City Council Minutes 02-11-196912f"
8:00 1'.M„
February 11, 1969
Regular meeting of the Village Council was he1.d at this time and date at
the Village Hall. Members present: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Ed Schaffer,
Franz Swanberg, J. W. Miller, Jr., and Janes Maus. Members absent: None.
Mr. Con Johnson, Chairman of the Village Planning Commission, presented to
the Council the Joint Statement prepared by the Village Planning Comiision and.
the Monticello Township Planning Committee for the proposed merger of Monticello
Village and Monticello Township. Tex. Johnson stated that both committees had
signed the Joint Statement, and that the Township Board T•Iembers of Monticello
Township had been given gopies of the Joint Statement on the above proposal for
merger of the Village and Township,. He stated that a public meeting would be held,
at the Monticello High School at which time the proposed merger of the Village and
Township would be explained fully to the public. He requested that Council authorize
the Village Planning Commission to have Mr. Tucker, of Beckmaniand Swenson and
Associates, prepare a Pre 701 Planning Report for +},e Village at the cost of
$3400.00, 'Hc -stated. that this would be a necesbity at- it would be a required
report when the proposed merger is submitted to the Municipal Commission,. Council
gave their approval to the Planning Commission request for a Pre 701 Planning
PIr. Scott Bewick appy pared. before Council regarding the bill he received from
the Village for mowing grass and we -ds on his property last July 1968. He stated
that the Villarre dad included time for the `mowing of an undeveloped streets Uenen
they mowed his'lots. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to reduce the Village bill to
14r. Bewick from $32.00 to $16.00, Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and
carried. Voting yes: ITayor Sandberg, Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, 114.iller,
and Maus. Voting No: None.
Mir. Marlin Olson presented to Counc _1 what his charge would be for contracting;
with the Village to pick up dogs and cats that are unattended in the Village. Mr.
Olsol�tated he-wahted $2.00 pAr day. Further, for each dog he picks up he would
charge the owner $5.009 plus $2.00 per day for boarding it, 50¢ for spraying for
mange- and deworming the animal, 10¢ per mile if he had to take it to the
veterinarian for rabies shots and the cost of the rabies shots. Motion by Council-
man Schaffer' to approve of a contract with Karlin Olson to pick up unattended dogs
and cats in the "Village. Further, to authorize the l+layor and Clerk -Treasurer of the
Village of Monticello to sign a contract for the Village of I-Ionticello with Marlin
Olson for the above said purpose. Mr. Olson will abide by the Village Ordinance
4142 and agrees to retain all unclaimed animal at least five (5) days before
disposing of them. motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting
yens: F,,iayor Sdndberg, Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Tiillenr, and Maus. Voting No:
Mr. Dick Boss appeared before Council for a building permit to build a building
60 3/4' h 74' on Lots 13 and west 14' of Lot 14, Block B, Upper Monticello. Motion
by Councilman Miller to approve of the building permit for Mr. Dick Boss contingent
upon the folloTtzng: That he 'et ?5`% .-4f of the concerned property ojrrners within a
radius'of ;00' that are zoned r-side6tial to sigh a petition approving of the
rezoning of Lots 13 and 1��, Block B, Upper Monticello, and to approve of him
building a commercial building; that will be used as a food store. Further, that
he reappear before Council with this petitiion after he has circulated it to each of
the concerned property owners. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and. carried.
Voting .yes: Mayor Sandberg; Co„-ncilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Yiiller, and Maus.
Voting no: none;
12 2
I , (Continued February 11, 1969)
Mr. Palm, of Skelly Oil Company, appeared before Council to request
renewal of Skelly Oil Company's building permit to construct a service station
and restaurant complex on Blocks 1, 21 L, M, & N. Upper Montic'ello. Motion
by Councilman Schaffer to ap'prove of renewing'Skelly Oil Company building
permit z--14-19'5.0 5- Motion seconded by Councilman '-'w,:-)nberg and carried. Voting
yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaf"er, Swanberg, *Miller, and Maus.' Votin'-,r
no: None.
111x. Rex Oetin--er and Yx Doug Garwood repPesenting Fullerton Lumber Company,
app:ared before Council to get approval for a building permit to remodel the office
at the Fullerton Lumber Yards. They stated that it was the intention of the
Fullerton Company to do further remodeling 6f the present lumber yards at a later
date. Council discussed the feasibility of this due to area limitations they have,
at their present location. motion by Councilman Miller to table the request for
building Permit until the Council could meet with the Village Planning Commission
and the officers of Fullerton Lumber Company to discuss this matter* Further, that
the Council and Planning Commission would meet at a date set by Fullerton Lumber
Company. Hotion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes- Playor
Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Mlaus. Voting no: None,
Mr. Ronald Schleif, representing Bud Schleif Contruction Company, Inc,,
spoke to the Council about the, water damage to the rear portion of the'off-salon-
store of'the Municipal Liquor Store lie stated that the damages were caused by
the ice and snow build-up on the roo fthe above said. building., He stated that
the amages to the interior of the of -sale liquor store was approximately $150,00,
Mr. Schleif stated his men had alleviated the'pr6blem for the present but that
they woulc�4e able to tell how much damage has been dono-, to th�_roof until it is
completely free of ice and snow. They stated they `w=ould takcel&?. the damages.
It was also brou7ht to Council attention that the air exch.,_��_nge system in the
liquor store bar and lounge section was inadequate or wasn't functioning properly.
This matter was referred to the, Liquor Committee to investigate.
