Frie asked if this was an disagreement between two attorneys. Frie noted that it is hard to get insurance on something you don't own. Koropchak stated that the HRA attorney didn't seem to have a good reason to keep it in. Andrews stated that perhaps the HRA could acquiesce on that item. Koropchak also explained that Walker's attorney had requested a change regarding capping the amount of expenses for creation of the district and 3 City project fees. The HRA Commissioners agreed that Walker should be required to pay actual costs. Koropchak explained that she had also further defined employment items to the applicant. That being that two part times jobs must equal 37.5 hours, and that a permanent employee is not temporary or seasonal. Koropchak noted that the applicant is purchasing 1.5 acres for $43,560. The balance of 4.6 acres Walker is getting at no cost due to power lines and ponding. Vice Chair Andrews opened the public hearing. Hearing no comment, Vice Chair Andrews closed the public hearing. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE AND REDEVELOPMETN CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND WRE, LLC, INCLUDING THE BUSINESS SUBSIDY AND LAND SALE, WITH A CHANGE TO SECTION 3.6 OF THE CONTRACT, REGARDING INDEMNIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. b. Consideration to approve a resolution authorizing Interfund Loan for Advance of certain costs in connection with TIF District No. 1-38. Koropchak stated that the HRA is being asked to consider a resolution which approves a loan for certain costs for the district. The loan authorizing the HRA to advance funds of $152,460 with 8% interest rate. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOAN FOR ADVANCE OF CERTAIN COSTS IN CONNESTION WITH TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-38. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. 7. Consideration to approve the election ofHRA officers and approve appointment of commissioner to subcommittees. Fair questioned whether Frie still intended to refrain from acting as chair in the coming year. Frie asked who would be chair in the rotation, should be choose to 4 W olfsteller stated that much of the report was put together by Senior Accountant Paula Mastey. He stated that the report provided to the HRA is somewhat different than the TIF reports that go to the state auditor. However, the revenues and expenditures are accurate for 2007. W olfsteller indicated that the one item that hadn't been completed is a break out of the main district downtown (1-22); most of the revenue and expenditures are listed together. Wolfsteller noted that the end total is correct. In summary, there is a net of almost $300,000 in all of the downtown districts combined. refrain. Koropchak stated that it would be Andrews. Fair asked if the new officer slate would be in effect as of July. Koropchak confirmed. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FRIE TO NOMINATE AND ELECT STEVE ANDREWS AS CHAIR AND BILL FAIR AS VICE CHAIR OF THE HRA FOR YEAR 2007, AND APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT OF RICK WOLFSTELLER AS SECRETARY-TRESURER FOR 2007. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FAIR. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. Koropchak reported that currently, Commissioners Lahr and Barger serve on the marketing committee, Commissioner Frie is the HRA representative to the Comp Plan Task Force and Commissioner Andrews serves on the Fiber Optics Committee. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS TO ADOPT THE APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS TO COMMITTEES BASED ON 2006 APPOINTMENTS. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER F AIR. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. 8. Consideration to review and accept the vear-end financial reports for the HRA General Fund and TIF Fund as prepared bv HRA Treasurer Wolfsteller and Senior Accountant Paula Mastev. Koropchak stated that the revenues transferred to the HRA general fund include the transfers from City to HRA for land sale at the business campus, including A VR, Dahlheimer and Karlsburger. The expenditures for the improvements at Otter Creek do have the impact of appearing to decrease fund totals. Koropchak stated that internally staff need to discuss whether improvement costs should be allocated to individual TIF districts. Wolfsteller stated that the balance sheets in essence show the HRA as land rich and cash poor. Frie asked if the remaining payments for the Chadwick land show up. W olfsteller stated that they do not. Fair recommended tabling approval until the final version of the statement comes forward. 5 6 Koropchak inquired of Wolfs teller where advance payments come from. Wolfsteller replied that they should come from the HRA general fund to the districts. Wolfsteller stated that the City shouldn't take money from the HRA to buyout the remaining land from Chadwick. He suggested that perhaps each year, the HRA would make a payment to the City to for property sold. Wolfsteller stated the remaining amount owed to Chadwick is $750,000. 9. Consideration to review for amending the HRA Business Subsidy Criteria and HRA Bylaws for possible amendment and to call for a public hearing if determined. Koropchak explained that the City had begun preliminary discussions regarding a possible merger of the HRA and EDA. Koropchak stated that she has been asked to start working on the item Koropchak commented that her recommendation would be that the new entity be structured as an EDA, as the EDA has more statutory powers. Koropchak noted that the HRA's assets and powers will need to be transferred and accepted by the EDA. The make-up of the board will also need to be determined. Koropchak stated that it would be her recommendation that appointments are limited to City residents because of the dollars involved. Due to the pending restructuring, the Commissioners chose not to seek amendments to the bylaws and subsidy criteria. Koropchak indicated that as such, no public hearing would be required. 10. Consideration of an update on the Comp Plan (downtown) and discuss Froslie purchase offer. Frie reported that he and Fair had shared attendance at the Comprehensive Plan Task Force meetings. Frie stated that the process has been somewhat disappointing and that perhaps it was not an ideal place to have a serious discussion about the future of Monticello. Schumann explained that the findings from the neighborhood meetings and the task force will now go forward to the Planning Commission and City Council for review and direction. Frie asked if there were any pending proposals in the legislature to eliminate TlF or to adjust requirements. Koropchak stated that to her knowledge, TlF will continue to exist much as it is, but perhaps with minor adjustments. There has not been much discussion to do away with the program this session. Koropchak stated that she had received another email indicating that Froslie will sell her property for $500,000. Fair noted that as the Springborg property is no longer available, purchase of this property is less interesting. Koropchak stated that at the based on the recent email asking price, the rate is $25 per square foot. Fair stated that he believes the price is excellent on garden center and involves little demolition and no relocation. He also noted that on the adjacent block, Allied is actually interested in putting together a project. Wolfsteller commented that parking wasn't the issue in moving the Allied project forward; it was overall cost. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO WITHDRAW ANY OFFERS ON THE FROSLIE PROPERTY, AND TO INDICATE THAT THE HRA IS LOOKING AT A DIFFERENT DIRECTION. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. II. Consideration to authorize payment ofHRA bills. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO APPROVE THE BILLS. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. 12. Consideration ofHRA Executive Report. Koropchak referred to the report included in the packet. 13. Committee Reports: a. Andrews stated that he had missed recent fiber meetings, but indicated that the Council had taken action to move forward on an RFP for financing the system. b. Koropchak reported that the Marketing Committee is working with students from SCSU on a Monticello bio-science campus feasibility study. A presentation of results will take place on April 30th at SCSU. 14. Next meeting: Wednesday, May 2,2007 15. Adiourn MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED. 7 MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - 6:00 p.m. Bridge Room - Community Center Commissioners Present: Brad Barger, Dan Frie, and Vice Chair Bill Fair. Commissioners Absent: Vice Chari Steve Andrews, Darrin Lahr Council Liaison Present: Wayne Mayer Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Angela Schumann. Guest: Mike Cyr, MLC Building and Remodeling, Inc. 1. Call to Order. Vice Chairman Fair called the meeting to order and noted a quorum, and the absence of Commissioners Lahr and Andrews. 2. Consideration to approve the April 11, 2007 HRA minutes. Koropchak indicated that the minutes have not been prepared. As such, they will be considered for approval at the June meeting. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. Koropchak added as part of item 5 a consideration to discuss information regarding another proposal for downtown development interest. Koropchak stated that she thought the information was relevant to the Cedar Street Garden Center discussion. 