City Council Minutes 08-26-1974218
Regular meeting of the City Council - August 26, 1974 - 7:30 P.M.
City Council
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall
by Mayor Con Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen, Erickson,
Martie, Walters.
The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped.
A motion was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Blonigen, to
approve the minutes of August 12, and August 19, 1974, as
presented. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie,
Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
City attorney, Mr. Gary L. Pringle, presented and reviewed a
joint fire agreement presently in use by Lake Elmo -East Oakdale
city and town. Mr. Pringle pointed out several aspects of this
agreement.. The Administrator was instructed to mail a copy of
this agreement to each council member for their review. This
matter will be on the Council agenda of September 9, 1974.
A discussion was held regarding the tree removal contract with
Mr. Gary L. Kroll. Mr. Pringle stated that he had made repeated
attempts to contact the bonding company in regard to the Perfor-
mance Bond provided by Mr. Kroll, but that the bonding company
had not responded to his calls. Mr. Pringle felt there was a
clear breach of contact by Mr. Kroll and stated he would keep
the Council informed of developments in this matter.
A discussion of the resolution for the vacation of streets, Plat
Plan 4, was tabled until the new street in the area is designated.
A proposal was presented regarding a request by Mr. Wilbur Eck
to purchase Plat 35-B, adjacent to the cemetery. After some
discussion, it was decided that it would be in the best interests
of the City to sell this plat to Mr. Eck. It will be necessary
to have the plat properly appraised, obtain an abstract, and
establish a purchase price. The Administrator was instructed
to communicate these findings to Mr. Eck.
Mr. Jim Powers of the Wright County Sheriff's Department intro-
duced the patrolman.presently working in the Monticello area,
Mr. Don Hoz empa . Mr. H oz empa asked several questions in regard
to City of Monticello parking policy. He was informed that a
specific policy is being developed and that he would be kept
informed of policies as they are implemented.
A report was given by the Liquor Store Manager, Mr. Ralph Eichten.
He noted that there had been a steady increase in sales and that
he felt the Liquor Store is running smoothly. Mr. Eichten explained
that the legal age of employment for off -sale liquor store employees
Regular meeting of Council continued. August 26, 1974.
is 16 -years of age. He stated he felt it was in the best interests
of the City to use young men in the off -sale portion of the store.
The City Council, no vote, concurred with Mr. Eichtents statement
with the understanding that anyone under 18 will not be allowed
in the on -sale portion of the store.
A report was given by Mr. Thore Meyer, the city engineer. A
discussion was held in regard to water service for the Christian
Service building. Mr. Meyer noted that a minimum of 1-1/8 - 1-1/4
inch line will be needed for the building. He estimated that
total cost for the project will be between $1,200.00 to $1,400.00.
It was the consensus of Council members that the City could
assume some cost in extending a water line to the building due to
the non -denominational, charitable nature of the organization.
Council member G. Walters noted that Council has to be careful
and watch inconsistencies in policy, but stated he had no objection
to this service. In this regard, a motion was made by D. Erickson,
seconded by D. Martie, to have the City assume the responsibility
of installing service up to the lot line, the Christian Service
organization will be responsible for a hookup charge plus any
additional digging costs. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson,
Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A discussion was held in regard to a letter received from Wright
County Surveyor, Mr. Richard J. Halverson. The letter from
Mr. Halverson noted that plats presented for recording and
located in_incorporated areas, such as the City of Monticello,
are not checked for accuracy by the Wright County office. Mr.
Halverson requested that the City Council adopt a resolution
allowing his office to perform this service for the City. The
fee for such platting service would be paid by the individual request-
ing the service and not by the City of Monticello. In this regard,
council member D. Martie introduced the resolution, attached as
Enclosure 1, and moved for its adoption. The motion for adoption
of the resolution was seconded by D. Blonigen. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None.
Motion carried.
A discussion was held in regard to parking limitations, truck
routes, etc. Various proposals were considered, but it was
decided to have a Commission meeting on September 3, 1974, at
8:00 P.M., at the City Hall. The Public Safety Commission, the
Business & Industrial Commission, and other interested parties
will be represented. Superintendent Shelly Johnson will be
asked to have a representative at this meeting.
A discussion centered on purchase of the Kjellberg building.
A letter was presented from auditor Mr. Gary Wieber in which
Mr. Wieber recommended the City transfer $30,000.00 from the
Liquor Fund to the General Fund if it desires to purchase the
Kjellberg building and warehouse. Mr. Wieber, in his letter
Regular meeting of Council - August 26, 1974 - continued.
of August 19, 1974, stated there are no legal problems in handling
the purchase in this fashion.
A bill was presented from Mr. and Mrs. Darold Burma who are
providing Dog Patrol Service for Monticello and Big Lake. In
this regard, a motion to approve payment of this bill was made
by D. Erickson, seconded by D. Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion
carried. It was the consensus of the City Council to have the
Administrator and City Attorney finalize a dog patrol fee schedule
with the Burmas and to have this drawn in contact form.
The Mayor instructed Mr. Thore Meyer to proceed in establishing
an assessment procedure -for the downtown parking lots. Mr. Meyer
stated this would be done.
