EDA Agenda - 04/13/2022AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, April 13, 2022 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Jon Morphew, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Hali Sittig and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger and Hayden Stensgard 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 6:00 p.m. 3. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes — February 9, 2022 b. Consideration of Approving Workshop Meeting Minutes — February 9, 2022 c. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes - February 23, 2022 d. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills e. Consideration of Terminating Billboard Sign Leases with Regan Outdoor Advertising and Lamar Sign Company — Outlot A, Country Club Manor f. Consideration of Accepting the Block 52 TIF Blight -Substandard Property Qualifications Inspection Report prepared by LHB, Inc. Regular Agenda 5. PUBLIC HEARING: EDA Land Sale — 11,263 square feet EDA owned land to M&B on Chelsea, LLC in the amount of $7,669.95 6. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2022-08 authorizing a Purchase Agreement for sale of 11,263 square feet of EDA owned land in Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP), shown in the attached Exhibit and the Otter Creek Crossing 7t" Addition Plat Illustration, between the EDA and M&B on Chelsea, LLC in the amount of $7,669.95 7. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2022-09 Authorizing Establishing Economic Development Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District #1-44 in connection with a proposed 45,000 square foot industrial warehouse facility expansion by Washburn Computer Group/WashburnPOS 8. Consideration of Accepting a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Application from Wiha Tools, LLC and adopting Resolution #2022-10 requesting the City Council call for a Public Hearing related to establishment of Economic Development TIF District #1-46 in connection with Wiha Tools' proposed 70,000 square foot +/- production facility expansion 9. Consideration of authorizing entering into a financial planning agreement with NSI related to TIF Financial Analysis and Plan preparation in the amount of $9,200 10. Consideration of authorizing a Contract for Hazardous Material Survey of substandard and/or blighted buildings in Block 52 to WSB & Associates in the amount of $14,460. 11. Consideration of authorizing a Contract for Structural Engineering Analysis of buildings and demolition mitigation recommendations related to demolition of buildings - structures in Block 52 to WSB & Associates in the amount of $24,500 and he completion of a Phase I ESA by WSB & Associates at a negotiated price not to exceed $5,300 12. Consideration of Update — MN -DEED Redevelopment Grant Approval - $517,500 13. Economic Development Director's Report 14. Adjourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: President Steve Johnson, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Members Absent: Jon Morphew, Hali Sittig Staff Present: Executive Director Jim Thares, Sarah Rathlisberger, Hayden Stensgard 1. Call to Order EDA President Steve Johnson called the regular meeting of the Monticello Economic Development Authority to order at 6:08 p.m. 2. Roll Call Mr. Johnson called the roll. 3. Annual Business Meeting a. Consideration of electing EDA Officers OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE NOMINATED STEVE JOHNSON FOR THE POSITION OF EDA PRESIDENT. There were no other nominations for the position of EDA Vice President. TRACY HINZ NOMINATED JON MORPHEW FOR THE POSITION OF EDA VICE PRESIDENT. There were no other nominations for the position of EDA Vice President. OLLIE KOROPCHAKE-WHITE NOMINATED TRACY HINZ FOR THE POSITION OF EDA TREASURER. There was no other nomination for the position of EDA Treasurer. STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO ELECT THE NOMINATED EDA MEMBERS BY UNANIMOUS BALLOT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. b. Consideration of reviewing EDA Bylaws c. Consideration of reviewing EDA Enabling Resolution d. Consideration of EDA Financial Statements and Fund Balance Information Finance Director Sarah Rathlisberger provided an overview of the 2021 financial statements and fund balance to the EDA and the public. Ms. Rathlisberger provided an update on the City's current Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts and which districts will become decertified in the near future. Tracy Hinz noted the importance of being proactive in preparing for future decertification of TIF Districts. 4. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items None 5. Consent Aeenda a. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes —January 12th, 2022 b. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. Regular Agenda 6. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2022-02 Requesting the City Council call for a Public Hearing regarding the establishment of Economic Development TIF District #1- 44 related to Washburn Computer Group's proposed facility expansion Economic Development Director Jim Thares provided an overview. Washburn Computer Group is currently looking to expand on their current site located at the corner of Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue. Washburn Computer Group is currently leasing storage space in two other buildings in Monticello. The proposed expansion plans will consolidate its processing and warehousing activities into one facility. The establishment of the TIF District will assist Washburn Computer Group with potential land acquisition, site prep, etc. Mike Willard, President of Washburn Computer Group, introduced himself and expressed his appreciation for the opportunity of assistance the community has provided. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2022-02, REQUESTING THE CITY COUNCIL CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE ESTABLISHEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TIF DISTRICT #1-44 RELATED TO WASHBURN COMPUTER GROUP'S PROPOSED FACILITY EXPANSION. SECONDED BY JIM DAVIDSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 7. Consideration of authorizing entering into a Professional Services Contract with Northland Securities, Inc. (NSI) in the amount of $9,200 for TIF District Analysis and Plan Preparation related to proposed establishment of Economic Development TIF District #1-44 Mr. Thares provided an overview. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE NSI FINANCIAL PLANNING AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES RELATED TO CREATION OF AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TIF DISTRICT. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 8. Economic Development Director's Report Mr. Thares provided an overview of the Director's Report. The marketing strategy group approved by the EDA in January is set to meet at in the coming week to review the goals of the project. The redevelopment grant application was submitted last week to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development related to the Block 52 redevelopment project. The timeline for awarding the grants is not known. Staff will monitor this funding program and update the EDA as more is learned. The EDA recessed at 6:41 p.m. and entered into a closed session to discuss the below agenda item. Following the closed session, the EDA Adjourned their regular meeting. 9. Closed Session - Consideration of Recessing to Closed Session to Develop or Consider Offers or Counteroffers for the Purchase or Sale of Real or Personal Property Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05. Subdivision 3(c)(3). PID #s 155010035100. 155223000020 10. Adjourn Following the closed session, the EDA Adjourned their regular meeting. MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 — 5:00 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Jon Morphew, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Mayor Lloyd Hilgart and Councilmember Jim Davidson Members Absent: Hali Sittig Staff Present: Executive Director Jim Thares and Hayden Stensgard 1. Call to Order President Steve Johnson called the workshop meeting of the Monticello EDA to order at 5:03 p.m. 2. Roll Call Mr. Johnson called the roll. 3. 2022 Workplan Discussion and Formulation Economic Development Manager Jim Thares provided an overview of the EDA's draft 2022 Workplan and formulation. Feedback was provided by the EDA members on the draft 2022 Workplan included in the agenda. Comments and feedback were provided which staff will insert into a revised Draft Workplan. 4. Adjournment TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE EDA. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 6-0. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:57. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, February 23, 2022 — 7:00 a.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Jon Morphew, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Members Absent: Hali Sittig Staff Present: Executive Director Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, and Hayden Stensgard 1. Call to Order President Steve Johnson called the regular meeting of the Monticello EDA to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Roll Call Mr. Johnson called the roll. 3. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items None 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Adopting 2022-2024 EDA Workplan LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 6-0. Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Adooting Resolution #2022-03 Authorizing Establishment of Affordable Housing Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District 1-42 to suaaort Headwaters Development's 108 -unit Apartment proposal Economic Development Manager Jim Thares provided an overview of the agenda item. Mr. Thares noted that both Item #'s 5 and 6 on the agenda are connected and a part of the same proposed development project. Michael Hoagberg of Headwaters Development said that TIF is a new tool for Headwaters and staff has been helpful in the process in preparing the provided information and plan. Mr. Johnson asked if the schedule for development is a realistic timeline. Mr. Hoagberg said there has been a lot of planning to this point and though the timeline is aggressive, it will be relatively close to the expected dates. Mr. Thares mentioned the EDA is still waiting on the vacant land appraisal and staff will be expecting that information to come in within the next week. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2022-03, AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 1-42 AND ADOPTING A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN RELATED TO THE HEADWATERS DEVELOPMENT 108 -UNIT APARTMENT PROPOSAL. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 6-0. 6. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2022-04 Authorizing Establishment of Affordable Housing Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District 1-43 supporting Headwaters Development's 60 -unit Twin Home proposal Mr. Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA and noted that this item is in direct connection with item #5 on the agenda. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2022-04, AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 1-43 AND ADOPTING A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN RELATED TO THE HEADWATERS DEVELOPMENT 60 - UNIT TWIN HOME PROPOSAL. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 6-0. 7. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2022-05 Requesting the City Council Call for a Public Hearing regarding the Establishment of a Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District 1-45 related to the Deephaven-Buchholz Block 52 Redevelopment Proposal Mr. Thares provided an overview. The developers of Block 52 submitted a TIF application for review and consideration. Mr. Thares invited the developers to speak. Mark Buchholz, of Deephaven Development LLC, explained to the EDA why Block 52 was chosen for their redevelopment efforts. He anticipates strong coordination between the developer team and the EDA -City moving forward with the redevelopment project. Mr. Buchholz ensured the group that the surface parking proposed on the site is not intended only to be for the private tenants of the building but rather the whole community who come to visit the downtown area in Monticello. Mr. Johnson asked why the proposed project had retail stores located along TH 25 and office space along Broadway Street and not vice versa. Brendan Muldoon, of Property Resources Group, said traffic counts were a large factor in the location of commercial uses on the site. MN#TH 25 is a busy highway and offers significant visibility to the future tenants who occupy the retail spaces as shown in the proposal concept elevation. Community Development Director Angela Schumann noted that public improvements near Block 52 are also a priority by the City Council for the upcoming years and they will be important factors in proceeding with this redevelopment project. OLLIE KORPCHAK-WHITE MOVED ADOPT RESOLUTION #2022-05, REQUESTIING THE CITY COUNCIL CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 1-45 RELATED TO THE DEEPHAVEN-BUCHHOLZ BLOCK 52 REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 6-0. Jim Davidson left the meeting at 7:56 a.m., leaving five (5) voting members to continue with the meeting. 8. Consideration of Authorizing entering into a Financial Planning Agreement with Northland Securities, Inc. (NSO related to proposed Redevelopment TIF District 1-45 in connection with Block 52 Redevelopment efforts Mr. Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE ENTERING INTO A FINANCIAL PLANNING AGREEMENT WITH NORTHLAND SECURITIES, INC. FOR SERVICES RELATED TO THE CREATION OF THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 1-45. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 6-0. 9. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2022-06 Calling for a Public Hearing related to a proposed land sale of EDA owned property to Suburban Manufacturing, Inc. Mr. Thares provided an overview of the item. The public hearing is required step for the EDA in order to move forward with selling property. TRACYY HINZ MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2022-06, CALLING FFOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 13, 2022 REGARDING TO A PROPOSED LAND SALE TO M&B ON CHELSEA RELATED TO AN EXPANSION PROPOSAL BY SUBURBAN MANUFACTURING. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 10. Consideration of Amending Resolution #2022-01 Authorizing submittal of a Redevelopment Grant Application to MN -DEED in the amount of $517,500 related to Block 52 Redevelopment efforts Mr. Thares provided an overview. The clarification in the resolution is related to the designated title of applicant and legal sponsors of the application. The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development reached out to City staff and ask for an amendment to the resolution to clarify. JON MORPHEW MOVED TO ADOPT AMENDED RESOLUTION #2022-01, AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF A REDEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION TO MN -DEED IN THE AMOUNT OF $517,500. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 11. Economic Development Director's Report Mr. Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA. A noted piece of information was the lease agreement between the City and Preferred Title, Inc. for storage space for documents. Quotes were received for storage space, and it was determined that the storage of the materials in the former DMV Building was a more affordable option for both the City and Preferred Title, Inc. during the relocation process. Tracy Hinz asked about the level of security in that building and if it was adequate to store items for the Preferred Title, Inc. Mr. Thares noted that this information will be verified. He is coordinating with Jerry Hanson, City of Monticello Facilities Director to who also offices in the building. b 011ie Koropchak-White asked if this was a long-term solution. Mr. Thares said this was not a long-term solution but could be a two-year solution to a longer term fix. 12. Adjourn TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO EDA. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:10 A.M. Accounts Payable Transactions by Account User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 03/09/2022 - 12:29PM Batch: 00202.03.2022 Account Number Vendor Description CITYMonticello GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-00000-220110 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC 21TOO 1 - TIF 1-42 Headwaters Apartn 03/15/2022 125261 1,935.00 213-00000-220110 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC 21TOO 1 - TIF 1-43 Headwaters Villas. 03/15/2022 125261 1,935.00 213-00000-220110 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC TIF 1-44 Washburn - Feb 2022 03/15/2022 125261 4,085.00 213-00000-220110 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC TIF 1-45 Block 52 - Feb 2022 03/15/2022 125261 2,580.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 10,535.00 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] 113 W Broadway - Jan2022 03/15/2022 125256 645.40 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] General EDA- Jan 2022 03/15/2022 125256 315.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 960.40 213-46301-431993 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Downtown Redeveloment Project - Jai 03/15/2022 0 5,051.25 213-46301-431993 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 2022 Economic Development Service: 03/15/2022 0 900.00 213-46301-431993 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 202211 - CET Grant Planning - Jan 20 03/15/2022 0 795.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 6,746.25 213-46301-443990 DEMVI LLC Parking Lot Maintenance - March 202 03/15/2022 125247 213.86 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 213.86 213-46541-431990 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] UMC Economic TIF Development - h 03/15/2022 125256 238.20 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46541 238.20 AP -Transactions by Account (03/09/2022 - 12:29 PM) Page 1 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Subtotal for Fund: 213 Report Total: Amount PO No 18,693.71 18,693.71 AP -Transactions by Account (03/09/2022 - 12:29 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F �User: Debbie.Davidson effo Printed: 03/23/2022 - 3:11PM Batch: 00203.03.2022 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-00000-220110 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] 21TOO 1 -Headwater Townhomes TIF 03/29/2022 125309 1,161.50 213-00000-220110 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] 21TOO 1- Headwater Apartment TIF -. 03/29/2022 125309 1,011.50 213-00000-220110 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] TIF 1-44 - Washburn POS Economic I 03/29/2022 125309 125.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 2,298.00 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] Project Suburban Expansion Purchase 03/29/2022 125309 75.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 75.00 213-46301-431990 NAGELLAPPRAISAL & CONSUL G2202001 - Vacant Residential Land/: 03/29/2022 125314 1,200.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 1,200.00 213-46301-443990 DEMVI LLC Parking Lot Maintenance - April 2022 03/29/2022 125302 198.02 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 198.02 213-46301-461500 SHILOH THOMPSON Relocation Benefit Payment 03/29/2022 125323 7,100.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 7,100.00 Subtotal for Fund: 213 10,871.02 AP-Transactions by Account (03/23/2022 - 3:11 PM) Page 1 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Report Total: Amount PO No 10,871.02 AP -Transactions by Account (03/23/2022 - 3:11 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F User: Julie.Cheney�� Printed: 03/17/2022 - 9:37AM onti ffo Batch: 00201.03.2022 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-421990 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Amazon - Sit Stand Work Station (HS; 03/15/2022 0 245.03 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 245.03 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-004 - 130 Brdwy- Stormwtr 03/15/2022 0 26.25 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-007 - 103 Pine St- EDA 03/15/2022 0 45.50 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-008 - 112 River St. W EDA 03/15/2022 0 45.50 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 117.25 213-46301-443990 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Monti Chamber - February Lunch (JT; 03/15/2022 0 15.00 213-46301-443990 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Jimmy Johns - Sandwiches for EDA N 03/15/2022 0 73.97 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 88.97 Subtotal for Fund: 213 451.25 Report Total: 451.25 AP -Transactions by Account (03/17/2022 - 9:37 AM) Page 1 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F �User: Debbie.Davidsononti Printed: 04/01/2022 - 2:28PM effo Batch: 00215.03.2022 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-438100 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 6402832805-8 - 113 Broadway W 03/31/2022 0 528.94 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 528.94 213-46301-438100 XCEL ENERGY 51-13295413-8 - 103 Pine St/113 W.1 03/31/2022 0 399.50 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 399.50 Subtotal for Fund: 213 928.44 Report Total: 928.44 The preceding list of bills payable totaling $30,944.4 was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 4/13/2021 Approved by Tracy Hinz- Treasurer AP -Transactions by Account (04/01/2022 - 2:28 PM) Page I Accounts Payable Transactions by Account User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 03/09/2022 - 12:29PM Batch: 00202.03.2022 Account Number Vendor Description CITYMonticello GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-00000-220110 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC 21TOO 1 - TIF 1-42 Headwaters Apartn 03/15/2022 125261 1,935.00 213-00000-220110 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC 21TOO 1 - TIF 1-43 Headwaters Villas. 03/15/2022 125261 1,935.00 213-00000-220110 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC TIF 1-44 Washburn - Feb 2022 03/15/2022 125261 4,085.00 213-00000-220110 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC TIF 1-45 Block 52 - Feb 2022 03/15/2022 125261 2,580.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 10,535.00 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] 113 W Broadway - Jan2022 03/15/2022 125256 645.40 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] General EDA- Jan 2022 03/15/2022 125256 315.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 960.40 213-46301-431993 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Downtown Redeveloment Project - Jai 03/15/2022 0 5,051.25 213-46301-431993 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 2022 Economic Development Service: 03/15/2022 0 900.00 213-46301-431993 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 202211 - CET Grant Planning - Jan 20 03/15/2022 0 795.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 6,746.25 213-46301-443990 DEMVI LLC Parking Lot Maintenance - March 202 03/15/2022 125247 213.86 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 213.86 213-46541-431990 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] UMC Economic TIF Development - h 03/15/2022 125256 238.20 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46541 238.20 AP -Transactions by Account (03/09/2022 - 12:29 PM) Page 1 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Subtotal for Fund: 213 Report Total: Amount PO No 18,693.71 18,693.71 AP -Transactions by Account (03/09/2022 - 12:29 PM) Page 2 Northland Securities, Inc. 150 South Fifth Street Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Voice: 612-851-5900 Fax: 612-851-5951 Bill To: City of Monticello Jim Thares, Economic Dev. Manager 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Invoice Invoice Number: 7002 Invoice Date: 3/3/22 Page: 1 Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep ID Due Date TIF District 1-42 Net 30 Days 4/2/22 Description Amount For services related to Tax Increment District 1-42 (Headquarters Apartment Project). Please see enclosed detail. 1,935.00 Subtotal 1,935.00 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 1,935.00 Payment Received TOTAL 1,935.00 Main 612-851-5900 I 1vI1-Free 800-851-2920 f Fax 612-851-5987 150 South Fifth Street, Suite -WO I Knneapolis, MN 55402 Northia nd5c cu ri ties. c om Mentha FIN RA twd SIPC, RepOrrrei with SEC and MSRR NORTHLAND •.'.NEE INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: Tax Increment District 1-42 (Headwaters Apartment Project) Contact: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: February 2022 Services Performed f Prepare/finalice documents for public hearing and city council anti EDA approvals • Facilitate approvals by city council and EDA Staff Time Position Hours Rate Billable Senior Professional 11.00 $215 $2,365.00 Total Staff 11.00 $2,365.00 Expenses Mileage $0.00 Printing $0.00 Other (adjust for not to exceed) {$430.00} Total Expenses ($430.00y Total This Period $1,935.00 Project Summary Total Budget* $ 5,267.50 Billed This Period ($1,935.00) Billed Previous ($3,332.50) Budget Remaining* $ - *Agreemenf includes budget of $10,535. City determined to establish two versus one TIF district for the housing project. Budget shown here is split between TIF 42 and TIF 43. Northland will not exceed budget unless City agrees to modified scope to reflect additional work related to two TIF districts versus one. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Chenev Cc: Liz Lindrud Subject: RE: Northland Securities (4) Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 11:36:45 AM Attachments: image001.png Julie, these are okay to pay. See coding below in red font. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:39 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Northland Securities (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Northland Securities: Inv# 7002 - $1,935.00—TIF 1-42 Headwaters Development Escrow Deposit Account Inv# 7003 - $1,935.00—TIF 1-43 Headwaters Development Escrow Deposit Account Inv# 7004- $4,085.00—TIF 1-44 Washburn POS Escrow Account —needs to be established. We are meeting with them next week (3-15-22) and asking for a deposit of $12,500 Inv# 7005 - $2,580.00—TIF 1-45 Deephaven Development Block 52 Redevelopment Proposal Escrow Account; needs to be established; we requested the deposit of $12,500 from them on 2- 23-22. Have not seen the check come in yet. Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thank you, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY C OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. Northland Securities, Inc, 150 South Fifth Street Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Voice: 512-851-5900 Fax: 612-851-5951 Bill To: City of Monticello Jim Thares, Economic Dei. Manager 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, M.N 55352 10 - ]r.3 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Invoice Invoice Number: 7003 Invoice Date: 3/3/22 Page: 1 Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep ID Due Date TIF District 1-43 Net 30 Days 4/2/22 Description Amount For services related to Tax Increment District 1-43 (Headwaters Villas Project). 1,935.00 Please see enclosed detail. Subtotal 1,935.00 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 11935.00 Payment Received TOTAL 1,935.00 Main 632-851-5900 1 TnII-rree8W-851-2920 I rax612-851-5987 130 South Fifth Sheet, Suite 3.300 I Minneapalis, A4N 55402 `[-)rthla nd5e:iv rities.eom Merahrr FINRR mid SWC, Registered with SEC iurd MSR9 NORTI � D PUBLIC FINANCE INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: Tax Increment District 1-43 (Headwaters Villas Project) Contact: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Klonticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: February 2022 Services Performed • Prepare/finahze documents for public hearing and city council and EDA approvals • Facilitate approvals by city council and EDA Staff Time Position Senior Pmft.1550naI Tectal Staff Expenses Mileage Printing other (adjust for not to exceed) Total Expenses Total This Period Hours Ratc BAlable 11.00 $215 $2,36,5.00 11.00 $2,365.70 $0.00 $0.00 [$430.00] ($430.00) $1,935.00 $ 5,267..50 Project Summary Total Budget" [$1,935.00] Billed This Period Billed Previous {$3,332.50} Budget Remaining" $ *Agreement includes budget of $10,535. City determined to establish two versus one TIF district for the housing project. Budget shown here is split between TIF 42 and TIF 43. Northland will not exceed budget unless City agrees to modified scope to reflect additional work related to two TIF districts versus one. Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Chenev Cc: Liz Lindrud Subject: RE: Northland Securities (4) Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 11:36:45 AM Attachments: image001.png Julie, these are okay to pay. See coding below in red font. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:39 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Northland Securities (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Northland Securities: Inv# 7002 - $1,935.00—TIF 1-42 Headwaters Development Escrow Deposit Account Inv# 7003 - $1,935.00—TIF 1-43 Headwaters Development Escrow Deposit Account Inv# 7004- $4,085.00—TIF 1-44 Washburn POS Escrow Account —needs to be established. We are meeting with them next week (3-15-22) and asking for a deposit of $12,500 Inv# 7005 - $2,580.00—TIF 1-45 Deephaven Development Block 52 Redevelopment Proposal Escrow Account; needs to be established; we requested the deposit of $12,500 from them on 2- 23-22. Have not seen the check come in yet. Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thank you, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY C OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. Northland Securities, Inc. 150 South Fifth Strmt Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Voice: 612-851-5900 Fax: 612-851-5951 Sill To: City of Monticello Jim Thares, Economic Dev. Manager 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 -I NORTHLAND SECURITIES Invoice Invoice Number: 7009 Invoice Date: 3/3/22 Page: 1 Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep ID Due Date TIF District 1-44 Net 30 Days I 4/2/22 Description or services related to Tax Increment District 1-44 (Washburn). lease see enclosed detail. Subtotal Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount Payment Deceived Amount 4,085.00 4,085.00 4,085.00 TOTAL 405.00 Alain 612-851,-5900 I -wi free 800-851-2920 I F--ax612-851,5987 150 5riuth Fifth Street, Suite 3300 1 Nltnneapolis, MN 55402 --N orthland Ser-uri ti es. rum Nfewbrr F1NRA wid SIPG Registered with 5EC wid MSRB NORTHLAND PUBLIC FINANCE INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: Tax Increment District 144 (Washburn) Contact: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: February 2022 Services Performed • Collect data for the T1F District and the Project • Evaluate and advise the EDA on the type district and statutory findings • Collect and review data about the Project • Review basis for findings for establishing TIF District • Determine basic understanding of key criteria for the process in Obtain additional data and prepare for financial evaluation • Set and distribute calendar of meetings and key dates • Assist with notice of hearing and comply with statutory requirements • Draft TIF Plan Staff Time Expenses Total This Period Position Senior Professional Total Staff Mileage Printing Other Total Expenses Project Summary Total Budget Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Remaining Hours Rate Billable 19A0 $215 $4,085.00 19.00 $4,085.0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 rh4-0R5_nn $ 9,200, DO ($4,085.00) %n no 5,115M Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Chenev Cc: Liz Lindrud Subject: RE: Northland Securities (4) Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 11:36:45 AM Attachments: image001.png Julie, these are okay to pay. See coding below in red font. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:39 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Northland Securities (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Northland Securities: Inv# 7002 - $1,935.00—TIF 1-42 Headwaters Development Escrow Deposit Account Inv# 7003 - $1,935.00—TIF 1-43 Headwaters Development Escrow Deposit Account Inv# 7004- $4,085.00—TIF 1-44 Washburn POS Escrow Account —needs to be established. We are meeting with them next week (3-15-22) and asking for a deposit of $12,500 Inv# 7005 - $2,580.00—TIF 1-45 Deephaven Development Block 52 Redevelopment Proposal Escrow Account; needs to be established; we requested the deposit of $12,500 from them on 2- 23-22. Have not seen the check come in yet. Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thank you, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY C OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. Northland Securities, Inc. 150 South Fifth Street Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN .55402 Voice: 612-851-5900 Fax: 612-851-5951 Bill To: City of Monticello Jim Thares, Economic Dev. Mamager 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Invoice Invoice Number: 7005 Invoice Date: 3/3/22 Page: 1 Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep ID Due Date TIF District 1-45 Net 30 Days 1 4/2/22 Descrivtion Amount For services related to Tax Increment District 1-45 (Block 52). 2,580.00 Please see enclosed detail. Subtotal 2.580•OC Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 2.580.00 Payment Received TOTAL 2,580.00 m.in 612-851-5900 I Toll -Free $00-851-2920 I f+ax 612-8551-.51987 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 33W I Minneapolis, MN 55402 %inrth14"dsecu rities. Cum Menrbar YINRA rnrrl SIPC, Registered roith SEC and MSR8 NORTHLAND PUBLIC FINANCE INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: Tax Increment District 1-45 (Block 52) Contact: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Billing Period: February 2022 Services Performed • Collect data for the T1 District and the Project • Evaluate and advise the EDA on the type district and statutory findings • Collect and review data about the Project • Review basis for findings for establishing TIF District • Determine basic understanding of key criteria for the process • Obtain additional data and prepare for financial evaluation • Set and distribute calendar of meetings and key dates Staff Time Position Hours Rate Billable Senior Professional 12.00 5215 $2,580.00 Total Staff 12.00 $2,580.00 Expenses Total This Period Project Summary Mileage Printing Other Total Expenses fatal Budget Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Remaining Northland Securities, Inc. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,580.00 $ 10,535.00 ($2,580.00) $0.00 S 7,955.00 Page 2of2 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Chenev Cc: Liz Lindrud Subject: RE: Northland Securities (4) Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 11:36:45 AM Attachments: image001.png Julie, these are okay to pay. See coding below in red font. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:39 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Northland Securities (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Northland Securities: Inv# 7002 - $1,935.00—TIF 1-42 Headwaters Development Escrow Deposit Account Inv# 7003 - $1,935.00—TIF 1-43 Headwaters Development Escrow Deposit Account Inv# 7004- $4,085.00—TIF 1-44 Washburn POS Escrow Account —needs to be established. We are meeting with them next week (3-15-22) and asking for a deposit of $12,500 Inv# 7005 - $2,580.00—TIF 1-45 Deephaven Development Block 52 Redevelopment Proposal Escrow Account; needs to be established; we requested the deposit of $12,500 from them on 2- 23-22. Have not seen the check come in yet. Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thank you, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY C OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. DocuSign Envelope ID4EIFDD78-79DA-403A-8616-5168DF9D9724 Page: 3 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Monticello EDA January 31, 2022 MN325-00045 113 West Broadway Through January 31, 2022 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 1/10/2022 TMR Review Owners Policy and recorded deed; foward to Jim 0.20 25.40 Thares 1/19/2022 JPW Emails and call with G Fiorini regarding Huber 0.50 80.00 environmental review 1/31/2022 GAF Review emails regarding relocation benefits; legal 1.00 220.00 research regarding same; draft email to J Weir; review J Weir's analysis; draft email to client 1/31/2022 JPW Emails with G Fiorini regarding relocation question, 2.00 320.00 research and potential options for addressing the Innovative Stucco relocation entitlements Total Services: $ B45.40 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 645.40 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (3) Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 11:29:27 AM Attachments: imacae001.a_na Hi Julie, these are okay to pay. Please see coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:26 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (3) Following up on these. If possible, I'd like to include in the check run tomorrow. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 10:47 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (3) W, Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-0010 —General EDA - $315.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Economic Development TIF - $238.20 TIF District; This subaccount needs to be created I believe. Inv# MN325-00045 — 113 W Broadway- $645.40 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thank you. Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Jul ie.Chenev@ci.monticelI AP@ci.rnonticelIo.mn.us 213-46541-431990 UMC CITY OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. DocuSign Envelope ID; 4E1 FDD78-79DA-403A-BB16-5168DF9D9724 Page: 1 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello January 31, 2022 MN190-00101 General EDA Matters Through January 31, 2022 For All Legal Services As Follows: 1/4/2022 MNI Review agenda for 1112 EDA meeting; review grant application 1/1812022 GAF Conference call with City staff and municipal advisor Total Services Hours Amount 0.50 105.00 1.00 210.00 $ 315.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 315.00 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (3) Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 11:29:27 AM Attachments: imacae001.a_na Hi Julie, these are okay to pay. Please see coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:26 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (3) Following up on these. If possible, I'd like to include in the check run tomorrow. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 10:47 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (3) W, Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-0010 —General EDA - $315.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Economic Development TIF - $238.20 TIF District; This subaccount needs to be created I believe. Inv# MN325-00045 — 113 W Broadway- $645.40 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thank you. Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Jul ie.Chenev@ci.monticelI AP@ci.rnonticelIo.mn.us 213-46541-431990 UMC CITY OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 701 XENIA AVENUE S SUITF 300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416 wsb City of Monticello February 24, 2422 Attn: Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFG Finance Manager ProjectJnvolce: R-014511-000 - 20 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Project Manager: Penny Rolf Downtown Redev. Project - Monticello City Staff Reviewer - Jim Thares GL Acct # 213.46301 A31993 Professional Services from January 1. 2022 to January 31-2D22 Phase 001 Downtown Redev. Project Project Management Acquisition Assistance Services Hours Rate Amount Rolf, Penny 12/1/2021 .25 192.00 48.00 Set up appt wl Elevated Wellness Rolf, Penny 12!3!2021 4.50 192.00 864.00 WWElevated Wellness, prep forms for mtg, sent emails to City re: add'l tenant, discussed add'l tenant wlMike Moran for MnDOT's feedback, review tax forms for Elev. Wellness and Stucco Co. Hours Rate Amount Harrington, Jean 1/28/2022 .25 135.00 33.75 Project Management Totals 25 33.75 Total Labor 33.75 Total this Task $33.75 Relocation Assistance Services Hours Rate Amount Baloun, Tammy 12/21/2021 1,50 117.00 175.50 search for properties Baloun, Tammy 113/2022 1.00 117.00 117.00 set up move estimates Baloun, Tammy 1/5/2022 .50 117.00 58.50 move estimates Baloun, Tammy 1/6/2022 .50 117.00 58.50 move estimates Totals 3.50 409,50 Total Labor 409.50 Total this Task $409.50 Acquisition Assistance Services Hours Rate Amount Rolf, Penny 12/1/2021 .25 192.00 48.00 Set up appt wl Elevated Wellness Rolf, Penny 12!3!2021 4.50 192.00 864.00 WWElevated Wellness, prep forms for mtg, sent emails to City re: add'l tenant, discussed add'l tenant wlMike Moran for MnDOT's feedback, review tax forms for Elev. Wellness and Stucco Co. Project R-014511-000 MONT - Downtown Redev. Project - Montice Invoice 20 Rolf, Penny 12!712021 .25 192.00 48.00 File work Rolf, Penny 1218/2021 .50 192.00 96.00 call w1Jim Thares and Atty re: add'I tenants, LVM for Cindy Heaton Rolf, Penny 1219!2021 .25 192.00 48.00 call w/Cindy Heaton re: add'I tenant, email and call wlJim at EDA re: add'I tenant info and setting up meeting Rolf, Penny 12/13/2021 2.75 192.00 528.00 EDA meeting re: Elevated Wellness and sub -tenant, email wl Innovative Stucco, sent out relo. elig. by Cert. Mail, Elev. Wellness - emailed more detailed relocation info Rolf, Penny 12/16/2021 .25 192.00 48.00 sent info on Uniform Act to EDA Rolf, Penny 12/2212021 .75 192.00 144.00 emailed and called moving companies to set up appt for move estimates, emails w/Alive Church - set an appt to meet Rolf, Penny 12/27/2021 2.50 192.00 480.00 Drive to Monticello, meet with Alive Church - inspect possible site, call to Elev. Wellness and work on getting appt for move est - Rolf, Penny 12/29/2021 .50 192.00 96.00 update contact log for Alive church - emails with church rep. Rolf, Penny 1/3/2022 .50 192.00 96.00 Coordinate move estimate work Rolf, Penny 1/4/2022 .50 192,00 96.00 email and phone call to Alive church re: using rent differences for claims Rolf, Penny 1/5/2022 .50 192.00 96.00 update file notes Rolf, Penny 1/6/2022 .50 192.00 96.04 work with staff to set up move estimates Rolf, Penny 1/11/2022 .50 192.00 96.00 work on file for Alive Lutheran Church Ralf, Penny 1/13/2022 5.75 192.00 1,104.00 Move estimate meetings and update file notes, sent info on mtgs to Jim at EDA Rolf, Penny 1/14/2022 .50 192.00 96.00 Email w/Jim re: church relocation site and CUP info, spoke to Connie from church so she could look into this Ralf, Penny 1/18/2022 .25 192.00 48.00 Call with Connie at Alive Lutheran Church Rolf, Penny 1119/2022 .50 192.00 96.00 call and email wlElevated Wellness re: relo benefits Rolf, Penny 1124/2022 .25 192.00 48.00 Email wlElevated Wellness tenant re: move estimates R01f, Penny 1/25/2022 .50 192.00 96.00 emails to movers re: move estimates Rolf, Penny 1126/2022 .75 192.00 144.00 Amendment emails - call w/Jirn re: Innovative Stucco relo elig. Rolf, Penny 1/31/2022 .50 192.00 96.00 prepared letter re: Innovative Stuccos relocation eligibility Totals 24.00 4,608.00 Total Labor 4,608.00 Page 2 Project R-014511-000 MONT - Downtown Redev. Project - Montice Invoice 20 Total this Task $4,608.00 Total this Phase $5,051.25 Billing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 5,051.25 8,339.17 13,390.42 Limit 19,624.00 Remaining 6,233.58 Total this Invoice $5,051.25 Page 3 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: WSB (3 Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 5:04:13 PM Attachments: imaae001.ona WSB Invoice 795.00 and 900.00 - 03-02-22.ndf HI Julie. These are okay to pay with a couple changes to the attached invoice. It is a CET Grant Expense. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 3:45 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB (3 Jim Please see the attached invoices from WSB for January services: Inv# R014511-000 20 — Downtown Redev Project - $5,051.25 Yes okay to pay as coded Inv# R019194-000 4 — Shovel Ready Site Certification - $636.00 Yes, okay to pay as coded Inv# R019675-000 1— 2022 Economic Development Services - $1,695.00 Okay to pay as per attached marked up invoice copy with coding notations. Okay to pay as coded? See corrections on attached invoice. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Jul ie.Chenev@ci.monticello CITY �4OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 701 XENIA AVENUE 5 SUITE 100 MINNEA'0LIS, MN 55416 wsb City of Monticello February 24, 2022 Attn: Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO Finance Manager Projectllnvoice,. R-019675-000 - 1 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Project Manager: James Gromberg 2022 Economic Development Services City Staff Reviewer - Jim Thares GL Acct # 213.46301.431993 Profess1 nal Services from January 1 2022 to January 31 2022 Phase 001 Economic Development Services Monthly Retainer Month)Retainer 9001 Lump Sum Fee • 10 800 for this task. Fee Total Fee 10,600.00 Percent Complete 8.3333 Total Earned 900.00 Previous Fee Billing 0.00 Current Fee Billing 900.00 Total Fee 900.00 Total this Task $900.00 CET Grant Planning — � �� I I .��D 1, �� i�� Hours Rate Amount Fee 900.00 Gromberg, James 1/24/2422 3.00 159.00 477.00 0.00 Industrial Area Planning Project Totals 1,695.00 0.00 1,695.00 Gromberg. James 1/26/2022 2.010 159.00 318-00 Industrial Park Planning Totals 5.00 795.00 Total Labor 795.00 Total this Task $795.00 Total this Phase $1,695.00 Total this Invoice $1,695.00 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Fee 900.00 0.00 900.00 Labor 795.00 0.00 795.00 Totals 1,695.00 0.00 1,695.00 '1W kk NIA AVL kUt :Y 1.INNFAPIOIl a'. MN 'I b b"Alb City of Monticello February 24, 2022 Attn: Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO Finance Manager Project/Invoice, R-019675-000 - 1 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Project Manager: James Gromberg 2022 Economic Development Services City Staff Reviewer - Jim Thares GL Acct # 213.45301.431993 Professional _Servi eg from JanUarVi Z 27 t Phase 041 Economic Development Services Monthly Retainer Monthly R tarn 904 um 1m F e td ❑far this task Fee Total Fee 10.800-00 Percent Complete 8.3333 Total Earned 900.00 Previous Fee Billing 0-00 Current Fee Billing 900.00 Total Fee 900.00 Total this Task $900.00 GET Grant Planning C d ; A O') 3 .