4. Consent Agenda. NONE. Frie recommended moving item 7 forward as Mike Cyr was present for the discussion. Item 7 was brought forward for discussion prior to item 5. 5 Consideration to discuss the presentation on the Cedar Street Garden Center for possible acquisition and to take action accordinglv. Fair noted that there had been a presentation, after which staff was to put together more information. Koropchak stated that the asking price is now $459,900, which has dropped significantly. Koropchak stated that the property is within the downtown redevelopment district. Based on the financial information available, the HRA's cash balance is $299,000. Projections over the life of district are $1.4 million from 25% pooling rule. Koropchak stated that the HRA doesn't have the cash to pay for the land today, but would over the time of the district. 1 Fair asked ifthere would be a new appraisal needed at that time. Koropchak responded that it would be more important to complete it at the beginning of the project. Koropchak stated that the decision to purchase the property relates to how important the HRA views the property in terms of redevelopment. Koropchak explained that if the HRA wanted to demolish the building and create a new TIF district, the City's Building Official would need to perform an inspection, and the property would need to qualify as substandard. Koropchak noted that while an appraisal isn't required to purchase the property, if the HRA would use any Community Development Block Grant, it may be required. Koropchak indicated that she had spoken with Greg Hayes of Shingobee Development. He had stopped by and inquired about redevelopment. He explained that they had worked with Ehlers and Mark Ruff on the St. Michael redevelopment project. The project took two years and their EDA had acquired properties over time. Fair stated that as the HRA starts acquiring buildable parcels, it will start to see things happen. He noted the reluctance of some property owners to come together on a proposal. Fair stated that he believes the Cedar Street property has potential. Frie noted that the parcel could be developed on its own. Fair indicated that he thinks numbers are right for the purchase and would like the HRA to offer a purchase agreement. Frie suggested that the HRA could allow the property owner to not give up possession until after season. Frie noted that 3 years ago the price for the property was slightly higher. Barger stated that there would be no relocation because the property owner had approached the HRA. Mayer stated that purchase of the property would make a statement that the City is serious about redevelopment. Frie stated that real estate market is low and suggested offering perhaps 3% less than the asking price with possession in October. Fair commented that a January I'" 2008 possession date would gives her time to clear out. Korochak inquired where the HRA would obtain funding for the purchase. Fair stated that the HRA would have to go City Council to see if they'll lend the funds. Frie noted that the loan would be paid back out of the district. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO OFFER $450,000 FOR THE CEDAR STREET GARDEN CENTER PROPERTY WITH POSSESSION OF THE PROPERTY NO LATER THAN JANUARY I 2008, SUBJECT TO NO RELOCATION BENEFITS, WITH OFFER CONTINGENT UPON FINANCING. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. Koropchak asked ifFrie would be willing to prepare the purchase agreement. 2 3 6. Consideration of a request from Lyle Trunnell for HRA purchase of residential property. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FRIE TO EXPRESS NO INTEREST IN 33 FOOT LOTS TO THE PROPERTY OWNER. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BARGER. MOTION CARRIED; 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. 7. Consideration of a request for advancement of the pay-as-you-gO finance method associated with TIF District No. 1-29 (Front Porch.) Koropchak provided background stating that TIF District 1-29 is a housing district. The HRA entered into a contract for private redevelopment, which was then assigned to 1 st National Bank. The TIF total was $220,000 at 7.25% interest. The note goes to February 1 st, 2020, and the life of the district can go through 2029. Koropchak stated that payments through the end of December, 2005, did not include any principal, only interest payments. At the end of 2006, there was $22,000 fund balance in that district. Mike Cyr stated that the contract indicates that the authority may pre-pay part or all of land acquisition. Koropchak stated that the language is put in all contracts, as it allows HRA the option of pre-payment. Koropchak stated that the developer was to complete 18 homes by December of 2004, which was accomplished in March of 2005. She noted that there were 8 additional units to be created which were outside of the district, but within the project area. Koropchak reported that Cyr has Certificates of Occupancy for 4 of the remaining 8 to be completed, and two more will be completed by the end of this year. Cyr corrected that there are 5 Certificates of Occupancy and that they have a purchase agreement on six of the remaining eight units. Cyr stated that he would like to know if there is a possibility for an advance in tax increment. He is requesting this due to the unexpected slow sales. He noted that he had projected to be done in 2005. In the time since then, financing costs have ballooned. And he had an unexpected cost on inspections from the City. Schumann explained the City's preliminary and construction and review process. Cyr stated that he has 23 of26 units sold, with one purchase pending and construction on- going on the final two units. Cyr stated that he had expected enough cash flow to payoff a bridge loan. He indicated that he has achieved that, which leaves a balance of about $65,000. He stated that his final three closings should generate $60,000 in cash flow. As such, in the short term, there are no profits associated with the sale of these townhomes. Right now, Cyr stated that there is approximately $60,000 in expenses for closing out the project, including paving landscaping and additional financing costs. In summary, he stated that the project will be in the hole until the TIF catches up. Cyr stated that his request is for pre-payment of $35,000 at minimum, perhaps up to $65,000. He stated that he would use that to pay City invoicing and then pay on the bridge loan. He said that the sales of the final homes would finish bridge loan and last punch list items. 4 Frie asked how much annual payment is. Koropchak stated that it is $22,000 for 2007. Cyr stated that according to his calculations, he would be owed about $32,000 interest at this point, plus principal of $220,000. Koropchak stated that the accrued interest starts from date of closing. Koropchak stated that she had not checked what the 2006 payment was made to the bank. Barger stated that the increment now is being paid directly to the bank. Fair confirmed that that the advance would go to the bank. Koropchak stated that if a portion of pay-as-you-go is to be paid up front, normally the HRA would have an assessment agreement. Koropchak stated that in this case, the assessment agreements would have to come from the homeowners, which they most likely wouldn't want to do. Cyr stated that he wasn't aware of that, and he agreed that they wouldn't want to do that. Cyr asked what the HRA would need to act as a guarantee. Koropchak stated that each would have to agree that properties would meet a certain value. Barger noted that could become expensive with attorneys. Koropchak commented that the County assessor also has to agree and that the assessment agreement is tied to both the building and land. Cyr asked what the HRA is securing against. Koropchak referred to a situation where perhaps homeowners do not pay their property taxes. Fair stated that he doesn't know what the HRA can do, as the fees would just add to the problem. He noted that because the TIF funds are public dollars, the HRA would have to show and sign agreements. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FRIE TO DENY THE REQUEST FOR ADVANCEMENT OF THE PAY -AS- YOU-GO FINANCE METHOD ASSOCIATED WITH TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-29 (FRONT PORCH.). MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BARGER. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS -0 NEYS. Cyr inquired whether the City would be interested in purchasing the Stumpfhousenear the Ruff Auto site. The HRA discussed alternatives. After discussion, the HRA directed Cyr to act as a facilitator between Stumpf and Rollings and report to Koropchak. 8. Consideration to authorize pavrnent ofHRA bills. Koropchak added invoices for Walker In-Store public hearing notice and Steve Conroy's final invoice. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF HRA BILLS. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - o NEYS. 9. Consideration ofHRA Executive Report. 