City Council Minutes 12-31-1969 Special174. 1:00 P.M. December 31, 1969 Special council meeting held this time and date at the Village Hall. Lembers present: Councilmen E. Schaffer, F. Swanber , J. YIa.us. 14embers absent: Mayor Sandberg and Councilman R. Schleif, TkiZceting called to appoint a temporary Village Clerk -Treasurer. Councilman 1•11aus, acting Yla.yor, presided over the meeting. Notion b«r Councilman Schaffer to appoint iyir. Gary Prin-le to serve during t`ze interim period as the temporary Village Clerk -Treasurer until a permanent full time Village Clerk -Treasurer is appointed to fill the position. &�jotion seconded by Councilman Swanberg and. carried. Voting; yes: Councilmen Schaffer, Swanbeng, and Ilaus. Voting no: None. Special Council mecting adjourned t.m. /phis, date. / Clerk -Treasurer 8:00 p.m. January 5, 1970 Special meeting of the Village Council held this time and date at the Village Hall. Members present: Mayor Granlund; Councilmen Martie, Schlief, Swanberg, and Maus. Members absent: none. r Mayor Granlund., Councilman Martie, and Clerk -Treasurer Gary L. Pringle were sworn in. i- = - - - ---- -- - - thbm-t-0 come - - - - stud - - - --- -- - - - - changing 4)j_c�� of Village expenditures, The May_oT__3x-ouI-d 13, - pa - - set up .. a bu4get basbaseJ .. • - _ - The flooring of a second skating rink for use by small children was jis- cusser, and it was decided that a Village worker shoull handle the flooding of the area. Motion by Councilman Schlief to issue a vote of confidence to the Planning Commission, and to set up guide ,lines for use by the Planning Commission members in the future. Motion seconded by Councilman Martie and carrier. Voting yes: unanimous. r. Dale Johnson attended the meeting and introduced himself. He mentioned that the Village audit may be completer this week while Lloyd Schnelle is able to help. Mayor Granlund proposed that he spend a couple of hours s with Dale Johnson before the audit is completed. Mo tion by Councilman Maus to appoint Gruys Johnson accountants as auditors for the Village of Monticello for 1970, an -A that firm will do the