�„ I h'(t Sa r or 10 4 (q1 a - Hours Rate Amount Gromberg, James 112412022 �3 15900 477 OD Industrial Area planning Project Gtomberg, James 1126{2022 200 159: 318 UO Industrial Park Planning 5 Totals .00 795 00 Total Labor 795.00 Total this Task $795.00 Total this Phase S1,fi95.D0 Total this Invoice $1,695.00 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Fee 900.00 0.00 900.00 Labor 795.00 0-00 795-00 Totals 1,695.00 0.00 1,685.00 From: Sarah Rathlisberaer To: Anaela Schumann Cc: Julie Cheney; Liz Lindrud Subject: RE: WSB (3 Date: Monday, March 7, 2022 8:23:43 AM Attachments: imaae001.ona Sounds good. This project and related CET grant reimbursements will go through the EDA fund. Liz, please create a new project for tracking. Julie, you can use 213-46301-431993. Thank you, Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO Finance Director City of Monticello, MN Tel: 763-271-3201 Fax: 763-295-4404 NOTE: The contents of this E-mail may contain information that is legally privileged and/or confidential to the named recipient. This information is not to be used by any other person and/or organization. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect those of the City of Monticello. Email correspondence to and from City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 11:50 AM To: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah. Rath Iisberger@ci.monticello. mn.us> Cc: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: WSB (3 I'm sorry, I meant: Yes — it is related to Otter Creek No — I'm not sure that I agree the expense should got through my budget. This should go through economic development as any other shovel ready project would Yes — we should set up a project number. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisberger(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 10:45 AM To: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Cc: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: WSB (3 Angela, Is this related to the Otter Creek Shovel -Ready line for the CET grant? I believe Jim's coding of 101- 41910-430300 makes sense — do you agree? Do we need to start a project code to track this? Thank you, Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO Finance Director City of Monticello, MN Tel: 763-271-3201 Fax: 763-295-4404 NOTE: The contents of this E-mail may contain information that is legally privileged and/or confidential to the named recipient. This information is not to be used by any other person and/or organization. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect those of the City of Monticello. Email correspondence to and from City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney(cDci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 10:26 AM To: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisberger(cDci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: WSB (3 Sarah Please see Jim's notes/coding on attached invoice. Is this correct for the CET Grant Planning? If not, please let me know what it should be. Thankyou Julie From: Jim Thares<Jim.TharesCcDci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 5:04 PM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: WSB (3 HI Julie. These are okay to pay with a couple changes to the attached invoice. It is a CET Grant Expense. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 3:45 PM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB (3 Jim Please see the attached invoices from WSB for January services: Inv# R014511-000 20 — Downtown Redev Project - $5,051.25 Yes okay to pay as coded Inv# R019194-000 4 — Shovel Ready Site Certification - $636.00 Yes, okay to pay as coded Inv# R019675-000 1— 2022 Economic Development Services - $1,695.00 Okay to pay as per attached marked up invoice copy with coding notations. Okay to pay as coded? See corrections on attached invoice. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticello.mn.us CITY OF ;4L Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. Julie Cheney V/ From: Bullseye Property Management & Realty <mail@managebuilding.com> Sent: Monday, March 7, 2022 1:43 PM To: AP Subject: Lease statement for Broadway Parking Easement - COMMERCIAL - 2 as of 3/7/2022 f Bullseye Property Management & Realty Categories: Red Category Lease statement as of 2022-03-07 City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 35 Lake St Suite 500 Big Lake, MN 55309 Date Memo Prior balance $0.00 12/16/2021 Payment 1/1/2022 Common Area Maintenance 1/27/2022 Payment 2/1/2022 Common Area Maintenance 3/1/2022 Common Area Maintenance 3/1/2022 Late fee � 1 . LCp3a1.1 �_? o Account #: 00405914 Amount Balance $0.00 ($198.02) ($198.02) $198.02 $0.00 ($198.02) ($198.02) $198.02 $0.00 $198.02 $198.02 $15.84 $213.86 Balance due: $213.86 Payment is due on the 28th of the month. If payment isn't received, a one-time fee equal to 8% of outstanding balances will be charged on the 29th of each month. Manage your account online: http://bullseyeproperties.managebuilding.com Bullseye Property Management & Realty 763-295-6565 Buildium@bullseye411.com Stay connected with the Resident Center app I DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E1 FDD78-79DA-403A-BB16-5168DF9D9724 Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello January 31, 2022 MN190-00160 2019 UMC Economic Development TIF Through January 31, 2022 For All Legal Services As Fallows: Hours Amount 1/7/2022 MNI Review question from J Thares and email correspondence 0.30 75.00 regarding assessment agreement with T Reichert; review documents 1/7/2022 TMR Phone call and email from Jim Thares; research on 0.40 58.80 Assessment Agreement; email Martha Ingram for instructions on how to proceed 1/10/2022 MNI Office conference with T Reichert regarding question on 0.30 75.00 assessment agreement from J Thares; review documents; phone call with J Thares regarding same, 1/10/2022 TMR Email exchange with Martha Ingram regarding response to 0.10 14.70 Jim Thares relating to Assessment Agreement 1/10/2022 TMR Email from Martha Ingram regarding Corrective 0.10 14.70 Assessment Agreement Total Services: $ 238.20 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 238.20 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (3) Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 11:29:27 AM Attachments: imacae001.a_na Hi Julie, these are okay to pay. Please see coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:26 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (3) Following up on these. If possible, I'd like to include in the check run tomorrow. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 10:47 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (3) W, Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-0010 —General EDA - $315.00 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Economic Development TIF - $238.20 TIF District; This subaccount needs to be created I believe. Inv# MN325-00045 — 113 W Broadway- $645.40 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thank you. Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Jul ie.Chenev@ci.monticelI AP@ci.rnonticelIo.mn.us 213-46541-431990 UMC CITY OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F �User: Debbie.Davidson effo Printed: 03/23/2022 - 3:11PM Batch: 00203.03.2022 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-00000-220110 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] 21TOO 1 -Headwater Townhomes TIF 03/29/2022 125309 1,161.50 213-00000-220110 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] 21TOO 1- Headwater Apartment TIF -. 03/29/2022 125309 1,011.50 213-00000-220110 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] TIF 1-44 - Washburn POS Economic I 03/29/2022 125309 125.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 2,298.00 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] Project Suburban Expansion Purchase 03/29/2022 125309 75.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 75.00 213-46301-431990 NAGELLAPPRAISAL & CONSUL G2202001 - Vacant Residential Land/: 03/29/2022 125314 1,200.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 1,200.00 213-46301-443990 DEMVI LLC Parking Lot Maintenance - April 2022 03/29/2022 125302 198.02 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 198.02 213-46301-461500 SHILOH THOMPSON Relocation Benefit Payment 03/29/2022 125323 7,100.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 7,100.00 Subtotal for Fund: 213 10,871.02 AP-Transactions by Account (03/23/2022 - 3:11 PM) Page 1 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Report Total: Amount PO No 10,871.02 AP -Transactions by Account (03/23/2022 - 3:11 PM) Page 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 96E632C2-3E324446-B598-C675A8F54B40 Page: 3 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello January 31, 2022 MN190-00163 Headwaters Town homes TIF Through January 31, 2022 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 12/1/2021 MNI Discussion with J Thares regarding agenda For upcoming 0.30 75.00 EDA meeting and acceptance of Headwaters application 12/14/2021 MNI Phone call with J Thares regarding upcoming TIF schedule 0.30 75.00 and expected ETA of business terms; office conference with G Fiorini regarding same 1/3/2022 MNI Conference call with City and EDA staff, Northland, G 0.80 200.00 Fiorini regarding establishment of Headwaters TIF districts; office conference with G Fiorinl regarding same 1/5/2022 MNI Phone tail with G Fiorini regarding upcoming TIF contract 0.30 75.00 terms 1/10/2022 GAF Review notice of public hearing; review TIF Plan 1.20 300.00 1/14/2022 GAF Review memo of terms; prepare and revise notice of public 0.50 125.00 hearing 1/21/2022 KKG Review TIF Plan; draft planning commission resolution 0.50 73.50 1/24/2022 GAF Review and revise planning commission resolution; draft 0.70 175.00 email re: same 1/31/2022 LJK Draft EDA resolution approving TIF district 0.30 63.00 Total Services: $ 1,161.50 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 1,161.50 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (4) Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 5:39:39 PM Attachments: imacae001.a_na Hi Julie, these are all okay. See coding below: From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 11:25 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (4) Jim Please see the attached invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00163 —Headwaters Town homes TIF - $1,161.50 Please code to the Headwaters TIF Escrow Account Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00170 —Headwaters Apartments TIF - $1,011.50 Please code to the Headwaters TIF Escrow Account Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00171— Project Suburban Expansion - $75.00 213-46301-430400 Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00172 — Washburn POS Econ Dev TIF Dist - $125.00 Please code to the WashburnPOS TIF Escrow Account (there is not any money in this account yet. We expect a check from them soon in the amount of $12,500 to establish the Escrow Account). Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Please approve before you leave on vacation. Thank you!! Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY �` OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. DoeuSign Envelope ID: 96E632C2-3E32-4446-B598-C675A8F54B40 Page: 4 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello January 31, 2022 MN 190-00170 Headwaters Apartments TIF Through January 31, 2022 For All Legal Services As Follows; Hours Amount 1/312022 GAF Conference call with City, M Ingram, and T Omdahl 0.40 100.00 regarding TIF process and contract; review prior emails and file to determine status 1/5/2022 MNi Phone call with G Fiorini regarding upcoming TIF contract 0.30 75.00 for apartment component; email to J Thares regarding same 1/6/2022 GAF Review timellne 0.20 50.00 1/10/2022 GAF Review notice of public hearing; review TIF Plan 1.20 300.00 1/11/2022 GAF Review email regarding development financing structure; 0.20 50.00 draft email to T Omdahl regarding same 1/14/2022 GAF Review memo of terms; prepare and revise of public 0.50 125.00 hearing 1/21/2022 KKG Review TIF Plan; draft planning commission resolution 0.50 73.50 1124/2022 GAF Review and revise planning commission resolution; draft 4.70 175.00 email regarding same 1/31/2022 LJK Draft EDA Resolution Approving TIF District 0.30 63.00 Total Services: $ 1,011.50 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 1,011.50 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (4) Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 5:39:39 PM Attachments: imacae001.a_na Hi Julie, these are all okay. See coding below: From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 11:25 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (4) Jim Please see the attached invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00163 —Headwaters Town homes TIF - $1,161.50 Please code to the Headwaters TIF Escrow Account Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00170 —Headwaters Apartments TIF - $1,011.50 Please code to the Headwaters TIF Escrow Account Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00171— Project Suburban Expansion - $75.00 213-46301-430400 Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00172 — Washburn POS Econ Dev TIF Dist - $125.00 Please code to the WashburnPOS TIF Escrow Account (there is not any money in this account yet. We expect a check from them soon in the amount of $12,500 to establish the Escrow Account). Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Please approve before you leave on vacation. Thank you!! Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY �` OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. DocuSign Envelope !D- 96E632C2-3E32-4446-8598-C675ASF54B40 Page: 6 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello January 31, 2022 MN190-00172 Washburn POS Economic Development TIF District Through January 31, 2022 For All Legal Services As Follows: Flours Amount 1125/2022 GAF Discuss project with J Thares; review timeline 0.30 75.00 1/27/2022 GAF Conference call with T Omdal regarding project 0.20 50.40 Total Services: $ 125-00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 125.00 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (4) Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 5:39:39 PM Attachments: imacae001.a_na Hi Julie, these are all okay. See coding below: From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 11:25 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (4) Jim Please see the attached invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00163 —Headwaters Town homes TIF - $1,161.50 Please code to the Headwaters TIF Escrow Account Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00170 —Headwaters Apartments TIF - $1,011.50 Please code to the Headwaters TIF Escrow Account Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00171— Project Suburban Expansion - $75.00 213-46301-430400 Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00172 — Washburn POS Econ Dev TIF Dist - $125.00 Please code to the WashburnPOS TIF Escrow Account (there is not any money in this account yet. We expect a check from them soon in the amount of $12,500 to establish the Escrow Account). Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Please approve before you leave on vacation. Thank you!! Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY �` OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. DocuSign Envelope ID: 96E632C2-3E32-4446-BS98-C675ABF54B40 Page: 5 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello January 31, 2022 MN 190-00171 Project Suburban Expansion Purchase and Development Agreement Through January 31, 2022 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 1/24/2022 GAF Draft email to J Thares regarding items needed for project 0.30 75.00 Total Services: $ 75.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 75.00 From: Jim Thares To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (4) Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 5:39:39 PM Attachments: imacae001.a_na Hi Julie, these are all okay. See coding below: From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 11:25 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (4) Jim Please see the attached invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00163 —Headwaters Town homes TIF - $1,161.50 Please code to the Headwaters TIF Escrow Account Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00170 —Headwaters Apartments TIF - $1,011.50 Please code to the Headwaters TIF Escrow Account Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00171— Project Suburban Expansion - $75.00 213-46301-430400 Kennedy & Graven — MN190-00172 — Washburn POS Econ Dev TIF Dist - $125.00 Please code to the WashburnPOS TIF Escrow Account (there is not any money in this account yet. We expect a check from them soon in the amount of $12,500 to establish the Escrow Account). Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Please approve before you leave on vacation. Thank you!! Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us CITY �` OF Monticello Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. VENDOR: Name Address l CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due date far check run. ® Disb. Ck. Batch Pay by: r , Cpi3 s' u_` 41 ✓� V Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $ 2100 APPROVED BY Lqo%ow ` DATE: Nagell Appraisal & Consulting 12805 Highway 55, Suite 300 Plymouth, MN 55441 952-544-8966 Fax: 952-544-8969 BILL TO City of Monticello Hayden Stensgard, Development Coordinator 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Invoice DATE INVOICE # 3/1/2022 30140 TAX 1D NUMBER 41-0949600 PLEASE - RETURN ONE COPY OF INVOICE WITH PAYMENT File # TERMS Appraisal of: REP G2202001 Diie on receipt 3/1/2022 EMWAV DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT G2202001 - Vacant Residential Land XXXX 7th Street West Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota 1,200.00 1,200.00 Total $1,200.00 TAX 1D NUMBER 41-0949600 PLEASE - RETURN ONE COPY OF INVOICE WITH PAYMENT MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, January 12th, 2022 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Vice President Jon Morphew, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Hali Sittig and Councilmember Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: President Steve Johnson and Mayor Lloyd Hilgart Staff Present: Executive Director Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, and Hayden Stensgard 1. Call to Order Vice President Jon Morphew called the regular meeting of the Monticello EDA to order at 6;02 p.m., filling in for President Steve Johnson. 2. Roll Call Mr. Morphew took roll. 3. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items None T 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes— December 8.2021 b. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills c. Consideration of Approving 2022 Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) Membership and authorizing payment of Annual Fee in the amount of $2.606 HALI SITTIG MOVED TO ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Authorizing Solicitation of Quotes for a Full Vacant Land Appraisal of 16.71 -acre Parcel, Country Club Manor, Outlot A Executive Director Jim Thares provided an overview of the agenda item. It was noted that this is the EDA owned parcel that Headwaters Development is proposing to develop twin homes and an apartment complex on. The EDA was introduced to this proposal initially at the August 11, 2021 and again for consideration of a TIF application at the December 8, 2022 meeting. The EDA is required to approve expenses greater than $ 1,000. It is unclear now if the appraisal will cost more than that, but it is expected to be slightly above the board approval threshold. An RFP had been drafted to send out pending the EDA's approval. Mr. Morphew asked if it was almost certain that the appraisal would be over $1,000. Mr. Thares confirmed and said this one may be closer to $2,000. OLLIE MOVED TO AUTHORIZE SOLICITATION OF QUOTES FOR A VACANT LAND APPRAISAL OF COUNTRY CLUB MANOR, OUTLOT A. HALT SECONDED THE MOTION... DISCUSSION Treasurer Tracy Hinz asked if once proposals were received for this request, it will be coming back to the EDA to award it to the proposers. Mr. Thares confirmed and said that the deadline for submittals is before the next regular scheduled EDA meeting on January 26, 2022, so these proposals can b addressed at that meeting. ...MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 6. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2022-01 authorizing submittal of Redevelopment Grant application to MN -DEED in the amount of $517,500 Mr. Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA and the public. It was noted the application is for assistance with the redevelopment project proposed by Deephaven Development LLC in Block 52. The funding may help pay for structure demolition costs or utility relocates. Ms. Hinz noted the high quality of grant writing staff has proved to be capable of in recent years. Mr. Morphew asked if the timeline for submittal was realistic for staff to complete it by. Staff was confident the grant deadline of February 1, 2022, can be met. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2022-01, AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF A REDEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION TO MN -DEED IN THE AMOUNT OF $517,500. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 7. Consideration of 2022 WSB Economic Development Assistance Contract Renewal in the amount of $10,800 Mr. Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA and the public. Mr. Morphew asked if the work WSB does for the City is mainly behind the scenes, as in the EDA does not do hands-on work with WSB. Mr. Thares confirmed but also mentioned that it is possible that the EDA could work with WSB in strategy meetings etc. Ms. Hinz noted she has a lot of trust in staff's recommendations when it comes to behind the scenes work such as what WSB does for Monticello's economic development. JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED 2022 WSB ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT RENEWAL. HALI SITTIG SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 8. Consideration of authorizing a Professional Services contract with LHB, Inc; to complete TIF Blight Study Findings for Block 52 in the amount of $16,400 Mr. Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA and the public. It was noted that this inspection is crucial to defining Block 52 as a redevelopment area. Mr. Davidson asked what percentage of the potential redevelopment area needs to be blighted. Mr. Thares said that it is not 100% of the area, but he is confident that there is enough to qualify. 011ie Koropchak-White asked if there was a timeframe to act following the results of the study. Staff did not have a definitive answer but will provide in the near future. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO ACCEPT THE QUOTE FOR BLOCK 52 TIF BLIGHT INSPECTION SERVICES FROM LHB ENGINEERING AND AUTHORIZE ENTERING INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH LHB ENGINEERING IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,400 FOR BLIGHT INSPECTION SERVICES. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 9. Consideration of authorizing a Professional Set:vices Contract with fiE2S ur Marketin Service in the amount of $24,971 Mr. Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA and the public. The source of funding for this agenda item will not come from the EDA general fund, it will be provided through the awarded CET Grant for the City. The funds will be transferred to the EDA for this service in the future. Ms. Sittig asked if there was limit set on what could be spent from the CET Grant award for a marketing service like this. Mr. Thares explained that the grant amount in total was $500,000, and the amount set for marketing expenses is $25,000. Mr. Morphew mentioned the reference feedback provided by groups who have worked with AE2S in the past and found them to be very helpful. 11M DAVIDSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH AE2S COMMUNICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT AND COMPLETION OF AN IMCP IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,971. HALI SITTIG SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 10. Consideration of discussion of Proposed 2022-2024 EDA Work lan Mr. Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA and the public. The EDA will hold a workshop meeting prior to their regular meeting on February 9, 2022, to further discuss the Workplan. Ms. Hinz liked the idea of extending the workplan to a multi-year plan, due to many EDA projects having longer timeframes. No action was taken on the item. I 1. Economic Development Director's Report Mr. Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA and the public. Included in the report was an update on The Pointes at Cedar Small Area Plan, and summaries of progress made by subcommittees created to assist with the development. Mr. Thares also addressed the redevelopment proposal of Block 52 that was introduced to the City Council, EDA, PARC, and Planning Commission on January 10, 2022. He noted that there is potential to help the remaining buildings on the block that will not be a part of the redevelopment by extending the Downtown Fagade Improvement Program to Block 52. Originally, the improvement program was exclusively for Block 35. It was noted that there are three interested applicants on Block 35 still, and the EDA has roughly $200,000 for this program. Ms. Hinz asked if the privately owned buildings on Block 52 would work with the developers to help create similar facades around the block. Mr. Thares said that is the presumption. Mr. Morphew asked if the guidelines for buildings on Block 52 would be the same as on Block 35. Mr. Thares confirmed. Ms. Hinz asked if there were any applications in for this program from businesses on Block 35, Community Development Director Angela Schumann confirmed. Ms. Hinz added that she does not want to count those pending applications out. Mr. Thares asked if the EDA had a volunteer to be a part of a group to work with AE2S and their efforts in developing a marketing strategy. Ms. Hinz expressed interest and said she would volunteer. 12. Adiourn TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO EDA. HALI SITTIG SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:08 P.M. Recorded by: Hayden Stensgard Date Approved: February 9, 2022 Att Jim Th es, Executive Director Tc;r� f Julie Cheney From: Bullseye Property Management & Realty <mail@managebuiIding.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 3;05 AM To: AP Subject: Lease statement for Broadway Parking Easement - COMMERCIAL - 2 as of 3/22/2022 Bullseye Property Management & Realty Lease statement as of 2022-03-22 City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 35 Lake St Suite 500 Big Lake, MN 55309 Account #: 00405914 Date Memo Amount Balance Prior balance ($198.02) 1/1/2022 Common Area Maintenance $198.02 $0.00 1/27/2022 Payment ($198.02) ($198.02) 2/1/2022 Common Area Maintenance $198.02 $0.00 3/1/2022 Common Area Maintenance $198.02 $198.02 3/7/2022 Payment ($198.02) $0.00 4/1/2022 Common Area Maintenance $198.02 $198.02 �{-qCo30 I•4L�3 S S Balance due: $198.02 Payment is due on the 28th of the month. If payment isn't received, a one-time fee equal to 8% of outstanding balances will be charged on the 29th of each month. Manage your account online: http://builseyeproperties.managebuilding,com Bullseye Property Management & Realty 763-295-6566 Buildium@bullseye411.com Stay connected with the Resident Center app 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and submit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. ® Disb. Ck. Batch Pay by: VENDOR: f Name �`� l /l S� LL C 1 Address 1 Address 2 �r I City/ST/Zip _1ro 4CL��_ Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $ �O - APPROVED BY Voucher.Xls DATE: ' !Code Project �.i • TOTAL: $ �O - APPROVED BY Voucher.Xls DATE: 0 U L7 z W m V) a 0 v M n v z z V) 0 a w z z_ g 0 M W H U1 W Z) z W a a z W X ea J_ Transmittal To: Monticello EDA Attn: Jim Thares 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Date: 3-8-22 Re: Move Claim — Elevated Wellness Project No: 14511 We are sending to you: ❑ Attached ❑ Separately ❑ By Messenger ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Specifications ❑ Contracts ❑ Report ❑ Prints ❑ Correspondence ❑ether Document Description Elevated Wellness -- Partial Move Claim, W9 and documentation The above are: ❑ Shop drawings as checked ❑ For your use ❑ For your information ❑ No exceptions taken X For your approval ❑ For your review ❑ Rejected ❑ For your distribution ❑ As you requested ❑ Revise and resubmit X For your processing ❑ For signature ❑ Note markings ❑ For your records ❑ Other Remarks.- emarks:cc: cc: By; Penny Rolf, WSB & Associates Tele: 612-360-1314 or 763-231-4868 31g/zZ Monticello Downtown Redevelopment Project A $ C 0 E F G H I Moving Moving- Not 1 Self- _j Contractor I Claim # Claim Category Claim Description Submitted I Eligible Recommended Documentation Move of personal l 2 Displacee 1 24.342{g]{1j ( property $7,100.00 $7,100.00 ( Move Est. i Move benefit of $7100 3 Displacee: innovative Stucco, Inc.. 0 Comments Self -Move rofessional move estimate - All Furniture ii O tticello EDA MOVING COSTS " L»partam7 Subw1yPrDMP4rrptigrAleva " ° a D Residence CJ Ad. Oevica CJ roverMnant q Ckher Pp D51}9 *ago xbu3itloeS L7 Fa ran C3rjmn.pft fit G Advan04 a PertteTCt Final s" El0vatedt,Yelrn0s9,L4C Isl. S.P. PrOj 1D No. county_ Jisttlon: p Parading 4 Accepted Addc 121 w_ Broadway Stale Submiried Amours[ S Agency ApprovN: r. VaenWn Oslo APplicalfori Approwed: h Vendor No., Ci Em. bprnain Alla. Finance: &asseee(s); Eevalalftlln"S.CL Mailbg Addl.. % Shlroh Thom ofan N 121139 Il1lsly Bog Rd Cccuponcy Data: D Dwrior 11111 1lonant Eligiblllly Date: jj:2,21_1 Acquisition ()ale: 11� tt r� f+�oriceOtt�,anlc�t'�rv`!e»O!rrl (l neiem.,rcif.4+tr.1•Pe�ngi Dales 14! the MOYB: Begin; _ -2.01.22 End' Far -Ilty Mama andtrT�-pa: plliN N12169 MIBP N12i69rdistyBos,,Rm City, $tate zip: Tr Nme of Mowfs): WSS 3-7-22 MOVING COST OPFKaM: ❑ ResBen6tt Sd+odUe9aais CJ Be0e0V9ikt4j tbst X Ron 4Wkiential0Wffsftata RasldencyCer7 ratlw FAdEr' WN rrYsG8i-A[81%Ino{dCSdoncysta%s.Ptf-mArhv*thPC61e9oryaMC ,jelsthe mcllwbejlowGF81app%sto, you aryoutoctupo rKy, jaiuslnthaUnitedSutus,YourslgrtaturetoWituteseerti{Icaw. [Cwtifylhatlaan_ Wil lNr*%urcer•fllythallheryarp„,&_pe=n$jnnyhausebdd: (ceeck0”) ❑ Ona11gnlswilrllpprr:Wntim ftUn Hud Stale%,6r that ?,�—aJec111zangornaUona�ao{1heU6trySlaTris, Ll antoienwith persansipropalylpwtttlypresent jR and���araEliensrmsttlrypveset141n1haUniCdSiates. die United States S41GPrandnMmbla: TedrRytherilarm Z�otjniftd5teieecilzcn ❑ an alien hysJullypresent€nthaLJMWSl®lee C313Unlled5taleSnnignat 110nOnAJ.S. citizen ndp>�pMlathe United States hl Iceriyhethae�Fnt p"emnhvpvrtrsarshipandtha# wecitaensorticLWbdStatea,inehsr -- oro aliens lEw(dry proltrn t it h a Un Item 5latos, Me_ are n an.u,S. tiliw em of p wwt In fh oUn Rad States. �nmorMton�ICetlllyliraFElervaenclWr, gni. _14estaWP;adtry liwa dEr.tiirasirretltaConrWbWir1e l0lheUndedSliW5, Clelmeitt4cknowtocigesrtrtnt1,9oeundomgned,da�teretycorti(yiha[iteeLo ilrstatarµrtpnisUueand MOM andlhattlocrxrwnlalanaGEcraellFlelatq nrcirrartotyrepre�„FSpii bleaxponsas toleocer*lh12IhAva not prnvla.iekj60ftiflcdnwrmcWdpe alf)rslWuxpensasubmkMwiththistfaim. OFFIgIAL'U9E4N1 Y; {Cortinmtel Authorized — Signaluna: Nama (pdnl� 1 Talaphono: – JC.z C 5 bare: rnov W GCAII - - - v.4(ti if r.tJ M&.inKousis Pme1U(S ,atlell Ira. cru b iESI)E1lIALMoving Costs instructions forsubmi#ting your claim Tlta Stile will allow FtXlddtliil Rw%'!% LNN''Mef W a &r played bdi'vidasr or lkmily' tweed on ciahsr R ltgpM SL`111:1}UI.t: or rtimll•klKClnttrn Ior AE`WAL C0$ -IS S k urecd, ALL o displaei+c you mill lu asked to scka tF:e method runic $Ultdtre Ri 3 our troods, IMPORTAM't Comull land thorotlghfy diseius moving 4littons and metltads kilter a reiacalion advisor pricer to moving. The w1mbune TOLL Fiynny llUi3tlial! sr•hldin 1}L'1}' LonrktUlc u tt01Rc IrnprOl'1Y11enL '✓rhe• Agaigwill nor otinsider, p:ly 4>4rrimtl,(mt Awuvwinl0 shame, CxNlit in em¢rqFicy asln ;lions as dente ned berarchatsd by the Siale orminnesoti, f'avnteul>r la}' Room Scliedale f fium ili15 I1Ianyai iinrij L'Ilt 1, cvmprilted all life rl;1rAlxx of luani% ilk )vure%SMcm,4% t'%k:hl-Si%W yr�Vical A3441F, poreilm Itaniries, badlrunnkr. hilEwaps, rntrart os any Inde,micfi d rt e+ . A lufrmtttifl scr3v be amside rclf one €tr ni r9nlatx it Iku hctn xeparaicv€ iota ]is elite n,usl auelt 3.4 l lr€rnnrn4 or riTllIIriun raalltt. Iluttrui)din 't aced Carxlor �c u sL�s may ales lt; COLIWull by the ruo_;n Ifssia. IM -0— r 1= i M Thea _ fioorns 7 2 3 FlddRaniaeecN tpl dor m rro 4 5 9 f JS AdtliuonNROams Room9 1 AdIt6tu 11,omS r4ntourl iS75 T25 91i ti25 i325 1525 7325 t4Z5 Si7bJ eph Nrionl 5450 31=eaeh Pov'tneots IV W -4791A al' Aehial Cost Under this afchod, the SuIr limy allay,' reind+utxcttrxsl far raasartrtlrfr• 3ALi neowan• (m d.Icnnlbloij by the ayt+icyj sxNlIIL% iftLyrrol in rrWYind }true personal tstvpcny for a d4sr�tc iLa_i ips3ram15b mjgLrt, ]ids I* no, an ad1mum'm rivfnconvctdrul N Wv ICIL 11avCua[Inmd or far itnl<tm t x youe regular oe+'upAIn n, 'roving ihilspnsr"Lwill ba paid Upsa 0Wlivee Wlth tlw AallLNllfflt131R5rrneUP1L4. I . U'hcn }'Quare IVI61W Wo proressionai rwving tympany, pay the charges And abwin n dewilsrl, ilcruircd iottipt.d bill rusnicee 'paid in Fult, and Qtatt�i hyo nontpmry ruprtxtaaaitc. rlessc L�tsnfrroli r1 gi6ifiry u IdI a ltek,L rliLin Advisor prHlr In Me 1110%c_ 2. !I'yElur peraurtRi pr3r.c,ry i5 rnaver! Isy stnrneonc lather dtxlr aimffcsFiatal nxlrirT camnlr ety; you rnmi subnlit at iL-'r:itod sL9lettlemi 3ha5vrnb the rnlrrnlrLY ofpt'Rlrle ]lifJd" the mlt5 pCY hi�vrpazl,, duGy,:ald d14 7tr:,'II haute tk'orf[r1 rn4.arll 1njivid" and the eill[")mt Also&, lllea, v dip;4iFE dLtic mL'tlunl with yetir Itt'luiwion Adriwr prior lar rnntirs}j and Incurring r<xlycrss><'c. 3, 't'ou Inert crmyrklr dac bnnnon pnrrian ofdse fri>nl orchis CLtstn E'ttrm i» OLI. Ar[attl sn tllc nriglrtd orrhv Fant; all required inFv nrtmt �rin pLylaiarin? h p'aur trnlvq sod lst ail kr d!n It¢3aatiun AJs iterahravn on d1r fax r tyre fl6rntY u 1 d e frar•1 ofill is rima, 4. rlt the tti tilts lu m: rtstaciully unahlC ra lxr} i1{c ILMFvin(t4»rtpaa}. �xtirl an irtsL7tts Inas Ik Rmle Nsillr IN ltui m6a m AlftWirin ollot div" -t lxtl'mutl nr aI] udvufxc tl tyroicnr vlairn ir 111XI6t 1 QdOnetA`ti]I G(I f+am:c or dl[ e;ov]rrli dnrc. NON—RESIDEN'T AL Moving Costs Instructialts forauhtnitting your c]rthR ltrinC:ulon uOtWilunt allose moving LXPL' -t la n dispint %l 1:Le�res r. fnrrn or nou.prulii. orpnninanian l:vs,%l qn Weis; tt Ls1,Es ialvrrlv6 in mu+inb pLrlonnl prl>)w'r1y for a ditiwwo ora sn .•1COM 4!t tiiiirl, tlmkt'eer. mVblullk i do nor allow Iiirinenrweniettee* xificl; alas oivr w I`ra bugh.-ii i4ric hon. k6mhumemoll &lr Lliaitrre mak-Ina L%jv %t& will bo mod, uptm compliance. w ilh die fallimina in5inie6un&. TWO Consult and thoroughly d11scu3a roov1119 Options and cnlerhadm %ilb a relocntiou adviser prior to mrrt'j Mg. I. %hN diene 14;NLA tnavcr is LtnpruVUl. the n3a'669 tu&Lr laic to be pxid:utd it dcwilnl riveiptul swrfl ail . WjffILyl, In der Lots a yarn ttish your FLTuklt CA1rP4.Wvw. 10 RIAO the nine it is rt'quUW that yrnu M*Laia o oaffl I -le rwnrd of iljktS, i bw wwkld, and Rnwuaet paid Lo all pCrinif5 pltvgitally (lnriirip:flirnit +n clic ns sc. Char�F fu lass iYI'pyuipm n1 rrlvnlxl b}' dl. 6vthlEsx tray be ttliu;vLd but shall be enmprrnUle io Itlme tall e"A b;� Wdl WtItzI ryLnra.�, 3. Volt nay elat w wLLLVi the IOWIr irrIWO (2) L'arir"01. liar nAf. ir+g all or your per> onnt propeny. ]lar¢ alit 411ilnnits will ifs elitGdnaig' die agditvy� anti presenod to yuust im gprponWa . sh dig otclh PIL slo other taut'il10".xi L slrlcrinlcni3hon is nrec'+Fay. `1 4. Y4ffl' I5tarrxlk* die hoatint portion afth; fronrof diet clef re Fortin ink_ Amrch Ila the odginot• of dlis l urm n.-1 rl'Aubod Ia duration pertaining to yxiurraotr and nail Io the Itello"Nein Advkir. sown or d;e lower IcR EOMer kirk Ilm Srunl at'th4 Ibrtn ]tic Rgrncy will ri14 =?;?der, pay Lv rtmlahurxe CDT nriiiinte drergtN cW_7t infill rl lwc}' aiiltstinn , gc Irraninn! by ILIr a}zs71c}', Pa)IRCIlt may also ba alWts1 M-NIV,"'ner ofadisplaXd bwiimws or b=ojm-mv far asival rataorahlu r xpclla 7: in Fkw&ilLg fora raptaaslaxit sig, dot Us esttittd s7,sutt.4[►, Stich L'7lfrt`1Lr4ti n1 ' Irtrlllde Iransporwio11 tlk%lfi, SGSWlI tern C, lvld venrnrl OIIFCr t'tpeo.�eg aetus913' kl--yr in Fauahing..%&ta L,;j. andifwt] sL7Larxxlt cfvgreldrig ctplmll rnusi voo mtpally die claim, I afnrmthat, tothe begtOfmyknowladge.allperuooalhj Intludingall haabr4fbus and enMJrdrtrnpntaffy *0nll4rva rnatorlals stloh as batteries, tarts, paintr., solvonla, insactleWas, ltrrtifiYors,fluorescent ;u hUr etc.. Iw1116aramoved(f*Mthloparcel. tarwmir I do heimbysiffirnl ftl-to the bast of my knowledge, dlspteCeois eligible for roimbursemen tot eliglble Moving Coars, Wood On dlsplecee'sMatus and 0=11112a[yof Ihp parcel at the tim a Of dee tnl Ild toil of negoUaVoas sndfor at the furca df lite pa reads 8R] ulslUon. 1 fort har aff irrn that displaoee qualiFes 04 a'dlsptsaed parson', and is entitled W Paymeni foracluaL iou sonabte end necessary moving and reiaiek expanses for a restdQnL,,j yr non- r"�idenlial move 10 CPA P6 241, as Inditatod elsewhere on this rorm. 3 -19 -aa, Rakrarka,hsira ;jnaSure - - Pana T•�•_ htu•nnRCOV..s Pue2of2 RLID32 February 3, 2022 Y V s v Elevated Wellness Attn: Shiloh Thompson PO Box 1280 113 West Broadway Street Monticello, MN 55362 Reg, Downtown Redevelopment Project Move Estimates Dear Ms. Thompson: WSB received the two moving estimates for your rental location based on the inspections conducted on January 13, 2022. Those estimates are included for your review. Company Bid b All Furniture $7,100.00 Red's Transfer & Storage, Inc. $7,700.00 Z W The estimates above do not include insurance coverage. This amount would be added to the estimate based on the amount of coverage required, If you choose to conduct a self -move, you would be responsible for insuring the move. G 0 If you choose to have a professional mover conduct the move, the reimbursement would be limited to the lower of the two estimates - $_7,100.00. If you choose to conduct a self -move, the Monticello Economic Development Authority would compensate you at the lower of the two estimates - $ 7.100.00. If you choose to have a professional mover conduct the move, compensation would be added for your time to supervise at both locations. A 3-4 day move was estimated based on the estimate by All Ln Furniture. Using a 4 -day timeline, with one person at both your current and new locations would equal 32 hours x $401hour per person, which is the standard rate we use. This would equal $1,280.00 per supervisor for a total of $2,560.00 in supervisory time. Supervisory time for the moving company was a requirement in the scope of services and included in the ° above estimates. If you choose to conduct a self -move, you would be eligible for the lower of the two estimates $7,� 100.00, but you would not be eligible for supervisory time as the movers already had that in z their estimate. 2 You have to move the personal property to another location to be eligible for this benefit. If you decide to 0 discontinue your business and sell your inventory from your current location, there are other relocation LU benefits that we could discuss to see what would work best for you. 9) If you have any questions, please contact me. w Sincerely, z � WSB a a z X Penny Rolf Consultant for Monticello EDA r Enclosure ALL FURNITURE 63 St. Anthony Parkway • Minneapolis, MN 55418 612.238.3200 - Fax: 612.238.3201 Elevated Wellness Scope to include: *Pack -prep contents to move as needed, relocate and redistribute/unpack as needed at destination. *Customer to prep equipment to move, complete physical discorinections as needed. *Pack, relocate and unpack all office furniture and contents. *Project to be completed during regular daytime hours. *Relocate to space TBD within 50 miles of origin. Pack/prep, relocate, unpack contents at destination as needed. Knockdown, relocate and reinstall furniture as needed. Pack, relocate and unpack office furniture and contents as needed. Project to be completed during regular hours over (3-4) days. $6,100 Materials — Boxes, tape, labels, mise. packing materials. $1,000 Total: $7,100 Additional/Alternate — Complete disconnects/reconnects of computer equipment to move. $ 500 Julie Cheney From: Penny Rolf <PRolf@wsbeng.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 7:05 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: RE: Elevated Wellness - Move Claim # 1 Shiloh said she'd come pick it up so let me know when it is ready and I'll let her know. Thanks, Jim! Penny Rolf Sr.Right of Way Specialist 612-360-1314 (o) 1612.360.1314 (m) WSB I wsbeng.com WSO This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the addressee, please delete this email from your system. Any use of this email by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. WSB does not accept liability for any errors or omissions which arise as a result of electronic transmission. If verification is required, please request a hard copy. From: Penny Rolf Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 6:28 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Elevated Wellness - Move Claim # 1 Thanks — I let the tenant know and will get back to you if she wants it mailed or will pick up. From: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 4:05 PM To: Penny Rolf <PRolf@wsbeng.com> Subject: RE: Elevated Wellness - Move Claim # 1 IEXTERNAL EMAIL Hi Penny, thank you for sending. This will be processed and reviewed by the City Council on March 28, 2022 with the check being available to mail out or pick up (whatever is preferred by Shiloh) on March 29, 2022. From: Penny Rolf <PRolf@wsbeng.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 7:18 AM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Elevated Wellness - Move Claim # 1 Attached for your review and processing. Can you tell me when this would get approved by the EDA and a check processed so I can let them know. Penny Rolf Sr.Right of Way Specialist 612-360-1314 (o) 1612.360.1314 (m) WSB I wsbeng.com Wsb, This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the addressee, please delete this email from your system. Any use of this email by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. WSB does not accept liability for any errors or omissions which arise as a result of electronic transmission. If verification is required, please request a hard copy. Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 4:40 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: Elevated Wellness Relocation Benefit Pmt = $7,100 Attachments: RE: Elevated Wellness - Move Claim # 1 Julie, when the CC approves the relocation pmt for Elevated Wellness, the owner Shiloh Thompson, would like to stop by the City office and pick it up. Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F User: Julie.Cheney�� Printed: 03/17/2022 - 9:37AM onti ffo Batch: 00201.03.2022 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-421990 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Amazon - Sit Stand Work Station (HS; 03/15/2022 0 245.03 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 245.03 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-004 - 130 Brdwy- Stormwtr 03/15/2022 0 26.25 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-007 - 103 Pine St- EDA 03/15/2022 0 45.50 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-008 - 112 River St. W EDA 03/15/2022 0 45.50 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 117.25 213-46301-443990 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Monti Chamber - February Lunch (JT; 03/15/2022 0 15.00 213-46301-443990 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Jimmy Johns - Sandwiches for EDA N 03/15/2022 0 73.97 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 88.97 Subtotal for Fund: 213 451.25 Report Total: 451.25 AP -Transactions by Account (03/17/2022 - 9:37 AM) Page 1 Vendor Date of Transaction Z r t I- Z Z CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ Ac� 0 - uz�; Circle purchaser name: Deb Cate ac Ergen Vicki Leerhoff Rachel Leonard Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber Angela Schumann Jim Thares Beth Green Liz Lindrud Haley Foster Trevor Mack Hayden Stensgard Employee Signature Supervisor Signature Date approved Special Project #t or Description Circle department code: 101-41110 101-41310 101-41410 101-41520 101-41800 01-419fOj c� /O 101-41920 101-41940 213746500 _ . �213-4b301 02-00000 Ci[cle expense code: 02 1990 J 431950 431990 432200 433100 443300 443700 443990 Other City Council Administration City Clerk/Elections Finance Human Resources Planning and Zoning Data Processing City Hall Economic Development HRA Central IT General Operating Supplies Newsletter Services Miscellaneous Prof Services Postage Travel/Training Expense Dues Membership & Subscrip Licenses and Permits Misc. Other Expense amazon.com Details for Order #111-3125376-0669619 Order Placed: February 17, 2022 Amazon.com order number: 111-3125376-0669019 Order Total: $490.05 Not Yet Shipped Items Ordered Price 1 Of: VariDesk Cube Corner 36 by Vari - Cubicle Standing Desk Converter for Dual Monitors - Height Adjustable Stand Up Desk - $490.05 No Assembly Required Sold by: Vari. (seller profile) Business Price Condition: New Shipping Address: Tracy Ergen City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 United States Shipping Speed: Standard Shipping Payment Method: Visa J Last digits: 4715 Billing address Tracy Ergen City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 United States Payment information Item(s) Subtotal $490.05 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 To view the status of your order, return to Qrder Summery, . Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice O 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. Total before tax: $490.05 Estimated Tax: $0.00 Grand Total: $490.05 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Saturday, February 5, 2022 9:12 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 2-1-22 PARK INSERT.pdf; 2-1-22 FNM Insert1x.pdf; BACK OF BILL.pdf 007256-004 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 130 BROADWAY E 1/1/2022 to 1/31/2022 (31 days) 2/3/2022 3/1/2022 Previous Reading Current Reading Serial Date Reading Date Reading Cons Current Charges Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY ($1.25) Water: EBILL CREDIT ($0.50) Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL $28.00 Total Current Charges: $26.25 Bill Summary Previous Balance: $19.25 Payments Received: $19.25 Adjustments: $0.00 Current Charges: $26.25 * Total Amount Due by: 3/1/2022 $26.25 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial Current Charges noreply@merchanttransact.com Saturday, February 5, 2022 9:12 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 2-1-22 PARK INSERT.pdf; 2-1-22 FNM Insert1x.pdf; BACK OF BILL.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 3/1/2022 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 1/1/2022 to 1/31/2022 (31 days) 2/3/2022 3/1/2022 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons $0.00 $8.04 ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $10.40 $28.00 $45.50 $37.97 $37.97 $0.00 $45.50 $45.50 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Saturday, February 5, 2022 9:12 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 2-1-22 PARK INSERT.pdf; 2-1-22 FNM Insert1x.pdf; BACK OF BILL.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 68621907 1/1/2022 43899 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 3/1/2022 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 1/1/2022 to 1/31/2022 (31 days) 2/3/2022 3/1/2022 Current Reading Date Reading Cons 2/1/2022 43904 5 $0.00 $0.00 $8.04 ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $0.00 $10.40 $28.00 $45.50 $37.97 $37.97 $0.00 $45.50 $45.50 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. I Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. &ok & b�9 Vendor Date of 3'3'Transaacc tion CITY OF MONTI CELLO Ghost Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ - Circle purchaser name: Expense Cade o?r 6 ). Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry 205 Pine Street PO Box 192 Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2700 1 fax: (763) 295-2705 info@monticellocci.com Monticello City of Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Thank you for coming to our event. Description 2022 Chamber Lunch - 2-15-2022 JUST DRIVEL — River City Extreme: Chamber Lunch, Member (Jim Thares) Invoice Invoice Date: 2/22/2022 Invoice Number: 7844 Account ID: Terms Due Date Net 15 3/9/2022 Quantity Rate Amount 1 $15.00 $15.00 Subtotal: $15,00 Tax: $0.00 Total: $15.00 Payment/Credit Applied: $0,00 Balance: $15.00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 10:58 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Invoice from Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hi Julie, this is okay to pay. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 10:49 AM To: Jim Thares<Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Invoice from Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jim Please see the attached invoice from the Chamber for the February lunch you attended. Okay to pay $15.00? Thanks Julie From: Marcy Anderson <marc monticellocci.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 10:36 AM To. AP <AP ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Invoice from Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dear Jim Your invoice for the February 15, 2022 luncheon is attached. Thank you for supporting our Chamber. Please remit payment at your earliest convenience. You will find a link at the bottom of this email to pay bills online. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry (763) 295-2700 To view/pay bills online, please click here This email was sent on behalf of Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry 205 Pine Street Monticello, MN 55362.To unsubscribe click here If you have questions or comments concerning this email or services in general, please contact us by email at info c monticetiocci corn. Julie Cheney From: Auto -Receipt <noreply@mail.authorize.net> Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 1:41 PM To: AP Subject: Transaction Receipt from Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry for $15,00 (USD) 4a' Description: Payment for Invoice #7844 (Monticello City of) : 2022 Chamber Lunch - 2-15-2022 JUST DRIVE? — River City Extreme: Chamber Lunch, Member (Jim Thares) $15.00(Ciass: ] Invoice Number 8902663 Billing Information Julie Cheney Monticello City of 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 U5 ap@ci.monticelio.mn.us 763-271-3205 I Date/Time: Transaction ID: Payment Method: Transaction Type: Auth Code: Shipping information 3 -Mar -2022 11:40:34 PST 63574864859 Visa xxxx8769 Purchase 080217 Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry Monticello, MN 55362 Us marcy@monticellocci.com 1 Total: $15.00 (USD) Julie Cheney From: Sent: Subject: info@moniiceIIocci.corn Thursday, March 3, 2022 1:41 PM 06ne Payment Confirmation Your online payment request has been received by Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Payment Confirmation Name: Julie Cheney Company: Monticello City of Transaction Number: 63574864859 Last 4 of Acct Number: 8769 Amount: $15.00 Description Item(s) Quantity Total Amount Payment for Invoice #7844 2022 Chamber Lunch - 2-15-2022 JUST DRIVE! — River City (Monticello City of) Extreme: Chamber Lunch, Member (Jim Thares) $15.00(Ciass: 1 $95 00 Grand Total: $15.00 This Email was automatically generated. For questions or feedback, please contact us at: Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry 205 Pine Street PO Box 192 Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2700 info@monticel locci.com http://www.monticellocci.com 1 Vendor Date of Transaction CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any other available documentation to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount $ 3 •11 Circle purchaser name: Deb Cole Tracy icki Leer of F d Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer .Schreiber Angela Schumann Jim Thares Beth Green Liz Lindrud Haley Foster Trevor Mack Hayden Stensgard Special Project # or Description Circle department code: 101-41110 101-41310 101-41410 101-41520 101-41800 101-41910 101-41920 101-41940 2L3--7 13-4630,1 - 13-46301 70 - 00 Circle expense code: 421990 431950 431990 432200 433100 443300 4 00 44399 Other City Council Administration City Clerk/Elections Finance Human Resources Planning and Zoning Data Processing City Hall Economic Development HRA Central IT General Operating Supplies Newsletter Services Miscellaneous Prof Services Postage Travel/Training Expense Dues Membership & Subscrip Licenses and Permits Misc. Other Expense Your Jimmy John's Online Order is confirmed! Jimmy John's <orders0jimmyjahnss0ma wer{:r5,•9GC3 r 136 A :• ro: vKs�L<nwx .ur<xrL.e�noneam_-ru�.Tlymr.�r. �;3CaXe it a bo.9 lunch. My+egular sandwich, chps, pMe spear and ro i,,s THANK YOU FOR YOUR ONLWE ORDER 9ry 9uezwna rtpata:rrH ywlr nAer.Ilease tlo not fievWN bconlaef us. T6].r 16-0.53. end re.nlen yo rce9nr panlirrt•a4u�nrmroer TlA1�6�9tzP411H2 Order Nwl n 7WT 1911.1792 Ston Mlwm.len: J 70 1sIT Ge61r 51 Llnaaatl9.55]62 161311-0852 Sc.edobd' 303542.0.9. 3:D] Pill Fe,'. O.rvery Th.l9s Mr ywr pEalr iddr...; w$Walrv[51 Gry WI � Swu r N.n.eem 55363 plllwry 4rISIYCxenF' MeesenWese•eUmak tM sardxiures�ll'i.' Trmrt Ya' Fronl tlo.. trop dea9, Conlan: Vicw Lau.ea 11.]6.2;T16 rrtFV.leerMli�•d.manlrteblr.r,u9 _REN EAGN PRICE 2 "RAUNN NIGW CLl1OS IRfGl3LARf I.7➢ 917 - SELECTIONS 9' Frmsvn 3 M TIIRNEY TOMB IRfGIR�R) i.70 SWO SELECTIONs. .' Fu - 1 .9 FN[ PEPES SREG.L ) 179 117 .711 SELECTIONS. r Preen I /t BIG —1101REG1 Aj I20 31,19 FOR JB1 SELECTW S B' FrwTnNo.raraniwrse, Reg Dome SbMotrr 555.90 Dc $9a Oe.iirerl H.99 'AK 31.a2 Tanl 52291 GetlF Cxe 45a a,H+] ;373.91] MACK fJROER Download the app y�TpwnFoad on the apn crn.� 4' al it on Gooale PWy, Accounts Payable CITY F Y Transactions b Account 1b User: Debbie.Davidson onti effo Printed: 04/01/2022 - 2:28PM Batch: 00215.03.2022 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-438100 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 6402832805-8 - 113 Broadway W 03/31/2022 0 528.94 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 528.94 213-46301-438100 XCEL ENERGY 51-13295413-8 - 103 Pine St/113 W.1 03/31/2022 0 399.50 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 399.50 Subtotal for Fund: 213 928.44 Report Total: 928.44 AP -Transactions by Account (04/01/2022 - 2:28 PM) Page I rerPoinr. Energy CenterPointEnergy.com Gas leak or emergency Leave immediately, then call 800-296-9815, 24 hours a day Pago 1 of 4 CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER MONTICELLO EDA 6402832805-8 AUTOPAY DATE Mar 11, 2022 ATTN AP. BILLING DATE AMOUNT DUE $ 528.94 SERVICE ADDRESS Feb 11, 2022 113 Broadway St W, Monticello, MN 55362-9352 O O Customer service Call before you dig Comments 612-321-4939 or 800-245-2377 Call 811 PO Box 1144 Monday - Friday, 7 am - 7 pm 24 hours a day Minneapolis, MN 55440-1144 Rate case filed in November 2021. Interim Rates begin Jan 1 2022. Public hearings to be scheduled. Watch for information and hearing date schedule. How to pay your bill Online Visit: CenterPointEnergy.com/paybill Pay immediately, schedule a payment or set up automatic monthly payments. Please keep this portion for your records �terPoint. �9Y 000001 MONTICELLO EDA ATTN AP. 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8822 Our records show that you now receive a paperless bill. We hope you enjoy the ease and convenience of paperless bill delivery. ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous gas amount due $ 0.00 Payment No payment received. -0.00 Current gas charges (Details on page 2) +528.94 DO NOT PAY - Total amount due to be drafted $ 528.94 Phone 0 Call 612-321-4939 and make a payment using your checking or savings account, or by debit or credit card. 000035091 0970186262832 In person To find a payment location, visit: CenterPointEnergy.com/paybill or call 612-321-4939. Mail+ To mail a payment, send to: PO Box 4671 Houston, TX 77210-4671 ACCOUNT NUMBER 6402832805-8 Has your AutoPay bankAUTOPAY DATE Mar 11, 2022 account changed? See form on back of stub. AMOUNT DUE $ 528.94 Your bill is scheduled to be paid automatically by bank draft on the due date Mar 11, 2022. Your bank draft is set up for: 007200640283280583000000528940000005289460 CenterPoint. Energy CenterPointEnergy.com DEFINITIONS CUSTOMER MONTICELLO EDA ATTN AP. SERVICE ADDRESS 113 Broadway St W, Monticello, MN 55362-9352 Basic Charge is a flat amount each month, regardless of the amount of gas used, to cover a portion of costs incurred even if the customer does not use gas during the billing period. Cost of Gas is the cost CenterPoint Energy pays for the gas it delivers to its customers. Delivery Charge is based on the amount of gas delivered, to cover the costs of delivering gas not covered by the Basic Charge. City Franchise Fee is a fee charged by a city to utility companies that provide natural gas, electricity or cable service. Utilities will collect the fee from individual customers and pay it to the city. Utilities receive no revenue from this fee. Gas Affordability Program (GAP) covers costs to offer a low-income customer co -pay program to reduce natural gas service disconnections. This charge is billed to all non - interruptible customers. Purchased Gas Adjustment reflects the difference between the base cost of gas established at the time of our most recent rate case and the price paid to purchase and transport the gas you used during this billing period. Therm is the heating value of gas. Your meter measures CCF (hundreds of cubic feet) which we multiply by the therm factor to determine the heating capacity of the gas you used. For a more detailed description of each of the terms used on your bill, please visit CenterPointEnergy.com/definitions or call Customer Support at 612-321-4939. ACCOUNT NUMBER 6402832805-8 BILLING DATE Feb 11, 2022 AUTOPAY DATE AMOUNT DUE Pago 2 of � Mar 11, 2022 $ 528.94 Current gas charges Rate: Com/Ind Firm Rate Meter Number Day Billing Period Current read date Next scheduled read date Next billing date M20131589322 30 Feb 8, 2022 Mar 10, 2022 Mar 11, 2022 Billing Period Current Reading - Previous Reading = Total x Therm factor = Adjusted Usage 01/10/22 - 02/08/22 8519 7961 558 1.02183 570 Therms Basic charge $ 21.00 Delivery charge 570 therms x $ 0.20580 117.31 Decoupling adjustment 570 therms x -$ 0.00424 -2.42 Gas Affordability PRG 570 therms x $ 0.00264 1.50 Feb 2021 Weather Event 570 therms x $ 0.04610 26.28 Cost of gas* 570 therms x $ 0.54891 312.88 Interim rate adjustment 16.06 (Basic Chg + ($0.19789*therms))*12.0000% County sales tax 2.46 State sales tax 33.87 Total current charges $ 528.94 *includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.09302 Your account, managed your way • Pay automatically. Set up AutoPay by signing and • Other services. Report a payment made at a payment Sign up at CenterPointEnergy.com/myaccount returning the form below with your check payment. It's that location, set up a payment extension and much more. View • 2417 online account access. View and/or pay your bill, easy! options from your online account or visit view usage history, sign up for account services and much • Even out the highs and lows of your monthly bills. CenterPointEnergy.cone/selfservice if you'd prefer not to more. Enroll in Average Monthly Billing and spread your natural register. • Go paperless. Receive an email when your bill is ready gas costs throughout the year. • Moving? Please call us at 612-321-4939 at least two to view and pay. Get convenience, get rid of clutter. a Get bill reminders. Choose text or email, up to five weeks before you move, or complete the forms at days before your bill is due. CenterPointEnergy.com/selfservice Register any inquiry or complaint at CenterPoint Energy, 505 Nicollet Mall, PO Box 59038, Minneapolis, MN 55459-0038 Mail payments to CenterPoint Energy, PO Box 4671, Houston, TX 77210-4671 Late payment detailsidue date. Please pay your bill on time to reach our office by the due date shown at the top of your bill. Unpaid gas amounts over $10 are charged a late payment fee of 1.5% (18% annual percentage rate) or $1 minimum on the next billing date shown on your bill. Returned check charge. There will be a $10 charge for any check or AutoPay payment your bank returns to us. Notice of customer information availability. Customer information is available upon request. Call 800-245-2377. Personal checks sent for payment may be processed electronically. This means your check will not be returned by your financial institution. Any funds may be debited from your account as soon as the same day payment is received. If you have questions concerning this process, please contact customer service at 800-245-2377. For further information, visit hffp://federaireserve.gov/pubs/checkconv/ 000002 Has your AutoPay bank account changed? To update your bank account information, please sign and date this form and return it with this month's payment, using one of your new checks. Money orders do not qualify for enrollment or updating. Your next bill will be automatically deducted from the account listed on your check. For more information or to update your banking information electronically, go to CenterPointEnergy.com/autopay. I authorize CenterPoint Energy to automatically deduct from the checking account shown on my enclosed check all future payments for my CenterPoint Energy bills. I will notify CenterPoint Energy if I decide to cancel my use of AutoPay. CenterPoint Energy also has the right to discontinue my AutoPay enrollment. Once I enroll, I understand that any past due balances will be drafted from my account three days after my application is processed. Account holder's signature Xcel Energy RESPONSIBLE BY NATUREC QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? See our website: xcelenergy.com Email us at: Customerservice@xcelenergy.com Please Call: 1-800-481-4700 Hearing Impaired: 1-800-895-4949 Fax: 1-800-311-0050 Or write us at: XCEL ENERGY please contact us at 800.895.4999 and we can provide you with this information. PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-0008 PREMISES SUMMARY NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Page 1 of 8 MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER Payment Received Auto Pay 02/07 CITY MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV AUTH WALNUT ST STE 1MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 51-0013295413-8 $0.00 STATEMENTNUMBER STATEMENTDATE767063401 ;03/0;8/202;2505 02/08/2022 ACCOUNT BALANCE (Balance de su cuenta) Previous Balance As of 01/05 $130.21 Payment Received Auto Pay 02/07 -$130.21 CR Balance Forward $0.00 Current Charges $487.84 Amount Due (Can6dad a pagar) $487.84 PREMISES NUMBER PREMISES IDENTIFIER PREMISES DESCRIPTOR 302923602 103 PINE ST 303140734 113 W BROADWAY ST 303409149 112 W RIVER ST CURRENT BILL EDA $44.89 EDA $354.61 PW Split $88.34 Total $487.84 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Different fuel sources are used to generate electricity, and they produce different air emissions. For updated environmental information for 2020, go to: xcelenergy.com/MNEnvironmentalDisclosure. If you don't have internet access, please contact us at 800.895.4999 and we can provide you with this information. Thank you for your payment. HETUHN BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT • PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES, TAPE OR PAPER CLIPS XcelFnsrgyACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE . 1 1 51-0013295413-8 03/08/2022 $487.84 Your bill is paid through a n automated bank payment plan. ------ manifest line--------- I"IIIII"I' I' I'II'IIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIII IIIIIII-III'IIIIII'III' CITY MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV AUTH 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 Automated Bank Payment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I"I�III"�'I'�'�I'IIIIIII�II�I'II��III�I��11�111�1�1'I�IIII'I��' XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 32 51030822 00132954138 0000004878400000048784 Xcel Energy MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER;$487.84 METER 3632365 - Multiplier x 40 CITY MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEV AUTH 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55352-8831 51-0013295413-8 2022 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE Demand Actual 167063401 02/08/2022 0 kW SERVICE ADDRESS: IM PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8564 NEXT READ DATE: 03/09/22 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 302923502 INVOICE HUMBER: 4948886024 METER READING i i RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) METER 3632365 - Multiplier x 40 Oead Dates: 01 /05/22 - 02/03/22129 Days) DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING MEASURED BILLED PREVIOUS READING USAGE USAGE Total Energy 21439 Actual 21435 Actual 3 120 kWh Demand Actual DA kW Billable Demand 0 kW ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10.00 Energy Charge Winter 120 kWh $0.077570 $9.31 Fuel Cast Charge 120 kWh $0.026833 $3.22 Sales True Up 120 kWh $0.008510 $1.02 Affordability Chrg $1.27 Resource Adjustment $1.93 Interim Rate Adj $2.61 Subtotal $29.36 City Fees $5.50 Total $34.85 OTHER RECURRING CHARGES DETAILS INVOICE NUMBER: 948895992 ADDRESS: 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55352-8554 UNIT DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS CHARGE DTY CHARGE Install Number 157123 01/05/22 to 02/02/22 100 WATT HP5 AREA GO OWN REDUCE COSTS WITH BUSINESS LED INSTANT REBATES Xcel Energy commercial electric customers can take advantage of our instant rebates simply t y purchasing qualifying screw-in or pin -based LED 3 lamps from one of OUT 50+ participating distributors. Find a distributor at BusinessLED lnstantRebate.com/Locator/D istri butors. When purchasing lamps, the rebate is paid at the point of sale as a discount on your lamp invoice. There are no rebate forms to complete and no wait for rebate checks to be mailed when you purchase qualifying lamps. Simply provide the installation address for the lamps and the distributor will apply the discount. For more information, please contact your representative,. Brian Stu re, Midstream Lighting Trade Relations Manager, hrian.stureL7tticlea result.com, 303-446-7891. a Xcel Energy Pau 3 ni E MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION CITY MONTICELLO ECONOMIC 0 E RUTH 505 WALNUT ST STE T MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 51-0013295413-8U31081202i 49 kWh 57.41 1 $7.41 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE Resource Adjustment 767063401 02/08/2022 $487.84 OTHER RECURRING CHARGES DETAILS INVOICE NUMBER: 948885992 ADDRESS: 103 PINE ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-85£4 Premises Total $44.89 DAILY AVERAGES UNIT DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS CHARGE OTY CHARGE Auto Protective Lgt 49 kWh 57.41 1 $7.41 Fuel Cost Charge $1-01 Resource Adjustment $0.61 Interim Rate Adj $1.00 Total $10.03 Premises Total $44.89 DAILY AVERAGES last Year Temperature 20' F Electricity kWh 4.1 Electricity Cost $1.04 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For average non -demand customer, 68% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 15% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand -billed customer, 78616 of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 14% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. DON'T GET SCAMMED. Stammers can spoof phone numbers to look like the call is coming from us. If someone calls and threatens to turn off your power if you don't pay immediately, or asks for your account number to refund an overpayment, hang up and check your account status using My Account, our Xcel Energy mobile app, or call us at 804-895-4999. Xcel Energym DAILY AVERAGES Last Year Temperature IPF Electricity kWh O.D Electricity Cost $0.06 MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER CITY MONTICELLD ECONOMIC 0 E AUTH 505 WALNUT 5T 5TE i MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 51-0013295413-8 2 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE767063401 ;$;48784 Actual 10.76 kW 02/08/2022 11 kW SERVICE ADDRESS: 113 W BROADWAY ST M0NInCELL0, MN 55362-9352 NEXT READ DATE: 03/09/22 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 343140734 INVOICE NUMBER: 0948889281 METER READING INFORMATION MATE: General Service METER 7633803 Read Dates- 01/10/22 - 62102122123 NO DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE Total Energy 18450 Actual 16137 Estimate 2313 kWh Demand Actual 10.76 kW Billable Oernand 11 kW ELECTRICITY CHARGES MATE: General Service DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $19.86 Energy Charge 2313 kWh $0.034070 $78.80 Fuel Cost Charge 2313 kWh $0,025880 $59.86 Sales True Up 2313 kWh $0.008780 $20.31 Demand Charge Winter 8.43 kW $10.490000 $88.43 Affordability Chrg $2.76 Resource Adjustment $28.75 Interim Rate Adj $25.27 Subtotal $323.84 City Fees $23.77 Tota 1 $347.61 NON-RECURRING CHARGES I CREDITS DETAILS DESCRIPTION CHARGE Service Processing Chg Premise # 303140734 $7.00 Tota 1 $7.00 Premises Total $354.61 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average non -demand customer, 68% of your hill refers to power plant costs. 15% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cast of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand -billed customer, 78% of yourtotal bill refers to power plant costs. 14% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. a 7 Xcel Energy DAILY AVERAGES Last Year Temperature 20` F Electricity kWh 3.8 M1 Electricity Cult $2.71 a MAILING ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER01.411-1111. METER 150622M CITY MONTICELLO ECONOMIC OEV RUTH 505 WALNUT ST STE I MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 51-0013295413-8 03/08/2022 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE Demand 767063401 02/08/2022 $487.84 SERVICE ADDRESS! 112 W RIVER ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-8766 NEXT READ DATE- 03105/2 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER; 303409149 INVOICE NUMBER: 0948884288 METER READING r i IRATE: General Service METER 150622M Read Dates- 01105121- 02103122129 Daysl DESCRIPTION CURRENT READING PREVIOUS READING USAGE Total Energy 69626 Actual 69502 Actual 124 kWh Demand Actual 1.15 kW Billable Demand 1 kW ELECTRICITY CHARGES IRATE: General Service DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $25.64 Energy Charge 124 kWh $0.034070 $4.22 Fuel Cost Charge 124 kWh $0,025968 $3.22 Sales True Up 124 kWh $0.008780 $1.09 Demand Charge Winter 1 kW $10.490000 $10.49 Affordability Chrg $3.60 Resource Adjustment $3.62 Interim Rate Adj $5.46 Subtotal $57.34 City Fees $31.00 Tota I $88.34 Premises Total $88.34 INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL For an average non -demand customer, 68% of your hill refers to power plant costs, 15% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand -billed customer, 78% of your total hill refers to power plant costs, 14% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of IocaI wires connected to your business. DON'T GET SCAMMED. Stammers can spoof phone numbers to look like the call is coming from us. If someone calls and threatens to turn off your power if you don't pay immediately, or asks for your account number to refund an overpayment, hang up and check your account status using My Account, our Xcel Energy mobile app, or call us at 800-895-4999. ZL W 0 L xaWEnergym SAVE ON HIGH -EFFICIENCY FANS AND FAN SYSTEMS N O rebates are now available for fan systems that are Fan Enorgy Index or o FEa rated_ Rebates range from $120 to 59r100, depending on horsepower N and if the system is integrated with a VF0. The saving8 can help offset your energy improvement project costs. Cont�iCt your account manager or one of our energy advisors W EnergyEfficiencyt�xceienergy,cam or call 855-839-8862, cp M N M O O ISJ xw ensrgy corn 10 2022 Xcel EngrVA Inc. I A91 Enpro ;f a i rg*w%rj uodemark of xcai Frar94 Inc I 02220N 08 EDA Agenda: 4/13/22 4e. Consideration of Terminating the Month -to -Month Lease Agreements for Billboard Signs on EDA owned property, Outlot A, Country Club Manor, with Reagan Outdoor Advertising and Lamar Advertising (AS/JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider terminating the recently approved month to month lease agreements with Lamar Advertising and Reagan Outdoor Advertising on EDA owned property described as, Outlot A, Country Club Manor. The two companies currently lease four large sign structures (two by Lamar and two by Reagan). Month-to-month lease agreements were approved by the City and the EDA in November 2021. The month-to- month format was chosen to allow the lease agreements to be terminated when the multi- family housing development concept that Headwaters Development has proposed for the 16.03 -acre site is ready to move forward. With the termination officially acted on, the next development review steps can move forward without concern of being impeded by the lease agreements. The EDA is the record of owner of the Outlot A, Country Club Manor parcel. The city received the 16.71 -acre parcel through tax forfeiture many years ago. It then transferred the property to the HRA. When the EDA was formed as a dual purpose -powers HRA -EDA in the early 2000s, it received its interest/rights in the parcel. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact of terminating the billboard leases has modest staff impact. The city attorney drafted the letters to each of the billboard companies notifying them of the termination decision. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The city attorney prepared the termination notice provided the two sign companies in the past week. Those charges are currently being covered by the city as they have been receiving the monthly lease payments. If it is determined that some a portion of those charges are to be assigned to the EDA, there are sufficient dollars budgeted in the 2022 EDA General fund to cover them. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize terminating the billboard sign lease agreements with Reagan Outdoor Advertising and Lamar Advertising on property described as Outlot A, Country Club Manor. 2. Motion to table authorizing termination amending billboard sign lease agreements with Reagan Outdoor Advertising and Lamar Advertising on property described as Outlot A, Country Club Manor, for more research and/or discussion. 0 EDA Agenda: 4/13/22 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The city attorney has completed the tasks involved in drafting and sending a billboard lease agreement termination notice to the two sign companies. The EDA is asked to officially act to terminate the lease agreements as a formal body and property owner to ensure all legal aspects of property rights are fully covered. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. New Month to Month Billboard Lease Agreements with Lamar b. New Month to Month Billboard Lease Agreements w Reagan c. Aerial Photo of 16.71 -acre site and Aerial showing the Billboard Sign Structures d. Quit Claim Deed conveying property to EDA THE Lamar Co # 157 COMPANIES This Instrument Prepared by: New James R. McIlwain XXX Renewal 5321 Corporate Boulevard 8022-O1Lease # Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 James R. McIlwain SIGN LOCATION LEASE RENEWAL THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made this 1ST day of January, 2022, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO (EDA) (hereinafter referred to as "Lessor") and THE LAMAR COMPANIES (hereinafter referred to as "Lessee"), provides WITNESSETH "LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE, its successors or assigns, as much of the hereinafter described lease premises as may be necessary for the operation, and repair of an existing outdoor advertising structure ("sign"), including necessary structures, advertising devices, utility service, power poles, communications devices and connections, with the right of access to and egress from the sign by LESSEE'S employees, contractors, agents and vehicles and the right to survey, post, illuminate and maintain advertisements on the sign, and to modify the sign to have as many advertising faces, including changeable copy faces or electronic faces, as are allowed by local and state law, and to maintain telecommunications devices or other activities necessary or useful in LESSEE'S use of the sign. Any discrepancies or errors in the location and orientation of the sign are deemed waived by LESSOR upon LESSOR'S acceptance of the first rental payment due after the construction of the sign. The premises are a portion of the property located in the County of WRIGHT, State of MINNESOTA, more particularly described as: (CITY OF MONTICELLO) COUNTRY CLUB MANOR OUTLOT A, LOCATION ALONG INTERSTATE 94 (EXHIBIT A) 1.25 MI. W/O EXIT @ MM 192.63 N/L, TWP 121N, RANGE 25W, SECT 33. [PROVIDE UPDATED EXHIBIT] 1. This Lease shall be for a term of one (1) month commencing on the first day of the calendar month following the date of completion of construction of the sign, or, if this is a renewal Lease, the term and payments begin January 1, 2022 ("commencement date"). Following the initial term, this Lease shall renew on a month to month basis. Said renewal term shall automatically go into effect unless either party shall give the other party written notice of non -renewal at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then current term. 2. LESSEE shall pay to LESSOR a monthly rental of TWO -HUNDRED AND NO/100ths ($200.00) Dollars, payable in advance, with the first installment due on the 11t day of January 2022. Rent shall be considered tendered upon due mailing or attempted hand delivery during reasonable business hours at the address designated by LESSOR. Should LESSEE fail to pay rent or perform any other obligation under this lease within thirty (30) days after such performance is due, LESSEE will be in default under the lease. In the event of such default, LESSOR must give LESSEE written notice by certified mail and allow LESSEE thirty (30) days thereafter to cure any default. 3. LESSOR agrees not to erect or allow any other off -premise advertising structure(s), other than LESSEE'S, on property owned or controlled by LESSOR within two thousand (2000) feet of LESSEE'S sign, except for those previously existing off - premise advertising structure(s). LESSOR further agrees not to erect or allow any other obstruction of highway view or any 217789v8 vegetation that may obstruct the highway view of LESSEE'S sign. LESSEE is hereby authorized to remove any such other advertising structure, obstruction or vegetation at LESSEE'S option. 4. LESSEE may terminate this lease upon giving thirty (30) days written notice in the event that the sign becomes entirely or partially obstructed in any way or in LESSEE'S opinion the location becomes economically or otherwise undesirable. If LESSEE is prevented from constructing or maintaining a sign at the premises by reason of any final governmental law, regulation, subdivision or building restriction, order or other action, LESSEE may elect to terminate this lease. In the event of termination of this Lease prior to expiration, LESSOR will return to LESSEE any unearned rentals on a pro rata basis. 5. All structures, equipment and materials placed upon the premises by the LESSEE or its predecessor shall remain the property of LESSEE and must be removed by LESSEE within thirty (30) days of termination of this lease renewal. At the termination of this lease, LESSEE agrees to restore the surface of the premises to its original condition. 6. The LESSEE shall have the right to make any necessary applications with, and obtain permits from, governmental bodies for the construction and maintenance of LESSEE'S sign, at the sole discretion of LESSEE. All such permits and any nonconforming rights pertaining to the premises shall be the property of LESSEE. 7. LESSOR represents that he is the owner or lessee under written lease of the premises and has the right to make this agreement and to grant LESSEE free access to the premises to perform all acts necessary to exercise its rights pursuant to this lease. LESSOR is not aware of any recorded or unrecorded rights, servitudes, easements, subdivision or building restrictions, or agreements affecting the premises that prohibit the erection, posting, painting, illumination or maintenance of the sign. 8. In the event of any change of ownership of the property herein leased, LESSOR agrees to notify LESSEE promptly of the name, address, and phone number of the new owner, and LESSOR further agrees to give the new owner formal written notice of the existence of this lease and to deliver a copy thereof to such new owner at or before closing. In the event that LESSEE assigns this lease, assignee will be fully obligated under this Lease and LESSEE will no longer be bound by the lease. This lease is binding upon the personal representatives, heirs, executors, successors, and assigns of both LESSEE and LESSOR. 9. In the event of condemnation of the subject premises or any part thereof by proper authorities, or relocation of the highway, the LESSOR grants to the LESSEE the right to relocate its sign on LESSOR'S remaining property adjoining the condemned property or the relocated highway. Any condemnation award for LESSEE'S property shall accrue to LESSEE. 10. LESSEE agrees to indemnify LESSOR from all claims of injury and damages to LESSOR or third parties caused by the installation, operation, maintenance, or dismantling of LESSEE'S sign during the term of this lease. LESSEE further agrees to repair any damage to the premises or property at the premises resulting from the installation, operation, maintenance, or dismantling of the sign, less ordinary wear and tear. 11. LESSOR agrees to indemnify LESSEE from any and all damages, liability, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, resulting from any inaccuracy in or nonfulfillment of any representation, warranty or obligation of LESSOR herein. 12. If required by LESSEE, LESSOR will execute and acknowledge a memorandum of lease suitable for recordation. In addition to the foregoing, LESSOR authorizes and appoints LESSEE as LESSOR'S agent, representative, and attorney in fact for the limited purpose of executing on behalf of LESSOR such memorandum of lease and any amended memoranda of lease that are necessary or desirable to correct, amend, or supplement any matter set forth in such memorandum. LESSOR further authorizes LESSEE to perform all acts that are incidental to or necessary for the execution and recordation of such memorandum or memoranda. 13. This Lease is NOT BINDING UNTIL ACCEPTED by the General Manager of a Lamar Advertising Company. LESSEE: THE LAMAR COMPANIES LESSOR: CITY OF MONTICELLO BY: MARK D. DEVORE VICE-PRESIDENT/GENERAL MANAGER DATE: 217789v8 BY: BY: DATE: Address of LESSEE: PO Box 865 St. Cloud, MN 56302 Witnesses (LESSEE) 217789v8 763-271-3211 LESSOR'S TELEPHONE NUMBER 41-60005385 LESSOR'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER / EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER W-9 Name (as shown on your Income Tax Return) 155-033-900010 Tax ID Parcel # (for land on which sign is located) Address of LESSOR: 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Witnesses (LESSOR) THE Lamar Co # 157 COMPANIES This Instrument Prepared by: New James R. McIlwain XXX Renewal 5321 Corporate Boulevard 265-O1Lease # Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 James R. McIlwain SIGN LOCATION LEASE RENEWAL THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made this 1ST day of January, 2022, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO (EDA) (hereinafter referred to as "Lessor") and THE LAMAR COMPANIES (hereinafter referred to as "Lessee"), provides WITNESSETH "LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE, its successors or assigns, as much of the hereinafter described lease premises as may be necessary for the operation and repair of an existing outdoor advertising structure ("sign"), including necessary structures, advertising devices, utility service, power poles, communications devices and connections, with the right of access to and egress from the sign by LESSEE'S employees, contractors, agents and vehicles and the right to survey, post, illuminate and maintain advertisements on the sign, and to modify the sign to have as many advertising faces, including changeable copy faces or electronic faces, as are allowed by local and state law, and to maintain telecommunications devices or other activities necessary or useful in LESSEE'S use of the sign. Any discrepancies or errors in the location and orientation of the sign are deemed waived by LESSOR upon LESSOR'S acceptance of the first rental payment due after the construction of the sign. The premises are a portion of the property located in the County of WRIGHT, State of MINNESOTA, more particularly described as: (CITY OF MONTICELLO) COUNTRY CLUB MANOR OUTLOT A, LOCATION ALONG INTERSTATE 94 (EXHIBIT A) 1 MI NW/O JCT HWY 25, STATE PERMIT NUMBER: 4567, PIN# 155-033-900010 [PROVIDE UPDATED EXHIBIT] 1. This Lease shall be for a term of One (1) month commencing on the first day of the calendar month following the date of completion of construction of the sign, or, if this is a renewal Lease, the term and payments begin January 1, 2022 ("commencement date"). Following the initial term, this Lease shall renew on a month to month basis. Said renewal term shall automatically go into effect unless either party shall give the other party written notice of non -renewal at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then current term. 2. LESSEE shall pay to LESSOR a monthly rental of TWO -HUNDRED AND NO/100ths ($200.00) Dollars, payable in advance, with the first installment due on the 11t day of January, 2022. Rent shall be considered tendered upon due mailing or attempted hand delivery during reasonable business hours at the address designated by LESSOR. Should LESSEE fail to pay rent or perform any other obligation under this lease within thirty (30) days after such performance is due, LESSEE will be in default under the lease. In the event of such default, LESSOR must give LESSEE written notice by certified mail and allow LESSEE thirty (30) days thereafter to cure any default. 3. LESSOR agrees not to erect or allow any other off -premise advertising structure(s), other than LESSEE'S, on property owned or controlled by LESSOR within two thousand (2000) feet of LESSEE'S sign, except for those previously existing off - premise advertising structures. LESSOR further agrees not to erect or allow any other obstruction of highway view or any vegetation 217786v8 that may obstruct the highway view of LESSEE'S sign. LESSEE is hereby authorized to remove any such other advertising structure, obstruction or vegetation at LESSEE'S option. 4. LESSEE may terminate this lease upon giving thirty (30) days written notice in the event that the sign becomes entirely or partially obstructed in any way or in LESSEE'S opinion the location becomes economically or otherwise undesirable. If LESSEE is prevented from constructing or maintaining a sign at the premises by reason of any final governmental law, regulation, subdivision or building restriction, order or other action, LESSEE may elect to terminate this lease. In the event of termination of this Lease prior to expiration, LESSOR will return to LESSEE any unearned rentals on a pro rata basis. 5. All structures, equipment and materials placed upon the premises by the LESSEE or its predecessor shall remain the property of LESSEE and must be removed by LESSEE within thirty (30) days of termination of this lease renewal. At the termination of this lease, LESSEE agrees to restore the surface of the premises to its original condition. 6. The LESSEE shall have the right to make any necessary applications with, and obtain permits from, governmental bodies for the construction and maintenance of LESSEE'S sign, at the sole discretion of LESSEE. All such permits and any nonconforming rights pertaining to the premises shall be the property of LESSEE. 7. LESSOR represents that he is the owner or lessee under written lease of the premises and has the right to make this agreement and to grant LESSEE free access to the premises to perform all acts necessary to exercise its rights pursuant to this lease. LESSOR is not aware of any recorded or unrecorded rights, servitudes, easements, subdivision or building restrictions, or agreements affecting the premises that prohibit the erection, posting, painting, illumination or maintenance of the sign. 8. In the event of any change of ownership of the property herein leased, LESSOR agrees to notify LESSEE promptly of the name, address, and phone number of the new owner, and LESSOR further agrees to give the new owner formal written notice of the existence of this lease and to deliver a copy thereof to such new owner at or before closing. In the event that LESSEE assigns this lease, assignee will be fully obligated under this Lease and LESSEE will no longer be bound by the lease. This lease is binding upon the personal representatives, heirs, executors, successors, and assigns of both LESSEE and LESSOR. 9. In the event of condemnation of the subject premises or any part thereof by proper authorities, or relocation of the highway, the LESSOR grants to the LESSEE the right to relocate its sign on LESSOR'S remaining property adjoining the condemned property or the relocated highway. Any condemnation award for LESSEE'S property shall accrue to LESSEE. 10. LESSEE agrees to indemnify LESSOR from all claims of injury and damages to LESSOR or third parties caused by the installation, operation, maintenance, or dismantling of LESSEE'S sign during the term of this lease. LESSEE further agrees to repair any damage to the premises or property at the premises resulting from the installation, operation, maintenance, or dismantling of the sign, less ordinary wear and tear. 11. LESSOR agrees to indemnify LESSEE from any and all damages, liability, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, resulting from any inaccuracy in or nonfulfillment of any representation, warranty or obligation of LESSOR herein. 12. If required by LESSEE, LESSOR will execute and acknowledge a memorandum of lease suitable for recordation. In addition to the foregoing, LESSOR authorizes and appoints LESSEE as LESSOR'S agent, representative, and attorney in fact for the limited purpose of executing on behalf of LESSOR such memorandum of lease and any amended memoranda of lease that are necessary or desirable to correct, amend, or supplement any matter set forth in such memorandum. LESSOR further authorizes LESSEE to perform all acts that are incidental to or necessary for the execution and recordation of such memorandum or memoranda. 