City Council Minutes 09-30-1974 SpecialRegular meeting of Council - Sept. 9, 1974 - cont' d. 22 5 A motion was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Blonigen, setting the hours of 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. for the Primary Election on September 10, 1974. The salary of the election judges was set at $4.00 per hour. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie and Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. The Administrator was instructed to inform Water and Sewer personnel that they should follow through on any sewer and water work done to see that street repairs are properly completed. They are to inform the Administrator and the Street Department so that follow-up work can be completed. A motion was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Blonigen, author- izing Dick Brooks to purchase a broom for the Cub Cadet tractor at the approximate price of $250.00. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie and Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A motion was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by D. Martie, re- appointing Ron Peters and Kenneth Maus to the Joint Recreation Committee. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie and Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie and Walters. Opposed: None. The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:30 P. M. Kevin L. LaFrance, Adm. KLLF/lsg Enclosure 1: Purchase agreement with Kjellberg's. Special meeting of the City Council - September 30, 1974 - City Hall The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Walters. The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped. The Mayor read a proclamation designating October 7, 1974, as D -Day on non-smoking day in Monticello. A motion to adopt the D -Day proclamation was made by G. Walters, seconded by D. Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 226 Special meeting of Council - Sept. 30, 1974 - cont' d. A motion to approve the minutes of September 9, 1974, as presented, was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Erickson. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A motion to approve the list of bills for the mor,_th of August, 1974, was made by D. Erickson, seconded by D. Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Liquor: $59, 227.97; Admin: $3, 979.86; Fire: $449.88; Park: $506.16; Senior Citizen & Service: $3.,819.86; Street: $6,298-07; Water: $3,870.08; Sewer: $2,013.66; Other: $113,051.52. A motion.to authorize the Mayor and Administrator to sign the Dog Patrol Contract with Mr. and Mrs. Darold Burma of Big Lake, was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by D. Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. In response to a question, the Administrator noted that the proposed fire agreement meeting with representatives of Monticello Township had been postponed for the time being. The Administrator noted that the City Attorney stated he would like to meet with representatives of the Park Board the latter part of this week to discuss tree removal. The Mayor stated that due to the recent annexation order, each Monticello Commission should consider an increase in the number of members by one or two individuals, conceivably with one woman or more. Commission Chairmen in attendance con- curred with this idea. A presentation was made by Mr. Ron White representing the Monticello Planning Commission. Mr. White mentioned the possible construction of an elderly housing unit in Monticello (above Seventh Street between Maple Street and Minnesota Street). Mr. White noted that the area is now zoned R-3, but that one small corner is zoned C-1; a portion of the newly annexed area is not yet zoned. After discussion, a motion was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by D. Martie, to adopt R-3 zoning for the parcel of property to be developed for elderly housing; this zoning change subject to review by the City Planner. In addition a HEARING date of October 14, 1974, was set to consider the zoning change. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Mr. White mentioned that the Planning Commission feels the City Council should adopt the $105000.00 planning estimate made by Brauer & Associates for a study of the annexed area. - - con d. X27 Special meeting of Council Sept. 30, 19'74 cont 'd. was the consensus of City Council members that the City should consult with the Township to consider possible joint planning in the newly annexed area and in the orderly annexation area. It was the consensus of City Council members to allow the $10,000.00 planning estimate, but that the expenditure of these funds would be reviewed individually by the City Council. Mr. White noted the Planning Commission is asking for $2,500.00 to cover normal operation costs. The City Council, no vote, concurred with this proposal. A discussion was held in regard to the request for a Variance Permit by Mr. Denton Erickson. Mr. Erickson requested a Variance to build a 261 x 241 deep wood frame double garage at 102 Cedar Street on Lot 15 and the west 14 feet of Lot 14. The Planning Commission recommended that permission be granted to build within 51 of his side yard line and to build within 151 of Cedar Street. After discussion a motion was made by D. Bloni gen, seconded by D. Martie, to adopt the Planning Commission recommendation - 5 ft. side yard allowance, 15 ft. front yard allowance. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A short discussion was held in regard to Plat Plan 4. The Administrator was requested to have the City Engineer make a report on this Plan at the Council meeting scheduled for October 14, 1974• A discussion was held in regard to the request by the State Highway Department to build a highway maintenance building in the Oakwood Industrial Park. The Administrator noted that permission to build had previously been given by Wright County. In this regard, a motion was made by D. Martie, seconded by G. Walters, to.approve the issuance of the build- ing permit to the Minnesota State Highway Department. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters, Opposed :None. Motion carried. A presentation was made by Mr. Jim Lungwitz representing the Monticello Park Board. After a discussion of the Park system, Mr. Lungwitz was requested to have the Park Board take a good hard look at the Park system and to prepare budget estimates for 1975. The Montissippi Park will be one area of study. Mr. Lungwitz mentioned that the Council might consider the purchase of its own equipment for the cutting of diseased trees, trimming, etc. The Mayor stated he felt this is a good proposal and one that the Council would consider on an open-minded basis. A report was made by Mr. Robert Brown representing the Monticello Historical Commission. Mr. Brown presented a Bi -Centennial Commission report. He noted that possible pro- jects for this Commission will be the reconstruction of an 228 Special meeting of the Council - Sept. 30, 1974 - cont'd. old bandstand, the founding of a local historical society, the placement of appropriate markers on historical buildings, and fire truck restoration. The Mayor noted that he felt Mr. Brown is "an outstanding historian" who can do a tremen- dous service for the community and asked Mr. Brown if he could have budget proposals ready for the meeting of October 14, 1974• Mr. Brown stated he would do this. A report: was made by Mr. George Phillips representing the Business & Industrial Commission. Mr. Phillips reported on the recently completed parking program and noted that the assessment policy is now in the hands of the City Engineers. He stated that the proposal for the development of downtown parking lots included an estimate of land acquisition costs for the two areas that were deeded to the City for public parking. The original proposal did not include demolition and taxes; consequently, an additional $9,095.00 will be needed for reimbursement. This payment of $9,095.00 will be paid from the Improvement Project 1974-1 fund. Mr. Phillips noted that the 2 mill levy for parking lot maintenance should be/vorked into the 1975 budget. The Business & Industrial Commission does not feel they need a specific budget for 1975, unless the City Council desire that they have one. Mr. Phillips noted that with the parking project nearing com- pletion the Business & Industrial Commission does not have any particular project in mind. The Administrator was requested to ask the City Attorney to have a report prepared on the purchase of the Kjellberg building. This report will be presented to the City Council meeting of October 14, 1974 • A presentation was made by Dr. C. W. Erlandson representing the Liquor Commission. Dr. Erlandson noted that total costs for purchase of the Maus Foods building for use as an "off - sale" liquor store would total approximately $127,113-50. This would include the cost for a new roof, beer coolers. carpeting, painting, and the basic building cost. He noted that the Liquor store audit report for the period ending August 31, 1974, shows the "off -sale" store doing a very favorable business. The Mayor noted that the Liquor Store Manager had presented an alternative proposal to him which entailed the renovation of the present store so that it would have a larger "off -sale" capacity. This proposal will be given further study. The Liquor Store Manager noted that "split Liquor" laws are no longer in effect and that a review should possibly be made of the present license policy. 'd. 229- con Special meeting of Council Sept. 30, 1974. cont 'd. member G. Walters stated the City Council should possibly consider the withdrawal of the option to buy the Maus Food building and that the City Council should consider other options. The Mayor stated that various proposals will be considered. A presentation was made by Dr. John Kasper representing the Utilities Commission. Dr. Kasper stated that the Commission had prepared budget estimates for 1975 in a meeting held on September 10, 1974., with the City Engineer in attendance. Dr. Kasper noted that a number of projects need completion at the Disposal Plant and on City water and sewer lines. Some of these projects could possibly be completed and paid for by Federal funds at a later date. The Administrator was requested to have Mr. T. Meyer prepare a report on the sewer and water projects. This report will be presented at the City Council meeting of October 14, 1974. There will also be a report prepared on sewage testing which will include what laboratory testing would cost as apposed to the purchase of equipment and city personnel doing their own testing. A presentation was made by Mr. Arve Grimsmo representing the Roads and Streets Commission. He noted that the City Engineer will be asked to procure cost extimates for extend- ing Seventh Street from west of Maple Street to connect with the existing Seventh Street area. Mr. Grimsmo recommended that the City Council accept the bid from the Hall Equipment Company of Savage, Minnesota, and purchase the seleclo sand - spreader at the price of $1,553.00, which includes mounting. In this regard, a motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by D. Martie, to pruchase the sand -spreader at the price of $1,553.00. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A discussion was held in regard to the Roads & Street Commission recommendation that the City of Monticello obtain on a bid basis, a lease -option to purchase cost figure - from 3 local dealers - for a new tandem truck, twin-axel. In addition, the City Council considered the purchase of a sand -packer and a snow -loader and or blower -type unit. In this regard, a motion was made by D. Martie, seconded by D. Erickson, that the City obtain bids on, the tandem truck. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Information will be obtained on the sand - packer and snow loader type items, but the Roads & Streets Commission feel that the purchase of these items need not be considered until the Spring of 1975• A discussion was held in regard to the possible hiring of on+an to assist in the Street and Park Department. The 230 Special meeting of the Council - Sept. 30. 1974 - cont, d. Roads and Streets Commission feels that the extra work in- volved in caring for the new parking facilities and the extra work resulting from the annexation order justify the hiring of one man. In this regard, a motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by G. Walters, authorizing the employment of one man in the Street and Park Department at the starting salary of $4.00 an hour. Before the individual is hired, the man will be interviewed by the Street Supervisor and Administrator. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A discussion was held in regard to no -truck parking signs on Highway 152. It was the consensus of the City Council members, no vote, to leave in place the no -truck -parking signs on Highway 152. Curbs will be painted up to 20 -feet back in some areas to eliminate traffic problems. A discussion was held in regard to the request by developers of the Monticello Mall for an additonal entrance from Seventh Street into the Mall area. The Roads & Streets Commission was not in favor of this request. In this regard, a motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by D. Martie, to table until the next meeting the request by the Monticello Mall developers for a new Seventh Street entrance. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Mr. Richard Brooks was instructed to check on possible fill - area alternatives. A presentation was made by Dr. John Kasper in regard to the needs of Functional Industries, an organization devoted to the training of mentally and physically handicapped children. Dr. Kasper stated that the organization would like to have a $4,000.00 commitment from the City of Monticello for 1975• The Administrator was instructed to include the $4,000.00 item in the 1975 budget and the Council will review this matter at a later time. It was the consensus of City Council members to authorize the use of a Planner at the joint planning meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 2, 1974• A discussion was held in regard to the transfer of funds from the Federal Revenue Sharing Checking Account (description of transfers attached as Enclosure 1). A motion to approve these transfers was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by D. Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. _ Special meeting of Council - Sept. 30, 19'74 cont d. 231 The Mayor noted that garbage pickup will start in the newly annexed area on Thursday of the current week. Garbage pickup will then occur on each Monday and Thursday morning. A notice to this effect will be placed in the Monticello Shopper edition of October 2, 1974• The Administrator was requested to notify the Wright County Sheriff's office that they should commence with increased police protection in the newly annexed area. A presentation was made by D. Erickson. Mr. Erickson mentioned the manpower needs resu lting from the recent annexation. He stated that annexation is going to require as much professional help as the City of Monticello can reasonalby afford. Mr. Erickson stated that the City needs a City Manager/Administrator with a Master's Degree in Public Administration; someone with a strong engineering background, strong legal background, and with considerable experience in handling government programs. Mr. Erickson stated that -,this desire for an individual with this background is no reflection on the ability or performance of the present Administrator. Mr. Erickson stated that Mr. LaFrance had performed his duties in a very satisfactory manner and that Mr. LaFrance will be retained. Council members concurred in the good work that has been done; they stated the work has been commendable and the long hours are appre- ciated. The Mayor noted that he had previously discussed this matter with Mr. LaFrance and stated there was agreement on policy. The Mayor noted that Mr. LaFrance had agreed to be retained as the Assistant Administrator. Mr. LaFrance will continue to serve as the Administrator until the individual desired is hired. The Administrator noted that he felt for some time the need for more professional, full-time help. He stated it is not possible to handle the daily business needs of the City and still have time to coordinate all of the needs of the City Commissions, attendance at professional training meetings, etc. In this regard, a motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by G. Walters, that the City should start making preparations for the employment of a City Manager and should start looking at applications. The applicant should have a Master's Degree in Public Administration, a strong engineering background, strong legal background. The motion notes the larger area/to be serviced and the resulting problems; the search for a city manager does not reflect on the work of the present Administrator. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A motion to adjourn was made by D. Martie, seconded by G. Walters. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 232 Special meeting of Council - Sept. 30, 1974 - cont ' d. The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:20 P.M. Kevin L. La France, Adm. KLLF/mj q Enclosure 1 - Transfer Approvals Needed Regular meeting of the City Council - October 14, 1974 - City Hall The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Walters. The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped. In the citizen comments portion of the meeting, questions were asked regarding garbage collection and other services. The Mayor noted that these items would be discussed later in the meeting. A Public Hearing was held in regard to a zoning change to R-3. (Copy of Notice of Hearing and property description attached as Enclosure 1). Mr. Wally Houle made a presentation in regard to the proposed community housing building to be constructed in the Maple -Seventh Street area. Mr. Houle answered questions from several residents of the area. He noted that a recent survey shows there is a need for 350 housing units in the Monticello area and stated that individuals 62 years of age and older would be given first preference in the community housing project. Mr. Chuck Stumpf made a pre- sentation in which he recommended that Maple Street be improved. and opened to the community housing project. In this regard, a motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by D. Erickson, to re -zone the property described in Enclosure 1, to R-3. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Walters. Op- posed: None. Motion carried. It was the consensus of council members, no vote, that Maple Street offers the best access for entry to the community housing project. Mr. Thomas Chock made a presentation in which he stated his objections to "No Parking" signs by his West Third Street residence. Mr. Dick Brooks noted a parking problem in this area. After discussion of this issue, it was the decision of council members that the signs on the south side of Third St.