EDA Agenda - 04/13/2022 (Workshop)AGENDA WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, April 13th, 2022 — 5:00 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Members: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Jon Morphew, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Hali Sittig and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, and Hayden Stensgard 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Primer on TIF Types, Function and Mechanics 4. Review of TIF Districts Administered by the EDA 5. Summary Overview of Block 52 Redevelopment and TIF Funding to Support Project 6. Adjournment EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 1. Consideration of TIF District Update (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being provided an update about the various TIF Districts that it currently administers. Currently there are 10 District that are active. One District was decertified at the end of 2021 (Suburban Manufacturing original development — TIF 1-39). Some of those Districts have extra funds which may be available to use in redevelopment or housing development projects. The goal is to summarize the status of those TIF District fund balances and seek feedback and direction on future use of the available dollars in the Funds. Several new TIF Districts are being proposed have recently been approved for certification (1-42 and 1-43 have been approved though not yet certified). 2. Consideration of Block 52 Status and Funding Update: :� � :� J 1�1:� J ► [�l J_1► Ll:T_T�l :(�l :��1 �1 � 1 Upon Completion of the review and discussion of the TIF Districts, staff will update the EDA on the progress of Block 52 funding for the nearly $27,000,000 development proposal put forward by Deephaven Development. The proposal as presented has numerous related public infrastructure -facility upgrades which also need funding sources identified in the next month. A general idea of potential the global development proposal funding sources is outlined below: Activity #1 Hazardous Materials Mitigation -Demolition of Structures A. Redevelopment Grant B. Pooled TIF ?? C. Private Sector Funding Activity #2. Relocate OH Power Lines and place in underground facilities A. Available City Funds -Franchise Fee (no final decision yet) Activity #3 Mixed -Use Commercial-Resid Redev - Site Excavation, Parking Structure and New Construction A. Private Sector Equity and Primary Lender(s) B. PACE Program (Energy Conservation program) C. TIF to reimburse eligible developer costs such as excavation, underground parking structure, utility hookups etc. 1 EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 Activity #3 — Public Parking Lots - Excavation — grade adjustment and resurfacing and configuration tasks A. Available TIF $$ from Proposed TIF #1-45 B. Other City $$ as needed (no final decision) Activity #4. Public Infrastructure — Walnut Street and River Street Improvements + Broadwav Sidewalks and Streetscaae elements A. City funding (no final decision yet) B. TIF $$ from Proposed TIF 1-45 if available Activity #5 — MNTH #25 and Broadway Corner Reconfiguration A. TED Grant B. City funds — as estimated per Grant Application Al. STAFF IMPACT: Minimal. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: No impact related to discussion by EDA. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. None— informational only. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No staff recommendation is offered. This is informational only. Staff is seeking to help the EDA better understand the status of the TIF Districts and potential funding sources for Block 52 redevelopment and related public infrastructure components. E. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Summary Questions about TIF Districts and supporting materials 2 NORTHLAND PUBLIC FINANCE PRELIMINARY DRAFT - FOR DISCUSSION CITY OF MONTICELLO RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS FROM FEBRUARY 22, 2022, MONTHLY MEETING WITH CITY/EDA STAFF* 1. Is there an opportunity for the EDA to generate funding through issuance of bonds using the land repayment increment (amount??) from the Headwaters Land Sale - pending? No, this is not an option. Proceeds from sale of land will provide the City/EDA with up -front cash. Bonds are issued to provide cash to pay for specific project costs and repaid with future sources of revenue. Tax Increment Bonds may be issued to finance costs authorized in a tax increment financing plan (Section 469.178). These costs may be public improvements or activities associated with the private development of property. The nature of eligible