City Council Minutes 09-23-1969 Special80-45 p.m. Stpttmbnr 23, 1969 Spc,cial m--tting of they Village Council held this times and date at t` -Le Villagem-, Hall. Members present: Mayor GJm. Sandberg; Councilmen E. Schaffer, F. Swpnbnrg, J. W. Miller, Jr., and J. T,';aus. ivnb,-rs absmnt: None. T Pir. Gary Pringle, Villa7- Atbrney, explp.ined his findings on the Ltlo-ality of the Village levving water and sewer hook-up charges to Indf►-pendent School District 1882 for the now elementary school. Mr. Pringle advisetd the Council that, in his ooinion, the school district could pay for these hook-up charges. He- furth,mr siate"d that, in ?pis opinion, th,°,, school district should pay hook-up charges for the water -and sewer. Also, if the school district doesn't want to pay for these connection charges, the Village shouldn't hlaverto provide them irrith these facilities. Mr. PrinSle stated that it's not a reguirnnent, but it is rtcomm--nded, that a hnarinL7 be held on the watnr and sewer connection charges. T1,1otion by Councilman Schaffer that a pub -lie hearing be held With Independent School aistrict #882 at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday,,, October , 14, 1969, regarding the water and sewer hook-up char�'ges that the Village of Mlonticnllo is levying on the new elementary school. " 14otion 4 CD I second --d by Councilman Miller -jnd 6arri,:td. ' Voting�yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen I'laus, 1%ill-r. Schafftr,, and Swanbmrg.. 'Voting no: None. Council also discussed with Mr. Pringle the possibility of the., school board trying to close that portion of Fourth Street exttnding in a w.,'?�sterly direction from Pine Street to -and including thear^na ad jacent -to Lots 6,, 7,, and 8; Block 17v Upper lvliorticello. -.,-A*Dntic-1,llo Village, throul7h le al procedures. T1r. Pringle stated that the school board mi -ht seek this avenue of approach on trying Y to close this portion of this stre=et. Howevmrq he stated that if it went to court, the Village would stand a very good case in keieping this street o -),?,,n. Council memb(.-rs discussed parkin 'P; P- limits in the douTntoTxm area. It was felt that the Vi).lag!- parking lots should have a three (3) hour parking, linit., in the dovmtown area, but Broadway Str:o.-t. Walnut Strettq and Pine Str-_­t should have a two (2) hour parking limit. Further$ Council membe-rs felt that courtesy tickets should first be issued for ovmrtime parking. Councilman Schaff,! ---r suggested that it might be a good idea to consider hiring a man to assist the Police Department in controlling parking in the doTmtowr area. Councilman Schaffer statond that if this position were created, it -would involve about eight (8) hours of work per week. Council members felt that this might be a solution to some of the problems involving parking. Motion by Councilman Schaff --r to have three (3) hour parking limits in all Village parking lots and two (2) hour parking limits on the doTm. town portion of Broadway, Walnut Street, and Pine Str-nt. Further, that the appropriate -parking signs be placed in the Village -o,,,.).rkinf-T, lots and along the strtieta where parkin cr limits have-, bs-en designated. Motion seconded by Councilman 1-1aus and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen !-�-.us$ and Swanberg. Voting no: None. r� Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve of transferring $20,000.00 from the Liquor Fund to the Street Fund. 11jotion seconded by Councilman filler and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen 1�lausq li'l-Liller, Schaffer, and Swanberg. Voting no: None. lou (Continued September 23* 1969) + I potion` by Councilman Schaffer to authorize the Mayor of the Village of Monticello, Mr. William Sandbergto sign the contract for the Village of klonticello with Fullerton Lumber Company for the construction of the Pole barn. Motion seconded by Councilman Maias and carried.Voting yes: Mayor Sfandberg; Councilmen Taus, Schaffer! Sifanbergq and Miller. oting no: None. + The Clerk -Treasurer requested approval to transfer certain monies as suggested by the auditor in their audit for the year ending December 31, 1968. Contrary to the break -down as received from the County 'Audit-org it was later determined that Homestead Credit p'ayments do not go into Bond and Interest Funds. Motion by Council- man Schaffer to approve of transferring the following funds: $793.59 from the General Sinking Fund to the General Fund; $1278*98 from the General ,Improvement Fund to the General Fund; $921-03 from the General Improvement Fund to the Street Fund; $114.78 from the General -Improvement Fund td the Park Fund; $1908.90 from the General Sinking Fund to the General Imprdvmment Fund; $339.06 from the General Fund to the Park Fund; $5*11 from the General Fund to the Street Fund; and $92.27 from the Geseral Fund to thea Sewer Fund-. Motion seconded by Councilman Swgnberg�and carriedj Voting ye&: Mayor Sandberg; Councilman Schaffer., Swanberg., Miller, and Maus. Voting no: None. I Pleating adjourned on Motion at 11:45 P-m,