13. This Lease is NOT BINDING UNTIL ACCEPTED by the General Manager of a Lamar Advertising Company. LESSEE: THE LAMAR COMPANIES LESSOR: CITY OF MONTICELLO BY: MARK D. DEVORE VICE-PRESIDENT/GENERAL MANAGER DATE: 217786v8 BY: BY: DATE: Address of LESSEE: Po Box 865 St. Cloud, MN 56302 Witnesses (LESSEE) 217786v8 763-271-3211 LESSOR'S TELEPHONE NUMBER 41-60005385 LESSOR'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER / EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER W-9 Name (as shown on your Income Tax Return) 155-033-900010 Tax ID Parcel # (for land on which sign is located) Address of LESSOR: 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Witnesses (LESSOR) LEASE AGREEMENT REAGAN OUTDOOR ADVERTISING This Lease Agreement (Lease #L501876) dated this this 1St day of January, 2022 is made and entered into by the CITY OF MONTICELLO (EDA) ("Lessor") and by ROA ROCHESTER, LLC, d/b/a Reagan Outdoor Advertising of Rochester ("Lessee"). Both the Lessor and Lessee acknowledge the receipt and sufficiency of good and valuable consideration and agree as follows: Lessor does hereby grant, convey and lease to Lessee and its assigns and successors, the right to use real property located in the County of State of Minnesota, otherwise known as (Site #S106946) and more particularly described as: I-94 l.lmiles west, Jct. Hwy 25 Parcel 155-033-90010 in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of MN (the "Premises") [PROVIDE EXHIBIT] for the purpose of operating, replacing, maintaining and servicing thereon an existing outdoor advertising structure, including such necessary devices, structures, connections, communication equipment, supports and appurtenances and wireless communications (along with all permits, licenses, certificates of use, rights of non -conforming use, and/or other tangible and intangible rights associated therewith, hereinafter referred to as the "Sign(s)") as may be desired by Lessee as well as an easement over the Premises for ingress and egress access to the Sign(s) for construction, maintenance and removal. Lessor agrees to execute all documents reasonably necessary for any governmental approval related to the construction, maintenance, removal and/or relocation of the Sign(s) and/or to permit Lessee to execute the name of Lessor as attorney- in-fact. Lessee may place on or attach to this instrument, subsequent to execution, a metes and bounds description of the location. The initial term of this Lease shall be month to month commencing on or before the 11 day of January, 2022. Lessee shall pay monthly rent to Lessor in the amount of $800.79 payable in advance, with an annual 2% increase beginning January 1St of each year. Lessee shall have the option to renew this Lease on a month to month term. This Lease shall continue in full force on the same terms and conditions for a like successive period or periods. Said renewal term shall automatically go into effect unless either party shall give the other party written notice of non -renewal at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then current term. All structures, equipment and materials placed upon the premises by the Lessee or its predecessor shall remain the property of Lessee and must be removed by Lessee within fifteen (15) days of termination of this lease renewal. At the termination of this lease, Lessee agrees to restore the surface of the premises to its original condition. If the Sign(s)' location becomes obstructed so as to lessen the advertising value of any of Lessee's Sign(s) erected on said Premises, or if traffic is diverted or reduced, or if the use of any such Sign(s) is prevented or restricted by law, or if for any reason a building permit for erection or modification is refused, this Lease may be terminated, at the option of the Lessee, with no termination penalty or the rent reduced proportionately to the reduced economic benefit to Lessee while said condition exists. In any such events or by any other cancellations that are a part of this lease, Lessor shall refund pro -rata any prepaid rental for the unexpired term. Lessor agrees that no such obstruction insofar as the same is within Lessor's control will be permitted or allowed. Lessor authorizes Lessee to trim and cut whatever trees, bushes and brush, as it deems necessary for the unobstructed view of its advertising display Every Sign placed upon the Premises by or for the benefit of Lessee is a real estate fixture, which nevertheless remains at all times the property of the Lessee. Lessee may at any time modify, replace, remove or upgrade any part of each Sign or any or all Sign(s) in their entirety. Every Sign, including such necessary devices, structures, connections, supports and appurtenances, as well as permits, licenses, certificates of use, or rights of nonconforming use, is and shall remain the property of Lessee. If Lessee requires additional permits or approvals to conduct its business, Lessee has the right to, and Lessor's permission to, obtain the same and Lessor covenants and warrants that it shall cooperate fully with Lessee and shall execute all instruments necessary or appropriate in the matter. In the event all or any part of the Premises is condemned or sought to be condemned, Lessee shall be entitled, in its sole discretion, to one or more of the following: (a) to contest the condemnation; (b) to relocate its Sign(s) on the Premises not acquired; (c) to terminate this Lease with no termination penalty; (d) to receive compensation for the value of Lessee's leasehold interest and Sign(s) acquired and for the reduced value of Lessee's leasehold interest and Sign(s) not acquired (whether located on the Premises or not) which results from the acquisition; and, (e) to recover from the condemner to the maximum extent otherwise allowable by law. In the event that Lessee does not elect or is unable to complete option (b), then this Lease shall automatically convert into a ninety-nine (99) year easement to maintain the sign on the Premises, which may not be terminated by either the Lessor or the condemning authority. "Condemned" and "condemnation" shall be construed to include any transfer of possession, title or right relating to the Premises in favor of or for the benefit of any entity having the power of eminent domain, including, but not limited to, sale or lease. No right of termination set forth anywhere in this Lease may be exercised by or for the benefit of any entity having the power of eminent domain. Lessor warrants the title of said leasehold and quiet enjoyment of the Premises by Lessee for the term herein mentioned. Lessor warrants that it has authority to execute this Lease. Any notice ("Notice") to either Lessor or Lessee as required under this Lease, in order to be effective and deemed delivered, must be in writing and sent certified mail, return receipt requested, or via overnight delivery from a nationally recognized courier. Lessor grants unto Lessee the right to pay any taxes relating to the Premises in order to prevent a tax sale or to make any payments to prevent the foreclosure of any liens or encumbrances against the Premises or to redeem the Premises from same. In the event of payment of such taxes, liens or redemption by Lessee, Lessee shall be entitled to recover the amount of such taxes and other payments from Lessor, together with interest thereon at the lower interest rate of either twelve percent (12%) or the maximum rate allowed by law from the time of payment by Lessee until repayment thereof by Lessor. In the event Lessee prevents a foreclosure action or sale to satisfy liens or encumbrances on the Premises by any lien payment described above, or redeems the Premises therefrom, Lessee shall succeed to all of the 217550v6 rights and interest of the original lienholder. Lessee shall have the same rights as the original lienholder to initiate a foreclosure of the Premises to recover those payments made, to include Lessee's costs, expenses, fees and attorneys' fees. The remedies afforded by this paragraph shall not be exclusive and shall be in addition to any and all other remedies available to Lessee at law or in equity. This Lease is binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of both Lessor and Lessee, with the exception of termination rights of Lessor set forth in this Lease or any addendum or subsequent amendment, which rights may only be exercised by the original Lessor (whose name is set forth at the top of this Lease) and not by or for the benefit of any entity with the power of eminent domain. Lessee shall have the absolute right to assign its rights under this Lease. It is expressly understood that neither the Lessor nor Lessee is bound by any stipulations, representations, or agreements not printed or written in this Lease. This Lease integrates all prior representations, agreements and negotiations between the parties. In the event any term or terms of this lease shall be deemed invalid or unenforceable, such clauses shall be severed from the lease and the remainder of the lease shall be enforceable according to its terms. In the event of any litigation related to or arising out of this Lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable and necessary attorneys' fees and costs; provided, however, that Lessee shall first be given written Notice of any default, as set forth herein, and shall have failed to cure such default within thirty (30) days of receipt of said Notice. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. Time is of the essence of this Lease and each of its terms. ACCEPTED AND APPROVED BY: LESSOR: City of Monticello (EDA) SIGNATURE: Lessor Address: 505 Walnut St. Suite 1 City, State, Zip code: Monticello, MN 55362 Date: Tax Identification Number: LESSOR STATE OF Minnesota ) :ss COUNTY OF Wright ) EXECUTED THIS DAY OF , 2021 LESSEE: ROA Rochester, LLC 3185 4l't NW, Suite 20 Rochester, MN 55901 LIN Troy McEldowney, GM This record was acknowledged before me on , by , the of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, that the foregoing instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Signature of Notary Public LESSEE STATE OF Minnesota ) :ss COUNTY OF ) This record was acknowledged before me on , by Troy McEldowney, the General Manager of ROA Rochester, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, dba Reagan Outdoor Advertising, that the foregoing instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its by-laws, and said corporation executed the same. Signature of Notary Public 217550v6 LEASE AGREEMENT REAGAN OUTDOOR ADVERTISING This Lease Agreement (Lease #L501877) dated this this 1St day of January, 2022 is made and entered into by the CITY OF MONTICELLO (EDA) ("Lessor") and by ROA ROCHESTER, LLC, d/b/a Reagan Outdoor Advertising of Rochester ("Lessee"). Both the Lessor and Lessee acknowledge the receipt and sufficiency of good and valuable consideration and agree as follows: Lessor does hereby grant, convey and lease to Lessee and its assigns and successors, the right to use real property located in the County of State of Minnesota, otherwise known as (Site #5106949) and more particularly described as: I-94 1.2 miles west, Jct. Hwy 25 Parcel 155-033-90010 in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of MN (the "Premises") [PROVIDE EXHIBIT] for the purpose of operating, replacing, maintaining and servicing thereon an existing outdoor advertising structure, including such necessary devices, structures, connections, communication equipment, supports and appurtenances and wireless communications (along with all permits, licenses, certificates of use, rights of non -conforming use, and/or other tangible and intangible rights associated therewith, hereinafter referred to as the "Sign(s)") as may be desired by Lessee as well as an easement over the Premises for ingress and egress access to the Sign(s) for construction, maintenance and removal. Lessor agrees to execute all documents reasonably necessary for any governmental approval related to the construction, maintenance, removal and/or relocation of the Sign(s) and/or to permit Lessee to execute the name of Lessor as attorney- in-fact. Lessee may place on or attach to this instrument, subsequent to execution, a metes and bounds description of the location. The initial term of this Lease shall be month to month commencing on or before the 11 day of January, 2022. Lessee shall pay monthly rent to Lessor in the amount of $457.59 payable in advance, with an annual 2% increase beginning January 1St of each year. Lessee shall have the option to renew this Lease on a month to month term. This Lease shall continue in full force on the same terms and conditions for a like successive period or periods. Said renewal term shall automatically go into effect unless either party shall give the other party written notice of non -renewal at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then current term. All structures, equipment and materials placed upon the premises by the Lessee or its predecessor shall remain the property of Lessee and must be removed by Lessee within fifteen (15) days of termination of this lease renewal. At the termination of this lease, Lessee agrees to restore the surface of the premises to its original condition. If the Sign(s)' location becomes obstructed so as to lessen the advertising value of any of Lessee's Sign(s) erected on said Premises, or if traffic is diverted or reduced, or if the use of any such Sign(s) is prevented or restricted by law, or if for any reason a building permit for erection or modification is refused, this Lease may be terminated, at the option of the Lessee, with no termination penalty or the rent reduced proportionately to the reduced economic benefit to Lessee while said condition exists. In any such events or by any other cancellations that are a part of this lease, Lessor shall refund pro -rata any prepaid rental for the unexpired term. Lessor agrees that no such obstruction insofar as the same is within Lessor's control will be permitted or allowed. Lessor authorizes Lessee to trim and cut whatever trees, bushes and brush, as it deems necessary for the unobstructed view of its advertising display Every Sign placed upon the Premises by or for the benefit of Lessee is a real estate fixture, which nevertheless remains at all times the property of the Lessee. Lessee may at any time modify, replace, remove or upgrade any part of each Sign or any or all Sign(s) in their entirety. Every Sign, including such necessary devices, structures, connections, supports and appurtenances, as well as permits, licenses, certificates of use, or rights of nonconforming use, is and shall remain the property of Lessee. If Lessee requires additional permits or approvals to conduct its business, Lessee has the right to, and Lessor's permission to, obtain the same and Lessor covenants and warrants that it shall cooperate fully with Lessee and shall execute all instruments necessary or appropriate in the matter. In the event all or any part of the Premises is condemned or sought to be condemned, Lessee shall be entitled, in its sole discretion, to one or more of the following: (a) to contest the condemnation; (b) to relocate its Sign(s) on the Premises not acquired; (c) to terminate this Lease with no termination penalty; (d) to receive compensation for the value of Lessee's leasehold interest and Sign(s) acquired and for the reduced value of Lessee's leasehold interest and Sign(s) not acquired (whether located on the Premises or not) which results from the acquisition; and, (e) to recover from the condemner to the maximum extent otherwise allowable by law. In the event that Lessee does not elect or is unable to complete option (b), then this Lease shall automatically convert into a ninety-nine (99) year easement to maintain the sign on the Premises, which may not be terminated by either the Lessor or the condemning authority. "Condemned" and "condemnation" shall be construed to include any transfer of possession, title or right relating to the Premises in favor of or for the benefit of any entity having the power of eminent domain, including, but not limited to, sale or lease. No right of termination set forth anywhere in this Lease may be exercised by or for the benefit of any entity having the power of eminent domain. Lessor warrants the title of said leasehold and quiet enjoyment of the Premises by Lessee for the term herein mentioned. Lessor warrants that it has authority to execute this Lease. Any notice ("Notice") to either Lessor or Lessee as required under this Lease, in order to be effective and deemed delivered, must be in writing and sent certified mail, return receipt requested, or via overnight delivery from a nationally recognized courier. Lessor grants unto Lessee the right to pay any taxes relating to the Premises in order to prevent a tax sale or to make any payments to prevent the foreclosure of any liens or encumbrances against the Premises or to redeem the Premises from same. In the event of payment of such taxes, liens or redemption by Lessee, Lessee shall be entitled to recover the amount of such taxes and other payments from Lessor, together with interest thereon at the lower interest rate of either twelve percent (12%) or the maximum rate allowed by law from the time of payment by Lessee until repayment thereof by Lessor. In the event Lessee prevents a foreclosure action or sale to satisfy liens or 217551v7 encumbrances on the Premises by any lien payment described above, or redeems the Premises therefrom, Lessee shall succeed to all of the rights and interest of the original lienholder. Lessee shall have the same rights as the original lienholder to initiate a foreclosure of the Premises to recover those payments made, to include Lessee's costs, expenses, fees and attorneys' fees. The remedies afforded by this paragraph shall not be exclusive and shall be in addition to any and all other remedies available to Lessee at law or in equity. This Lease is binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of both Lessor and Lessee, with the exception of termination rights of Lessor set forth in this Lease or any addendum or subsequent amendment, which rights may only be exercised by the original Lessor (whose name is set forth at the top of this Lease) and not by or for the benefit of any entity with the power of eminent domain. Lessee shall have the absolute right to assign its rights under this Lease. It is expressly understood that neither the Lessor nor Lessee is bound by any stipulations, representations, or agreements not printed or written in this Lease. This Lease integrates all prior representations, agreements and negotiations between the parties. In the event any term or terms of this lease shall be deemed invalid or unenforceable, such clauses shall be severed from the lease and the remainder of the lease shall be enforceable according to its terms. In the event of any litigation related to or arising out of this Lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable and necessary attorneys' fees and costs; provided, however, that Lessee shall first be given written Notice of any default, as set forth herein, and shall have failed to cure such default within thirty (30) days of receipt of said Notice. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. Time is of the essence of this Lease and each of its terms. ACCEPTED AND APPROVED BY: LESSOR: City of Monticello (EDA) SIGNATURE: Lessor Address: 505 Walnut St. Suite 1 City, State, Zip code: Monticello, MN 55362 Date: Tax Identification Number: LESSOR STATE OF Minnesota ) :ss COUNTY OF Wright EXECUTED THIS DAY OF 92021 LESSEE: ROA Rochester, LLC 3185 41 st NW, Suite 20 Rochester, MN 55901 Troy McEldowney, GM This record was acknowledged before me on , by , the of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, that the foregoing instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Signature of Notary Public LESSEE STATE OF Minnesota ) :ss COUNTY OF ) This record was acknowledged before me on , by Troy McEldowney, the General Manager of ROA Rochester, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, dba Reagan Outdoor Advertising, that the foregoing instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its by-laws, and said corporation executed the same. Signature of Notary Public 217551v7 EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 4f. Consideration of Accepting the Block 52 TIF Blight Substandard Building Inspections Study completed by LHB Engineering, Inc. (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to accept the Block 52 TIF Blight Substandard Buildings study recently completed by LHB Engineering, Inc. The EDA authorized entering into a contract with LHB Engineering, Inc at the January 12, 2022, EDA meeting. The building inspections were completed in late January and the report was finalized and submitted to city staff on March 9, 2022. The report has been forwarded to the EDA attorney and the EDA Financial Advisor as it will be the basis for findings in the TIF Plan being prepared relate to establishing a new Redevelopment TIF District in Block 52 in the coming months. Al. Staff Impact: There is a low staff impact in presenting the recently completed 2022 Block 52 TIF Blight Substandard Buildings Study to the EDA for consideration of acceptance. A2. Budget Impact: There is not budget impact related to EDA consideration of accepting the Block 52 TIF Blight Substandard Buildings Study. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to accept the LHB Engineering, Inc. TIF Block 52 Blight Substandard Buildings Study. 2. Motion to table acceptance of the Block 52 TIF Blight Substandard Buildings Study. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the EDA accepts the completed Block 52 TIF Blight Substandard Buildings Study. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Block 52 TIF Blight Substandard Buildings Study — Completed by LHB Engineering, Inc. REPORT OF INSPECTION PROCEDURES AND RESULTS FOR DETERMINING QUALIFICATIONS OF A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT AS A REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT BLOCK 52 TIF DISTRICT MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA S i CHURCH � Y M�d { March 7, 2022 Prepared for the CITY OF MONTICELLO Prepared by: LHB, Inc. 701 Washington Avenue North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 LHB Project No. 220047 Table of Contents Part1: Executive Summary......................................................................................................................................2 Purposeof the Evaluation........................................................................................................................................................2 Scopeof Work.........................................................................................................................................................................2 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................................................................2 Part 2: Minnesota Statute 469.174, Subdivision 10 Requirements.......................................................................3 InteriorInspection....................................................................................................................................................................3 ExteriorInspection and Other Means......................................................................................................................................3 Documentation.........................................................................................................................................................................3 QualificationRequirements......................................................................................................................................................3 1. Coverage Test....................................................................................................................................................................3 2. Condition of Buildings Test.................................................................................................................................................3 3. Distribution of Substandard Buildings.................................................................................................................................4 Part3: Procedures Followed....................................................................................................................................5 Part4: Findings.........................................................................................................................................................5 1. Coverage Test.....................................................................................................................................................................5 2. Condition of Building Test....................................................................................................................................................6 3. Distribution of Substandard Structures................................................................................................................................8 Part5: Team Credentials..........................................................................................................................................9 Appendices................................................................................................................................................................9 APPENDIX A Property Condition Assessment Summary Sheet APPENDIX B Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Reports APPENDIX C Building Replacement Cost Reports Code Deficiency Cost Reports Photographs Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 1 of 9 Final Report Part 1: Executive Summary Purpose of the Evaluation LHB was hired by the City of Monticello to inspect and evaluate the properties within a Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment District ("TIF District") proposed to be established by the City. The proposed TIF District is located on one city block bounded by River Street West, Pine Street, Broadway Avenue West, and Walnut Street (Diagram 1). The purpose of LHB's work is to determine whether the proposed TIF District meets the statutory requirements for coverage, and whether six (6) buildings on thirteen (13) parcels, located within the proposed TIF District, meet the qualifications required for a Redevelopment District. Diagram 1: Proposed TIF District Scope of Work The proposed TIF District consists of thirteen (13) parcels with six (6) structures. Six (6) buildings were inspected on January 27, 2022. Building Code and Condition Deficiency reports for the buildings that were inspected and found substandard are in Appendix B. Conclusion After inspecting and evaluating the properties within the proposed TIF District and applying current statutory criteria for a Redevelopment District under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10, it is our professional opinion that the proposed TIF District qualifies as a Redevelopment District because: The proposed TIF District has a coverage calculation of 100 percent which is above the 70 percent requirement. 100 percent of the buildings are structurally substandard which is above the 50 percent requirement. The substandard buildings are reasonably distributed. The remainder of this report describes our process and findings in detail. Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 2 of 9 Final Report Part 2: Minnesota Statute 469.174, Subdivision 10 Requirements The properties were inspected in accordance with the following requirements under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(c), which states: Interior Inspection "The municipality may not make such determination [that the building is structurally substandard] without an interior inspection of the property..." Exterior Inspection and Other Means "An interior inspection of the property is not required, if the municipality finds that (1) the municipality or authority is unable to gain access to the property after using its best efforts to obtain permission from the party that owns or controls the property; and (2) the evidence otherwise supports a reasonable conclusion that the building is structurally substandard." Documentation "Written documentation of the findings and reasons why an interior inspection was not conducted must be made and retained under section 469.175, subdivision 3(1)." Qualification Requirements Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10 (a) (1) requires three tests for occupied parcels: 1. COVERAGE TEST a. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(a)(1) states: "parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, or paved or gravel parking lots..." b. The coverage required by the parcel to be considered occupied is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(e), which states: "For purposes of this subdivision, a parcel is not occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots, or other similar structures unless 15 percent of the area of the parcel contains buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots, or other similar structures." 2. CONDITION OF BUILDINGS TEST a. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(a) states: "...and more than 50 percent of the buildings, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance;" b. Structurally substandard is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(b), which states: "For purposes of this subdivision, `structurally substandard' shall mean containing defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance." Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 3 of 9 Final Report i. We do not count energy code deficiencies toward the thresholds required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(b) defined as "structurally substandard", due to concerns expressed by the State of Minnesota Court of Appeals in the WalserAuto Sales, Inc. vs. City of Richfield case filed November 13, 2001. c. Buildings are not eligible to be considered structurally substandard unless they meet certain additional criteria, as set forth in Subdivision 10(c) which states: "A building is not structurally substandard if it is in compliance with the building code applicable to new buildings or could be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than 15 percent of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. The municipality may find that a building is not disqualified as structurally substandard under the preceding sentence on the basis of reasonably available evidence, such as the size, type, and age of the building, the average cost of plumbing, electrical, or structural repairs, or other similar reliable evidence." "Items of evidence that support such a conclusion [that the building is not disqualified] include recent fire or police inspections, on-site property tax appraisals or housing inspections, exterior evidence of deterioration, or other similar reliable evidence." LHB counts energy code deficiencies toward the 15 percent code threshold required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(c)) for the following reasons: 1) The Minnesota energy code is one of ten building code areas highlighted by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry website where minimum construction standards are required by law. 2) Chapter 13 of the 2015 Minnesota Building Code states, "Buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the International Energy Conservation Code." Furthermore, Minnesota Rules, Chapter 1305.0021 Subpart 9 states, "References to the International Energy Conservation Code in this code mean the Minnesota Energy Code..." 3) Chapter 11 of the 2015 Minnesota Residential Code incorporates Minnesota Rules, Chapters, 1322 and 1323 Minnesota Energy Code. 4) The Senior Building Code Representative for the Construction Codes and Licensing Division of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry confirmed that the Minnesota Energy Code is being enforced throughout the State of Minnesota. 5) In a January 2002 report to the Minnesota Legislature, the Management Analysis Division of the Minnesota Department of Administration confirmed that the construction cost of new buildings complying with the Minnesota Energy Code is higher than buildings built prior to the enactment of the code. 6) Proper TIF analysis requires a comparison between the replacement value of a new building built under current code standards with the repairs that would be necessary to bring the existing building up to current code standards. For an equal comparison to be made, all applicable code chapters should be applied to both scenarios. Since current construction estimating software automatically applies the construction cost of complying with the Minnesota Energy Code, energy code deficiencies should also be identified in the existing structures. 3. DISTRIBUTION OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS a. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10, defines a Redevelopment District and requires one or more of the following conditions "reasonably distributed throughout the district.": "(1) Parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots, or other similar structures and more than 50 percent of the buildings, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance; (2) the property consists of vacant, unused, underused, inappropriately used, or infrequently used rail yards, rail storage facilities, or excessive or vacated railroad rights-of-way; (3) tank facilities, or property whose immediately previous use was for tank facilities... Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 4 of 9 Final Report Our interpretation of the distribution requirement is that the substandard buildings must be reasonably distributed throughout the district as compared to the location of all buildings in the district. For example, if all of the buildings in a district are located on one half of the area of the district, with the other half occupied by parking lots (meeting the required 70 percent coverage for the district), we would evaluate the distribution of the substandard buildings compared with only the half of the district where the buildings are located. If all the buildings in a district are located evenly throughout the entire area of the district, the substandard buildings must be reasonably distributed throughout the entire area of the district. We believe this is consistent with the opinion expressed by the State of Minnesota Court of Appeals in the Walser Auto Sales, Inc. vs. City of Richfield case filed November 13, 2001. Part 3: Procedures Followed LHB inspected six (6) of the six (6) buildings during the day of January 27, 2022. Part 4: Findings 1. Coverage Test a. The total square foot area of the parcel in the proposed TIF District was obtained from City records, GIS mapping and site verification. b. The total square foot area of buildings and site improvements on the parcels in the proposed TIF District was obtained from City records, GIS mapping and site verification. c. The percentage of coverage for each parcel in the proposed TIF District was computed to determine if the 15 percent minimum requirement was met. The total square footage of parcels meeting the 15 percent requirement was divided into the total square footage of the entire district to determine if the 70 percent requirement was met. FINDING The proposed TIF District met the coverage test under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(e), which resulted in parcels consisting of 100 percent of the area of the proposed TIF District being occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots, or other similar structures (Diagram 2). This exceeds the 70 percent area coverage requirement for the proposed TIF District under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision (a) (1). Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 5 of 9 Final Report Diagram 2 — Coverage Diagram Shaded area depicts a parcel more than 15 percent occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots or other similar structures 2. Condition of Building Test a. BUILDING INSPECTION i. The first step in the evaluation process is the building inspection. After an initial walk-thru, the inspector makes a judgment whether a building "appears" to have enough defects or deficiencies of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance. If it does, the inspector documents with notes and photographs code and non -code deficiencies in the building. b. REPLACEMENT COST i. The second step in evaluating a building to determine if it is substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance is to determine its replacement cost. This is the cost of constructing a new structure of Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 6 of 9 Final Report the same square footage and type on site. Replacement costs were researched using R.S. Means Cost Works square foot models for 2022. ii. A replacement cost was calculated by first establishing building use (office, retail, residential, etc.), building construction type (wood, concrete, masonry, etc.), and building size to obtain the appropriate median replacement cost, which factors in the costs of construction in Monticello, Minnesota. iii. Replacement cost includes labor, materials, and the contractor's overhead and profit. Replacement costs do not include architectural fees, legal fees or other "soft" costs not directly related to construction activities. Replacement cost for each building is tabulated in Appendix A. c. CODE DEFICIENCIES i. The next step in evaluating a building is to determine what code deficiencies exist with respect to such building. Code deficiencies are those conditions for a building which are not in compliance with current building codes applicable to new buildings in the State of Minnesota. ii. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(c), specifically provides that a building cannot be considered structurally substandard if its code deficiencies are not at least 15 percent of the replacement cost of the building. As a result, it was necessary to determine the extent of code deficiencies for each building in the proposed TIF District. iii. The evaluation was made by reviewing all available information with respect to such buildings contained in City Building Inspection records and making interior and exterior inspections of the buildings. LHB utilizes the current Minnesota State Building Code as the official code for our evaluations. The Minnesota State Building Code is a series of provisional codes written specifically for Minnesota only requirements, adoption of several international codes, and amendments to the adopted international codes. iv. After identifying the code deficiencies in each building, we used R.S. Means Cost Works 2022; Unit and Assembly Costs to determine the cost of correcting the identified deficiencies. We were then able to compare the correction costs with the replacement cost of each building to determine if the costs for correcting code deficiencies meet the required 15 percent threshold. FINDING Six (6) out of six (6) buildings (100 percent) in the proposed TIF District contained code deficiencies exceeding the 15 percent threshold required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(c). Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis reports for the buildings in the proposed TIF District can be found in Appendix B of this report. d. SYSTEM CONDITION DEFICIENCIES i. If a building meets the minimum code deficiency threshold under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(c), then in order for such building to be "structurally substandard" under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(b), the building's defects or deficiencies should be of sufficient total significance to justify "substantial renovation or clearance." Based on this definition, LHB re-evaluated each of the buildings that met the code deficiency threshold under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(c), to determine if the total deficiencies warranted "substantial renovation or clearance" based on the criteria we outlined above. ii. System condition deficiencies are a measurement of defects or substantial deterioration in site elements, structure, exterior envelope, mechanical and electrical components, fire protection and emergency systems, interior partitions, ceilings, floors, and doors. iii. The evaluation of system condition deficiencies was made by reviewing all available information contained in City records and making interior and exterior inspections of the buildings. LHB only identified system condition deficiencies that were visible upon our inspection of the building or contained in City records. We did not consider the amount of "service life" used up for a particular component unless it was an obvious part of that component's deficiencies. iv. After identifying the system condition deficiencies in each building, we used our professional judgment to determine if the list of defects or deficiencies is of sufficient total significance to justify "substantial renovation or clearance." Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 7 of 9 Final Report FINDING In our professional opinion, six (6) out of six (6) buildings (100 percent) in the proposed TIF District are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance, because of defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance. This exceeds the 50 percent requirement of Subdivision 10a(1). 3. Distribution of Substandard Structures e. Much of this report has focused on the condition of individual buildings as they relate to requirements identified by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10. It is also important to look at the distribution of substandard buildings throughout the geographic area of the proposed TIF District (Diagram 3). FINDING The parcels with substandard buildings are reasonably distributed compared to all parcels that contain buildings Diagram 3 — Substandard Buildings Shaded green area depicts parcels with buildings. Shaded orange area depicts substandard buildings. Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 8 of 9 Final Report Part 5: Team Credentials Michael A. Fischer, AIA, LEED AP - Project Principal/TIF Analyst Michael has 34 years of experience as project principal, project manager, project designer and project architect on planning, urban design, educational, commercial, and governmental projects. He has become an expert on Tax Increment Finance District analysis assisting over 100 cities with strategic planning for TIF Districts. He is an Architectural Principal at LHB and currently leads the Minneapolis office. Michael completed a two-year Bush Fellowship, studying at MIT and Harvard in 1999, earning master's degrees in City Planning and Real Estate Development from MIT. He has served on more than 50 committees, boards, and community task forces, including a term as a City Council President, Chair of a Metropolitan Planning Organization, and Chair of the Edina Planning Commission. Most recently, he served as a member of the Edina city council and Secretary of the Edina HRA. Michael has also managed and designed several award-winning architectural projects and was one of four architects in the Country to receive the AIA Young Architects Citation in 1997. Phil Fisher — Inspector For 35 years, Phil Fisher worked in the field of Building Operations in Minnesota including White Bear Lake Area Schools. At the University of Minnesota, he earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology. He is a Certified Playground Safety Inspector, Certified Plant Engineer, and is trained in Minnesota Enterprise Real Properties (MERP) Facility Condition Assessment (FCA). His FCA training was recently applied to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Facilities Condition Assessment project involving over 2,000 buildings. Appendices APPENDIX A Property Condition Assessment Summary Sheet APPENDIX B Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Reports APPENDIX C Building Replacement Cost Reports Code Deficiency Cost Reports Photographs Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 9 of 9 Final Report EVIOIAMIDIM, Property Condition Assessment Summary Sheet Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District Property Condition Assessment Summary Sheet Monticello, Minnesota T7'WPlD Map No. VOrPropertyy..ImprovementsQuantity Vacant ., Used (S.F.) (S.F.) .. .. Replacement Replacement ., .. Exceeding ..,�,. A 155010052150 N/A Vacant Exterior 10,027 9,726 97.0% 10,027 0 B 155010052140 N/A Vacant Exterior 7,914 7,756 98.0% 7,914 0 C 155010052131 112 West River Street Improved Interior/Exterior 5,090 4,988 98.0% 5,090 1 $394,109 $59,116 $172,804 1 1 D 155010052110 103 Pine Street Improved Improved Interior/Exterior 18,503 18,503 3,194 100.0% 18,503 1 $2,391,586 $358,738 $737,466 1 1 E 155010052120 103 Pine Street Interior/Exterior 3,194 100.0% 3,194 0 F 155010052132 N/A Vacant Exterior 4,283 4,283 100.0% 4,283 0 G 155010052031 121 Broadway West Improved Interior/Exterior 11,084 11,084 100.0% 11,084 1 $1,462,997 $219,450 $419,423 1 1 H 155010052060 113 Broadway West Improved Interior/Exterior 8,559 8,559 100.0% 8,559 1 $1,133,408 $170,011 $388,814 1 1 1 155010052071 111 Broadway West Vacant Exterior 9,479 9,479 100.0% 9,479 0 J 155010052070 107 West Broadway Street Improved Interior/Exterior 1,447 1,447 100.0% 1,447 1 $652,052 $97,808 $206,664 1 1 K 155010052090 101 Broadway West Improved Interior/Exterior 9,595 9,595 100.0% 9,595 1 $486,890 $73,034 $100,969 1 1 L 155010052101 N/A Vacant Exterior 328 328 100.0% 328 0 M 155010052102 N/A Vacant Exterior 839 839 100.0% 839 0 TOTALS 90,342 90,342 6 6 Total Coverage Percent: 100.0% Percent of buildings exceeding 15 percent code deficiency threshold: 100.0% M:\22Proj\220047\300 Design\Reports\Final Report\[Block 52 Redevelopment TIF Summary Spreadsheet.xlsx]Property Info Percent of buildings determined substandard: 6 100.0% LHB Project Number 220047 Page 1 of 1 Property Condition Assessment Summary Sheet APPENDIX B Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Reports Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report Parcel C City Vehicle Storage Building Address: 112 River Street West, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Parcel ID: 155010052131 Inspection Date(s) & Time(s): January 27, 2022, 10:35 am Inspection Type: Interior and Exterior Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: - Substantial renovation is required to correct Conditions found. - Building Code deficiencies total more than 15% of replacement cost, NOT including energy code deficiencies. Estimated Replacement Cost: $394,109 Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: $172,804 Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: 43.8% DEFECTS IN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 1. Steel lintels should be protected from rusting per code. 2. Exterior wall concrete block and mortar should be repaired/replaced to prevent water intrusion per code. COMBINATION OF DEFICIENCIES 1. Essential Utilities and Facilities a. There is no code required accessible parking. b. There is no code required accessible route into the building. c. The restroom is not code compliant for accessibility. 