costs varies according to the type of TIF district. The use of tax increment financing is governed by a complex set of statutes. A complete description of TIF powers is beyond the scope of this Guide. G.O. Tax Increment Bonds may be issued without an election if at least 20% of the revenue to pay debt service on the bonds comes from tax increments. Revenue to pay the remaining debt service may come from any legally available source including a property tax levy. Cities do not frequently issue general obligation tax increment bonds because the city assumes the risk of shortfalls in projected tax increment revenues needed to pay debt service. Most TIF obligations are "pay-as-you-go" using a TIF revenue note in a development agreement. These notes are secured solely by pledged tax increment revenue and are payable only if such revenues are received by the city. Cities may issue temporary tax increment bonds pursuant to section 469.178, Subd. 5. Tax Increment Bonds are not always tax-exempt. Provisions of related development agreements (such as shortfall guarantees and minimum assessed valuation agreements) may make the Bonds taxable. 2. What existing TIF District could be used to supplement costs in Block 52? e.g. TIF 1-6, TIF 1- 20, TIF 1-22, TIF 1-34 = Redev. (See Fin Statements) Based on information available in the City's preliminary (un -audited) financial statement, as of December 31, 2021, there is estimated to be $323,834 of combined cash available within existing TIF districts to spend on redevelopment project costs, which includes costs to be incurred in Block 52. See attached Exhibit A for more information. Subject to confirmation from the State Auditor's Office on the authority granted under the "Temporary Transfer Authority (2021) Law", there may be an additional approximate $188,000 available on a one-time basis. Use of this $188,000 will require public hearing and adoption of a written plan pursuant to the requirements of the temporary authority. Northland expects to have an answer from the TIF Division at the State Auditor's office within a month. The State Auditor is considering amending its original Statement of Position on the "Temporary Transfer Authority (2021 Law), see the attached document. 3. Can the newly enacted State statute regarding TIF capture be reconsidered? Does it have any helpful benefit? It may have benefit if the State Auditor concludes that the excess increment that is otherwise to be sent to the county auditor for redistribution to the city, county, and school district, can instead be retained in full by the EDA and transferred to a new account under the "Temporary Transfer Authority (2021 Law). See Questions 2 above. If these funds can be retained for expenditure, then the EDA may wish to consider if it wants to include other funds that are already available under the TIF law, notwithstanding the "Temporary Transfer Authority (2021 Law), to include in a Plan that will need to be adopted, following a public hearing, in compliance with the 2021 law. 4. UMC TIF flow? Please discuss the increment from TIF Dist.# 1-41 and how it is to be treated or reimburse various EDA accounts in the coming years (interfund loan transfers)? Etc. How often can this be done as EDA is curious if these $$ can supplement the GF balance in future. TIF District 1-6 advanced cash to TIF District 1-41 to pay for project costs. Future tax increment from TIF 1-41 is planned to be used to repay TIF District 1-6. As of December 31, 2021, the City reports a balance due from TIF District 1-41 to TIF District 1-6 in the amount of $731,000. The EDA has the option to use the funds from TIF District 1-6, all or a portion, to "permanently" pay for the project costs incurred within TIF District 1-41. This would allow for the EDA to decertify TIF District 1-41 early. The certification date for TIF District 1-6 (December 5, 1985) means this district is not subject to the more restrictive limitations on other districts. If instead, the EDA keeps TIF District 1-41 open and repays the interfund loan to TIF District 1-6, then the TIF District 1-6 will have future cash that can then be spent on other project costs within the Monticello Redevelopment Project Area. S. Housing TIF -How long can the EDA retain the extra housing TIF dollars (not excess)? Can the districts be closed out and still have the funds pooled into another account or do the Districts have to remain open until a meritorious project is a good match for the "Extra TIF dollars"? Goal = use the funding wisely and minimize administrative tasks. There is no specific date by which funds within the existing "housing" TIF Districts must be spent. No, the districts cannot be closed out by transferring the cash to a non -TIF fund, for example to the EDA General Fund. The EDA is currently considering the establishment an entering into an agreement with a developer for two affordable housing projects. The combined cash within the existing "housing" TIF districts in the amount of $783,494 as of December 31, 2021 (preliminary un- audited) could be used to assist these proposed new projects or other qualified housing projects. 