City Council Agenda Packet 06-11-2007 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday June 11, 2007 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpfand Susie Wojchouski I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2 Approve minutes of May 29, 2007 Regular Council Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for Parks, Streets and MCC. B. Consideration of a request by Public Works for replacing 1988 plow truck C. Consideration of accepting contribution from Land of Lakes Choirboys and Sunny Fresh. D. Consideration of approving a request for a time extension for the Hidden Forest Development Project - Monticello 39, Inc. E. Consideration of adding vendors to the liquor provider list for the MCC. F. REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA G. Consideration of an amendment to the development agreement for Carlisle Village 5th Addition. H. Consideration of a request for amendment to planned unit development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of setting a date for a workshop on the rental ordinance. 8. Consideration of approving Change Order No. I for Drainage Improvements, Monticello School! A Glorious Church, City Project No. 2006-09C. 9. Consideration of approving payment of bills for June, 2007. 10. Adjourn. Council Minutes: 5/29/07 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to Order and Pledee of Allelrlance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A Approve minutes of Mav 14. 2007 Special Council Meetinl! - Interview firms for Public Works Needs study. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 14,2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING INTERVIEWING FIRMS FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS NEEDS STUDY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANlMOUSL Y. 2B. Approve minutes of the Mav 14. 2007 Special Council Meetinl! - Reconvened Board of Review. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 14, 2007 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING RECONVENING THE BOARD OF REVIEW. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2C. Approve minutes of the Mav 14. 2007 Rel!ular Council Meetinl!. Tom Perrault noted that on Item #11, Page 10, the motion to award the bid for Project No. 2006-9C was unanimous. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 14, 2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2D. Approve minutes of April 23. 2007 Reeular Council MeeOOl!. Tom Perrault indicated that it should be Lynn Olson not Len Olson who represented the Monticello-Big Lake hospital district. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 23, 2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANlMOUSL Y. 1 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 3. Consideration of addinl!: items to the al!:enda. The following items were added: 1) Setting a date to interview for the Finance Director position; 2) Update on omnibus tax bill; 3) Memorial Day observation; 4) Sidewalk on River Street; and 5) Letter regarding condition of fields at Freeway Fields. 4. Citizen comments. uetitions. requests and concerns. Red Storo from Minnesota Midway Magic requested an extension of the carnival permit to allow operation through Saturday June 2,2007. Brian Sturnpfstated he was in opposition to granting an extension because on a previous occasion the firm holding the permit was here for a very extended period of time. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE AN EXTENSION OF THE CARNIVAL PERMIT FOR MINNESOTA MIDWAY MAGIC THROUGH SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 2007. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF AND WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 5. Consent Al!:enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify hires and departures for MCC, Streets and Parks Department as identified. B. Consideration of approving monthly renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. Recommendation: Approve the renewal of the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn shop for another month. C. Consideration of approving agreement for assessing services with Wright County. Recommendation: Authorize renewal of contract for assessing services with Wright County for the 2008 and 2009 assessment years. D. Consideration of approving appointment of part-time Finance Clerk. Recommendation: Approve appointment of Carolyn Becker to the Finance Clerk position effective immediately at the rate of$17.15 per hour. E. Consideration of approving appointment for Deputy Registrar Manager. Recommendation: Appoint Ann Johnson to the position of Deputy Registrar Manager with a starting pay based on Grade 9, Step 1. F. Consideration of accepting feasibility report for Tower Drive Improvements, Project No. 2007-08C. Recommendation: Move to approve preparation of a feasibility report for Tower Drive improvements. G. Consideration of purchase of air pack equipment for the Fire Department. Recommendation: Move to authorize the Fire Department to seek quotes on purchase of9 air packs having the ability to be interoperable with the Nuclear Plan (MSA Air Packs) at an estimated total cost of$45,000. 2 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 H. REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. I. Consideration of authorizing a feasibility report for the construction of a pathway along Fenning A venue. Recommendation: Authorize the preparation of a feasibility report to consider a pathway along Fenning Avenue from Hillside Farms to School Boulevard. The cost of the report would be paid for from funds deposited by adjacent development. J. Consideration of annual renewal of on-sale liquor, optional 2 a.m. closing and Sunday liquor license for Chatters Restaurant and Bar. Recommendation: Approve an on-sale liquor license, optional 2 a.m. closing and Sunday liquor license for Chatters Restaurant and Bar at 4181 Cedar Street for the period covering July I, 2007 through June 30, 2008 contingent upon submission of certificate of insurance covering the license period and payment of license fees. K. Consideration of contract options for extending garbage and recycling contracts for one year. Recommendation: Exercise the option in the contracts to extend the refuse pickup and hauling and the recycling contracts for a period of one year at a 4.12% Increase. L. Consideration of a request from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) requesting the City Council grant conceptual approval of a loan to the HRA for purchase of the property located at 201 East Broadway. Recommendation: Move to grant conceptual approval of a loan in the amount of $450,000 to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello for the purchase of the property located at 201 East Broadway. M. Consideration of approval of contribution for Fire Department. Recommendation: Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified by the donor. Items #5B, #51, #5K and #5L were pulled from the consent agenda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5B, #51, #5K AND #5L. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!enda for discussion. #5B Renewal of pawn shop license - Walt's Pawn Shop: Clint Herbst asked about a provision in the conditional use permit for outside sales storage that restricted parking vehicles on the grass area. City Administrator, Jeff 0 'Neill will check into this and notify the property owner of any violation. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE RENEWAL OF THE P AWN SHOP LICENSE FOR WALT'S PAWN SHOP FOR ANOTHER MONTH. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #51 Authorizingfeasibility reportfor pathway construction along Fenning Avenue: Tom Perrault felt it was premature to do a study at this time because there are still undeveloped 3 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 properties in the area and it is not known how those properties would be laid out for development. Wayne Mayer asked if the pathway would need to be reconstructed if Fenning Avenue is improved. Bruce Westby responded that one of the reasons for the feasibility study was to determine if the pathway can be located in such a way so that it does not have to be relocated. It was noted that there are funds set aside for the cost of the study. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PREPARATION OF A FEASIBILITY REPORT TO CONSIDER A P A THW A Y ALONG FENNING A VENUE FROM HILLSIDE FARMS TO SCHOOL BOULEVARD WITH THE COST OF THE REPORT TO BE PAID FOR FROM FUNDS DEPOSITED FROM ADJACENT DEVELOPMENTS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. #5K Extending garbage and recycling contracts: Wayne Mayer questioned what the consumer price index (CPI) was since that information was not contained in the report Wayne Mayer noted staff was asking for an increase of 4.12% which was being justified because of the fuel price increase. Wayne Mayer said the CPI has the fuel price increase built into it. Wayne Mayer felt the proposed 4.12% increase was a reward for the contractor since the actual CPI is 2.6%. Public Works Director John Simola said the previous contract was a 2% increase over the original contract so in 6 years the contractor had only seen a 2% increase. If the price of fuel is greater than the CPI it should be looked at in next year's contract. Wayne Mayer did not like the proposed increase of 4.12% and suggested using 2.6% as a starting point for negotiations. Clint Herbst asked if John Simola had checked around to see what the rates are in other communities. John Simola said the City handles the hauling and landfilling as separate contracts. Landfilling costs increased a $l!ton. The City currently bills $9.45 for the cart. The prices in other communities he checked ranged from $11.92 to $20.49. Any increase in the contract has to be agreed to by both parties so the change proposed by the Council would have to go back to the contractor. Tom Perrault asked if they would discontinue service since the contract ends within a few days. John Simola stated that the provision has been added to the new contract that the contractor will be delivering the carts to the home owners. This will include assembly as well as delivery ofthe carts. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO OFFER A 2.6% INCREASE TO THE CITY'S RECYCLING AND GARBAGE HAULING CONTRACT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5L Consideration ofa requestfrom the BRA for conceptual approval ofa loan to the BRA for purchase of property located at 201 East Broadway: Wayne Mayer wanted verification if this property covered one or two parcels. It was not clear from the information supplied but the number of parcels will be verified if this proceeds further. The total acreage of the site is 1.2 acres (9 lots 33' x 166') which according to Ollie Koropchak was the full site. Brian Stumpf asked where the $450,000 would be coming from. Finance Director, Rick W olfsteller indicated it would have to come from general fund reserves which the HRA would be paying back. Brian Stumpf asked why the City was looking at buying the site. Ollie Koropchak stated the property has been on the market for over a year. The goal of the 4 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 HRA is to look at this site for possible future downtown redevelopment but there is no immediate development plan for this parcel. Brian Stumpf asked at what point does the City say no to requests from property owners to buy their land. Brian Stumpf asked why developers are not the ones going out there to purchase the property for redevelopment Jeff O'Neill said it would be helpful to develop a financial plan for this need and then decide what properties should be acquired. He added that you can't always have your plan in place before you move forward on these properties. Ollie Koropchak stated that one ofthe reasons the HRA doesn't have cash is because they had stepped forward and covered some of the cost in the land purchase of the Chadwick property. Wayne Mayer said the City having to use monies from the general fund might create the rnisperception that the City has too large of a general fund.. Rick Wolfsteller said ifthe City is going to proceed with the purchase of the property, the City would want to do so by July!, 2007. Otherwise the City would have to pay the taxes for the next year. Anything purchased after the July 1st would not qualify for a tax abatement for that year. Jeff O'Neill asked about the impact of delaying action on this for two weeks. Ollie Koropchak said that would make the 7/1107 date more difficult to meet. It would come back to the Council on June II which would only give a couple of weeks to complete the papers necessary for closing on the property. Brian Stumpf expressed his concern that there are too many instances of items that come before the Council that are on the fast track and have to be acted upon immediately. This does not allow sufficient time for Council review and study of the issue. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO GRANT CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL OF A LOAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $450,000 TO THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 201 EAST BROADWAY. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF AND TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. Public Hearinl!:s - 1) Vacation of Dayton Street: 2) Vacation of Hart Boulevard: 3) Vacation of easements within the plat of Monticello-Bil!: Lake Community Hospital District and acquisition of remnant parcels. Rick Wolfsteller notedhat the vacations are being considered as part of the expansion plans for the Monticello Big Lake Hospital. As a result of the expansion the Monticello Big Lake Hospital is requiring vacation of Dayton Street, Hart Boulevard and a number of easements. The portion of Dayton Street proposed to be vacated lies west of the existing hospital parking lot. The City had vacated a portion of Hart Boulevard a number of years ago but the City could not vacate it entirely because access had to be provided to the dental clinic. Monticello Big Lake Hospital now owns the dental clinic site so the balance of Hart Boulevard can be vacated. In addition there are remnant parcels owned by the City that the hospital is also proposing to acquire. It was noted that the hospital district owns the land on both sides of Dayton Street. The hospital has also done the maintenance on the portion of Hart Boulevard that served as the access to the dental clinic. The final plat of the Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus 2nd Addition will contain the necessary replacements for the easements proposed to be vacated. One of the easements proposed to be vacated covers the sanitary sewer line from Broadway to River Street. The other easements being vacated are perimeter drainage and utility easements around the existing platted lot. The 5 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 remnant parcels of approximately 5,000-6,000 square feet are located adjacent to the hospital entrance. The vacated street right-of-way and the remnant parcels that are left over would be purchased. Brian Stumpf asked if there would still be access onto County Road 75 from Dayton Street. Staffresponded that access would be from the hospital parking lot onto CSAH 75. Susie Wojchouski questioned the street names shown on the drawings for the Monticello Big Lake Hospital expansion. Steve Grittrnan stated the old street names still show up on the plat books but are no longer the current names of the street. There are two decisions which are 1) to vacate the easements and the street right-of-way and; 2) what monetary consideration should be given for the street right-of-way and the remnant property. Wayne Mayer asked if there was any way to tie the two actions together Rick Wolfsteller said the two streets in question are actually owned by the City and that does not mean the City automatically tums them over to anyone upon vacation. The City could, if they chose, put the right-of-way up for sale. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Barb Schwientek, CEO of the Monticello Hospital District spoke saying she disagreed with having to pay for the streets that were being vacated. The PUD shows a pedestrian walkway going through their property which would cost the Monticello Big Lake Hospital in excess of $1 00,000 to build. Barb Schwintek stated the hospital has also picked up the cost of maintaining Hart Boulevard for the past five years. Barb Schwintek asked Council consideration to waive the cost for the vacated street right-of- way. She added that the tax revenue from the 60,000 sq. ft. expansion would be coming to the City of Monticello. Clint Herbst noted that the City works hard with public institutions like the school district and hospital and he disagreed with charging for the right-of-way. Clint Herbst agreed a pathway is needed to the river but he didn't feel the pathway had to be handicapped accessible. Brian Stumpf stated the Monticello Big Lake hospital has made a considerable investment in the City of Monticello and that is why he didn't feel the City should charge for the vacated right-of-way. Wayne Mayer said the City is being asked to make a significant contribution to the hospital district. He noted that Buffalo has a hospital but does not tax the residents for the hospital whereas the Monticello Hospital District does. Wayne Mayer felt the City should be getting something for the Dayton Street right-of-way and he felt it would be fiscally irresponsible not to look at that. Clint Herbst pointed out that the 60,000 clinic expansion would be paying taxes. He felt the right-of-way was a small thing for the City to give up and noting that Dayton Street was not a major access point to any other businesses. Jeff O'Neill clarified that the clinic site would be paying property taxes but the hospital site does not. Clint Herbst closed the public hearing. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl MOVED TO VACATE DAYTON STREET AND HART BOULEVARD RIGHT -OF- WAYS AS OUTLINED ALONG WITH THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS IDENTIFIED CONTINGENT UPON THE HOSPITAL DISTRICT AGREEING TO PROVIDE NEW UTILITY EASEMENTS AS NECESSARY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Scott clarified that the vacation does not turn the street over to the hospital district. 6 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 Rick W olfsteller stated in determining the cost of the right of way he wanted to clarify that the hospital did agree to pay for Hart Boulevard. The Council established a cost of$.611sq. ft. which the hospital would have paid for the land five years ago had the City had been able to vacate all of Hart Boulevard at that time. Brian Stumpf asked about the agreement and ifit contained a provision as far as access to the WWTP. The sludge hauling vehicle utilizes the hospital entrance because it can't make the radius on Hart Boulevard. John Simola explained the sludge vehicle is tri-axle and all axles must be on ground so they have difficulty turning when the vehicle is loaded. Brian Stumpf said he was aware of the $.611sq ft. cost that was established but he felt that the hospital had taken care of maintenance on Hart Boulevard for these years which should be considered. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT BEING THERE IS A DIRECT BENEFIT TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO THAT THE COUNCIL TRANSFER THE RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE HOSPITAL DISTRICT AT NO COST AS LONG AS THE PATHWAY/STAIRS IS INSTALLED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 8. Consideration of aDDroval of a reQuest for DeveloDment Stal!e Planned Unit DeveloDment (PUD) and Preliminary and Final Dlat for the MonticeUo-Bil! Lake HosDital District to aUow for eXDansion of a medical office buildinl!. ADDlicant: MonticeUo-Bil! Lake HosDital District. Steve Grittman provided background information on the PUD and the preliminary and final plat to allow for expansion of a medical office building. Steve Grittman reviewed the proposed site plan. The project consists of a new 60,000 sq. ft. clinic building on two levels located just west of the hospital. The ambulance garage would be moved off site to another location. The hospital had sought vacation of a portion of River Street but staff felt instead vacating the street a license agreement should be entered into for use ofthe right of way. The Monticello Big Lake hospital had made changes that resolved a number of the issues listed on Exhibit Z. Steve Grittman reviewed the location of the walkway on the site and noted staff had requested it to be moved as far east as possible. Staff had asked for a handicapped ramp but the hospital district does not want to put that in. Staff recommended approval ofthe PUD, preliminary and final plat. Jeff O'Neill added that the stairway is an essential part of the City's pathway system. Clint Herbst asked about the grade. Bruce Westby said for a pathway to be handicapped accessible it has to be at 5% continuous grade. To make this handicap accessible would be a significant cost. Bruce Westby noted that a number of residents have problems getting around town on the pathway system. The grade is too steep for any ADA pathway requirements. Steve Grittman noted the design of the plat split the hospital into one block and the parking lot into another lot. Outlot A as shown on the plat would be the site for the pathway. Staff recommended eliminating the outlot and putting an easement over the area. The hospital said the county surveyor would not allow the elimination of the outlot because of the need to have separation between blocks. Sidewalk access between CSAH 75 and River Street would be contained in the public easement and the City should check and make sure ADA accessibility is not required. Ifhandicap accessibility is necessary then it may require some plan modification. Steve Grittman noted that the City does have pathway along River Street that is down below the nursing home area. 7 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USES ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING PUD AND THE PZM DISTRICT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED IN EXHIBIT Z WITH THE ELIMINATION OF #6 ON EXHIBIT Z PROVIDING THERE IS NO ADA ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Clint Herbst suggested that signage can be placed to note that the pathway is not ADA accessible. Wayne Mayer asked about the sign. Clint Herbst said the sign would direct people to the pathway on the east side. It was noted that City does not have easement covering all of the pathway. Pathway access would have to be granted from Mississippi Shores and that would need to be worked out. 9. Review of 2006 Audit Report - Larson Allen. Doug Host from Larson Allen provided a review of the recently completed 2006 audit report. He noted there are certain requirements of the audit that the auditor must communicate to the Council. In addition to these communications he would also be reviewing the fmancial condition of the City. The auditor also tested internal controls and compliance testing of state statutes, such as support documentation for disbursements, signing of all documents that go through the fmance process, any collection of receivables and non-collection of receivables. A significant audit adjustment is also required to be communicated. If a portion of the audit will be used but not the entire audit report there are certain procedures that need to be followed. Any significant difficulty encountered in performance of the audit must also be communicated. Doug Host stated the management letter was sent out in the Council packet. He talked about material weakness noting one audit adjustment would be considered a material weakness and added that very few entities have no audit adjustments. Audit adjustments may result due to an error in coding of expenditures and revenues or allocation of funds. The auditor noted the City was still preparing adjusting entries during field work. Wayne Mayer asked what was meant by that. Doug Host responded adjusting entries should be put into the system rather than being client identified adjustments. The City should prepare every report, amortization reports, statement schedules, etc. If they do not it also has to be communicated to the Council. Doug Host felt there was some inefficiencies in not having the auditing firm assist in pulling together some ofthese reports. He talked about control efficiencies and segregation of duties. In the MCC there was one individual who does overlapping duties when ideally the various duties should be done by separate individuals. While it difficult for smaller communities to have complete segregation of duties, the City should just be aware of these situations. Information technology and controls were addressed with Doug Host specifically stating the disaster recovery plan needs to be updated; password security needs to be changed periodically and computer screens should automatically go to screen saver when not being used. In testing for compliance with state statutes there was one reimbursement of a small amount that may not meet the public purpose requirement. Doug Host reviewed the items from last years management letter and noted the items have been resolved this year. Doug Host felt the City had a good management letter. 8 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 Doug Host went on to summarize graphs and charts prepared by the firm. He noted there is a cushion of 8-1 0 months in the fund balances which shows the City is in stable condition. The net assets of the City increased in all funds. Since 2004 there has been a $24,000,000 increase in assets. He reviewed the debt liability of the City noting the revenue levels for 2005-2006 were fairly level but expenditures increased because of construction activities. Taxes and special assessments are the predominant revenue source for the City. The water fund is not generating enough funds to cover all the depreciation of the assets while the sewer fund is not generating enough to cover any of the depreciation costs. The recent sewer rate increase was to cover shortfalls in other government funds. Doug Host suggested the City may want to look at re-evaluating the useful life used in the depreciating equipment assets. The liquor store operations have increased their revenues over the last three years with an excess of$350,000 annually in revenue over expenses including depreciation. Brian Stumpf asked if that amount was taking into consideration fund transfers. Rick W olfsteller indicated it was before any transfers. Brian Stumpf asked about the pension amount for the Firemens Relief Association on page 46 of the audit which showed it at $2,175 per year. He indicated the correct figure was $3,275. He also questioned the statement that the City made a contribution to the relief association which he says it does not. The City only transfers state aid to the Fire Department. Rick Wolfsteller will check when the pension increase went into effect. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE AUDIT REPORT FOR 2006 AS PRESENTED WITH THE TWO ITEMS NOTED ON THE RELIEF ASSOCIATION AND AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF A COPY TO THE STATE AUDITOR. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. At this time the Council recessed for five minutes. 10. Consideration of adootinl! ordinance establishinl! license requirements for rental housinl!. Jeff O'Neill commented on the proposed rental ordinance. The building department met with St. Louis Park staff to discuss the rental ordinance and forms that St. Louis Park uses. Staff also met with owners of rental property on April 10, 2007. The ordinance consists of three parts; a licensing procedure, adoption of a property management code and a fee schedule. Clint Herbst asked how often after the initial inspection a fee was charged. DJ Hennessey said it was an annual fee. Clint Herbst asked what negative impact there was for the property owner. DJ Hennessey said most of the comments were monetary complaints about having to pay a fee. Many individuals commented that it was time the City put an ordinance like this into effect. John Bergstad, Cedar Crest Apartments, stated that Cedar Crest apartments were built in 1997. He thinks there needs to be an explanation as to the way fees will be charged. For them the fee under the rental ordinance would be about $600. He stated they already have inspections by HUD and MHF A which are very extensive inspections and this would be just another expense. Clint Herbst stated the City is not looking to duplicate inspections. He suggested the property owners could supply a copy of the inspection report to the City which the City could use either in lieu of the City's inspection or to determine what items had not been inspected. John Bergstad noted that government financed housing does require more inspections. John Bergstad said that the various entities are inspecting some of the same 9 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 things such as fire hazards, electrical, plumbing and physical structure. Clint Herbst said he doesn't like to see duplication and suggested Gary Anderson look at the report to see what is inspected and what is not. John Bergstad said they have not dealt with this type of ordinance in any other communities. It was suggested having inspectors from the various entities work with staff to look at the inspections process. DJ. Hennessey noted some communities have different levels oflicensing. Brian Stumpf asked where the International Property Maintenance Code came from. D.J. Hennessy stated it was from the same group that generated the Uniform Building Code. Bob Viering, President of 1 st Minnesota Bank stated he supported the concept behind the ordinance but he did want them to consider how long after the fee is paid and property passes inspection will the license be current. He questioned the proposed fee schedule. The people who create the problems should pay for the cost of correcting them but under this fee schedule the landlord who complies pays as well. As a bank they become owners of property through foreclosure and this would require them to be a licensed landlord. He talked about the foreclosure process and when an individual becomes a landlord. He would like to exempt banks and transitory owners, such as executors and trustees of property from the provisions of the ordinances Darwin Straw a resident who has rental property spoke saying the ordinance was designed for the protection ofthe general public and the renter but nothing protects the small property owner from the renter. He went on to say in Minnesota you cannot evict someone during the time frame of October through April. He wondered what protection he is given from the actions of a renter when he is unable to evict them. DJ. Hennessey said eviction is covered by Minnesota Statutes. Section 3-8E allows the landlord to start the eviction process even though they could not evict thern until October. DJ. Hennessey said the intent of the ordinance is to get the landlord to work with staff to correct the problem. Clint Herbst asked if the rental license is pulled do the tenants have to move. There was some discussion on what legal recourse is available to the landlord who has a problem renter. Susie Wojchouski asked what staff brought back from their visit to St. Louis Park. St. Louis Park has a great deal of rental property and Gary Anderson indicated that St. Louis Park's policy applies to industrial and commercial property as well as rental property. Susie Wojchouski asked about the fee schedule. The fee schedule of St. Louis Park is close to what the City is proposing. St. Louis Park has a different rate for apartment buildings than it does for houses. As St. Louis Park saw results from the enforcement of the ordinance support for the ordinance grew. Clint Herbst questioned the fee structure and whether there should be exceptions from the licensing requirements. He felt these items should be looked at further. Susie Wojchouski asked if inspection applied with a change of renters. Gary Anderson said it did not. He added that some of the inspections are driven by tenant concerns which may result in an inspection. D.J. Hennessey said if the Council decides to table the rental licensing, he did recommend going with adoption of the International Property Management Code because it would give staff the tools to deal with complaints on rental property. He urged passage of at least that portion of the ordinance. Clint Herbst said unresolved issues are the fee structure, duplication of inspections on some property and whether certain property should be exempt from the provisions of the ordinance. Gary Anderson noted that all non-homestead property was sent a notice of the meeting tonight. Clint Herbst asked how a duplex that is owner occupied would be handled under the 10 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 ordinance. Gary Anderson replied it would be considered as only one rental unit. Clint Herbst suggested adopting the International Property Management Code and directing Gary Anderson and DJ. Hennessey to sit down with the property owners dealing with HUD, and/or MHF A to see about reducing the number of inspections. As a result of this meeting, staff should come back with some recommendations. Brian Stumpf stated he still wanted staff to look at the fee structure. Wayne Mayer asked Tom Scott, legal counsel, ifhad an opportunity to look at the property maintenance code. Tom Scott indicated he had and he didn't see any problem with the City putting it in place. Gary Anderson noted that the City of St. Louis Park invited them to go along on their rental inspections which the Council felt this was a good idea. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE ADOPTION OF CITY ORDINANCE TITLE 4, CHAPTER 4, "ADOPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE" AND TO TABLE ORDINANCE TITLE 3, CHAPTER 16 "RENTAL HOUSING LICENSING PROVISIONS" WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT STAFF WILL MAKE CONTACT WITH INDIVIDUALS PRESENT AT THIS MEETING REGARDING THEIR CONCERNS ON THE ORDINANCE AND LOOK AT THE PROPOSED FEE STRUCTURE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. The ordinance would take effect upon publication. Gary Anderson suggested that the Council adopt both the Rental Housing Licensing provision and the International Property Maintenance Code. Brian Stumpf didn't want to do that and Tom Scott suggested tabling the entire ordinance until the next meeting. CLINT HERBST WITHDREW HIS MOTION AND BRIAN STUMPF WITHDREW THE SECOND TO THE MOTION. CLINT HERBST THEN MOVED TO TABLE UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING ANY ACTION ON THE RENTAL HOUSING LICENSING PROVISION AND THE INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11. Consideration of assessment policy for 2007 Core Street Project on multiple drivewavs. Brett Weiss stated that at the public hearing for the 2007 Core Street Project the proposed assessment for properties with multiple driveways was discussed. The reconstruction project includes seven properties with multiple driveways; 5 with two separate driveways and 2 with horseshoe driveways. Three options were being offered for Council consideration: 1) Charge all properties a full assessment for each driveway; 2) Exempt existing horseshoe driveways; and 3) Exempt all multiple driveways and assess the street cost per residential unit. Clint Herbst suggested handling it like the City did the Ritze property where if something develops that is greater than the number of units assessed, additional assessments would be levied. Multiple driveways are not allowed per the ordinance. The existing multiple driveways either existed prior to the ordinance or were constructed in violation of the ordinance. Ifthe City goes the route of exempting all multiple driveways the City could go back to previous years and adjust assessments made to any other properties with multiple driveways. Bret Weiss said if the property was split the City would charge them another assessment. Bret Weiss believes there are about 7 properties involved but he will go back and do an inventory to make sure of the final number. He will bring this information back to the Council. 11 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE ASSESSMENT POLICY UNTIL WSB BRINGS BACK THE INFORMATION ON THE NUMBER OF PROPERTIES INVOLVED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of a request for an amendment to the Zoninl!: Ordinance establishinl!: off-site directional sims. Applicant: Monticello American Le!!:ion. This item was moved up on the agenda. Steve Grittman provided background on the off-site directional signs. Staff provided some ordinance language that would allow civic groups to have off-site directional signs in the public right-of-way. The applicant has asked for a number of signs but the ordinance would allow only one. The proposed ordinance defined the groups that would be allowed to have off-site directional signs and limits them to one 18" x 24" sign. It was noted the City only has jurisdiction for signs placed within City right-of- way not county or state road right-of-ways. The signs are not meant for advertising but for direction. Clint Herbst asked why staff limited it to one sign. Steve Grittman said the intent was to limit the use of the signs as much as possible. Brian Stumpffelt ifthere were quite a number civic groups it might be wise to limit it to one sign for each group. Brian Stumpf also asked why the Planning Commission recommendation was not included in the agenda item. The Planning Commission had recommended denial of the ordinance amendment. Wayne Mayer asked iflabeling it civic group would open it up to religious groups. Steve Grittman indicated that it does. Wayne Mayer asked how the City could restrict it to just veteran's groups. Tom Scott stated because of first amendment rights and other issues this was a very complex topic and he didn't feel you could restrict it to a specific group such as the veterans. If the City is going to open it up it has to be open to every kind of group within that category. The off-site directional sign would be a permitted use and would not come before the Council but the applicant would have to get a sign permit. Wayne Mayer stated that veterans will, when traveling, seek out other veteran groups and he didn't think limiting them to one sign was appropriate. He felt it was imperative to connect one veteran to another. Clint Herbst asked if the ordinance could be crafted to allow "up to" a certain number of sign. The Council could then review the number of signs on each specific request. Steve Grittman said you could write it that way but there would be concerns about discrimination if each case is reviewed separately. Clint Herbst felt location would detennine that. Susie Wojchouski said she felt allowing only one sign was appropriate but she questioned why there was nothing in the ordinance that restricts the off-site directional signs to civic groups within the City of Monticello. Otherwise she felt there could be a proliferation of signs. Tom Scott said you could restrict it to civic organizations within the city. John Simola suggested allowing double faced signs. Brian Stumpf pointed out that the City was being asked to amend the ordinance to allow off-site direction signs but were not being asked where the signs could be placed. Wayne Mayer asked how they came up with a size of 18" x 24". He felt a slightly larger sign (24' x30") would create greater visibility. Steve Grittman said this reflect standards set by the City a number of years ago. John Simola felt you have to be careful with the size of the signs because they are in the street right of way and you don't want the signs to block visibility. 12 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 Wayne Mayer asked if an ordinance amendment was the only venue to address this issue. He asked if they had considered the variance process. Steve Grittman responded the variance would require a hardship. With an ordinance amendment there would be less the chance there would be discrimination. Clint Herbst said the hardship was when the freeway went in CSAH 75 was no longer the major thoroughfare. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT ALLOWING UP TO THREE OFF SITE DIRECTIONAL SIGNS AT THE DISCRETION OF COUNCIL BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE AMENDMENT WILL HELP REDUCE TRAFFIC CONFUSION BY PERMITTING CIVIC INTEREST GROUPS TO BETTER ATTRACT VISITORS TO THEIR F ACILITIES. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. BRIAN STUMPF AMENDED HS MOTION TO SPECIFY CITY OF MONTICELLO CIVIC INTEREST GROUPS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Brian Stumpf stated he would like to see the recommendation of any entity that reviews an item, like the Planning Commission be included in the agenda packet. 12. Consideration of award of bids for Core Street Reconstruction Proiect. City Proiect No.2007-01C. Bret Weiss reported that seven bids were received on the above project. There were four alternates bid in the project. These alternates include bidding corrugated high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe or concrete pipe and to either pave the Hillcrest Park parking lot or use bituminous millings. The engineer's recommendation was to award the project to Northwest Asphalt Inc. based on using HDPE pipe and paving the Hillcrest Park parking lot for a total bid amount of$I,295,661.32. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO AWARD THE PROJECT TO NORTHWEST ASPHALT, INe. BASED ON THE TOTAL BID ALTERNATE #3 HDPE PIPE AND PAVING THE HILLTOP PARK PARKING LOT FOR A TOTAL OF $1,295,661.32. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Consideration of adoptinl! ioint planninl! al!reement with Bil! Lake and Bil! Lake Township. leffO'Neill summarized what had transpired thus far. The direction was for the Council to work with Big Lake and Big Lake Township to develop a resolution to address a transportation study and joint planning issues. This resulted in a resolution slightly modified from what was adopted by Big Lake and Big Lake Township. The City's revision to the resolution included discussion of planning topics. The proposed resolution does state the City will withdraw their Notice ofIntent to Annex. It was felt there was enough at stake to keep all parties involved. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2 WITH THE REVISIONS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13 Council Minutes: 5/29107 Added Items: Finance Director Interviews: The Council selected Wednesday, June 6, 2007 at 7 a.m. as the date for a special meeting to interview for the Finance Director position. Omnibus Tax Bill: The Council was informed that Governor Pawlenty will veto the omnibus tax bill which would mean the tax rate established for the power plant would not go into effect. This would be a loss of 10% of the tax value. Because of this loss in valuation, the City will need look carefully at City expenditures. Memorial Day: Tom Perrault pointed out the activities conducted by the Legion in honor of Memorial Day. Freeway Fields: Wayne Mayer brought up a letter he had received regarding the condition of the ballfields at Freeway Fields and some suggested improvements. This information will be passed onto the Parks Superintendent. The Council asked that the Parks Superintendent report back to them on the comments and suggestions contained in the letter. Sidewalk: Clint Herbst had a resident ask about sidewalk from TH 25 to River Street. He asked staff to see if there was any interest in this and to monitor pedestrian activity in the area. Brian Stumpf noted that between 4:00 p.m. and 5 :30 p.m. there were three non-injury accidents on TH 25 between Monticello Ford and Maus Foods. He wondered what it would take to get MnDOT to do something about the traffic conditions on TH 25. Wayne Mayer suggested that with Big Lake, Monticello and possibly Sherburne and Wright Counties working on transportation issues they might carry more clout with MnDOT. 15. Consideration of approvinl!: payment of bills for Mav. 2007. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. Recording Secretary 14 Council Agenda: 6/11/07 5A. Consideration of approvinl! new hires and departures for MCC. Streets and Parks. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Parks and Street Department. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Johnson, Brenen Summer Help Parks 5/21/07 Seasonal Decourcy, Andrew Summer Help Streets 4/9/07 Seasonal Berthiaume, Joshua Summer Help Streets 5/14/07 Seasonal Lindahl, Irina Slide Attendant MCC 5/22/07 PT Geyen, Mark Summer Help Parks 5/16/07 Seasonal Geyen, Craig Summer Help Parks 6/11/07 Seasonal . TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class . employee councillist.xls: 5/29/2007 Council Meeting - 06/12/2007 5B. Consideration of Replacement of 1988 L-8000 Ford Plow Truck. (T.M.. J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Public Works Department is requesting authorization to replace the existing 1988 Ford L-8000 plow truck and plow attachments due to the age of this unit and following the guide lines of our Vehicle Replacement Policy adopted in January of 2005. We are proposing a new 2008 Sterling L-8500 single axle truck with Falls plow equipment. Three years ago we started to budget to replace this unit and budgeted the following; 2005 $80,000, 2006 $52,500 and this year $60,600 for a total of $193,100. We had decided to replace the 1988 plow truck with a hook truck. We have one of these types of trucks in our fleet already and they are a good universal truck because you can exchange the body attachments. After re-analyzing our needs versus the slower growth and economy of the City of Monticello we feel the hook truck purchase could be delayed for a while. We are asking to replace this unit with our standard snow plow truck specification, which would be a single axle dump truck with snowplowing equipment. Our fleet is primarily made up of Sterling trucks which have served us very well and we carry multiple parts and filters which can be interchanged on different units. Taking this into consideration we are recommending purchasing another Sterling truck by State bid. Boyer Trucks of Rogers is a Sterling dealer and is on the State Bid which is where we get our best pricing. J -Craft-Truck Bodies & Equipment International which is based out of Lake Crystal is on the State Bid for plow equipment, they are a truck body manufacturer who is also a dealer for Falls plow equipment. All of our large plow trucks are equipped with Falls plows so therefore we are asking to equip this truck with Falls equipment, which is also on the State Bid. Total bid from Boyer Trucks for the cab and chassis is $73,393.00 with out tax; total bid from J-Craft for the dump body, snow, and ice equipment is $81,870.00 with out tax for a total of $155,263.00. Adding tax, the total price of the truck, body and plow equipment will be $165,355.09. We have asked Boyer Trucks to give us a trade-in value on our 1988 Ford L-8000, which is $7,500.00. We will be advertising the truck to the public on sealed bids prior to the trade in date as this usually gives us the opportunity for a better price. We always have the option to trade in the truck. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. The first alternative would be to authorize the purchase of a new Sterling L- 8500 single axle truck from Boyer Trucks of Rogers equipped with a dump body and plow equipment from J-Craft Equipment of Lake Crystal under State Bid contract, with the option of advertising the 1988 Ford L-8000 on sealed bids prior to trade in date. 2. The second alternative would be to not purchase a truck at this time. Council Meeting - 06/12/2007 C. STAFF RECOMMENDDATIONS It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Street Superintendent that the City Council allows the purchase of the replacement for the 1988 Ford L-8000 as outlined in altemative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of the State Bid for truck and plow equipment, vehicle replacement policy, mechanics report, truck brochure. Prepared for: TOM MOORES CITY OF MONTICEllO 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICEllO, MN 55362 Phone: 763.295.)170 Prepared by: Daryl Anderson BOYER FORD TRUCKS, INC. 2500 BROADWAY OR LAUDERDALE, MN 55113 Phone: 612.676.3800 A proposal for CITY OF MONTICELLO Prepared by BOYER FORD TRUCKS, INC. Daryl Anderson May 16, 2007 STERLING L 8500 CHASSIS Page 1 of 13 Application Version 6.1.131 Data Version PRL-22M.OOS 08 l.8513 ~ 05/16120078:32 AM STERLING TRlJCKS Prepared for: TOM MOORES CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Phone: 763-295-3170 Prepared by: Dary1 Anderson BOYER FORO TRUCKS, INC. 2500 BROADWAY DR LAUDERDALE. MN 55113 Phone: 612-676-3800 QUOTATION ,S:l"ER~ING;U8506:cii:'sSis; ,.."';<jo.....-~~,<W-t<'.~~'^"""..........y.llJ.:8.....-..,."""'" SET BACK AXLE - TRUCK CUM ISC-300 300 HP @ 2000 RPM, 2200 GOV, 860 LB/FT @ 1300 RPM ALLISON 3000 RDS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PTO PROVISION RS-26-185 T-SERIES SINGLE REAR AXLE@ 26.000# 30,000# FLAT LEAF SPRING REAR SUSPENSION WITH HELPER AND RADIUS ROD AF.18.0-5 18,000# FL1 71.0 KPI/3.74 DROP SINGLE FRONT AXLE 18,000# FLAT LEAF FRONT SUSPENSION fe; "Y"i.';i.;y._\;.e,.~~:-t,~3t:_>i:;1~;y,.**>;:'!.'.il~t'ii~~I\&{j1'M'M:l~~:X.'~~I'i$ffi..W.-- ..~ c"W."-t ',rMi~i~~M:!itJi)!A~rtfJ';~~1ijp~;it;~~HP;I~~~f!.b'i'ii~~i.:x\fiHtiHW.~?:j . .-;"~"{-.iJ.\,';ciiit-};\i;j~fr;:,;,!,~#,t!t-'WIf:UFKw:{-~~f,'i~&,~,g~i(I:J; '.?~'~'::,~~~.;l&TLl1wn:.flt'~\il{;''il~~m.1Ui1.'!:!t~i,,--~':'j:tllW:~l:'I\Ii~W-li, 113" BSC CONVENTIONAL STEEL CAS NO SLEEPER SOX/SLEEPER CAS 4375MM (172") WHEELBASE NO FIFTH WHEEL 7/16" X 3-9116" XI H/8" STEEL FRAME (11.11MM X 282.6MM/.437" X 11.13")120KSI 1475MM (58") REAR FRAME OVERHANG 114" (6MM) C-CHANNEL PARTIAL INNER FRAME REINFORCEMENT AT FRONT SUSPENSION ONLY FOR SPLAY RAIL VEHICLE PRICE EXTENDED WARRANTY DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS ----------.- CUSTOMER PRICE BEFORE TAX TOTAL # OF UNITS (1) $ $ $ ---- .