Planning Commission Minutes 09-02-1997 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 2, 1997 . 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Dick Martie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten Members Absent: J on Bogart Council Liaison: Clint Herbst Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frie. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition is requesting the public hearing be tabled until the next meeting in October. O'Neill added this was unusual to continue a public hearing twice however, there are no limitations on the number of times a pubic hearing could be continued. Dick Frie stated the people that were interested in the public hearing could call city hall the day of the meeting to make sure the applicant had not pulled the item. Frie added it is difficult to notify the neighboring property owners when an applicant pulls an item because there is not always ample time to do a mailing. The residents at the meeting expressed concern that fourplexes might be built in the next phase. Steve Grittman, City Planner, stated the residents did not have the right to request the property be rezoned, however, they could request the Planning Commission call for a public hearing to review the zoning in this area. This request should be submitted in writing to city hall staff two weeks before the meeting. Jeff O'Neill assured the residents the applicant will be placed on the Planning Commission agenda for action at the next meeting. would be given a deadline to complete the plans or the item will be denied. 2. Approval of minutes ofre~ular meeting held July 1, 1997. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/2/97 JULY 1, 1997, REGULAR MEETING, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. 3. Approval of minutes of the reg:ular meeting held August 5, 1997. Aug 12, 1997 DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 5, 1997, REGULAR MEETING, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Rod Dragsten inquired if the Commission should review all of the zoning, especially the PZM zone, at one of the next meetings. After discussion, the Commissioners decided to wait until after the joint meeting with the Council, IDC, and Planning Commission on September 29, 1997, to take further action. Jeff O'Neill requested discussion on representation on the MCP Board from the Planning Commission. 5. Citizens comments. There were no citizens comments. 6. Public Hearing--Consideration of a 9-ft variance request to the 10-ft minimum side yard setback requirement. Applicant, Joan Paterson. Steve Grittman reported Ms. Joan Paterson has applied for a variance from the required ten foot side yard setback in the R-2 District. The parcel in question is currently improved with a single family home and driveway to the proposed garage location, one foot from the property line. The request is to replace the previous garage structure which was damaged in the recent stonn. As a legal, non-conforming structure, the previous garage was permitted to stay in its nonconforming location without interference. However, the Zoning Ordinance requires that once a non-confonning structure is damaged by more than 50%, it may only be reestablished in full conformance with the Zoning Ordinance standards, in this case ten feet. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Joan Patterson, applicant, stated the driveway is 90 feet long and moving the garage 10 feet will make the distance even longer. The backyard would be useless because the lot is so narrow the garage would be in the middle of the yard. The house and garage have been there for 50 years and it has worked Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/2/97 fine. Joan Marquette, friend of applicant, stated the driveway is very long and making longer could cause a safety problem. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The commissioners inquired if there could be another alternative, possibly, turning the garage so it would not have to be in the middle of the back yard? Grittman inquired if the Commission thought the R2 district in the Original Plat was too restrictive. The lots are all long and narrow and should the setbacks be reviewed and possibly changed. There was also discussion on the R1 district in the Original Plat because of the similar lots being long and narrow and causing difficulty for new construction. The Commissioners agreed that the ordinance requirements in the R1 and the R2 in the Original Plat should be reviewed and if Ms. Patterson could wait to build her garage that could help. However, to be consistent with the ordinance and past decisions the side setback would need to be 10 ft. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO DENY, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE, THE VARIANCE FOR SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS OF TEN FEET IN THE R-2 DISTRICT. THIS DECISION IS SUPPORTED BY THE FACT THAT A HARDSHIP WAS NOT DEMONSTRATED. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Public Hearin~--Consideration of an amendment to the zonin~ ordinance establishin~ public education uses as an interim use in the 1-1 zone. Applicant, Monticello Public School. 