6. Question added for TIF District 1-34 and use of funds The EDA approved by resolution an interfund loan in the not to exceed amount of $500,000 (EDA Resolution #2016-001). This resolution provided the option to advance funds to TIF District 1-34 to allow for the EDA to cover debt service payments on the Series 2011A Bonds in excess of the annual amount of increment that was derived from property within TIF District 1-34 at the time. The concept for approving the interfund loan was to provide the opportunity (but not the requirement) that if future increment was sufficient to repay the City for the tax levies otherwise being levied to service the debt. Based on annual reports to the State Auditor for TIF District 1-34, it does not appear that the City/EDA decided to report a draw on the approved interfund loan. The funds within TIF 1-34 that were not used to pay debt service are available to spend on other TIF eligible redevelopment costs with the Monticello Redevelopment Project Area. For example, these funds could be spent on project costs within Block 52. EXHIBIT A PRELIMINARY FOR DISCUSSION ONLY City of Monticello Tax increment Financing Districts Year -End Cash Balance 1,3 Cash Available as as of Year End 2021 (preliminary, un -audited) FUTURE - TIF District Cash Balance Estimates FundsAvailable for as of Year Encs FundsAvailable for Affordable 2030 6 Total Fund Funds Available Funds Available Funds to be for Returned to Local Total Funds TIF District for Affordable Redevelopment Taxing Available Redevelopment Housing Available - Housing Projects Projects JurisdictionsProjects Projects TIF 1-6 y 18,001 18,001 TIF 1-6 5 468,001 468,001 TIF 1-19 131,947 131,947 TIF 1-19 194,615 194,615 TIF 1-20 104,220 104,220 TIF 1-20 117,795 117,795 TIF 1-22 145,512 170,361 188,359 504,232 TIF 1-22 7 258,302 222,804 481,106 TIF 1-24 174,076 174,076 TIF 1-24 TIF 1-29 TIF 1-30 TIF 1-34 TIF' -40 - ` 387,986 391,284 110,983 60, 53,388 387,986 391,284 110,983 60,440 53,388 TIF 1-29 193,964 - 193,964 TIF 1-30 113,146 113,146 TIF 1-34 54,503 54,503 TIF 1-40 1,598 1,598 TIF 1-41 _ TIF 1-41 1 ota' 904,539 51,060 0 2,265,599 Total 323,834 783,494 188,359 1,295,687 Notes: 1. The facts for each individual TIF district should be reviewed and confirmed before- Spending of fug 2. These districts are not planned to be decertified bPE- -ir 2030. The balance shown is as estimated as of year-end 2030. 3. Available funds must be spent within the bL 'pries of Ree elopment Prc No. 1 or pursuant to the TIF law and any temporary laws that may apply. 4. The funds for TIF 1-6 are shown here as available for "Redevelop me,,° l •cts". The funds are also available to pay for housing or economic development project rests, should the EDA so 4etermine. The analysis assumes TIF 41 will generate sufficient tax increment to repay TIF 1-6 the outstanding interfund loan. 5. The amounts shown are after use of funds tc �et existing .oligations. EDA may captitalize on future flow of funds with approval by resolution. EDA may reimburse itself through an interfund TIF lo: 6. The balance does not includt d that mFV be available if land held for resale is sold. The land held for resale at the end of 2020 was valued at $163,200. The balances shown do t; take into account the spend -down of these funds prior to Year End 2030; there are no specific plans at this time for use of this projected Future Cash Balance. 7. Funds may be available for spending pursuant to "Temporary Transfer Authority (2021 Law)" subject to confirmation with State Auditor and potential change in statement of position by the State Auditor. 8. Analysis assumes that payments due on Pay -go TIF Notes have been recorded as of December 31, 2021, and that the year-end cash balances do not include funds obligated to outstanding notes payble on February 1. ,..,w NORTHLAND PUBLIC FINANCE 2/23/2022 0 J J W V Z 0 2 LL 0 �IU N C O V ` CD tD (D (D (D N O rn rn CF) 0)0 o c N a M M M Cl) M N 'y LL r+ �o O D) O OO) c- a= to O O i CO O i i i (D (D (D O O C 04 T h N OO (n ' ' ' O (n ' ' O ' O (A 3 N 000 00 N- N 0 N 0_ Cl) — - - N°a ON cli �LL (D (D (D O O o 3 (A (D (n (n (Dy (y > > N (y 0 0 O C q N N N — E MC W N Or O O Q d LLCall o a > a `'N, 61> 61� E " 4) "�, ✓ 'IT It "It Cl) 04 CL U. L 0 0 C)0 `,,.. 