City Council Minutes 11-07-1968 Special0:40 P. 1,01. October 28, 1968 Special meeting of the Villacr_e Council w --,s con-vener3 at this time and date to discuss fire protection. Members ��resent: ja;Tor �,ndberg; Councilmen. Kasper, Topel, Schaffer, I and Swanberg. Members absent: None. The ;',iont.,icello To-;mship 3oard members presented to the Vill a, --e Council the following fire contract propos=::.1: 1. The Township ofMonticello will Y)ay a. $500.00 a ;rear "st�nciby ch sr?e to the Villa --.-.e. 2. '?,he Township of Monticello will pay 6200.00 for each fire call for the first hour to the Vill= -,e. 3. the Township 7A11 further 'i pv $50.00 for the second hour and $25.00 for the third hour. Motion by Council,v_n 13)ch_-ffer to accept the above fire ^ontr,-ct oro:)osal as presented by 14onticello TOwnship Board Members. Ybtion seconded by Council -r. -an Swc-nberg and carried. Voting yes: Tayor S-.ndbe.r�; Councilmen K-=Isper, SchT.ffer, �_nd Swa.nberg. Votinc; no: None. Absent for vote: Councilm_,.n Topel. M CetinNI^ d journe on Motion 11:35 P- Y' n r• �r -`I're ,-ure 9:00 P. M. November 7, 1968 Special Council -meeting held this time )nd date �,t the Village mall to canvas the election results. Members present: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen K-=.sper, Schaffer, and Swanber=. Tlembers absent: Councilman Topel. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to ap-Drove the results of -the election as reported by the election ,judges and to certify them correct as follows: -For Trustee J. W. Tiller Jr. 537 votes, J. q. Miller declared elected.; For Trustee Jim I-:aus 581 votes, Jim r,Iaus declared elected; for Justice of Peace Mr. James Hanna 628 voted, Thr. Jcames `Hanna declared elected.; for Constable Mr. Don Dorf votes, fir. Dorf declared electe(. The- following votes were received for the hospital board: Ivionticello Villa -e dele�a.te 11r. Georae Phillips 665 votes. For veleYr to at Lar re Fu ;ene J. "Jbner 605 votes. I".otion seconded by Councilma.n .Kasper and. carried. Voting ;res: mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper, Sch.:.ffer, -nd Swanber�7. Noting no: None. i Ireeting adjourned on motion at 9:15 P.