City Council Minutes 10-16-1968 Special110
(Continued October 124-, 1968)
rdopt a resolution to certify 310,000.00 from the-iunicipal Liquor Store toward
payment of the Consolidated Irnprovemeni 10ond of 1960. (See Resolution folder for
Resolutions) i°flotion seconded by Councilm=n Schaffer and carried. Voting yes:
Mayor Sandberg, Councilm-en Kasper, Topel, Schaffer sand Swanberg. Voting no: None.
Meeting adjourned on motion at ll:4J P. M.
/ I! Y h 1� n r
Clerk -Treasurer
---------------------- -----� -----------------
8:00 P. M.
October 16, 1.968
Special meeting of the Villrge Council held this time and date at the Village
Hall. 1embers t)resent: Miayor Sandberg, Councilmen Schaffer and Swa.nberg. Me-rnbers
absent j: Co>>ncilmen Kasper and Topel.
Correction to Council mi nutes- for the regular Council meeting; of October 8, 1968,
omitted was the following <<otion: ',Iotion 'qty Cour_cilm:;n Kasper to approve,of the
following building permits: 'r. C. W. Christiansen to build an aczdition to his 1�ra e,
16 feet by 16 feet, =,.n3 rebuild utility buildinI;, 10 feet, by 20 feet, on Lots 7
Zlock 1.0, Upper. lAonticello and !`,r. , ick to build an addition to his house, 22 feet
by 30 Feet, on his property Section 11, TUisp 121, Range 25, N! Ev i , of S E not p1T,tted
ilsonticello. lotion seconded by Counci .man Sch-ff_er and c-D.Vot7_n�T yes: Mayor
vandberg, Co-L_ricilmen Knsper, Topel, Sch-offer, a+nc' STn9nberg. Votzng no: alone.
e Mr. Leroy Kreitlow, representin T Gruys-Johnson CPA, _.nd .t�ssoci rtes, submitted
their ou-=rterly -nd. nine Month audit report e:nclin Septen-oer 30, 1908, for the
`i un�_ciy,�-'l` Liouor' Store. They st--ted the percentages+ ware dlo-wn �'or the him ouarter.
Recommend -(tions were to correct this situation.
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to contact the followingto serve as election
judges: j r. vv -'m Jongewaard , lrs . k. Garlid, .!,irs. Ruth Harst-9d, 1°11rs . J. E.
"�Irs. K. Lindberg, _rs. Perry :salters, rs.FLoy ilcCov, and Mrs. Kathryn Clark.
Altern rtes elec tion judge: 11'1rz . L. lawkins . '?lotion seconded bv=.`'i-aYor Ss ndber and
carried.. Voting yes: I-"_iyor Sandberg Councilman Sch,:# f fer -nd, S?tTa.nberg. Voting no: Aone►.
Motion by,Councilm=-,n Sch-Iffer to r+_p�crove of ,a. building permit for Firs. Loren Hass
to build a utility building, 8' x 12', on the north half of Lots 12 29 and 3, Flock 50,
Upoer PIonticello. "otion seconderl d by WJ'a-yor Ss.nca16er� an(l. carried. Voting yes:i
5..-ndberg, Councilmen Schn'fer , J Sw^nberg. VotinY no: done.
° eetint T)d journed on mol.i.-on at 10:45