City Council Minutes 12-09-1969lil
8:00 p.m,
December 9, 1969
Regular meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the
Village Hall. Members present: Councilmen E. Schaffer, F. Swanberg, J. Daus
R. Schleif. Members absent: Mayor Wm. Sandberg. Councilmen Mausq Acting
I;ia.yor presided over the meeting. Council minutes for November 11th and 28th,
1969 were approved.
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to approve of reissuing the following;
cigarette licenses for year 1970: Monticello +'66" Service Station, I•iaus Food
Market, Gould Brothers Chevrolet Co., Lauring Drug Store, Crandall Drugs,
Schneider's Pool Room, Monticello Legion Post ,260, Clausen's Dairy Store,
Stella's Cafe, Nelson Brothers Fairway, Topel's "6611 Service Station, Ruth's
Cafe.,, Jude's Candy & Tobacco Company (11,unicipa.l Liquor Store), Monticello
Recreation, Fyles Mobil Service Station, Dick's Pleat N�arket, Bob's Standard
Service Station, Dell's Service Station, Holker's Drive -In, Elmer's Sport
Shop, Flake's Texaco Station, Rush Delicatessen, Fairls Market. Lotion
seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer,
Swanberg, Maus, Schleif. Voting no: None
lliotion by Councilman Swanberg that the Villare of Monticello enwa.,!re
Gruys-Johnson, and Associates. Certified Public Accountin- Firm, to audit
Village funds and records for the year of 1969. Lotion seconded by Council-
man Schleif and. carried. Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Maus,
and Schleif. Voting no: None. I
Lotion by Councilman Schaffer to table discussion on fire contractin;!
with Otsego, Silver Creek, and Monticello Townships until the January 13, 1970,
regular council meeting; Motion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried.
Voting ,yes: Council*' Z a_ffer, Swanberg, Iy°, and Schleif. Voting nQ: None.
Council discussed the various aspects in ►arba`,e removal eontraeting.
I°lotion by Councilman Schaffer to table the discussion on garbage removal
contracting. Further, that the Villare's present contract for garbage removal
with Al's Sanitation be extended until February 28, 1970, whereby during this
interim period the Council= -will have the opportunity to review the different
means in contracting for garba�-,e removal service. notion seconded by.Council-
man Swa.nberw and carried. Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Maus,
and Schleif. Votin no: None.
Motion by Councilman Swanberg to approve of transferring $1974.38 from
Water Work Fund to Water Sinking Fund as set forth by the resolution to cover
the r --payment of Water Works Revenue Refunding Bond of 1963 and the Water
Works Revenue Bond of 1964. I4otion seconded by Councilman Schaffer,a.nd carried.
Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Maus, and Schleif. Voting no: None.
Motion by Councilman Swa.nberg to-pprov4 of paying* the election judges
(Mrs. Perry Walters, 14r. William Jongewa.ard, Mrs. C. H. Borchardt, Mrs. J. E.
Madsen, and I,irs. Ruth Harsta,d) 12.50 per hour for the November h, 19699
Village general election. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer and. carried.
Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Maus, and Schleif. Voting no
(Continued December 9, 1.969)
Motion by Council -man Schaffer to adopt a resolution for a hearing
on proposed assessments on the alley w. -Ay between Walnut Street and Pine
Street, Block 35, Upper Monticello. Further that a public hea.rinor will
be held at the Village Hall on Tuesday. February 3, 19709 at 8:00 p.m*
on the proposed assessment. 14otion seconded by Councilman Schleif and
carried. Voting; yes: Councilmen Scha f `'er, Swanberg-, Maus, and Schleif.
Voting; no: None.
Council discussed the request of Mr. Gerald DeLong, Liquor Store
lKanamer, to purchase certain items (cash register, water softener, and
electric sign) for the Miunicipal Liquor Store. Lotion by Councilman Sche_ffer
to approve of Mr. DeLong•s request to purchase a. new cash register from
National Cash Register Company for `985.05. Further, to approve of
purchasing a water softener and a. electric sign for the liquor store. Motion
seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer,
Swanberg, Maus, and Schleif. Voting no: None.
Council discussed Mr. David Douglas, Wright County administrator, letter
dated November 26, 1969, which stated that IVIrilht County is entering into
an agreement for comprehensive plans for the development of water and sanitary
sewer system in the rural areas. He stated that for the county to do this,
all villa.we in Wright County must pass a resolution ro-questing that they be
included in this county -wide plan. The cost of these comprehensive plans for
the development of water and sewer system will be,borne completely by the
Farm Home administration. He further stated in his letter that after October
1971, no villages would qualify for a federal grant for water or sewer system
unless a county -wide comprehensive plan has been completed. Council members
that this was essential planning for the Village especially if the Village
ever wanted to take advantage of federal grants for extendin water and
sewer lines,.. Councilman Schaffer asked that the Village Planning Commission
be made eogizant of this. Motion by Councilman Schleif to adopt resolution
desi,na.ting the county planning agency as the planning agency, for the Village,
requesting that the Village be included in the county -wide comprehensive
sewer and water planning and authorizing the'execution of A. contract with the
county. Motion seconded by Councilmp.n Swanberg and carried. Voting yes:
Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, i1Taus, and Schleif. Voting no: None.