5 Koropchak indicated that with market conditions as they are, she has been receiving more requests for transformation home loans. Koropchak outlined the possible merger of the HRA and EDA. She stated that she is recommending a transfer of powers to the EDA, as that body has more statutory authority. A discussion commenced regarding the resignation of Commissioners Andrews and Lahr, and how other EDA openings could influence the future make-up of the new entity. Koropchak stated that an item is likely to go before the Council on May 14th. 10. Committee Reports. Marketing - Frie reported that a group had attended a presentation of the SCSU feasibility study. Frie explained main points of the study, including the need to build partnerships with bioscience industries such as Cargill and educational facilities. He also noted the lease space often set up as "incubators" for these types of industries. Koropchak noted that the IDC had requested a presentation of the study to stakeholders within the community, which she will be arranging. Fiber Optics - Fair asked for an update on the timing and cost for the proposed project. Mayer stated that it is hoped that the building housing the system electronics would begin this fall. He stated that the Council has agreed to move forward; the last item to approve is the bond sale. The Task Force is evolving into a committee to keep things secure from bidders. It will be a separate enterprise. Fair asked what happens with TDS and Charter. Mayer stated that the City will be a third service choice. 10. Next regular HRA meeting - Wednesday, June 6, 2007. 11. Adiournment. MOTION TO ADJOURN BY COMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BARGER. MOTION CARRIED, 3 YEYS - 0 NEYS. BRA Agenda - 06/06/07 5. Consideration to authorize preparation of a resolution and to aoprove a resolution enterinl! into a Loan Al!reement between the Bousinl! and Redevelopment Authoritv in and for the Citv of Monticello and the Citv of Monticello. A. Reference and backl!round: At the HRA meeting in May, the commissioners approved a motion making an offer in the amount of$450,000 for the Cedar Street Garden Center, 201 East Broadway, subject to no relocation costs, closing date of no later than January 1, 2008, pending funding approval by Council, and authorized preparation of a purchase agreement. The HRA agreed to request funding, a loan from the City Council, with loan payments from 25% of the pooling dollars of TIF District No. 1-22 as projected over the life of the district. The HRA is land rich and cash poor after paying for 88 acres of the Otter Creek Crossings property. The 201 East Broadway (two PID numbers. 1.12 acres) parcels were certified as part of Redevelopment TIF District No. 1-22 in 1997. The purchase agreement was prepared as directed with funding approval by June 6, 2007, and closing date of January 1, 2008. The seller executed the Purchase Agreement as presented except for one change: closing date moved up to July 16, 2007. The Purchase Agreement was executed by the buyer accepting the one change. An earnest check of$l,OOO from the buyer to the agent was issued and is held in escrow. On May 29, 2007, the Council was requested to grant a conceptual approval of a loan ($450,000) to the HRA for the purchase of the property located at 201 East Broadway. The motion passed on a 3-2 vote after some discussion. Concerns raised were: Status of the city general reserve fund; lack of downtown redevelopment plan; fast-track request; and given the real estate market, does it open the door for others to ask the HRAlcity and where does it end? Wolfsteller did ask if the closing date could be prior to July 1, as July 1 is the deadline date for tax exempt recording at the county for year payable 2008. The agent was contacted the next morning to check with the sellers for acceptance of an earlier closing date and to begin the title work in preparation of an earlier closing date. I will hear within a few dates if that's possible. Approval of the resolution and loan agreement between the HRA and City is scheduled for the June 1 I Council meeting. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LOAN: At the suggestion of the HRA Attorney, the interest rate could be determined according to the city's current interest rate on investments. Wolfsteller suggested about 5%. The HRA needs to determine the interest rate, length of term, and other conditions. It was previously determined to use the 25% pooling dollars from TIF District No. 1-22 as the projections by Ehlers 1 BRA Agenda - 06/06/07 indicated 1.4 millions generated over the life of the district (2024). However. given the council's concern about the city reserve fund and to reduce the amount of interest paid by the HRA, I suggested and talked with Wolfsteller about the HRA using $250,000 (from the estimated existing $300,000 net balance ofNo.I-22) resulting in a loan amount from the city of $200,000. This would appear to be a win/win for both governmental entities. In the meantime, I wili continue to research this and distribute comparative amortization schedules at the HRA meeting. B. Alternative Action: I. A motion to approve authorization to prepare a resolution and to approve a resolution entering into a Loan Agreement between the HRA and City for the purchase of the property at 201 East Broadway. Amount ofloan , interest rate , length of term , source of revenue for loan payment, and others 2. A motion to deny approval to authorize preparation of a resolution for entering into a Loan Agreement between the HRA and City. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The Finance Director and Executive Director recommend alternative no. I as the purchase price appears to be a fair market land price, property lies within the existing downtown redevelopment district, no relocation costs, and sends a message of governmental interest in the downtown. Given further research, the recommendation for the loan amount is withheld. It is recommended the HRA discuss immediate plans for the property upon completion of the acquisition. D. SUDDortin~ Data: Copy ofthe purchase agreement, maps, tax information, and council agenda item. 2 * MONTICELW CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET. SUITE 1 MONTICEllO, MN 55362 763.295.2711 17-1 -910 NO. 88908 WELLS FARGO BANK MONTICEllO, MjNNESOTJ'l, 56362. (16J) 295.2290 DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 05/10/2007 88908 $1,000.00 ONE THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER OF WRIGHT-SHERBURNE REALTY 200 BROADWAY WEST MONTICELLO MN 55362 j ._' - t~~f!~?~f(;!;J 11'08890811' 1:09 l.D000 l. 91: 71;0 00 l. 711' P.O.# INVOICE 05/10/2007 DESCRIpTION CHECK 88908 TENDOR 003745 WRIGHT-SHERBURNE REALTY ;'.:,,':>,,,,,'.',','.,',,.,,,;;_,,:;'j:\:,;,:;,,;'~(,,_;i:;~:';,.:},::'y "UND & ACCelUNrP'. AMOUNT n3. 46522.5101 EARNEST MONEY 201 BROADWAY E 1,000.00 TOTAL 1,000.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO. MONTICEllO, MN 55362 .. 3. Received of Housing and Redevelorxnent Authori ty (HRA) 4. the sum of one Thousand COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT This fonn approved by the Minnesota Association of REAL TORS4ll. which disclaims any iiability arising out of use or misuse of this form. @ 2004 Minnesota Asscciation of REAL TORS@, Edina, MN 1. Date May 9. 2007 2. Page 1 of 6 pages in and for the City of Monticello ($ 1,000.00 ) DOLLARS 5. 6. at 7. County of in the form of a check as earnest money and in part payment for the purchase of property (check, cas/1 or note-state whicl1) 201 East Broadway Monticello , MN 55362 situated in the Wriqht , State of Minnesota. and legally described as follows: Lots 1 ,2,3 ,4.5. 6 , 7 ,8 , 9 8. Block B Original Plat for Monticello. Wright County. MN 9. 10. together with the following personal property: None ~~ r-/~ 13. all of which property the undersigned has this day sold to the Buyer for the sum of: Four Hundred Fift Thousand 14. ($ 450.000.00 ) DOLLARS, which the Buyer agrees to pay I 15. Eamest money herein paid $ 1 ,000.00 and $ 449.000.00 , cash. on 16. , the date of Closing and the balance of $ -0- by financing as shown on the attached Addendum. 11. 12. 17. 1. 18. 19. 20. 21. DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE: Subject to performance by the Buyer, Seller agrees to execute and deliver a ----------------- Warranty Deed conveying marketable tiUe to the property subject only to the following exceptions: (a) building and zoning laws, ordinances, State and Federal regulations; (b) restrictions relating to use or improvement of the premises without effective forfeiture provision; (c) reservation of any minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota; (d) utility and drainage easements which do not interfere with present improvements; (e) rights of tenants as follows: None 22. 23. 24. 25. 2. REAL ESTATE TAXES: Real estate taxes due and payable in the year of closing shall be prorated between Seller and Buyer on a calendar 26. year basis to the actual date of closing unless otherwise provided in this Purchase Agreement Real estate taxes payable 27. in the years prior to closing shall be paid by Seller. Real estate taxes payable in the years subsequent to closing shall be paid by Buyer; ,.,'., C -- - ~ 28, 3. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: : ,', . ' .. .~. 29. 0 BUYER AND SELLER SHALL PRORATE AS OF THE DATE OF CLOSING' ~ SELLER SHALL PAY on the dale of closing -- ..... - ---- - -- - -- -- -. - --. -- -- --- ---- - - - - -- -- ---- - -- - - --- (ch<<k0llft) --- ----- ---- - - -----. -- - - -- -- -- - -- -- --. - - -- - - -- - - ---~ --. - _.- - -- --- . all installments of special assessments certified for payment with the real estate taxes due arid payable in the year of c1osing.m o BUYER SHALL ASSUME 00 SELLER SHALL PAY ON DATE OF CLOSING all other special assessments levied as Cot-the - - - - - - --- - --- --- -- -- - - - --- -- -- --- --.. -- (checK OfIe)-- -- ---- ---. - --- ~ - - - - -- - ~..