City Council Minutes 10-08-19681W,
October 8, 1968
Regular meeting, of the Village Council held this time and date at the Ville e
Hall, Members present: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer, and
Swanberg. Members absent: None. Minutes of the meetings for September 11th and
26th, 1968, were read and approved. '
Mr. Ron.r.ld Michealis, Fire Chief of the Monticello Volunteer Fire Department,
representin a delegation from the fire departiiient spoke to the Council about getting
Vil1?ge assistance in the followin- matters: '(1) That the Fire Department be authorized
to consult with the Village A-t+,orney on legal matters pertaining to the fire department.
Approved by Council. (2) That the mire Department needed financial assistance for
the Firemen's Relief Association and to p*:�y for new h=;.ts, badges, andshirts and were
,riven approval to go to the publid for contributions.3) Further, th^.t the 'Village pay
for the Volunteer Firemen's xecident Insurance premiums which covers the firemen when
'they are engaged in fire fightin:. Motion by Councilman Swanberg that the Village
pay the insurance premiums on the Volunteer FireAen's Accident Insurance policy which
covers the Village firem.-n when they are engaged in fire fighting. Motion seconded
iy Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Major Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper,
Topel, Schaffer, and SwSnnberg. Voting no: None, C
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to have a special Council meeting at 7:30 p.m,
on October 14, 1968, for the purpose of discussing fire contracting with Monticello
Township Board Members. Furthers that representatives of the Monticello Volunteer
Fire Department be invited to attend this meeting. Motion seconded by Councilman
Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer,
and Swanberg. Voting no: hone
Mr. Loren Senness, Superintendent of Independent School District 8P2, spoke to
the Council on behaif'of the School Board Members about getting Council approval on
ch?nging the proposed course of the sanitary sewer line extension to the proposed
elementary school as was approved by Council on September 119 1968. Motion by
Councilman Kasper to approve of the chane for the sanitary sewer line extension from
the proposed selementary school to .,here it hooks up to the Village sanitary sewer
line. The new pr000sed change of the sanitary sewer line is th6t it will riow run in
a westerly'direction along Route 152 and then will be'connected to the proposed
elementary school by a lateral. The Village engineer will make the grade determinn._tion
of the sewer extension. Further none of the cost for the above will. borne'by the
Village. Motion seconded by Councilmah Schaffertand carried. Voting yes:' mayor
aandberq, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: Pone.
kit. Gerald Barthel spoke to the Council about the condition of West River Street
from Chestnut Avenue to the Village limits. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to h:�ve
that portion of nest River Street from the corner of Chestnut 'venue to the Village
limits graded down and the center of the Atreet is to be be dug out and refilled Ulth
a sand. base. Notion seconded by Councilman Kasper and. Carried. Voting yes: Mayor
Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer; and'Swanberg. Voting no: None.
Mr. Barthel also asked the Council if it were possible to h=ive caution suns
placed . at the corner Chestnut ?venue and River Street ansa at the westerly Village
limits of Ritiier Street,- the m6torist,that children playCin the area. Council
approved of having these signs placed at the above stated locations. '
Mr. Bob Anderson, who lives just outside the Vill-_ge limits asked Council if he
could hook up to the'Villzge sJnitary sewer if he defrayed all cost. Council decided.
this matter should be referred to the Village Planning Commissionfor a decision.'
h (Continued October 8, 1968)
Council discussed. with Gordon Stokes his reasons for resigning as
Assistant Manager of the Munici�oal Liquor Store. �'ouncil asked him that if those
problems were rectified and that if he were`appointed manager of the the Municipal
Liquor Store, would he consider not resigning, Mx Stokes kta.ted he would'
providing he didn't have to take a deduction in pay and he felt that he Tould
have to receive about $750,00 per month. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to hire
Mr. cordon Stokes as manager of the ?iunici.pel Liquor: Stor6 at a salary of 750.00
per month commencin.; October 16, 1968. Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg.
Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer and Swanberg. Voting no: Mayor Sandberg and
Councilman Topel. Abstaining Coune-lman Kasper. Motion not carried. After
further deliberation, Mr. Stokes felt $700.00 per month would be an acceptable
sal^ry. Notion by Councilman Schaffer to hire T' . Gordon Stokes at $700.00 per
month as manager'of the Municipal Liquor Store commencing October 16, 1968. Motion
seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: Councilman Kasper, Topel,
Schaffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: Mayor Sa.ndbeft.
