City Council Minutes 01-30-1968 Special7:30 P.M, January 30, 1968 Special meeting of the Village Council was held this time and date at the Village Hall. Members present: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer, and F. Swanberg. Absent: None. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve the plans and specifications for remodeling the Municipal Liquor Store and to advertise for bids. Bids are to be opened at 8:00 p.m. on February 139 1968. Motion seconded by Councilman F. Swanberg and carried unanimously. Voting Yes: Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Motion by 'Jouncilman Kasper to accept Mr. Finley Mix's letter.of resignation dated January 19, 1968; to be effective March 1, 1968. Motion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried unanimously. Voting yes: Councilmen Kasper, Topel Schaffer, and Swanberg. Motion by Councilv. n To el to ado t resolution eclarin st T 'Be Psessed P tioanlo ryroeosede sessr°nen ongFur ier�v o ac U and ordering PR p resolution tax Hearing on Proposed Assessments. Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried unanimously. Voting yes: Councilman Kasper, Topel, Schaffer and Swanberg. Meeting adjourned on motion at 10:25 p.m. . f Clerk -Treasurer f c