City Council Minutes 05-13-19695:00 p.m. May 12, 1969 Special meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. Members present: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen_ Ed Schaffer, Franz Swanberg, J. W. 'Miller, Jr., and James Maus. Members absent: None. Council_ interviewed the following men for the position of , manager of CIA the 1,11unicipal Liquor Store; Yx. 0. HarstPd, Mir. Roger TAa:rturano, Mr. Jack Langenf eld , Mr. Vance Sharpes and. '11jr. Jerry Delong . Council decided that they wouldn't make a decision on selecting a'liq_uor store manager until they had a chance to review each of the applications. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. on motion. 8:00 P. M. . May 139 1969 Regular meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village ria.11. Members present: TYiayor Sandberg; Councilmen Ed Schaffer, Franz > SwanberM J. W. Miller Jr. and James Taus. Members absent: TTone. L, Minutes for Council meeting April 8, 169 21, 23, 28, and 29, 1969, and May 5 & 89 1969 were approved. Bids were received and opened for the purchase of a new police car at 8:00 P. M. this date. The bids were checked as to compliance of s,pecifica- tions; all bids mct the requirements. The following bids were racieved: 1.. Monticello Ford Inc. (with trade-in) X1;'12.00 2. Gould Prothers Cheverolc:t (with trade-in) $2125.00 Motion by Councilman Schaffer to accept the loti,.est bid of `,"1912.00 from Monticello Fora Inc. for 1969 Ford Custom 500 Tudor (complete polio- unit as stated -Ln specifications). Motion seconded by Councilman 1"iller and carried. Voting yes: 14ayor Sandberg,; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Tiller, and 1 Daus . Voting no : None . Motion by Mayor Sandberg, to approve of a building; permit for Tir. John Kaz to build a utility building, 7' X:_10', on Lot 7, Block 16, Lower Monticello. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Tlayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting no: None. Motion by Councilman Biller to approve of a house moving permit for the ;-fright County State Bank to miove the Laura Thompson house and garage from its present location on Lot/l} except west 4 feet, Block 53, Upper Monticello, to Lot 7 except south 30 1, Block 29, Upper Monticello. Further, to approve of building permit to build an addition onto the garage. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting ye.s : T,11ayor Sandberg; Councilman Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Thus. Voting no: Done. 139,; (Continues May 131 1969) ff jr. Tomek and 1"r. Burbage, representing Suburban Gas, were present to see if Council had arrived at a decision as to whether they would sell Lots 1, 2, 39 1 F, and 26' of Lot 5, Block 14, Upper :onticello that the Village of Monticello owns. Council informed Yr. Tomek and Ykr. Burba.ge that at the present time the Village Tents to retain the above lots. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to accept the resignation of Mr. Gordon Stokes as manager of the !Municipal Liquor Store as of 4pril 29, 1969. Motion seconded. by Councilman 'Maus and carried. Voting yes: jayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swninberg, 1 filler, end IMaus. Voting no: None. r'iotion by Councilman Schaffer to appoint l,lr. Gary Pringle, attorney at Law, as Villar-eprosecutor. Motion seconded by Councilmen Sw nbo-,rg. and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, iViiller and _P•aus . Votin no: none. Mr. George Yonak appeared before Council about the dump rent -;_l charge the Village pays him for maintaining a. dump. He stat -d that this cost had increased and that he would have to have $150.00 per month. Council asked. 