-------------------.----.-. ----_._._---------~-- S PER UNIT 70,599 $ o S 2,950 $ 73,549 $ TOTAL 70,599 o 2,950 73,549 ."Y' .:-_Il'f'~"-"..r'.'eMJW~., ,,,.,,,,;*;rwl-'l"q*'"~. "Wfij"o:<'1fi'''l:l.'' .., '"I'H~.' ~~ ""',. ~NDiF.~E~', "Ji>,,"~, ''''f't.('''''''fu-''!!''*''''~I'''~"' '.m,. ,,',"I i\'('! . '"'"" ..~ hf-"'''""",!l.~' h :J,:iA)'ii.) ',''''''~1~.;I.;t-*"ii,,,,;:-m~:it~1 ,1)"t,'O '/'>.:01. . ,~.q! . r. _ r~..I' ,j.:!''l'' '>:I, .,,' 1/,t1.i FEDERAL EXCISE TAX (FET) $ TAXES AND FEES S OTHER CHARGES S (156.0) S o S o $ (156.0) o o ~Q1ITi'ff!*~.~~it~~~'i'ij_. " TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE BALANCE DUE s (0) $ (LOCAL CURRENCY) $ 73,393 $ 73,393 COMMENTS: Projected delivery on _I _I _ provided the order is received before _I _I _' APPROVAL: Please indicate your acceptance of this quotation by signing below: Customer: X Date: Application Version 6.1.131 Data Version PRL.22M.OOS 08 L-8513 ~ . .~ -, ,,~. STERLING 05/16/20078:32 AM Page 2 of 13 T Rue K S .J 2007 4: 10PM J-CRAF-I klY Iklt.l ..:tC:U-.,j::rO-OlC::C:: r-'.~ ';-Craf:: A Division of Crysteel Mfg, Inc. 70127-)JOth S~reet K1mball, Mil 55353 PAGE, 1 TOM MORRES MO~~ICELLC, CITY OF 505 WALNUT STR2ET SUITE 1 MONTICELLO MIl 55362 Estima:e: B~OJ644 8stima~ed Lead rime: Estimate Date: Expiration Date; Custoller No: Contact: lOTOl2 Weeks 05/04/07 08/31/07 11859 Tom Gertgen No Bnd Customer Noted --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ln It.em Description Qty Unit ~rice Bxtended ~rice ====================================~==========~============================================= 1 a044535 2 8044536 3 999951 ULTRAMXRlOOMCNTICELL007UR27-46-36-36-400 FALLS-PLOW-EQUIPMENT MN SALis TAX 6 1/2 \ 1 1 1 60,654.00 21,216.00 5,321.55 60,654.00 21,236.00 5,321.55 87,191.55 B7,191 55 ==============================================~~~-===~======================================= To help insure your satisfaction with J-Craft products, please review all of the information listed on this estimate for accuracy, including proper quantities and specifications as listed when issuing a pu~chase order. Please contact us directly if changes to this estimate are naeded. PO N8~, DATE, ACCEPTED BY, ".0.8. unless: above. Kimball, )IN noted ot.herwise VEHICLE REPLACEMENT POLICY PROPOSAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT January 21, 2005 The purpose of the guidelines is to create a means by which the department can efficiently evaluate the replacement ofthe departments equipment. The goal is to maintain all equipment in good/safe/efficient operating condition and replace equipment before it becomes a detriment or safety problem for the city. PROPOSAL: . All equipment will be evaluated at least two years before a possible replacement year. This will allow us to plan ahead for future budgets and will give the city the flexibility of delaying replacement of equipment if necessary. . Pickups (\6 ton, 3/4 ton and I tons) and light duty trucks are evaluated after 8 years of service for expected replacement at age 10 to 12 years. This includes a vehicle inspection by the city's mechanic or a reliable dealership, a trade in value of the vehicle is determined, and an estimate of how much longer the vehicle will perform efficient service for the city. This will help decide when it will be most cost efficient to replace the vehicle. The vehicle will be inspected and evaluated every two years after the initial eight year inspection. . Other smaller motorized equipment such as tractors, skid steers, lawn mowers, etc. will be assessed after 5 years and every two years after the initial inspection, with expected replacement at age 7 to 9 years. . Attachments will be assessed annually as to usage, wear, safety, and performance. . If any piece of equipment is found to have possible safety issues or excessive mileslhour associated with operation, that piece of equipment will have first priority for replacement. . Each year at the departmental budget meetings the replacement schedule will be re-evaluated and shared with other departments. The equipment replacement priority list will be determined at that time. . Additional new equipment purchases will be done when it has been shown that departmental inefficiencies are occurring due to lack of equipment or that the cities public service needs are being negatively affected. . Compact 4 x 4 pickups commonly used for off road construction inspection will be evaluated after 6 years with possible replacement at 8 years. . The city will attempt to sell all vehicles and equipment outright through a bid process once trade-in values are known. F:W1M1N\~ES\Ve/'ide~PoIlcyProp:lsal2005.w;>d:2J10105 . Page 1 of 2 - · Projected growth may require keeping better trade-ins for backup use or transportation service. · Large dump trucks: evaluated at 10 years of age for replacement at 12 or 14 years. . Small loaders (non skid steer): evaluated at 8 years of age with replacement at 10 to 12 years. · Large loaders: evaluated at 10 years of age with replacement at 12 to 16 years. · Motor grader: continue to buy late model used; evaluate at 18 years of age with replacement at 20 to 22 years. . All trailers: inspect yearly with replacement as needed. . Specialized equipment: Inspect yearly with replacement as needed. . Vac-Con sewer cleaner: Evaluate yearly with estimated replacement at 12 - 16 years. Also other wastewater treatment plant heavy duty rolling stock such as trucks, trailers and applicators. F'lAOMINIWoIlf'roc\PCtICIES\VelideRepla;&mectPolicyProposalZlO5,~2J1010S -Page 2 of2- \ , ,110, \ \ >> ~ \, ~ , ~ - """"', Il-i@t t-_. , .::c--' " , ~ '" ' ,'''"';/ " ;~~ ;:~~i i::fffIY'/;, ;;;;Nik~l'. . l~., . ----""7 ~ -~~: -, - ' --.;" ;;;;:i'" .. --.,.,rL ~ , . -'---'-'. -, -.; ~i.. ~ > " ~ ; " " ;; ~ I ~ .~ ~ = ~ ~ E i ci 0 ~ 0 6 8 E . ~ " '" S' E E "E- o 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ u . 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Tires and rims are in good condition, however, style and size will be obsolete soon . Steering cylinder was replaced 6 years ago, starting to leak will need to be replaced again . Radiator has been rebuilt twice in past 10 years, will need repiacement soon . Dump body needs major work 1. cross members need replacement 2. floor needs replacement 3. tailgate needs rebuilding . Sander needs total rebuilding due to years of salt and sand Council Agenda: 6111/07 sc. Consideration of acceptinl!: of contribution from Land of Lakes Choirboys and Sunny Fresh. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received donations totaling of $6,500.00 from Land of Lakes Choirboys and Sunny Fresh. The use of the funds is specified as follows: $1,000 from Sunny Fresh for historic prints for the City; from Land of Lakes Choirboys $2,500 for Riverfest and $3,000 for Fire Department equipment. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified by the donor. 2. Do not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Finance Department to adopt the resolution accepting the contribution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2007-46 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions ofMN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Sunny Fresh Cash contribution $1,000.00 Land of Lakes Choirboys Cash contribution $2,500.00 Land of Lakes Choirboys Cash contribution $3,000.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY RECIPIENT PURPOSE Sunny Fresh City Hall Furnishin~s Land of Lakes Choirboys River Fest Bands Land of Lakes Choirboys Fire Department Eauipment Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 11th day of June, 2007. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: 6/11/07 5D. Consideration of a request for extension of a Preliminary Plat for Hidden Forest. Applicant: Monticello 39 (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item on June 5th, 2007, and recommended approval of the extension for one year, subject to the conditions listed below. On June 7th, 2005, the Planning Commission reviewed and approved a rezoning and preliminary plat application for the proposed Hidden Forest project. The proposed Hidden Forest site is 96 acres in area and is located south of County Highway 39, near the east boundary of the City. The project includes a request for rezoning from its current A- 0, Agricultural-Open Space designation, to a mix ofR-1 and R-IA zoning. The City Council approved a [mal plat for the project a full year later, on June 12th, 2006. The Council's approval of the final plat was conditioned on the execution of a development contract and submission of required securities. The final plat consisted of 56 units on approximately 27 acres, with the balance of the site platted as an outlot. The City's Subdivision Ordinance requires that all preliminary platted property be final platted within I year, and all phases of multi-phase projects be finally platted within 3 years. The Subdivision Ordinance further requires that all approved final plats be recorded within 100 days. However, due to market conditions, the developers have not recorded their final plat, nor have they executed a development contract. By ordinance, the final plat for Hidden Forest is null and void. The developer has indicated that they are still interested in pursuing development of the site, and as such, have requested an extension of the approval for original preliminary plat. Although the ordinance requires an extension of preliminary plat to be requested within I year of approval, the approval of the final plat does present the Commission with an opportunity to consider this extension request. In considering the request, staff believes it important to recommend conditions for the extension. These conditions include: 1. A new final plat must be submitted for review and approval by June 26th, 2008. The June 12th, 2006 plat of Hidden Forest is null and void. 2. Finance plans discussed in relationship to this project will need to be re-evaluated prior to any final plat consideration. 3. The applicant shall supply all required easements for onsite drainage and for drainage to the Mississippi River. (These easements are needed to solve drainage issues that make the development feasible.) 4. The applicant is required to pay the expenses associated with the review of the preliminary plat, which total $37,682.89. Payment of these funds is required by June 26th, 2008, or the preliminary plat shall be considered null and void. Until the time that the City receives payment to cover expenses, no further review of any portion of the project will commence. These expenses noted are expenses incurred during the review and analysis of the preliminary plat. It should be noted that the level of expenses are not typical of a preliminary plat review, but I Council Agenda: 6/11107 were higher due to the complexity of utility service and storm water drainage planning. These expenses exceed the initial amount on deposit for preliminary plat review. The extension letter sent by the applicant does not reference a specific timeline for the extension period. If the Planning Commission chooses to extend the preliminary plat, staff would recommend extension for one year, to June 26th, 2008. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommend extension of the June 7th, 2005 Preliminary Plat for Hidden Forest to June 7th, 2008, with the conditions as noted below: a. A new fmal plat must be submitted for review and approval by June 26th, 2008. b. Finance plans discussed in relationship to this project will need to be re-evaluated prior to any final plat consideration. c. The applicant shall supply all required easements for onsite drainage and for drainage to the Mississippi River. d. The applicant is required to pay the expenses associated with the review of the preliminary plat, which total $37,682.89. Payment of these funds is required by January I, 2008, or the preliminary plat shall be considered null and void. These expenses exceed the initial amount on deposit for preliminary plat review. Until the time that the City receives payment to cover expenses, no further review of any portion of the project will commence. 2. Motion to recommend denial of an extension of the June 7th, 2006 Preliminary Plat for Hidden Forest, based on a finding to be made by the Planning Commission. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff would only recommend approval of the extension with the conditions as noted. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Site Location Map Applicant Extension Request Preliminary Plat Subdivision Ordinance 2 SUBJECT SITE Monticello 39, Inc. 3600 Holly Lane North, Suite #100 Plymouth, MN 55447 Office: (763) 550-1961 Fax: (763) 550-3913 May 4, 2007 City of Monticello Honorable Mayor and Council Members 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Time Extension Request Hidden Forest Development Project, Monticello, MN Honorable Mayor and City Council Members, Please accept this letter as a request for a one year time extension to me and record the final plat for Hidden Forest 1st Addition. Present housing market conditions for this area are not conducive to moving forward with the project at this time. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. S incerel y, f34 [J. ~"--"- Bradley Paumen, Monticello 39, LLC Cc: File 00258 " I I I I I '" I I I I I I n I ,> I _, .J i, ,-~Y. /. / \ :-.tb.t.J./ \ r;=1'i I.. ..... (. : I,. 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I ::I J;,g"!S, I- ~ Sc:"'S' r. _::I _5' :Il'" r SECTION: 11-3-1: 11-3-2: 11-3-3 : 11-3-1: 11-3-2: CHAPTER 3 PROCEDURE Procedure Preliminary Plat Final Plat PROCEDURE: Prior to formal plat review by the Planning Commission, the applicant is encouraged to preseht a sketch plan to the Planning Commission for purposes of informally discussing, to present his intentions for development of the property, and be able to obtain the views and opinions of the City Planning Commission. PRELIMINARY PLAT: (A) FILING: Fifteen (15) copies of the preliminary plat shall be filed with the City Clerk. The required filing fee as established in Chapter 10 shall be paid, and any necessary applications for variances from the provisions of this ordinance shall be filed with the required fee before the proposed plat shall be considered officially file. All plats shall be accompanied by an abstractor's certificate, properly certified, identifying the owner of the property in question and the owners of all properties situated within three hundred fifty (350) feet of the boundary of the property in question. Applications for a Preliminary Plat shall be due no later than eight (8) weeks plus one (1) day prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the item is to be considered. Applications that are deemed incomplete as of that date shall be returned to the applicant in accordance with the requirements of Minn. Stat. S 15.99. Applications for Preliminary Plats that consist of nineteen (19) or fewer residential units or non- residential plats of five (5) or fewer acres may, at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, be placed on an earlier Planning Commission agenda, but in no case shall said meeting be sooner than four (4) weeks and one (1) day from the date ofa complete application. (#426,7/11/05) (B) HEARlNG: Upon receipt of said application, the City Clerk shall set a public hearing for the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall conduct the hearing and report upon findings and make recommendations to the City Council. Notice of said hearing shall be published in the official newspaper at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, and written notification of said hearing shall be mailed at least ten (10) days prior to all owners ofland identified on the above-mentioned abstractor's certificate. MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XI/Chapt 3/Page 1 (C) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REPORTS: After the public hearing has been set, the City Administrator shall instruct the staff to prepare technical reports (where appropriate) and provide general assistance in preparing a recommendation on the action to the City Council. (D) REVIEW BY OTHER COMMISSIONS OR JURISDICTIONS: When appropriate, the City Administrator shall file copies of the preliminary plat with the Park and Recreation Commission and/or Wright County for their review and comment. (E) REPORT TO COUNCIL: The Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the City Council within sixty (60) days following the public hearing. (F) CITY COUNCIL ACTION: 1. The Council shall act upon the preliminary plat within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date on which it was officially filed. If the recommendation of the Planning Commission has not been received in time to meet the requirement, the Council may act on the preliminary plat without such recommendation. 