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to repeal Paragraph 405.0109 Chapt-r 405, of
Village Ordinance Licenses and Permits in :its entirety. This,ordinance
required pool rooms and bowling alleys to be licensed. Motion seconded by
Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes: Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg,
Maus, and Schleif. Voting no: None.
Council requested that the Clerk -Treasurer advertise for a Village
dog catcher. Council further requested that the Clerk -Treasurer contact
Northern States Power Company having additional lighting; installed in the
Village parkin; lot.
(Continued Decemb®r 9, 1.969)
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to pay the bills as presented to the
Council. A list of bills as presented and bills are on file at the Clerk-
Treasurer!s office. The following; monies were disbursed: General Fund
Sewer Fund Street Fund $ /459.73 , Park
Fund $„ ,�� , eater Fund $9'15;31 The following orders wer-
issued for the above funds: General and General Sinking Fund order a;�65—
throu;h order 3v� , Sewer Fund order through order 5/S�_, Strep -t
and Park Fund order throTz h order / 7(n , Water and Water Sinking
Fund ._through order 1,30 The following; monies were disbursed
in the Liquor Fund. $,660,31 _The following orders were issued; order
4 FII throu'h order 1743 Motion seconded 1py Councilman
Schleif and c4rried. Voting yes; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberr, Maus, and
Schleif. Voting no: None.
Council meetin; adjourned on motion at 10:10 p.m. this date
December 3V, 1969
Special meeting; of the Village Council held this time and date at the
Villave Hall. Members present: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen E. Schaffer, F.
Swanberg, R„ Schleif, and J. Maus. Members absent: None.
!I .�Llloyd G. Schnelle presented to Council his resignation as Clerk -
Treasurer of the Village of Monticello which will be ef__�ective December 31,-
1969, Mr. Schnelle requested that the Council appoint a temporary Clerk -
Treasurer to assume the duties until a permanent full'time Clerk -Treasurer
is hired. Motion -by Councilman Schaffer to accept the resignation of N' .
Lloyd G. Schnelle as the Clerk -Treasurer of the Village of Monticello
effective December 31, 1969. lotion seconded by Councilman Maus and carried.
Voting yes: Iayor Sandber ; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, Maus and Schleif.
Members voting; no: None.
Motion by Councilman Schleif to retain Mr. Lloyd G. Schnelle to work
with the auditing firm to close- the books for year 1969. His rate of pay
for this period will be $4.60 per hour. Motion seconded by Councilman Schaffer
and carried. Voting yes: Mayor Sandberg; Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg,
Maus, and S ehl ei f . Voting no: None.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. this
t on motion.)
1:00 P.M.
December 31, 1969
Special council meeting held this time and. date at the Village Hall.
embers present: Councilmen E. Schaffer, F. Swanber^, J. Maus. 11iembers
absent: Mayor Sandberg and Councilman R. Schleif. Meeting called to
appoint a temporar,T Villawe Clerk-Treasurcr. Councilman 141aus, Actinor Mayor,
presided over the meeting..
Motion by Councilman Schaffer to appoint Mr. Cary Prin-le to serve
durin. t'ie interim period as the temporary Villa -e Clerk -Treasurer until
a permanent full time Village Clerk -Treasurer is appointed to fill the
position. T -lotion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and carried. Voting yes:
Councilmen Schaffer, Swanberg, and Voting no: None.
Special Council meeting- adjourned
t 11: �pem. Ahis, date.
/ Clerk -Treasurer
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8:00 p.m.
January 5, 1970
Special meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the
Village Hall. Members present: Mayor Granlun,a; Councilmen Martie,
Schlief, Swanberg, and Maus. Members absent: none.
Mayor Granlund, Councilman Martie, and Clerk -Treasurer Gary L.
Pringle were sworn in.
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The flooding of a second skating rink for use by small children was dis-
cussed, and it was decided that a Village worker should handle the flooding
of the area.
Motion by Councilman Schlief to issue a vote of confidence to the Planning
Commission., and to set up guide ,lines for use by the Planning Commission
members in the future. Motion seconded by Councilman Martie and carrier.
Voting yes: unanimous. ° 9
Dale Johnson attended the meeting and introduced himself. He mentioned
that the Village audit may be completeJ this week while Lloyd Schnelle is
able to help. Mayor Granlund proposed that he spend a couple of hours
with Dale Johnson before the audit is completed.
Mo tion by Councilman Maus to appoint Gruys Johnson accountants as
auditors for the Village of Monticello for 1970, and that firm will do the