0 0 Mw 0 O o 0 0 0 0 O (O - M I,- �t ItO vi IL c 64 CO y M M M M Qi U. v v 'a co (n U) to (n ai j N O_0 M C (D ori O O O ui ui L M N co N (?1 06O) V �L @ �t N M to N N ' I,- M (a7 (n 00 U) (A N M ' 0 t N 'It h to (f) N�t co It 0 N y O d N In m r` ti P- O O CO N O I." O I` O W i ♦J (D O OJ — (D M M M M O (f) V r- O M 6) N M Co. 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C n 0 0 pt p d CO d 7 IL a) - M N_ y N C �_ U a) H p •- c6 X Q C 0 O C O L- c C O m co Oai N V V L O a o > a;�f- m-COMU)tLa-i -i CL ��-�OwSn n 0 �g �_ U C C a o a � 5 5 d H O U aa) c(n) LL U) W 6L W W O Z li LL cc Fz a CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. EDA -2016-001 AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOAN FOR ADVANCE OF CERTAIN COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-34 BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Back round. 1.01. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "HRA") previously established Tax Increment Financing District No. 1- 34 (the "TIF District") within its Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Redevelopment Project") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended (the "TIF Act"), and later transferred the control and administration of such TIF District to the Authority. In connection with establishment of the TIF District, the HRA approved a Tax Increment Financing Plan for the TIF District. 1.02. The Authority may incur certain costs related to the TIF District, which costs may be financed on a temporary basis from legally available Authority or City funds. 1.03. Under Section 469.178, Subdivision 7 of the TIF Act, the Authority is authorized to advance or loan money from any fund from which such advances may be legally made in order to finance expenditures that are eligible to be paid with tax increments under the TIF Act. 1.04. The Authority has determined that it may be necessary to finance up to $500,000 in infrastructure costs associated with the construction of a highway interchange within the TIF District (the "Infrastructure Costs") using Authority or City funds legally authorized for such purpose, and to reimburse such funds from tax increments from the TIF District when received. 1.05. The Authority intends to designate such advances as an interfund loan in accordance with the terms of this resolution and the TIF Act. Section 2. Repayment of Interfund Loan. 2.01. The Authority hereby authorizes the advance of up to $500,000 in legally available Authority or City funds to pay the Infrastructure Costs, together with interest at the rate of 4% per annum (the "Interfund Loan"). Interest shall accrue on the principal amount of each advance from the date of such advance. The interest rate is no more than the greatest of the rate specified under Minnesota Statutes, Section 270C.40 and Section 549.09, both in effect for calendar year 2016, and will not be adjusted. 475692v2 MNl MN 190-119 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. EDA -2016-001 2.02. Principal and interest ("Payments") on the Interfund Loan shall be paid semi-annually on each August 1 and February 1 (each a "Payment Date"), commencing on the first Payment Date on which the Authority has Available Tax Increment (defined below), or on any other dates determined by the City Administrator, through the date of last receipt of tax increment from the TIF District. 2.03. Payments on the Interfund Loan will be made solely from Available Tax Increment, defined as tax increment from the TIF District received by the Authority from Wright County in the six-month period before any Payment Date. Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest, and then to unpaid principal. Payments on this Interfund Loan may be subordinated to any outstanding or future bonds, notes or contracts secured in whole or in part with Available Tax Increment, and are on a parity with any other outstanding or future interfand loans secured in whole or in part with Available Tax Increment. 2.04. The principal sum and all accrued interest payable under this resolution is pre -payable in whole or in part at any time by the Authority without premium or penalty. 