Motion by Councilman Topel to accept the resignation of Mr. George Davis, Village
`Mainten,,.nce Man, effective October 15, 1968. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer
and carried, VotinCD
g yes: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen'Kasper, Topel' Schaffer, and
Swanberg„ Voting no: None.
Council discussed the sewer line problem of FIr. James Fitzgerald and Mr. Dick
Holker and decided this matter should be referred to the Village Attorney,
M6tion by Councilman Kasper'to grant Suburban Gas, Inc. an easement. to put
an LP gas line across Walnut Street just east of the Creamery and north of the
railro-d tracks as shown on th=ir specification and plans. Motion seconded by
Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting; yes: Mayor Sa.ndber', Councilmen Kasper,
Topel, Schaf`'er, and Swanberg. Voting no: None.
Motion by Councilman Topel to authorize the purchfse of the following
laboratory equipment for -be disposal plant: One Incutrol to convert refrigerator
to B.O.I. incubator, One #1071 - 100 14anganous Sulfate Pillows, One #1072-1M0
Alkaline Iodide -Azide Pillows, One - #1072-100 Acid (Sulfamis) pillows, One =
#1070 - Lot - standard P.A.O Solution 0.0250, and One Lot 6602 - Starch Indicator
Solution, Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: Mayor
Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer, and Swanberg. 'Voting no: None.
* r
nr. Art McIntire, Chief of Police, discusses, with Council a direct dill system
for the Police Department phone with the Wright County Sheriff's office. Mr.
McIntire explained that whenever anyone called the police phone number it w6uld
go through the Sheriff's office and the Sheriff's dispatcher would relay the message
by radio to the Village Police Department. He further stated that Delano is
currently using this systema Council felt this system would give the Village
citizens better police protection. Mr. McIntire explained that the system would
cost. approximately $50.00 per month providing it`can beset up,, Motion by'
Councilman Schaffer to authorize the installation of the above phone system for
the police department. Motion seconded. by Councilman Topel and carried. V6ting
yes: tlayor Saniberg, Councilmen Kasper, ropel, Sch. fifer, and Swanberg. Voting
no: None. a T
Mr. Don Dorf requested an explanation as to why he was not beim, retained
as a part time police officer. Mr. Art McIntire, :Police Chief, stated that'
Mr. Dorf was not able to work the particular hours that he was needed..
(Continued October 8, 1968)
Motion by Councilman Schiffer to pay the bills as presented. n list of the
bills as presented and the bills are on file at the Clerk's office. The following
monies were disbursed: General Fund $4695.44,Street Fund $468.61, water Fund $721.51
Sewer Fund -1555.26, and. Park Fund $11.38. The followin,- orders were issued for the
j above funds: Order -888 through 970. The following amount of monies were disbursed
in Liquor Fund $17536.37, and the order issued were 605 through 671. Motion seconded
by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting y s: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper,
Topel, Schaffer, _end Swanberg, a"4 a& -r1 otir_g no: None.
Meeting adjourned on motion 11_:59 P.M.
------------- - - - - -- �-- -- - - - - -- - -
- r
• 0 p.m.
October 14, 1968
Special meetin7 of the Village Council was held this time -:.nd date at the
Village Rall. iviembers present: 'Mlayor St_ndberg, Gouncilman. Kasper, Topel, Schaffer,
and Swanberg. Members absent: None.
The Uill=_ ge Council interviewed the follov in applicwnts for the position of
full time police officer: Nr. 'Wilbur Eck, Mr. Berlyn Birkholz, Mr. C. Ripley,
111r. Catlin, =nd Mr. Lannie Gillham, Motion by Councilman lopel to hire Mr. Berlyn
L. Birkholz as a full time police office at $_500,00 per month commencing November 1,
1968, with no over -time pay authorized„ Further, he is to be hired on a three (3)
month probational period. and upon satisfactory completion of the probational period,
his salary is to be raised to IP525.00 ger month. Motion seconded by Councilman
Kasper and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Seh'ffer,
and Swanberg. Voting no: Nene.
Monticello Township Board Members met with the Council regarding fire protection
for their township which is now provided by the Monticello Volunteer Fire Departnent.
Council members explained to the Totem Board. Members why the Vi11,=1ge had to have a
fire contract with the Tovmship government to provide fire protection. Further, the
Council explained how they arrived at the,cost levied in this fire contract. The
Town Board `lembers felt that the standby charge in the contract was out of line.