8. Public Hearing--Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance establishin~ public education uses as an interim use in the I-I zone. Applicant, Monticello Public School. 9. Public Hearin~--Consideration of an application for an interim use permit allowing a public use in an 1-1 zone. Applicant, Monticello Public School. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported the Monticello School District has requested approval of their request to allow public schools as interim use in the 1-1 District, and the issuance of such a permit for an existing building at 1248 Oakwood Drive East. The school district proposes to occupy an existing 4,800 square foot, two story industrial building between the H-Window building and Simonson Lumber. The proposed use will be an alternative school program for Page 3 Planning Commission Minutes - 9/2/97 . students identified by the district for more individualized treatment. The district has indicated that the program will begin the school year with approximately 30-50 students, and is expected to expand to 50 or more students as the year goes on. There are two primary issues for the city to consider with this request. First is the amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to allow the school use in the industrial district. Second is the district's application for an interim use permit allowing occupancy for this school year. Proposed Conditions to interim use permit. 1. The interim use permit will terminate on August 31, 1998. Extension of the use of the subject property for public school purposes beyond the termination date may only be granted through reapplication to the City. 2. The District agrees to stripe the existing parking lot in a way which maximized the paved area for efficient parking supply and circulation. 3. The District agrees to expand parking area at the direction of the City. The City will direct expanded parking based on the City's observation of parking demand which causes the use of on-street parking at any time. . 4. The use of the subject property will be for alternative classroom use during normal school hours only, and not for any other use. 5. The District may occupy the building during remodeling only at the direction and under conditions identified by the building official. 6. The district shall make every effort to avoid permanent changes to the building which, in the opinion of the Building Official, would not be characteristic of an industrial use. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Shelly Johnson, consultant for the Monticello High School, explained this program was started while he was the superintendent and stated there will be room in the new high school in approximately two years. The Assistant Principal, Pam Ringstad, has made extensive efforts to find available space to continue this program. Many communities have facilities that are converted for this use. . The Commissions inquired as to the ages of the students attending this school because of the traffic on Oakwood Drive, if school buses would be trying to enter the parking lot, and if major changes were being made to the building. Page 4 . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/2/97 Mr. Johnson stated the students are high school age and because of this many will be driving. If school transportation is used it will be a van not a bus. The school is only leasing the space for the altemative learning program not purchasing the building. The remodeling will not prohibit this building from being an industrial office in the future; the structure will not be changed. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN, AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING INTERIM USES IN THE 1-1 ZONE. MOTION BASED ON THE FINDING IDENTIFIED IN THE PLANNER'S REPORT. Motion passed unanimously. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SCHOOL USES AS INTERIM USES IN THE 1-1 ZONING DISTRICT. MOTION BASED ONT HE FINDING IDENTIFIED IN THE PLANNER'S REPORT Motion passed unanimously. . RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN, THE ISSUANCE OF AN INTERIM USE PERMIT TO THE MONTICELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT TO OPERATE AN ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL PROGRAM AT 1248 OAKWOOD DRIVE E. SUBJECT TO THE FINDINGS THAT THE PROPOSED USE WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE CITY'S LONG RANGE OBJECTIVES OF ENCOURAGING INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THIS AREA, DUE TO THE TEMPORARY NATURE OF THE PERMIT, AND THE MINIMAL ALTERATIONS TO THE PROPERTY. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY: 1. THE INTERIM USE PERMIT WILL TERMINATE ON AUGUST 31, 1998. EXTENSION OF THE USE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL PURPOSES BEYOND THE TERMINATION DATE MAY ONLY BE GRANTED THROUGH REAPPLICATION TO THE CITY. 2. THE DISTRICT AGREES TO STRIPE THE EXISTING PARKING LOT IN A WAY WHICH MAXIMIZED THE PAVED AREA FOR EFFICIENT PARKING SUPPLY AND CIRCULATION. 