City Council Minutes 10-01-1969 Special8#35 p.m.
October 1, 1969
Spacial meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village
Hall, Council members, present: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg,,
Killer, and Maus. - Absent.— None. Ildso present at this mecting w6re, the following
members of the Village Planning Commission: 11,1r. Con Johnson, Chairman; Father party,
Vice Chairman- 14r. Bob Davis, and Dr. C. W. Erlandson. ;4alrnp Snn
'mayor 4b4rg annoianeed t4;4
was ealled at the request ef the Planning Gep i�4ssiqn. �41 -Sandberg
llx.Johnson, Chairman, if he would give his report: The Commission Chairnan
referrer to the previous meeting their Commission had with the Council on Aum st 18,
1969, "he by -the Council and the Planning Commission had thought. that if . nexation
were to co e out, it sThould be by petition whereby the land owners in e proposed
area would have petition to be annexed. Mir. Johnson stated that group of concerned
citizens from the To iship of Monticello and within the proposed _n. for annexation
had forInied a Volunteer oimshiv Committee for annexation to wo toward annexing of
this proposed area to -the illage-, of Monticello. Mr. Johns said that this group
was doing 99 percent of the. rk to see that this annex -on would become a. reality.
He for
stated that this group tten the required m.* rity of signati-wes needed
the petition - to have, this propose prea annexed t he Village. Hlra Johnson sV.;,tedr.
howo►vmr, that the Volunteer Township mmittee as still working on getting more
signatures for the petition even though el ad the rmquired. majority for petition
to annex the proposed area. fir Johnson s stated that the township government
might oppose this proposed annexatio en the Ittitior is taken before the 14unicipal
Commission of the State of Minnes r for approve n the annexati®n of this*proposed
area, Hq stated that,r for th. reason, the, Volunte Township Committee is now
assuming the full burden of sponsibility of annexing is proposed area# he further
stated thAt if the tol-InIs govnrnmi�nt were to initiate an legal action to, oppose
this annexation it woi have to be against the Volunteer To hip Committee for
Annexation. 1,1r. .. Davis and Dr. ErL-M.ndson both stated that tH felt that it was
right that the mship people who are interested in this annexatio should be the
ones who car it forward now if it is to be a success* Couhcil agr-, with the
Planning ission on this course of action. Mr. Can Johnson submitted *s
resign, on as Chairman of the Village Planning Commission to become nffecti . when
the etition for annexation is received from the Towrnship Volunteer Gormittee, r
Motion b Councilman Schaffer to engage an attorney to oppose the Indepandent
Schbol District 4882 condemnation proceedings which they are instituting to close
that portion of Fourth, Street extr,,nding in a. westerly direction from Pine Street
to and including the area adjacent to Lots 6.7. and 8. Block 17; Upper 'Ilbnticello,
1,11onticello Village. otion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting
yensyensPlayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer. SvTn,berg, TllilL7�r,, and Maus. Voting no:
None. �
Lotion by Councilman Schaffer that the following Villacre mployees be covered
by the Village he,,-:1;Ith group insurance: Fir. Claude Johnston and 1,1r. J. Cantin,
C� -
Motion seconded by Councilman 'IMaus and carried. Voting yes: liayor Sandberg; Council -
men Schaffer, Swanberg, Miller, and Raus. Voting no: None.
Mavor Sandberg asked Council to consid��-r giving 1,1r. V. Rickiliem a 2 -ctnts
11 C'�' 5
per hour increase to assist in supervising the municipal liquor store until a
manager is hired. Motion by Councilman Schaff-er to grant approval on raising the
hourly wage of ?'r. V. Rickhien (bartender) to $3.25 per hour during the interim
period -when will assist in supr�rvising the municipal liquor store operation until
. aAt th,-:I.t time Mr. Rickhien's hourly waun will
Municipal Liquor Store manager is hired,
automatically rev, --rt to his: present $3,00 per hour rate. Motion seconded by Gouncil.
man Swanberg and ca,,ried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Counailm n Schaffer. wnnberg,
I,Iillert and Maus. Voting no** None.
Meeting adjourned on motion at 10:45 P -M,
Cle, k -Treasurer