2.05. This resolution is evidence of an internal borrowing by the Authority in accordance with Section 469.178, subdivision 7 of the TIF Act, and is a limited obligation payable solely from Available Tax Increment pledged to the payment hereof under this resolution. The Interfund Loan shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, including, without limitation, the Authority and the City. Neither the State of Minnesota, nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on the Interfund Loan or other costs incident hereto except out of Available Tax Increment. The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any principal amount of the Interfund Loan or accrued interest thereon, which may remain unpaid after the final Payment Date. 2.06. The Authority may at any time make a determination to forgive the outstanding principal amount and accrued interest on the Interfund Loan to the extent permissible under law. 2.07. The Authority may from time to time amend the terms of this Resolution to the extent permitted by law, including without limitation amendment to the payment schedule and the interest rate; provided that the interest rate may not be increased above the maximum specified in Section 469.178. subd. 7 of the TIF Act. 475692v2 MNI MN 190-119 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. EDA -2016-001 Section 3. Effective Date. This resolution is effective approval. Adopted this 9th day of March, 2016. ident ATTEST: ,�< alud-1 Exe'(c*'ZKe Director 475692v2 MNI MN190-119 Policy ;i >.teiet7 r oManagement .♦.eof Available aila1l.Tax Increment y yai 9 k!g (TIF) Funds The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "EDA") has prepared the following policy statements to guide both staff and EDA members to make consistent and informed financial decisions regarding the use of available tax increment financing (TIF) funds. The policy statements are intended to be a guide. The EDA may determine to allocate funds to other types of projects, not included below, based on other criteria and factors that may exist. The EDA defines "available TIF funds" as both current and future projected dollars legally available within established TIF funds, and not committed to existing obligations, for the EDA to spend on redevelopment and/or assisting affordable housing projects, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.1794, inclusive, as amended (the "TIF Act"). POLICY STATEMENTS: Redevelopment Projects The EDA will consider allocating available TIF funds, without priority order, to the following types of redevelopment projects: 1. Acquisition of property — Block 52 to facilitate redevelopment consistent with the objectives of the Downtown Small Area Study. 2. Acquisition of Property — Block 34 to facilitate redevelopment consistent with the objectives of the Downtown Small Area Study. 3. Acquisition of Property - Other downtown sites that provide relatively immediate development opportunities that support the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Small Area Study. 4. Masters Fifth Avenue Site — Assistance for underground or structured parking improvements for a development consistent with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, the Downtown Small Area Study, the TIF Plan and the existing Contract for Private Development, and approved by the EDA. 5. Assistance for installation of public or private infrastructure and value-added site improvements such as underground or structured parking for redevelopment projects consistent with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and/or the Downtown Small Area Study and approved by the EDA. Page 1 1 January 10, 2018 (Revised) 508675v2 MN MN100-101 Affordable Housing Projects The EDA will consider allocating available TIF funds, without priority order, to the following types of affordable housing projects: 1. Assistance to lower overall project costs via reimbursement of TIF -eligible expenses related to projects that meet the EDA's value-added standards/criteria. 2. Block 52 — Assistance for underground or structured parking and/or value added site improvements in connection with a market -rate, multi -family housing with an affordable component. 3. City Core - Establishment of a scattered -site owner -occupied rehabilitation program. 4. Downtown Area - Assistance for underground or structured parking and/or value added site improvements in connection with development of market -rate, multi -family projects with an affordable component. 5. City-wide — Assistance for the installation of public or private infrastructure serving sites to be developed with market rate, multi -family housing with an affordable component 6. Acquisition of property for purposes of facilitating development of a market -rate, multi- family housing project with an affordable component consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Page 12 January 10, 2018 (Revised) 508678v2 MNl MN190-101