2. Light and Ventilation a. Lighting does not comply with code. b. The electrical wiring system does not comply with code. c. The HVAC system does not comply with code. 3. Fire Protection/Adequate Egress a. Thresholds do not comply with code for maximum height. b. The stairs leading to the elevated platform do not comply with code. c. Door hardware does not comply with code. d. There is no code required smoke detector system in the building. e. There is no code required emergency exit signage in the building. f. There is no code required emergency lighting system in the building. Block 52 TIF District Page 1 of 2 LHB Project No. 220047 Building Report Parcel C-112 River St W, Monticello, MN 55362 g. There is no code required emergency notification system in the building. h. There is no code required building sprinkler system. i. There is no code required fire caulking at through wall and ceiling penetrations. 4. Layout and Condition of Interior Partitions/Materials a. The interior walls should be repaired/repainted. b. There is no code required 4 -inch toe board on the elevated platform. 5. Exterior Construction a. The roofing material is failing, allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. DESCRIPTION OF CODE DEFICIENCIES 1. Code required accessible parking should be created. 2. A code required accessible route into the building should be created. 3. The restroom does not comply with accessibility code. 4. The lighting does not comply with code. 5. The electrical wiring system does not comply with code. 6. The HVAC system does not comply with code. 7. The stairs do not comply with code. 8. Door hardware does not comply with code. 9. There is no code required smoke detector system. 10. There is no code required emergency exit signage system. 11. There is no code required emergency lighting system. 12. There is no code required emergency notification system. 13. There is no code required building sprinkler system. 14. There is no code required through wall and ceiling fire caulking. 15. A code required 4 -inch toe board should be installed on the elevated platform. 16. Steel lintels should be protected from rusting per code. 17. Exterior block and mortar should be repaired replaced to prevent water intrusion per code. 18. Failed roofing material should be replaced to prevent water intrusion per code. OVERVIEW OF DEFICIENCIES This building is currently being used as vehicle storage. There is no code required accessible parking or accessible route into the building. The electrical wiring and lighting systems do not comply with code. The HVAC system does not comply with code. There are no code required life safety systems including smoke detectors, emergency lighting, notification and exiting, and building sprinklers. The exterior block and mortar are failing allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. The roofing material is failing allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. ENERGY CODE DEFICIENCIES In addition to the building code deficiencies listed above, the existing building does not comply with the current energy code. These deficiencies are not included in the estimated costs to correct code deficiencies and are not considered in determining whether the building is substandard: M:\22Proj\220047\300 Design\Reports\Building Reports\112 River St W Building Report Redevelopment District.docx Block 52 TIF District Page 2 of 2 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel C-112 River St W, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report Parcel D Vacant Church Building Address: 103 Pine St, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Parcel ID: 155010052110 Inspection Date(s) & Time(s): January 27, 2022, 10:15 am Inspection Type: Interior and Exterior Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: - Substantial renovation is required to correct Conditions found. - Building Code deficiencies total more than 15% of replacement cost, NOT including energy code deficiencies. Estimated Replacement Cost: Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: DEFECTS IN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 1. Foundation walls are showing signs of water intrusion which is contrary to code. COMBINATION OF DEFICIENCIES 1. Essential Utilities and Facilities a. There is no code compliant accessible route into the building. b. There is no code compliant accessible restroom. c. There is no code required accessible route to all levels of the building. 2. Light and Ventilation a. Lighting does not comply with code. b. The electrical system does not comply with code. c. The HVAC system does not comply with code. 3. Fire Protection/Adequate Egress a. Glass doors do not have code required 10 -inch kick plates. b. The thresholds do not comply with code for maximum height. c. Flooring is damaged creating an impediment to emergency egress which is contrary to code. d. Stairs do not comply with code. e. There is no code required fire caulking at through wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations. f. Emergency exit signs are not code compliant. g. The emergency lighting system is not code compliant. $2,391,586 $737,466 30.8% Block 52 TIF District Page 1 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel D-103 Pine St, Monticello, MN 55362 h. There is no code required emergency notification system. i. There is no code required smoke detector system. j. There is no code required building sprinkler system. 4. Layout and Condition of Interior Partitions/Materials a. Walls should be repaired/repainted. b. Flooring should be replaced. c. Baseboard molding is missing and should be replaced. d. Ceilings are water damaged from roof leaks and should be repaired/replaced. e. There is mold present on interior surfaces. 5. Exterior Construction a. Soffits and fascia are damaged allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. b. Windows are failing allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. c. Roofing material is failing allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. DESCRIPTION OF CODE DEFICIENCIES 1. Foundation walls are showing signs of water intrusion which is contrary to code. 2. There is no code compliant accessible route into the building. 3. The restroom is not code compliant. 4. There is no code required accessible route to all levels of the building. 5. The lighting system does not comply with code. 6. The electrical wiring system does not comply with code. 7. The HVAC system does not comply with code. 8. Glass doors need code required 10 -inch kick plates installed. 9. Thresholds need to be modified to comply with code for maximum height. 10. Damaged flooring needs to be replaced to create a code required unimpeded means for emergency egress. 11. Stairs do not comply with code. 12. Code required fire caulking needs to be installed in all through wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations. 13. Emergency exit signs need to be placed properly to comply with code. 14. Emergency lighting is not code compliant. 15. There is no code required emergency notification system. 16. There is no code required smoke detector system. 17. There is no code required building sprinkler system. 18. Soffits and fascia are damaged allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. 19. Windows are failing allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. 20. The roofing material has failed allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. Block 52 TIF District Page 2 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel D-103 Pine St, Monticello, MN 55362 OVERVIEW OF DEFICIENCIES This former church building is currently vacant. The exterior building systems including roofing, wood soffits and fascia, and roofing material are failing allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. Entrance into the building is not code compliant for accessibility. There is no code compliant access to all levels of the building. The Restroom is not code compliant. Water has infiltrated the interior creating mold on all surfaces. The ceilings and walls are damaged and should be repaired/repainted. The electrical lighting and wiring systems do not comply with code. The HVAC system does not comply with code. The flooring systems are damaged creating an impediment to emergency egress which is contrary to code. There are no code required life safety systems that comply with code. ENERGY CODE DEFICIENCIES In addition to the building code deficiencies listed above, the existing building does not comply with the current energy code. These deficiencies are not included in the estimated costs to correct code deficiencies and are not considered in determining whether the building is substandard: M:\22Proj1220047\300 Design\Reports\Building Reports1103 Pine St Building Report Redevelopment District.docx Block 52 TIF District Page 3 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel D-103 Pine St, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report Parcel G Store Front Lutheran Church Address: 121 Broadway West, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Parcel ID: 155010052031 Inspection Date(s) & Time(s): January 27, 2022, 9:30 am Inspection Type: Interior and Exterior Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: - Substantial renovation is required to correct Conditions found. - Building Code deficiencies total more than 15% of replacement cost, NOT including energy code deficiencies. Estimated Replacement Cost: Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: DEFECTS IN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 1. COMBINATION OF DEFICIENCIES 1. Essential Utilities and Facilities a. There is no code required accessible parking. b. There is no code required accessible route into the building. c. The restroom is not fully code compliant for accessibility. d. The hospitality area is not code compliant for accessibility. 2. Light and Ventilation a. The lighting system does not comply with code. b. The electrical wiring system does not comply with code. c. The HVAC system does not comply with code. 3. Fire Protection/Adequate Egress a. Flooring is damaged and uneven creating an impediment to emergency egress. b. Door hardware does not comply with code. c. Glass doors do not have code required 10 -inch kick plates. d. Code required fire caulking should be placed in through wall and ceiling penetrations. e. The exit signage system does not comply with code. f. The emergency lighting system does not comply with code. g. There is no code required emergency notification system. $1,462,997 $419,423 28.7% Block 52 TIF District Page 1 of 2 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel G —121 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 h. There is no code required building sprinkler system. 4. Layout and Condition of Interior Partitions/Materials a. Ceiling tile is water stained/damaged and should be replaced. b. Walls should be repaired/repainted. c. Carpeting is stained and worn and should be replaced. 5. Exterior Construction a. Failed roofing material is allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. DESCRIPTION OF CODE DEFICIENCIES 1. Code required accessible parking should be created. 2. A code required accessible route into the building should be created. 3. The restroom is not fully code compliant for accessibility. 4. The hospitality area should be made code compliant for accessibility. 5. The lighting system is not code compliant. 6. The electrical wiring system is not code compliant. 7. The HVAC system is not code compliant. 8. The flooring is damaged and uneven creating an impediment to emergency egress which is contrary to code. 9. Door hardware does not comply with code. 10. Glass doors should have code required 10 -inch kick plates installed. 11. Code required fire caulking should be placed in all through wall and ceiling penetrations. 12. The exit signage system is not code compliant. 13. There is no code required smoke detector system. 14. The emergency lighting system does not comply with code. 15. There is no code required emergency notification system. 16. There is no code required building sprinkler system. 17. Failed roofing material should be replaced to prevent water intrusion per code. OVERVIEW OF DEFICIENCIES This store front church is currently occupied. There are several code deficiencies regarding accessibility including parking, access to the building, restroom, and the hospitality area. The lighting and electrical wiring systems do not comply with code. The HVAC system does not comply with code. The flooring is damaged and uneven creating an impediment to emergency egress which is contrary to code. Door hardware is not code compliant. Walls should be repaired/repainted. Ceiling tile is water stained and damaged and should be replaced. Glass doors should have code required 10 -inch kick plates installed. Life safety systems are either non -code compliant or are not installed. The roofing material is failing and should be removed and replaced to prevent water intrusion per code. ENERGY CODE DEFICIENCIES In addition to the building code deficiencies listed above, the existing building does not comply with the current energy code. These deficiencies are not included in the estimated costs to correct code deficiencies and are not considered in determining whether the building is substandard: M:122Proj12200471300 Design\Reports\Building Reports1121 Broadway W Building Report Redevelopment District.docx Block 52 TIF District Page 2 of 2 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel G —121 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report Parcel H Preferred Title Inc Address: 113 Broadway West, Monticello, Minnesota, 55362 Parcel ID: 155010052060 Inspection Date(s) & Time(s): January 27, 2022, 9:10 am Inspection Type: Interior and Exterior Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: - Substantial renovation is required to correct Conditions found. - Building Code deficiencies total more than 15% of replacement cost, NOT including energy code deficiencies. Estimated Replacement Cost: Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: DEFECTS IN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 1. Floor joists are not properly secured per code. COMBINATION OF DEFICIENCIES 1. Essential Utilities and Facilities a. There is no code required accessible parking. b. There is no code required accessible route to all levels of the building. c. There is no code required accessible restroom. 2. Light and Ventilation a. The electrical lighting system does not comply with code. b. The electrical wiring system does not comply with code. c. The HVAC system does not comply with code. 3. Fire Protection/Adequate Egress a. Thresholds do not comply with code for maximum height. b. Glass doors do not have code required 10 -inch kick plates. c. The exit signage system does not comply with code. d. The emergency lighting system is not fully code compliant. e. There is no code required emergency notification system. f. There is no code required building sprinkler system. g. Code required fire caulking should be placed in all through wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations $1,133,408 $388,814 34.3% Block 52 TIF District Page 1 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel G —113 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 h. Secondary exiting does not comply with code for accessibility. i. Basement stairs do not comply with code. j. Basement floor to ceiling height does not comply with code. 4. Layout and Condition of Interior Partitions/Materials a. Ceiling tiles are stained from roof leaks and should be replaced. b. Asbestos Containing Material is present in the basement. c. Fire scarred floor joists are present in the basement. d. Vinyl flooring should be cleaned and resealed. 5. Exterior Construction a. Stucco is cracked/missing allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. b. The roofing material has failed allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. DESCRIPTION OF CODE DEFICIENCIES 1. Floor joists should be properly fastened to support beam per code. 2. Code required accessible parking should be created. 3. A code required accessible route into the building should be created. 4. A code compliant restroom should be installed. 5. A code required accessible route to all levels should be created. 6. The electrical lighting system should be made code compliant. 7. The electrical wiring system is not code compliant. 8. The HVAC system is not code compliant. 9. Thresholds do not comply with code. 10. Glass doors should have code required 10 -inch kick plates installed. 11. Secondary exiting does not comply with accessibility code. 12. The basement stairs do not comply with code. 13. The floor to ceiling height in the basement does not comply with code. 14. The exit sign system does not comply with code. 15. The emergency lighting system does not comply with code. 16. There is no emergency notification system as required by code. 17. There is no code required building sprinkler system. 18. Install code required fire caulking. 19. Exterior stucco is cracked/damaged allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. 20. The roofing material has failed allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. Block 52 TIF District Page 2 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel G —113 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 OVERVIEW OF DEFICIENCIES The building is currently occupied by two tenants. There is no code required accessible parking or route into the building. There is no code required accessible restroom or route to all levels of the building. The exterior stucco is damaged allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. The ceiling tile is water stained from roof leaks. Walls should be repaired/repainted. The electrical wiring and lighting systems do not comply with code. The HVAC system does not comply with code. Life safety systems are either absent or do not comply with code. The basement stairs do not comply with code. The floor to ceiling height in the basement does not comply with code. The roofing material is failing allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. ENERGY CODE DEFICIENCIES In addition to the building code deficiencies listed above, the existing building does not comply with the current energy code. These deficiencies are not included in the estimated costs to correct code deficiencies and are not considered in determining whether the building is substandard: M:122Proj12200471300 Design\Reports\Building Reports1113 Broadway W Building Report Redevelopment District.docx Block 52 TIF District Page 3 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel G —113 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report Parcel J Apartment Address: 107 Broadway West, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Parcel ID: 155010052070 Inspection Date(s) & Time(s): January 27, 2022, 2:00 PM Inspection Type: Interior and Exterior Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: - Substantial renovation is required to correct Conditions found. - Building Code deficiencies total more than 15% of replacement cost, NOT including energy code deficiencies. Estimated Replacement Cost: Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: DEFECTS IN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 1. COMBINATION OF DEFICIENCIES 1. Essential Utilities and Facilities a. 2. Light and Ventilation a. The lighting system does not comply with code. b. The electrical system does not comply with code. c. The HVAC system does not comply with code. 3. Fire Protection/Adequate Egress a. The thresholds do not comply with code. b. The stairs do not comply with code. c. Stairs do not comply with code. d. There is not a code required secondary exit from the second -floor apartment. e. There are no code compliant smoke detectors. f. There is no code required emergency lighting system. g. There is no code required emergency notification system. h. There is no code required building sprinkler system. i. There are no code required carbon monoxide detectors. $652,052 $206,664 31.7% Block 52 TIF District Page 1 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel J —107 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 j. There are no code compliant Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters. k. There are no code required Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters. I. There is no code required fire caulking in through wall, floor, or ceiling penetrations. m. Flooring material is damaged creating an impediment to emergency egress which is contrary to code. 4. Layout and Condition of Interior Partitions/Materials a. Interior walls and ceiling should be repaired/repainted. b. Carpeting should be replaced. 5. Exterior Construction a. Windows are failing allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. b. Roofing material has failed allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. DESCRIPTION OF CODE DEFICIENCIES 1. The lighting system does not comply with code. 2. The electrical wiring system does not comply with code. 3. The HVAC system does not comply with code. 4. Thresholds do not comply with code. 5. The stairs do not comply with code. 6. A secondary means of egress is required by code. 7. Modify stairs to comply with code. 8. Code required smoke detectors should be installed. 9. Install code required emergency lighting system. 10. There is no code required emergency notification system. 11. There is no code required building sprinkler system. 12. Code required carbon monoxide detectors should be installed. 13. Code required Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters should be installed. 14. Code required Arc Fault Circuity Interrupters should be installed. 15. Code required fire caulking should be placed in all through wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations. 16. Damaged flooring material should be replaced/repaired to create a code required unimpeded means of emergency egress. 17. Failed windows should be replaced to prevent water intrusion per code. 18. Failed roofing material should be replaced to prevent water intrusion per code. Block 52 TIF District Page 2 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel J —107 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 OVERVIEW OF DEFICIENCIES This second -floor apartment is currently vacant. The stairs do not comply with code. The thresholds do not comply with code. The lighting system and electrical wiring systems do not comply with code. The HVAC system does not comply with code. There are no code required smoke detectors or carbon monoxide detectors in the building. There are no code required life safety systems in the building. There is not a code required secondary exit from the building. The flooring material is damaged creating and impediment to emergency egress which is contrary to code. There are no code required AFCI's and GRCI's in the building. Window are failing allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. The roofing material has failed allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. ENERGY CODE DEFICIENCIES In addition to the building code deficiencies listed above, the existing building does not comply with the current energy code. These deficiencies are not included in the estimated costs to correct code deficiencies and are not considered in determining whether the building is substandard: M:122Proj12200471300 Design\Reports\Building Reports1107 Broadway W Building Report Redevelopment District.docx Block 52 TIF District Page 3 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel J —107 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District Building Code, Condition Deficiency and Context Analysis Report Parcel K "What The Art" Building Address: 101 Broadway West, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Parcel ID: 15501002090 Inspection Date(s) & Time(s): January 27, 2022, 9:50 am Inspection Type: Interior and Exterior Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: - Substantial renovation is required to correct Conditions found. - Building Code deficiencies total more than 15% of replacement cost, NOT including energy code deficiencies. Estimated Replacement Cost: Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: DEFECTS IN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 1. Ceiling joists are fire damaged. COMBINATION OF DEFICIENCIES 1. Essential Utilities and Facilities a. There is no code required designated accessible parking. b. There is no code required accessible route into the building. c. There is no code required accessible restroom. 2. Light and Ventilation a. The lighting system does not comply with code. b. The electrical wiring system does not comply with code. c. The HVAC system does not comply with code. d. Electrical extension cords are not being used properly per code. 3. Fire Protection/Adequate Egress a. Glass doors do not have code required 10 -inch kick plates. b. Thresholds do not comply with code for maximum height. c. Door hardware does not comply with code. d. There is an internal passageway that does not comply with code for minimum width. e. Stairs do not comply with code. f. Flooring is damaged creating an impediment to emergency egress which is contrary to code. $486,890 $100,969 20.7% Block 52 TIF District Page 1 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel K —101 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 g. Code required fire caulking is not present in through wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations. h. There are no code required emergency exit door identification system. i. There is no code required smoke detector systems. j. There is no code required emergency lighting system. k. There is no code required emergency notification system. I. There is no code required building sprinkler system. 4. Layout and Condition of Interior Partitions/Materials a. Ceiling tile are stained/damaged from roof leaks. b. Ceiling joists are showing signs of fire damage. c. Damaged walls should be repaired/repainted. d. Damaged flooring should be repaired/replaced. 5. Exterior Construction a. Roofing material has failed allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. DESCRIPTION OF CODE DEFICIENCIES 1. Accessible parking should be created per code. 2. An accessible route into the building should be created per code. 3. An accessible restroom should be created per code. 4. A code compliant lighting system should be installed. 5. A code compliant electrical wiring system should be installed. 6. A code compliant HVAC system should be installed. 7. Electrical extension cords should be used properly per code. 8. Glass doors should have 10 -inch kick plates installed per code. 9. Thresholds should be modified to comply with code for maximum height. 10. Code compliant door hardware should be installed. 11. All internal passageways should be made code compliant for minimum width. 12. Stairs are not code compliant. 13. Damaged flooring should be repaired to create a code required unimpeded means for emergency egress. 14. Code required fire caulking should be installed in all through wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations. 15. A code required emergency exit identification system should be installed. 16. A code required smoke detector system should be installed. 17. A code required emergency lighting system should be installed. 18. A code required emergency notification system should be installed. 19. A code required building sprinkler system should be installed. 20. Failed roofing material should be replaced to prevent water intrusion per code. Block 52 TIF District Page 2 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel K —101 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 OVERVIEW OF DEFICIENCIES This building is currently being used as an Art Studio sponsored by the city. There is no code required accessible parking. There is no code required accessible route into the building. The restroom does not comply with accessibility code. The lighting and electrical wiring systems do not comply with code. The HVAC system does not comply with code. The interior walls should be repaired/repainted. Ceiling tile is stained/damaged from roof leaks. The flooring should be repaired to create a code required unimpeded means for emergency egress. There is no code required smoke detector, emergency lighting, emergency notification or building sprinkler systems in the building. Roof joists show signs of fire damage. The flooring is damaged creating an impediment to emergency egress which is contrary to code. The stairs do not comply with code. There is not code required fire caulking in through wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations. The roofing material has failed allowing for water intrusion which is contrary to code. ENERGY CODE DEFICIENCIES In addition to the building code deficiencies listed above, the existing building does not comply with the current energy code. These deficiencies are not included in the estimated costs to correct code deficiencies and are not considered in determining whether the building is substandard: M:122Proj12200471300 Design\Reports\Building Reports1101 Broadway W Building Report Redevelopment District.docx Block 52 TIF District Page 3 of 3 Building Report LHB Project No. 220047 Parcel K —101 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 APPENDIX C Building Replacement Cost Reports Code Deficiency Cost Reports Photographs F SMean%data rear 0�01^rr Square Foot Cost Estimate Report Estimate Name: 112 River St W Building Type: Garage, Repair with Concrete Block / Wood Joists Location: MONTICELLO, MN Story Count: 1 Story Height (L.F.): 14.00 Floor Area (S.F.): 3432 Labor Type: OPN Basement Included: No Data Release: Year 2021 Quarter 1 Cost Per Square Foot: $114.83 Building Cost: $394,109.91 Date: 1/31/2022 LrE ' ill , lv% -.r Quantity % of Total Cost Per S.F. Cost A1010 Standard Foundations $10.90 $37,396.60 A10101051560 Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, direct chute, .148 CY/LF, 7.2 PLF, 244 $7.08 $24,314.11 12" thick A10101102700 Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 11.1 KLF, soil bearing capacity 268.4 $3.81 $13,082.49 6 KSF. 12" deer) x 24" wide A1030 Slab on Grade $9.41 $32,296.29 A10301204520 Slab on grade, 6" thick, light industrial, reinforced 3432 $9.41 $32,296.29 A2010 Basement Excavation $0.37 $1,286.18 A20101104560 Excavate and fill, 10,000 SF, 4' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, 3432 $0.37 $1,286.18 on site storaee 81020 Roof Construction $6.47 $22,198.18 B10201024150 Wood roof, flat rafter, 2" x 12", 16" O.C. 3603.6 $6.47 $22,198.18 82010 Exterior Walls $13.26 $45,510.69 B20101116280 Concrete block (CMU) wall, regular weight, 75% solid, 8 x 8 x 16, 4500 2732.8 $13.26 $45,510.69 PSI. reinforced. vertical #5032". erouted 82020 Exterior Windows $1.89 $6,490.35 B20201066650 Windows, aluminum, sliding, standard glass, 5'x 3' 11.39 $1.89 $6,490.35 82030 Exterior Doors $3.59 $12,312.11 B20302203450 Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 1 door with frame, no label, 3'-0" 1.03 $0.87 $2,980.04 x 7'-0" ooenine B20302204450 Door, steel 24 gauge, overhead, sectional, manual operation, 12'-0" x 3.56 $2.72 $9,332.07 12'-0" ooenine 83010 Roof Coverings $2.75 $9,449.75 B30101202000 Roofing, single ply membrane, EPDM, 45mils, fully adhered 3603.6 $2.36 $8,108.10 B30106101000 Gutters, box, steel, galvanized, 28 ga thick, 5", enameled finish 122 $0.32 $1,112.51 B30106201450 Downspout, steel, rectangular, corrugated, 3" x 4", galvanized, 28 ga 28.83 $0.07 $229.14 thick ' -Wffl® C1010 Partitions $5.62 $19,297.75 C10101022300 Lightweight block 4" thick 720.72 $1.98 $6,787.60 C10101048000 Concrete block (CMU) partition, light weight, solid, 8" thick, no finish 960.96 $3.65 $12,510.15 C1020 Interior Doors $0.43 $1,472.82 C10201022600 Door, single leaf, kd steel frame, hollow metal, commercial quality, 1.14 $0.43 $1,472.82 flush. 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/8" C1030 Fittings $0.38 $1,315.35 C10301100460 Toilet partitions, cubicles, ceiling hung, stainless steel 1 $0.38 $1,315.35 C3010 Wall Finishes $4.61 $15,816.01 C30102202000 2 coats paint on masonry with block filler 2732.8 $3.07 $10,527.57 C30102300320 Painting, masonry or concrete, latex, brushwork, primer & 2 coats 1372.8 $0.86 $2,955.43 C30102300340 Painting, masonry or concrete, latex, brushwork, addition for block 1372.8 $0.68 $2,333.01 filler C3020 Floor Finishes $1.45 $4,970.55 C30204100940 Concrete topping, hardeners, metallic additive, minimum 3088.8 $1.22 $4,199.04 C30204101580 Vinyl, composition tile, minimum 343.2 $0.22 $771.51 C3030 Ceiling Finishes $0.62 $2,135.45 C30302105800 Acoustic ceilings, 5/8" fiberglass board, 24" x 48" tile, tee grid, 343.2 $0.62 $2,135.45 15.0% susnendedsunnorl $51,405.64 Architectural Fees 0.0% ■ $0.00 User Fees 0.0% $0.00 D2010 Plumbing Fixtures $3.52 $12,074.31 D20101102080 Water closet, vitreous china, bowl only with flush valve, wall hung 1.17 $1.27 $4,350.45 D20102102000 Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung 0.58 $0.27 $911.60 D20103102080 Lavatory w/trim, wall hung, PE on Cl, 19" x 17" 1.17 $0.74 $2,545.08 D20104404340 Service sink w/trim, PE on Cl,wall hung w/rim guard, 24" x 20" 0.58 $0.84 $2,876.68 D20108201920 Water cooler, electric, wall hung, wheelchair type, 7.5 GPH 0.58 $0.41 $1,390.50 D2020 Domestic Water Distribution $0.84 $2,878.45 D20202202260 Gas fired water heater, residential, 100< F rise, 30 gal tank, 32 GPH 0.58 $0.84 $2,878.45 D3050 Terminal & Package Units $11.24 $38,574.82 D30501503120 Rooftop, single zone, air conditioner, factories, 10,000 SF, 33.33 ton 3432 $11.24 $38,574.82 D4010 Sprinklers $5.07 $17,409.06 D40104101080 Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, ordinary hazard, 1 floor, 10,000 SF 3432 $5.07 $17,409.06 D4020 Standpipes $1.23 $4,228.18 D40203101540 Wet standpipe risers, class III, steel, black, sch 40, 4" diam pipe, 1 0.34 $1.13 $3,877.23 floor D40203101560 Wet standpipe risers, class III, steel, black, sch 40, 4" diam pipe, 0.14 $0.10 $350.95 additional floors D5010 Electrical Service/Distribution $2.36 $8,098.42 D50101200280 Overhead service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit 1 $0.97 $3,336.08 & wire. 3 Dhase. 4 wire. 120/208 V. 200 A D50102300280 Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 200 30 $0.42 $1,445.67 A D50102400200 Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, 0.25 $0.97 $3,316.67 120/208 V. 3 phase. 400 A D5020 Lighting and Branch Wiring $9.89 $33,940.93 D50201100280 Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 4 per 1000 SF, .5 watts per 3432 $2.55 $8,752.39 SF D50201350280 Miscellaneous power, 1 watt 3432 $0.34 $1,182.60 D50201400240 Central air conditioning power, 3 watts 3432 $0.70 $2,396.15 D50202100520 Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 1.6 watt per SF, 40 FC, 3432 $6.30 $21,609.79 10 fixtures (@32watt Der 1000 SF D5030 Communications and Security $3.95 $13,552.02 D50309100452 Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, addressable, 25 0.34 $2.33 $8,006.41 detectors, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire D50309100462 Fire alarm command center, addressable with voice, excl. wire & 0.34 $1.33 $4,576.07 conduit D50309200104 Internet wiring, 4 data/voice outlets per 1000 S.F. 0.69 $0.28 $969.54 ■Equipment & Furnishingsr rr r rr r rr E1090 Other Equipment $0.00 $0.00 ■Special Constructionirr rrr rrr ■Building Sitework SubTotal 100% $99.86 $342,704.27 Contractor Fees (General Con dition s,Overhead,Profit) 15.0% $14.98 $51,405.64 Architectural Fees 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 User Fees 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 BLOCK 52 REDEVELOPMENT TIF DISTRICT Code Deficiency Cost Report Door Hardware Parcel C -112 River Street West, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Building Name or Type Parcel ID 155010052131 250.00 EA 7 City Vehicle Storage Building -(;ode Related Cost Items Unit Cost Units Quantity Accessibility Items Modify thresholds to comply with code for maximum height $ 200.00 EA 2 Parking 400.00 Stairs Create code required accessible parking $ 100.00 EA 1 $ 100.00 Accessible Route $ 1,000.00 Elevated Platform Creat a code required accessible route in to the building. $ 100.00 Lump 1 $ 100.00 Restroom Lump 1 $ 100.00 Fire Protection Create a code compliant accessible restroom $ 2.28 SF 3,432 $ 7,824.96 Drinking Fountain Install code required drinking fountain $ 0.41 SF 3,432 $ 1,407.12 Structural Elements 7,996.56 Emergency Exit Signs Steel Lintels Install code compliant emergency exit signs $ 0.35 Protect steel lintels from rusting per code $ 500.00 Lump 1 $ 500.00 Concrete Block and Mortar Install code compliant emergency lighting system Kepair/replace damaged concrete block and mortar to prevent water 0.75 SF 3,432 $ 2,574.00 intrusion per code $ 2.25 SF 3,432 $ 7,722.00 Exiting Door Hardware Install code compliant door hardware $ 250.00 EA 7 $ 1,750.00 Thresholds Modify thresholds to comply with code for maximum height $ 200.00 EA 2 $ 400.00 Stairs Install code compliant stairs $ 1,000.00 Lump 1 $ 1,000.00 Elevated Platform Install code required 4 -inch toe board on elevated platform $ 100.00 Lump 1 $ 100.00 Fire Protection Smoke Detectors Install code compliant smoke detectors $ 2.33 SF 3,432 $ 7,996.56 Emergency Exit Signs Install code compliant emergency exit signs $ 0.35 SF 3,432 $ 1,201.20 Emergency Lighting Install code compliant emergency lighting system $ 0.75 SF 3,432 $ 2,574.00 Emergency Notification System Install code required emergency notification system $ 1.33 SF 3,432 $ 4,564.56 Building Sprinkler Install a code required building sprinkler system $ 16.31 SF 3,432 $ 55,975.92 Fire Caulking Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 1 of 2 Parcel C -112 River St W, Monticello, MN 55362 Code Related Cost Items -Ad Install code required fire caulking at through wall and ceiling penetrations Exterior Construction Roof Construction Roofing Material Remove failed roofing material Install roofing material to prevent water intrusion per code Mechanical- Electrical Mechanical Install a code compliant HVAC system Electrical Install a code compliant lighting system Install a code compliant electrical wiring system Energy Code $ 0.10 SF 3,432 $ 343.20 $ 0.25 SF 3,432 $ 858.00 $ 2.75 SF 3,432 $ 9,438.00 $ 11.24 SF 3,432 $ 38,575.68 $ 6.30 SF 3,432 $ 21,621.60 $ 2.55 SF 3,432 $ 8,751.60 Total Code Improvements $ 172,804 Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 2 of 2 Parcel C -112 River St W, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel C 112 River Street West .800.692A Ion -Fri -9 m � 20220127_103134.jpg 20220127_103344.jpg 20220127_103422.jpg 20220127_103531.jpg 20220127_103303.jpg Jr 20220127_103348.jpg 20220127_103459.jpg 20220127_103544.jpg 1 i 20220127_103341.jpg 20220127_103355.jpg 20220127_103512.jpg 20220127_103807.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel C 112 River Street West 20220127_103815.jpg 20220127_104004.jpg 20220127_103834.jpg 20220127_104008.jpg 20220127_104320.jpg 20220127_104322.jpg 20220127_104345.jpg 20220127_104349.jpg 2 20220127_103938.jpg 40t ` 20220127_104305.jpg 20220127_104337.jpg 20220127_104401.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel C 112 River Street West 20220127_104404.jpg � 20220127_104444.jpg t i 20220127_104454.jpg 20220127_104536.jpg 20220127_104410.jpg 20220127_104446.jpg r.: use other door 4 iV 20220127_104530.jpg 20220127_104539.jpg 3 20220127_104433.jpg 20220127_104452.jpg 20220127_104532.jpg F SMean%data rear 0�01^rr Square Foot Cost Estimate Report Estimate Name: 103 Pine Street Building Type: Church with Face Brick & Concrete Block / Wood Arch Location: MONTICELLO, MN Story Count: 1 Story Height (L.F.): 24.00 Floor Area (S.F.): 10580 Labor Type: OPN Basement Included: Yes Data Release: Year 2022 Cost Per Square Foot: $226.05 Building Cost: $2,391,586.68 Date: 1/31/2022 r• Costs are derived from a building model with basic components. Scope differences and market conditions can cause costs to vary significantly. Quantity % of Total Cost Per S.F. Cost A1010 Standard Foundations $3.86 $40,804.92 A10101102700 Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 11.1 KLF, soil bearing capacity 348 $1.67 $17,677.01 B10207703152 6 KSF. 12" deer) x 24" wide 12696 $11.85 $125,369.19 A10102107410 Spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 100K, soil bearing capacity 6 44.81 $2.19 $23,127.91 B20101321200 KSF. 4'- 6" square x 15" deer) 7934.4 $28.41 $300,589.19 A1030 Slab on Grade $6.72 $71,121.30 A10301202240 Slab on grade, 4" thick, non industrial, reinforced 10580 $6.72 $71,121.30 A2010 Basement Excavation 46.4 $4.56 $48,218.99 A20101104620 Excavate and fill, 10,000 SF, 8' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, 10580 $4.56 $48,218.99 82030 on site storaee $1.04 $11,036.83 A2020 Basement Walls 3.73 $9.83 $104,053.39 A20201107260 Foundation wall, CIP, 12' wall height, pumped, .444 CY/LF, 21.59 PLF, 348 $9.83 $104,053.39 B30101401100 " thick 12696 $2.71 $28,674.17 lbs/SO 81010 Floor Construction 12696 $21.66 $229,130.59 B10102030860 Cast -in-place concrete column, 12" square, tied, 200K load, 12' story 537.75 $4.58 $48,477.09 B30104300040 heieht. 142 I bs/LF. 4000PSI 348 $0.31 $3,253.97 B10102221720 Flat slab, concrete, with drop panels, 6" slab/2.5" panel, 12" column, 10580 $17.08 $180,653.50 B30106100050 15'x15' bay, 75 PSF superimposed load, 153 PSF total load 348 $0.27 $2,904.99 81020 Roof Construction $32.19 $340,606.70 B10207052001 Laminated arch, radial, 100' clear span, 8' OC 10580 $20.34 $215,237.51 B10207703152 Roof deck, douglas fir, 3" thick, 8' span 12696 $11.85 $125,369.19 82010 Exterior Walls $28.41 $300,589.19 B20101321200 Brick wall, composite double wythe, standard face/CMU back-up, 8" 7934.4 $28.41 $300,589.19 thick. oerlite core fill 82020 Exterior Windows $4.75 $50,226.34 B20201067200 Windows, aluminum, single hung, insulated glass, 2'-8" x 6'-8" 46.4 $3.28 $34,703.40 B20202204200 Polycarbonate, masked, clear or colored, 1/4" thick 835.2 $1.47 $15,522.94 82030 Exterior Doors $1.04 $11,036.83 B20302102500 Door, birch, solid core, single door, hinged, 3'-0" x 7'-0" opening 3.73 $1.04 $11,036.83 83010 Roof Coverings $6.92 $73,254.23 B30101401100 Asphalt roofing, strip shingles, inorganic, Class A, 4" slope, 210-235 12696 $2.71 $28,674.17 lbs/SO B30103201840 Insulation, rigid, roof deck, extruded polystyrene, 15 PSI compressive 12696 $2.73 $28,886.45 streneth. 3" thick. R15 B30104300040 Flashing, aluminum, no backing sides, .019" 348 $0.31 $3,253.97 B30104300700 Flashing, copper, no backing, 16 oz, < 500 lbs 348 $0.64 $6,747.70 B30106100050 Gutters, box, aluminum, .027" thick, 5", enameled finish 348 $0.27 $2,904.99 B30106200250 Downspout, aluminum, rectangular, 3" x 4", enameled, .024" thick 348 $0.26 $2,786.95 C1010 Partitions $10.58 $111,886.59 C10101403900 20 ga non -load bearing, 3-5/8" studs, 24" O.C. 6348 $7.01 $74,145.91 C10107101101 3 coats of painted plaster on wall 6681.6 $3.57 $37,740.68 C1020 Interior Doors $3.65 $38,580.18 C10201022600 Door, single leaf, kd steel frame, hollow metal, commercial quality, 26.45 $3.65 $38,580.18 flush. 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/8" C3010 Wall Finishes $1.51 $15,947.19 C30102300080 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, brushwork, primer & 2 coats 12696 $1.51 $15,947.19 C3020 Floor Finishes $5.63 $59,556.30 C30204100160 Carpet, tufted, nylon, roll goods, 12' wide, 36 oz 10580 $5.63 $59,556.30 D1010 Elevators and Lifts $7.66 $81,006.30 D10101102200 Hydraulic, passenger elevator, 3000 Ib, 2 floors, 100 FPM 1 $7.66 $81,006.30 D2010 Plumbing Fixtures $4.31 $45,582.60 D20101101880 Water closet, vitreous china, tank type, wall hung, close coupled 2 5.29 $1.56 $16,459.04 D20102102000 niece Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung 2.12 $0.29 $3,100.49 D20103102080 Lavatory w/trim, wall hung, PE on Cl, 19" x 17" 4.23 $0.89 $9,458.18 D20104102040 Kitchen sink w/trim, countertop, stainless steel, 44" x 22" triple bowl 1.06 $0.28 $2,926.47 D20104404380 Service sink w/trim, vitreous china, wall hung 22" x 20" 1.06 $0.54 $5,724.84 D20108201920 Water cooler, electric, wall hung, wheelchair type, 7.5 GPH 3.17 $0.75 $7,913.58 D2020 Domestic Water Distribution $0.76 $8,085.38 D20202202260 Gas fired water heater, residential, 100 < F rise, 30 gal tank, 32 GPH 1.69 $0.76 $8,085.38 D3010 Energy Supply $11.03 $116,704.28 D30105202000 Commercial building heating system, fin tube radiation, forced hot 10580 $11.03 $116,704.28 water. 10.000 SF. 100.000 CF. total 2 floors D3050 Terminal & Package Units $10.83 $114,562.99 D30501703680 Split system, air cooled condensing unit, offices, 20,000 SF, 63.32 ton 10580 $10.83 $114,562.99 D4010 Sprinklers $3.76 $39,789.26 D40104100620 Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, 1 floor, 10,000 SF 10580 $3.76 $39,789.26 D4020 Standpipes $1.62 $17,108.35 D40203101540 Wet standpipe risers, class III, steel, black, sch 40, 4" diam pipe, 1 1.49 $1.62 $17,108.35 floor D5010 Electrical Service/Distribution $1.42 $14,981.77 D50101200320 Overhead service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit 1 $0.61 $6,489.55 & wire. 3 Dhase. 4 wire. 120/208 V. 400 A D50102300320 Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 400 20 $0.19 $2,016.29 A D50102400200 Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, 0.5 $0.61 $6,475.93 120/208 V. 3 Dhase. 400 A D5020 Lighting and Branch Wiring $10.39 $109,924.19 D50201100200 Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 2.5 per 1000 SF, .3 watts 10580 $2.11 $22,365.38 Der SF D50201300200 Wall switches, 1.0 per 1000 SF 10580 $0.34 $3,561.33 D50201350280 Miscellaneous power, 1 watt 10580 $0.34 $3,546.84 D50201400280 Central air conditioning power, 4 watts 10580 $0.73 $7,724.78 D50202100520 Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 1.6 watt per SF, 40 FC, 10580 $6.87 $72,725.86 10 fixtures (@32watt Der 1000 SF D5030 Communications and Security $3.37 $35,669.78 D50309100240 Communication and alarm systems, includes outlets, boxes, conduit 0.45 $1.95 $20,619.36 and wire. sound systems. 30 outlets D50309100452 Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, addressable, 25 0.5 $1.08 $11,467.34 detectors, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire D50309100460 Fire alarm command center, addressable without voice, excl. wire & 1 $0.34 $3,583.08 conduit D5090 Other Electrical Systems $0.11 $1,212.95 D50902100200 Generator sets, w/battery, charger, muffler and transfer switch, 0.87 $0.11 $1,212.95 gas/gasoline operated. 3 phase. 