Mr. Meyer noted that work on the Vine Street Sewer Project is near-
ing completion as is work on the Locust/Walnut Street Watermain
Project; he stated that the contractor will be correcting many
of the deficiencies in the parking lot work within a week or two
and that after this is done one of the engineers would make a final
review of the project. Mr. Meyer stated that the contractor for
the Vine Street project did admit doing some damage to city streets
by driving on them with heavy equipment. The contractor has agreed
to restore all damaged streets to their original condition.
A motion to approve the list of bills for the month of July,
1974, was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by D. Martie. Voting
in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed:
None. Motion carried. Liquor: $39,171.03; Admin: $2,671.33;
Fire: $772.56; Park: $356.20; Sewer: $2,130.77; Water: $2,712.47;
Service: $5,,161.81; Street: $3,251.20; Improvement Project 1974-1:
$695,500.00. Other: $9,387.78•
A bid was presented from Whitesell Tree Service, 321-109 Ave. N.W.,
Coon Rapids, Minnesota, in regard to the removal of Dutch Elm
diseased trees. A motion to accept the bid of Whitesell Tree
Service at the bid price of $2.50 per inch per 1211 tree; $3.40
per 241' tree; $4.25 per 36" tree; $5.00 per 481► tree, was made
by D. Blonigen, seconded by D. Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion
carried. The Administrator was instructed to have a contract
drawn by the city attorney and have ready for presentation at the
City Council meeting of September 9, 1974•
The Administrator was instructed to write a local business
establishment in regard to a fire hazard complained about by
a Monticello resident.
1 meeting Council continued. August 26 1 Z
Regular of gu , 974 • JL
A motion to adjourn was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Erickson.
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters.
Opposed: None. Motion carried.
The -meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 P.M.
Kevin L. LaFrance, Adm.
KLLF/mj q
Regular meeting of the City Council - September 9, 1974 - City Hall
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Con Johnson.
Council members present: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Walters.
The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped.
A motion was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by G. Walters, to ap-
prove the minutes of August 26, 1974, as presented. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie and Walters. Opposed: None.
Motion carried.
A motion was made by D. Martie, seconded by G. Walters, to ap-
prove the transfer of $18,533.80 from the Federal Revenue Sharing
Savings Account to the Federal Revenue Sharing Checking Account.
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, and Walters.
Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A presentation was made by Mr. Milo Moon. Mr. Moon stated that
children have been crawling onto the roof of the Monticello Ford
building. The Council requested that the Administrator send Mr.
Larry Flake a letter suggesting that the stairway leading to the
roof be blocked.
A report was given by the city attorney, Mr. Gary Pringle. In
this regard, a motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by D.
Blonigen, to adopt the attorneyts recommendation that two council
members be designated to meet with representatives of the Township,
and with the Fire Chief, to negotiate possible changes needed in
the Joint Fire Contract. This five man board is to submit a con-
tract for approval to both governing bodies. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie and Walters. Opposed: None.
Motion carried.
Dick Martie and Dan Blonigen volunteered to serve on the fire
contract negotiation board.
Regular meeting of Council - Sept. 95 1974 - cont'd.
The Administrator was requested to write the Township of Monticello
requesting that they designate two representatives to negotiate
a fire agreement contract. The Fire Chief will also be notified.
A presentation was made by Gary Pringle regarding the tree contract
with Mr. Gary L. Kroll. It is the city's position that Mr. Kroll
violated the terms of this contract. However, the Bonding Company
has informed the city that it has the right to provide a tree con-
tractor rather than make payment due to a breach of contract.
A motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by D. Blonigen, stipulating
that Mr. Gary L. Kroll be allowed 30 days to remove all marked
trees or to make arrangements for their removal. Tree removal is
to be supervised by the Street and Park Department of Monticello.
Negotiations with Mr. Kroll will be handled through the city at-
torney. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie and
Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A discussion was held in regard to the proposed Dog Impoundment
Contract with Mr. and Mrs. Darold Burma of Big Lake. A motion
to approve the contract as presented with one change was made by
D. Blonigen, seconded by D. Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Erickson, Johnson, Martie and Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
The change requested will delete the word "police" badge, with the
term "special" badge. The City will order the special badges for
the Burmas. A copy of the contract is on file in the City Hall;
the effective date of the contract is September 9, 1974•
A presentation was made by Gary Pringle in regard to the pro-
posed sale of land parcel 35B. He stated that the title is in
order, but that a better description of the parcel is needed.
In addition, an appraisal is needed in order to establigh a reason-
able selling price. Mr. Pringle stated that a survey is not needed
and that he will obtain a legal description of the parcel.
Mr. Wilbur Eck inquired as to the possibility of leasing a portion
of Parcel 37. Mr. Pringle informed the Council that this is a
legal possibility. Mr. Eck was asked why he desires to lease
this land; he will answer this in writing to the Council. Mr.
Eck stated he was against the use of parcel 37 as a dumping ground.
The Mayor stated that there will be a study made of the use of
parcel 37 by a City Commission.
A discussion was held regarding the purchase of the Kjellberg
building and garage. A down payment of $8,700-00 would be
needed, with the balance of the purchase price of $30,000.00
due on January 2, 1975. Gary Pringle stated that he would have
to obtain a proper legal description as the one he has is in-