Planning Commission Minutes 12-02-1997 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 2, 1997 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Dick Martie, Rod Dragsten, J on Bogart Clint Herbst Jeff O'Neill, Steve Grittman, Fred Patch, Wanda Kraemer Liaison: Staff Present: 1. Can to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order and noted the presence of Mayor Fair. Chairman Frie thanked Jon Bogart for his eight years on the commission and presented him with a plaque of appreciation. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held November 4, 1997. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Discussion regarding the interviews for Planning Commission and recommendation to the City Council for Jon Bogart's position. 4. Citizens comments. There were no citizens comments. 5. Public Hearing--Consideration of an amendment to the interim use permit allowing an industrial use as a second use on the same property as a public use. Applicant. Tim Bondhus. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported that Mr. Bondhus on behalf of the Monticello School District, has requested an amendment to a previously issued interim use permit which allowed a public school use to occupy an existing building within an 1-1 zoning district. Presently, the School District fully occupies a 4,800 square foot building located at 1248 Oakwood Drive East (between H-Window building and Simonson Lumber). The School District utilizes the space to offer alternative school programs for students identified by the district as needing individualized treatment. Since Page 1 Planning Commission Minutes/12-2-97 . receiving the original interim use permit approval this past summer, the school district has determined that it is not in need of the total 4,800 sq feet of floor area available in the building. As a result, the School District is proposing to occupy only the upper level of the structure thereby allowing a "second" use on the lower level. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Gene Garman, School District representative, stated this would be a good mix because interested students could be trained in an industrial setting. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Commissioners discussed how the timing worked with the current interim use permit issued for the school use in the industrial setting. Grittman clarified the industrial use is allowed in this district however, the decision is to amend the current interim use the school district has allowing the mixed use. The reviewal date would still be August, 1998. . Chairman Frie did caution Tim Bondhus to take into consideration when remodeling that interim permits are usually granted for a short time frame and if the use is increase the parking will supply will need to increase. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, THE INTERIM USE PERMIT AMENDMENT, PER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. THE INTERIM USE PERMIT WILL TERMINATE ON 31, AUGUST, 1998. EXTENSION OF THE USE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL PURPOSES BEYOND THE TERMINATION DATE MAY ONLY BE GRANTED THROUGH RE-APPLICATION TO THE CITY. 3. 2. THE DISTRICT AGREES TO STRIPE THE EXISTING PARKING LOT IN A WAY WHICH MAXIMIZES THE PAVED AREA FOR EFFICIENT PARKING SUPPLY AND CmCULATION. THE DISTRICT AGREES TO EXPAND PARKING AREAS AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY. THE CITY WILL DIRECT EXPANDED PARKING BASED N THE CITY'S OBSERVATION OF PARKING DEMAND WHICH CAUSES THE USE OF ON-STREET PARKING AT ANY TIME. . 4. THE USE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY WILL BE FOR Page 2 . . 8. <e Planning Commission MinutesI12-2-97 ALTERNATIVE CLASSROOM USE DURING NORMAL SCHOOLHOUSE ONLY AND NOT FOR ANY OTHER USE. 5. THE DISTRICT MAY OCCupy THE BUILDING DURING REMODELING ONLY AT THE DIRECTION, AND UNDER CONDITIONS IDENTIFIED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. THE DISTRICT SHALL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO AVOID PERMANENT CHANGES TO THE BUILDING WHICH, IN THE OPINION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, WOULD NOT BE CHARACTERISTIC OF AN INDUSTRIAL USE. 6. 7. THIRTEEN OF THE TOTAL 19 OFF-STREET PARKING STALLS ARE RESERVED FOR USE BY THE BUILDING'S LOWER LEVEL BUILDING OCCUPANT. 8. ALL APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE SATISFACTORILY MET. The motion is based on the finding that the proposed use will not interfere with the comprehensive plan objective to encourage industrial development in the area (due to the temporary nature of the permit, and the minimal alterations to the property). Motion passed unanimously. 6. Continued P~]ic Heari~g--Consideration of an :::~;:;'P;~ ~o~~ ~~~ticello ComprehenSIve Plan whIch would remove or reI 0- overpass at Fallon Avenue. Applicantr Church of St. HenQls. (J~ff~~~bal report) Jeff Q'N eill, Assistant Administrator, reported that St. Henry's is requesting a continuance until January because the city engineer is waiting for response from MNDOT regarding potential bridge or underpass design options. 