4 wire. 77/480 V. 7.5 kW �MNMEquipment & Furnishings iii', r rr r rr E1090 Other Equipment $0.00 $0.00 O i ir', r rr r rr EBuilding Siteworki ir', r rr r rr SubTotal 100% $196.56 $2,079,640.59 Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) 15.0% $29.48 $311,946.09 Architectural Fees 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 User Fees 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 BLOCK 52 REDEVELOPMENT TIF DISTRICT Code Deficiency Cost Report Parcel D -103 Pine Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Building Name or Type Parcel ID 155010052110 Vacant Church Building -(;ode Related Cost Items Unit Cost Units Quantity Accessibility Items Accessible Routes Create a code compliant accessible route into building $ 500.00 Lump 1 $ 500.00 Create a code required accessible route to all levels of building $ 7.66 SF 10,580 $ 81,042.80 Restroom Modify restroom to comply with accessibliltiy code $ 2.74 SF 10,580 $ 28,989.20 Structural Elements Foundation Walls Repair foundation walls to prevent water intrusion per code $ 1.00 SF 10,580 $ 10,580.00 Exiting Glass Doors Install code required 10 -inch kick plates on glass doors $ 100.00 EA 16 $ 1,600.00 Thresholds Modify thresholds to comply with code for maximum height $ 1,500.00 Lump 1 $ 1,500.00 Flooring Kepair/replace damaged tlooring to create an unimpeded means Tor emergency egress per code $ 5.63 SF 10,580 $ 59,565.40 Stairs Modify stairs to comply with code $ 0.95 SF 10,580 $ 10,051.00 Exit Signs Install code compliant emergency exit signs $ 0.35 SF 10,580 $ 3,703.00 Fire Protection Smoke Detectors Install code compliant smoke detector system $ 1.08 SF 10,580 $ 11,426.40 Emergency Lighting Install code compliant emergency lighting system $ 0.75 SF 10,580 $ 7,935.00 Emergency Notification Install code required emergency notification system $ 0.34 SF 10,580 $ 3,597.20 Building Sprinkler System Install code required building sprinkler system $ 5.38 SF 10,580 $ 56,920.40 Exterior Construction Soffits and Fascia Replace damaged soffit and fascia to prevent water intrusion per code $ 3,000.00 Lump 1 $ 3,000.00 Windows Replace failed windows to prevent water intrusion per code. $ 4.75 SF 10,580 $ 50,255.00 Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 1 of 2 Parcel D-103 Pine St, Monticello, MN 55362 Roof Construction Roofing Material Remove failed roofing material Install roofing material to prevent water intrusion per code Mechanical- Electrical Mechanical Install code compliant HVAC system Electrical Install code compliant lighting system Install code compliant electrical wiring system Energy Code $ 0.35 SF 10,580 $ 3,703.00 $ 6.92 SF 10,580 $ 73,213.60 $ 21.86 SF 10,580 $ 231,278.80 $ 6.87 SF 10,580 $ 72,684.60 $ 2.45 SF 10,580 $ 25,921.00 Total Code Improvements $ 737,466 Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 2 of 2 Parcel D-103 Pine St, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel D: 103 Pine Street LL 20220127_101702.jpg 20220127_101751.jpg 20220127_101911.jpg 20220127_101936.jpg 20220127_101737.jpg 20220127_101814.jpg 20220127_101929.jpg 20220127_101939.jpg 1 20220127_101742.jpg 20220127_101909.jpg 20220127_101933.jpg 'mss 20220127_101947.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel D: 103 Pine Street I i 5 20220127_101949.jpg 20220127_102008.jpg A 20220127_102026.jpg 20220127_102039.jpg 20220127_101951.jpg F7/ 20220127_102010.jpg 20220127_102031.jpg 20220127_102042.jpg 2 20220127_102004.jpg 20220127_102021.jpg 20220127_102035.jpg 20220127_102056.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel D: 103 Pine Street 20220127_102104.jpg 20220127_102122.jpg 20220127_102143.jpg 20220127_102158.jpg 20220127_102113.jpg 20220127_102124.jpg 20220127_102146.jpg 20220127_102207.jpg 3 20220127_102116.jpg 20220127_102133.jpg 20220127_102151.jpg 20220127_102227.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel D: 103 Pine Street 20220127_102237.jpg 20220127_102303.jpg 20220127_102326(0).jpg 20220127_102334.jpg 20220127_102252.jpg 20220127_102309.jpg 20220127_102326.jpg 20220127_102344.jpg 4 20220127_102256.jpg 20220127_102314.jpg 20220127_102330.jpg 20220127_102353.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel D: 103 Pine Street 20220127_102357.jpg 20220127_102416.jpg 20220127_102434.jpg 20220127_102504.jpg 20220127_102401.jpg 20220127_102421.jpg 20220127_102454.jpg 20220127_102527.jpg 20220127_102414.jpg 20220127_102431.jpg 20220127_102459.jpg 20220127_102533.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel D: 103 Pine Street 20220127_102541.jpg 20220127_102631.jpg 20220127_102709.jpg 20220127_102809.jpg 20220127_102547.jpg 20220127_102641.jpg 20220127_102724.jpg 20220127_102816.jpg 6 20220127_102624.jpg 20220127_102704.jpg 20220127_102756.jpg 20220127_102826.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel D: 103 Pine Street 20220127_102833.jpg 20220127_102924.jpg 20220127_103011.jpg 20220127_105028.jpg 20220127_102908.jpg 20220127_102927.jpg 20220127_104940.jpg 20220127_105031.jpg 7 20220127_102918.jpg 20220127_103004.jpg 20220127_105007.jpg F SMean%data rear 0�01AK Square Foot Cost Estimate Report Estimate Name: 121 Broadway W Building Type: Store, 2 Story with Stucco / Wood Frame Location: MONTICELLO, MN Story Count: 2 Story Height (L.F.): 14 Floor Area (S.F.): 9160 Labor Type: OPN Basement Included: No Data Release: Year 2022 Cost Per Square Foot: $159.72 Building Cost: $1,462,997.82 Date: 1/31/2022 Costs are derived from a building model with basic components. Scope differences and market conditions can cause costs to vary significantly. Quantity % of Total Cost Per S.F. -r-cost A1010 Standard Foundations $7.50 $68,689.81 A10101051560 Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, direct chute, .148 CY/LF, 7.2 PLF, 376 $4.00 $36,614.13 12" thick A10101103100 Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 14.8 KLF, soil bearing capacity 376 $2.43 $22,262.21 6 KSF. 12" deer) x 32" wide A10102107700 Spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 200K, soil bearing capacity 6 9.16 $1.07 $9,813.47 KSF. 6'- 0" square x 20" deer) A1030 Slab on Grade $3.36 $30,787.86 A10301202240 Slab on grade, 4" thick, non industrial, reinforced 4580 $3.36 $30,787.86 A2010 Basement Excavation $0.18 $1,682.51 A20101104560 Excavate and fill, 10,000 SF, 4' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, 4580 $0.18 $1,682.51 on site storaee 81010 Floor Construction $18.06 $165,445.99 B10102103450 Wood column, 8" x 8", 20'x 20' bay, 10' unsupported height, 133 4580 $0.34 $3,118.80 BF/MSF. 160 PSF total allowable load B10102103450 Wood column, 8" x 8", 20'x 20' bay, 10' unsupported height, 133 4580 $0.34 $3,118.80 BF/MSF. 160 PSF total allowable load B10102643050 Wood beam and joist floor, 12"x16" girder, 8"x16" beam, 2x10 joists 4580 $11.59 $106,166.64 Q 16". 20'x20' bay. 75 PSF LL. 102 PSF total load B10107203700 Fireproofing, gypsum board, fire rated, 2 layer, 1" thick, 14" steel 1203.2 $5.79 $53,041.75 column. 3 hour ratine. 22 PLF 81020 Roof Construction $3.47 $31,785.20 B10201024100 Wood roof, flat rafter, 2" x 12", 12" O.C. 4580 $3.47 $31,785.20 82010 Exterior Walls $14.20 $130,051.84 B20101291100 Brick veneer wall, standard face, 2x4 studs @ 16" back-up, running 4000 $13.08 $119,840.00 bond B20101907600 Insulation, fiberglass batts, 6" thick, R19 4580 $1.11 $10,211.84 B2020 Exterior Windows $7.99 $73,208.97 B20201066550 Windows, aluminum, awning, insulated glass, 4'-5" x 5'-3" 91.55 $7.99 $73,208.97 B2030 Exterior Doors $1.61 $14,782.32 820301106950 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, narrow stile, double door, 0.92 $0.83 $7,596.16 hardware. 6'-0" x 10'-0" ooenine B20301107300 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, bronze finish, hardware, 3'-0" 0.92 $0.42 $3,872.84 x 10'-0" ooenine B20302203450 Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 1 door with frame, no label, 3'-0" 0.92 $0.36 $3,313.32 x 7'-0" ooenine 83010 Roof Coverings $1.27 $11,596.99 B30101202000 Roofing, single ply membrane, EPDM, 45mils, fully adhered 4580 $1.01 $9,251.60 B30106100050 Gutters, box, aluminum, .027" thick, 5", enameled finish 188 $0.17 $1,569.36 B30106200100 Downspout, aluminum, rectangular, 2" x 3", embossed mill finish, 150.4 $0.08 $776.03 0 0" thick C1010 Partitions $4.24 $38,874.80 C10101241200 Wood partition, 5/8"fire rated gypsum board face, none base,2 x 4,@ 2564.8 $1.55 $14,166.78 16" OC framine.same 0000site face. 0 insul C10101241425 Wood partition, 5/8" fire rated gypsum board face, 1/4"sound 1099.2 $1.11 $10,130.11 deadening gypsum board, 2x4 @ 16" OC framing, same opposite face, anund attar) Linn in -I C10101280700 Gypsum board, 1 face only, exterior sheathing, fire resistant, 5/8" 8422.4 $0.94 $8,598.34 C10101280960 Add for the following: taping and finishing 8422.4 $0.65 $5,979.57 C1020 Interior Doors $4.68 $42,823.24 C10201022600 Door, single leaf, kd steel frame, hollow metal, commercial quality, 29.36 $4.68 $42,823.24 flush. 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/8" C1030 Fittings $0.26 $2,383.45 C10301100420 Toilet partitions, cubicles, ceiling hung, plastic laminate 2.29 $0.26 $2,383.45 C2010 Stair Construction $0.82 $7,502.78 C20101101150 Stairs, wood, prefab basement type, oak treads, wood rails 3'-0" W, 3.21 $0.82 $7,502.78 14 risers C3010 Wall Finishes $1.49 $13,604.56 C30102300140 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, 7328 $0.69 $6,329.63 primer & 2 coats C30102300140 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, 8422.4 $0.79 $7,274.93 primer & 2 coats C3020 Floor Finishes $4.92 $45,061.70 C30204100080 Carpet tile, nylon, fusion bonded, 18" x 18" or 24" x 24", 35 oz 5496 $3.34 $30,600.85 C30204101600 Vinyl, composition tile, maximum 2748 $0.72 $6,636.72 C30204101720 Tile, ceramic natural clay 916 $0.85 $7,824.13 C3030 Ceiling Finishes $9.36 $85,720.84 C30302106000 Acoustic ceilings, 3/4" fiberglass board, 24" x 48" tile, tee grid, 9160 $9.36 $85,720.84 suspended support ■ D2010 Plumbing Fixtures $2.77 $25,354.44 D20101102080 Water closet, vitreous china, bowl only with flush valve, wall hung 2.29 $0.99 $9,077.58 D20102102000 Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung 0.92 $0.15 $1,342.18 D20103101560 Lavatory w/trim, vanity top, PE on Cl, 20" x 18" 1.83 $0.37 $3,347.84 D20104404340 Service sink w/trim, PE on Cl,wall hung w/rim guard, 24" x 20" 1.37 $0.89 $8,161.11 D20108201920 Water cooler, electric, wall hung, wheelchair type, 7.5 GPH 1.37 $0.37 $3,425.73 D2020 Domestic Water Distribution $0.66 $6,057.78 D20202501860 Gas fired water heater, commercial, 100 < F rise, 100 MBH input, 91 0.46 $0.66 $6,057.78 GPH D3050 Terminal & Package Units $17.65 $161,683.62 D30501553960 Rooftop, multizone, air conditioner, offices, 25,000 SF, 79.16 ton 9160 $17.65 $161,683.62 D4010 Sprinklers $4.08 $37,418.18 D40104100600 Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, 1 floor, 5000 SF 3114.4 $1.74 $15,982.29 D40104100720 Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, each additional floor, 6045.6 $2.04 $18,665.79 5000 SF D40104108930 Standard High Rise Accessory Package 3 story 0.46 $0.30 $2,770.10 D4020 Standpipes $1.29 $11,833.14 D40203101540 Wet standpipe risers, class III, steel, black, sch 40, 4" diam pipe, 1 0.55 $0.69 $6,295.16 floor D40203101560 Wet standpipe risers, class III, steel, black, sch 40, 4" diam pipe, 2.06 $0.60 $5,537.98 additional floors D5010 Electrical Service/Distribution $9.28 $85,047.75 D50101200440 Overhead service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit 1.25 $2.84 $26,043.13 & wire. 3 phase. 4 wire. 120/208 V. 1000 A D50102300440 Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 100 $3.14 $28,729.40 1000 A D50102400320 Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, 1.2 $3.31 $30,275.22 120/208 V. 3 phase. 1200 A D5020 Lighting and Branch Wiring $14.99 $137,335.06 D50201100640 Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 16.5 per 1000 SF, 2.0 W per 9160 $5.39 $49,397.77 SF. with transformer D50201350320 Miscellaneous power, 1.2 watts 9160 $0.39 $3,574.23 D50201400280 Central air conditioning power, 4 watts 9160 $0.73 $6,687.99 D50201452080 Motor installation, three phase, 460 V, 15 HP motor size 2 $0.57 $5,265.41 D50202100520 Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 1.6 watt per SF, 40 FC, 10534 $7.90 $72,409.66 10 fixtures (@32watt Der 1000 SF D5030 Communications and Security $4.74 $43,439.19 D50303101020 Telephone wiring for offices & laboratories, 8 jacks/MSF 6870 $1.80 $16,500.71 D50309100454 Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, addressable, 50 0.46 $2.24 $20,530.49 detectors, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire D50309100462 Fire alarm command center, addressable with voice, excl. wire & 0.46 $0.70 $6,407.99 conduit D50309200110 Internet wiring, 8 data/voice outlets per 1000 S.F. 1 $0.00 $0.00 E1090 Other Equipment $0.00 $0.00 subTotal 100% $138.88 $1,272,172.02 Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) 15.0% $20.83 $190,825.80 Architectural Fees 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 User Fees 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 BLOCK 52 REDEVELOPMENT TIF DISTRICT Code Deficiency Cost Report Parcel G -121 Broadway West, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Building Name or Type Parcel ID 155010052031 Store Front Lutheran Church -(;ode Related Cost Items Unit Cost Units Quanti . ty Tota'r.., Accessibility Items Parking Code required accessible parking should be created $ 100.00 Lump Accessible Route A code required accessible route into the building should be created $1,000.00 Lump Restroom Make the restroom fully code compliant $ 0.05 SF Hospitality Area Make the hospitality area fully code compliant $1,000.00 Lump Structural Elements Exiting Flooring Kepair/replace damaged/uneven Tlooring to create a code required unimpeded means for emergency egress Door Hardware Install code compliant door hardware Glass Doors Install code required 10 -inch kick plates on glass doors Exit Signs Install code compliant exit signs Fire Protection Smoke Detectors Install code required smoke detector system Emergency Lighting Install code compliant emergency lighting system Emergency Notification Install code required emergency notification system Sprinkler System Install code required building sprinkler system Fire Caulking instaii code required Tire cauiKing in tnrougn waii, boor, and cemng penetrations Exterior Construction Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 1 of 2 $ 3.34 SF $ 250.00 EA $ 100.00 EA $ 0.25 SF 9,160 6 6 9,160 100.00 1,000.00 458.00 1,000.00 $ 30,594.40 $ 1,500.00 $ 600.00 $ 2,290.00 $ 2.24 SF 9,160 $ 20,518.40 $ 0.95 SF 9,160 $ 8,702.00 $ 0.70 SF 9,160 $ 6,412.00 $ 5.37 SF 9,160 $ 49,189.20 $ 0.07 SF 9,160 $ 641.20 Code Deficiency Cost Report Parcel G -121 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Roof Construction Roofing Material Remove failed roofing material Install roofing material to prevent water intrusion per code Mechanical- Electrical Mechanical Install code compliant HVAC system Electrical Install code compliant lighting system Install code compliant electrical wiring system Energy Code $ 0.15 SF 9,160 $ 1,374.00 $ 1.27 SF 9,160 $ 11,633.20 $ 17.65 SF 9,160 $ 161,674.00 $ 7.90 SF 9,160 $ 72,364.00 $ 5.39 SF 9,160 $ 49,372.40 Total Code Improvements $ 419,423 Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 2 of 2 Parcel G -121 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel G: 121 Broadway West 00 _ = 20220127_094420.jpg 20220127_094731.jpg 20220127_094759.jpg 20220127_094827.jpg 20220127_094442.jpg A04 ilk ~• ti 20220127_094739.jpg 20220127_094803.jpg 20220127_094902.jpg 1 20220127_094514.jpg 20220127_094747.jpg 20220127_094815.jpg 20220127_094909.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel G: 121 Broadway West w 20220127_094952.jpg 20220127_094926.jpg 20220127_095041.jpg 20220127_095058.jpg 20220127_094937.jpg 20220127_095015.jpg 20220127_095044.jpg 20220127_095110.jpg 2 20220127_094949.jpg 20220127_095029.jpg 20220127_095053.jpg 20220127_095156.jpg 1 20220127_095044.jpg 20220127_095110.jpg 2 20220127_094949.jpg 20220127_095029.jpg 20220127_095053.jpg 20220127_095156.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel G: 121 Broadway West 20220127_095204.jpg 20220127_095232.jpg 20220127_095310.jpg 20220127_095613.jpg 20220127_095208.jpg 20220127_095248.jpg 20220127_095313.jpg 20220127_095622.jpg 3 20220127_095221.jpg 20220127_095301.jpg 20220127_095320.jpg 20220127_095724.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel G: 121 Broadway West 20220127_104734.jpg 20220127_104747.jpg F SMean%data rear 0�01Arr Square Foot Cost Estimate Report Estimate Name: 113 Broadway W Building Type: Office, 1 Story with Vinyl Clapboard / Wood Frame Location: MONTICELLO, MN Story Count: 1 Story Height (L.F.): 14 Floor Area (S.F.): 4896 Labor Type: OPN Basement Included: Yes Data Release: Year 2022 Cost Per Square Foot: $231.50 Building Cost: $1,133,408.49 Date: 1/31/2022 Costs are derived from , building model with basic components. Scope differences and market conditions can cause costs to vary significantly. Quantity % of Total Cost Per S.F. Cost A1010 Standard Foundations $6.98 $34,178.11 A10101102700 Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 11.1 KLF, soil bearing capacity 306 $3.17 $15,543.58 6 KSF. 12" deer) x 24" wide A10102107410 Spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 100K, soil bearing capacity 6 36.11 $3.81 $18,634.53 KSF. 4'- 6" square x 15" deer) A1030 Slab on Grade $6.72 $32,912.09 A10301202240 Slab on grade, 4" thick, non industrial, reinforced 4896 $6.72 $32,912.09 A2010 Basement Excavation $4.56 $22,313.81 A20101104620 Excavate and fill, 10,000 SF, 8' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, 4896 $4.56 $22,313.81 on site storaee A2020 Basement Walls $18.69 $91,495.22 A20201107260 Foundation wall, CIP, 12' wall height, pumped, .444 CY/LF, 21.59 PLF, 306 $18.69 $91,495.22 12" thick 81010 Floor Construction $29.40 $143,933.22 B10102030860 Cast -in-place concrete column, 12" square, tied, 200K load, 12' story 433.27 $7.98 $39,058.77 heieht. 142 I bs/LF. 4000PSI B10102103450 Wood column, 8" x 8", 20'x 20' bay, 10' unsupported height, 133 4896 $0.68 $3,333.98 BF/MSF. 160 PSF total allowable load B10102221720 Flat slab, concrete, with drop panels, 6" slab/2.5" panel, 12" column, 4896 $17.08 $83,599.20 15'x15' bay, 75 PSF superimposed load, 153 PSF total load B10107203700 Fireproofing, gypsum board, fire rated, 2 layer, 1" thick, 14" steel 406.98 $3.66 $17,941.27 column. 3 hour ratine. 22 PLF 81020 Roof Construction $6.94 $33,978.24 B10201024100 Wood roof, flat rafter, 2" x 12", 12" O.C. 4896 $6.94 $33,978.24 82010 Exterior Walls $11.20 $54,835.20 B20101525170 E.I.F.S., plywood sheathing, 1x8 fascia, R16 insulation, stud wall, 2" x 3427.2 $11.20 $54,835.20 6". 16" O.C.. 4" EPS B2020 Exterior Windows $6.08 $29,789.82 820201066550 Windows, aluminum, awning, insulated glass, 4'-5" x 5'-3" 37.25 $6.08 $29,789.82 82030 Exterior Doors $4.61 $22,574.61 B20301106950 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, narrow stile, double door, 1.4 $2.37 $11,600.37 hardware. 6'-0" x 10'-0" ooenine B20301107300 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, bronze finish, hardware, 3'-0" 1.4 $1.21 $5,914.35 x 10'-0" ooenine B20302203450 Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 1 door with frame, no label, 3'-0" 1.4 $1.03 $5,059.89 x 7'-0" ooenine 83010 Roof Coverings $2.35 $11,501.55 B30101202000 Roofing, single ply membrane, EPDM, 45mils, fully adhered 4896 $2.02 $9,889.92 B30106100200 Gutters, box, aluminum, .032" thick, 5", enameled finish 153 $0.26 $1,283.43 B30106200200 Downspout, aluminum, rectangular, 2" x 3", enameled, .024" thick 61.2 $0.07 $328.20 C1010 Partitions $4.53 $22,165.26 C10101241200 Wood partition, 5/8"fire rated gypsum board face, none base,2 x 4,@ 1713.6 $1.93 $9,465.14 16" OC framine.same 0000site face. 0 insul C10101241425 Wood partition, 5/8" fire rated gypsum board face, 1/4"sound 734.4 $1.38 $6,768.15 deadening gypsum board, 2x4 @ 16" OC framing, same opposite face, anund att--tinn in -I C10101280700 Gypsum board, 1 face only, exterior sheathing, fire resistant, 5/8" 3427.2 $0.71 $3,498.79 C10101280960 Add for the following: taping and finishing 3427.2 $0.50 $2,433.18 C1020 Interior Doors $4.59 $22,457.06 C10201022600 Door, single leaf, kd steel frame, hollow metal, commercial quality, 15.4 $4.59 $22,457.06 flush. 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/8" C1030 Fittings $0.45 $2,183.92 C10301100420 Toilet partitions, cubicles, ceiling hung, plastic laminate 2.1 $0.45 $2,183.92 C3010 Wall Finishes $1.47 $7,189.25 C30102300140 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, 4896 $0.86 $4,228.97 primer & 2 coats C30102300140 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, 3427.2 $0.60 $2,960.28 primer & 2 coats C3020 Floor Finishes $4.92 $24,085.38 C30204100080 Carpet tile, nylon, fusion bonded, 18" x 18" or 24" x 24", 35 oz 2937.6 $3.34 $16,356.09 C30204101600 Vinyl, composition tile, maximum 1468.8 $0.72 $3,547.31 C30204101720 Tile, ceramic natural clay 489.6 $0.85 $4,181.98 C3030 Ceiling Finishes $9.36 $45,817.60 C30302106000 Acoustic ceilings, 3/4" fiberglass board, 24" x 48" tile, tee grid, 4896 $9.36 $45,817.60 suspended support ■ -®® D1010 Elevators and Lifts $16.55 $81,006.30 D10101102200 Hydraulic, passenger elevator, 3000 Ib, 2 floors, 100 FPM 1 $16.55 $81,006.30 D2010 Plumbing Fixtures $3.96 $19,380.95 D20101102080 Water closet, vitreous china, bowl only with flush valve, wall hung 2.1 $1.70 $8,317.63 D20102102000 Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung 0.7 $0.21 $1,024.85 D20103101560 Lavatory w/trim, vanity top, PE on Cl, 20" x 18" 2.1 $0.78 $3,834.46 D20104404340 Service sink w/trim, PE on Cl,wall hung w/rim guard, 24" x 20" 0.7 $0.85 $4,154.38 D20108202080 Water cooler, electric, floor mounted, dual height, 14.3 GPH 0.7 $0.42 $2,049.63 D2020 Domestic Water Distribution $1.89 $9,251.06 D20202501860 Gas fired water heater, commercial, 100 < F rise, 100 MBH input, 91 0.7 $1.89 $9,251.06 GPH D3050 Terminal & Package Units $21.38 $104,661.55 D30501553840 Rooftop, multizone, air conditioner, offices, 10,000 SF, 31.66 ton 4896 $21.38 $104,661.55 D4010 Sprinklers $3.76 $18,412.88 D40104100620 Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, 1 floor, 10,000 SF 4896 $3.76 $18,412.88 D4020 Standpipes $1.96 $9,613.57 D40203101540 Wet standpipe risers, class III, steel, black, sch 40, 4" diam pipe, 1 0.84 $1.96 $9,613.57 floor D5010 Electrical Service/Distribution $7.87 $38,544.49 D50101200320 Overhead service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit 1.25 $1.66 $8,111.94 & wire. 3 Dhase. 4 wire. 120/208 V. 400 A D50102300320 Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 400 100 $2.06 $10,081.45 A D50102400240 Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, 1.2 $4.16 $20,351.10 120/208 V. 3 phase. 600 A D5020 Lighting and Branch Wiring $15.49 $75,856.36 D50201100640 Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 16.5 per 1000 SF, 2.0 W per 4896 $5.39 $26,403.00 SF. with transformer D50201350320 Miscellaneous power, 1.2 watts 4896 $0.39 $1,910.42 D50201400280 Central air conditioning power, 4 watts 4896 $0.73 $3,574.72 D50201452080 Motor installation, three phase, 460 V, 15 HP motor size 2 $1.08 $5,265.41 D50202100520 Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 1.6 watt per SF, 40 FC, 5630.4 $7.90 $38,702.81 10 fixtures (@32watt Der 1000 SF D5030 Communications and Security $5.60 $27,435.10 D50303101020 Telephone wiring for offices & laboratories, 8 jacks/MSF 3672 $1.80 $8,819.59 D50309100452 Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, addressable, 25 0.7 $3.29 $16,109.40 detectors, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire D50309100460 Fire alarm command center, addressable without voice, excl. wire & 0.7 $0.51 $2,506.11 conduit D50309200110 Internet wiring, 8 data/voice outlets per 1000 S.F. 1 $0.00 $0.00 E1090 Other Equipment SubTotal Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) Architectural Fees User Fees $0.00 $0.00 100% $201.30 $985,572.60 15.0% $30.20 $147,835.89 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 BLOCK 52 REDEVELOPMENT TIF DISTRICT Code Deficiency Cost Report Parcel H -113 Broadway West, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Building Name or Type Parcel ID 155010052060 Preferred Title Inc. -(;ode Related Cost Items Unit Cost Units go "Total —a or Quantity Accessibility Items Parking Create code required accessible parking $ 100.00 Lump Accessible Route Create a code required accessible route into the building $ 500.00 Lump Create a code required accessible route to all levels of the building $ 16.55 SF Restroom Modify restoom to comply with accessibility code $ 3.14 SF Structural Elements Exiting Thresholds Install code compliant thresholds Glass Doors Install code required 10 -inch kick plates on glass doors Secondary Exiting Modify secondary exit to comply with code Stairs Modify basement stairs to comply with code Floor to Ceiling Height Modify basement floor to ceiling height to comply with code Exit Signage Install code compliant exit signage Emergency Lighting Install code compliant emergency lighting Fire Protection Smoke Detectors Install code compliant smoke detector system Emergency Notification Install a code required emergency notification system Building Sprinkler System Install a code required building sprinkler system Exterior Construction Stucco $ 150.00 EA $ 100.00 EA $ 1,500.00 EA $ 0.75 SF $ 20.00 SF $ 0.35 SF $ 0.70 SF $ 3.29 SF $ 0.51 SF $ 5.72 SF 1 $ 1 $ 4,896 $ 4,896 $ $ 2 $ 4 $ 1 $ 4,896 $ 2,448 $ 4,896 $ 4,896 $ 4,896 $ 4,896 $ 4,896 $ 100.00 500.00 81,028.80 15, 373.44 300.00 400.00 1,500.00 3,672.00 48,960.00 1,713.60 3,427.20 16,107.84 2,496.96 28,005.12 Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 1 of 2 Parcel H -113 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Code Related Cost Items -Ad do Kepair/replace damaged/missing exterior stucco to prevent water intrusion per code Roof Construction Roofing Material Remove failed roofing mateial Install roofing material to prevent water intrusion per code Mechanical- Electrical Mechanical Install code compliant HVAC system Electrical Install code compliant lighting system Install code compliant electrical wiring system Energy Code Unit Cost Units Unit TotAq Quantity $ 10.00 SF 300 $ 3,000.00 $ 0.20 SF 4,896 $ 979.20 $ 2.35 SF 4,896 $ 11,505.60 $ 21.38 SF 4,896 $ 104,676.48 $ 7.90 SF 4,896 $ 38,678.40 $ 5.39 SF 4,896 $ 26,389.44 Total Code Improvements $ 388,814 Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 2 of 2 Parcel H -113 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel H: 113 Broadway West 20220127_091240.jpg 20220127_091306.jpg 20220127_091500.jpg 20220127_091630.jpg � - -S•- 3 E+ _ - 20220127_091301.jpg 20220127_091332.jpg A y 20220127_091551.jpg 20220127_091659.jpg 1 r - +e i i 20220127_091303.jpg 20220127_091435.jpg 20220127_091606.jpg 20220127_091702.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel H: 113 Broadway West 20220127_091710.jpg J 20220127_091939.jpg 20220127_092243.jpg 20220127_092316.jpg 20220127_091816.jpg 20220127_091942.jpg y I 20220127_092246.jpg 20220127_092339.jpg 2 20220127_091930.jpg 20220127_092115.jpg 16 2 4 E J 20220127_092247.jpg ij 20220127_092344.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel H: 113 Broadway West a 20220127_092356.jpg 20220127_092455.jpg 20220127_092904.jpg 20220127_093034.jpg --,�Ab 20220127_092411.jpg 20220127_092819.jpg 20220127_092908.jpg 20220127_093044.jpg 3 20220127_092440.jpg 20220127_092852.jpg 20220127_092919.jpg 20220127_093058.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel H: 113 Broadway West rte'- 20220127_093108.jpg 20220127_093407.jpg 20220127_093627 (1).jpg %IfA. 20220127_093627 (4).jpg 20220127_093326.jpg 20220127_093437.jpg 20220127_093627 (2).jpg 20220127_093627(5).jpg 4 20220127_093353.jpg 20220127_093518.jpg ,,, y`_a 20220127_093627 (3).jpg 20220127_093627 (6).jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel H: 113 Broadway West 20220127_093627 (7).jpg FM 20220127_093627 (10).jpg 20220127_093627 (13).jpg 20220127_093627 (16).jpg 20220127_093627 (8).jpg 20220127_093627 (11).jpg 20220127_093627 (14).jpg 20220127_093627 (17).jpg 20220127_093627 (9).jpg I 20220127_093627 (12).jpg 20220127_093627 (15).jpg 20220127_093627 (18).jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel H: 113 Broadway West ALM 20220127_093627 (22).jpg 20220127_093705.jpg 20220127_093916.jpg r M x 20220127_093627(20).jpg 20220127_093650.jpg e� `11 1 /A 20220127_093749.jpg 20220127_093942.jpg 6 20220127_093627(21).jpg 20220127_093658.jpg 20220127_093846.jpg 20220127_094019.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel H: 113 Broadway West 20220127_094043.jpg 20220127_094217.jpg 20220127_095834.jpg 20220127_094048.jpg r 20220127_095810.jpg 20220127_095859.jpg 7 20220127_094153.jpg 20220127_095831.jpg 20220127_095901.jpg F SMean%data rear 0�01Arr Square Foot Cost Estimate Report Estimate Name: 107 Broadway W Building Type: Commercial, 2 Story E.I.F.S. / Wood Frame Location: MONTICELLO, MN Story Count: 2 Story Height (L.F.): 12.00 Floor Area (S.F.): 3440 Labor Type: OPN Basement Included: No Data Release: Year 2022 Cost Per Square Foot: $189.55 Building Cost: $652,052.92 Date: 1/31/2022 Costs are derived from a building model with basic components. Scope differences and market conditions can cause costs to vary significantly. Quantity % of Total Cost Per S.F. Cost A1010 Standard Foundations $10.36 $35,628.95 A10101051560 Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, direct chute, .148 CY/LF, 7.2 PLF, 204 $5.77 $19,865.11 12" thick A10101103100 Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 14.8 KLF, soil bearing capacity 204 $3.51 $12,078.43 6 KSF. 12" deer) x 32" wide A10102107700 Spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 200K, soil bearing capacity 6 3.44 $1.07 $3,685.41 KSF. 6'- 0" square x 20" deer) A1030 Slab on Grade $3.36 $11,562.25 A10301202240 Slab on grade, 4" thick, non industrial, reinforced 1720 $3.36 $11,562.25 A2010 Basement Excavation $0.18 $631.86 A20101104560 Excavate and fill, 10,000 SF, 4' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, 1720 $0.18 $631.86 on site storaee 81010 Floor Construction $21.32 $73,333.41 B10102103450 Wood column, 8" x 8", 20'x 20' bay, 10' unsupported height, 133 1720 $0.34 $1,171.25 BF/MSF. 160 PSF total allowable load B10102103450 Wood column, 8" x 8", 20'x 20' bay, 10' unsupported height, 133 1720 $0.34 $1,171.25 BF/MSF. 160 PSF total allowable load B10102643050 Wood beam and joist floor, 12"x16" girder, 8"x16" beam, 2x10 joists 1720 $11.59 $39,870.44 Q 16". 20'x20' bay. 75 PSF LL. 102 PSF total load B10107203700 Fireproofing, gypsum board, fire rated, 2 layer, 1" thick, 14" steel 652.8 $8.37 $28,777.97 column. 3 hour ratine. 22 PLF 81020 Roof Construction $1.84 $6,312.40 B10201023800 Wood roof, flat rafter, 2" x 10", 24" O.C. 1720 $1.84 $6,312.40 82010 Exterior Walls $16.11 $55,422.72 B20101525100 E.I.F.S., plywood sheathing, 1x8 fascia, R4 insulation, stud wall, 2" x 3916.8 $16.11 $55,422.72 4". 16" O.C.. 1" EPS B2020 Exterior Windows $9.90 $34,045.51 B20201066550 Windows, aluminum, awning, insulated glass, 4'-5" x 5'-3" 42.57 $9.90 $34,045.51 B2030 Exterior Doors $1.61 $5,551.44 820301106950 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, narrow stile, double door, 0.34 $0.83 $2,852.71 hardware. 6'-0" x 10'-0" ooenine B20301107300 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, bronze finish, hardware, 3'-0" 0.34 $0.42 $1,454.43 x 10'-0" ooenine B20302203450 Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 1 door with frame, no label, 3'-0" 0.34 $0.36 $1,244.30 x 7'-0" ooenine 83010 Roof Coverings $1.38 $4,746.90 B30101202000 Roofing, single ply membrane, EPDM, 45mils, fully adhered 1720 $1.01 $3,474.40 B30106100050 Gutters, box, aluminum, .027" thick, 5", enameled finish 102 $0.25 $851.46 B30106200100 Downspout, aluminum, rectangular, 2" x 3", embossed mill finish, 81.6 $0.12 $421.04 .0 0" thick C1010 Partitions $3.52 $12,099.66 C10101241200 Wood partition, 5/8"fire rated gypsum board face, none base,2 x 4,@ 963.2 $1.55 $5,320.27 16" OC framine.same 0000site face. 0 insul C10101280700 Gypsum board, 1 face only, exterior sheathing, fire resistant, 5/8" 3916.8 $1.16 $3,998.62 C10101280960 Add for the following: taping and finishing 3916.8 $0.81 $2,780.77 C1020 Interior Doors $4.68 $16,082.09 C10201022600 Door, single leaf, kd steel frame, hollow metal, commercial quality, 11.03 $4.68 $16,082.09 flush. 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/8" C1030 Fittings $0.26 $895.10 C10301100420 Toilet partitions, cubicles, ceiling hung, plastic laminate 0.86 $0.26 $895.10 C2010 Stair Construction $0.82 $2,817.64 C20101101150 Stairs, wood, prefab basement type, oak treads, wood rails 3'-0" W, 1.2 $0.82 $2,817.64 14 risers C3010 Wall Finishes $3.35 $11,520.50 C30102300140 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, 3916.8 $0.69 $2,377.07 primer & 2 coats C30102300140 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, 2752 $0.98 $3,383.18 primer & 2 coats C3020 Floor Finishes $4.92 $16,922.73 C30204100080 Carpet tile, nylon, fusion bonded, 18" x 18" or 24" x 24", 35 oz 2064 $3.34 $11,492.02 C30204101600 Vinyl, composition tile, maximum 1032 $0.72 $2,492.39 C30204101720 Tile, ceramic natural clay 344 $0.85 $2,938.32 C3030 Ceiling Finishes $9.36 $32,192.11 C30302106000 Acoustic ceilings, 3/4" fiberglass board, 24" x 48" tile, tee grid, 3440 $9.36 $32,192.11 susnendedsunnorl ■ -®® D2010 Plumbing Fixtures $2.77 $9,521.76 D20101102080 Water closet, vitreous china, bowl only with flush valve, wall hung 0.86 $0.99 $3,409.05 D20102102000 Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung 0.34 $0.15 $504.05 D20103101560 Lavatory w/trim, vanity top, PE on Cl, 20" x 18" 0.69 $0.37 $1,257.27 D20104404340 Service sink w/trim, PE on Cl,wall hung w/rim guard, 24" x 20" 0.52 $0.89 $3,064.87 D20108201920 Water cooler, electric, wall hung, wheelchair type, 7.5 GPH 0.52 $0.37 $1,286.52 D2020 Domestic Water Distribution $0.66 $2,274.98 D20202501860 Gas fired water heater, commercial, 100 < F rise, 100 MBH input, 91 0.17 $0.66 $2,274.98 GPH D3050 Terminal & Package Units $17.65 $60,719.61 D30501553960 Rooftop, multizone, air conditioner, offices, 25,000 SF, 79.16 ton 3440 $17.65 $60,719.61 D4010 Sprinklers $4.08 $14,052.24 D40104100600 Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, 1 floor, 5000 SF 1169.6 $1.74 $6,002.08 D40104100720 Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, each additional floor, 2270.4 $2.04 $7,009.86 5000 SF D40104108930 Standard High Rise Accessory Package 3 story 0.17 $0.30 $1,040.30 D4020 Standpipes $1.29 $4,443.89 D40203101540 Wet standpipe risers, class III, steel, black, sch 40, 4" diam pipe, 1 0.21 $0.69 $2,364.12 floor D40203101560 Wet standpipe risers, class III, steel, black, sch 40, 4" diam pipe, 0.77 $0.60 $2,079.77 additional floors D5010 Electrical Service/Distribution $24.72 $85,047.75 D50101200440 Overhead service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit 1.25 $7.57 $26,043.13 & wire. 3 Dhase. 4 wire. 120/208 V. 1000 A D50102300440 Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 100 $8.35 $28,729.40 1000 A D50102400320 Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, 1.2 $8.80 $30,275.22 120/208 V. 3 chase. 1200 A D5020 Lighting and Branch Wiring $15.95 $54,863.63 D50201100640 Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 16.5 per 1000 SF, 2.0 W per 3440 $5.39 $18,551.13 SF. with transformer D50201350320 Miscellaneous power, 1.2 watts 3440 $0.39 $1,342.29 D50201400280 Central air conditioning power, 4 watts 3440 $0.73 $2,511.65 D50201452080 Motor installation, three phase, 460 V, 15 HP motor size 2 $1.53 $5,265.41 D50202100520 Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 1.6 watt per SF, 40 FC, 3956 $7.90 $27,193.15 10 fixtures (@32watt Der 1000 SF D5030 Communications and Security $4.74 $16,313.41 D50303101020 Telephone wiring for offices & laboratories, 8 jacks/MSF 2580 $1.80 $6,196.77 D50309100454 Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, addressable, 50 0.17 $2.24 $7,710.14 detectors, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire D50309100462 Fire alarm command center, addressable with voice, excl. wire & 0.17 $0.70 $2,406.50 conduit D50309200110 Internet wiring, 8 data/voice outlets per 1000 S.F. 1 $0.00 $0.00 E1090 Other Equipment $0.00 $0.00 SubTotal Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) Architectural Fees User Fees $0.00 $0.00 100% $164.83 $567,002.54 15.0% $24.72 $85,050.38 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 -� TIF PROJECT TITLE REDEVELOPMENT TIF DISTRICT Code Deficiency Cost Report Parcel J -107 Broadway West, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Building Name or Type Parcel ID 155010052070 Apartment r 'I Unit -(;ode Related Cost Items Unit Cost Units Accessibility Items Structural Elements Exiting Thresholds Modify thresholds to comply with code for maximum height Secondary Egress Install a code required secondary egress Carbon Monoxide Detectors Install code required carbon monoxide detectors Flooring Kepair/replaced damaged tlooring to create an unimpeded means Tor emergency egress per code Stairway Modify stairway to comply with code Fire Protection Smoke Detectors Install code compliant smoke detector system Emergency Lighting Install code required emergency lighting Emergency Notification System Install code required emergency notification system Building Sprinkler System Install a code required building sprinkler system. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters Install code required GFCI's Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters Install code required AFCI's Exterior Construction Windows Replace failed windows to prevent water intrusion per code Roof Construction Block 52 TIF District LHB Project No. 220047 Page 1 of 2 $ 250.00 Lump 1 $ 250.00 $ 5,000.00 Lump 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 250.00 EA 3 $ 750.00 $ 2.34 SF 3,440 $ 8,049.60 $ 0.82 SF 3,440 $ 2,820.80 $ 2.24 SF 3,440 $ 7,705.60 $ 1.75 SF 3,440 $ 6,020.00 $ 0.70 SF 3,440 $ 2,408.00 $ 7.37 SF 3,440 $ 25,352.80 $ 150.00 EA 3 $ 450.00 $ 150.00 EA 6 $ 900.00 $ 9.90 SF 3,440 $ 34,056.00 Code Deficiency Cost Report Parcel J -107 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Code Related Cost Items Unit Cost Units Unit of Quantity Roofing Material Remove failed roofing material Install roofing material to prevent water intrusion per code Mechanical- Electrical Mechanical Install code compliant HVAC system Electrical Install code compliant lighting system Install code compliant electrical wiring system Energy Code $ 0.50 SF 3,440 $ 1,720.00 $ 1.38 SF 3,440 $ 4,747.20 $ 17.65 SF 3,440 $ 60,716.00 $ 7.90 SF 3,440 $ 27,176.00 $ 5.39 SF 3,440 $ 18,541.60 Total Code Improvements $ 206,664 Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 2 of 2 Parcel J -107 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel J: 107 Broadway West 20220127_095958.jpg 20220127_100052.jpg i IMG_3754.jpg IMG_3758.jpg IMG_3755.jpg 8 I MG_3759.jpg IMG_3762.jpg 1 20220127_100159.jpg IMG_3756.jpg IMG_3760.jpg IMG_3763.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel J: 107 Broadway West IMG_3764.jpg nME IMG_3767.jpg IMG_3770.jpg IMG_3773.jpg IMG_3765.jpg IMG_3768.jpg IMG_3771.jpg IMG_3774.jpg 2 IMG_3766.jpg IMG_3769.jpg IMG_3772.10g F SMean%data rear 0�01Arr Square Foot Cost Estimate Report Estimate Name: 101 Broadway W Building Type: Office, 2 Story E.I.F.S. / Wood Frame Location: MONTICELLO, MN Story Count: 2 Story Height (L.F.): 12.00 Floor Area (S.F.): 1850 Labor Type: OPN Basement Included: No Data Release: Year 2022 Cost Per Square Foot: $263.18 Building Cost: $486,890.40 Date: 1/31/2022 Costs are derived from a building model with basic components. Scope differences and market conditions can cause costs to vary significantly. Quantity % of Total Cost Per S.F. Cost E -�� A1010 Standard Foundations $19.69 $36,430.90 A10101051560 Foundation wall, CIP, 4' wall height, direct chute, .148 CY/LF, 7.2 PLF, 220 $11.58 $21,423.16 12" thick A10101103100 Strip footing, concrete, reinforced, load 14.8 KLF, soil bearing capacity 220 $7.04 $13,025.76 6 KSF. 12" deer) x 32" wide A10102107700 Spread footings, 3000 PSI concrete, load 200K, soil bearing capacity 6 1.85 $1.07 $1,981.98 KSF. 6'- 0" square x 20" deer) A1030 Slab on Grade $3.36 $6,218.07 A10301202240 Slab on grade, 4" thick, non industrial, reinforced 925 $3.36 $6,218.07 A2010 Basement Excavation $0.18 $339.81 A20101104560 Excavate and fill, 10,000 SF, 4' deep, sand, gravel, or common earth, 925 $0.18 $339.81 on site storaee 81010 Floor Construction $29.05 $53,736.80 B10102103450 Wood column, 8" x 8", 20'x 20' bay, 10' unsupported height, 133 925 $0.34 $629.89 BF/MSF. 160 PSF total allowable load B10102103450 Wood column, 8" x 8", 20'x 20' bay, 10' unsupported height, 133 925 $0.34 $629.89 BF/MSF. 160 PSF total allowable load B10102643050 Wood beam and joist floor, 12"x16" girder, 8"x16" beam, 2x10 joists 925 $11.59 $21,441.95 (a 16". 20'x20' bay. 75 PSF LL. 102 PSF total load B10107203700 Fireproofing, gypsum board, fire rated, 2 layer, 1" thick, 14" steel 704 $16.78 $31,035.07 column. 3 hour ratine. 22 PLF 81020 Roof Construction $1.84 $3,394.75 B10201023800 Wood roof, flat rafter, 2" x 10", 24" O.C. 925 $1.84 $3,394.75 82010 Exterior Walls $32.31 $59,769.60 B20101525100 E.I.F.S., plywood sheathing, 1x8 fascia, R4 insulation, stud wall, 2" x 4224 $32.31 $59,769.60 4". 16" O.C.. 1" EPS B2020 Exterior Windows $19.85 $36,715.74 820201066550 Windows, aluminum, awning, insulated glass, 4'-5" x 5'-3" 45.91 $19.85 $36,715.74 B2030 Exterior Doors $1.61 $2,985.52 820301106950 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, narrow stile, double door, 0.18 $0.83 $1,534.16 hardware. 6'-0" x 10'-0" ooenine B20301107300 Door, aluminum & glass, with transom, bronze finish, hardware, 3'-0" 0.18 $0.42 $782.18 x 10'-0" ooenine B20302203450 Door, steel 18 gauge, hollow metal, 1 door with frame, no label, 3'-0" 0.18 $0.36 $669.18 x 7'-0" ooenine 83010 Roof Coverings $1.75 $3,240.81 B30101202000 Roofing, single ply membrane, EPDM, 45mils, fully adhered 925 $1.01 $1,868.50 B30106100050 Gutters, box, aluminum, .027" thick, 5", enameled finish 110 $0.50 $918.25 B30106200100 Downspout, aluminum, rectangular, 2" x 3", embossed mill finish, 88 $0.25 $454.06 0 0" thick C1010 Partitions $6.60 $12,218.23 C10101241200 Wood partition, 5/8"fire rated gypsum board face, none base,2 x 4,@ 518 $1.55 $2,861.19 16" OC framine.same 0000site face. 0 insul C10101241425 Wood partition, 5/8" fire rated gypsum board face, 1/4"sound 222 $1.11 $2,045.93 deadening gypsum board, 2x4 @ 16" OC framing, same opposite face, anund attanuatinn in -I C10101280700 Gypsum board, 1 face only, exterior sheathing, fire resistant, 5/8" 4224 $2.33 $4,312.24 C10101280960 Add for the following: taping and finishing 4224 $1.62 $2,998.87 C1020 Interior Doors $4.68 $8,648.80 C10201022600 Door, single leaf, kd steel frame, hollow metal, commercial quality, 5.93 $4.68 $8,648.80 flush. 3'-0" x 7'-0" x 1-3/8" C1030 Fittings $0.26 $481.37 C10301100420 Toilet partitions, cubicles, ceiling hung, plastic laminate 0.46 $0.26 $481.37 C2010 Stair Construction $0.82 $1,515.30 C20101101150 Stairs, wood, prefab basement type, oak treads, wood rails 3'-0" W, 0.65 $0.82 $1,515.30 14 risers C3010 Wall Finishes $2.66 $4,926.89 C30102300140 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, 1480 $0.69 $1,278.37 primer & 2 coats C30102300140 Painting, interior on plaster and drywall, walls & ceilings, roller work, 4224 $1.97 $3,648.52 primer & 2 coats C3020 Floor Finishes $4.92 $9,100.89 C30204100080 Carpet tile, nylon, fusion bonded, 18" x 18" or 24" x 24", 35 oz 1110 $3.34 $6,180.30 C30204101600 Vinyl, composition tile, maximum 555 $0.72 $1,340.39 C30204101720 Tile, ceramic natural clay 185 $0.85 $1,580.20 C3030 Ceiling Finishes $4.84 $8,954.00 C30302106800 Acoustic ceilings, 3/4" mineral fiber, 12" x 12" tile, 1" x 3" wood, 12" 925 $4.84 $8,954.00 OC erid. wood suonort D2010 Plumbing Fixtures $2.77 $5,120.72 D20101102080 Water closet, vitreous china, bowl only with flush valve, wall hung 0.46 $0.99 $1,833.36 D20102102000 Urinal, vitreous china, wall hung 0.18 $0.15 $271.07 D20103101560 Lavatory w/trim, vanity top, PE on Cl, 20" x 18" 0.37 $0.37 $676.15 D20104404340 Service sink w/trim, PE on Cl,wall hung w/rim guard, 24" x 20" 0.28 $0.89 $1,648.26 D20108201920 Water cooler, electric, wall hung, wheelchair type, 7.5 GPH 0.28 $0.37 $691.88 D2020 Domestic Water Distribution $0.66 $1,223.46 D20202501860 Gas fired water heater, commercial, 100 < F rise, 100 MBH input, 91 0.09 $0.66 $1,223.46 GPH D3050 Terminal & Package Units $17.65 $32,654.44 D30501553960 Rooftop, multizone, air conditioner, offices, 25,000 SF, 79.16 ton 1850 $17.65 $32,654.44 D4010 Sprinklers $4.08 $7,557.16 D40104100600 Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, 1 floor, 5000 SF 629 $1.74 $3,227.86 D40104100720 Wet pipe sprinkler systems, steel, light hazard, each additional floor, 1221 $2.04 $3,769.84 5000 SF D40104108930 Standard High Rise Accessory Package 3 story 0.09 $0.30 $559.46 D4020 Standpipes $1.29 $2,389.88 D40203101540 Wet standpipe risers, class III, steel, black, sch 40, 4" diam pipe, 1 0.11 $0.69 $1,271.40 floor D40203101560 Wet standpipe risers, class III, steel, black, sch 40, 4" diam pipe, 0.42 $0.60 $1,118.48 additional floors D5010 Electrical Service/Distribution $45.97 $85,047.75 D50101200440 Overhead service installation, includes breakers, metering, 20' conduit 1.25 $14.08 $26,043.13 & wire. 3 Dhase. 4 wire. 120/208 V. 1000 A D50102300440 Feeder installation 600 V, including RGS conduit and XHHW wire, 100 $15.53 $28,729.40 1000 A D50102400320 Switchgear installation, incl switchboard, panels & circuit breaker, 1.2 $16.36 $30,275.22 120/208 V. 3 Dhase. 