3. THE DISTRICT AGREES TO EXPAND THE PARKING AREA AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY. THE CITY WILL DIRECT EXPANDED PARKING BASED ON THE CITY'S OBSERVATION OF PARKING DEMAND WHICH CAUSES THE USE OF ON-STREET PARKING AT ANYTIME. . 4. THE USE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY WILL BE FOR Page 5 . . . 10. Planning Commission Minutes - 9/2/97 ALTERNATIVE CLASSROOM USE DURING NORMAL SCHOOL HOURS ONLY, AND NOT FOR ANY OTHER USE. 5. THE DISTRICT MAY OCCUpy THE BUILDING DURING REMODELING ONLY AT THE DIRECTION, AND UNDER CONDITIONS IDENTIFIED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 6. THE DISTRICT SHALL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO AVOID PERMANENT CHANGES TO THE BUILDING WHICH, IN THE OPINION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, WOULD NOT BE CHARACTERISTIC OF AN INDUSTRIAL USE. MOTION BASED ONT HE FINDING IDENTIFIED IN THE PLANNER'S REPORT. Motion passed unanimously. Shelly Johnson requested the conditions be mailed to him. Public Hearing--Consideration of an amendment to a conditional use permit allowinll an auto body shop in a B-3 zone. Applicant, .John .Johnson. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported the Planning Commission is being asked to continue the public hearing on this matter at the next meeting. There was added information that was not published in the paper. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN, TO TABLE THE ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Public Hearing--Consideration of an amendment to the comprehensive plan for the City of Monticello llenerally affecting the Downtown River District Area. Applicant, Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported in the spring of 1996, the City initiated a study of the revitalization of its downtown area through its HRA and Monticello Community Partners, a community based interest group. This study included a market research component, a planning and design component, and implementation strategies. For the purpose of this analysis, the Planning Commission and City council are asked to review the compatibility of the MCP Plan with the current Comprehensive Plan, and consider changes if conflicts are found. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Dick Frie inquired where the MCP board stands. Page 6 . . . 12. 13. Planning Commission Minutes - 9/2/97 Brad Barger, Chairman of the HRA, stated that the HRA delegated the downtown area plan to the MCP. The HRA did approve the plan at the last meeting and the copies of the minutes were provided to the Commissioners. Rita Ulrich, MCP Director, stated the MCP Board is in support of the referendum. The public hearing was closed. DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, THE AMENDMENT OF THE MONTICELLO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY ADOPTION OF THE MCP PLAN. Motion passed unanimously. Public HearinguConsideration of text and map amendments renaminfl BC (business campus) zoning district to the I-1A (light industrial district At Applicant, Monticello Planning Commission. Public Hearing--Consideration of text amendment to the business campus district regulations by eliminating the ~een space reQuired outside of the standard setback reQuirements. Applicant. Monticello Plannin&:, Commission. Jeff O'Neill reported that items 12 and 13 are scheduled for review at the Planning Commission/IDC/City Council meetings scheduled for September 29, 1997, which means the public hearing should be continued to the regular meeting in October. After a short discussion, DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT THE REGULAR MEETING IN OCTOBER, SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Added items. A. Jeff O'Neill reported the moratorium on building in the downtown/riverfront area runs out in November. - The Planning Commission will either need to call for an amendment to the zoning ordinance to match the comprehensive plan or extend the moratorium. Steve Grittman stated the public hearing can be called for at the next meeting and conducted at the November meeting. B. National Guard Training/Community Center - Jeff O'Neill gave a brief update that the task force was still meeting and preliminary decisions on location, funding, and uses will be decided by the end of September. Page 7 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/2/97 C. Planning Commission representative on the MCP board. - Jeff O'Neill inquired if a Commissioner would volunteered to represent the Planning Commission on the MCP Board. O'Neill has represented the commission over the last year and it is time to rotate. Rod Dragsten agreed to fill this position. D. Budget - Jeff informed the Planning Commission that budget workshops were being scheduled for the Council. The Planning Department will be requesting a planning technician and the building department is requesting help with code enforcement. 15. Aqjournment. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. lJ0McAv ~.~ Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 8