City Council Minutes 12-10-19686:10 P. Me November 26, 1968 Special meeting,of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall., to interview applicants for the vacant Village Maintenance position. Members present: May -or Sandberg; Councilmen Kasper, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Members absent: Councilman Topel. .. The following applicants were interviewed: Mr. George Petersen and Mr. Richard Biendara. Motion by Councilman Kasper to hire Mr. George Petersen as a full time Village maintenance man commencing November,27, 1968. The starting salary will be $375-00 per C> month for a probational period until January 1, 1969, when his salary will be raised to $400.00 per month provided all parties are satisfied. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes** Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Kasper, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: None. �1 Meeting adjourned on motion at 6:40 p.m. erk-Treasurer - Im - - - - - - - - - - 'A. - � - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 8: 00 P..m.. Deceluber 10,, 1968 Regula r meeting of the VillaLe Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. AembEr s present: Ma"Yor Sandberg., Councilmen Kasper., Topel., Schaffer., and Swanberg. .1,11embe-,-s absent: None. Minutes for the Council meetings of November 12th and 26th., 1968, were read and approved. Mr. Con Johnson, Chairmcl-in of the Village Planning Coimdssion, gave the Council asummary of what has been accomplished by the Planning Commission since his last meeting with them. !qr. Johnson pointed out the immediate needs of the CoITLY'luission and asked Council for their approval to retain an attorney who is experience .in consolidation proceedings. He stated that they would like to engage Mr. Paul I.Helchert, Attorney at Law, to assist the Village Attorney. 111r. Johnson stated I -Ir. IvIelchert's fee would be approximately P;-1000.00 if the case didntt go to the courts and if it did go to the courts. Motion by Councilman Swanberg to PrT'Irove of the Planning Co-nidssion engeging 14r. Paul T-Ifelchert, Attorney at Law, to ass i.tt`the Commission and the Village Attorney in consolidation proceedings, Tviotion seconded by Councilman Topel and. carried. Voting ores: Mayor, Sandberg; Councilm,en Kasper, Topel., Schaffer., and Swanberg. Voting no: None. Mr. Dick Holker spoke to the Council about the sewer line clogging problems. He stated that he felt that it was the Village main sewer line that was creatin�- the C-' problem. He stated t�hcat after the Villageclepnel-1 their lines- he had no further problems with his line. Motion by Cbuncilman Schaffer that the Village of Moritie"ello. pay for the two sewer cleaning bills that Mr. Dick Holker has incurred in trying to' cler-.7,n his sewer line because it was the Village line that was clogged up. I'lotion seconded by Kasper and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffer,, O-nd Swanberg. Voting no: None. '-lotion by Councilman Kasper to grant Mr. Jim Foster a use permit to install P, 41 X 6' sign above his insurance agencybuilding located on Lots .-. 6 -and Texcept southerly 40; and East 171 of Lot 8 except south X01., Block 36, Upper Monticello. I Plotion seconded by Councibnan Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: lklayor Sandberg; Councilman Kaspero Topel,, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: None. L15 (Continued December 10,, 1968) Motion by Councilmnh Swpnl-;erg to approve af a request by G. W. Griffith for a building- _L permit to tui14 .J a 26' X 72 1 ho -use on Lots 6 & 7, Block S, Upper Mlonticello. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Mayor S,-!ndberg; Councilmen Kasper, Topel, Schaffe:r., and. Swanberg. Voting no: None. Becker, 1 .9 Big Lake, Silver' Creek, and Otsego Townships board members were present at the invitation of the Village Council to discuss fire contracting* The Council informed the above toi,?nshipls board members that the Village was providing fire protection service to portions of their townships and, in so doing this, the Village is required by law to enter into 'a fire contract agreement with the township government. The Toirin Board Members of Becker Township stated trey thought that their constituents have sufficient fire protection and there is not a need to contractwiththe Village. However, Council pointed out that the fringe area constituents of their township had asked our fire department for fire protection. The Becker Township board members asked Council if they could be granted a delay until' they have had an opportunity to check into this matter. Council approvead of their request and granted a delay on a fire' contract with them until the nex-L, regular Council meeting in Januairy 1969. Big Lake' Township