- -. - - --- --- --- date of this Agreement ,".' - o BUYER SHALL ASSUME ~ SELLER SHALL PROVIDE FOR PAYMENT OF sPecial assessments "penQing as of the _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __. _ _ _ _ _ _. -_ _ __ __ -- -- -- --(check one,- ___ _. ____ _.. _. _ _ _ n - ---- ----- ---. ---- - - -. - . 34. date of this Agreement for improvements that have been ordered by the City 'CouncilOr any other governmental orptivate assessing , , m 35. authorities. (Seller's provision for payment shall be by payment into escrow of1 112 times the estimated amount of the assessments.) 36. If a special assessment becomes pending after the date of !his Purchase Agreement and before the dale of closing. Buyer, maY,~:!l[ 37. Buyer's option: (a) assume payment of the pending special assessment without adjustment to the purchase price; or (b) require Seller 38. to pay the pending special assessment (or escrow for payment of same a sum equal to 11/2 times the projected pending assessment), 39. and Buyer shall pay a commensurate increase in the purchase price <1!the property; which increase shall be the same as the estimated " 40. amount of the assessment or (e) declare this Purchase Agreement terminated by written' notice to Seller or ;licensee representin!f"llF-~~ 41. assisting Seller. If Buyer terminates this Purchase Agreemen~ Buyer and Seller shall immediately sign a cancellation of purchase 42. agreement directing all eamest money paid hereunder to be refunded to Buyer. Seller shall pay on date of closing any deferred real 43. estate taxes or speciai assessments payment of which is required as a result of the closing of this sale. 44. 4. PRORATIONS: A1i items customarily prorated and adjusted in connection with the closing of the sale of the property hereln including but 45. not limited to rents, operating expenses. interest on any debt assumed by Buyer, shall be prorated as of the dete of sIG6iRg. It ~hall be 46. assumed that Buyer will own the property for the entire date of the closing. possesswn MNCI: PA-l (8104) Wright Sherburne Realty P,O. Box 25, Monhcello MN 55362 Phone, 7632955990 Fax, 7632955723 Produced with ZlpFormllll by RE FormsNet. LLC 18025 Fifteen Mile Road, Clinton Township, Michigan 48035 www.ziotmn.com 30. 31. 32. 33. blank.z1X COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT 47. Address 201 East Broadwav Monticello, MN 55362 48. Page 2 49. 5 DAMAGES TO REAL PROPERTY: If there is any loss or damage to the property between the date hereof and the date of closing, for any 50. reason, the risk of loss shall be on Seller. If the property is destroyed or substantially damaged before the closing, this Purchase 51. Agreement shall terminate, at Buyers option, if Buyer gives written notice to Seller or licensee representing or assisting Seller of such 52. termination within thirty (30) days of the damage. Upon said lemnination, Buyer and Seller shall immediately sign a cancellation of 53. purchase agreement directing all eamest money paid hereunder to be refunded Buyer. 54. 6. EXAMINATION OF TITLE: Within a reasonable time after acceptance of this Purchase Agreement, Seller shall provide evidence of tiffe 55. to Buyer or Buyers designated title service provider, which shall include proper searches covering bankruptcies, slate and federal 56. judgments and liens, and levied and pending special assessments, as follows: 57. IF THE PROPERTY IS ABSTRACT, Seller shall provide either (a) a commitment for an owners policy of title insurance on a current 58. AL T A fonm issued by an insurer licensed to write title insurance in Minnesota and Seller shall pay the costs of evidence of title for such 59. title insurance policy, and Buyer shall pay the premium for any owners policy or lenders policy issued by the title insurance company, 60. the title examination fee and the fee for any endorsements or other coverages requested by Buyer, or (b) Abstract of Title certified to 61. date. Seller shall pay for all abstracting fees and sumender any abstract in Sellers possession or control to Buyer at Closing. 62. IF THE PROPERTY IS TORRENS, Seller shall provide, at Buyers option and reques~ either: (a) a Registered Property Abstract 63. certfied 10 date; or (b) a commitment for an owners policy of title insurance on a current AL T A fonm issued by insurer, licensed to write 64. title insurance in Minnesota. Seller shall be responsible to pay, under either option, only those costs necessarY 10 prepare the 65. Registered Property Abstract or commitment Buyer shall, at Buyer's option, pay for either an attorney's title opinion or the title 66. insurance premium (for both an owners policy and any lenders policy and the examination fee, together with the costs for any 67. endorsements or other coverages requested by Buyer). 68. Buyer shall have ten (10) business days after receipt of the Abstract of Title, Registered Property Abstract or title insurance 69. commitment to provide Seller, or licensee representing or assisting Seller, with written objections to title. Buyer shall be deemed 70. to have waived any title objections not made within such ten (10) day period, except that this shall not operate as a waiver of 71. Seller's covenant to deliver a Warranty Deed, if a Warranty Deed is specified in this Purchase Agreement Seller shall use Seller's 72. best efforts to correct any title objections noted by Buyer and to provide mlrtetable title by the date of Closing. In the event Seller has 73. not cured the tiffe objections or otherwise provided marketable title by the date of Closing, Seller shall have an additional thirty (30) days 74. to correct the title objections or otherwise make title marketable. Buyer may waive title objections or other defects by written notice to Seller 75. or licensee representing or assisting Seller. In addition to the thirty (30) day extension, Buyer and Seiler may by mutual agreement further 76. extend the Closing date. Lacking such extension, either party may declare this Purchase Agreement terminated and neither party 77. shall be liable for damages to the other. Buyer and Seller shall immediately sign a cancellation of purchase agreement directing all 78. earnest money paid hereunder to be refunded to Buyer. 79. 7. POSSESSION: Seller shall deliver possession of !he property on tile date of ClosiRg. January 1, 2008 80. 8. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: See attached Addendum. 81. 9. TIME IS OFTHE ESSENCE FOR ALL PROVISIONS OF THIS CONTRACT. 82. 10. SELLER CERTIFIES THAT SELLER 0 DOES !Kl DOES NOT KNOW OF A PRIVATE SEWER SYSTEM ON OR SERVING . __.u _.._ (checkono'-,. __ __ ___ 83. THE PROPERTY: (If answer is DOES, see Private Sewer System Disclosure.) 84. 11. SELLER CERTIFIES THAT SELLER 0 DOES !Kl DOES NOT KNOW OF ANY WELLS ON OR SERVING THE PROPERTY. -..-----...... (CheckOlle) --..--.--..--- 85. (If answer is DOES, see Well Disclosure Statement) 86. 12. ADDENDA. Attached are (number) 1 87. 13. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 88. (a) Survival. All of the warranties, representations and covenants of this Agreement shall survive and be enforceable after the closing. a9. (b) Entire Agreement; Modification. This Purchase Agreement oonstiMes the complete agreement between the parties and 90. supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the parties regarding the property. There are no verbal agreements 91. that change this Purchase Agreement and no waiver of any of its terms will be effective uniess in writing executed by the parties. .. 92. (c) Successors and Assigns. If this Purchase Agreement is assigned, all provisions of this Purchase Agreement shail be bmdlng 93. on successors and assigns. 94. 14.ACCEPTANCE DEADUNE. This offer to purchase, unless accepted sooner, shall be nuil and void at 11:59 p.m., 95. June 6 2007 , and in such event all eamest money shall be refunded to Buyer. Addenda which are made a part of this Purchase Agreement MNCI:PA-2 (8/04) Produced wrth ZipFormnl by RE FoonsNet, LLC 18025 Fifteen Mite Road, Clinton Township, Michigan4S035 www.zitltorm.com blank.zfx COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT 96. Address 201 East Broadwav Monticello , MN 55362 97. Page 3 98. 99. NOTICE Zachary J. Adams (Agent) Wright Sherburne Real ty, :tnr::: (Company Name) Represents Lesli.e DeLisi Anthonv P DeLisi 100. Represents (Agent) (Company Name) 101. /tJ(!f (jJ ~ (Seller's SignabJre) : (~~ ~~, \2i,uh- , [0al0I f' / loll) rJ / / {Date) '5 -C\.-ol\ 102. Anthony P DeLisi (Seller's PrintEtd Name) .... F 0 ...... . . Ollie Koropchak (BuYer'sPrfntedNa'nl) . Executl.ve Directq1:' - HRA " 103. (Social Securtly Number or Fadl!lral Tax ID number. optional) (MsrilaIStaI1Js) (Social 5eaJrtty Ntanber or FederaJ Tax 10 numtler-optIonal) (MatitalSlBUSI 104. ~.f..i.. f)..4i1~ " ( r'sSlgnatute) </to / ()1 f I (Date) (Buyer's SIgnaIurI) {Oldll) 105. Leslie DeLisi [_ro_Namo) President DeLisi Inc. (8uyer'sPrtnteclN8Ilef 106. '1--1- /77 b J-.3 ) (Social Sec:u.r1ty Numoer.or Fedlnl Tax 10 numoer. optional) (Socl8~Sec:unIr.Nurnblr,OfFederal Tax ID nunber-OPtfofl8l) 107. THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT UNDERSTOOD, SEEK COMPETENT ADVICE. MNCI:PA-3 (8/04) Produced wtth ZipForm™ try RE FormsNet. LLC 18025 Fifteen MReRoao, Clinton Township, Mk:higan48035 WNW.zioform.com ,Iank.zli< Page 4 Addendum to purchase agreement Addendum to Purchase Agreement between parties dated May 7. 2007 pertaining to the purchase and sale of the property at 20 I East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota. 1. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLER: (a) There is no action, litigation, investigation, condemnation or other proceeding of any kind pending or to the best of Seller's knowledge threatened against Seller or any portion of the property. In the event Seller becomes aware of any such proceeding prior to closing, Seller will promptly notifY Buyer of such proceeding. (b) Seller will make available to Buyer on or before June 6, 2007, a true, correct and complete copy of each lease applicable to the Property. Such leases are in full force and effect neither Seller nor any tenant is, to the best of the Seller's knowledge, in default under any such lease. There are no other leases or possessory rights regarding the Property except such leases as are being provided to Buyer. (c) The property is not within a flood zone. (d) The buildings are entirely within the boundary lines of the Property. (e) To the best of Seller's knowledge, the Property is free of Hazardous Substances as hereinafter defmed and is not subject "Super Fund" type liens or claims by governmental regulatory agencies or other third parties arising from the release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances in, on or about the Property. Seller has not used the property in connection with the generation, disposal, storage, treatment or transportation of Hazardous Substances. To the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no aboveground or underground storage tanks located in or about the Property; nor have any such tanks been located under, in or about the Property that have been subsequently removed or filled except as otherwise set forth herein. To the best of the Seller's knowledge, there are no inoperative wells on the property except as disclosed on the Well Disclosure Statement provided Buyer. Seller has disclosed to Buyer all environmental reports and studies with respect to the Property of which Seller is aware. As used in this agreement, "Hazardous Substance" means any hazardous or toxic substance, waste or contaminant including, without limitation, asbestos and polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs") and any other substance, waste, mixture, compound, odor or emission, declared pr designated hazardous or toxic by federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations. (f) Seller acknowledges that Cedar St. Garden Center will cease to exist at this site as of date of possession. Seller is not requesting relocation costs from the City of Monticello. 2. Right and Duty of Inspection: Buyer shall have the right and duty to inspect the Property or have it inspected by a person of Buyer's choice at Buyer's expense. Settlement is final: It is understood that Buyer accepts the Property "as is." Any warranties of physical condition of the Property contained in this Purchase Agreement are void. The Seller has no further responsibility or liability with respect to the condition of the Property. This provision shall survive delivery of the deed or contract for deed. Page 5 3. REPRESENTATIONS AND W ARRANTlES BY BUYER: Buyerrepresents and warrants to Seller that buyer is duly incorporated and is in good standing under the laws of the state of Minnesota; that Buyer is duly qualified to transact business in the State of Minnesota; that Buyer has the requisite corporate poser and authority to enter into this Purchase Agreement and the Buyer's Closing Documents signed by it; such documents have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of Buyer and have been duly executed and delivered; that the execution, delivery and performance by Buyer of such documents do not conflict with or result on a violation of Buyer's Articles of Incorporation or with or result in a violation of Buyer's Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws or any judgment, order or decree of any court or arbiter to which Buyer is party; and that such documents are valid and binding obligations of Buyer, and enforceable iri accordance with their terms. Buyer will indemnify Seller, its successors and assigns, against and will hold Seller, its successors and assigns, harmless from, any , expenses or damages, including reasonable attorneys' feed, that Seller incurs because of the breach of any above representations and warranties, whether such breach is discovered before or after closing. 4. MUTUAL INDEMNFICA TION: Seller and Buyer agree to indemnify each other against, and hold each other harmless from, all liabilities (including reasonable attorneys' fees in defending against claims) arising out of the ownership, operation or maintenance of the Property for their respective period of ownership. Such rights to indemnification will not arise to the extent that (a) the party seeking indemnification actually receives insurance proceeds or other cash payment directly attributable to the liability in question (net of the cost of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees); or (b) the claim for indemnification arises out of the act or neglect of the party seeking indemnification. If, and to the extent that, the indemnified party has insurance coverage, or the right to make claim against any third party for any amount to be indemnified against, as set forth above, the indemnified party will, upon full performance by the indemnifying party of its indemnification obligations, assign such rights to the indemnifying party or, if such rights are not assignable, the indemnified party will diligently pursue such rights by appropriate legal action or proceeding and assign the recovery arid/or right of recovery to the indemnifying party to the extent of the indemnification payaI)le made by such party. 5. ASSIGNMENT. Either party may assign its rights under this Purchase Agreement at any time prior to the closing with the prior written consent of the other party. Any such assignment will not relieve such assigning party of its obligations under this Purchase Agreement. Page 6 6. CONTINGENCY. The HRA funding for this purchase agreement must be approved by the City Council of Monticello. In the event funding is not approved by June 6, 2007 buyer and seller shall immediately sign a "cancellation of purchase agreement" directing all earnest money paid hereunder to be refunded to buyer. 7. PRORATIONS: Utilities costs will be prorated to the date of possession. ~~~ (Sel er) Leslie DeLisi President DeLisi Inc. t)~ ~cI\~~ (Buyer) Ollie Koropchak Executive Director (HRA) , ~ 0 )SPi.- (SeHer) Anthony P. DeLisic. . f. O. . Wright County >> Property Search >> Page 1 of 1 " UlritJht Counf:J~ !MJY Can't find it? Help us improve... Home >> Property. Environment & Parks >> Prooerty >> Property Search >> Results List >> Parcel Data Property Search View Parcel Parcel Data The property information daiabase is updated daily. Last updated:5/30/2007 I Parcel Data I Property 10: 155-010-067010 Tax Year: 2007. New Search T ax Summary Tax Statement Assessment Appraisal S,lles Deta.1 Property Address: 201 BROADWAYE MONTICELLO MN 55362 Municipality: CITY OF MONTICELLO School Dist: 0882- MONTICELLO Owner Name: (CONTRACT FOR DEED) ANTHONY P & LESLIE DELISI %DELISI INC 201 BROADWAYE MONTICELLO MN 55362 Taxpayer Name & Address: DELISI, INC PO BOX 746 MONTICELLO MN 55362-0746 I Lot: Block: Deeded Acre: 0 Legal Description: LOTS 1,2,3,4&5 BLK B I Section: 11 Township: 121 Range: 025 Plat Name: ORIGINAL PLAT New Search :: Parcel Data :: :L<!X Summary :: Tax Statement :: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. HOME PAGE I YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT I HEALTH FINANCIAL & SOCIAL SERVICES I PUBliC SAFETY LAW & LEGAL liCENSES & CERTIFICATES I PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT & PARKS I HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT & TRANSPORTATION SALARY DATA NOTIFICATION I SEARCH I FAa's I SITE MAP I GOVERNMENT PORTAL I EMAIL C12006 Wright County All Rights Reserved Contact the Webmaster http://www.co.wright.mn.us/department/audtreas/proptax/results.asp?pid= 1550 I 00670 1 0&... 5/30/2007 Wright County >> Property Search >> Page 1 of 1 III' 'l#itJit Ct1tlllt:y; !M!K Can't frnd it? Help us improve... Home>> Prooertv. Environment & Parks >>Prooertv>> Prooertv Search >>Results List>> Tax Swnmary Property Search View Parcel Tax Summary The property information database is updated daily. Last updated:5/30/2007 ITlIX Summary I Property ill: 155-010-067010 Tax Year: 200~. New Sear ell Parcel Data , T ax Statement AsseSSlllent Appr,"sal Sales Deta,l Taxable Market Value 351,700 Total Improvement Amount 0 Tax Capacity Amount 6,284 Green Acres? No Total Net Tax 9,542.47 Total Specials 2,067.53 Total Gross Tax 11,610.00 Total Adjustments 0.00 Penalty Collected 0.00 Interest Collected 0.00 Tax Collected 1st Half 4,771.24 Tax Collected 2nd Half 0.00 Special Assessments Collected I,03l}6- Total Amount Unpaid C 5,805~ Prior Years Unpaid? Yes · The Total Amount Unpaid does not include late payment penalties. If you are paying after the due date, call 763- 682-7572 or 763-682-7573 to acquire the total aroonot due. Late payments received without the peoalty will be first applied to the peualty owed, leaving a tax aroount due. New Search :: Parcel Data:: Tax Summary:: Tax Statement:: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for refereoce purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are lakeo to publish the most current property information, Wright Conoty does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. HOME PAGE I YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT I HEALTH FINANCIAL &. SOCIAL SERVICES I PUBLIC SAFETY LAW &. LEGAL LICENSES &. CERTIFICATES I PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT &. PARKS I HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT &. TRANSPORTATION SALARY DATA NOTIFICATION I SEARCH I ~ I SITE MAP I GOVERNMENT PORTAL I J;Mlill. @2006 Wright County All Rights Reserved Contact the Web master http://www.co.wright.mn.us/departmenVaudtreas/proptaxlresults.asp?pid= 1550 1 0067010&... 