2. If the preliminary plat is not approved by the City Council, the reasons for such action shall be recorded in the proceedings of the Council and transmitted to the applicant. If the preliminary plat is approved, such approval shall not constitute final acceptance of the layout. Subsequent approval will be required of the engineering proposals and other features and requirements as specified by this ordinance to be indicated on the final plat. The City Council may require such revisions in the preliminary plat and final plat as it deems necessary for the health, safety, general welfare, and convenience of the City of Monticello. 11-3-3: FINAL PLAT: After the preliminary plat has been approved, the final plat may be submitted for approval as follows: (A) APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Following approval of the Preliminary Plat by the City Council, a Final Plat may be submitted for approval. The Zoning Administrator shall place the proposed Final Plat on the agenda for the next City Council which is no less than three (3) weeks later than the date of submission. No Final Plat application shall be considered complete unless that applicant shall have also submitted a revised Preliminary Plat which as been revised to reflect all required conditions of approval, a signed copy of the Development Agreement for the area subject to the Final Plat, shall have paid all bills due for processing of the Preliminary Plat, and has provided evidence of adequate financial security for completion of the construction work in the proposed plat. If the City Council determines it is MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XI/Chapt 3/Page 2 necessary, the final plat shall be filed with the City Clerk and submitted to the Planning Commission at least twenty (20) days prior to a Commission meeting at which consideration is requested. During the said twenty (20) days, the City staff shall examine the final plat and prepare a recommendation to the Planning Commission. Approval, disapproval, or any delay in decision of the final plat will be conveyed to the subdivider within ten (10) days after the meeting of the City Planning Commission at which such plat was considered. In case the plat is disapproved, the subdivider shall be notified in writing of the reason for such action and what requirements shall be necessary to meet the approval of the Commission. If the plat is disapproved, a waiting period of one hundred eighty (180) days shall lapse before another application can be filed on that tract of land. In cases where the preliminary plat is approved, the final plat must be filed within one (1) year of the preliminary plat approval or the approval is not valid. (#426,7/11105) (B) APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL: After review of the final plat by the Planning Commission, if necessary, such final plat, together with the recommendations of the Planning Commission, shall be submitted to the City Council for approval. The City Council has the option of requesting a public hearing if it is determined necessary on the final plat. If accepted, the final plat shall be approved by resolution, which resolution shall provide for the acceptance of all agreements for basic improvements, public dedication, and other requirements as indicated by the City Council. If disapproved, the grounds for any refusal to approve a plat shall be set forth in the proceedings of the Council and reported to the person or persons applying for such approval. (#8, 2/23/76) (C) RECORDING FINAL PLAT: If the final plat is approved by the City Council, the subdivider shall record it with the County Recorder within one hundred (100) days after said approval. If the subdivider fails to so record the final plat, the approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the one hundred (100) day period. The subdivider shall, immediately upon recording, furnish the City Clerk with a print and reproducible tracing of the final plat showing evidence of recording. No building permits shall be let for construction of any structure on any lot said plat until the City has received evidence of the plat being recorded by the County. (#412,8/23/04) (D) RECORDING OF MULTIPLE-PHASED PLATS: If a preliminary plat is final platted in stages, unless otherwise provided for in the development contract, all stages must be final platted into lots and blocks (not outlots) within three (3) years after the preliminary plat has been approved by the City Council. If the final plats are not approved and recorded in accordance with this time frame, the preliminary plat approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the three (3) year period. (#412,8/23/04) MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XIlChapt 3/Page 3 SE. Consideration of addinl!: vendors to the approved Iiauor provider list for the Communitv Center. (KE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In December 2006, the Council approved five liquor providers for the community center banquet hall. Unfortunately one of the businesses went out of business and one of the businesses was not eligible to be a provider under the current state statute. This left the community center with three providers. At this time, Cornerstone Cafe in Monticello and A Catered Event in Big Lake have secured liquor licenses. Both are on our current Caterer's list for the banquet hall. We'd like to have them also approved for our liquor provider list as well. This will again bring our total liquor providers to five which we feel provides a good number of options for our banquet hall renters. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the addition of Cornerstone Cafe, Monticello, and A Catered Event, Big Lake, to the Community Center's approved Liquor Providers list effective immediately. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None Council Agenda: 6/11107 SG. Consideration to review and approve an amendment to Development Contract for Carlisle Villa2e Sth Addition (AS/JO). A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City and Shadow Creek Development entered into a Development Contract and Planned Unit Development relating to Carlisle Village - Fifth Addition on August 22nd, 2006, in conjunction with the final plat approval. The fifth addition of Carlisle Village includes only R-2A (Single Family Residential) designed lots. In a previously approved Amendment to Planned Unit Development for the entire Carlisle Village site, the developer received approval for some modifications to the R- 2A and R -I A design standards. As part of the discussion and approval of the Amendment, no split entry homes were allowed in the balance ofthe undeveloped R-IA portions of Carlisle Village. A 25% ratio of homes as split entry designs was permitted in the undeveloped R-2A areas, subject to approved plans. The plans were required to be consistent with designs illustrated in the original PUD presentation. In the executed development agreement for Carlisle 5th Addition, the condition requiring no split entry homes was carried over from the 4th Addition. Again, the 5th Addition includes only R-2A homes. The 4th Addition contains all R-IA designated lots, which required the no split entry condition. The 5th Addition development contract should have included only the 25% maximum condition as related to split entry designs. As such, the developer has requested that the development agreement be amended to address the condition relating to split entry home designs. For consistency with the approved amendment to PUD for Carlisle Village, staff recommends the following amendment to development contract. A maximum of 2 5%, or 7 home sites, may be built as split entry or split foyer designs. Designs for the seven home sites are subject to the review and approval of the City of Monticello. Additionally, the proposed amendment to development contract includes a section related to development special assessments. In the original agreement, the developer's credit for completion of Bakken Street improvements was left out of the itemized list of special assessments, although the total to be paid, at $222,311.95 was correct and has been assessed correctly. This amendment is simply to list the assessment items accurately. A copy of the minutes of the amendment to PUD is attached for reference, as well as the proposed amendment to development contract. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment to Development Contract for Carlisle Village 5th Addition, based on a finding that the amendment is consistent with the previous approvals for the development. Council Agenda: 6/11/07 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment to Development Contract for Carlisle Village 5th Addition, based on a finding to be made by the City Council. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Council has already reviewed and approved design standards for the Carlisle Village development, via the original and amended PUD. This request is only to amend the 5th Addition agreement to be consistent with those approvals. Therefore, staff is recommending approval of the amendment to development contract. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Amendment to Development Contract B. Executed and Recorded Development Contract C. Minutes of City Council 03/28/05 D. Excerpt - City Council Agenda 03/28/05 (reserved for recording purposes) FIRST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CARLISLE VILLAGE - FIFTH ADDITION AGREEMENT dated ,2007, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and SHADOW CREEK CORPORATION, a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer"). 1. DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT. The City and Developer have entered into a Development Contract and Planned Unit Development relating to Carlisle Village - Fifth Addition dated August 22nd, 2006 for the property legally described on the attached Exhibit A and recorded November 9th, 2006 as Document No. A 1032518 (the "Contract"). The Contract shall remain in full force and effect except as amended by this First Amendment. 2. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 10. Section 30.D. of the Contract is hereby amended to read as follows: DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations are equal to those set forth in the R-2A Zoning District Regulation except as modified herein: Building plans for R-2A must be equal to or improved versions of the originally approved plans. For the R-2A district, this includes emphasized front entry areas, recessed, side-loaded or de-emphasized garage doors as detailed below: . A maximum of 25%, or 7 home sites, may be built as split entry or split foyer designs. Designs for the seven home sites are subject to the review and approval of the City of Monticello Community Development Department. . A majority of homes as I Y, story and 2 story designs. . Garages that do not project past the front of the house. More specifically, a garage forward design is not allowed. The 15 foot front yard setback is geared to create house forward designs, with the garage recessed or in the rear of the homes. . Roof construction incorporating multi-level roofs, cascading rooflines, 7: 12 roof pitch, dormers, textured roof coverings, soffits and gables that extend 12" from the wall planes. . Exterior wall finishes are to be at least 20% stone, brick or approved equivalent on the side facing public streets. Architectural details including dentils, porches and posts are to be provided. . Superior window placement and detailing on sides facing the public street and to interrupt long wall planes. Detailing such as transom lights, muntons, etc. will be expected. . Garage doors should include window lights or paneling. . No more than 2 feet of exposed plain concrete block above grade. 3. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 30. D. Section 30.0. of the Contract is hereby amended to read as follows: D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. This is an obligation of the Developer and shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells a part or parts of the platted land. The charges set forth in Paragraphs 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 A, 27B and 27D, supra., are summarized as follows: Storm Sewer $ 30,398.70 Sanitary Sewer $ 35,092.00 Water Main Area $ 27,032.00 Park $ 97,100.00 Pathway $ 7,688.00 Bakken Street Improvements $ (7,500.00) Meadow Oaks Bypass $ 32.501.25 Total $ 222,311.95 The $222,311.95, shall be apportioned across the 31 lots of the Fifth Addition, with each unit being assigned an assessment of $7,171.35. The Developer waives any and all procedural and substantive objections to the special assessments, including but not limited to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessments exceed the benefit to the property. The Developer waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to M.S.A. g429.081. This assessment shall be payable over a 3 (three) year period, in three equal principal installments, with interest calculated per annum on the remaining principal balance each year at the prevailing rate at the time of certification. Interest will begin to accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date of final plat approval by the City of Monticello. 128638 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this First Amendment to Development Contract and Planned Unit Development was executed by the parties the day and year first above written. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor By: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF vnliOHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2006, by Clint Herbst and Jeff O'Neill, the Mayor and City Administrator, respectively, of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on its behalf. Notary Public 128638 3 SHADOW CREEK CORPORATION By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me , 2007, by , the Creek Corporation, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. this _ day of of Shadow Notary Public DRAFTED BY: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticcllo,MN 55362 ams 128638 4 EXHIBIT A TO FffiST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CARLISLE VILLAGE 5th ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 128638 5 Council Minutes - 3/28/05 13. Consideration of renewal of contract at the Elk River Landfill with Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc. Public Works Director, John Simola provided the background information notice the contract has generally run for three year and the current contract value is $37 .53/ton not including taxes. The total contract runs to $156,OOO/year. The cost per ton is proposed to be increased $1 /per ton per year for each year of the contract. John Simola noted Elk River is one of the few landfillsin the area so the City is limited as far as who they can contract with. Wayne Mayer asked the City about the contract being in excess of $50,000 statute amount. Tom Scott said this was not the type of contract that would be subject to the competitive bidding law. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE THREE YEAR LANDFILL DISPOSAL AGREEMENT ADDENDUM WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT/ELK RIVER LANDFILL AS OUTLINED EFFECTIVE UNTIL APRIL 1,2008. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. + 14. - Consideration of a request for an amendment to a CUP for Development Stae:e PUD and consideration of a revised preliminary plat for Carlisle, a 239 residential subdivision. Applicant: Shadow Creek Corporation. Scott Richards from Northwest Associated Consultants provided background information on this item. He noted when Carlisle Village was originally approved the plat area contained some land that was not owned by the developer. The developer is coming back with a revised development minus the half acre of land that was owned by someone else. In addition to the change in land area, the applicant is also seeking approval for changes in the R-IA building size requirements and changes to the townhouse design for the R-2 portion of the development. Scott Richards reviewed the changes and noted that the preliminary plat is consistent with the original plan except for the lots along the southern boundary which are shallower. The proposed plat contains the same number of lots even though the land area has been reduced. The developer meets the minimum standards of the district. However, since this is a planned unit development the developer is expected to exceed standards. Staffs feeling is that the applicant is not meeting the objectives of the planned unit development. The Planning staff believes that in order to meet the density of what was originally approved and to have greater tree preservation, the developer would need to eliminate 5 lots which are identified in the staff report to the Council as Lots 12, Block 5; Lots 2 and 7, Block 6; and Lots 3 and 8, Block 4. In addition staff recommended shifting the cul-de-sac on 82nd Street more to the north. The Planning Commission, however, went with a recommendation to eliminate only two lots, one along the southern boundary and the triangular lot (Lot 12, Block 5). Regarding the R-IA standards, the applicant is requesting approval similar to what the City approved for the Hillside Farms plat. That approval allowed for 2 story homes to be constructed with a foundation size of 1,100 square feet and 2,200 square feet of finished space. Planning staff noted that the conditions of the Hillside Farm plat are not present in this development and did not recommend variations from the R-IA regulations. The Planning Commission, however, agreed to the applicant's requested changes which include 1660' main floor finish/2000' total finish for a rambler; 1400' finished at grade or 2000' total finished for a ""' il ~ M -Ie' --.! Counci! Minutes - 3/28/05 split leyel; 1200' finished main floor/2300' total finished for a two story structure; a mmimum ofa 700' garage; a roof pitch of7/12 or greater and 20% of the front fayade being brick or stone. The Planning Commission added a notation that no split levels are allowed outside the already platted First Addition. Another amendment request to the PUD is for a new townhouse design for the R-2 area. A different builder with a different townhouse design is involved the development and the developer is requesting approval of the change in the townhouse design. Because the buildings with the revised design encroached on each other at the comers, Planning staff had recommended removal of buildings #25 and #29 on the interior and #17 and #10 on the outside loop The Planning Commission did not designate removal of a set number of units but only requested assurance that the spacing in the original plan is maintained in the revised plan. Wayne Mayer stated when a PUD is granted there is a major benefit being providedwith the development and he questioned what benefit if any would the City see out of this plan. He noted that the staff report indicated that the developer is only meeting minimum standards and he wanted to know which standards are the developers exceeding the requirements for. There was some discussion on the number of units to be eliminated. Planning staff felt one unit from each of the four buildings was to be eliminated. Lucinda Farr spoke stating that the only difference between this and the previously approved version is that they lost y, acre of land on the southerly boundary line. She didn't know where the City came up with eliminating five lots when the plat only lost Yz acre. She said under this plan 60% instead of 52% of the trees are preserved. She indicated that they would eliminate one unit from the townhouse area. The footprint of the units has been improved under the revised plan. She stated that she promised the Planning Commission that the units would not be any closer together than they were on the original plan. Clint Herbst asked how they the original plan could have been approved and now with the revised plan staff is asking for a reduction in units. Clint Herbst also stated his concern about the number oftownhomes in the community. Wayne Mayer asked about buildings #10, #17, #25 and #29. Lucinda Farr responded that one unit had been taken out of building #29. The developer had not agreed to eliminate a set number of units but rather to eliminate units necessary in order to keep the same spacing as the original approved development plan. She stated she is meeting the intent of the original plan and she was not sure why the City was asking her to do more Glen Posusta said that the original development plan had received all the necessary approvals and he didn't think it was appropriate to require additional changes. Planning Commission member, Sandy Suchy stated since the land area of the development had changed, the building requirements for the R-1A were proposed to be changed and the design of the townhouse units were to be different and these were significant changes she felt the Planning Commission could look at this as a new approval. Since the developer was not being bound by the conditions of the previous approval neither should the Planning Commission in their review of the development. She pointed out that the developer is only meeting minimum standards and is not exceeding any standards. d~_ll, Council Minutes - 3/28/05 Glen Posusta said that the land that was lost from the plat was in the RI-A area and the townhomes are in the R-2A area. Jeff O'Neill stated that even with the loss of acreage the unit count didn't change and the tree count remained the same. Glen Posusta sated that by reducing the R-IA area by two lots the City is losing $900,000 in tax base so he questioned why the City would also want to cut units from the R-2A. Wayne Mayer said with a PUD the developer should be doing more than the minimum. Brian Stumpf said this development has gone through the Planning and Zoning and Council a number of times and the City needs to make a decision. Lucinda Farr stated they eliminated one lot in the townhomes and nothing in the R-IA but they are still preserving more trees. Clint Herbst asked why the cul-de-sac couldn't be moved further to the north. Lucinda Farr said doing that would cause more loss of trees. Jeff O'Neill stated that 1200 trees was the count used in both tree preservation plans. ON DECISION #1 TO APPROVE A REPLA T FOR CARLISLE VILLAGE WAYNE MA YER MOVED THAT THE CITY RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE REPLAT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROJECT CHANGES ARE INCONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S REQUIREMENTS FOR R-IA, R-2A, R-2 AND PUD DEVELOPMENT. ON DECISION #2 TO AMEND THE CARLISLE VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW ALTERNATIVE TOWNHOUSE DESIGNS IN THE R-2 PORTION OF THE PROJECT THAT THE CITY MOVED TO DENY THE PUD AMENDMENT BASED ONA FINDING THAT THE CHANGES ARE NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S EXPECTATION FORPUD IN THIS AREA AND THAT BOTH THE ARCHITECTURE AND PROXIMITY OF BUILDINGS TO EACH OTHER RESULT IN A PROJECT THAT ODES NOT MEET THE PUD ORDINANCE OBJECTIVES. ON DECISION #3 AMENDMENT TO THE CARLISLE VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW CHANGES IN THE BUILDING SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE R-IA AREA, THAT THE CITY DENY THE AMENDMENT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PURPOSE OF THER-IA REGULATIONS ARE TO ENSURE HIGHER END HOUSING IN THE AREAS OF THE COMMUNITY GUIDED FOR R-IA DEVELOPMENT AND THAT A COMPROMISE TO THE BUILDING STANDARDS WOULD BE INCONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS AND POLICIES. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. Clint Herbst stated that the primary concern is that the proposal that is submitted to Council is what is actually going to be constructed. He agreed with Sandy Suchy that there are minimum requirements of the R -I A district that need to be preserved. Clint Herbst said he would also like to see removal of one lot from the southerly boundary area. ON DECISION #1 TO APPROVE THE REPLAT FOR CARLISLE VILLAGE, GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE REPLAT BASED ON THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z BASED ON A FINDING THAT WITH THE LISTED CONDITIONS, THE PROJECT WILL MEET THE INTENT OF THE CITY ORDINANCE WITH REGARD TO R-IA, R-2A, R-2 AND PUD DEVELOPMENT ~AJI Council Minutes - 3/28/05 At this point there was discussion whether the conditions for approval listed in the Planning Staff's recommendations be used or the conditions for approval listed in the Planning Commissions recommendation be used. Scott Richards felt the Planning Staff recommendations contained more detail and should be used just changing those particular items noted by Planning Commission action. Using the Planning Staff recommendations # 1 would be to redesign the plat to eliminate one lot from the southerly border (Block 6) and to eliminate number #7 which stated that one unit each of buildings #10, #17, #25 and #29 from the townhouse layout would be eliminated. Lucinda F arr stated this was the first time she had an opportunity to review the recommended conditions of approval for the Carlisle Village replat and amendment to the PUD and questioned the roof pitch requirement listed under #2. Clint Herbst suggested that if she felt changes were necessary to #2, the Council may reconsider items # 1 and #7. GLEN POSUSTA AMENDED HIS MOTION ON DECISION #1 MOVING TO APPROVE THE REPLA T BASED ON THE CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW BASED ON A FINDING THAT WITH THE LISTED CONDITIONS, THE PROJECT WILL MEET THE INTENT OF THE CITY ORDINANCE WITH REGARD TO R-lA, R-2A, R-2 AND PUD DEVELOPMENT. I. Redesign of the plat to eliminate one lot from the southerly boundary (Block 6) 2. Provide sample building drawings for R-IA portion of the project. Building plans are to meet or exceed those standards approved by the Commission as follows: Roof construction Incorporating: . Multi-level roofs, varying elevation with cascading roafplanes. . Roof pitch of7:12 and greater. . Roofcoverings providing dramatic roof shingle texture at least equal to "Horizon Shangle", "Timberline" or handsplit cedar shakes. . Soffits and gables that extend at least 12' from the exterior wall plane. Exterior Wall Finishes: . At least 20% brick, stone, or approved equal on any fa,ade facing a public street . Fenestration/window and door placement and detailing on any fac;.ade facing a public street that: . Interrupts any wall plane exceeding 12 feet in length. Provides shapes and character to wall planes (such as transom lites, round top shapes, smallliteslbars and muntons, and the like) Garage doors without door with fl.at surfaces (such as paneled garage doors without door lites) . No more than two (2) feet of exposed plain concrete block, plain concrete or treated wood foundation above grade. 3. Building plans for theR-2A portion must meet or exceed the standards as outlined in the staff report. 4. Verify the participation of the Davidson property owners in the plat. 5. Abide by the tree preservation program established at the time of the original plat and PUD approval, as well as the other conditions of that project approval. A formal review of the revised grading and tree preservation plan by the city's forester for this project will be required. Adherence to the recommendation of the forester to preserve the 60% tree preservation ratio will be required. 6. Redesign the townhouse buildings to meet the higher standard of architectural quality as discussed- varied rooflines, varied building walls, improved materials (more stone andior brick), emphasized front entry areas, recess and de-emphasized garage doors. 7. Compliance with the building requirements forR-IA building <as amended). 8. Provide revised landscape plans reflecting the changes to the plat as approved. ,,'\ I (..- 0' H- \ () Council Minutes - 3/28/05 9. Provide revised plan sets for all plans reflecting the final approved preliminary plat with conditions met prior to submission of final plat application. The developer is to also submit a booklet containing all relevant approved standards for building design and district landscaping requirements. 10. Compliance with the recommendations ofthe City Engineer in their report dated February 16,2005. 11. The developer enter into an amended Development Agreement reflecting the conditions of approval. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. ONE DECISION #2, AMENDMENT TO THE CARLISLE VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW ALTERNATIVE TOWNHOUSE DESIGNS IN THE R-2 PORTION OF THE PLAT, CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE PUD AMENDMENT AS OUTLINED IN THE CONDITIONS NOTED ABOVE, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE CHANGES ARE CONSISTENT WITH ORIGINAL APPROVAL AND RESULT IN A HIGHER LEVEL OF BUILDING AND SUBDIVISION DESIGN PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY'S PUD ORDINANCE. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. ON DECISION #3, AMENDMENT TO THE CARLISLE VILLAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW CHANGES IN BUILDING SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE R-IA AREA, GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT FOR THE R-IA PORTION OF THE PROJECT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS AND BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE R-IA ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT WELL-SUITED TO DEVELOPMENT IN THIS AREA: Building plans for the R-IA homes must meet or exceed the amended R-IA building standards specific to this development as follows: a. No split entry homes in the R-IA area outside ofthe I" Addition. b. Two-story and modified two-story residential dwellings must meet: i. A minimum finished first floor size of 1200 square feet; tI. A minimum of2300 square feet finished area. 111. Full basements. c. Rambler residential dwellings must meet: i. A minimum main floor size of 1600 square feet. ii. A minimum of2000 square foot total finished area. d. All other lot and building requirements as identified within the R-1A ~istrict Zoning Ordinance. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MA YER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 8. Consideration of authoriziDl! Comorehensive Plan update. Jeff O'Neill provided background information on the need to update the City's comprehensive plans. With the annexation agreement in place the City is experiencing development pressure. Having updated documents will make the planning process easier. d)~ _IC\ City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 necessary to accommodate the cul-de-sac can be minimized. This recommendation has been adopted in the most recent plan submission. The Planning Commission modified staff's recommendation to eliminate two lots in this area - one along the southern boundary and the triangular lot mentioned above. In the most recent preliminary plat submission included in this item, the applicant has not made any of the recommended changes to the plat from that which was submitted to Planning Commission. It should also be noted that there was a significant amount of citizen concern about water drainage in the area. Planning Commission recommended approval of the replat only under the condition that those issues be resolved. Other comments related to the replat include the following: o The applicant should provide sample building drawings for the R-IA and R-2A portions of the project. As a PUD, staffis concerned that housing styles meet the intent and requirements of the various zoning districts and the purpose ofPUD development. ~~mli~9~~Qffi~~f!ft~m~~1r.d:l~fut~foij~~1 ,'Co "'d""''S':'~'''''''~~''l1i''''., ,'~ .~:iliil!l';.H~~;,';1l,!! City Council Agenda - 3/21/05 o The owner(s) of the Dick Davidson property (Lots 4-8 of Block 1) need to provide written verification that they will participate in the Final Plat to come. This is an issue that will need to be resolved before any consideration of further final platting. o A sample landscape plan and building design recommendation has been prepared by staff for use in the R-2A area. Under the terms of the Planned Unit Development application, the developer is to meet or exceed this plan, which reflects the minimum standards ofthe base zoning district. R-IA Building Requirements The applicant has also requested a relaxation of the R -I A building requirements, similar to what was approved for the Hillside Farm plat. The Hillside Farms amendment provided for an allowance that 2-story homes could be constructed with foundation sizes of 1,100 square feet, 2,200 square feet finished. The Hillside Farms project, however, was a hybrid of R-l lot sizes and R-lA building requirements. The R-llots were "inherited" by the developers, and the City accommodated the difficulties of meeting the R-lA regulations in this way. These conditions do not exist in the Carlisle Village project. As a prime residential area with significant stands of mature oak woods, planning staff would recommend that the R- IA regulations (as amended to prohibit split entry design) continue to apply to this project. l&ePla . ~. 'rorulccept~d tileap )~tliijt~ ~~t~ti9n . . ..