board members felt that the fringe area residents in their township that want fire protection from the Monticello Fire Department could and would be adequately served by their own fire department and didn't see a need for signing a fire contract agreement with the Village. However, they stated they would 'Check into this matter of their fringe areaconstituents wanting Monticello fire prbtection and, if this is the case, they stated arrangements therefore would have to be made with the Village of Monticello to provide fire protection. In view of the above they requested. a delay on fire contracting with the Village until they have completed their investigation on the matter of insufficient firb protection. Council approved of Big Lake Townships request and granted a delay on fire contracting with them until the next regular Council meeting in January 1969. Silver Creek Township Board Members didn't see how they could sign a fire contract agreement with the Village of Monticello 'as they stated their constituents were all signing private contracts with the Maple Lake Independent Fire Department. Council pointed out that the Village fire department provides fire service for over 60 residents in Silver Creek Township due to their proximity to the Village fire department in relation to Maple Lake Fire Department. Council stated that in order to provide this service to another governmental entity, the Village was required by the state statutes to sign a fire contract agreement with the governing, boder of that governmental unit. Council further stated, there would be a standard fire call charge of 1;;200.00 for the first hour, $50-00 for the second hour, and $25-00 for the third and e!:_ch succeeding hour or fraction therpof. Further, there would be a standby charge for each year which would have to be established at the time the contract was neCotiated and at each renewal of the contract. It was also 'ointed out to the` Silver Creek Town board Members that they could f6rm a fire district in the portion of their township that wants to be served by the Monticello Fire Department. The colt of the fire contract agreement with the Village would be borne by this area ser vi§d. The Silver Cret:k Town Bo=ard membert-4 asked that they be granted a delay to investigate the matter. Council Approved of the delay until the next regular Council -ineeting in January 1969, but stated they would have to pay the standprd fire call charge for any fire calls made in their township by the Village Fire Department. Otsego Township board members agreed to sign a fire contract agreement with. the Village of Monticello as set forth in the fire contract agreement. Motion by Councilman Kasper to authorize the Mayor and Clerk -Treasurer to sign a fire contract agreement for the Village of Monticello with the Township of Otsego whereby the Village of Monticello will provide fire protection for the sections as listed in the fire contract agreement with' the above township under the terms as set forth in the contract. The agreement will be for one (1) year commencing January 1., 1969, and expiring December 31, 1969. Otsego Township agrees' to pay to the Village of Monticello a standby of 12% 200.00. It further agrees to pay' the Village the following charges for fire calls: 1. $200.00 for the first hour; 2. 1$1`50.00 for the second hour or fraction thereof; 3. t825-00 for the third hour n-nd for each succeedin;-, hour or fraction thereof. 1 -lotion seconded by Councilman Topel and carried. Voting yes: (Continued December 10, 1968) Mor Sandberg- Councilmen K,--,,sper,. Topel., Schaffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: None* ay to approve of the renewing Corporate licenses for Idotion by Councilman Kasper I 1,ft.. K. Springborg to operate a bowling alley and Mr. T. Schneider to operate a pool room. motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes's Ilayor Sandberg; Councilmen Kasper, Topel., Schaffer, and Swanberg* Voting no; None. motion by Councilhan Kasper tai approve of issuing cigarette liceases to the following business establishments: Monticello 1166" Service Station., 1,-Jaus Food Market., Gould Bros. Chevrolet, Lauring Drugs' Crandall's Drug;'I Schneider Pool Room., Monticello P Legion Post #260, Clausen's Dairy Store, Stellaa's Cafe., Nelson Brother's Fairway, Topel's 11661, Service Stationp Ruth's Cafe., Monticello Jobbing (Municipal Liquor StSticre)andard ., Monticello Feecreetilon., Fyle's Mobil Service Stationj Dick's Meat Market., Bob's Service Station, Dell's Service Station Holkerts Drive -In, Elmer's Sport Shop, Flake's Texaco Station; Rushts Delicatessen., Restauranto & Bakery'* Notion seconded by Council- ing yes: Tutor Sandberg., Councilmen Kaspero Topel,� man an(! carribed, Voting Schaffers end Swanberg. Voting no: