City Council Minutes 03-07-1969 SpecialFebruary 27s 1969
7: 00 P . T,.
Special neeting of t1fi.e Village Council held this time and date at the Village
Hall. Members pre -sent: Mayor 'William Sandberg; Councilmen "Ed Schaffer, Franz
Swanberg,, J. W. Tiiller, Jr., and Names Maus. Miembers absent: r None.
Council completed their review of the new Village Ordinances with the
exception of the Village Sanitary Sewer System Operation and nates Ordinance.
Council stated they wanted to revie-_w this Ordinance with the VillaC7
Motion by Councilman Miller that the Village of 11"onticello adopt Village
Ordi mance, #101- Adoption of 1-1unicipal Code of :Monticello. Notion seconded by
Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: Yl'ayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer,
Swanberg, Miller, and Tjaus. Voting no: None.
Motion by Councilman Miller that the Village Council engage a fiscal
consulta!ht to make a study of the water and surer hook-up charges and usage rates
that should be levied for nontaxable institutions and taxable businesses whereby
they would be fairly assessed for usage cost and debt retirement. Further, that
action be deferred on charging Independent School District f882 for a sewer and
water hook-up charge until the above said study has been completed and recommend-
ations of these findings submitted to Council. Motion seconded by Councilman
Schaffer and carried. Voting � S' Mayor Sandberg; Souncilmen Schaff -r, Swanberg,
Miller, and T-aus. , Voting no: None.
Meeting adjourned on motion at 12:1.5 A. 14'.
- - - - - - - - w
March 7: 1969
12:05 P. M,
n M1
Special meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the
Village Hall. rerrbers present: Mayor Ton Sandberg; Councilmen J. W. Diller, Jr.
and James Maus. Members assent: Councilmen Fd Schaffer and Franz Swanberg;.
14otion by Councilman Maus to authorize the Mayor and Clerk -Treasurer of
the Village of Monticello to sign a contract for the Village of TMorticello with
Beckman, Swanson and Associates, Planners, to prepare a Prgliminar,r Sketch plan
and Merger Study and that it be completed within three (3) months from the date
of this Contract. Further, that the cost involved. in preparing; the above said
planning report frill be $3,400.00 as stated in Section IV of the above said contract,
and that it is to be paid in accordance wits, the payment schedule set up in the
contract. Prior to payment of an- portion of the said amount of monies, the
Village Planning Commission shall A,otify Council that the work for said payment has
been completed to their satisfaction. In addition other services as may be needed
w ll be provided by the Planner at the rate of $20.00 per hour as stated in,
S#ction II of the above said Contract. 'Yoti_on bar Councilman T,jiller and carri-d.
Voting yes: Ylayor berg; Councilmen J. W. 1"Jiller, and James Iy'au5. doting ro: None.
Meeting adjourned on motion at 12:15 P. M-