City Council Minutes 09-26-1968 Special8:40 P IVIS September 76, 1968 Special meeting of the Villa -e Council convened at the =hove time and date at the Village Hall, members present: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Kasper, Topel, and Schaffer, Absent: Councilman -F. Swanberg. t Motion by Councilman Kasper that the ' 'Vill � :e Council approved of the Vil i ga o, Planning Commission report dated September 26, 196P, as presented :at -Council . The Council further approved of the Comirnission request that w-l.s contained within the above report. otion seccrnd.ed by Councilman Topel -,.nd c -rried.. ,toting yes: P,"ayor Sandb�e_rg; Councilmen Kasper, Topel, and. Sch<. 'fer. o no: ivone. Meeting adjourned on rriotion at 8:50 P. IN- 4 c e e ` r t r ; t n * c e c