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to raise the wages of 1,iwrence LaBree, caretaker
of the Village skating rink, from $-$1.75 to'$2.40 per hour effective as of
January 1, 969: Motion seconddd by Councilman Miller and carried. Voting yes:
Mayor Sandberg- Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Mi -Mer, and haus. Voting no: None.
Council discussed the char( -es that Independent School District 1882 should
pay for the sanitary sewer hook-up and the water hook-up at the new elementary
school. They discussed with the Village Engineer what it would cost the school
district to construct their own @gwissb aw sewer and water system. Council members
stated that the school district should be charged reasonable charges for these
hook-ups, bearing in mind that the Village taxpayers are still payin,7 for'the
construction of the present sanitary sewer facilities through taxes. Motion
by Councilman Miller to charge Independent School District #882 $,A5,,000,00 for
a sanitary sewer hook-up and $15,000-00 fawateR hook-up at the new elementary
school. Motion `seconded. gw
by Councilman noerg*arrieVoting yes: Mayor Sandberg;
Councilmen Schaffer, Mill' -'r, and Swanberg. Voting No: Councilman Maus.
*Motion by Councilman Schaffer to appoint Mx. Gary Prins -,,,le as the Village
Attorney and Yx. Thore Meyer, of Thore Meyer and Associates, as the Village
Consultant Engineer. It was further requested that Mr. Thore 141eyer Prepare a
contract stating his engineering cost for the Village. Motion seconded by
Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandbergt Councilmen
Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus, Voting No; None. I
Council approved of the purchasing of 5/18" Badger Portable Test Mjet/er
with Adaptor Connection for 3/41' through 2""for the Water Department.
{continued February 11, 1969)
Mr. Emil Dorf, Chairman of the Silver Creek Town Board, informed the Council
that Silver Creak Township was going to form a fire district in that portion of
their Township thT.ft has been and, is till served by the 111onticello Volunteer Fire
Department. �Ir. Dorf stated that at their annual meeting in March 1969 the
constituents in the proposed fire district will vote on this issue. He stated
that until this proposed fire district is approved by the voters, they will not
be able to si1_;n a fire agreement contract Trrith the Village, for fire protection.
Mr. Dorf asked Council members what they would charge for a standby charge if the
above proposed district is approved. Council stated that they would charge them
$150.00 for the standby charge plus the regular fire call_ charge of$200.00 for
the first hour, `50.00 for the second hour, $25.00 for the third hour end each
suceeding hour or fraction thereof.
Motion by Councilman Schaffer authorizing the bills to be paid as presented
to Council. A list of bills as presented and bills are on file at the Clerk -
Treasurer's office. The following monies were disbursed: General Fund- r 'x.18
Street Fund 1401.04 Sewer Fund 14.499 eater Fund *2748.05, and. Park Fund .$-u,6..0_„
The following orders were issued for the above funds: Order 112 through . The
following amounts of money was disbursed in the Liquor Fund:$26609.84; and the orders
issued were -200 through 97.1. motion seconded by Councilman Maus ani carried.
Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilman Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting
no: None.
DTeeting adjourned on motion at 11 t �' [ m
7:00 P. M.
February 13, 1969
Special meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village
Hall. Members present: Mayor William Sandberg; Councilmen Edward Schaffer,
Franz Swanberg, J. iv;. Taller, Jr.. Absent; Councilman James 1111aus.
The Councilmen assigned to study wage and frim benefits for the Village
employees presented the following recommendations to Council: They recommended
that the Municipal Liquor Store have four (4) full time bartenders in addition
to the Manager. Further, that the bartendezN,work on a salary basis and a forty-
five (45) hour work geek. It was also recommended that the part-time and over-
time hours be limited to only twelve (12) hours per week. They recommended that the
police department be increased to threea)full-time polies officers. This would enable
the police department to provide 24 hour police coverage of the Village and create
more realistic working hours.
It was further recommended that the Village t-Tage► scale be kept on a par with
other municipalities and industries and, tl�,a.t the Village provide health insurance
for the empolyees.
Motion by Councilman Miller to put the full-time bartenders on a 45 hour week
work basis commencing Murch 1, 1969. Further, to set Duane idoses' monthly salary
as a bartender at $575.00 per month; to set Claude Johnston's monthly salary as a
bartender at $550.00 per month; to hire two additional full-time bartenders; to
increase the wages of Alta Faxnick and Mary Arnold, off -sale Clerks, to $2.00 per
hour. Also to increase the salary of Lloyd G. Schnelle, Clerk -Treasurer, to $750.00
per month; Arthur McIntire, Chief of Police, to $675.00 per month; Berlyn Birkholz,
Police Patrolman, to $550,00 per month; Walter rack, Maintenance Supervisor, to
$0500.00 per month; and Eqgene Fryhling, Maintenance man, to $525.00 per month.
Police, Liquor Store, and Maintenance Departments part-time employees will be
increased to $2.50 per hour. Further, that all the above stated pay raises be 4p�;f_;e
effective March 1, 1969. Also, that the above employees, with the eXception of
the Clerk -Treasurer, be covered by a health insurance plan. Motion seconded by
Councilman Schaffer, and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer,
Swanberg, and hiller. Voting no: None.
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve of having Gruys, Johnson and
.Associates, CPA Firm, audit the Village records for 1963. motion seconded by
Councilman Swanberg and carried., Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer,
Miller, and Swanberg.Toting no: None.
Meeting adjourned on motion at 9:05 P. M.
7)00 P. M.
February 17, 1969
Special meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the
V1.1age Hall. I'aembers present: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Ed Schaffer, Franz
Swanberg, J. W.Ailler Jr., and James Maus. Absent: None.