~. t~ J>e :an!l'i1!4 in . ..._....Q~; It should be noted that Planning Commission will be addressing specific ordinance language for the R-lA, R-2A and R-2 Zoning Districts at its May meeting. The proposed amendments will reflect recent discussion on loopholes and gray areas within the ordinance standards. R-2 Replat and Architectural Style The original townhouse portion of the project included a townhouse design that provided for significant roofline variation and undulation in the building walls. In addition, the garages were tucked into the building, avoiding the "garage forward" design that results in a streetscape of garage doors. The overall effect was of a series of attached individual units, rather than a large single building subdivided into adjoining units. Council Agenda: 6/11/07 SH. Consideration of a request for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. Applicant: Dan Mielke. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item on June 5th. The Commission expressed some concern as related to the stacking space for the drive-through facilities. The Commission discnssed various alternatives, choosing to condition their recommendation in such a way as to allow the developer maximum flexibility, while still allowing for a review should intensity of use require further study. As such, the Commission recommended approval of the conditional use permit for drive-through as noted below. The Commission also recommended approval of the Plaoned Unit Development with the conditions as noted. In relationship to the PUD, the Commission noted the quality of the building design. The Commission did discuss parking as related to tenant mix, but determined that due to existing cross easements and the total number of stalls on site, the parking shown is adequate for the proposed project. The applicant indicated that they were willing to waive temporary sigo permits for this specific site in relationship to flexibility granted for other portions of the PUD, including the modifications to the Jiffy Lube sign. As noted in the report, the applicant will be making changes to the existing Jiffy Lube sigo to accommodate both that existing project and this proposed project. It will be the only pylon sign for this project. As such, a condition waving temporary sign rights ahs been added to the conditions for PUD approval. Mielke Development, LLC is seeking an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for development stage Planned Unit Development for the construction of a shopping center, and a Conditional Use Permit for a drive through lane, located at Lot 5 of Monticello Travel Center Second Addition. The applicant is proposing a 9,590 square foot commercial center with multiple tenants to be located in the northeast portion of the site. The underlying zoning is B-4, Regional Business. ANALYSIS The subject site is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of State Highway 25 and Oakwood Drive. The existing Planned Unit Development contains a Subway restaurant with a drive through, a Jiffy Lube, a Holiday convenience store and motor fuel station, a Dairy Queen restaurant with a drive through, and a second multi-tenant commercial center. The subject site is located in the center of the development, fronting on Cedar Street. The site relies on PUD for shared parking, shared access, and setback flexibility. Comvrehensive Plan: Monticello's Comprehensive Plan designates this area for commercial use. Zoninf!: The subject site is zoned B-3, Highway Business. The purpose of the B-3, highway business district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. CUP/PUD: A Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to I Council Agenda: 6/11/07 design the development with significant benefits and communicate those benefits to the City for allowing a CUP/PUD. Parking. The proposed building is 9,590 square feet in area. The proposed uses for the structure have not been provided. Drive through lanes are proposed for the northernmost unit and easternmost units of the building. The drive through indicates that these unit will be reserved for restaurant uses. One restaurant unit is shown at 1,499 square feet, and one is shown at 1,566 square feet. The total kitchen and dining areas for these tenants have not been provided. Staff has therefore estimated the area of the kitchen at 1/3 of the units. Tenants for the remainder of the site are assumed to be various retail services. Restrooms and refuse rooms have also been illustrated on the plan. As such, the estimated parking requirement is as follows: Tenant Restaurant 1 1,499 sf total Restaurant 2 1,566 sf total Retail Retail Retail Total Required Area 1,049.3 square feet 449.7 s uare feet 1,096.2 square feet 469.8 s uare feet 1,324 s uare feet 1,143 square feet 1,161 s uare feet Re uirement 1 space/40 sf of dining area 1 s ace/80 sf of kitchen area 1 space/40 sf of dining area 1 s ace/80 sf of kitchen area 1 s ace/200 sf of floor area 1 s ace/200 sf of floor area 1 s ace/200 sf of floor area Stalls 27 spaces 6 s aces 28 spaces 6 s aces 7 s aces 6 spaces 6 s aces 86 spaces The site plan illustrates 59 parking stalls, 27 short of the minimum requirement. The remaining Planned Unit Development area contains approximately 272 parking stalls, 15 of which are directly adjacent to the site. Some overlap in uses is expected, and therefore a cross parking arrangement may be accommodated by PUD to reduce the number of stalls required. Due to the need for cross parking to accommodate the shortage, staff recommends that the applicant provide a leasing arrangement whenever available so that the overlap in uses may be evaluated more effectively. Drive Through. The applicant is proposing two drive through lanes circulating around the site. One drive through lane is located on the east side of the building, with traffic circulating from south to north. The second drive through is on the north side of the building, with traffic circulating from east to west. As designed, vehicles exiting the east drive through lane will meet vehicles entering the north drive through lane. Thick striping is proposed to delineate the two drive through lanes and ease traffic circulation. The City recommends using epoxy or poly-preformed striping for longevity and reduced maintenance. Drive through establishments are allowed in the B-4 District by Conditional Use Permit. The Zoning Ordinance contains the following provisions for such uses: . The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance oflot. 2 Council Agenda: 6/11107 . At the boundaries of a residential district a strip of not less than five 5 feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. . Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or covered. . Parking areas shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G ofthis ordinance. . Parking areas and driveways shall be curbed with continuous curb not less than six 6 inches high above the parking lot or driveway grade. . Vehicular access points shall be limited shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movements shall comply with Chapter 3 Section 5 of this ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right of way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 H of this ordinance. . The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . The entire area other than that occupied by buildings or structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material which will control dust and drainage and which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 9 of this ordinance. As proposed, each drive through lane is 12 feet in width. The north drive through lane appears to approximately 75 feet of stacking space, enough for up to six vehicles behind the pick-up window, and two vehicles behind the order board. The east drive through lane appears to have approximately 58 feet for stacking space, enough for up to five vehicles behind the pick-up window and two behind the order board. For the north drive through lane, overflow stacking may be accommodated internally by the existing parking lot drive lane. However, staff is concerned with any overflow stacking for the east drive through lane. An existing drive through lane for Chelsea Commons exits directly adjacent to the entrance to the east drive through lane. As such, any overflow stacking may prevent patrons from circulating through the Chelsea Commons drive through. The applicant has not indicated potential users for the site, making it difficult to evaluate the potential volume ofthe drive through lanes. A low volume drive through would typically accommodate a business such as a coffee shop. The existing Caribou Coffee drive through has an average of five to six cars in the drive lane at one time, with more during peak periods. Therefore, the proposed stacking space would be appropriate for a low-volume use. However, a higher intensity fast-food use may cause congestion problems with the proposed drive through configuration. As noted, staff recommends that the applicant provide more detail on the potential drive through users through submittal of a leasing plan, so that a more thorough analysis of the situation may be performed. The consulting engineer has reviewed the drive through design and provides the following comments: 1. There does not appear to be enough room for stacking cars at the drive through window located at the northeast entrance. 3 Council Agenda: 6/11107 2. Replace the proposed concrete bollards with a concrete island. Landscaping. For commercial sites, a minimum of one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The site has approximately 822.53 lineal feet of site perimeter, requiring 17 overstory trees, as opposed to the 10 that would be required under the floor area calculation. The applicant has provided one of the required 17 overstory trees, as well as six ornamental trees. The ornamental trees are proposed along the east property line. The applicant is also proposing three irrigated planters on a concrete island on the north side of the site, adj acent to the drive through lane. A fourth planter is proposed on a concrete island in the southeast comer of the site. Additional shrubs are also proposed for the north side of the site, and in the southeast comer. No foundation landscaping is illustrated on the plan and no grass is proposed with the exception of the landscaped strip along the east property line. Lighting. A lighting plan has been submitted for the site, indicating full cutoff lighting throughout the parking lot. The photometric plan indicates readings as high as 2.8 footcandles at the property line adjacent to Cedar Street. Per ordinance, the lighting plan shall be required to be revised prior to Final Stage PUD, illustrating readings under one footcandle at the property line. Signage. In the case of a building where there are two or more uses and which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all signs presented to the Planning Commission. A maximum of 5% of the gross area of the front silhouette shall apply to the principal building where the aggregate allowable sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. For purposes of determining the gross area ofthe silhouette of the principal building, the silhouette shall be defined as that area within the outline drawing of the principal building as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street(s). Several existing pylon signs are located throughout the Planned Unit Development. The front fayade is approximately 2,124 square feet in area. The building will also be visible from Oakwood Drive, with a silhouette area of2,283 square feet. The total silhouette area for the site is 4,407 square feet. Therefore, the total allowable area for wall signage is 221 square feet. The applicant is proposing ten, 26 square foot wall signs, for a total of260 square feet. Two wall signs are proposed on the east elevation, three on the south elevation, four on the west elevation, and one on the north elevation. The location of signage on all sides is acceptable. However, staff recommends that the applicant reduce the amount of wall signage proposed to not exceed 221 square feet. The applicant is also proposing a multi-tenant pylon sign at a height of 26 feet near the JiffY Lube site adjacent to Highway 25. The face area of this sign has not been provided, but has 4 Council Agenda: 6/11/07 been calculated by staff at approximately 143 square feet. As a condition of approval, the applicant shall be required to provide the square footage of the tenant panels on this sign. For properties on Highway 25, 3.03 feet of pylon sign area is allowed per every 10 feet of lineal frontage with the following exceptions: . All properties may erect a pylon sign with a sign area of 50 regardless of front footage abutting Highway 25, and . The maximum pylon sign area shall not exceed 100 sq ft regardless of total lineal footage of property abutting Highway 25. The overall PUD has approximately 850 feet of frontage on Highway 25 and is therefore allowed a pylon sign up to 100 square feet. A second monument sign is also proposed in the southeast corner of the site, at the entrance adjacent to Cedar Street. This sign is 90 square feet in area and contains nine identification placards. Cedar Street is a collector street with a speed limit of 30 miles per hour. As such, a monument sign 25 feet in area and 16 feet in height is allowed. Although this proposed sign exceeds the maximum requirement, staff encouraged the applicant to propose a monument sign in lieu of a pylon sign in this location. Due to the size of the overall PUD, and the number of tenants, the proposed monument sign may be appropriate. Access and Circulation. Access to the site is provided by two existing curb cuts off Cedar Street, one on the north side of the site and one on the south side of the site. Cross access is possible to the north and south. Internal drive lanes on the west side of the site are proposed at 24 feet in width, wide enough to accommodate two-way traffic. The internal drive lane on the east side of the site is proposed at 16.24 feet, and is striped as a one-way drive. Cars exiting the site on the east side will have the option of exiting to the north only, into the drive lane between the subject site and the proposed Wendy's site. This drive will serve as a passing lane for the adjacent drive through lane. Two "ENTER ONLY" signs, one on each side ofthe entrance, shall be required at the entrance of this one-way drive aisle on the east side of the site. The applicant shall also be required to provide a "DO NOT ENTER" sign east of the exit lane at the northeast corner of the site. No passing is proposed adjacent to the north drive lane, prohibiting cars from circulating around waiting vehicles. A "DRIVE THRU ONLY" sign shall be required at the entrance to this drive through lane to communicate that no pass through lane is provided. Pedestrian access will be accommodated by a concrete sidewalk running along the south and west sides of the building. A sidewalk connection is also provided to the Subway site to the west. The width of the sidewalk in front of the building is proposed at eight feet. Staff recommends that the applicant provide a crosswalk at the sidewalk separation extending west to the Subway site. An existing sidewalk is also located on the east side of the site, within the Cedar Street right-of-way. Building Design. The building is proposed to be constructed mainly of EIFS block with masonry wall base and pre-finished metal coping. The front of each unit will contain a great deal of glass, each with a fabric awning. Some variation to the roofline is also proposed, to break up the long fa9ade. All sides of the building contain windows, vertical elements, and 5 Council Agenda: 6/11/07 roofline variation. The only side without fabric awnings is the east side, as no entrances are proposed. The proposed trash enclosure will be incorporated into the building and be sectioned offby a steel door. The color elevations provided illustrate warm earth tones with gray tinted glass and green awnings. The proposed colors appear to blend well with the existing buildings on the Monticello Travel Center site. Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer and the consulting engineer from WSB have reviewed the grading and drainage plans and provided the following comments: 1. If not connecting to storm sewer stub on south end of site either remove stub back to the manhole or install a water-tight plug in upstream end of stub. 2. Revise directional arrows for storm sewer on south end of site. Currently shown going in two directions from manhole. 3. All details must match current City Standard Detail Plates as appropriate. City will provide in AutoCAD format upon request. 4. Provide a detail ofthe curb section on the west property boundary. 