City Council Minutes 06-10-196914t Jun6 10, 1969 810,00 P. M* Regular meeting of - the V.-Ulac ; re Council held this time-, and. date -t the Village Hall. Members present: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Ed, Scln,ffer, Franz Swanberg, J. W. Kil.ler Jr., and James 1-11aus. Members absent: '"one. Mr. Gordon Link, Chairman of the Joint Community Recreation Program, requested that the Village contribute $1325-00 as their share for the program. Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve of contribi4ting $1325-00 as the Village share for the Joint Village -and School summer recreation program. Further, that.a check be made out for the stated amount to the Independent School District #882 whowillhandle the disbursements of this fund for the summer recreation program. Motion seconded. by .Councilman Miller and carried.. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller and Maus.. Voting no: None. Mr. Doug Pitt, member of the Park Committee, appeared before Council about the appeFrance of West River Park. 1,11r. Pitt stated that he felt black dirt would have to be -hauled in and spre.::A over the park before they would, be able to get grass to grow. Council members stated that he should have soil samples taken anO checked, out by the - University of T"innesota.. IRr. Pitt stated. he w -ill have the soil checked out and will report back to the Council. He further stAed that the JAYCEES have 7,,olunteere-d their services to get that park in shape for the Village. 'Motion by Councilman Schaffer to grant Doug Fitt a 1)ui'ding permit to built'a. 14,21 X 361 addition on to his mortuary located on Lot 2, Block "B", Lower lklhonticello. ?,Notion seconded by Sw.,+.nberg and. carriee. 'Voting yes: I'layor Sandberg; Councilmen Sch,-)-ffer, Swanberg, 1"'iller, and Yaus. Voting no: None. Motion by Councilman Swanberg to gra_nt Yrs. Lida Thormpson a use permit to build a utility building 141 X 12' located on Lot 13, Block 49, Lower .-onticello. "otion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaff,. --,r, S,,ianbe�r&j "L.11ler, and 1,,,'aus. Voting no: Yone. Council discuSsed the proposed regional library system for 'evright County. Mayor Sandberg announced he had a letter from the ".onticello Library Board giving their support for a Regional Library Sy stemi -for Wright County. Yotion by 11-l"ayor Sandberg that the e Vill cae--�-of 1";.'Onticello give their full support for the Regional Libre-ry System now being prcposeci for _Wright County. Votion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carried. Voting yes: 1',-',.-:,,yor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Svjsnberj-,;, Y-iller, and T-Clus. Voting no: bone. i ?"Otion by Councilman Scheffer to approve. of paying 14r. L. Hp_wkins $482.69 for 4 weeks n-nd 1 clay vacation tine eerne(, for the- fcl_lo,vving perio(4s: 1967 throuf larch 1968, and 1 A.pril 10. " _�h 31 M .6,L9 through 30 A.Pril 1Q60. Yotion seconded by Councilr,,ian Swanberg ant? carrieO, 1roting yes: T'�ayor S&n(-I-berg; Councilmen Schaffe-r, STi•�.nlk..-)c=,,_ Viller, and T."9us. Voting no: None. Mr. Thore Meyer, Village Consultant Engineer, presented to Council plans and specificlations for resurfacing the Village nl-7.rking lot on Lots Street T .- bnt-7-,;een 1 � 2, and 3, Block 35 ipper ionticello and st R.v' Chestnut Avenue aniw*U , the westerly Village limits. 1" rther, he presented 11 (Continiled June, 10, 10/69) 14-3 --------------- construction a--. plans for resurfacing the alle,1F.-ray and's to -r -F -sewer drain bet-41-een 'A�alnut and Pine Street, resurfaci.ng 4th Street bet-v.Teen Pine nand Linn Street, East River Street between T'llulbury and Elm Street. Tiflotion by Councilman Schaffer to adopt a resolution approving of plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids -presented by Thore .,Meyer, Village Consultant Engineer, for the resurfacing of Villa --e Darking lot, Lots 1, 2, and 3; Block 35; Upper Montice"12o and !Jest River Street between Chestnut 11 -venue and the westerly Village limits. 14otion seconded. by Councilman '..taus and carried. Votin. yes: 1payor Sandberg; Councilmen Sch_a.-rfer, Swanberg, 1i'iller, and. aus. Voting no: None. Council --received the following informal bids for an air conditioning unit to 'be installed in the i-riunicipal. building: Kjellberg Frigid -ire Air Conditioner 24000 BTU, t40?.00 Iess excl C__.se tax, plus installing and Twiring. Griefnow Central Air Conditioning installed in furnace 24000 PTU', , $553-83 less excise tax, plus i.-4-iring. 'M lotion by Councilman "aus to accept the informnal bid, from Griefnow for the Central Air Conditioning Unit 24000 BTUs for t'553-83 less excise tax plus wiring. 'Yotion seconded by Councilman 2illpr and carriec-A. Voting yes #,, -4;,1..ayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and. Maus. Voting no: "one. Mr. Jerry DeLong, Liquor Store ',`,'11Cana.c:rer, a-rapeared before Council to discuss the following miscellaneous improvement for the '11,1unicipal Licuor Store: Signs for the bar, lounge, and off sale entrances respectively; and a buzzer system for the off sale entrance. Council gave their approval for the accorplishment of the above mentioned miscellaneous improvements. Further, Mr. DeLong asked Council about janitoral service. He stated that Mrs. Barbara DeLong has been assisting i-rith janitoral services up through this date since he started working at the Municipal Liquor Store. 1'lotion by Councilman Schaffer to approve of hiring Mrs. Barbara DeLong as of May 1069, to do janitorial work in the Municipal al Liquor Store. 1 -ars. DeLong is to be paid $100.00 per month up through the 30 June 1969. Further, commencing with July 1, 1969, firs. DeLong is to be paid at the rate of $120.00 per month. Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and. carrie(�. Voting yes: Mayor S,and,ber.g; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Maus. Voting no: None. '4 I -'Motion by Councilman Maus to authorize the purchase and installation of flouridation equipment from Feed -Rite Controls, Inc. for $795-00 to fluoridate Village water. seconded by Councilman Schaffer and carrier". 'Toting yes: Mayor Sr-_-.ndb-,rg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, 1-iller, and Maus. 'Voting no: None. Council approved o -f' the date established for the Board of Review for the Village of `onticcllo that has been set for 8:00 P. M -t Mondlay, Jun at the Villa7e Hall. Motion by Councilman 11iller to pay the bills as presented- to the Council. A list of bills as presented and. bilis ,-:.ire on file- at the Clerk -Treasurers office. The follo,.,TinpR monies Twt.-Ae disbursed: Genera Fund. S4426.00, Sewer e e $1635-30, Street $688-1.69, Water $2686-70, Park $295-835. The following orders were for the above said funds: Orders +1670 through #1761. The following amounts of money was disbursed in the Liquor fund $28282.57; and the following orders issued; Order -,.Y:1204 through f1278. 1,1"otion seconded by Councilman S-oranberg and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg, Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, ;Miller, and Maus. Voting no: None. Meeting adjourned on rrotien at 11:15 t!