5/3012007 Wright County }} Property Search }} Page 1 of 1 lit 1IlritJSt County, !M!N Can't find it? Help us improve... Home>> Pronertv. Environment & Parks>> Property>> ProDertv Search>> Results List>> Assessment Summary Property Search View Parcel Assessment Summary The property information database is updated daily. Last updated:5/30/2007 I Assessment I New Search Parcel Data Tax Summary T ax Statement Appraisal Sales Deta,l Property ID: 155-010-067010 Tax Y ear:20E7 . Values 1 2 11 3 T 4 II 5 Estimated Land Market 217,600 Estimated Building 134,100 Market Estimated Machinery 0 Market Excluded Market 0 Total Estimated Market 351,700 Land Limited 0 Building Limited 0 Total Limited 0 Classifications COMM Property Type LAND & BLDGS Homestead Status NON- HOMESTEAD Exempt Status Not Exempt New Search :: Parcel Data :: Tax Sununary :: Tax Statement :: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations, HOME PAGE I YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT I HEALTH FINANCIAL & SOCIAL SERVICES I PUBLIC SAFETY LAW & LEGAL LICENSES & CERTIFICATES I PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT & PARKS I HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT & TRANSPORTATION SALARY OATA NOTIFICATION I SEARCH I FAQ'S I SITE MAP I GOVERNMENT PORTAL I EMAIL @2006 Wright County All Rights Reserved Contact the Webmaster http://www.co.wright.rnn.us/departmentJaudtreas/proptaxlresults.asp?pid= 1550 1 00670 1 0&.., 5/30/2007 Wright County )) Property Search )) Page I of I III' 'UlritJnt COUllty; !J{gr{ Can't find it? Help ns improve... Home>> Prooertv. Environment & Parks>> Prooertv >> Propertv Search >> Results List >> Parcel Data Property Search View Parcel Parcel Data The property information database is updated daily. Last updared:5/30/2007 I Parcel Data I Property ill: 155-010-067060 Tax Year: 2007. New Search T ax Summary Tax Statement Assessment Appraisal Sales Detail Property Address: 249 BROADWAY E MONTICELLO MN 55362 Municipality: CITY OF MONTICELLO School Dist: 0882- MONTICELLO Owner Name: (CONTRACT FOR DEED) ANTHONY P & LESLIE DELISI %DELISI INC 201 BROADWAYE MONTICELLO MN 55362 Taxpayer Name & Address: DELISI, INC PO BOX 746 MONTICELLO MN 55362-0746 Lot: Block: Section: II Township: 121 Range: 025 Plat Name: ORIGINAL PLAT Deeded Acre: 0 Legal Description: LTS 6,7,8& 9 BLK B New SeaTch :: Parcel Data:: Tax Summary :: Tax Statement:: Assessment :: AppTaisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. HOME PAGE I YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT I HEALTH FINANCIAL & SOCIAL SERVICES I PUBLIC SAFETY LAW & LEGAL LICENSES & CERTIFICATES I PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT & PARKS I HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT & TRANSPORTATION SALARY DATA NOTIFICATION I SEARCH I FAQ'S I SITE MAP I GOVERNMENT PORTAL I EMAIL @2006 Wright County All Rights Reserved Contact the Webmaster http://www.co.wright.mn.us/departmentlaudtreaslproptaxlresults.asp?pid= 1550 I 0067060&... 5/30/2007 Wright County>> Property Search>> Page I ofl dr UlritJhl Count;y" !M:J( Can't find it? Help us improve... Home >>Propertv. Environment & Parks >>Prooerty>> Propertv Search>> Results List>> Tax Summary Property Search View Parcel Tax Summary The property information database is updated daily. Last updated:5/30/2007 ITax Summary I Property 10: 155-010-067060 Tax Year: 2007. New Search Parcel DaM T ax Statement Assessment AppraIsal Sales Detail Taxable Market Value 178,400 Total Improvement Amount 0 Tax Capacity Amount 3,568 Green Acres? No Total Net Tax 5,403.19 I Total Specials I 1,014.81 I Total Gross Tax I 6,418.00 I Total Adjustments I 0.00 Penalty Collected 0.00 Interest Collected 0.00 Tax Collected 1st Half 2,701.60 Tax Collected 2nd Half 0.00 Special Assessments Collected 507.40 ) Total Amount Unpaid ~09.00/ }' Prior Years Unpaid? Yes · The Total Amount Unpaid does not include late payment penalties. If you are paying after the due date, call 763- 682-7572 or 763-682-7573 to acquire the total amount due. Late payments received without the penalty will be first applied to the penalty owed, leaving a tax amount due. New Search :: Parcel Data:: Tax Summary:: Tax Statement :: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. HOME PAGE I YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT I HEALTH FINANCIAL & SOCIAL SERVICES I PUBLIC SAFETY LAW & LEGAL LICENSES & CERTIFICATES I PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT & PARKS I HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT & TRANSPORTATION SALARY DATA NOTIFICATION I SEARCH I ~ I SITE MAP I GOVERNMENT PORTAL I EMA!!. @2006 Wright County All Rights Reserved Contact the Webmaster http://www.co.wright.mn.us/departmentlaudtreas/proptax/results.asp?pid= 15501 0067060&... 5/30/2007 Wright County >> Property Search >> Page 1 of 1 III' UlritJit COUllt;y~ !M:H Can't find it'? Help ns improve... Home >>Prooerty. Environment & Parks>> Propertv>> Prooertv Search>> Results List>> Assessment Summary Property Search View Parcel Assessment Summary The property information database is updated daily. Last updated: 5/30/2007 I Assessment I Property ID: 155-010-067060 Tax Year: 2007. New Search Parcel Data Tax Summary Tax Statement Appr alsal Sales Detail Values I I 2 II 3 I 4 I 5 Estimated Land Market I 172,600 I Estimated Building I 5,800 I Market Estimated Machinery I 01 Market Excluded Market I 01 Total Estimated Market I 178,400 I Land Limited 0 Building Limited 0 I Total Limited I 0 ClassIfications COMM Property Type LAND & BLDGS Homestead Status NON- HOMESTEAD Exempt Status I Not Exempt I New Search :: Parcel Data :: Tax Summary :: Tax Statement :: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. HOME PAGE I YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT I HEALTH FINANCIAL & SOCIAL SERVICES I PUBLIC SAFETY LAW & LEGAL LICENSES & CERTIFICATES I PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT & PARKS I HIGHWAY MANAGEMENT & TRANSPORTATION SALARY DATA NOTIFICATION I SEARCH I FAQ'S I SITE MAP I GOVERNMENT PORTAL I EMAIL Q 2006 Wright County All Rights Reserved Contact the Webmaster http://www.co.wright.mn.us/department/audtreas/proptax/results.asp?pid= 1550 10067060&... 5/30/2007 4/1112007 201 E Broadway St, Monticello, MN 55362-9317 Customer Full Report, CommerciaUMixed Use, MLS#: 3348975 MLS Area: 341 - Wright County (Except Buffalo) CMU Style: Industrial/Warehouse, Other, RetaillShopping Center Current Use: Commercial Const Status: Previously Owned Total Units: 1 Foundation Size: Building Finished SqFt: 6,494 6,494 --'"~. "'^"" ~. MapPoinl" -"". . '. (J.' ",4", ",'" "".. .... ". ..~,' . ~ S, 25'_. ~ ., ~J- ..... :! j~: Sf;s{,. rl2D 1 B~a~~ay E -.' ~.Ilio,. ~, ~ ~ -~ ~~ fSJ':, ~ ., ...~ :i .,. # : ., J l' /:.." 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Year Built: Acres: Lot Dimen: 1970 1.12 see plat General Property Information Legal Description: Lenghty County: WRIG - Wright School District: 882 - Monticello, 763-271-0300 ComplexlDev/Sub: _Lot Description: oad Frontage: oning: Accessibility: LakelWaterfront: Owner is an Agent?: Public Remarks: Business/Commercial None Lake Name: Status: Active List Price: $459,900 Map Page: 31 Map Coord: 02 Directions: 94 to Hwy 25 North, East on Broodway to Garden Center on Left TAX INFORMATION PropertylD: T155010067010 Tax Year. 2007 Tax Amt: 14,963.00 Assess Bal: 0.00 Tax w/assess: 14,963.00 Assess Pend: No Homestead: No Owner Occupied: Yes No 1.12 acres of prime commercial land on high traffic mainstreet, sale price includes land and buildings, 6494 sq ft building currently used as garden retail center. great location for possible redevelopment, traffic counts are high wi great fronlage' Structure Information Forced Air Na1ural Gas Heat: Fuel: AirCnd: Garage Stalls: Other Parking: Parking Char. Utilities: Miscellaneous: Sale Includes: Appliances: No. of Ranges: No. of Refrig: Basement: Pool: Shared Rooms: AAmenitieS-Shared: ',.Amenities-Unit: 0.00 o Other Building, Land Exterior: Fencing: Root Water: Sewer: Wood tnfonnation Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. @2007 Regional MLS of Minn., Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of2 City Water - Connected City Sewer - Connected . ~ ~ ~_ ~.. ' ~ i ~_ / / , ~ ` ~ttl.=,~ l ~j i ~ ~ J ~ ~/ 4 / % =1 ' i r / Q ~: / 9 ~ ~ _~ •.. v • ~ ~ ,. C.u.:~ , . /~,~ . ~ / ~ i -~ f ,_ 1 ( . 1 V y ~, ~ 7' . f Y fir. :~" ~ / :. - i, ~~. ~~; t• ~ 2. ~ ~ sY lz ~. 6 , ~ 3j ., ~ / ~- ~ J ~~ ~ 't f .~ IW Lei GtVr~- IeL pCOIT11gIR ,~j~ ~, .~ ~ . t2 ~ P~ at M a p ~' ~ ~. , ~~ , .. _. _ Sc .