1200 A D5020 Lighting and Branch Wiring $17.26 $31,938.87 D50201100640 Receptacles incl plate, box, conduit, wire, 16.5 per 1000 SF, 2.0 W per 1850 $5.39 $9,976.63 SF. with transformer D50201350320 Miscellaneous power, 1.2 watts 1850 $0.39 $721.87 D50201400280 Central air conditioning power, 4 watts 1850 $0.73 $1,350.74 D50201452080 Motor installation, three phase, 460 V, 15 HP motor size 2 $2.85 $5,265.41 D50202100520 Fluorescent fixtures recess mounted in ceiling, 1.6 watt per SF, 40 FC, 2127.5 $7.90 $14,624.22 10 fixtures (@32watt Der 1000 SF D5030 Communications and Security $4.74 $8,773.20 D50303101020 Telephone wiring for offices & laboratories, 8 jacks/MSF 1387.5 $1.80 $3,332.57 D50309100454 Communication and alarm systems, fire detection, addressable, 50 0.09 $2.24 $4,146.44 detectors, includes outlets, boxes, conduit and wire D50309100462 Fire alarm command center, addressable with voice, excl. wire & 0.09 $0.70 $1,294.19 conduit D50309200110 Internet wiring, 8 data/voice outlets per 1000 S.F. 1 $0.00 $0.00 E1090 Other Equipment $0.00 $0.00 SubTotal 100% $228.86 $423,382.96 Contractor Fees (General Conditions,Overhead,Profit) 15.0% $34.33 $63,507.44 Architectural Fees 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 User Fees 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 BLOCK 52 REDEVELOPMENT TIF DISTRICT Code Deficiency Cost Report Parcel K -101 Broadway West, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Building Name or Type Parcel ID 15501002090 "What The Art" Building r Unit -(;ode Related Cost Items Unit Cost Units Quantity IL Accessibility Items Parking Create code required accessible parking $ 100.00 Lump 1 $ 100.00 Accessible Routes Create a code required accessible route into the building $ 500.00 Lump 1 $ 500.00 Restroom Modify restroom to comply with accessibility code $ 1.77 SF 1,850 $ 3,274.50 Structural Elements Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 1 of 2 Parcel K -101 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Exiting Glass Doors Install code required 10 -inch kick plates on glass doors $ 100.00 EA 4 $ 400.00 Thresholds Modify thresholds to comply with code for maximum height $ 250.00 Lump 1 $ 250.00 Door Hardware Install code compliant door hardware $ 250.00 EA 6 $ 1,500.00 Internal Passageways Modify internal passageways to comply with code for minimum width $ 5,000.00 Lump 1 $ 5,000.00 Stairs Modify stairs to comply with code $ 0.82 SF 1,850 $ 1,517.00 Flooring Kepair/replace damaged tlooring to create an unimpeded means Tor emergency egress per code $ 4.06 SF 1,850 $ 7,511.00 Exit Signs Install code compliant emergency exit signs $ 0.95 SF 1,850 $ 1,757.50 Fire Protection Fire Caulking instaii cone requirea tire cauiKing in aii tnrougn waii, Tioor, ana cemng penetrations $ 0.25 SF 1,850 $ 462.50 Smoke Detectors Install code required smoke detector system $ 2.24 SF 1,850 $ 4,144.00 Emergency Lighting Install code compliant emergency lighting system $ 1.90 SF 1,850 $ 3,515.00 Emergency Notification Install a code required emergency notification system $ 0.70 SF 1,850 $ 1,295.00 Sprinkler System Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 1 of 2 Parcel K -101 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Code Related Cost Items Install a code required building sprinkler system Exterior Construction Roof Construction Roofing Material Remove failed roofing material Install roofing material to prevent water intrusion per code Mechanical- Electrical Mechanical Install a code compliant HVAC system Electrical Install a code compliant lighting system Install a code compliant electrical wiring system Remove non code compliant electrical extension cords Energy Code Unit Cost Units Unit of Quantity $ 1.00 SF 925 $ 925.00 $ 1.75 SF 925 $ 1,618.75 $ 17.65 SF 1,850 $ 32,652.50 $ 7.90 SF 1,850 $ 14,615.00 $ 5.39 SF 1,850 $ 9,971.50 $ 25.00 Lump 1 $ 25.00 Total Code Improvements $ 100,969 Block 52 TIF District Code Deficiency Cost Report LHB Project No. 220047 Page 2 of 2 Parcel K -101 Broadway W, Monticello, MN 55362 Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel K: 101 Broadway West �r 7-LO -ism - - _ 1-rA*- ..� t� • 20220127_100029.jpg 20220127_100030.jpg 20220127_100105.jpg 20220127_100159.jpg 20220127_100239.jpg 20220127_100118.jpg 20220127_100220.jpg 20220127_100256.jpg 1 20220127_100056.jpg 20220127_100152.jpg 20220127_100233.jpg 20220127_100308.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel K: 101 Broadway West WV / "I 20220127_100317.jpg 20220127_100333.jpg 20220127_100347.jpg Ile 20220127_100418.jpg 20220127_100323.jpg 20220127_100339.jpg 20220127_100402.jpg -I 20220127_100426.jpg 2 r 20220127_100325.jpg 20220127_100345.jpg 20220127_100407.jpg 20220127_100430.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel K: 101 Broadway West 20220127_100433.jpg 20220127_100551.jpg P 20220127_100659.jpg 20220127_100729.jpg _.1 A 20220127_100518.jpg 20220127_100619.jpg 20220127_100709.jpg 20220127_100741.jpg 3 20220127100534.jpg 20220127_100656.jpg 20220127_100716.jpg 20220127_100745.jpg Block 52 Redevelopment TIF District - Parcel K: 101 Broadway West 20220127_100751.jpg 20220127_100821.jpg 20220127_100915.jpg 20220127_101120.jpg 20220127_100757.jpg 20220127_100824.jpg 20220127_100918.jpg 20220127_101133.jpg 4 20220127_100802.jpg NMI 20220127_100910.jpg 20220127_100928.jpg 20220127_101440.jpg EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 5. PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of Opening and Holding a Land Sale Public Hearing related to the EDA's Prouosed Sale of a 11.263 square foot area to M & B On Chelsea, LLC in Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) as described in the attached Exhibit (metes and bounds legal description) and as depicted in the Otter Creek Crossing 7' Addition Plat (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is required to hold public hearings when it sells land. This specific land sale is related to the proposed Suburban Manufacturing (M & B On Chelsea, LLC) facility expansion. The EDA has been asked to sell a small portion of land adjacent to Suburban's site to allow it to pursue a 21,400 square foot building expansion along with related parking and truck loading area improvements, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.105. Suburban Manufacturing completed its original 45,790 production facility located at 10531 Dalton Avenue NE, Monticello, in 2012. It makes unique air filter and lubrication products, lube oil and grease systems and protective safety sleeve coverings. Their products are used in a variety of settings including agricultural, utilities, industrial, construction, transportation and defense industries. At the hearing, the EDA will determine if the proposed sale of the property is advisable and comports with the goals and objectives of the City's 2040 Comprehensive Plan and furthers its general plan of economic development. In pursuing the expansion proposal, Suburban Manufacturing/M & B On Chelsea, LLC has asked that the EDA consider a market rate land conveyance to allow it to expand its facility in an efficient manner by adding on to its current building on south side of the structure. As can be seen on the plat illustration, in addition to the land sale to M & B On Chelsea, LLC (see yellow circle square footage notations), there is a small parcel of land that M & B On Chelsea (5,919 square feet) will sell to the City as well under a separate documentation step (via City Council approval of a purchase agreement) as part of the entire global transaction. The various land conveyances will help to provide the space needed for the expansion of the building and creation of a new parking lot as well as allow the city to enlarge the stormwater retention pond located just west of the M & B On Chelsea, LLC/Suburban Manufacturing site. The Planning Commission reviewed the land conveyance to M & B On Chelsea, LLC at its March 1, 2022 meeting and approved a resolution finding the proposed conveyance in Conformance with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and its general economic development goals and objectives. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The EDA attorney (Kennedy and Graven) the Financial Advisor (Northland Securities) as well as the Economic Development Manager and the Community Development Director have been involved in the process and document preparation tasks related to the proposed land sale to M & B on Chelsea, LLC. The platting steps are being completed by WSB & Associates under the CET Grant tasks. No additional staff are needed 1 EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 to complete the final review and approval steps. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budgetary impact related to EDA consideration of opening the land sale public hearing includes costs for the EDA legal counsel to draft the public hearing notice as well as the minimal cost to publish the Notice. The hearing steps it should be noted is just a small part of entire action list involved in the review and approval considerations for the land conveyances between the EDA and M & B On Chelsea, LLC. The expenses incurred by the EDA related to drafting documents including the purchase agreements, the EDA and City Council resolutions and the public hearing notice will be included on the land conveyance transaction settlement statement. The EDA will receive minor revenue from the sale transaction. Funds will accrue to the EDA general fund in the amount of $7,669.95 less standard closing fees charged by the title company. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to Close the Land Sale Public Hearing after opening it and accepting public comments. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative # 1. The EDA is required to hold a public hearing for land sales per MN State Statute 469.105. The EDA has held this property specifically to provide an opportunity to meet goals for economic development. The proposed land sale allows Suburban Manufacturing/M & B On Chelsea, LLC to expand its facility by 21,400 square feet and grow in Monticello. Suburban Manufacturing currently employs about 65 +/- full time equivalents and expects that number to continue to increase with the facility expansion. Item 6. on the EDA Agenda is a related consideration as the EDA specifically considers authoizing approval of a purchase agreement in the amount of $7,669.95 for the conveyance of 11,263 square feet of EDA owned land to M & B On Chelsea, LLC. Suburban Manufacturing's owners have indicated that they are ready to move ahead with the expansion in the spring/ summer of 2022. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Land Sale Public Hearing Notice with legal descriptions B. Marked Up Plat — Otter Creek Crossing 7a' Addition C. Aerial Photo D. Bldg. Square Footage -WC Beacon Pa NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "EDA") will meet at the Monticello Community Center, 505 Walnut Street, Mississippi Room, Monticello, MN 55362 at or after 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, to conduct a public hearing regarding the sale of certain property owned by the EDA (the "Property"). The Property is described as follows: That part of Outlot B, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the most northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, said OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION; thence South 37 degrees 52 minutes 15 seconds West, assumed bearing along the common lot line between said Lot 1 and said Outlot B, a distance of 73.65 feet; thence South 47 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds West, along said common lot line, a distance of 66.41 feet; thence North 87 degrees 18 minutes 42 seconds West, along said common lot line, a distance of 75.26 feet; thence North 70 degrees 24 minutes 21 seconds West, along said common lot line and its extension, a distance of 150.26 feet; thence South 34 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 415.70 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. AND That part of Outlot A, said OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, which lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the hereinbefore point of termination; thence South 34 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 35.23 feet to a line parallel with and 35.00 feet southwesterly of the northeasterly line of said Outlot A, thence South 49 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds East, along said parallel line, a distance of 223.19 feet to the southeasterly line of said Outlot A, and said line there terminating. The EDA will consider the sale of the land under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.105. A summary of the terms and conditions of the land sale is available for public inspection at City Hall. At the hearing, the EDA will meet to decide if the sale is advisable. Any persons wishing to express an opinion on the matters to be considered at the public hearing will be heard orally or in writing. Dated: March 24, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY /s/Jim Thares Executive Director A-1 Error! Unknown document property name. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Outlot A, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Oudot A. OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Corot B, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Lot 1, Block 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. PROPERTY SUMMARY 1. Subject property's addresses are shown on survey. 2. Subject property's property identification numbers are shown on survey. 3. The gross area of the subject property is 1,012.405 Square Feet or 23.242 acres. SURVEY NOTES 1. The bearing system is based on the recorded plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, having an assumed bearing of NOO°25'16"E for the West line of Outlot A. 2. The vertical datum is based on NAVD88. 3. Field work was completed on 12/10/2021. PLAT AREAS Proposed plat areas are as follows: Lot 1, Block 1 = 425,325 Square Feet or 9.764 arms Lot 2, Block 1 = 269,621 Square Feet or 6.190 acres Lot 3, Block 1 = 204,092 Square Feet or 4.685 acres Oudot A = 113 367 Square Feet or 2.603 acres Total = 1,012,405 Square Feet or 23.242 eves ADDRESSES Owner: City of Monticello Surveyor: WSB 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, BLOCK 2, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING HAVE BEEN VACATED PER DOCUMENT. NO. A974166. VICINITY MAP TTIIII CSAH NO. 39 N\�' I c2yF[ tvsT,l RQ $ ^fib I I7♦\�` I unTTO e SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IJ FOUND SECTION MONUMENT 0 FOUND MONUMENT O SET MONUMENT SIGN DECIDUOUSTREE EVERGREEN TREE © PEDESTAL ® HAND HOLE FIBER OPTIC VAULT i LIGHT POLE A' POWER POLE I GUY WIRE O ELECTRIC PANEL (9) ELECTRIC MANHOLE 0 SOIL BORING D FLARED END SECTION ® CATCH BASIN ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN ® STORM MANHOLE ® SANITARY MANHOLE © SANITARY LIFT STATION IRRIGATION CONTROL BOX -6 HYDRANT $ WATER VALVE > SANITARYLINE » STORM LINE —I1 WATER MAIN c UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION s UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC F UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC c UNDERGROUND GAS off OVERHEAD POWER FENCE CURB a GUTTER _ \ HEDGE LINE i T ` i ,- TREE LINE Z / BUILDING EDGE PLAT BOUNDARY PROPOSED LOT LINE PROPOSED D and U EASEMENT FTIR LAND BEING CONVEYED TO SUBURBAN LAND BEING CONVEYED TO CITY OF MONTICELLO r—, NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING L — J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1. BLOCK 1 AND OUTLOT B, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION ARE PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 1- fiy ~6 -1- BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. vt.`^AjJNIP\ ;.u.. .--- I I I \ \ O \ \ H6 U LL KW \ I DOd roe \ <<O\ pO�JP 1dT' / � 9 ♦ Io�OOG / ♦ S FD RLS 16233 I $$9°53' "E 494.44 w �-y QTR// ♦ Lia � w w ' I–II, –T T , – i– I ` — — — — — — — �, rn T TiXISTING ORAINGE AND` 1— — — — p i ' I I a �;� UTILITY EASEMENT PERU y�\� m L— 103.79 ��t♦ F _ PIAT OF OTTER CREEK S89 -53'44-E r/y2r°0 ap � ♦♦ \ CROSSING IST ADOITIONII 110.63 ' 331 '1\ . S8953'W'E 1 \ I w r I I c 800.06-16-W ♦\ O \V 6 _ 34.00 m \ FORLS 426z, S%p° I. rn II (♦ Jg� 'I/� _ '?0 Q53 FD1/2' 1 FD 11r PIPE �♦.�I 1 PIPE I\ EDGE OF I ( �� 11 I Y I \ \ \ DELINEATED-1113,3675SSQ-F f I I zm I \\ 1 \\ '� WETLAND 2603 AC. \43° y Iri 1 1 1-Z o^ 1 \\ I ��JJ/foo° 1 ���—`OUT A34'a ,Qar Ce - u / 0.? \`♦\ �♦ 4g,7s 2g 99 � ro0 I I Z °+ nw OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO /?992 DqR2A7IN"(Av E7 OTIL—ITASEMEN-- E'WMN6^6/y^ F\ETio/\' gfY,1,4 ' a R4 6`0ADDRESS: UNASSIGNED 1/ 425.325 SqFTPID: 155194000010LOT1 W Iyry 9.764 , `276 j8d i N12°2 5'13"W Iii i° FD yr 43.46 WOO'W_—xlo.00 ° a7 � uS PIPE vN8718'42 EXISTING o w / M O PpND 2a3\F' 5 AC. O R: CITU OF MONTIOELLO < i / ^1 db CP tY ADD S:10531 DALTON AVE Q W O - �\ t�e*re11 T 3 P: 155223001010 1 / \ q ..OAC p n Z O s \��\ LAND BEN(�CON\11EyED TO CrrYMONTICEL 8 I Yf 4. O O V / / / 5.919 SO. FT' 7 \ 0.136: \ \ FO R $9 12- 1— - I I 5 f+i O p'13qLS 6 I I, 25341 !6-4- — ----�—L—� 2\00 N88°5p' \1N II \ 30 41 N#'30'10"W' W 22.58 \ 2\ // \�)\ /� / // O(✓K10.26 o FD 1n" / < —b' \� (J / ,1-� J0 \ LOT 2 LANG BEING CONVEYED TO / 269.621 SO. FT SUBURBAN 6.1WAC. 84 7.9 0.183 AC. I I( \\ \\ 04 \ \ \ \ \ \ \•`.' \?j // / _� I \ \ OWNER: ONTI ADDRESS: UNASSIGNED PID: 155223000010 aZQwz I I I I \\ I II I/ I I I/ I II I I D BEING ' P NVEYED TO 1 n- i USURBAN 3.279 SO. FT. ^5 0.075 AC. I� I /l /� I 4 FD 1/2' PIPE / O V•P \ / � / Dia .�♦�J / 5g. oti ,// FD1/2'PIPE 1 / J 379 ` ` FD 1/2' PIPE' � C\\ 4•G�as�`� \\ 111 //' // \N\ 0�4s?6\ X FD 1/Y '1\ O 1 O i C PIPE / 46, O \\ �eo 01, 56 7 97 16 / s\ r. \\ \ 2 N Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 1 inch =100 feet LWO SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1"=100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY: SR JRH U) Z O s U) 8 o W O i O> Z�>�y aZQwz S �Oayw O r �3N m W K 2QN20u- Ey ED rA N w ' �7Qx M o do 'wl- o O U Z W rcW W r =w —UZ p Preliminary Plat WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 Beacon Wright County, MN Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL -- CTYCL MUNICL -- PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits ® c Qt Parcels Parcel ID 155223001010 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address 10531 DALTON AVE NE Sec/Twp/Rng 10-121-025 Class 234- INDS LAND & BLDGS MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Property Address 10531 DALTON AVE NE Acreage n/a MONTICELLO District 1101 C ITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H Brief Tax Description Sect -10 Twp -121 Range -025 OTTER C REEK C ROSSING 4TH ADDN Lot -001 Block -001 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 4/4/2022 Last Data Uploaded: 4/4/2022 8:21:12 AM Developed by" Schneider GSOSPATIAL 4/4/22,1:53 PM 4N.,BeaconTV Wright County, M N Summary Beacon - Wright County, MN - Report: 155223001010 Parcel ID 155223001010 Property Address 10531 DALTON AVE NE MONTICELLO Sec/Twp/Rng 10-121-025 Brief Tax Description Sect -10 Twp -121 Range -025 OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDN Lot -001 Block -001 (Note: Not to be used nn IPaal rine imantO Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 234 - (NON-HSTD) It District (1101)1101 CITY OF School District 0882 Creation Date 11/01/2011 Note: Class refers to Assessor's Classification Valuation + Estimated Land Value + Estimated Building Value + Estimated Machinery Value = Total Estimated Market Value Taxation Estimated Market Value - Excluded Value - Homestead Exclusion = Taxable Market Value Net Taxes Due + Special Assessments = Total Taxes Due Change MEZ2012 3534.0 sf -------------- --i-- -------------------- ; , 25' 39' 54' -- --- - ----------- 5 5' 14' ------------------------ 204'11 110' 341 SAN 201 66, 221 Aemo -; 330.0 s iraining 32 e9, 30' 66 � ` BAS2012 WAREHOUSE G BA 2012 120 32208.0 sf ,\A shop office conference electrical deburrng 1321 shipping receving ' (ca ing 14x14 cocks (2) drive-in door • MEZ2012 2320.0 sf https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/AppIication.aspx?AppID=187&LayerlD=2505&PageTypeID=4&PageID=1310&KeyValue=155223001010 1/1 EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 6. Consideration of Adouting Resolution No. 2022-08 Authorizing a Purchase Agreement with M & B On Chelsea, LLC in the amount of $7,669.95 related to the conveyance of land totaling 11,263 square feet in Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) as described in the attached Exhibit (metes and bounds legal description) and as depicted in the Otter Creek Crossing 7' Addition Plat (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider adopting Resolution No. 2022-08 authorizing a Purchase Agreement with M & B On Chelsea, LLC for the sale of land area totaling 11,263 square feet in Otter Creek Business Park. The acquisition supports expansion of the Suburban Manufacturing facility. With the completed public hearing, the EDA can act to consider the land sale. Suburban Manufacturing, 10531 Dalton Avenue, is planning to complete a 21,400 square foot building expansion along with related parking and truck loading area improvements at its current site. In pursuing the expansion proposal, Suburban Manufacturing/ M & B On Chelsea, LLC asked that the EDA consider a market rate land conveyance to allow it to expand its facility in an efficient manner by adding on to its current building on south side of the current structure. Suburban Manufacturing completed development of its original 45,790 square foot production facility in 2012. It is a manufacturer of unique air filter and lubrication products, lube oil and grease systems and protective safety sleeve coverings. Their products are used in a variety of settings including the agricultural, utilities, industrial, construction, transportation and defense industries. The total number of employees at Suburban Manufacturing currently stands at 65 +/- FTE time equivalents. That number is expected to continue to increase with the facility expansion. As can be seen on the plat illustration, in addition to the land sale to M & B On Chelsea, LLC (see yellow circle square footage notations), there is a small parcel of land that M & B On Chelsea (5,919 square feet) will sell to the City as well under a separate documentation step (via City Council approval of a purchase agreement) as part of the entire global transaction. The various land conveyances will help to provide the space needed for the expansion of the building and creation of a new parking lot as well as allow the city to enlarge the stormwater retention pond located just west of the M & B On Chelsea, LLC/Suburban Manufacturing site. The Planning Commission reviewed the land conveyance to M&B On Chelsea, LLC at its March 1, 2022 meeting and approved a resolution finding the proposed conveyance in conformance with the City of Monticello Comprehensive Plan 2040 + and its general economic development goals and objectives. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The EDA attorney (Kennedy and Graven) the Financial Advisor (Northland Securities) as well as the Economic Development Manager and the Community Development Director have been involved in the process and document preparation tasks 1 EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 related to the proposed land sale to M & B On Chelsea, LLC. The platting steps are being completed by WSB & Associates under the CET Grant tasks to further prepare OCBP sites for development. No additional staff are needed to complete the final review and approval steps. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budgetary impact related to EDA consideration of selling 11,263 square feet of land to M & B On Chelsea, LLC/Suburban Mfg. consists of document preparation expenses, transaction closing fees and land sale proceeds. Sales proceeds will accrue to the EDA general fund in the amount of $7,669.95 less standard closing fees charged by the title company. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt EDA Resolution No. 2022-08 authorizing the EDA to enter into a Purchase Agreement with M & B On Chelsea, LLC in the amount of $7,669.95 related to the conveyance of land totaling 11,263 square feet in Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) as described in the attached Exhibit. 2. Motion to table consideration of EDA Resolution No. 2022-08 for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The EDA has held this property specifically to provide an opportunity to meet goals for economic development. The proposed land sale allows Suburban Manufacturing/M & B On Chelsea, LLC to expand its facility by 21,400 square feet and grow in Monticello. M & B On Chelsea, LLC/Suburban Manufacturing has indicated that they are ready to move ahead with the expansion in the spring/summer of 2022. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution No. 2022-08 B. Purchase Agreement with metes and bounds Legal Description Exhibit C. Marked Up Plat — Otter Creek Crossing 7t' Addition D. Aerial Photo E. Expansion Concept Sketch with Mark -Ups Pa CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2022-08 RESOLUTION APPROVING A PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND M & B ON CHELSEA, LLC BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("Authority") as follows: Back rg ound. 1.01. M & B on Chelsea, LLC (the "Developer") desires to acquire certain property (the "Property") in the City of Monticello (the "City"), which Property has been the subject of certain preliminary negotiations with the Authority in connection with the construction on the Property of the Developer's expansion of its existing business, new parking areas, and a loading area (the "Development"). The Property is described as: That part of Outlot B, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the most northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, said OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION; thence South 37 degrees 52 minutes 15 seconds West, assumed bearing along the common lot line between said Lot I and said Outlot B, a distance of 73.65 feet; thence South 47 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds West, along said common lot line, a distance of 66.41 feet; thence North 87 degrees 18 minutes 42 seconds West, along said common lot line, a distance of 75.26 feet; thence North 70 degrees 24 minutes 21 seconds West, along said common lot line and its extension, a distance of 150.26 feet; thence South 34 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 415.70 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. AND That part of Outlot A, said OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, which lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the hereinbefore point of termination; thence South 34 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 35.23 feet to a line parallel with and 35.00 feet southwesterly of the northeasterly line of said Outlot A, thence South 49 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds East, along said parallel line, a distance of 223.19 feet to the southeasterly line of said Outlot A, and said line there terminating. A-1 MN190-171-781838.v1 1.02. The Authority and the Developer desire to enter into a purchase agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") pursuant to which the Developer will acquire the Property from the Authority. 1.03. Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, the Developer will purchase the Property from the Authority for a total purchase price of $7,669.95 plus related costs. By separate agreement, the Developer has also agreed to convey 5,919 square feet of its property to the City at no cost. 1.04. The Authority finds that the sale of the Property conforms to the City's comprehensive plan and will facilitate the economic development and revitalization of this portion of the City, in that the Authority will convey the Property to a third party for economic development purposes. 1.05. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.356, subd. 2, the Planning Commission of the City met on March 1, 2022 to review the proposed acquisition and found that such acquisition conforms to the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. Purchase Agreement Approved. 2.01. The Authority hereby approves the Purchase Agreement, and authorizes and directs the President and Executive Director to execute same in substantially the form presented to the Authority, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the Purchase Agreement by such officials will be conclusive evidence of their approval. 2.02. Authority staff, officials, and consultants are authorized to take any other actions necessary to carry out the Authority's obligations under the Purchase Agreement, including without limitation execution of any documents to which the Authority is a party referenced in or attached to the Purchase Agreement, and any other documents necessary to convey the Property to the Developer, all as described in the Purchase Agreement. Approved this day of , 2022, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President ATTEST: Secretary MN190-171-781838.v1 PURCHASE AGREEMENT 1. PARTIES. This Purchase Agreement (this "Agreement") is made on this day of , 2022 (the "Effective Date"), by and between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "EDA"), a body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "Seller") and M & B on Chelsea, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Buyer"). 2. SALE OF PROPERTY. The City of Monticello (the "City") is the owner of that certain parcel of real estate consisting of approximately 21,400 square feet, in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, and State of Minnesota, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"). The City is in the process of conveying the Property to the Seller. The Seller desires to sell the Property to the Buyer in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 3. PURCHASE PRICE AND MANNER OF PAYMENT. 3.1. Purchase Price. Parcel 1 of the Property consists of 3,279 square feet. The purchase price for Parcel 1 is $.304971/square foot (which has been discounted due to the slope), which amounts to $1,000. Parcel 2 of the Property consists of 7,984 square feet. The purchase price for Parcel 2 is $3.23/square foot which amounts to $26,788.32. By separate agreement, the Buyer has agreed to convey 5,919 square feet of its existing property to the City (the "Buyer Parcel"). The Seller has agreed to provide the Buyer with a credit towards the Purchase Price of the Property in the amount of $19,118.37 (5,919 square feet x $3.23/square foot = $19,118.37. Therefore, the Purchase Price for the Property pursuant to this Agreement shall be calculated as follows: $ 1,000.00 — Purchase Price for Parcel 1 + $26,788.32 — Purchase Price for Parcel 2 $27,788.32 — Total Purchase Price $19,118,37 — Credit for Buyer Parcel to be conveyed to the City $7,669.95 Purchase Price (the "Purchase Price"). 3.2. Manner of Payment. The Buyer shall pay to the Seller the Purchase Price on or before the Closing Date, as described in Section 6 herein, at which time the Seller's deed to the Property shall be delivered to the Buyer. MN 190-171-781773 A 4. OBLIGATIONS OF THE SELLER. The Seller shall provide the following documentation: 4.1. Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties of the Seller contained in this Agreement must be true now and on the Closing Date in all material respects as if made on the Closing Date and the Seller shall have delivered to the Buyer on the Closing Date, a certificate dated the Closing Date, signed by an authorized representative of the Seller, certifying that such representations and warranties are true as of the Closing Date in all material respects (the "Closing Certificate"). 4.2. Title. Title shall have been found to be acceptable to Buyer, or been made acceptable, in accordance with the requirements and terms of Section 8 below. 4.3. Performance of the Seller's Obligations. The Seller shall have performed all of the obligations required to be performed by the Seller under this Agreement in all material respects. Included within the obligations of the Seller under this Agreement shall be the following: 4.3.1. The Seller agrees to cooperate with the Buyer as reasonably necessary to permit the Buyer to investigate the Property. Within 10 days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, the Seller shall make available to the Buyer and the Buyer's agents copies of any documents in the Seller's possession relating to the Property, including, but not limited to, all surveys, plats, civil plans, soils reports, environmental reports including any Phase I and Phase II environmental assessments of the Property, if any. 4.3.2. The Seller shall deliver to the Buyer the Title Evidence required in Section 8 on or before 10 days from the Effective Date. 5. CONTINGENCIES WHICH MUST BE EXERCISED BY WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE SELLER NO LATER THAN 20 DAYS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS AGREEMENT (THE "CONTINGENCY DATE"): 5.1. Buyer's Contin eg ncies. 5.1.1. Testing. The Buyer shall have determined that it is satisfied with the results of, and matters disclosed by, any environmental site assessments, soil tests, engineering inspections, hazardous substances, and environmental reviews of the Property, all such tests, assessments, inspections, and reviews to be obtained at the Buyer's sole cost and expense. a. The Buyer shall pay all costs and expenses of such investigation and testing and shall promptly repair and restore any damage to the Property caused by the Buyer's testing and return the Property to substantially the same condition as existed prior to entry. The Buyer shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Seller harmless from any 2 MN 190-171-781773 A claim for damage to person or property arising from any investigation or inspection of the Property conducted by the Buyer, its agents or contractors, including the cost of attorneys' fees, provided, however, that the Buyer shall not be responsible for any pre-existing conditions that are discovered by the Buyer or its consultants so long as, following discovery, the Buyer or its consultants do not materially exacerbate such conditions through their actions. b. Copies of any final written reports, studies, or test results obtained by the Buyer in connection with its inspection of the Property or investigation relating to the Property shall be delivered to the Seller promptly upon receipt of the same at no cost to the Seller. 5.1.2. Title Report. The Buyer's obligation to close hereunder is subject to its approval of a commitment of title for the Property as is more fully described in Section 8. 5.1.3. Land Use Approvals. The Buyer having received all land use approvals from the City and any other governmental entities or agencies deemed necessary by the Buyer for its intended use of the Property. The Buyer shall be responsible for the costs of obtaining said land use approvals. In the event that any land use approvals are needed by the Buyer from the City, said land use approvals will be conditioned upon the Buyer closing on its purchase of the Property. 5.2. Seller's Contingencies. 5.2.1 The Buyer and the City entering into a Purchase Agreement for the conveyance of the Buyer Property. If, on or before the Contingency Date or if required earlier by this Agreement, if the Buyer determines that any of its contingencies listed in this Section have not been satisfied in its sole discretion, then this Agreement may be terminated by written notice from the Buyer to the Seller, which notice must given no later than the Contingency Date. If, on or before the Contingency Date or if required earlier by this Agreement, if the Seller determines that its contingency has not been satisfied in its sole discretion, then this Agreement may be terminated by written notice from the Seller to the Buyer, which notice must be given no later than the Contingency Date. If the Buyer or the Seller does not give written notice of termination on or before the Contingency Date, all of such contingencies will be deemed to have been satisfied and the parties shall proceed to close this transaction in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. If this Agreement is terminated by the Buyer or the Seller in accordance with this Section, neither party shall have any further rights or obligations regarding this Agreement or the Property. All of the contingencies set forth in Section 5.1 of this Agreement are specifically stated and agreed to be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Buyer and the Buyer shall have the right to unilaterally waive any of its contingencies by written notice to the Seller. 3 MN 190-171-781773 A 6. CLOSING. The closing of the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing") shall occur within 10 days of the Contingency Date or such date on which the parties may agree (the "Closing Date"). The Closing shall occur at Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, Minnesota, or at such other location mutually agreed upon by the parties. The Seller agrees to deliver possession of the Property to the Buyer on the Closing Date. 6.1. Seller's Closing Documents. On the Closing Date, the Seller shall execute and deliver to the Buyer the following (collectively, "Seller's Closing Documents"), all in form and content reasonably satisfactory to the Buyer: 6.1.1. Deed. A quit claim deed conveying the Property to the Buyer. 6.1.2. Seller's Affidavit. A seller's affidavit as required by the Title Company to issue an owner's policy of title insurance with the standard exceptions waived. 6.1.3. Original Documents. Original copies of any surveys, reports, permits, and records in the Seller's possession. 6.1.4. FIRPTA Affidavit. A non -foreign affidavit, properly executed, containing such information as is required by the Internal Revenue Code Section 1445(b)(2) and its regulations. 6.1.5. Other Documents. Any other documents reasonably required in order to complete the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. 6.2. Buyer's Closing Documents. On the Closing Date, the Buyer shall execute, as appropriate, and deliver to the Seller the following (collectively, "Buyer's Closing Documents"): 6.2.1. Purchase Price. The Purchase Price by certified or cashier's check or wire transfer. 6.2.2. Other Documents. Such affidavits of the Buyer, certificates of value, or other documents as may be reasonably required in order to complete the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. 7. PRORATIONS. The Seller and the Buyer agree to the following prorations and allocation of costs regarding this Agreement: 7.1. Title Insurance and Closing Costs. The Seller shall pay the cost to record any document required to establish marketable title in the Seller; any fees incurred for updating title, including the cost of preparing the Title Commitment and title search and examination fees; any state deed tax, conservation fee, or other federal, state, or local documentary or revenue stamps or transfer tax with respect to the deed to be delivered by the Seller. The Buyer shall pay the cost of all premiums required for the issuance of a title insurance policy and any endorsements; the fees of any soil tests, surveys, environmental assessments, inspection reports, appraisals, or 4 MN 190-171-781773 A other tests or reports ordered by the Buyer; any costs associated with any land use applications requested by the Buyer; recording fees and charges related to the recording of the deed; and its own legal and accounting fees associated with this transaction. Buyer shall also pay Seller's attorney's fees in connection with this Agreement. Buyer shall pay all closing fees charged by the Title Company and any escrow fees charged by any escrow agent engaged by the parties in connection with this Agreement. 7.2. Real Estate Taxes and Special Assessments. The Seller shall pay, on or before the Closing Date, all levied special assessments, constituting a lien against the Sale Parcel as of the effective date, including, without limitation, any installments of special assessments that are payable with general real estate taxes in the year in which Closing occurs. The Property is currently tax-exempt, but in the event that there are any general real estate taxes payable in any year prior to the year in which the Closing occurs, they shall be paid by the Seller. Any general real estate taxes payable in the year in which Closing occurs shall be prorated between the Buyer and the Seller as of the Closing Date. 8. TITLE EXAMINATION. Title Examination shall be conducted as follows: 8.1. Seller's Title Evidence. No later than 10 days from the Effective Date, the Seller shall furnish the following (collectively, "Title Evidence") to the Buyer: 8.1.1. Title Commitment. A title commitment for the Property from the Title Company (the "Title Commitment"). 8.1.2. Survey. A copy of any existing land survey of the Property that is in the Seller's possession or control. The Buyer, at its option, also may obtain, at its expense, an updated survey of the Property (the "Updated Survey"). Any Updated Survey shall be certified and delivered to the Seller. 8.2 Buyer's Objections. No later than 10 days after receiving the Title Commitment, the Buyer must make written objections ("Objections") to the title to the Property based on the Title Evidence. If the Buyer elects to obtain an Updated Survey, objections based upon the Updated Survey must be made within 10 days after receipt of said Updated Survey but in no event later than the Contingency Date. The Buyer's failure to make Objections within such time period will constitute a waiver of Objections. However, any matter which is not referenced in the Title Commitment and is first recorded, discovered, or disclosed after the effective date of the Title Commitment may be objected to by the Buyer in the manner described herein. Any matter shown on such Title Evidence and not objected to by the Buyer shall be a "Permitted Encumbrance" hereunder. Within 10 days after receipt of the Buyer's Objections, the Seller shall notify the Buyer in writing if the Seller elects not to cure the Objections. If such notice is given within said 10 -day period, the Buyer may either waive the Objections or terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of termination to the Seller within 10 days after the Seller's notice is given to the Buyer. If written notice by the Seller is not given within the 10 -day 5 MN 190-171-781773 A period, the Seller shall correct any Objections within 30 days after the expiration of the 10 -day period ("Cure Period"). If the Title Company is willing to issue a title insurance policy to the Buyer that does not except from title insurance coverage an item the Buyer has objected to, the objection relating to such item shall be deemed cured. If the Objections are not cured within the Cure Period, the Buyer shall have the option to do any of the following: 8.2.1. Terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the Seller within 10 days after the expiration of the Cure Period and neither the Seller nor the Buyer shall have further rights or obligations hereunder. 8.2.2. Waive the objections and proceed to close without reduction in the Purchase Price. The Buyer shall make its election within 10 days after expiration of the Seller's Cure Period. A failure to make an election within such period shall be deemed an election to proceed to close pursuant to Subsection 8.2.2 above. 9. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES BY THE SELLER. The Seller represents and warrants to the Buyer that the following are true in all material respects now and as modified by any changes about which the Seller notifies the Buyer in writing following after the date hereof, will be true in all material respects on the Closing Date: 9.1. Authori . The Seller is a Minnesota body corporate and politic, duly created under and subject to the laws of the State of Minnesota; the Seller has the requisite power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement and those Seller Closing Documents signed by it; such documents have been or will be duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of the Seller and have been or will be duly executed and delivered; such execution, delivery, and performance by the Seller of such documents does not conflict with or result in a violation of any judgment, order, or decree of any court or arbiter to which the Seller is a parry; such documents are valid and binding obligations of the Seller, and are enforceable in accordance with their terms, subject to bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, moratorium and other laws affecting the rights and remedies of creditors generally and principles of equity. 9.2. Rights of Others to Purchase the PropertX. The Seller has not entered into any other contracts for the sale of the Property, nor are there any rights of first refusal or options to purchase the Property, leases or any other rights of others that might prevent the sale of the Property contemplated by this Agreement or interfere with Buyer's possession or intended use of the Property, which is a redevelopment of the Property into an expansion of the Buyer's existing business, including developing new parking and a loading area. 9.3. Use of the Property. To the best of the Seller's knowledge without investigation, the Property is usable for its current uses without violating any federal, state, local, or other governmental building, zoning, health, safety, platting, subdivision, or 6 MN 190-171-781773 A other law, ordinance, or regulation, or any applicable private restriction, and such use is a legal conforming use. The Seller certifies that there are not any restrictions recorded against the Sale Parcel that would prohibit the Buyer from developing the Property in accordance with Subsection 9.2 above. 9.4. Proceedings. There is no action, litigation, investigation, condemnation, or proceeding of any kind pending or, to the best of the Seller's knowledge without investigation, threatened against any portion of the Property. 9.5. Wells. To the best of the Seller's knowledge, no wells exist on the Property. 9.6. Sewage Treatment Systems. To the best of the Seller's knowledge, no sewage treatment system exists on the Property. 9.7. Title. At Closing, the Seller will have fee title to the Property. 9.8. Notices. The Seller has not received any written notice of noncompliance with any applicable federal, state, municipal, or county environmental laws, statutes, or ordinances from any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Property. 9.9. Use. While this Agreement is in effect, the Seller shall not transfer the Property, or any portion thereof, or create on the Property any easements, liens, leasehold interests, encumbrances, or other interests or take any other actions that would affect the Property or the Seller's ability to comply with the terms of this Agreement. The Seller's representations shall be true, accurate, and complete as of the date of this Agreement, in all material respects and, as modified by any notices given by the Seller to the Buyer, on the Closing Date in all material respects. If any time prior to Closing, the Buyer shall determine that any representation herein made by the Seller was not true in all material respects when made, the Buyer's sole remedy shall be to terminate this Agreement by giving notice to the Seller and seeking any applicable remedies for breach from the Seller. Notwithstanding the above paragraph, all representations and warranties shall terminate upon the expiration of the Reverter set forth in Section 22 of this Agreement. Any claim by the Buyer not made by written notice delivered to the Seller before such date the representation or warranty terminates shall be deemed waived. 