5. The applicant needs to provide a drainage map detailing the drainage areas for each proposed catch basin and the locations of existing catch basins are not identified on the plan. 6. Provide details of how the drainage directed off site is managed specifically, the northwest entrance, north parking spaces and the south parking spaces. Utilities. Regarding the utility plan submitted, the City Engineer and consulting engineer have provided the following comments: 1. Provide utility profiles at each utility crossing location to check for conflicts. information incomplete at present. 2. Provide insulation at storm sewer and watermain crossings per City Standard Detail Plates 2005 and 2006. 3. Provide easements for sanitary manhole and downstream pipe near northeast comer of site. Extend easement to Cedar Street right-of-way. 4. All unused sanitary sewer and watermain service lines must be removed back to the main, otherwise the developer will be responsible for maintaining all abandoned lines in the future. 5. Construct sanitary sewer manhole as standard sampling manhole near northeast comer of site per City Standard Detail Plate 3007. 6. All details must match current City Standard Detail Plates as appropriate. City will provide in AutoCAD format upon request. 7. Show an overall site detail of the location of fire hydrants and access to the hydrants per the fire department expectations. 8. Include details of how the sanitary sewer clean out will be protected from traffic loads. 9. It appears that there are a number of sanitary and storm sewer stubs which will not be used with this project. Include a plan to abandon or remove these lines. 6 Council Agenda: 6/11107 Stormwater. The City Engineer has reviewed the stormwater plans and provided the following comment: 1. All details must match current City Standard Detail Plates as appropriate. City will provide in AutoCAD format upon request. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Regarding the request for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development for a strip center with retail and commercial, and restaurant uses, the City has the following options: The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve the Development Stage Planned Unit Development, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the B-3 District, subject to the condition outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent ofthe existing PUD and the B-3 District, and the use may not be supported by the site. Decision 2. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for two drive through facilities, the City has the following options: The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for two drive through facilities, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the PUD and the use satisfies the conditions of approval. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for two drive through facilities, based on a finding that the conditions for approval have not been met. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Mielke Development, LLC is requesting an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development to allow for commercial strip center containing a variety of retail and commercial uses, as well as two restaurant uses with drive through lanes. The site is part of the existing Monticello Travel Center Planned Unit Development, which contains a mix of retail, restaurant, and service uses. The proposed use appears to be generally consistent with the intent ofthe B-3 District and the existing PUD. Staff has highlighted concerns with the proposed development, which may be found listed in Exhibit Z. Regarding Decision 1, staff recommends approval of the amended CUP for Planned Unit Development, subject to these conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. Based 7 Council Agenda: 6/11107 on discussion held at the Planning Commission meeting, staff has also included an additional condition regarding temporary signage. Regarding Decision 2, staff recommends approval of the CUP for a drive through facility, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. The site has adequate room for stacking space for low- volume drive through uses. The Planning Commission recommended condition 2 as related to the drive-through in order to provide some ability to control potential stacking problems with any high-volume user, D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit I: Exhibit J: Exhibit K: Exhibit L: Exhibit M: Exhibit Z: Site Plan Grading/Erosion Control Plan Utility Plan SWPP Plan Architectural Site Plan Landscape Plan - Revised Signage Plan - Revised Signage Narrative Floor Plan Exterior Elevations - Revised Photometric Plan Plan Review Comments from Bruce Westby, dated OS/21/07 Plan Review Comments from WSB, dated OS/22/07 Conditions of Approval 8 . .~.:;..-- ~-.. :~~----~:(.' tn. .' , ->_/ ' -, ",-" l...../;..c:.~:?-- .j "-. .:--- " ---. ~ ,:.. ............-.. ~.' ........ ,.----..... ~;;"~~~ '~ " . I ~ ~F~ ~ 1 ~ ~- I- . ~" ,-" . I':" .' - . ~ Q , - ",1"- liz . ~ ~ ;. z "!:Ii"'. - ' . ~ ~ . . I ~~ ~ " , I -\ ( ",' ::./ <'. ,\.-l 1\1 I C ; ~ I ~ i " ,~ '--~"'" N - - ~ c c ~-t: . , . . . .. '" ~~ ~... . ' ,~__n_u_ i! :;-"i' 2.3 ~',t -. , , ... , i III c<~:;" .,,:::> :>>-. <1'.'" (n~ C" () ~,..~. r. 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" CITY S1:JRMITTAL 05.14.-07 ,._ ','1'1" i L;\.KD)LUu..: ('K~'l'f-:H. 'I', I, ~IO,"'Wl:I~.".:U.'ll ;;;.,~_ I Ii ! :i '. "1.10;.\:.'1".:1:1(11: , J(lK\"A'l'IU"OS ~I - . ~I , Ilil!Jili!~ 1!1!il'11 ,.1.. ,j , 1'll1i . " : t~"" I In.. I ~ .Hlti1 I 1,!",Ji II 1}1 ~' " <..-V". ;~:;. - ~ < . -"-.-,,- Page 1 : hi V'. "'. -- .z "- CO -'.J ~f\:'(Yr1:t.lt.l..."::ON ~ ~ III"'} jilt'''' ",JI 11.lh! ""Ii IJ 'n I __ liHll I ilfl11, ~ H~~N~O ~-. ~ Jrnv.JX"a~V'l __ f , .. . __ .....-v"ld :.;mv~~s I........ LQ-ftT-SO 'lVLL.:LU",gnS XLLIO . -- -- -- ...... -- ~ .11 [ 11 Ii r + Ij, 1 ~ [l \J\ \J ~f t . Vlt- X \) III II! .1 () ~! ~ '<::) ~ IL) .S;(. II . C0fl160 J/PvCY/LI4IVOI11J1- R f\ PYLON CE r./rl3. R 5/1c-/o? t.'":", ::;l\ " ).. \,~;t~l '. .- . \oI~1 1 0 1001 . J'i fF Y \ I ELECiJ[CJNiC READER I 'TENANT PA/IIf"5L S r- '- ,- . 6I T , ~ _J H . LANDMARK CENTER SIGNAGE PROPOSAL 5/14/07 Building signage Standard code multi-tenant building signage for each suite as illustrated on the elevations. Due to the fact this building will be surrounded by drives and the building front architecture is carried around all four sides ofthe building, city staff has suggested the addition of appropriate building signage as illustrated. Tenant Pvlon We propose combining the Landmark Center tenant pylon with the existing Jiffy Lube pylon as illustrated. The Jiffy capsule will remain at the top. The old style reader board will be replaced by an electronic reader board with seven Landmark Center tenant identification panels below. Landmark Center will waive tenant's rights to the city pennitted temporary signs. We want to keep the area uncluttered. . Cedar Street entrance monument Decorative low profile entrance marker monument sign. Drive Thru entrance markers One low profile entrance marker for each drive thm lane. . . c !.... 0 :;:; OJ ~ +-' jjJ C .!:: ....., OJ :J 0 U~r-. Vl ~ .0 00 C . =N 0 !.... Cll , :;:; u<l" ~ CO:;:; ..... 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As you may recall, the City put together a small separate project for filling a portion of the wetland at the wastewater treatment plant to provide a materials and equipment storage area for the biosolids project, as well as to make room for the fourth SBR tank. All the environmental approvals have been granted for the filling of this small wetland, as well as the purchase of wetland credits for the mitigation of the wetland. This was intended to be a separate project from the biosolids dryer and was to be completed before the start of the project. The Middle School pond construction on the south side of CSAH 75 has given us an opportunity to reduce the cost of the filling of the wetland. There are several thousand yards of granular material coming from the Middle School pond excavation that will have to be trucked off-site. We will need approximately 3,500 cubic yards of this material to fill the wetland. In addition, the project will generate approximately 2,500 cubic yards of top soil/peat which we will have stock piled at a couple of locations for use on other projects. The contractor doing the school pond construction has been given the plans and specifications for the wetland project and will be providing that cost to us either tomorrow, Friday the 8th, or by Monday the II tho The cost of the wetland filling will be provided under separate cover at Monday evening's meeting. At a previous Council Meeting at which the wetland abatement was discussed Brad Barger of 105 Mississippi Drive questioned the cutting of trees and brush in the wetland area. At that meeting I informed the Council that I would be having a neighborhood meeting with several of the residents on Mississippi Drive to discuss the wetland project. Notices were sent to nine residential properties on the west end of Mississippi Drive. The informational meeting was held at the wastewater treatment plant at 6:30 p.m., Thursday evening, May 31 st. Only two residents attended the meeting, they were Brad and Mary Barger. Chuck Keyes and I presented information on the future improvements at the wastewater treatment plant and the wetland abatement. The meeting lasted until approximately 8:30 p.m. The only request made by the residents in attendance was to plant some additional evergreen trees on the City's property at the west end of Mississippi Drive to provide some additional screening for the residential properties adjoining the wastewater treatment plant site. Chuck Keyes also informed the residents he would be planting some additional vines along two walls of the SBR tanks closest to Mississippi Drive. There are adequate dollars in the sewer fund to pay for filling of the wetland and a few additional evergreen trees near Mississippi Drive. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative, after review of the project and review of the change order cost presented at Monday evening's meeting, would be to approve the change order for filling the wetland at the wastewater treatment plant. Portions of the project outside the change order would be the removal and relocation of the existing fence and the planting of the Council Meeting - 06/11/2006 evergreen trees which would be done separately. 2. The second alternative, after review of the project and costs, would be not to approve the change order due to high costs and direct the staff to obtain quotes from other contractors. 3. The third alternative, after reviewing the project and the costs, would be to not do the wetland project at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff including the Biosolid Committee Members will make a recommendation after Council's review of the project and the proposed change order cost. D. SUPPORTlNGDATA: Copy of the grading plan for the wetland and aerial photo showing the impacted area. Due to the size of the plans; specs for the wetland project are available at City Hall. ~ i 's.;' ..1 S ;s ~5. ~ S " !.!I~~g!! 'c J!!!~!H " -',H;;,! ~ ) loll I" . ~ ! ~ar !i 3:~!.ijiE IIIJ., ~! i-njj"! "B"I' '" ~ ;Jell j ;0; " ~Hjj i' 'i:i N "- >. f'!fJijl <: . . ~ ::; ::; iHjifi1 ~ c .;, 0 "' 0 ;;; II iil i.f! u . .1J. u c ib<h~! .C ~ ~ !~: (jJd ai.; .J! .! I' ~ij "! fhii 1m. )! ; -j "j . " .. "- ! ~ w 'jj 2 .... II E o "- '" ~ " o o .~ > " " CJ OJ " ~ . "- o ~ i Ii z . " E . '" o. ~ .g t; w ci .~ ~ .~ . c v ~ . "E ~ ~ ~ ,.; N '" ~ .~ ~ '" e. "' / ~ '" w . -;j ~ g 7: . . ~ . ~ ~ 2 ~ . ...J .~. ~ - " ~ 8 ~ ~ w S ~ 3 ~ ~ <n ~ ':l ~ l:l @ . . ~ 1 ~ i' ~ 6 ffi E ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~~II~ ~!~~r:.~ ~ <I 0 ! ~ * f5 ~ . ~ J 0 . ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ . ~ e ~ ~ 5 w o ~ , " ~ 8 " ~ ~ ~ g l . 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The source of funding to repay the Loan was targeted from 25% of the pooling dollars ofTlF District No. 1-22 which is projected to be $1.4 million over the life of the district. Given the Council's concern about their general reserves, combined with the fact 1 prefer the HRA not pay interest, I decided to further check other sources of funds. After looking at the HRA General Fund balance, the combined TlF Fund balance, and the individual balances of pre- 1989 redevelopment districts, BINGO - 1985 Redevelopment TIF District No. 1-5 (Construction Five) has a balance of approximately $600,000. This appears to be a win/win for the City and HRA and I apologize for the request of May 29th as the HRA does have a source of non-restrictive funds to purchase the Cedar Street Garden Center. For your information, there are two parcels (PIDs) for a total 1.12 acres and the HRA is proceeding with a closing date of pre July I (tax exemption deadline for payable 2008.) 2) On June 6, Council members Mayer and Perrault, EDA Chair Demeules, HRA Vice Chair Fair, Wolfsteller, and myself met with Attorney Bubul to discuss the potential merger of the HRA and EDA. The attached agenda was followed and a brief statutory difference of each authority was described by Bubul. HRA EDA Own entity Single entity for everything Authorizes tax increment expenditures Economic Districts findings more (Approves Contacts, etc) difficult. Authorize levy for housing & redevelopment. Same powers as City. (outside city levy limit) No affordable housing projects. Owns affordable housing projects Council authorizes levy Redevelopment (blight and services) (within city levy limit) Council approves TIF Districts Limited partnerships Port Authoritv Established through special Legislation. Can issue general obligation bonds. Once the City Council makes a final decision to merge and decides what powers they wish the new EDA to have: example; bond issuance, contract approval, etc., and items 1 through 6 on the attached agenda, then the Attorney will prepare an enabling resolution for adoption by the Council. The Council I would also make appointments to the new organization which can consist of three, five, or seven commissioners. Tom and Wayne may wish to update you as I did not outline all the process steps. The HRA commissioners request the Council move forward on a decision as they only have three commissioners. 3) HRA recognition - Once the Council has made a final decision to merge or not merge (this assumes the EDA prevails), a recognition event for the 37-year existence of the HRA and its commissioners will be held. 2 AGENDA HRA/EDA CONSOLIDATION Wednesday, June 6, 2007 - 5:00 p.m. Bridge Room - Community Center WORK GROUP: Council members Tom Perrault and Wayne Mayer, EDA Chair Bill Demeules, and HRA Vice Chair Bill Fair. STAFF: HRAlEDA Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, HRNEDA Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, and Administrator Jeff O'Neill. LEGAL COUNCIL: HRAlEDA Attorney Steve Bubul. COUNCIL MOTION: At the May 14,2007 Council meeting, the council members moved to grant conceptual approval to consolidate the EDA and the HRA with the EDA as the prevailing Authority and to establish a work group to assist with this process which will be comprised of two members of the City Council and representatives from the HRA and EDA. A. Attorney Bubul briefly review the current powers ofthe existing HRA and EDA and explain how they differ. B. Attorney Bubul briefly explain process to consolidate the existing HRA and EDA. Some questions for consideration but not limited to: 1. What kind of controls, if any, does the city council want or should retain over the EDA? (Example: approval of any bonds issued by the EDA.) 2. Any other limitations on EDA powers? 3. Number of commissioners for the new EDA? 4. How many council members? (Just the statutory minimum? Specified higher number? Minimum plus any higher at option of council?) 5. Residency requirement? 6. Timing (Whether it takes effect immediately or after some transition period?) 7. Other questions. Details like meeting times and dates would not typically be included in the enabling resolution - that would be in the by-laws, approved by the new EDA at its first meeting after this revision. BRA ASSET AND LIABILITY LIST June 2007 111 West Broadway 155-010-052071 225 West River Street 155-010-054011 Outlot A, Country Club Manor 155-033-000010 201 East Broadway 155-010-067010 & 155-010-067060 Otter Creek Crossings unsold parcels. (Collect for lift station parcel) Community Center land or €ild~ I think BRA has Lease Agreement. Bond? Bonds: TIF Bonds 1-2 (Metcalf/Larson) TIF 1-22 (Downtown) TIF 1-34 (Interchange) What about Internal BRA Loans, City Loans and Pay-as-you-go Notes? What about recorded BRA Contracts/Assessment Agreements? Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1? What about BRA recorded mortgages? Transformation Borne Loans. Otter Creek Crossings assessments?