City Council Minutes 02-20-1974 Special149
Special meeting of the City Council - February 20, 1974 - 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall
by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen,
Erickson, Martie. Absent: Rowan. This meeting is held in
place of the regularly scheduled meeting of Feb. 25, 1974 •
The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped.
The minutes for the meeting of February 11, 1974, were
approved with the following correction: Page 4, paragraph 3,
line 4, was amended to read: "costs which can be financed
by a 2 mill levy, all costs in excess of the , mill levy
to be assessed back to the affected property owners."
The Mayor announced that time was allowed for citizen com-
ments or inquiries.
A presentation was made by DktY W. E. Hart and Mr. Berg in
regard to a proposed improvement of the Mississippi River by
the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Dr. Hart and
Mr. Berg expressed their opposition to this development and
requested that the City of Monticello adopt a resolution
opposing this plan. The Mayor thanked Dr. Hart and Mr. Berg
for their statement and noted that the City Council would
be given time to review this matter; a vote on the matter
to be taken later in this meeting.
A presentation was made by Mr. Wilbur Eck concerning his
assessment in regard to Improvement Project 1973-1• The
Mayor noted that the.imatter is being reviewed by the Utilities
Commission and that further study will be made.
The Mayor made some general comments and noted that there is a
good possibility that streets vacated in Monticello may not have
been properly deeded to the property owner - statement based on
an opinion of attorney, Mr. Gary Pringle, that Monticello is
one of the few cities that still owns its streets.
The Mayor complimented the Administrator and Roger Mack for their
prompt action in handling the Walnut Street problem. He stated
that it has been a pleasure working with the city council, has
been satisfied with the decisions made and felt cooperation has
been excellent.
A presentation was made by Dr. John Kasper, representing the
Utilities Commission. Dr. Kasper explained the Utilities
Commission decision that a Monticello resident should be re-
quired to pay a $150.00 water hookup charge which was disputed.
® Special council meeting - February 20 1974 - con ted.
He noted the Commission felt there should also be ars adjust-
ment in the event of a leaky water line or toilet, but the ad-
justment should be made with the stipulation that if the pro-
blem is not fixed before the next billing period the property
owner would be required to pay the full amount of the bill.
Dr. Kasper stated the Wilbur Eck assessment will require further
study and requested Council permission to have the City Engineer
and the City Attorney at one Utilities Commission meeting. A
motion to approve the attendance of the City Engineer and City
Attorney at one Utilities Commission meeting was made by D.
Erickson, seconded by D. Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Rowan.
Motion carried.
Dr. Kasper stated further study is required to resolve the
laundromat rate controversey and the school hookup charge.
Dr. Kasper stated the Utilities Commission recommends purchase
of a new 3/4 ton van -truck, heavy duty, for use by the Water
& Sewer Department. The Utilities Commission also recommends
that the city water hookup charge to residents be increased
from $150.00 to $375.00. The Utilities Commission recommends
that water rates stay at the same rate for an undetermined
period. The Administrator was instructed to review the bids
for the purchase of a water and sewer truck with Walt Mack;
bi.ddb�- s -to bid on exactly the same item. This purchase will be
reviewed by the City Council on March 11, 1974.
It was the City Council decision, no vote, to uphold the con-
sensus of the Utilities Commission regarding the water hookup
charge increase to $375.00; but a final vote on the matter was
tabled until an ordinance amendment is presented. The Council
tabled the recommendation of the Utilities Commission in re-
gard to the leaking water line or toilet until they have had
additional time to review the matter.
The Mayor thanked Dr. Kasper for the report and requested he
return for an additional report at his earliest convenience.
A motion approve the Liquor Store audit report for calendar
year, 1973, as prepared by Gruys, Johnson, Mosford & Associates,
and as presented on February 11, 1974, was made by Dick Martie,
seconded by Dan Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson,
Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Rowan. Motion carried.
A motion to approve the purchase of $15,000.00 in U. S. Treasury
bills from the Liquor Store Fund through Wright County State
F� Bank was made by Dan Dloni gen, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting
in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None.