None. t Mr. Art McIntire., Chief of Policel spoke to Council about snowmobiles and, stated that he was working with snoi4mobile oi..Tners here in the Village to kepp them from treating nuisance complaints from their fellow citizens. Mr. Ronald F1ichealisto Council o representing a newly formed snoinnobile clubs was also present. He presented the rules that their club had adopted. The club is going to try and get all the snowmobile owners here in the Village into their club. This wa,r they feel that they, as club members, could police themselves. They asked that they be informed b'r the police Department when their members break the law while operating a. snowmobile*. Mr. Michealis further stated it wa s the endeavor of the club to have good community rein -tions both in the Village and out of the Village and that they wouldn't treaspass on any property without the owners permission. Fir. Michealis stated that this club would be available to serve the Community should roads become impassable due to5nowstorms to transport a sick that the�etw©uldsbe oa6hncy where they could assist. Councilfelt no need at the present time to adopt an ordinance for snowmobiles. They felt that the state laws on the operation of snowmobiles and the interest shown by the sno­vAaobile owners to crest . e a good pubylc relations was sufficient. , Motion byTCouncilman Schaffer to approve of Centra Sots. Creamery Association request fora.build-ing permit to build a 101 X 601"automatic truck scale Ti th boncrete approach ways at each end 101 X 15t and a scale house 10' X.,-151 located on Lots 6 & 7 Locust Street2 Block 19, Upper MonticellOt Motion beco'nded_i_by%- and 401 of vacated,Locu Councilman Suanberg and carried. Voting yes; Mayor Sandberg2 Councilmen Kasper,1P Topel., Schaffero and Swanberg. Voting no: None. Mr. Bob Anderson spoke t64;6bout getting authorization to hook up to the Village sanitary sewer at his place located in Monticello Township adjacnent to the hwesterly Village limits. Council stated that they. would. have to check othe er rate that he would have to be charged. Council further stated that he would have to beer all the costs involved in connecting up to the Village sanitary sewer line. 1,1otion by Councilman Schaffer teatall monies received from fire standby charges be invested in saving certificates and that the interest derived from thes savi,ngs certificates are to be left on deposit to accumulate„ Furthe,r2 that this money will be used for the . future purch.as.e of fire fighting equipment. 'Motjlon seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried. , Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; I Councilman Kasper., Topelo Schaffer, I and Swanberg. Voting no: None. lI7' (Continued December 10, 1968) Clerk -Treasurer requested approval to pay liquor store employe --es on the 5th and, 20th of the month. Council approved of the above request. Council requested that- the ClI­rk-Trehsurer bill the 146nticello ISD #,Ij)82,,for water that was used directly from the h---,rdrant, Motion by Councilman Kasper to approve of �Ir. Art i4cIntire, Chief of Police, to attend the'.-3,1innesota, Peace Officer Training School that will be conducted at INeW Drif-,,hton., Minnesota., commencing in January 1969 for a period of about five (5) weeks. Motion .seconded by Councilman Topel and carried* Voting yes: 11,11ayor Sandberg; Council- men Kasper., Topel., SchaYfer., and Swanberg. Voting fto: None. :lotion by Councilman Schraf.,_er to have tine Clerk -Treasurer write a letter to i Arnold Gruys, State Legisl&t-or, expressing the Village Council's concern about the inadequate school warning signs on Route 152 for motorists approaching the lionticello High School and to find out if his good office can have the State highway Department correct this situation. Further., to see 'if there 'ean'be a caution light placed to to further alert the motorists. Motion .seconded by Councilman Kasper and carried. 'Voting yes: Ilayor Sandberg- Councib-fien Kasper., Topel. Scl-laffer, and Swanber'. Sandberg; g Voting no: None. Motion by Councilman Topel authorizing the bills to be paid as presented to Council. list of bills as presented and bills are "on file at the Cle'rk-Trea'sure'rls office. The following monies were disbursed: General Fund.$5000.05 Street Funcl $,',387.58 Vater Fund $2295,16* Sevier Fund x'I563,07,, Perk,$8,90, The following orders were __f_orth6 above funds: Order # 106 - through order*=,-tl 16, The following mount of money was di8hursed in "the lict he :Issued we're #747 through #81h. -01--t-nd 624543.89 ; P.7d I . orders I Plot -ion seconded by Councilman— T=e ff=r and car rigid. Voting yes Maly`01"r7andber�., Council- men Kasper., Topel, Schaffer and `h4anberg. Voting no: None. V 4-4 motion 4- 11 Ie — ICI IU "6 adjourned U A