City Council Minutes 10-14-1969JL W AW
8:00 P. M.
October 14, 1969
Regular meeting of the Village Counicil held this time and date at the
Village Hall. Members present: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmeni - T Franz
Swanbei-g, J. W. Miller, Jr., and Jame's Maus. Members absent: Councilman Ed
Schaffer. Minutes fbr Council meeting 'f August 12th and 18tht 1969; September
P-3 0
91 10, and 23, 1969; were approved.
The school board members and superintendent (Dr. Smorstok, Chairman; Mrs.
Roy Laurinb,$ Mr. Emil Dorf , Mr. Melvin Mooresq Mr. Bernard Kirscht, and Wallace
Petersoh- Superihtendent Loren Senhess) of Independent School District #882 were
present for the public hearing regarding the sanitary sewer and water hook-up
charges that the Village of Monticello is charging Independent School District
#882 for connecting the new elementary school to the Village's sanitary sever
line and water line. The Village stated that their hook-up fees were as follows:
$35,000-00 for the sanitary sewer and $15,000-00 for the water. The Council stated
that they had used various methods as determining factors for the above charges.
The school board asked the Counci4o explain the methods that were used in
arriving at the above stated hook-up costs. Council explained the following methods
thatwereused in determining these hook-up charges: The Village Engineer figured
out eu-t-the cost to the school if they had provided their own water and sewer
services. b. The other approach used was that if the school were a tax payer,
what their proportiom;,te share would be for retiring the Village bond indebtedness
on the sanitary sewer system. The Council stated that they were being very lenient
in their hook-up°charges. They further stated that they felt that the whole school
district,,r2ther than just the Village should share in the burden of cost. Council
also stated t�~�at they would have their, Village attorney, Mr. Pringlet submit the
above stated bill to' them.
Yiotionrby Councilman Miller to approyp,of a
''iarkling to build a garage ,22'X20, located 6. 7.,
Monticello. Motion seconded by* Councilman Maus
`� ��� Sandberg; Councilmen Swanberg, 1,1illert ands Maus.
Clerk -Treasurer informed Council that Northern States Power Company wants
the Village to annex their property which abuts the westerly Village limits
(Lots 11 cand,12, Block 5, River Terrace, Monticello Township). ,He stated the
reasons they want to be annexed are that they want to build an office and
maintenance garage complex in the above location and be able to have Vill;p-ge
water and sewer. Council requested that before they would consider annexing
this Darcel of land belonging to Northern States Power Company, they want then
to get a petition -signed by the landowners within a 300 feet radius of their
property approving of the construction�of a commercial building of the above
stated lots. 1 4 1 1
building permit for Mr. Frank
& 8, and 9; Block B, Upper
and carried. Voting yes: Mayor
Voting no:; None.
Councilmen Miller and Maus discussed the first paragraph of the Council
minutes for October 1. 1969, and wanted them changed. Clerk -Treasurer inquired
as to how they wanted that paragrwi",.ph worded. After considerable discussion, it
was decided that it should be deleted. Motion by Councilman Maus to delete
the first paragraph of the minutes of the Special Council meeting for October
it 1969, except the portion that reads, "Special meeting held this timp ag.� ate
at the Village Hall. Members present Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaf 1, er,
and Maus. Members absent: None. Also present at this meeting were the
following members of the Village Planning Commission: Mr. Con Johnson, Chair-
man; Father Gearty, Vice Chairman; Mir. Bob Davis, and Dr. C. W. Erlandson."
Motion seconded by Councilman Miller and carried. Voting yes** Mayor Sandberg-,
Councilmen -SeiftP+:er$ Swanberg, Killer, and Maus. Voting no: None.
(continued from October 14, 1969)
Motion by Mayor Sandberg to pay the bills as presented to the Council. A
list of bills as presented and bills are on file at the Clerk -Treasurer's office.
The following monies were disbursed: General Fund: $?571.979 Sewer Fund: $3815.73,
Street Fund: $1189.S7, Water Fund $1519.85, Park Fund $12.45, General Sinking
Fund 1908.90, General Improvement Fund: $2314.79, The following orders were for
the above funds: General Fund ;order # 2115 through 2211; Sewer Fund order # 101
through 108; Street Rnd Park Fund order # 101. through 119; Water 101 through 104.
The following monies were disbursed in the Liquor Fund $47842.85; and the following
orders were issued; order `1520 through order 1600. I,1otion sec-,nded by Council-
man Diller and carried. Voting yes: Councilmen Swanber, Miller, and Mous; Mayor
Sandberg. Voting no: None. ,
Village Cleric-Trea.surevpr,esented to the Council a letter dated October 14,
from the Village En�Tineer, Yx. Thore Meyer, which tabulated the costs for the
Village improvements that were done by Blacktop Contractor of Annandale.