Council explained thr_t if the Village found that the char es were too high, they
would adjust them upon renewal of the contract at the end of the ye --.r. Mayor Sa.nlberg
stated to tt,e Town Board Members thpt this ccntraet would cost them approximately no
more than they had been paying when the.-y,as individuals, contracted -directly rsith the
fire department. The Town Board Members stated th.,t they would let their constituents
decide whether they wanted to contract fire service from the Village. Further, they
stated _ , they would notify the Council at the next regular Council meeting
that is scheduled for November 12, 1968. Other interested parties that attended this
meetinT were members of the Mon�icello Volunteer Fire Dep..rtment and constituents of
Motion by Councilman Kasper to adopt a resolution to set the 1968 Village Tax
levy as follows: General Revenue $289000.00, VERA $5800.00, Audit $120..^,.009
Firemen's Relief its soci--tion X65.00, Street "14,000.00, Park <,nd Recreation t1-_9800.00,
Building -,�nc� Bonds: General Improvement 1900 $5,000.00, general Improvement of 1961
$14,000.00, Building and Fire Equipment $8, 000. CO. Further, to �49;�4 iae-RA-=;_4 I= -ems +mac 4-Ildl-
(Continued October 14, 1968)
adopt a resolution to certify >10,000.00 from the .-iunicipal Liquor Store toward
payment of the Cohsolidated Im.�rovemeA mond. of 1 60.
� 9 (See Resolution folder for
Resolutions) Motion seconded by Councilm---n Schaffer and carried. Voting yes:
Mayor Sa.ndberg q Councilman Kasper, Topel, Sche ffer and Swanb_ er.g . Voting no: None.Fleeting -�d journed on motion a.t 11:45 P. M.
4 / I r Y 0 W� n f
Clerk -Treasurer
--------l---� -----------------
8:00 P. M.
- October 16, 1968
Speci=al meeting of the Council held this time and date at the
Hall. embers present: riayor Sandberg, Councilmen Schaffer and S�,f,.nberg. Members
absent Coi-?.ncilmen Kasper and Topel.
Correction to Council_ minutes for the regular Council meeting of October 8, 1?6g,
omitted iAlas the follo-wing motion: 7votion by Councilman Kasper to approve ,of the
following buil--,. permits: '`'r. C. W. Christiansen to build an addition to 'his �;.,ra, e,
16 fF�et by 16 feet, -.nd rebuild utility building, 10 feet, by i0 feet, on Lots 6 & 7
dock _1.0, Upper I,onticell_o and !:r. v�. rick to build an Pd.dition to his house, 22 feet
by 30 Feet on his rropert- Section 11° TUiso 121 Range 2.1- N _7V :_ of S E - not p tted
Illonticello. =lotion seconded by Counci':;_man Schf� ffer and carried.. Voting yes : Mayor
Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper, lopel, Schaffer,. and Swgnoerg. Voting no*. IN
c Mir. Leroy Kreitlow, representin- Gruys-Jo�7nson C� A"1 nd .«ssociates, submitted
their u- rterly =nd. nine month audit report; Septer?�,rDer 30, l",08, for the
CPunicip=,lrLinuor'Store. They st,te6 the percentages*were. (oti„n Cor the third ouarter.
Recommend itions -viere made to correct this situation.
Motion by Councilm^n Schaffer to contact the folloi»�_ng to serve as election
jud ,es : : r. ovm Jonget•ra.ard , iirs . A. Garlid, rs . Ruth Harst.9d , I1rs . J. E. Fa, sen,
NIrs. K. Lindberg,! rs. Perry `--salter, , jrs.FLoy i• cCoy, and Mrs. Kathryn Clark.
Altern:,tes election judge: 'Yr5.' . hawkins. +4otion seconded by ”-�yor S--ndber� and i
carried. Voting yes: F-iyor Sandberg Councilman Sch,, f fer =nd Swanberg. Voting; no:
Motion by, Councilmen Sch-ffer to -+.pprove of , bul.ldingpermit for ears. Lorell Nass
to build a utility building, 3' x l2', on the north half of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 50,
Up-er Vonticello. :°'otion seconder_ by i- p.yor S-�nO.berg pnrl cprried . Voting yes: "'?,yor
S,ndbero, Councilmen Sch, "fer C--n(l L'--nberr;. Voting no: Ikone.
C °
,I V ieetim,, =-d journed. on motion at 10:45
C � A