11r. Yonak if the residents in 'i°pontic-llo ToT,:nship use the dump at his place and he stated they did use it.. Council further asked Mir. Yonak if Monticello Township was paying a monthly charge to him. Mr. Yonak stated that at the present time Monticello Township was not, 'out he stated he was going to sneak to Ylonticello Toornship Board about having them pay a rental chprge to help defray costs in maintaining the dvmp. T•Rotion by Councilman Schaffer to authorize the ljayor and Clerk -Treasurer to sign a contract agreement for the Villa,e of Nonticrllo with George Yonak whereby the Village of i`onticello would pay Thr. George Yonak $150.00 per month for one year effective June 1, 1969, to maintain a dump at his place for the Village. 1•Fotion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: 1,1ayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanber-, 'Miller, and '"aus. Voting no: None. Motion by Councilm;�.n Schaffer that the Villa ,-e of ""lonticello renew its insect spraying contract with 1•Ir. Jean Brouillard. Further, to authorize the i•layor and Clerk -Treasurer of the Villa.mp of Monticello to, --sign the contract renewal a;=reement for the Village of l onticello TA.th�,`*. Jean Brouillard for one (1) Near. 'lotion seconded by Council man Naus and carried. Voting yes: 11.-.yor Sandber ; Councilm,�;ln Schaffer, Sw_anberg, 'Tiller, and Ya.us. Voting no: None. M ,� -1 . l .r. Thore Mayer discussed y, ith Coun�1 members about resurfacing the Village parking lots. He point,®d out that the Village should acquire easement or d-dic:-,tion of land from abutting property owners for drainage. Further, the Villag A should. acquire enough land to maintain an alley way between Pine Street and W."lnut Street. ;lotion by Councilman Schqff_er to have the Village Attorney to start procedural work in obtaininM easements or land dedications for drainage: and an all --y war between Pine Strest and.. Walnut Street. 'Action seconded by Councilman Sw=Inberg and. carried. Voting ,yes: 11,7ayor S,;ndberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and i"a.us. Voting no: Prone. Motion by Councilman hiller to .:adopt resolution ordering; the r -surfacing of the Village parking lot on Lots ,, 2, 3, Block 35, Upper Monticello. Further, that Thore Meyer and Associates, Engineers, draw up the plans and specifications. notion seconded by Councilman Swa.n'_/.-rg and carried. Votino- yes: 1"ayor S_�ndber ; Councilmen Schv-.ff--r, Swanberg, '"iller, and Maus, Voting, no: None. ]40 (Continued May 13, 1969) P,Iotion by Councilman Sch.�.ffer to tr-.nsfer $1974.38 from 'dater Works Fund to Wate!,r Works Sinking Fund. 1:i0tion seconded. by Councilman Miller and carried. Voting yes: Mayor S_)ndberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanber;, Tiller, and Yla.us . Voting no: None. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to hire TYr. Lawrence Hulett as a part- time police,- patrolman as of hpril 19, 1969, at `p2.65 per hour. ,"Iotion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sa.ndberr ; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting, no: None. !lotion by Councilman Sch V.ffer to hire T°`r. Claude Johnston as of YIay 7, 1969, as a temporary part-time ba.rtendrr; Mr. Gerald DeLong: as of May 5, 1969, as a temporary part-time bartender; Mr. Francis Edwards fi.s of May 69 1 69, as a temporary part-time bartender; Thr. Vernon Smedstad as of allay 15, 1969, ?s Q. temporary part-tim bartender. Further, all part-time bartenders will be paid $3.00 per hour for the interim period from April 29, 196', until_ a. new manager -nd full -time bartenders a;.re hired at which time wa- es will be reverted to the pay scale est�.'()lished by Council in February 1969. Y!otion secondee-! by Council- man 'il_l_er and carried. Voting; yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, TAiller, and Haus. Voting no: None. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to grant a use permit to Mr. Alvin Dahlgren to build a canopy over his patio located on South of lots 1&: 2, Block 26, Upper Monticello. notion secondAd by Tv?