City Council Minutes 07-30-1968 SpecialContinued July 9, 1968
Council authorized the payment for the calculator purchased from Persian
Office `Iachines that it be paid from the grater and Sewer Funds.
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve of a building permit for Mr.
v George Larson to build a garage 24' by 281,on Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Lower
Monticello. Cost of permit $5.00. Motion seconded by Councilman lopel and carried.
Voting yes: Councilman Kasper, acting Mayor; Councilmen Topel, Schaffer, and
Swanberg. Voting no; None.
Mr. .Art McIntire, Uhief of Police, spoke to the Council about attending
the new peace officer training course that is provided by the State of Minnesota.
Council asked the Clerk -Treasurer to find out when the course will convene, where
it will be held, and the length of the school.
Motion by Councilman Topel to pay the bill as presented. 'A list of the bills
as presented are on file at the Clerk -Treasurer's office. '1yhe following monies were
dis'Oursed: General Fund $7289.00, Street Fund $529.36, Water Fund 514.59, Sewer
Fund $1129.61, Park Fund $295.84. The following order numbers were issued for the
above listed funds: Order number 613'through 708. `The amount of monies disbursed
in Liouor Fund $27727.55; and the order number issued were 394 through 460. Motion
seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried. Voting yest Councilman Kasper, Acting
Mayor; Councilmen Topel, Schaffer,and Swanberg. Voting no. None.
on 9:50 P.M.
7:00 P.1v.
July 30i,;1968
Special Council meeting held this time and date at the Vilinge Hall. Members
present: Mayor Sandberg, councilmen Kasper, Topel Schaffer, and Swanberg. Members
absents None.
Council discussed the cost involved in providing fire service for the rural
area served by the Monticello Volunteer Fire .Department. It was decided that the
Village will draw up fire contracts with, each of the township that are now currently
being served by the Monticello Fire Depc.Y�tment. Council asked. the Clerk -Treasurer to
have the Village Attorney preppre the fire contracts.
Council reviewed the new pet ordinance that had been drawn up by the Village
11ttorney. 14otion by Mayor Sandberg Whereby'.. -.the Village of Monticello will adopt
the new net ordinance: Ordinance #142; Licensing, Village Pound, Offenses. Motion
seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Council
men Topel, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: None. Councilman Kasper was not
present for the voting on this motion.
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to appoint Mir. Gordon Stokes to the position
of assistant manager of the Municipal Liquor Store effective August 1, 1968. Further,
th2t his hourly rate of pay be increased from. $2.40 per hour to J62.45 per hour.
commencing august 1, 1968. notion seconded by Councilman, Swanberg and carried.
Voting yes: Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer, and Swanberg. abstaining: i�aor
Sandberg. Voting no: None*
wleetin;-,, c u ed on ns tion at 9.30 p.m.
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