7. Public Hearing--Consideration of a conditional use permi: :w "IJ.~w a planned unit development conditional use permit (PUD/CUP) to a I . development of the hospital. nursing ho~e. medium d;;n~:~~~ntial. and parkmg lot campus under a planned umt development. Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District. Public Hearing--Considerati.on of varianc~s fr.om 1) req::e,::,~o-~s~~:;::d set?ack for buffer yard reqUlred between mstltutlOnal ~ot ;ti,- ~k"~; 1 reSIdentIal use; 2) reqmred 5-ft driveway and parkmg I s a fr property line. Applicant. Monticello-Big- Lake Hospital District~ Steve Grittman reported, the Monticello Big-Lake Community Hospital Page 3 v' Planning Commission Minutes/12-2-97 . District is proposing a major expansion of their facilities on Hart Boulevard in Monticello. Nearly all aspects of the site would see some level of expansion to be phased in over time. The first step in reviewing a pun is to consider the entire site concept plan. The concept review is designed to alert the applicant and city to issues which may affect the general layout of the project, including zoning issues affecting adjacent lands. This PUD project lies within the PZM zoning district which allows mixed uses, including the hospital, clinic, nursing home, and senior housing. As a result, the majority of issues raised by this project will be impacts on adjoining properties, streets, and utilities. PUD a planned unit development is being utilized to accommodate the mix of uses and buildings on the site. pun is intended to promote coordinated design which would not be possible through strict application of Zoning Ordinance standards. . Hart Blvd. The vacation of Hart Boulevard is central to the design of this plan. The area of vacation is proposed to be expanded from previous discussions. Under this plan, Hart Boulevard would be under private ownership from its connections with CSAH 75 on the west to the easterly property line of the Mississippi Shores facility. Much of this right-of-way would be converted to parking area for the hospital and clinic, the planned connection to CSAH 75 near the clinic entrance would be abandoned. River Street - The design of the project retains access to River Street from the area below the hill. In addition to access to the nursing home area, the lower level of the parking structure would be located in that location. County State Aid Highway 75 - Access to CSAH 75 from the main hospital entrance would require coordination with the School District due to the proposed channelization of the County Highway. New medians would effectively close left turn access to other driveway points between Washington Street and the new intersection at the Hospital entrance. Helipad - the location adjacent to the main driveway could cause significant congestion particular at shift changes, a location on top of the parking structure or a portion of the main hospital would be safer and more appropriate. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. . Barb Schwientek, Executive Director for the Hospital District, stated that River Street will always need to go through as long as the nursing home is where it is. Schwientek stated she would like to see the access from Hart Blvd to River Street remain open even if only used for emergency use. The Page 4 ~. . Planning Commission Minutes/12-2-97 helipad will cost about $200,000 if built on top of a building instead of $20,000 if built on the ground. Schwientek stated the hospital has been talking with MNDOT and the helipad site seems to meet their requirements. Tim Sessions, BWER Architects, explained the design of the site is to make the most use of the site. Sessions stated the city should reviewed the limit of two story buildings because the fire department has the equipment to handle heights of more than two stories. . Next, Session commented on each of the 8 summary points in the planners report: 1- maintain the main access point across from the high school and have further discussion with the City regarding the access on Hart Blvd. 2-the hospital would like to maintain the River Street access but does agree that a parking structure with the entrance and exit in the front could be reviewed; 3-providing for right-out-egress onto CSAH 75, from the ramp on the west side of project would be a good idea; 4-relocate the west building line of the parking structure to meet the thirty foot bufferyard, or in the alternative, provide for enhanced landscaping and building architecture to mitigate the encroachment of the adjacent residential project; 5 - Sessions stated the helipad would not work on the top of the parking structure because of the cost and also it will be a number of years before this is completed; 6-the relocation or redesign of the west side of the main hospital expansion to avoid the utility easements; 7-a detailed design of city's storm sewer near the clinic will be provided; 8-consider the vacation of the River Street right-of-way to avoid setback encroachments. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Helen Wolf, property owner, stated that the ambulance garage is only 10 feet from her property; if the street is vacated and a parking ramp constructed how will she be able to access her driveway? Sessions assured Wolf there was a portion of Hart Boulevard remaining that would allow her driveway access. John Bondhus, property owner along Hart Blvd., stated he would like to see Hart Blvd. vacated and he thought the WWTP sludge trucks could make the turn because the Bondhus access was directly across from the WWTP. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. . The Commissioners discussed the vacation of Hart Blvd and the possibility of the trucks turning east on Hart Blvd. and going around the city limits so the trucks would not be using the hospital lot. The helipad also created concern that if a helicopter was landing at the site next to County Road 75 it could Page 5 Planning Commission Minutes/12-2-97 . create traffic problems. One suggestion was to locate the helipad along the river in back of the hospital. It was agreed that meetings with the County Engineer should be scheduled. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, THE APPLICATION FOR A PUD CONCEPT PLAN WITH THE COMMENTS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: l. REVISE THE PLAN TO PRESERVE THE PROPOSED CITY STREET ACCESS FROM HART BOULEVARD TO CSAH 75 NEAR THE CLINIC ENTRANCE, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, PROVIDE FOR EGRESS FROM THE WWTP SIMILAR TO THAT SHOWN IN THE MAP, EXHIBIT A. THIS WOULD INCLUDE A TERMINUS TO HART BOULEVARD, AND PROJECT PARKING LOT ACCESS FROM THAT CITY STREET. 2. MAINTAIN THE EXISTING NURSING HOME ACCESS TO RIVER STREET, BUT REDESIGN THE PARKING STRUCTURE TO PROVIDE FOR TOP-LEVEL ACCESS AND WATER-PROTECTED RAMPING. . 3. PROVIDE FOR RIGHT-OUT EGRESS ONTO CSAH 75 NEAR THE RAMP'S UPPER LEVEL DRIVEWAY AT THE WEST EDGE OF THE PROJECT. 4. RELOCATE THE WEST BUILDING LINE OF THE PARKING STRUCTURE TO MEET THE THIRTY FOOT BUFFERYARD , OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, PROVIDE FOR ENHANCED LANDSCAPING AND BUILDING ARCHITECTURE TO MITIGATE THE ENCROACHMENT ON THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. 5. PROVIDE FOR A HELIPAD LOCATION ON TOP OF THE PARKING STRUCTURE OR THE MAIN HOSPITAL BUILDING. 6. REDESIGN THE WEST SIDE OF THE MAIN HOSPITAL EXPANSION AREA TO AVOID THE UTILITY EASEMENTS OR PROVIDE PLANS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ILLUSTRATING THE RELOCATION OF THE EASEMENT AND UTILITY LINES IN PLACE. 7. PROVIDE DESIGN DETAIL TO CITY ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC . WORKS STAFF ILLUSTRATING THE PROTECTION OF THE CITY'S STORM SEWER NEAR THE CLINIC EXPANSION. Page 6 . . ,e Planning Commission Minutes/12-2-97 8. CONSIDER VACATION OF THE RIVER STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY TO AVOID SETBACK ENCROACHMENTS, BOTH EXISTING AND PROPOSED, CONTINGENT UPON RETENTION OF CITY EASEMENTS. Motion based on the findings that the application would comply with the City's Comprehensive Plan anticipating long-term provisions for the hospital site, and the City's Transportation Plan objective in accommodating the use of CSAH 75 in this area. Motion passed unanimously. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO DENY, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, THE VARIANCE REQUEST FROM THE BUFFERYARD STANDARDS. Based upon a finding that there is no hardship present justifying the variance. Motion passed unanimously. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO SUPPORT VACATION OF THAT PORTION OF RIVER STREET ALONG THE HOSPITAL NORTHERN BOUNDARIES HOWEVER, MAINTAIN EASEMENTS FOR UTILITIES AND PATHWAYS IN THIS AREA. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Public HearingnConsideration of an amendment to the official zoning map of the city of Monticello to change the zoning district classification Of~~,:;;-~;rt; loc8ted in the medium dem;ity residential (R-3) zoning' district to lig industrial (1-]) and public/semi-public llse (P-S)' Applicantr City of Monticello. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported the Klucas property along West River Street consists of approximately 20 acres and is zoned R-3, Multiple Family Residential. Since its annexation into the City several years ago, the site has contained an automobile junk yard, a legal non~conforming use. The property is adjacent to an R-2 zoned neighborhood to the east, comprised of single family homes, and a few undeveloped lots. To the west is an industrial supply company and the Al~Anon building both zoned 1-2 Heavy Industrial. To the north across West River Street is the NSP Training Facility and the NSP athletic fields, also zoned I-I. The issue is whether the R-3 zoning designation is the most appropriate land use of the site, and if not, what zoning designation should be assigned. The MCP plan is to build higher density in the downtown area. Jeff O'N eill, Assistant Administrator, reported that this parcel has been on the Planning Commission work plan to review and because O'Neill was aWare of the property being put on the market for sale he placed it on the Page 7 . Planning Commission Minutes/I2-2-97 Planning Commission agenda for consideration. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Mr. Tim Fourie, attorney for property owner, stated the property is a junk. yard and had been for many years. It was his understanding the property was brought into the City as R3 and more land in this zone is needed. He added there is a natural berm that blocks the areaJrom the freeway. If the property is zoned industrial it will be required to allow for buffering and pathway access. This might be considered condemnation. Q'N eill replied that R3 uses are allowed in all PZM, PZR, and B2 with a CUP there does not appear to be a shortage ofR3 zoned property. Steve Tibbets, neighbor, explained that they had put a lot of elbow grease in their house and he would like it zoned residential instead of industrial. Bill Seegfelds, owner Electo Industries, stated he would like to see the area rezoned industrial. It was original zoned industrial and then changed to R3 in the 1980's. . Dan Goeman, Realtor, inquired as to the difference between I-I and I-IA. Grittman explained that the basic difference would be that I-lA is basically the same as business campus except for building material standards and green space. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Commissioners discussed the contour of the land and the surrounding area. Because of the natural berm through the area it would be an appropriate place for residential development however, there already are industrial sites in this area. Dan Goeman, inquired if the item could be tabled until he has a chance to check the market. Q'N eill replied that if the parcel is rezoned to R2 it would still allow 8 unit buildings on this site with a conditional use however, higher density would not be allowed. . ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY JON BOGART, THE APPLICATION FOR REZONING FROM R.3 TO Il-A, based upon the finding that the rezoning would further the objectives of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan by providing for increased choice in Page 8 . . . Planning Commission Minutes/12-2-97 industrial land development and is compatible with industrial uses to the west and north. Voting in favor: Rod Dragsten, Jon Bogart. Voting against: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Dick Martie. Motion failed 2 to 3. After a short discussion, DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE , SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, THE APPLICATION FOR A REZONING FROM R-3 TO R-2, based upon the findings that the rezoning would further the objectives of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan by discouraging multiple family residential development at the edges of the community. Voting in favor: Dick Martie, Richard Carlson, Dick Frie, Jon Bogart. Voting against: Rod Dragsten. Motion passed. 10. Public HearinguConsideration of a zoning ordinance amendment which would allow a trucking use and service garage in a B-3 zone. and consideration of a conditional use pennit allowing a tnlcking company and service garage in a B-3 zone. Applicant. Danner Trucking. Jeff O'N eill, Assistant Administrator, reported Bob Danner is requesting a zoning ordinance amendment and conditional use permit which would allow re-establishment and expansion of the Danner Trucking operation, which is a lawful non-conforming use in the B-3 zone. The Danner Trucking garage and office area was greatly damaged by the July storm. The damage exceeded 50% of the value of the facility; therefore, it cannot be rebuilt or expanded without a zoning text amendment to the B-3 regulations. Although the use is not specifically noted, staffwould interpret this type of use as being allowed in the I-I zone under "bus tenninals and maintenance garage. Danner is also asking for a conditional use permit in conjunction with the zoning ordinance amendment. The site plan provided supporting the CUP request includes land that is not in control by Danner at this time; therefore, it may be premature to consider the specific requests for a conditional use permit. A somewhat complex set of street vacations and condemnations need to occur in order to prepare the site as shown. Note that all of the street vacations and associated actions necessary to prepare the site are planned to occur in conjunction with the Highway 25 project. It appears to make sense to examine the zoning ordinance amendment first prior to investing a significant effort in preparation of a site plan and associated conditional use permit. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Jim Flemming, attorney for Danner trucking, explained that his client bought the property in 1975 which had been the township maintenance garage. Mr. Danner drives truck over the road and the building was used for storage of tools and minor 'truck repairs since that time. The south side of Page 9 Planning Commission MinutesI12-2-97 . this property comes to a point and Flemming stated the actual owner to this is Mel Wolters. Danner could purchase this area from Mr. WoIters. If Mr. Danners has enough room on the site he would like to build a larger building with the intent to sell in the future. This building will not be completely finished on the inside allowing Danner to operate similar to what he has in the past. Then at the time he would like to sell, the buyer could finish the interior of the building and have an excellent commercial site on Highway 25. The new building would be a metal building similar to the existing buildings in the vicinity. J eft' O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that an operation the size of Mr. Danner is not a problem but if a larger trucking company would buy this site it would not work well. Grittman added that this use is not consistent with other uses because the other businesses along this area all have selling activities. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The commissioners discussed if there was a time set on when Danner was retiring. . Mrs. Danner thought about five years. Grittman stated an interim use permit could be used. DICK MARTIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON, THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING A TRUCKlNG AND SERVICE USE IN A B-3 ZONE PER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. THE ARCHITECTURAL APPEARANCE AND FUNCTIONAL PLAN OF THE BUILDING AND SITE SHALL NOT BE SO DISSIMILAR TO THE EXISTING BUILDING OR AREAS AS TO CAUSE IMPAIRMENT IN PROPERTY VALUES OR CONSTITUTE A BLIGHT INFLUENCE WITHIN A REASONABLE DISTANCE OF LOT. B. PARKlNG ARES SHALL BE SCREENED FROM VIEW OF ABUTTING RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, SECTION 2, OF THIS ORDINANCE. . C. THE ENTIRE SITE OTHER THAN THAT TAKEN PU BY A BUILDING, STRUCTURE, OR PLANTING SHALL BE SURFACED WITH A MATERIAL TO CONTROL DUST AND DRAINAGE, WHICH Page 10 Planning Commission Minutes/12-2-97 . D. IS SUBJECT TO THE AFPROV AL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. THE SITE SHALL MEET MINIMUM LOT AREA REQUIREMENTS. NO OUTSIDE STORAGE EXCEPT AS ALLOWED IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 4 OF THIS ORDINANCE. (THIS MEANS OUTSIDE STORAGE IS ALLOWED THROUGH A SEPARATE CUP PROCESS.) NOT MORE THAN 4 SEMIS WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE SITE AT ONE TIME. E. F. Based on the finding that the use is consistent with the character of the B-3 district, the use will not tend to cause depreciation of value of other B-3 uses, and the proposed amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Voting in favor: Dick Martie, Richard Carlson, Dick Frie, Rod Dragsten Voting against: Jon Bogart. Motion passed. DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO TABLE, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE, CONSIDERATION OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PENDING ACQUISITION OF NECESSARY LAND AREAS SUPPORTING THE SITE PLAN. Motion passed unanimously. . 11. Public Hearine---Consideration of an amendment of the official zoning map to chang-e the zoning district classification of a propertqr located in the light industrial (I-I) zoning district to highway business (B-s). Applicant, City of Monticello. 12. Public Hearing--Consideration of an application for a conditional use permit to allow a governmental use and building within a highway business (B-3) zoning district. Applicant. City of Monticello. Steve Grittman reported the United States Postal Service had submitted plans to construct a 7,2000 square foot carrier annex upon a 5.0 acre parcel of land located east of Highway 25 between 1-94 and 7th Street. To accommodate the request, the following approvals are necessary: 1. A Zoning Ordinance amendment to establish governmental and public utility structures as conditional uses in the B-3 Zoning District. 2. A rezoning of the subject site from I-I, Light Industrial to B-3, Highway Commercial. . 3. A conditional use permit to allow the establishment of a governmental building within a B-3 Zoning District. Page 11 . Planning Commission Minutes/12-2-97 Fred Patch, Building Official, reported the United States Post Office is exempt from all local building code and zoning laws. Eventually this building may not be a postal building and rezoning will make this a conforming site. Ken Maus, property owner next to parcel, requested the commissioners to also rezone the lot he owns (Lot 5) to the same zoning. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Commissions discussed the site plan for the post office and had concems about the circle driveway. Patch replied that the City will have a difficult time enforcing any conditions or changes in this case. . ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ATTACHED, AS EXHIBIT A. Based upon the finding that the conditional allowance of govemment and public utility structures in the B-3 district is consistent with the purpose of the district. Motion passed unanimously. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE, THE REZONING OF THE PROPERTY FROM I-I, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL TO B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS. Base upon the findings that the rezoning is consistent with the provisions of the comprehensive plan and is in character with the area. Motion passed unanimously. DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED AS FOLLOW: 1. THE CITY APPROVE THE REQUESTED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AND REZONING. 2. THE CITY ENGINEER PROVIDE COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATION IN REGARD TO SITE ACCESS. 3. THE SUBMITTED GRADING PLAN IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND AFPROV AL BY THE CITY ENGINEER. . 4. THE FOLLOWING LANDSCAPING RELATED CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED: A. THE AUSTRIAN PINE TREE LOCATED IN THE Page 12 Planning Commission Minutes/12-2-97 . NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SITE IS RELOCATED SO AS NT TO OBSTRUCT VEHICULAR VIABILITY FOR VEHICLES EXITING ONTO 7TH STREET. B. THE DWARF BURNING BUSHES LOCATED ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THE PARKING LOT ARE SHIFTED WESTWARDS TO ALLOW VEHICLE OVERHANG AND SNOW STORAGE. C. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING AREAS ARE SCREENED FROM VIEW OF INTERSTATE 94 FROM THE SOUTH. D. THE LANDSCAPE PLAN IS MODIFIED TO IDENTIFY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS. 5. THE SITE PLAN IS REVISED TO IDENTIFY A TRASH HANDLING LOCATION. THE TRASH HANDLING AREA SHALL BE SCREENED FROM VIEW OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES AND ADJACENT RIGHTS-OF-WAY. . ALL SITE SIGNAGE COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE CITY REQUIREMENTS. 7. ' THE SITE PLAN IS REVISED TO ILLUSTRATE EXTERIOR LIGHTING LOCATIONS. ALL LIGHTING SHALL BE ARRANGED TO DEFLECT LIGHT AWAY FROM ANY RESIDENTIAL USE ZONE AND FROM PUBLIC STREETS. 6. 8. NO OUTSIDE STORAGE IS PERMITTED. 9. ANY MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ERECTED ON THE ROOF OF THE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE IS SCREENED S AS NOT TO BE VISIBLE. 10. THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL OFF-STREET PARKING STALLS IF THE NEED ARISES. . Based on the findings that the use is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with uses in the area. Motion passed unanimously. Page 13 . . Ie Planning Commission Minutes/12-2-97 13. National Guard update. J eft' O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported there are meetings throughout December with various groups regarding possible activities in the Community Center. On January 20th, 1998 at 7 p.m. there will be a community meeting to present the project. 14. CCD District Steve Grittman, City Planner, stated that the Planning COmmission should call for a public hearing to create the boundaries for the CCD District (central community District). A MOTION WAS :MADE BY DICK FRIE TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO DEFINE THE BOUNDARIES FOR THE CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT, SECONDED BY JON BOGART. Motion pass unanimously. 15. Added items. A. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION RECOGNIZING JEFF O'NEILL FOR HIS WORK ON THE BRIDGEVIEW PLAT. DUE TO O'NEILL'S SPECIAL EFFORTS TO IDENTIFY THE NATURAL VALUE OF THE LAND TO THE COMMUNITY AND DUE TO HIS EFFORTS IN COORDINATING DECISION MAKING WITH LOCAL GUESTS AND THE DEVELOPER IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THE 55 ACRE NATURAL AREA MAY BE PRESERVED FOR FUTURE GENERATION TO ENJOY. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. B. The Commissioners discussed the interviews for Planning Commission, A MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK FRIE TO RECOMMEND ROBBIE SMITH TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN JANUARY. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed by acclamation. 16. Adjournment. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. ub~;:~ Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 14