--yor Sandberg and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Viller, and Taus. Voting no: None. :Motion by Councilman Schaffer to hire Mr. George Davis ,and TAILr. Roger Mack on a part-time need basis to clean out, sanitary sewer lines at the hourly rate of $2.50 per hour. Motion seconded by Councilman Tl'aus and carried.. Voting yep; Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Sch-ffer, Scr_p.nber� , Tril_ler, and Ya.us. Voting no IN! one. Motion by Councilman Miller to authorize putting in an air conditioning unit in the Village Hall. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanb--rg, T° filler, and "I us. Voting no: . Mone. !"lotion by Councilman Filler to open that ;portion of 4th Street between ,Ialnut Street and }Fine Street that has been closed to vehicular traffic on June 1, 1969. ''potion seconded by Councilman Schaffer Lind carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Mill..er, and Maus. Voting; no: None. Motion by Councilmen Schaffer to auVthorize the bills to be paid as presented to Council. A list of bills as presented and bills are on file at the Clerk -Treasurers office. The following monies were disbursed: General Fund $6,535.4L�, Street Funds $859.61, Water Fund `"1,113.81, Sewer Funds $1,620.53, Park $85.67, General Sinking Fund "5,249.25, General Improvement Fund h30F3.05, dater Sinking Fund $6,002.25. The following ord-rs were for the above said. funds: Order X1558 through #1669. The following amount of money wns disbursed in the Liquor Fund $22,1f.0.53; and the following orders were issued; Order #1123 through Order #1203. 'FIotion seconded by Councilman Sw:.nberg Rnd carried. Voting yes: 'layor :5andberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, 'griller, and 1°Ia.us . Voting; no : None,. (Continu.ed °-.y 135 196 (,,) 1`btion by Councilm,�in filler to hire i°lr. V-;.nc- Sharpe res the manar-r of the Municipal Liquor Store. Mlotion seconded by 1'27,ayer S7,ndberg. Council members discussed thr motion at length as to what criteria they should use to select g.mann. er. Councilman Miller stated. that Council should )!!lect a men with exoierence in ma.na..­,ing liquor stores. After ext.endt ]. discussion on the motion, Courcil members decided to ref�as the Council meeting. lotion by Colincilma.n Maus to recess the regular Co-Lu-tcil meeting until 8:30 P. 1°i•, May 114-, 1969. 1`�70tion seconded by Councilman Schiffer and carried. Voting ;Tes: Mia,yor Sandherc,; Councilmen Scha.fftr, Swanber-, iller, -end ila.us. Voting no: None. Council meeting recessed at 11:40 P. At 3:30 P. 1-11. , hay 149 1969, the regular Council me°�tin ; was reconvened by 1"a.yor Sandberg;. ""ei?tbers present: Mayor Sa.ndber�; Councilmen Ed Sch�.ffer, lir-a.nz Sw nberg, J. W. IN"Aller Jr., and Jame: _Vembers �,�s • T�aua. er.t. i one. 1�layor Sandher, cskec' the Clerk -Treasurer to reed the Ynotion to the Council ("�otion by Councilmen Yiller to hire 11''r. Vance Sharpe as manar er of the "uricipal Liquor Store. 'Motion seconded by Mayor Sr.nc'berg.) Sharpe Sandberg asked for ,a vote on thy- motion: Votin r yes: MiKror Sa.ndber`, and Councilrnan 11,1111 --ler. Voting Schaffer, -� A A no: Councilmen Sc�zaffer, 5w• .nberg, and _.aus. Motion by Councilman Schr=ffer to hir : Mr. Ter.-.ld DeLon , as ImmnP.gtr of 1_he 1,1',unicipa.l Liquor Store at $700.00 per month effective i" -y 169 1969. ?""otion seconded by Councl_1man Swanb-­rg and carried. Voting; yes: Councilmen Schaffer, S1,Janberg, and Tra.us. Voting no: M - or Sandberg ?n."?_ Counci:'man 'Aller. "•Fayor Sand.ber and Councilm. -n 1! illAr stated they voted no bec:ausc tLey could not see hiring an inexPer L-_n� to marl_ger to .