City Council Minutes 11-26-1968 Special6:10 P. Mo November 26, 1968 Special meeting.of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall, C':� to interview applicants for the vacant Village Maintenance position. Members present: May -or Sandberg; Councilmen Kasper, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Members absent: Councilman Topel. Fk The following applicants were interviewed: Mr. George Petersen and Mr. Richard Biendara. Motion by Councilman Kasper to hire Mr. George Petersen as a full time Village maintenance man commencing November,27, 1968. The starting salary will be $375-00 per month for a probational period until January 1. 1969, when his salary will be raised to $400.00 per month provided all parties are satisfied. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes** Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Kasper, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: None. Meeting adjourned on motion at 6:40 p.m. Clerk -Treasurer' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:00 P.M.. Dece,mber 10., 1968 ftegula r meeting of the Village Council held this time and. date at the Village Hall. ,,AembErs present: MC-)Yor Sandberg, Councilmen Kasper., Topel., Schaffer,, and Swanberg. 1,11embers absent: None. Minutes for the Council meetings of November 12th and 26th, 1968, were read and approved. I -Ir. Con Johnson., Chairmcl-in of the Village Planning Commission., gave the Council a summary of what has been accomplished by the Planning Commission since his last meeting with them. I -Ir. Johnson pointed out the immediate needs of the Coiwifission and. asked Council for their approval to retain an attorney who is experience in consolidation proceedings. He stated that they would like to engage Mr. Paul Melchert, Attorney at Law, to assist the Village Attorney. 114r. Johnson stated I -Ir. IVIelchert's fee would be spproximately P1000.00 if the case didn' t go to .the courts and 2000*,00 if it did go to the courts. Motion by Councilman Swenberg to Prnrove of the Planning Commission engaging 11r. Paul Mlelchert,, Attorney nt Law., to assist' the Commission and the Village Attorney in consolidation proceedings. lotion seconded by Councilman Topel and ca-rried. Voting yes: 1--layor Sandberg; Councilmen Kasper Topel, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: None. Mr. Dick Holker spoke to the Council about the sewer line clogging problems. He stated that he felt that it was the Village mein sewer line that was eren-tint-, the problem. He stated. t'hnt after the Village' clean_,, their lines- he had no further problems with his line. Motion by Council -man Schaffer that the Village of Mont-icello. pay for the two sewer cleaning bills that Mr. Dick Holker has incurred in trying to' clean his sewer line because it was the Village line that was clogged up. Motion seconded by Kasp,--,r and carried. Voting yes: I-layor Sandberg; Councilmen Kasper,, Topel. Schaffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: done.. Motion by Councilmen Kasper to grant Mr, Jim Foster a use permit to ins -tell a 41 X 6t sign above his insurance agency 'building located on Lots -26. and 71 except southerly hOt and East 17f of Lot 8 except south 401., Block 36, Upper Monticello. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Kasper., Topel., Schpffer., and Swanberg. Voting no: None.