City Council Minutes 07-14-1975Regular Meeting of Monticello City Council- City ouncilCity Hall - July 14, 1975 - 7:30 PM Present: Con Johnson, Denton Erickson, Stan Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. 1. Award Sale of Municipal Liquor Store. The following bids were opened July 8, 1975 on the sale of the liquor store: Earl Lindenf elser $135,000.00 Monticello, MN. Richard B. Kampa $ 85,000.00 Foley, MN.. Loren Johnson & Jerry Ludwig $ 91,969.98 200 4th St. S. W. Montgomery, MN. Elmer Matheson $1155,100.00 Virginia, MN. Larry Hurr le $ 405000-00 St. Cloud, MN. Motion by Hall, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried to award sale of liquor store to Earl Lindenfelser and hold public hearing on issuance of license July 28, 1975 at 7:30 PM. (See supplement 7-14-75 - #1-) 2. Sheriff's Report and other police matters. Jim Powers presented council with sheriff's report for June. Mr. Powers stated that the sheriff's manual indicated the city has control of all speed limit signs within the city limits. This would be contrary to situation on east county road #39 within Monticello where the county took dotitiTn speed limit signs put up by the city and claims the county has jurisdiction. City administrator to review one way alley behind Seestrom's to determine if possibile to make 2 way alley to west and one way alley to east. 3. Appointees to Civic Center Commission. Motion by Walters, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried to appoint Ruth Senness and John Miller to the commission contingent upon their acceptance. 4. Audit Report Presentation. Dale Johnson of Gruys Johnson Mosford and Associates presented annual audit report. Motion by Martie, seconded by Hall to have city administrator implement procedures on page 26 of report and make necessary transfers, unanimously carried. 5. Review of improvement of street by Hospital. Motion by Martie, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to have city crew put in portion of street in front of new curb and gutter and install necessary blacktop burm fog- proper drainage. Dick Brooks' estimate was $1000 - ,$1200 including labor and materials. 6. Approval of On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License. Motion by Erickson, seconded by Martie to approve on sale intoxicating liquor license for Wayside Inn, unanimously carried. License fee for first year would be $2250 as pro- vided by city ordinance. %. Elimination of Office of Justice of Peace. Motion by Martie, seconded by Walters and unanimously carried to adopt ordinance abolishing office of Justice of the Peace. (See supplement 7-14-75 - #2.) 8. Approval of July -_8, 1975 minutes. Motion by Martie, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried to approve minutes. 9. NSP Ballpark Lease. City Administrator to contact Ward King with NSP on possibility of obtaining 99 year lease on property west of County Park to allow city to construct road to ball park and into park itself. Once lease obtained possibility of county aid would be pursued. Regular meeting of Council - July 14, 1975 - continued. I t 10. Gary Wieber to be City Administrator. Motion by Martie, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried to make Gary Wieber, current acting city administrator the city administrator for Monticello. 11. Wage Increases. Motion by Erickson, seconded by Martie to increase wages for Al Meyer and Jeff Wallin 25¢ an hour effective July 1, 1975, unanimously carried. 12. Building Permits - Crandall Bros. of Clearwater. Council consensus was to implement ordinance on building permit requirements and have city attorney implement steps necessary for violation of city ordinance. 13. Removal of Trees for 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvement Project. Motion by Martie, seconded by Hall to adjourn, unanimously carried. Gary Wie r, City Administrator GW/mj q