-un a lei .rtor of P inillion doll p.r business. ; Iayor S,;.ndber ; announced he was aboli-skiing the Liquor Committee because Of t:leir failure to cope with thy* situation when the Liquor Store ernployces walked off the job. rurther•, that they hindered Council action cr matters pertaininc. to the licuor Store. The Ll quor Co , rittee asked if they could_ re- sign from the Committee. MayorSandberg stated he would accept the _resignations from the committee effective Ma_y 1= , 1969. Council received the April 1969 ;;ud.it ren Dort from Gruys Johnson and rssoci.te, CP •s, on the "-unicipl Liquor Store. 14otion by Counci%man Scha.ffcr tc print -11 Council minutes in the of''icif-_l Villa e ne4wspap�nr. Motion seconrtiea� oy a.yor S .ndber and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Councilmen Sch^ff'er, Siianberg, -tiller, and 11t.aus. Voting no: None, 1=ieeting adjourne(' on motion at G:4j P. i'. 142 Jun6 10, 1069 8:00 P. M* Regular meeting of the Village Council held this tiyme and date at the Village Hall. Mlembers present: Ylayor Sandberg, Councilmen Ed Schaffer, f1ranz Swanberg, J. '4. 1,1i 1.1er Jr., and James i'-`aus. Members absent: None. Mr. Gordon Link, Chairman of the Joint Community Recreation Program, requested that the Village contribute $1325-00 as their share for the program. Motion by Councilman Sch,,:Iffer to approve of contribi;ting $1325-00 as the Village share for the Joint Village and School summer recreation programr, urther, that a check be mn-ide out for the stated amount to the C) Independent School District #882 whowillhandle the disbursements of this fund for the summer recreation program. Motion seconded.by,Councilman Miller and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, 'Miller and Maus.- Voting no: None. Mr. Doug Pitt, member of the Park Committee, appeared before Council about the appearance of West River Park. 1-ir. Pitt stated that he felt black dirt would have to be - hauled in and spre,�-d over the park before they would be able to get grass to grow. Council members stated. that he should have soil. samples taken and checked cut by the - University of Yinnesota.. 1,11r. Pitt stated he will have the soil checked out and will report back to the Council. Ke further stated that the JAYCEES have volunteered -their services to get that park in shape for the Villacle. *Motion by Councilman Schaffer to grant Doug Fitt a 1)uilding permit to 3 build ca 421 X 61 addition on to his mortuary located on Lot 2, Block "B", Lower P.1 onti cello. Yotion seconded by Swe.nberg and carried. Voting yes: T"ayor Sandberg; Councilmen Sch,7-fferj Swanberg, Viller, and T"aus. Voting no: None. 1 -lotion by Councilman Swpnberg to grant errs . Lida. Thwrpson a. use permit to build a utility building 141 X 12' located on Lot 13, Block 49, LoTwe r Eontice'llo. 1`;otion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carrie(�. Votincr yes: 141-ayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Y11ler, and Yaus. Voting no: Yone. I Council discussed the proposed regional library system for Kright County. Mayor Sandberg announced he had :a. letter from, the Vonticello Library Eoard giving their support for a Regional Library System fcr Wright County. Yotion by T'J'ayor Sandberg that the Village of 1'..'onticello give their full support for the Regional Libra Xy System now being propose(l. for Wright County. Votion seconded by Councilman Schaffer _,And carried. Voting yes: T'ayor Sandberg,; Councilmen Schaffer, Svjn-_nber,­­, 1,:iller, -Md i_.C.us. Voting ne:T-one. T,Iotion by Councilypan 1SIcheffer to approve of paying 1--"r. L. Hawkins $482.69 for 4 wee, s and 1 de -y vac.,-, - tien tine e,�-,,rne(1 fol- Uc fc,11..,1ng periods: 1 April _LOT 1967 31 March 1968, and 1 April lQ68 through 30 ,'1Aril 1069. Yotion seconded by Councilnen Si-,,anberg anO carrieO. Voting yes: T'ayor SnnOlberg; Councilmen S)c' Aafflx, Sivanh,er-, and Voting no: None. Mr. Thore Neyer, Village Consultant Engineer, presented. to Council Jclans and specifications for resurfacing the Village parking lot on Lots 1, 2, and 30 Block 35, Upper T onticello, and West River Street Chestnut Avenue and. the westerly Villac-e limits. Further, he oresented.