- . _ _._ - ___ 5L. Consideration of a reauest from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority ffiRA) reauesting the City Councill!rant a conceptual approval of a loan to the BRA for Durchase of the DroDertv located at 201 East Broadwav. (O.K.) A. Reference and backl!round: The HRA is requesting a loan from the City for purchase of the Cedar Street Garden Center located at 201 East Broadway. This 1.12 acre parcel includes a 6,494 sq. ft. facility and lies within the boundaries of Downtown Redevelopment TIF District No. 1.22. The property was determined to be "structurally substandard" according to the 1997 Minnesota Statutes, the year the District was certified. At the HRA meeting in April 2007, the owner and an agent made a presentation including an asking price of$459,900. The commissioners tabled the item to their May meeting in order to gather more information. Additional information gathered indicated the asking price for the Garden Center in 2006 was $690,000. In 2006/07, the HRA hired a local attorney to serve as a facilitator to negotiate offers to purchase two properties located within Block 52 (Froslie (previous church/clinic) and Springborg (previous Johnson warehouse). In those negotiations, the HRA determined their offers by using the highest commercial land values plus 15% or $15.3065 per square foot. They raised their offers to $17.50 per square foot and after eight months of unsuccessful negotiations, the HRA determined they were no longer interested in those properties. Using the same land value analogy, the $459,900 asking price for the Garden Center was $9.4266 per square foot. At the May HRA meeting, the commissioners approved a motion to offer $450,000 ($9.2237 per sq ft) for the Garden Center subject to no relocation benefits (going out-of-business and they approached the HRA) and pending approval of funding. The executed Purchase Agreement is contingent UDon fundinl! annroval bv June 6. 2007. and has a closing date ofJulv 16. 2007. FUNDING: Prior to their motion in May, the commissioners discussed their source ofrevenue to purchase the said property. The TIF Analysis completed by Ehlers & Associates in 2006 projects $1.4 million available within the 25% pooling rule over the life of District 1-22 (2024). The HRA does not have cash readily available within TIF District 1-22 (25% pooling rule) and the HRA General Fund is land rich and cash poor. The purchase of the 88 acres from John Chadwick (Otter Creek Crossings) and the annual payments on the contract for deed (remaining 32 acres) are paid from the HRA General Fund. 1 ca U o ~, r Q"=" O O ;~ T+ "' fir. 3 ~ ~ O U r C r+ ., ~ p O O ~ ~ ~ U N ~ .~ ~ v i rC ~ ~ C; y y ti ~ y W ~ F-i .~ .V-i TJ i O 'L r J ~ ~ r i r ~ ~ CL' LLy ~ +~.~ v ;J O ~ O ~ --i ~ ~ O U Q, dJ ~ ~ ~'+ N w O ~ aJ QJ v ~ Ef-? ~ ~ X ~ O O 00 ;~ O "Ci 4J bA ~ U ~ G~ ~ cn *~ O ~ ~ O ~ EFr 4J O O O .Q ~ O ~ .rr U aj QJ v ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ .~+ ~ '~ to V ~ H ~ y N ~ ~~. ~ ~~+ ~ O.+ ~ r ~ N y.~ -O cC ',,~' •'-' i"" ^+ +'-~ O O C ¢"' •-, '~ 41 O v +'~1 ~ O +ca- '~ cG c,', ~ E'-~ C. ~ O 'G n r4 + ~ J fS.r s0-i ~ ~ v cs ~ ~ . ~ r] ~ '~ O ~ ~ N N ,~ cn .~ O C H~ U ,--~ O O~ O r-' v .~ ~ O Q1 v r O 3 ~~ O 41 p U r1, ' ~ X ~ . ~. ~ ~ ~, (~ N H~ O ''~ QJ p ~~'' ~ ~ tX~i O O O O m ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ _~ O --may +: ~' `+ ~ ~~r+ O N r ~ ~+ N O H' ~ O~'+ p r v ~ \ ~ N N ~ a1 ~ 'O ~ 7- .'..' r r O"i ~ ~ ~ u ~ --~ • ~ ~ o~~N ~ o ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ o •F~~ r-i +J r r ~, r~ tC S~. v O A O ~ , r ~ ~ v r-i ~ ~ ~ . V ~ ~ O . v ~ i ~ O v ~ ,~ Or v N v ~ w0 ^-~ .O ~ _~ ~. ~ ~ .L1 U ~ c~ . ~" ~ "C3 m ~ ~ O ~ Ci O .__ b~ ~ O _U N ,~ fir" N O ~ ~ ~ is ~ v ~ v D U ~ ~'+ p C ~ ~ N Q ~ CO O ~ r i 4. O X ~ _~ ~ ~~•+ L' ~ O .~--' tC'' N N R,' ~ 4 Q O H .~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ 'T.~ bA 41 ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ J v v ~ O ~ v cn U [n fC i d7 ,~ U «s r `~ ,~ v J ~ ~ °; ~ v ~ v N ~ O O ~ v ~ H .~ N r" City Council Agenda - OS/29/07 Therefore, the commissioners are requesting a conceptual approval of a loan in the amount of $450,000. At the June 11 Council meeting, the Council will be asked to approve a resolution to authorize entering into a Loan Agreement between the City and the HRA. The Loan Agreement will outline the terms and conditions of the loan. In talking with the Finance Director, an interest rate of approximately 5% is anticipated based on current investments by the city. Annual payments by the HRA to the City will be from TIP District No. 1-22. The HRA agreed to purchase the Garden Center property because of the fair market price and it sends a message that the HRA/City is interested in redevelopment of the downtown but at fair market price. ? B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to grant conceptual approval of a loan in the amount of $450,000 to the :;~~~~ :d~~::;:~:~t:::~~i :as~:::~~:~ity<3~Onti~I~O ~the ~ . c.. K '1,.t> ~ A motion to deny granting conceptual approval ofa loan in the amount of $450,000 to the HRA. State reasons. 2. C. Recommendation: . The City Administrator, Finance Director, and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No.1. The negotiated purchase is a fair market price, it sends a message the HRAlCity is interested in downtown redevelopment, no relocation benefits,and allows the HRA to move forward with preparation of the Loan Agreement and preparations for a closing on July 16,2007. D. SUDDOrtinl!: Data: Excerpt from TlF 1-22 Analysis and site information. 2 HRA Agenda - 06/06/07 6. Consideration to acceDt the resilmations of BRA Commissioners Steve Andrews and Darrin Lahr. A. Reference and backl!round: The HRA and Council have received resignation letters from HRA Commissioners Steve Andrews and Damn Lahr. I will try to look back to find their years of service on the HRA and in Damn's case the EDA also. In addition, to accepting their resignations as a housekeeping item, I would like to discuss a time and date for a social event. Since as an HRA, we have experienced some fun times together, my thought was to meet at a local place (JP's, River Inn, etc) for a social gathering. No plaque but maybe a gift certificate to Crostini's for each. I need to check city policies and source of dollars. Actually, maybe we need a "going away party for the HRA" with the upcoming merger to the EDA. The HRA was formed when the City Council in November 1970 adopted a resolution declaring the need for an HRA, the Bylaws, and appointed its first commissioners. Arve Grimsmo is the only remaining first appointed commissioner. Let's discuss this. B. Alternative action: 1. A motion to accept the resignation of Steven Andrews and Damn Lahr. C. Recommendation: This is a housekeeping item and the Council received a copy of the resignations in their May 29, 2007 agenda. D. SUDDortinl! Data: Letters of Resignation. 1 Message Page 1 of 1 Ollie Koropchak . From: Bubul, Stephen J. [sbubul@Kennedy-Graven.com] Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 5:18 PM To: Ollie Koropchak Subject: HRA commissioner recognition Ollie: Based on our research, we advise against a monetary benefit for outgoing HRA commissioners, such as a gift certificate. Even though no per diems have been paid to date, any amount provided now would probably be considered an illegal gift because it is "after the fact." The rules regarding public purpose for expenditure of public funds are fairly strict, and make it difficult to provide the kinds of recognition you mentioned. Instead, you might consider a plaque, or naming something after the commissioners (think of some of the HRA projects over the years). You could also hold a dinner, but attendees would need to pay for their meals. Let me know if you have other questions. Stephen Bubul Kennedy & Graven 470 U.S. Bank Plaza Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-337-9228 S This notice is required by IRS Circular 230, which regulates written communications about federal tax matters between tax advisors and their clients. To the extent the preceding correspondence and or any attachment is a written tax advice communication, it is not a full "covered opinion." Accordingly, this advice is not intended and cannot be used for the purpose of (1) avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or (2) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any matters addressed herein. This message (including any attachments) is from a law firm and may contain confidential client information or an attorney- client communication that is confidential and privileged by law. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the addressee or the employee or agent responsible to deliver this a-mail to its intended recipient, please delete this message (and any attachments) without any review, distribution, or copying and notify the sender of the inadvertent transmission. • 6/5/2007 Steve Andrews 20015 County Rd 14 Big Lake Twsp, MN 55309 May 16, 2007 Ollie Koropchak 505 Walnut St. Suite #1 Monticello, MN - 55362 Dear Ollie: I am submitting my resignation from the HRA due to the fact there is a residency requirement to sit on the HRA and I have moved 100 feet into Big Lake Township, to a home located on the river across from Monticellds Ellison Park. rve enjoyed being a member of the HRA and I would like to be considered if any community board positions become available where my mailing address can be Big Lake, like membership currently is for the EDA membership, rve spoken with Wayne Mayer and the Fiber Committee and 111 still remain on the Fiber Optic . group as a non-resident member. I am willing to continue to sit on the group as the HRA proxy designee/representative if its permitted and/or desired or you11 need to appoint another active HRA/EDA member to the group, I appreciate the friendships that have developed over the years during my service with the group, Weve all had a lot of skin in the game at times as weve worked on a vision for Monticello, Even though rve had no monetary gain from my participation on the HRA I sure have benefited from participating with the group. You and the HRA members make up a class act and the City is a better place because of your involvement. Monticellds a great community and continues to be"my kind of place', Sincerely, Steve Andrews -- May 17, 2007 Honorable Mayor Clint Herbst, City Council Members City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Clint, et aI., It is with regret that I must resign my commission on the HRA and EDA. Due to time constraints, I am unable to provide the level of energy and attention that the position requires and quite frankly that the City deserves. It has been an honor to work with the excellent city staff, elected officials, and our various business partners over the years. I believe when properly engaged commissions like the HRA and EDA have the ability to "share the load" and help expedite progress toward the vision of the city. I am proud to have been a part of that progress and thank you for the opportunity. I also want to thank you for your time and patience over the years, at times, making public policy is messy - and that's okay. I continue to enjoy our community and am always proud to say - "I live in Monti!" Sincerely ~~~CJJ- Darrin Lahr 125 E. 4th SI. Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-2491 cc Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator BRA Agenda - 06/06/07 7. Consideration to authorize navrnent of BRA bills. The HRA has received no invoices for payment. For your information, is a copy of a reimbursement check from Conroy. No action required. 1 STEPHEN R. CONRO AlTORNEY AT LAW POBOX 999 .,. MONTICELLO. MN 55362-o9l!9 DATE 5-\\-0\ > PAY ;1 I \' -H ~ b~~~OF Li-t'! Dl- mOn rb""\-V- hve... ce/'ot) II =Iri,NA -~~ CD $ L/5 - 7527 17-119106367 0001022463 J DOUARS ED ~~.:.~. FOHOi e.t oy"'.\- reW 11'000000752711' I:oq WOOD l. ql: ~l~~~ 000 W 2 21,1;311' City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ollie: Enclosed is a check payable to the City of Monticello in the amount of $45.00, which represents overpayment of the April invoice. The total amount billed was $75.23. I received check no. 88793 in the amount of$120.23. J.f' ~ ,.I! cI"--.-.v.",_ . Sincerely, ~J-'<;J., I;,~~., crt;. / Stephen R. Conroy 01:)~O SRClbv Enclosure ~~f) S ').,:'1. \,,> ..-- ~ \.t '1A':b .. BRA Agenda - 06/06/07 8. Economic DeveloDment ReDort. a) HRAlEDA merger - Council Members Wayne Mayer and Tom Perrault, HRA Vice Chair Bill Fair, EDA Chair Bill Demeules along with staff and Attorney Bubul are scheduled to meet on Wednesday, June 6,5:00 p.m. prior to the regular 6:00 p.m. HRA meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the intended powers and organizational structure of the EDA. b) SCSU Feasibility Study - Approximately 35 individuals attended the community meeting on May 22 to hear the presentation by SCSU Student Lundgren. The Marketing Group has a meeting scheduled for June I to assess the feedback forms and to begin to define a plan identifying Monticello as a future site for the bio-science industries based on recommendations. It was suggested by Anoka-Ramsey Community College Representative that O'Neill and myself meet with the Eden Prairie Economic Development Director to discuss how Eden Prairie developed into a high-tech and 40+ biotech company location. A Bio-Science article has been written for the June City Newsletter. c) Fiber Optics Finance meeting is scheduled for June II at the bond attorney's office and Fiber Optics Committee is scheduled to meet June 20. d) Maus Foods building along Highway 25 has been purchased by Standard Iron & Wire Works. They plan to relocate their corporate headquarters from the Dundas Road location to this facility when their lease expires. In addition to Standard Iron's needs, they will lease-out the remaining 20,000 sq ft of the Maus building. e) Leads: 5,000-8,000 sq ft space to lease for manufacturing. 40,000 sq ft warehouse/office, 8-10 employees, 3 acres. (Talk about criteria) f) Thanks to those who attended the Karlsburger Open House on May 10. A photo book was mailed to them. g) Our next visit to schedule is to Washburn Computer Group (previous Clow building) along Chelsea Road. h) HRA and Cedar Garden Center have an executed Purchase Agreement pending Council approval of a loan to the HRA. (Conceptual approval 5/29/07) Also working with a developer interested in redevelopment of different downtown block. i) Walker In-Store - Purchase and Development Contract between the HRA and WRE, Inc. is waiting for Mr.Walker to fill in two blanks: Anticipated construction commencement date and closing date not later than ......... j) According to the West Sherburne, Big Lake is proceeding to purchase about 50 acres of land extending their current industrial park. They have inquired a couple times as to Monticello's interest and projects in our park. k) Green house at 6th Street and Elm Street - In conversation with Mike Cyr since the May HRA meeting, Mike has facilitated getting Kevin Stumpf and Mr. Rollings in conversation to potentially negotiate a purchase of the property. In my conversation with Mr. Rollings, it is their intent to follow through with their approved conditional use permit for development stage PUD and preliminary plat (June 26, 2006). 1 BRA Agenda - 06/06/07 I) Lyle Trunnell- I've been unable to contact Mr. Trunnell about the HRA's May motion of no interest to purchase the property at 301 East Broadway. The phone number I have is incorrect and it is an unlisted number. He has not called. m) Downtown Redevelopment - Mayor's idea and response by Attorney Bubul. n) Criteria for $1.00 per square foot land. Attached FYI. 2 Page 1 ofl Ollie Koropchak From: Clint Herbst Outside Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 7:06 AM To: Ollie Koropchak Cc: Wayne Mayer Outside; Brian Stumpf Outside; Tom Perault; Susie Wojchouski Outside; Jeff O'Neill Subject: Re: downtown funding option Certainly it would be difficult, other wise it would have already been done. I feel that this is truly "Economic Development" and should be given a high priority. Let's try to work on some sort of game plan to bring back to the council for their input. Thanks for getting the ball rolling. Clint ----- Original Message ---- From: Ollie Koropchak <Ollie.Koropchak@ci.monticello.mn.us> To: Clint Herbst <Clint.Herbst@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, May 16,200711:16:44 AM Subject: downtown funding option On May 9, I asked the HRA Attorney and financial consultant about your question: If they were aware of a funding source for downtown redevelopment that is structured with current property owners or other's buying shares of the project as an investment? Response from Attorney Bubul: I haven't been involved in a project where current owners or others are investors, but there's no reason they can't. You still need an experienced developer to put it together. My guess is that this would be difficult. I have not heard from Mark Ruff, Ehlers. Oilie Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search. 5/17/2007 1 2007 MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER OTTER CREEK CROSSING PREFERRED PACKAGE CRITERIA PREFERRED PRICE - $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT UP-FRONT (CASH) NO 2005 IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS, NO TRUNK FEES ********* PREFERRED MEASURES* Jobs per acre: 8 full-time permanent jobs/acre (5,445 per sq ft per job) Average hourly wage: At least $16.00 ph excluding benefits Building to land ratio: 25% building: 1 acre land (10,890 sq ft: 43,560 sq ft) Minimum size lot 2.5 acres (case by case) Building Market value: At least $50 per sq ft. * MUST MEET ALL MEASURES ********** FORMULA FOR MAXIMUM ACREAGE TO SELL ONE USER (Property not intended for speculation) 1) Building size X 2 = max area for building 2) max area for building X 2 = area of parking. 3) 1 + 2 X 15% =? 4) 1 + 2 + 3 = Total maximum acreage to sell one user. EXAMPLE: 1) 50,000 X 2 = 100,000 sq. ft. 2) 100,000 x 2 = 200,000 sq ft. 3) 100,000 + 200,000 = 300,000 sq ft x .15% = 45,000 sq ft. 4) 100,000 sq ft + 200,000 sq ft + 45,000 sq ft. = 345,000 sq ft or 7.92 acres. EXCESS LAND PRICE - $3.00 PER SQUARE FOOT PLUS TRUNK FEES "Excess Land" means the difference between maximum acreage less preferred acreage. The "Excess Land" is sold at market value. Developer pays for trunk fees on "Excess Land" at the current rate at time of expansion or closing. No assessment for 2005 improvements and no park fees. "Excess Land" subject to five-year re-verter clause. EXAMPLE: 7.92 acres less 4.59 acres = 3.33 acres or 145,055 sq ft.@ $3.00 per sq ft = $435,165. ****************************************************************************** 2007 TRUNK FEES PER ACRES - INDUSTRlAL Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: (Net acre) Alternative Ponding Area $3,245 $8,176 (not city-owned property) Trunk Sanitary Sewer $3,065 Trunk Water $2,267 TOTAL PER ACRE $8,577 TOTAL PER ACRE WITH PONDING $16,753 2 Page 1 of 1 Ollie Koropchak . From: Ollie Koropchak Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 9:48 AM To: 'dontomann@ultramc.com' Cc: Jeff O'Neill; Clint Herbst; Angela Schumann; 'Rusty Fifield' Subject: Follow-up from Marketing Graup meeting of Friday - Ollie's check list 1. Call Sherri at Anoka-Ramsey for suggestions on potential consultant with expertise and leadership to hire (use model of Fiber Optics) 2. Check fund source of HRA and request HRA for funds to finance consultant fees. 3. Arrange meeting with EDD in Eden Prairie: Jeff, Lynn, Ollie, and maybe Paul. 4. Need to be included in Comp Plan Update: Meet with Rusty. 5. Need to preserve land for potential training facility with freeway accessibility/visibility and bio-science park. c ~Y 6/4/2007 ~ ~, A j q~ ~~ i ~' ~ ~~~ ~~ s ~~~ s _ .~~~~ ~ h ~~~~`~`'