Motion carried. Absent: Rowan.
Special council meeting - February 20, 1974. - con t'd.
A discussion was held concerning the possibility of establish-
ing an employee wage review board. It was City Council con-
sensus, no vote, that the Administrator should work with one
representative from the Utilities Commission and one represen-
tative from the Roads & Street Commission to review employee
wages. Motion to turn the request of a city employee for a
wage increase over to the representative board, was made by
D. Erickson, seconded by Dan Blonigen. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent:
Rowan. Motion carried.
The Mayor noted the following material presented at the meeting
should be reviewed:
1. Letter from Administrator summarizing funds available.
2. General Fund certificate of deposits as of Dec. 31, 1973•
3. Status of Building Inspector - council will study and
review upon the return of Mr. A. M. Rasmussen.
4. Announcement of Senator Dunn meeting in city hall on
Feb. 23, 1974 at 11:00 A.M. The Mayor announced the
Roads & Streets Commission would be meeting with Sen.
5. Sheriff's office report for January, 1974•
6. Council member Blonigen noted that a Liquor Store em-
ployee had been required to pay her own attorney fees -
in a case approximately two years old. Administrator
was to check with the city attorney on the legality of
A discussion was held concerning the Dr. Hart proposal presented
earlier in the evening. In this regard, a motion was made by
D. Erickson, seconded by D. Blonigen, to place the City Council
on record as opposing the designation of the portion of the
Mississippi River between Anoka and St. Cloud for inclusion
within the Wild and Scenic River system. The Administrator
was instructed to write to the Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources notifying this Department of the Council decision.
A brochure by the Departmiant of Natural Resources describing
the Minnesota Wild and Scenic Rivers Act attached as Enclosure
A motion to adjourn was made by D. Martie, seconded by D.
Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson,
Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Rowan. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
, I
Kevin L. La France, Adm.
KLLF: mj q
Regular meeting of the City Council - March 11, 1974 -
7:30 P. M. -- City Hall
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the City
Hall by Acting Mayor Dan Blonigen. Council members present:
Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Mayor Conrad Johnson was absent
on vacation.
The Acting Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped.
The minutes for the meeting of February 20, 1974., were ap-
proved with the following insertion: Page 3, immediately
following paragraph 1, should read: "A motion to approve the
purchase of $15,000.00 in U. S. Treasury Bills from the Liquor
Fund, through Wright County State Bank, was made by Dan Bloni-
gen, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Rowan.
Motion carried."
A presentation was made by Arve Grimsmo representing the Roads
& Streets Commission. Mr. Grimsmo mentioned there had been a
meeting on March 7, 1974, with representatives of the Minnesota
State Highway Department and the Roads & Streets Commission.
He noted that the Highway Department felt there was a pro-
blem with the present proposal to have an entrance from High-
way 25 into the mall area; also, there is a possibility of it
becoming necessary to widen Highway 25 in order to make possible
a smooth traffic flow. In addition, there is a possibility of
the Highway Department lighting the clover leaf area if the
city would agree to meet them somewhere in the area -- specific
place not yet agreed upon. Lighting would involve one light
approximately every 180 feet - approximate cost to the city
would be $18,000.00.
Mr. Grimsmo stated there is a possibility of extending Sixth
Street all the way to Highway 25 and to make this a State -aid
road. Mr. Grimsmo concluded his presentation by stating a written
report will be given to the City Council in regard to all of
the aforementioned; probably at the meeting of March 25, 1974•
A discussion was held concerning the Thunderbird Mall develop-
ment. A memo was presented by the Administrator that outlined
a statement from attorney Gary Pringle regarding the legality
of building in the mall area. In this regard, a motion was
made by Dick Martie, seconded by Denton Erickson, to have the
City Council go on record in opposition to the building pro-
cess proceeding in the mall area until the legal status of
the streets in the area is clarified. By this motion the Ad-
ministrator is to notify the builder verbally of the Council
decision and the City Attorney is to notify the builder in
writing. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan.
Opposed: None. Absent: Johnson. Motion carried.