,following are a list of the improvements completed and the -costs.
a., Parking lot $6584.50
b. Storm sewer $2493.50
C. Concrete alley r $6623.47
Ydscella.neous work:
a. Replacement of sidewalk on west side of parking
lot. $478.00
b. Resurfacing West River Street between Chestnut
tivenue and westerly Village limits. $1155.
c. Resurfacing the approach way on Fourth Street
at the corner of 4th Street axed Pine Street $473,05
d. Extended West third Street between Elm and
Chestnut (built up street grade). $706.25
Total cost for all projects: $18514-9. However, due to some repair work on the
concrete alley the Village Engineer recommended that 15 percent ($993.52) of the
alley project cost be retained until this work has been completed to the satisfaction
of the Village. He further recommended that a partial payment of $17520.65 be made
to Alama Blacktop Contractor of Annandale. Further, Mr. Thore Meyer submitted his
bill for engineering fee and costs: $2042,79. Motion by Councilman riiller that the
Village of,Monti cello authorize a partial payment of $17520.65 to Blacktop
Contractor of Annandale in aecordance with the.,r-ecommendation received from Thore
Meyer, Village Engineer. Further that the Village authorize paying $2042.79 for
engineering fees and costs for the above projects. Motion seconded by Council-
man Maus and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Swanberg, 1411ler,
and Maus. Voting no: None.
(Continued from October 14, 1969)
Councilman J. W. Miller, Jr. anounced that he was going to have to resign
from the Village Council as he had established residence outside of the Village
notion otion by Councilman Ya'us to recess the regular Council meeting until
8:00 p.m., October 15, 1969. IMotion seconded by Councilman Miller and carried.
'Voting yes: llayor Sandberg; Council -men Swanberg, 1 la ller, and Mlaus. Voting no:
None. Meeting recessed at 11:30 P.m. this (ate.
At 8:00 p.m., October.15, 1969, the regular Council meetinr : was reconvened
by Mayor Sandberg. Mlembers present: 'Mlayor-Sandberg; Councilmen' Sch2fferq SwInberg,
I Miller, and Maus. Members absent: None.
to,, Council reviewed the Village budget -for 1970. Motion by Councilmen eviller
resolution whereby to set the 1970 Village tax levy as follows: General
Fund $47451*00t Firemen's Relief Association $71*00, Street Fund $2;122.00, Park
and Recreation $1500*00, W.nd Building and Bonds: General Improvement 1960 $5000.00,
and General Improvement 10161 $15,500-00, and Building and Fire Equipment $06000.00
for a total of 196,644.00. Lotion seconded by Councilman Yaus and carried. Voting
yes: kLayor S,-,i_ndberrr; Councilmen Schaffer., Swanberg, I'liller, and Maus. Voting
no: None.
Motion by Councilman Swanberg to adopt resolution to certify $109000.00 from
the Liquor Fund toward payment on the Consolidated Improvement Bond of 1960. PlIotion
seconded by Councilman Maus -W,Ind carried. Voting yes* Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen
Schal"ferg Swanberg, Mliller, and 'Maus. Voting no: None.
Motion by Councilman``that his motion at t1he regular Council meeting on
October 14, 1969, which read "delete the first paragraph except the first two
sentences of minutes for October 1, 1969, special council meeting be amended
and the following Council wording be inserted: '"He also pointed out that since
the members of the Volunteer Township Committde are 1pn�'IoTrmers and residents
in the Township they would be better qualified th;-n the Villa,7'e Planning Com.
mission to deal with the Township Board. Dr. Erlandson added the opinion that
the Volunteer Committee should take the full burden of responsibility fcr the
annex:-,�tion procedures at this time. In the discussion that followed Mr. Con
Johnson pointed out that the initiative for the annexation procedure followed
from the action of the Villpge Council, .t the suggestion of the Planning
Commission, when they met together on Itugust 18, 1969, and therefore that the
principal burden of responsibility for the annexation procedures rests TATith
the Village Council and its Planning Commission, and not Trith the Volunteer
Township Committee which made contacts with residents and officials of the
Township. The Council members agreed with this interpretation of roles. Mr.
Con Johnson submitted his -resignation as Chairman of the Village Planning
Commission, to become effective when the petition II—s—lao—mpleted and presented
to the Council." 1,11otion seconded by Councilman Schaffer -V.nd- carried. Voting
yes M.-
",z�yor Sandberg- Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, 1,1iller, and Maus. Voting
no: None.
R A (Continued from October 11, 1969)
Council discussed the vacancy that will be created in the Council by the
resignation of Trustee J. W. Miller, Jr. by reason of his movinZ outside of .the
Village limits. Mr. Ronald Schleif was recommended. for the appointment to this
position of Village trustee. Lotion by Councilman Schaffer to appoint Mr.
