Planning Commission Minutes 10-07-1997 . . 3. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 7,1997 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Jon Bogart Members Absent: Dick Martie Liaison Present: Clint Herbst Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Steve Grittman, Fred Patch, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. The meeting was call to order by Chairman Frie. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held September 2, 1997. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 MEETING. SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Motion passed unanimously. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Dick Frie added discussion on the Bridgeview Plat. 4. Citizens comments. There were no comments. 5. Public Hearing--Consideration of an application for a conditional use permitJplanned Imit development and a preliminary plat to allow the development of a townhouse project to be known as Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition. Applicant, E & K Development. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported that the applicant has withdrew the request. This item will require a new public hearing and notification of application for a second time. The property was zoned May of 1995 and for three years the zoning cannot be changed. . The residents in attendance did state concern over the intersection of Fallon and County Road 117 and inquired as to procedures for a stop sign. They were referred to the public works department for information to petition for a Page 1 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 . stop sign. 6. Public Hearin~--Consideration of an application for a rezonin~ from R-l, sin~le family, to R-2, single and two family residential, to permit the development of a 14- unit townhouse project under a planned unit development. Applicant, Monticello Country Club. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported the Monticello County Club had requested consideration of a rezoning of a portion of their property from R-l to R-2, which would allow a 14 unit townhouse project adjacent to the golf course. However, the Country Club had revised the site plan and eliminated the four townhomes directly in front of the single family homes. (The site plans were distributed to the Commissioners before the meeting.) The site in question is located adjacent to the entrance drive to the clubhouse and would require the relocation of an existing maintenance shed. Only the zoning will be reviewed at this meeting. Pending City action on the zoning, action could be taken at a future meeting with regard to the plat and Planned Unit Development which would be necessary to accommodate the project as proposed. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. . Gene Fair, property owner, stated he and his wife were opposed to the rezoning of the property. They had purchased one of the first lots from the Monticello Country Club and the new proposal would block his view. Annie Fair, Property Owner, stated she had concerns about the service road not being wide enough to handle the added traffic. Francis Schuelke, property owner, stated when he purchased his lot he thought the golf course was like a park and the zoning could not be changed. Holly Indrelee, property owner, stated the townhouse in the proposed location will depreciate the value of her property. Merle Dahleimer, property owner, stated he had concerns regarding the increase in traffic. AI Stangler, property owner, stated his family bought the house on the golf course because the house had a view from each window. In his opinion, the townhomes would depreciate his value. Dick Brauch, former president of the country club, stated when you buy property . you do not buy the view. Harry Walsh, property owner, disputed the fact that when a person buys a home the Page 2 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 . view can be an influence. Susie Wojchouski had concerns with the drainage and the traffic on the service road. Steve Grittman stated the applicant would be required to handle the storm water drainage. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Planning Commissioners discussed the additional traffic, sight lines and if there would be a loss of value to the property owners. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, THE REZONING OF FROM R-l TO R-2 TO ACCOMMODATE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A TOWNHOUSE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AS PROPOSED BY THE MONTICELLO COUNTRY CLUB BASED ON THE FINDINGS THAT THE ZONING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE LAND USE AND NOT LIKELY TO DEPRECIATE THE AREA IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. The motion passed unanimously. (Dick Frie abstained) 7. Public Hearing--Consideration of a conditional use permit to allow: 1) the establishment of an autobody repair shop and accessory outdoor storage area within a B-3, Hi~way Business. zoning district. 2) a planned unit development conditional use permit (PUD/CUP) to allow shared use of an outdoor storage area (with aqjacent autobody shop), and 3) a variance from the minimum 30-ft rear yard setback requirements imposed in the B-3 zoning district. Applicant, John fJ oOOson. . Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported Mr. Johnson has submitted a request to construct an autobody repair facility upon a 14,650 sq. foot parcel ofland located south of Interstate 94 and west of Sandberg Road. There are three points to consider. First, the conditional use permit is to allow the establishment of an autobody repair facility (with accessory outdoor storage) within a B-3 Highway Business District. The purpose of the conditional use permit process is to enable the City Council to assign dimensions to a proposed use after consideration of an adjacent land use and their functions. . Second, if the planned unit development conditional use permit (PUD/CUP) will be allowed a shared use of an outdoor storage area (by an adjacent autobody repair facility). The applicant is proposing to share an outdoor storage area with an adjacent autobody shop to the north (also owned by the applicant). To accommodate this "shared use" arrangement, the processing of a planned unit development conditional use permit (PUD/CUP) is necessary. The PUD process is intended to allow certain design flexibility in order to provide a more desirable development Page 3 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 . product. Aside from the referenced outdoor storage area, the PUD may also accommodate a shared parking arrangement and associated parking lot setback flexibility. Third, a variance from the minimum 30 foot rear yard setback imposed in B-3 Zoning Districts. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. John Johnson, applicant, explained with the position of the building in relation to the office space and why the variance was requested. Johnson also inquired if Marvin Road would be closed because then a variance would not be needed. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, stated the future of Marvin Road has not been determined. O'Neill read a letter from Greg Smith, neighboring property owner against the expansion because of current encroachment on his property. Johnson answered that was not his business but General Rental. Fred Labrum, applicant's future renter, inquired why this expansion was labeled a body shop when it was for a detail shop. . Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Grittman explained the code lists detailing shops under the autobody category. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS PER THE SITE PLAN. MOTION TO APPROVE A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN AUTOBODY REPAIR FACILITY (WITH ACCESSORY OUTDOOR STORAGE) WITHIN A B-3 ZONING DISTRICT, AND SHARED USE OF AN OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA PER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. THE SUBMITTED SITE PLAN IS MODIFIED TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE OFF -STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS (11 SPACES REQUIRED). 2. CONSIDERATION IS GIVEN TO CONSOLIDATING THE PARKING LOTS OF THE SUBJECT SITE AND ADJACENT NORTHERLY SITE IN A MANNER SIMILAR TO THAT ILLUSTRATED UPON EXHIBIT C. . 3. THE CITY ATTORNEY PROVIDE COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATION IN REGARD TO ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH POSSIBLE FUTURE SALE Page 4 . . . 8. Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 OF THE SUBJECT SITE OR ADJACENT NORTHERLY PROPERTY. 4. THE OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA IS REDUCE IN SIZE TO NOT MORE THAN 50 PERCENT OF THE AREA OF THE PRINCIPAL BUILDING. 5. THE OUTDOOR VEHICLE STORAGE AREA IS MINIMALLY SCREENED BY A SIX FOOT HEIGHT, 100 PERCENT OPAQUE FENCE WHICH IS DESIGNED TO BLEND WITH THE AUTO BODY SHOP AND WHICH IS CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIALS TREATED TO RESIST DISCOLORATION. 6. THE OUTDOOR VEHICLE STORAGE AREA IS SURFACED IN ASPHALT OR CONCRETE. 7. EXTERIOR FINISH MATERIALS OF THE BODY SHOP COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS. ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING IS HOODED AND DIRECTED SUCH THAT THE LIGHT SOURCE IS NOT VISIBLE FROM PUBLIC RIGHTS~OF-WAY OR NEIGHBORING RESIDENCES. 8. 9. ALL SITE SIGNAGE COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE. 10. THE SITE PLAN IS MODIFIED TO ILLUSTRATE AN OFF-STREET LOADING SPACE. Motion based on the following findings: the proposed project is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Monticello comprehensive plan goals and policies and in keeping with the intent of the zoning ordinance, is consistent with the purpose of the performance standards of the zoning ordinance and planned unit development, will not have any adverse impacts as outlined in the conditional use permit section of the zoning ordinance, the proposed project shall provide adequate parking and loading as outlined herein, and shall not impose any undue burden upon public facilities and services. Motion passed unanimously. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO DENY, SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN, THE VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM 30 FOOT REAR YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT IMPOSED IN THE B-3 ZONING DISTRICT BECAUSE NO HARDSHIP WAS DEMONSTRATED ON THE SITE PLAN. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing--Consideration of: 1) a conditional use permit to allow open/outdoor storage, sale and service and automobile (recreational vehicle) repair within a B-3 zoning district, and 2) a variance from the minimum 5-ft setback imposed upon Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 parking areas and aRRociated with commercial uses. AJlplicant. Bruce Medlock and Michael Galante on behalf of Monticello RV Center. Inc. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported Bruce Medlock and Michael Galante on behalf of the Monticello RV Center Inc. have submitted a request to establish a recreational vehicle center upon a 4.3 acre parcel ofland located north of 1-94 and west of Elm Street (former Rolling Wheels Go-Cart and mini-golf site). The proposed RV center would involve the sale, rental, service of recreational vehicles and enclosed utility trailers, sales and installation of RV towing accessories and seasonal storage of recreational vehicles. The conditional use permit would allow the following activities in a B-3 zone, open/outdoor storage, open/outdoor sales/service, minor automobile (recreational vehicle) repair. A request for a variance to allow off-street parking within five feet of a lot line will be discussed. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Bruce Medlock, applicant, stated the site offers freeway exposure, the topography works well with the use and the neighborhood, a chain link fence will be added on the property line, and the site meets current sign codes and lighting. Medlock also added that because of the July 1 storm his current building had extensive damage and time is of the essence to find a new site. Medlock added that the City would be purchasing the current site for the Hwy 25 project. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Commissioners questioned the noise level of this type of business next to a residential area and the condition of the parking area Medlock replied the freeway produces more noise than their shop will. The dense tree buffer will block the shop from the residential area. The parking lot would not be resurfaced at this time but will be phased in over time. Fred Patch, Building Official, added the site is not being served by city utilities and the well and septic system will need to be certified. Medlock stated this had just been competed and the site had passed. DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW OPEN/OUTDOOR STORAGE, SALES AND SERVICE, AND MINOR AUTOMOBILE (RECREATIONAL VEHICLE) REPAIR IN A B-3 ZONING DISTRICT PER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Page 6 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 . 1. ALL OUTDOOR STORAGE AND SALES AREAS ARE SCREENED FROM THE VIEW OF ABUTTING RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRACTS AND PUBLIC RIGHTS~OF-WAY IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CITY SCREENING REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A 20 FOOT LANDSCAPE YARD ALONG THE SITE'S NORTHERN BOUNDARY. 2. A LANDSCAPE PLAN IS SUBMITTED WHICH IDENTIFIES THE LOCATION, TYPE, AND SIZE OF ALL SITE PLANTINGS. 3. THE CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING OF THE OUTDOOR SALES AREA IS CONTAINED BY CURBING, EDGING, OR AN ELEVATION CHANGE (LOWER) FROM THE BORDERING OFF -STREET PARKING AREAS AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL. 4. ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING IS HOODED AND DIRECTED SUCH THAT THE LIGHT SOURCE IS NOT VISIBLE FROM PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY OR NEIGHBORING RESIDENCES. 5. THE SITE PLAN IS REVISED TO ILLUSTRATE INDIVIDUAL PARKING STALLS (INCLUDING THOSE DEVOTED TO THE HANDICAPPED). . 6. PROVISIONS ARE MADE TO CONTROL AND REDUCE NOISE ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROPOSED RECREATIONAL VEHICLE REPAIR ACTIVITIES. 7. THE CITY ENGINEER PROVIDE COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATION REGARDING DRAINAGE ISSUES. 8. THE SITE'S PRINCIPAL BUILDING COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE HEIGHT AND BUILDING MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. 9. ALL SITE SIGNAGE COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE. 10. THE SITE PLAN IS MODIFIED TO ILLUSTRATE AN OFF-STREET LOADING SPACE. . The motion is based on the following findings: The proposed project is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Monticello comprehensive plan goals and policies and in keeping with the intent of the zoning ordinance, is consistent with the purpose of the performance standards of the zoning ordinance, will not have any adverse impacts as outlined in the conditional use permit section of the zoning ordinance, shall provide adequate parking and loading as outlined, shall not impose any undue burden upon public facilities and services, the zoning administrator monitors opportunities to phase in improvements over time. Motion passed Page 7 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 . unanimously. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO DENY, SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN, A VARIANCE TO ALLOW AN OFF-STREET PARKING AREA (ASSOCIATED WITH A COMMERCIAL USE) WITHIN FIVE FEET OF A LOT LINE. Motion based on the findings that a non-economic hardship has not been demonstrated and the property in question can be put to reasonable use if the variance is denied. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Public Hearing--Consideration of variances from the following: 1) minimnm 5-ft setback for off-street parkin~ areas associated with commercial uses, 2) minimum 40-ft driveway separation from intersecting streets. Applicant, Ro~er Hedtke on behalf of Snyder Dru~. . Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported Roger Hedtke on behalf of Snyder Drug has requested a variance from the City's off-street parking area setbacks and driveway location requirements. Such variances respond to the applicant's desire to construct a prescription pick-up lane at their existing drug store located north of 4th Street and east of Walnut Street. Specifically, the applicant wishes to reconflgure an existing, non-conforming driveway located south of the drug store such that the westernmost access to 4th Street terminate and a new access to Walnut Street be constructed. The reconfigured drive lane would be used for the pick-up of prescriptions. Grittman added that it was his opinion the request for the variance could endanger public safety specifically at the intersection of Walnut and 4th street. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Roger Hedke, applicant, stated a drive up window has been very popular in other business similar to his and he was just trying to research a way to have a window at his present site. Hedke was aware of the intersection and the traffic delays or congestions that could occur. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Commissioners discussed options for a one way enter and exit drive-lane but were still concerned about the safety. In the future if this business moved and the building was purchased by a company with a busier drive up trade (fast food) it would present a very dangerous traffic problem. . Fred Patch, Building Official, reported he had been working with Mr. Hedke on other ideas such as the tubes used at most banks. Hedke stated the tube system is too rough for his product. Page 8 . . . 10. Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 After a lengthy discussion of possible alternatives, DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO DENY, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, THE VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM FIVE FOOT PARKING AREA SETBACK (IMPOSED UPON COMMERCIAL USES) AND MINIMUM 40 FOOT SEPARATION FROM INTERSECTING STREETS. Motion based on the findings: a non-economic hardship has not been demonstrated, approval of the variance would increase congestion on public streets and endanger the public safety, an accessory drive-through facility in the city's downtown area is discouraged by the city's downtown plan. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing---Consideration of a variance from the 30-ft front yard setback imposed in R-2 zoning- districts. Applicant, Gerald Anderson. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported Mr. Gerald Anderson has requested approval of a variance from the City's 30 foot front yard setback requirement to accommodate an expansion of his existing attached garage located at 406 East River Street. The applicant is proposing to expand his existing single stall garage to include a second stall and lengthen the existing single stall (from 17 to 24 foot depth). The expanded garage is proposed to lie 19 feet from the subject property's front lot line. The resident currently lies 23 feet from the front lot line and exists as a legal nonconformity. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Gerald Anderson, applicant, stated he requested a variance because to build in the rear of his house it would involve moving a sewer line, extensive replumbing in the house, and creating a long driveway. Roger Olson, neighbor, was not concerned with the setback but was concerned if Anderson built in the rear yard that snow removal would be difficult and would cause problems with Olson's property. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Commissioners discussed the location of the houses on either side of Anderson's, the size of garage that would be needed for today's vehicles, and the added value to the property. Because it would be an upgrade to the property and cause less problems by granting the variance than to build within the setbacks in the rear yard the following motion was made. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM 30 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK IMPOSED IN THE R2 ZONING DISTRICT TO ALLOW A 19 FOOT Page 9 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 . FRONT YARD SETBACK. Motion based on the findings: 1-it allows an addition for a two stall garage; 2- it will appreciate the value of the applicant's property, 3-it will not depreciate the value of the neighborhood; and 4-create reasonable use of the property. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Public Hearing--Consideration of: 1) a zoning ordinance map Hmendment chan~n~ the district designation from AO, Agricultural Open Space, to B-3, Highway Business; 2) a planned unit development conditional use permit to allow outdoor sales. outdoor storage, and automotive body repair in a B-3 zoning district; and 3) a variance from the City's off-street parking curbing reQ.uirements. Applicant, Gould Brothers Chevrolet. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported, Gould Brothers Chevrolet had submitted plans to expand its existing automobile dealership structure located south of Interstate 94 and west of Marvin Road. Specifically, the applicant is proposing various additions to it's existing building which tota113,300 square feet in area. Such additions will result in a building measuring 28,100 square feet in size. . Grittman added the applicant is requesting a change in district designation from AO to B-3/Highway Business, a conditional use permit to allow outdoor sales, outdoor storage, and automotive body repair, and also a variance from the City's off-street parking curbing requirements. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Jay Johnson, general contractor for Goulds, stated that the owners are not opposed to the requirements however are requesting the curbing be phased in over time. Milton Olson, business owner next to Gould's, stated the blacktop area on Gould's property starts on the property line and it does not have the five foot setback. Olson added that he does have a problem with people driving through the Gould's lot looking at the vehicles for sale and turning around on his property. If Goulds is not required to put in curbing then he will need to add a fence. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, THE REZONING OF THE PROPERTY FROM A-O, AGRICULTURAL OPEN SPACE TO B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. Motion passed unanimously. . ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND A CONDITIONAL USE Page 10 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 . PERMIT TO ALLOW OUTDOOR SALES, OUTDOOR STORAGE, AND AUTO BODY REPAIR IN A B-3 ZONING DISTRICT SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. THE CITY APPROVE THE REQUESTED REZONING OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM AN A-O, AGRICULTURAL OPEN SPACE TO A B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS DESIGNATION. 2. THE OUTDOOR VEHICLE STORAGE AREA NOT EXCEED 50 PERCENT OF THE AREA OF THE AUTOMOBILE BODY SHOP. 3. THE OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA IS SCREENED VIA A SIZE FOOT HIGH, 100 PERCENT OPAQUE FENCE DESIGNED TO BLEND WITH THE PRINCIPAL BUILDING AND TREATED TO RESIST DISCOLORATION. 4. THE OUTDOOR VEHICULAR STORAGE AREA IS SURFACED IN ASPHALT OR CONCRETE PAVING. 5. THE APPLICANT SUBMIT INFORMATION NECESSARY TO DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIRED OF THE USE. . 6. THE SITE PLAN IS REVISED TO ILLUSTRATE INDIVIDUAL OFF- STREET PARKING STALLS (IN COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS) AND VEHICLE DRIVE LANES. 7. OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES INTENDED FOR CUSTOMER PARKING ARE DELINEATED VIA STRIPING, LANDSCAPING ALONG CUSTOMER PARKING AREA, AND PERIMETER CURBING ON THE EAST LINE. 8. BUILDING ELEVATIONS ARE SUBMITTED WHICH ILLUSTRATE THE DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE ADDITIONS AND SPECIFY FINISH MATERIALS (IN COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS). 9. THE SITE'S ADVERTISING SIGN (BILLBOARD) IS REMOVED WITHIN FIVE YEARS OF THE DATE OF PUD/CUP APPROVAL. 10. THE SITE PLAN IS REVISED TO IDENTIFY THE PROPOSED LOCATION OF THE "RELOCATED" GAS TANK. II. ALL SITE SIGNAGE COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE. . 12. THE SITE PLAN IS REVISED TO ILLUSTRATE AN OFF-STREET LOADING SPACE. Page 11 . . 12. . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 13. THE CITY ENGINEER PROVIDE COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION IN REGARD TO DRAINAGE ISSUES. 14. CURBING TO BE INSTALLED IN PHASE ONE ALONG EAST PROPERTY LINE TO NORTH ENTRANCE AND ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING ALONG CUSTOMER PARKING AREA AS NOTED ON EXHIBIT E OF THE PLANNERS REPORT. The motion was based on the findings that the project is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Monticello comprehensive plan goals and policies and in keeping with the intent of the zoning ordinance, will not have any adverse impacts as outlined in the conditional use permit section of the zoning ordinance, shall provide adequate parking and loading as outlined herein and shall not impose any undue burden upon public facilities and services. Motion passed unanimously. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO DENY, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, ALLOWING AN OFF-STREET PARKING AREA (ASSOCIATED WITH A COMMERCIAL USE) WITHOUT PERIMETER CURBING. Motion based on the following findings: Non-economic hardship has not been demonstrated to warrant approval of the requested variance, the property in questions can be put to reasonable use if the variance request is denied, the curbing will be phased in when applicant improves site. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearin~--Consideration of an application for rezoning from 1-2 to planned unit development district to allow mixed uses on a combination of parcels, variance from the setback requirements for a loading dock, PUD pennit to allow construction of a loadin~ dock, and phasin~ of other required improvements to a nonconfonnin~ building. Applicant, Jeff Bums/Little Mountain Feed. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported Little Mountain Feed has requested approval of the construction of a loading dock on the south side of its main building. The loading dock would be in violation of the setback adjacent to the Burlington Northern Railroad, and requires approval from the railroad for use of some of its right-of.way for access. Due to the mix of uses on this site (including office, retail, industrial, and warehousing), the most appropriate process is through the rezoning of the parcel to Planned Unit Development District PUD). Grittman added in the PUD District, the underlying Comprehensive Plan manages land use, but conceivably, any mix ofland uses is possible. The use of pun would also be important in this case to manage a staged series of site improvements to the property which includes a number of non-conformities. These include uncontrolled site access, minimal landscaping and buffering, and lack of paving for either retail of industrial traffic. The pun Zoning process allows the City to approve expansions Page 12 . . . 13. Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 to otherwise non-conforming land uses, and negotiate a staging of site improvements designed to bring the parcel into conformance. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Jeff Burns, applicant, replied there is an 8 foot fence separating his business from the residential area. There are future plans to move the retail area so Burns would prefer not to pave the lot at this time. (The adjacent area and city street are gravel also.) Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, THE REZONING OF THE SITE FROM 1-2 TO PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. The motion was based on the findings that the PUD zoning district will allow the city to best manage the impacts of the proposed use in conformance with the comprehensive plan, the proposed uses are appropriate in the city's effort to redevelop its downtown area, as identified in the MCP plan, the proposed zoning will not have adverse impacts on the neighboring land uses. Motion passed unanimously. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN, THE ISSUANCE OF A PUD PERMIT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, WITH STAGED SITE IMPROVEMENTS TO MATCH EXPANSION OF THE BUSINESS ON THE EXISTING SITE. The motion was based on the following findings that expansion of the business is appropriate, given the proximity to sunny fresh, the addition of the loading dock is an insignificant expansion, and should not key the need to provide other site improvements at this time. Motion passed unanimously. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN, THE VARIANCE TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LOADING DOCK WITHIN THE REQUIRED SETBACK AREA ADJACENT TO THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD. Motion is based on the finding that there are not feasible alternatives to the loading dock location on the property, the loading dock is reasonably necessary to permit the continued viability of the business in this location, and the proposed location of the dock will have the least impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Motion passed unanimously. Continued Public Hearin2'--Consideration of text and map amendments renaming BC (business campus) zoning district to I-IA (light industrial district A); and Page 13 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 . consideration of text amendments to the business CRmpus district re~ations by eliminating the ~een space requirement outside of the standard setback requirements. Applicant, Monticello Planning Commission. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported the Industrial Development Committee has suggested that the City restructure the current Business Campus District in an effort to make the land within the District more attractive to development. The IDC has concluded that the lack of industrial development in the BC zoned areas is attributable, at least in part, to both the perception of the District as unfriendly to development, and the reality of a concern over buildable areas limited by the landscaping requirements. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, THE RENAMING OF THE B-C, BUSINESS CAMPUS DISTRICT TO 1- lA, INDUSTRIAL BASED ON THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION. Motion passed unanimously. . ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, THE ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUSINESS CAMPUS DISTRICT BY CHANGING THE LOT COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO MINIMUM LANDSCAPE AREA BY THE ELIMINATION OF THE PERCENTAGE LANDSCAPE AREA. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Zoning ordinance revisions (outline form) for consideration in implementing the MCP Plan ~oals and objectives in downtown Monticello. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported the City Council had recently approved the adoption of the MCP plan as an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan. This report provides a conceptual outline of a proposed zoning district which would be designed to implement the MCP plan. Rather than attempt to adjust one of the City's current zoning districts, we would propose to create a new district which is specifically tailored to the unique aspects of Monticello's downtown and the Goals and Objects of the downtown plan. We have entitled this district the Central Community district. DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A DOWNTOWN ZONING DISTRICT, SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Motion passed unanimously. . 15. Consideration of calling for a public hearing on an ordinance amenrlment to Title 10, Chapter 3, Section 2 rGl, of the Monticello Zoning Orrlinance relating to required fencing, screening, and landscaping by adding tree preservation and replacement Page 14 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/7/97 . re~ations. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO TABLE, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 2 (G), OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO REQUIRED FENCING, SCREENING, AND LANDSCAPING BY ADDING TREE PRESERVATION AND REPLACEMENT REGULATIONS. Motion passed unanimously. 16. Adjournment. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. {Ja~ )!~ Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician . . Page 15