City Council Minutes 03-11-1969128 March 11, 1969 8:00 p.m. Regular meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. Members present: Mayor William Sandberg; Councilmen Ed Schaffer, Franz Swanberg,,J. W. Miller. Jr., and James Maus. Member abXsent: -None. Minutes for Council meeting_; of January 14, 1969, and February 11, 1969, were read and approved„ Motion by Council Miller to delay the reading of the special Council minutes for Fefruary 13, 17;a�969; and March 7, 1969„ Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried„ Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus,. Voting no: None. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve of a building permit for Mr. Astrow to remodel the Mr. Ed Lange's house and to build a double car garage, 20' by 24-', on Lot 2 except west 33 feet, and Lot, 3, Block 299 Bpper- Monticello,. Motion seconded by Councilman STtranberg and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting no: None., Mr, Bob Davis spoke to the Council on behalf of the Village Planning, Commission asking Council to support the Split Liquor Bill that has passed the State House of Representatives and is now before the State Senate for approval,. Motion by Councilman Daus to adopt Resolution Supporting Adoption of House File 60 Relative to Intoxicating Liquor, Permitting "On Sale" Private Licenses in Cities, Villages or Boroughs Operating Municipal Liquor Stores:. Amending Minnesota Statutes 1967, Chapter 34.0. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried,. Voting ,yes; Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting no: None,. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to grant Mr. Virgil Brackney a building permit to build a four unit apartment house 40' by 60' in accordance with specification and plans as presented on Lots 3, 4, and 5; Block 54; Upper Monticello, providing the said structure adheres to Village Ordinance #137 governoring the side yards, rear yards, and front yards for multiple dwellings, Further, that a retaining wall be constructed as a preventive measure to retard any bank erosion of that portion of West River Street. Motion seconded by Councilman Maus and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting no None,., Motion by Councilman Schaffer to grant a building permit to I -Jr. rick Bondhus to build an addition 18' by 20' on to his present building located on Lot 89 Block 22, Upper Monticello. Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Ztziller, Swanberg, and Maus. Voting no. None. Council reviewed I�Irs. Stella Schneider's request for a refund on a building permit that she was granted to remodel a building to be used as a restaurant. Council members stated that the building permit was issued in accordance with Section XVIX, Paragraph C, of Village Ordinance #137. Council requested that the Clerk -Treasurer inform Mrs. Stella Schneider by letter that they did not deem her request for a refund withstanding, Motion by Councilman Miller- to grant Fullerton Lumber Company a Use Permit to build a canopy 2' by 12 ' on the Fine Street side of their building and a a canopy 2' by 12' on the Third Street sick of their building,. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus,. Voting No: Maayor Zandberg. n (Continued March 11, 1969) Motion by Councilman Miller to authorize the Mayor and Clerk -Treasurer of the Village of Monticello to sign a contract for the Village of Monticello with Thore Meyer and Associates to assist the Village as a consultant engineer for definite proposed projects and as a resident Village Engineer to assist the Village forces in routine Village engineering problems as stated within the contract with above said party. Motion seconded by Councilman Maus and carried„ Voting yes Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting no. None. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to authorize the 'pillage to purchase a3 inch diaphragn mud pump to be used by the Village Maintenance Department and Fire Department. Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes; Mayor Sandberg -Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting No: None. Motion by Councilman Maus to authorize Mr. Gordon Stokes, Municipal Liquor Store Manager, in lieu of Mr. L. Hawkins, to pick up the money from the Wright County State Bank for cashing checks at the Municipal Liquor Store. Further, Council motion dated April 29, 1968, will be adhered to regarding the amount of to be withdrawn for check cashing purposes and the redepositing of the money. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting Yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilman Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting No: None. I I -lotion by Councilman Miller to approve of Mr. Ronald Michealis, Monticello Fire Chief, attend the Minnesota State Fire School commencing April 28 through May 1, 1969. Further, that the Village defray all costs suchas wa.sges at his regular job where a work day is involved, mileage, meals and school enrollment fee. Motion seconded by Councilman Maus and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, 14iller, and Maus. Voting No: None. Motion by Councilman Miller authorizing the Village to purchase a lighted sign fors the Village Hall. Further, that the sign denote Village Hall, Police Department, and Fire Department. Motion seconded by Councilman`Schaffer and carried. Voting Yes: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus,. Voting No None„ ` Motion by Councilman Swanberg authorizing the bills to be paid as presented to the Council,. A list of bills as presented and bills are on file at the Clerk - Treasurer's office. The following monies were disbursed: General Fund $4319.91, Park Fund $545.981 Street Fund $1989.65,3 Sewer Fund $1340„, 4 Water Fund '$664-77, General Improvement $8837.04,. The following orders were issued for -he above funds: Order #1344 through order 1435. The follo-wing amount of money was disbursed in the liquor 'Fund:' $18798.06; and the orders issued were order #972 through order #1046. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried,. Voting, yes; Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting 'No: Pone. r I - Meeting adjourned on motion at 11:10 p.m.