Ronald Schleif to fill the unexpired term of Village Trustee that has been vacated
by the resignation of J. W. Miller, Jr. motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg
and carried. Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, 11iller,and Maus. Not
voting: Mayor Sandberg.
Meeting adjourned on motion at 12.:30 p.m.
u erx-'Treasurer
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S:00 P.M.
f October 29, 1969
Special meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village
Hall„ Members present: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Edward Schaffer, Franz Swanberg,
James Maus, and Ronald Schleif: Members absent: None.
Present at this meeting were Father Cearty, acting Chairman of the Village
Planning Commission; and Mr. Dale Lungwitz, member of the Village -Planning
Commission. Father Uea.rty presented a. written statement from the Monticello
Village Planning Commission addressed to the Monticello Village Council. Included
with the statement was a petition for annexation signed by some of the landowners
in an area adjoining the Village, The state_`" recommended that the Village Council
siftnit the petition to the State Municipal Commission for action. Council asked
the Planning Commission if the signers of the petition wr-�re aware that, if this
proposed annexation went to court, the Village would not b� able to provide
improvements (such as new roads, water and sanitary sewer) through bond issues
until it was free of all legal action. The Planning Commission stated that, as
far as they knew, the signersnof this petition were aware of this fact„ The Village
Council and the Village Planning Commission stated that they hoped that this
annexation would develop into a. merger of the Village and the Township. Motion
by Councilman Schaffer that the Village of 1-aonticel to adopt a resolution supporting
and approving the petition of certain property owners of the Township of Monticello,
Wright County, Minnesota, for the annexation of unincorporated property to the
Village of PRSonticello, Wright County,innesota. Motion seconded by Councilman
Swanberg and carried„ Voting yes: Iayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg,
Maus, and Schleif, Voting no: None.
Council reviewed the following applications for the position of manager of
the municipal liquor store: 1,11r. Hesley, Mr. H. E. Beak, Mr, Edward Schaf_L"er,
and 1`1r. Raymond J. Rubey. Councilman Schaffer asked that he be excused from the
Council meeting at this time. Council reviewed all applicants. Lotion by Council-
man Schleif that Mr. Raymond J. Rubey be hired as manager of the municipal liquor
store at $800,00 per month. 141otion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried.
L Voting yes: 1"Layor Sandberg; Councilmen Schleif, Swanberg,a.nd Maus. Voting no:
None,. Not Voting: Councilman Schaffer.
Council meeting adjourned at 11:10 this da e,
7:00 p.m..
November 3. 1969
Special meeting; of the Village Council held this time and date at the
Village Hall„ !Members present: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg,
Maus, and Schleif„ 341embers a, -'sent: None. The meeting "was called to discuss
Muncipal Liquor Store affairs and the scheduled meeting with ISD- '882 regarding
Fourth Street.
Mr. Gerald. Deng was present and stated to the Council that he haWd resigned
from the job as manager of the municipal liquor store because Council had not
considered his request for a pay raise from $700.00 per month to $800.00 per month.
However, he stated that Council was now hiring a new man from out of town for $800.00
per month,. He further stated that according to the audits,while he managed the
municipal liquor store it showed a fine profit picture. Mr. DeLong added that he
felt that, in view of the present Council action,he should be considered for gep
the position of manager of the liquor store. Council stated that they did not
realize that 11r. DeLong was still interested in this position.. Motion by Council.
man Schleif to amend his motion dated October 29, 1969, which read in part, "to
hire Yx. Raymond J. Rubey as the manager of the municipal liquor store at $800,00
per month," to delete it and review Mr. DeLong's recuest to be reinst,ted as
manager of the liquor store at the same salary that 1,1r. Rubey would have received.
Motion seconded by Councilman Swanbel and. carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandb*.rg;
Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Maus, and Schleif. Voting no: None.
I -Lotion by Councilman Swa.nberg toeFire Mr. Gerald DeLong as Manager of the
municipal liquor store at $800.00 per month November 15, 1969, sa"otion seconded
by Councilman Schleif and carried. Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer, S�wanberg,, and Schleife Voting no: None. abstaining from voting: payor Sandberg.
Council discussed the meeting; they were to attend°at 9:00 p.m., this date
at the Monticello High School with the scho.01 board regarding the Fourth Street
issue. Council decided that the main concern was to keep this issue out of the Y
courts if there were possibilities that both sides would be sit down and
negotiate. Council felt that if the Council and the School Board could each
appoint two members to negotiate this problem it would not have to end up in the
courts. Council decided that Councilman Schleif should act as spokesman for the
Council at this meeting.
Council meeting adjourned on mot