10. "AS IS, WHERE IS." The Buyer acknowledges that it has inspected or has had the opportunity to inspect the Property and agrees to accept the Property "AS IS" with no right of set off or reduction in the Purchase Price. Such sale shall be without representation of warranties, express or implied, either oral or written, made by the Seller or any official, employee or agent of the Seller with respect to the physical condition of the Property, including, but not limited to, the existence of or absence of petroleum, asbestos, lead, hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants in, on, or under, or affecting the Property except as otherwise set forth within this Agreement. Other than as expressly stated herein, or expressly stated in any closing document delivered by Seller at Closing, Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Seller has not made and does not make any representations, warranties, or covenants of any kind or character whatsoever, 7 MN 190-171-781773 A whether expressed or implied, with respect to warranty of income potential, operating expenses, uses, habitability, tenant ability, or suitability for any purpose, merchantability, or fitness of the Property for a particular purpose, all of which warranties the Seller hereby expressly disclaims, except as stated above. The Buyer expressly assumes, at closing, all environmental and other liabilities with respect to the Property. Except for the representations herein, the Buyer is solely relying upon information and knowledge obtained from its own investigation, experience, and knowledge obtained from its own investigation, experience, or personal inspection of the Property. The foregoing provision shall survive Closing and shall not be deemed merged into any instrument of conveyance delivered at Closing. 11. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES BY THE BUYER. The Buyer represents and warrants to the Seller that the Buyer is a Minnesota limited liability company; that the Buyer has the requisite capacity, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and the Buyer's Closing Documents signed by it; such documents have been or will be duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of the Buyer and have been or will be duly executed and delivered; delivery and performance by the Buyer of such documents does not conflict with or result in a violation of any judgment, order, or decree of any court or arbiter to which the Buyer is a party; such documents are valid and binding obligations of the Buyer, and are enforceable in accordance with their terms. 12. CONDEMNATION. If, prior to the Closing, eminent domain proceedings are commenced against all or any material part of the Property, the Seller shall immediately give notice to the Buyer of such fact and at the Buyer's option (to be exercised within 15 days after the Seller's notice), this Agreement shall terminate, in which event neither party will have further obligations under this Agreement. If the Buyer fails to give such notice, then there shall be no reduction in the Purchase Price, and the Seller shall assign to the Buyer at the Closing all of the Seller's right, title, and interest in and to any award made or to be made in the condemnation proceedings. Prior to the Closing, the Seller shall not designate counsel, appear in, or otherwise act with respect to the condemnation proceedings without the Buyer's prior written consent. For purposes of this section, the words "a material part" means a part if acquired by a condemning authority would materially hinder Buyer's operations on the Property. 13. COMMISSIONS. Both the Buyer and the Seller represent and warrant to the other that they have not entered into a contract with any real estate broker, finder, or other person entitled to a commission, finder's fee, or similar from the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. Each party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party against any claim made by any broker, finder, or other person for a commission or fee based on alleged acts or agreements with the indemnifying party. 14. REMEDIES. 14.1. Buyer's Remedies. The Seller shall not be considered in default under this Agreement unless and until: (i) the Seller has failed to materially comply with or satisfy any of the Seller's obligations in this Agreement; (ii) the Buyer has provided the Seller with written notice of such default (the "Default Notice"), which Default Notice shall specify the date on which the default occurred, the nature of the default and the Buyer's proposed cure; and (iii) the Buyer has allowed the Seller five 8 MN 190-171-781773 A business days (the "Cure Period"), after the Seller receives such Default Notice, to cure the default. If the Seller is in default under this Agreement for any cause other than the default of the Buyer, the Buyer may at its sole option and remedy, elect, in writing to the Seller (the "Notice of Election"), within 30 days after the Cure Period, to: (a) rescind this Agreement, after which, neither party shall have any further obligations to the other, except those obligations which survive termination; (b) proceed with this Agreement and take the Property "AS IS"; or (c) file an action seeking specific performance (but not damages except for fees and costs associated with such action). In the event the Buyer does not timely deliver a Notice of Election to the Seller, it shall be deemed that the Buyer waives all previous defaults by the Seller and elects to proceed with this Agreement under option (b) above. The Buyer specifically waives any right to make a claim against the Seller for consequential damages, except for the indemnity obligations and claims for fees and costs as set forth in this Agreement. 14.2. Seller's Remedy. If the Buyer fails to consummate this Agreement for any reason except the Seller's default or the termination of this Agreement pursuant to a right to terminate given herein, the Seller's sole and exclusive remedy shall be to terminate this Agreement by giving 30 days' written notice to the Buyer, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 559.21, as amended from time to time. 15. ASSIGNMENT. The Buyer may not assign its rights under this Agreement, without prior written consent of the Seller. 16. SURVIVAL. All of the terms of this Agreement and warranties and representations herein contained shall survive and be enforceable after the Closing. 17. NOTICES. Any notice required or permitted hereunder shall be given by personal delivery upon an authorized representative of a party hereto; or if mailed by registered or certified United States mail postage prepaid; or if transmitted by facsimile copy followed by mailed notice; or if deposited cost paid with a nationally recognized, reputable overnight courier, properly addressed as follows: If to the Seller: Monticello Economic Development Authority Attn: Executive Director 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 With a copy to: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered Attn: Gina A. Fiorini 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 If to the Buyer: M & B on Chelsea, LLC Attn: Manager 105 Mississippi Drive Monticello, MN 55362 9 MN 190-171-781773 A Notices shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or the date of deposit, as aforesaid; provided, however, that if notice is given by deposit, the time for response to any notice by the other party shall commence to run one business day after any such deposit. Notice may also be made by email or other electronic transmission provided that the recipient of such notice has acknowledged receipt. Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving notice of such change in accordance with this Section. 18. CAPTIONS. The paragraph headings or captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of this Agreement and are not to be considered in interpreting this Agreement. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT, MODIFICATIONS. This written Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the parties regarding the Property. There are no verbal agreements that change this Agreement. No waiver or modification of any of this Agreement's terms will be effective unless in a writing executed by the parties. 20. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their successors and assigns. 21. CONTROLLING LAW. This Agreement has been made under the substantive laws of the State of Minnesota, and such laws shall control its interpretation. 22. REVERTER. If the Buyer fails to construct the Minimum Improvements (which is hereby defined as the redevelopment of the Property into an expansion of the Buyer's existing facilities totaling 21,400 square feet, including the development of a new parking and a loading area, and completion of the construction of concrete footings suitable for the construction of the expansion of Buyer's existing business pursuant to Buyer's specifications) within 12 months of the Closing and such failure is not cured within 30 days following written notice from the Seller, then the Seller shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the Property and to terminate and revest in the Seller the estate conveyed by the Deed to the Buyer, it being agreed that the Deed shall contain a condition subsequent to the effect that in the event of noncompliance with this Section 22 on the part of the Buyer, the Seller at its option may declare a termination in favor of the Seller of the title, and of all the rights and interests in and to the Property conveyed to the Buyer, and that such title and all rights and interests of the Buyer, and any assigns or successors in interest to and in the Property, shall revert to the Seller. If no Buyer default has occurred hereunder, then the Seller shall execute and deliver to Buyer, a certificate of completion in recordable form for the Property, releasing any right of reverter. 23. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will, for all purposes, be deemed to be an original, and all of which are identical. This Agreement may be further evidenced by electronic signature pages. [Signatures to follow.] 10 MN 190-171-781773 A BUYER M & B ON CHELSEA, LLC Lo Mary Barger Its: Manager 11 MN190-171-781773.v3 SELLER CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY In Steve Johnson Its: President Lo Jim Thares Its: Executive Director 12 MN190-171-781773.v3 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property Parcel 1 That part of Outlot B, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the most northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, said OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION; thence South 37 degrees 52 minutes 15 seconds West, assumed bearing along the common lot line between said Lot 1 and said Outlot B, a distance of 73.65 feet; thence South 47 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds West, along said common lot line, a distance of 66.41 feet; thence North 87 degrees 18 minutes 42 seconds West, along said common lot line, a distance of 75.26 feet; thence North 70 degrees 24 minutes 21 seconds West, along said common lot line and its extension, a distance of 150.26 feet; thence South 34 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 415.70 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. AND Parcel 2 That part of Outlot A, said OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, which lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the hereinbefore point of termination; thence South 34 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 35.23 feet to a line parallel with and 35.00 feet southwesterly of the northeasterly line of said Outlot A, thence South 49 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds East, along said parallel line, a distance of 223.19 feet to the southeasterly line of said Outlot A, and said line there terminating. A-1 MN 190-171-781773.v3 B-1 MN 190-171-781773 A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Outlot A, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Oudot A. OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Corot B, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Lot 1, Block 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. PROPERTY SUMMARY 1. Subject property's addresses are shown on survey. 2. Subject property's property identification numbers are shown on survey. 3. The gross area of the subject property is 1,012.405 Square Feet or 23.242 acres. SURVEY NOTES 1. The bearing system is based on the recorded plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, having an assumed bearing of NOO°25'16"E for the West line of Outlot A. 2. The vertical datum is based on NAVD88. 3. Field work was completed on 12/10/2021. PLAT AREAS Proposed plat areas are as follows: Lot 1, Block 1 = 425,325 Square Feet or 9.764 arms Lot 2, Block 1 = 269,621 Square Feet or 6.190 acres Lot 3, Block 1 = 204,092 Square Feet or 4.685 acres Oudot A = 113 367 Square Feet or 2.603 acres Total = 1,012,405 Square Feet or 23.242 eves ADDRESSES Owner: City of Monticello Surveyor: WSB 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1, BLOCK 2, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING HAVE BEEN VACATED PER DOCUMENT. NO. A974166. VICINITY MAP TTIIII CSAH NO. 39 N\�' I c2yF[ tvsT,l RQ $ ^fib I I7♦\�` I unTTO e SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IJ FOUND SECTION MONUMENT 0 FOUND MONUMENT O SET MONUMENT SIGN DECIDUOUSTREE EVERGREEN TREE © PEDESTAL ® HAND HOLE FIBER OPTIC VAULT i LIGHT POLE A' POWER POLE I GUY WIRE O ELECTRIC PANEL (9) ELECTRIC MANHOLE 0 SOIL BORING D FLARED END SECTION ® CATCH BASIN ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN ® STORM MANHOLE ® SANITARY MANHOLE © SANITARY LIFT STATION IRRIGATION CONTROL BOX -6 HYDRANT $ WATER VALVE > SANITARYLINE » STORM LINE —I1 WATER MAIN c UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION s UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC F UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC c UNDERGROUND GAS off OVERHEAD POWER FENCE CURB a GUTTER _ \ HEDGE LINE i T ` i ,- TREE LINE Z / BUILDING EDGE PLAT BOUNDARY PROPOSED LOT LINE PROPOSED D and U EASEMENT FTIR LAND BEING CONVEYED TO SUBURBAN LAND BEING CONVEYED TO CITY OF MONTICELLO r—, NOTE: ALL UNDERLYING L — J DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION WHICH ARE WITHIN LOT 1. BLOCK 1 AND OUTLOT B, SAID OTTER CREEK CROSSING 4TH ADDITION ARE PROPOSED TO BE VACATED. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 1- fiy ~6 -1- BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 12 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. vt.`^AjJNIP\ ;.u.. .--- I I I \ \ O \ \ H6 U LL KW \ I DOd roe \ <<O\ pO�JP 1dT' / � 9 ♦ Io�OOG / ♦ S FD RLS 16233 I $$9°53' "E 494.44 w �-y QTR// ♦ Lia � w w ' I–II, –T T , – i– I ` — — — — — — — �, rn T TiXISTING ORAINGE AND` 1— — — — p i ' I I a �;� UTILITY EASEMENT PERU y�\� m L— 103.79 ��t♦ F _ PIAT OF OTTER CREEK S89 -53'44-E r/y2r°0 ap � ♦♦ \ CROSSING IST ADOITIONII 110.63 ' 331 '1\ . S8953'W'E 1 \ I w r I I c 800.06-16-W ♦\ O \V 6 _ 34.00 m \ FORLS 426z, S%p° I. rn II (♦ Jg� 'I/� _ '?0 Q53 FD1/2' 1 FD 11r PIPE �♦.�I 1 PIPE I\ EDGE OF I ( �� 11 I Y I \ \ \ DELINEATED-1113,3675SSQ-F f I I zm I \\ 1 \\ '� WETLAND 2603 AC. \43° y Iri 1 1 1-Z o^ 1 \\ I ��JJ/foo° 1 ���—`OUT A34'a ,Qar Ce - u / 0.? \`♦\ �♦ 4g,7s 2g 99 � ro0 I I Z °+ nw OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO /?992 DqR2A7IN"(Av E7 OTIL—ITASEMEN-- E'WMN6^6/y^ F\ETio/\' gfY,1,4 ' a R4 6`0ADDRESS: UNASSIGNED 1/ 425.325 SqFTPID: 155194000010LOT1 W Iyry 9.764 , `276 j8d i N12°2 5'13"W Iii i° FD yr 43.46 WOO'W_—xlo.00 ° a7 � uS PIPE vN8718'42 EXISTING o w / M O PpND 2a3\F' 5 AC. O R: CITU OF MONTIOELLO < i / ^1 db CP tY ADD S:10531 DALTON AVE Q W O - �\ t�e*re11 T 3 P: 155223001010 1 / \ q ..OAC p n Z O s \��\ LAND BEN(�CON\11EyED TO CrrYMONTICEL 8 I Yf 4. O O V / / / 5.919 SO. FT' 7 \ 0.136: \ \ FO R $9 12- 1— - I I 5 f+i O p'13qLS 6 I I, 25341 !6-4- — ----�—L—� 2\00 N88°5p' \1N II \ 30 41 N#'30'10"W' W 22.58 \ 2\ // \�)\ /� / // O(✓K10.26 o FD 1n" / < —b' \� (J / ,1-� J0 \ LOT 2 LANG BEING CONVEYED TO / 269.621 SO. FT SUBURBAN 6.1WAC. 84 7.9 0.183 AC. I I( \\ \\ 04 \ \ \ \ \ \ \•`.' \?j // / _� I \ \ OWNER: ONTI ADDRESS: UNASSIGNED PID: 155223000010 aZQwz I I I I \\ I II I/ I I I/ I II I I D BEING ' P NVEYED TO 1 n- i USURBAN 3.279 SO. FT. ^5 0.075 AC. I� I /l /� I 4 FD 1/2' PIPE / O V•P \ / � / Dia .�♦�J / 5g. oti ,// FD1/2'PIPE 1 / J 379 ` ` FD 1/2' PIPE' � C\\ 4•G�as�`� \\ 111 //' // \N\ 0�4s?6\ X FD 1/Y '1\ O 1 O i C PIPE / 46, O \\ �eo 01, 56 7 97 16 / s\ r. \\ \ 2 N Graphic Scale (in feet) 0 100 200 1 inch =100 feet LWO SCALE: DRAWN BY: 1"=100' SURVEY BY: CHECK BY: SR JRH U) Z O s U) 8 o W O i O> Z�>�y aZQwz S �Oayw O r �3N m W K 2QN20u- Ey ED rA N w ' �7Qx M o do 'wl- o O U Z W rcW W r =w —UZ p Preliminary Plat WSB PROJECT NO. 019295-000 SHEET 1 OF 1 Beacon Wright County, MN Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL -- CTYCL MUNICL -- PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits ® c Qt Parcels Parcel ID 155223001010 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address 10531 DALTON AVE NE Sec/Twp/Rng 10-121-025 Class 234- INDS LAND & BLDGS MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Property Address 10531 DALTON AVE NE Acreage n/a MONTICELLO District 1101 C ITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H Brief Tax Description Sect -10 Twp -121 Range -025 OTTER C REEK C ROSSING 4TH ADDN Lot -001 Block -001 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 4/4/2022 Last Data Uploaded: 4/4/2022 8:21:12 AM Developed by" Schneider GSOSPATIAL ti Er OF LINEAT WETLAND R / \ O qbiL----------- se, \ / I I �O'O�BUILDING SETBAG I 00"P/ PROPOISEC \ ADDITION 40o eq ft \ / \/ /. / / rel m SITE PLAN 0� SCALE: 1" = 30' m z' Mail Architecture I Interior Design Planning STUDIO 70041 at Avenue North St. Cloud, Minnesota USA 58903 TF1 FPHONE 320.251.3304 WFR www.negenarchttecta—ro Consultant Certification I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me a under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Print Name: Lon Negen Signature: Date: 10/1121 License No: 41402 SUBURBAN MANUFACTURING GROUP 10531 Dalton Ave. NE Monticello, MN 55362 Revisions MARK DATE COMM. NO.: 210923 ARCHITECT: #Contact Full Name DATE: 10/1121 DRAWN BY: CAD Technician Full Name The designs shown and described herein including all technical drawings, graphics, and models thereof, are proprietary and cannot be copied, duplicated or commercially exploited, in whole or in part, without the expressed written consent of Negen 8 Associates, Inc. These are available for limited review and evaluation by clients, consultants, contractors government agencies vendors and office personnel only in accordance with this notice. © 2004-2021 Negen and Associates, St. Cloud, MN 56303 DD1.0 Architectural Site Plan AS -001 EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 7. Consideration of Adopting Resolution No. 2022-09 authorizing establishment of Economic Development TIF District #1-44 (WashburnPOS Expansion Project) within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No 1; and adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan relating thereto (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider adopting Resolution No. 2022-09 establishing Economic Development TIF District #1-44 for WashburnPOS' proposed expansion. The City of Monticello and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) received an application from WashburnPOS for public financial assistance to assist with the development of a 45,000 square foot +/- warehousing -distribution building which would be added onto its existing 33,000 square foot facility. When the expansion is completed, the facility will total approximately 78,000 square feet. WashburnPOS is in the business of repair, refurbishment, and light assembly of point-of-sale computer systems. They have been operating from the current operation in Monticello since the 1990s. A recent growth surge has resulted in the need for significant additional warehousing space to accommodate customer demand. They currently lease space in two other buildings in Monticello. Their customers include large retailers, casinos, cruise lines, grocery stores and a variety of small retail companies. They employ approximately 55+/ - staff and plan to add between 15 to 20 new FTE staff as part of the expansion. As part of the expansion proposal, WashburnPOS is planning to acquire a vacant 1.49 -acre lot south of its current location to allow it to add onto its building. WashburnPOS's plans show a relocated truck loading area and additional employee parking areas on this parcel on the south side of its proposed new building addition. WashburnPOS presented its TIF application to the EDA at the February 9th, 2022 EDA meeting. The EDA then approved a resolution asking the City Council to call for a Public Hearing considering the establishment of Economic Development TIF District #1-44. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-09 at its February 14th, 2022 meeting calling for a public hearing to consider a TIF Plan and establishing a new Economic Development TIF District for the proposed expansion project. WashburnPOS is seeking TIF assistance to offset the costs associated with land acquisition and site prep and utility extensions. The proposed assistance would be structured as "pay - go" TIF over a 9 -year period with increment payments to WashburnPOS derived solely from the tax increment from a newly established TIF District #1-44. Subject to approval of the request for public financial assistance, the developer plans to commence construction by mid-August 2022 and substantially complete construction by April 2023. A unique issue of the current time is the challenge related to supply chain factors for building materials. This could push the completion date out to early summer 2023. The total cost of the Project is estimated at approximately $6,500,000 +/- based on a sources and uses statement submitted with the TIF application. WashburnPOS has indicated that it will not move forward with the expansion without TIF assistance. WashburnPOS' need for EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 space is at a critical juncture. It would need to conduct a wider geographic site/building search as there is limited available warehousing in Monticello at the present time. If that were to occur, some or possibly all the 55 +/- jobs at the WashburnPOS facility may be relocated out of the community. State statutes for TIF review steps include a public hearing held by the City Council. Several years ago, the City Council assigned TIF District review and administration to the EDA. The City Council is still responsible for the final approval step in approving the TIF Plan and authorizing the creation of a new TIF District. The City Council last established an Economic Development TIF District in February 2020 when it approved the establishment of TIF District #1-41 to support UMC's facility expansion project. The Planning Commission adopted a Resolution at the March 5, 2022 meeting finding that establishing the Economic Development TIF District #1-44 is in conformance with the Monticello Comprehensive Plan 2040. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff involved in the proposed TIF District consideration include the Community Development Director, Economic Development Manager, the EDA attorney and the financial advisor. No additional staff are needed to complete the TIF review and approval process. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The TIF application fee of $12,500 will cover the cost of the TIF review and approval process. Costs not covered through the deposit will be invoiced to WashburnPOS. A3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPACT: Continuing to support Monticello industrial firms who meet the City's goals for employment and tax base is consistent with the Monticello 2040 Value Statement of "A diversified and strong local economy competitive at regional, state and national levels." The Monticello 2040 + Plan's Economic Development Chapter includes numerous statements aligning with this proposed expansion, including those for business retention, reinvestment, tax base expansion and workforce development. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt EDA Resolution No. 2022-09 establishing Economic Development TIF District #1-44 (WashburnPOS Expansion Project) within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No 1; and adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan relating thereto. 2. Motion to table consideration of EDA Resolution No. 2022-09 for further research and/ or discussion. Ua EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. Staff recommends the EDA adopt Resolution #2022-09 establishing an Economic Development TIF District (1-44) supporting WashburnPOS's facility expansion proposal. WashburnPOS has indicated that it will not move forward with the proposal unless it can secure TIF assistance to help offset the extraordinary costs related to the land acquisition and overall development components including site prep/grading and utility extensions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution No. 2022-09 B. TIF Plan — Economic Development TIF District #1-44 C. Northland Securities TIF Memorandum D. TIF Review Timeline Calendar E. Aerial Photo — 218 Chelsea Road 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2022-09 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT WITHIN CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND APPROVING A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01 The City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") and the Authority have previously established the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Redevelopment Project") within the City pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.1794, as amended (the "TIF Act"), Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 and Sections 469.090 to 469.108 1, all inclusive, as amended (collectively, and together with the TIF Act, the "Act"). 1.02 The Authority has proposed establishing Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. 1-44 (the "TIF District") within the Redevelopment Project and adopting the related Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TIF Plan"), pursuant to and in conformity with applicable law, including the TIF Act, all as reflected in that certain document, dated March 11, 2022, entitled "Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. 1-44 Within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1"and presented for the Board's consideration. 1.03 The Board has investigated the facts relating to the establishment of the TIF District and adoption of the TIF Plan. 1.04 The Authority and the City have performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the adoption and approval of the TIF Plan, including, but not limited to, delivery of the TIF Plan to the County Auditor and School District Clerk, a review of the TIF Plan by the City Planning Commission, and the holding of a public hearing by the City Council (the "Council") of the City thereon following notice thereof published in the City's official newspaper at least 10 but not more than 30 days prior to the public hearing. 1.05 The TIF Plan and certain information and material (collectively, the "Materials") relating to the TIF Plan and to the activities contemplated therein have heretofore been prepared and submitted to the Board and/or made a part of the City and Authority files and proceedings on the TIF Plan. The Materials include the tax increment application, project pro forma financial statement, project sources and uses and other information supplied by The Washburn Computer Group, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (or an affiliate thereof or entity related thereto, the "Developer"), as to the activities contemplated therein, and information constituting or relating to (1) why the assistance satisfies the so-called "but for" test and (2) the bases for the other findings and determinations made in this resolution. The Board hereby confirms, ratifies and adopts the Materials, which are hereby incorporated into and made as fully a part of this resolution to the same extent as if set forth in full herein. 1.06 The Developer has proposed to acquire property within the TIF District and construct and equip thereon an approximately 45,000 square foot expansion to an existing 33,000 square foot building to be used for warehousing and distribution (collectively, the "Development") and has requested that the Authority provide tax increment assistance to pay a portion of the public development costs of the Development. At least 85% of the facility will be used for manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, or research, with less than 15% available for office or other space not related to such functions. Based on representations by the Developer and the Developer, the Authority finds that jobs will be created and maintained in this state, including construction jobs. Section 2. Findings for the Creation of the TIF District and Adoption and Approval of a TIF Plan Therefor. 2.01 The Board hereby finds that the land within the Redevelopment Project is proper and desirable to establish and develop within the City, its effect will be to carry out the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project (the "Redevelopment Plan") by creating an impetus for the development of a distribution, warehouse and related structures in the City, and otherwise promote certain public purposes and accomplish certain objectives as specified in the TIF Plan and the Redevelopment Plan. The Redevelopment Plan has been previously established by the City and the EDA and is not being expanded in connection with the establishment of the TIF District. 2.02 The Board hereby finds that the TIF District is in the public interest and is an "economic development district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 12, because it will discourage commerce and industry from moving their operations to another state, it will result in increased employment in the state, and it will result in capital investment in the City and therefore preserve and enhance the tax base in the state. 2.03 The Board hereby makes the following additional findings in connection with the TIF District. (a) The Board further finds that the proposed Development, in the opinion of the Board, would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary. The specific basis for such finding being: The Developer has represented that it could not proceed with the proposed construction of the Development in the TIF District without tax increment assistance to offset the high cost of the land acquisition, site improvements and utility work necessary for the Development. The Developer has further represented that the expansion planned in the Development is necessary for the Developer to retain its current operations in the State, as well as to expand its business and increase jobs and the tax base in the State. MN190\172\788840.v1 (b) The Board further finds that the TIF Plan conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the City as a whole. The specific basis for such finding being: The TIF Plan conforms with the general development plan of the City and will generally complement and serve to implement policies adopted in the City's comprehensive plan. The Development is in accordance with the existing zoning for the property and the City's Planning Commission has determined that the Development is consistent with the comprehensive plan. (c) The Board further finds that the TIF Plan will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole for the development of the TIF District by private enterprise. The specific basis for such finding being. The proposed Development will be used by the Developer, a private enterprise, for warehousing and distributing products and will afford maximum opportunity for the development of the applicable parcels consistent with the needs of the City. The Development will maximize the potential of an underutilized site and will increase the taxable market valuation of the City and the available warehouse and distribution facilities in the City. (d) For purposes of compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision 3(b)(2)(ii), the Board hereby finds that the increased market value of the property to be developed within the TIF District that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing is $100,861 (which projected increase is solely due to inflation), which is less than the increased market value estimated to result from the proposed development (i.e., approximately $3,583,004) after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the TIF District (i.e., approximately $491,545) which is approximately $3,091,459. Thus, the use of tax increment financing will be a positive net gain to the City, the School District, and the County, and the tax increment assistance does not exceed the benefit which will be derived therefrom. 2.04 The City elects to retain all of the captured tax capacity to finance the costs of the TIF District. 2.05 The provisions of this Section 2 are hereby incorporated by reference into and made a part of the TIF Plan. 2.06 The Board further finds that the TIF Plan is intended and, in the judgment of the Board their effect will be to promote the public purposes and accomplish the objectives specified therein. Background information and facts supporting all the above findings are set forth in the TIF Plan which is hereby incorporated by reference into and made a part of this resolution. 2.07 The adoption of the TIF Plan conforms in all respects to the requirements of the Act. The TIF Plan will help facilitate development that will create new warehouse and distribution uses, provide employment opportunities, and improve the tax base. The City expressly finds that any private benefit to be received by a private developer is incidental, as the tax increment assistance is provided solely to make the development financially feasible and thus MN190\172\788840.v1 produce the public benefits described. Therefore, the City finds that the public benefits of the TIF Plan exceed any private benefits. Section 3. Creation of the TIF District and Approval and Adoption of the TIF Plan. 3.01 The establishment of the TIF District and the adoption of the TIF Plan, as presented to the Board on this date, including without limitation the findings and statements of objectives contained therein, are hereby approved, ratified, established, and adopted. Approval of the TIF Plan does not constitute approval of any project or a development agreement with any developer. City and Authority staff and consultants are authorized and directed to proceed with implementation of the TIF Plan and to transmit the request for certification of the TIF District to the Wright County Auditor in such form and content as the County Auditor may specify. The Wright County Auditor is requested to certify the original net tax capacity of the TIF District as described in the TIF Plan, and to certify in each year thereafter the amount by which the original net tax capacity has increased or decreased in accordance with the Act. The County Auditor/Treasurer of the County is requested to certify the original net tax capacity of the TIF District, as described in the TIF Plan. 3.02 Authority staff, advisors, and legal counsel are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the TIF Plan and to negotiate, draft, prepare, and present to the City Council for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents, and contracts necessary for this purpose. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 13th day of April, 2022. President ATTEST: Executive Director MN190\172\788840.v1 F ,X CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 WITHIN CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO AND CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) PUBLIC HEARING DATE: , 2022 PLAN APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL DATE: , 2022 PLAN APPROVED BY EDA DATE: , 2022 PLAN CERTIFICATION REQUEST DATE: , 2022 PLAN CERTIFIED DATE: , 2022 NORTHLAND SECURITIES Northland Securities, Inc. 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (800)851-2920 Member NASD and SIPC Registered with SEC and MSRB TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I - INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS.........................................................1 Section 1.01 Introduction......................................................................................1 Section 1.02 Definitions.........................................................................................1 Section 1.03 Plan Preparation...............................................................................1 ARTICLE II - TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN.........................................................2 Section 2.01 Statutory Authority..........................................................................2 Section 2.02 Planned Development.....................................................................2 2.02.1 Project Description......................................................................................3 2.02.2 City Plans and Development Program .................................................... 3 2.02.3 Land Acquisition.........................................................................................3 2.02.4 Development Activities..............................................................................2 2.02.5 Need for Tax Increment Financing........................................................... 2 Section 2.03 Tax Increment Financing District...................................................3 2.03.1 Designation.................................................................................................. 3 2.03.2 Boundaries of TIF District..........................................................................3 2.03.3 Type of District............................................................................................3 Section 2.04 Plan for Use of Tax Increment........................................................3 2.04.1 Estimated Tax Increment............................................................................3 2.04.2 Public Development Costs.........................................................................4 2.04.3 Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds.....................................................4 Figure2-1......................................................................................................5 2.04.4 Administrative Expense.............................................................................5 2.04.5 County Road Costs.....................................................................................5 2.04.6 Bonded Indebtedness.................................................................................5 2.04.7 Duration of TIF District..............................................................................6 2.04.8 Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions...................................6 2.04.9 Prior Planned Improvements.................................................................... 6 ARTICLE III -ADMINISTERING THE TIF DISTRICT......................................................7 Section 3.01 Filing and Certification....................................................................7 Section 3.02 Modifications of the Tax Increment Financing Plan....................7 Section 3.03 Four -Year Knockdown Rule...........................................................7 Section 3.04 Pooling and Five -Year Rule.............................................................8 Section 3.05 Financial Reporting and Disclosure Requirements .....................8 Section 3.06 Business Subsidy Compliance........................................................9 EXHIBITS..........................................................................................................................10 Exhibit I Present Value Analysis..................................................................10 Exhibit II Projected Tax Increment................................................................11 Exhibit III Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions..........................................12 Exhibit IV Estimated Tax Increment Over Life of District ..........................13 Exhibit V Map of TIF District.........................................................................14 Exhibit VI Map of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1........15 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 ARTICLE I — INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS SECTION 1.01 INTRODUCTION The City of Monticello and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority propose to provide tax increment financing assistance through the establishment of Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. 1-44 to assist with the financing of Public Development Costs for the construction of an approximately 45,000 square foot expansion to an existing 33,000 square foot building to provide a facility for warehousing and distribution. This document contains the plan for achieving the objectives of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 through the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-44. SECTION 1.02 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document, the terms below have the meanings given in this section, unless the context in which they are used indicates a different meaning: 1. "Authority" means the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. 2. "City" means the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 3. "City Council" means the City Council of the City. 4. "County" means Wright County, Minnesota. 5. "County Auditor" means the County Auditor/Treasurer of the County. 6. "Developer" means the party undertaking construction of the Development in the TIF District, which is anticipated to be Washburn Computer Group, its successors or assigns. 7. "Development" means the construction of an approximately 45,000 square foot expansion to an existing 33,000 square foot building to provide a facility for warehousing and distribution. 8. "Public Development Costs" means the cost of the development activities that will or are expected to occur within the Redevelopment Project or the TIF District. 9. "Redevelopment Plan" means the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project, as the same may, from time to time, be amended or supplemented. 10. "Redevelopment Project" means Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the Authority, as the same may, from time to time, be amended or supplemented. 11. "School District" means Independent School District No. 882 (Monticello Public Schools). 12. "State" means the State of Minnesota. 13. "TIF Act" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.1794, as amended, both inclusive. 14. "TIF District" means Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. 1-44. 15. "TIF Plan" means the tax increment financing plan for the TIF District (this document). SECTION 1.03 PLAN PREPARATION The document was prepared for the City and the Authority by Northland Securities, Inc. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 ARTICLE II - TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN SECTION 2.01 STATUTORY AUTHORITY The TIF District and the TIF Plan are established under the authority of the TIF Act. SECTION 2.02 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 2.02.1 Project Description The Developer proposes the construction of an approximately 45,000 square foot expansion to an existing 33,000 square foot building to provide a facility for warehousing and distribution. 2.02.2 City Plans and Development Program In addition to achieving the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, the Development is consistent with and works to achieve the development objectives of the City. The TIF Plan for the TIF District conforms to the general plan for development or redevelopment of the City as a whole. The City has adopted land use controls to guide the use of property. The proposed development plans for the project in the TIF District have been reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Council, and conform to current land use controls. 2.02.3 Land Acquisition The Developer plans to acquire the property within the TIF District with assistance from the Authority. 2.02.4 Development Activities As of the date of approval of this TIF Plan, there are no development activities proposed in this TIF Plan that are subject to contracts. 2.02.5 Need for Tax Increment Financing In the opinion of the City and the Authority, the Development would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the TIF District permitted by the TIF Plan. The reasons and facts supporting this finding include the following: • The Development requires public financial assistance to offset the cost of land acquisition to allow for the Developer to proceed with construction of the Development. • The Developer has represented that the expansion is necessary to retain its current operations in Minnesota, to expand its business and increase jobs in Minnesota, and to increase the tax base in Minnesota. A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without establishment of the TIF District and the use of tax increments has been performed as described above and is shown in Exhibit 1. This analysis indicates that the increase in estimated market value of the proposed development (less the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration permitted by the TIF Plan) exceeds the estimated market value of the site prior to the establishment of the TIF District. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 SECTION 2.03 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 2.03.7 Designation This TIF District is designated as Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. 1-44. 2.03.2 Boundaries of TIF District The boundaries of the TIF District are depicted in Exhibit V. The TIF District includes parcel numbers 155-018002050 and 155-249001010 and the immediate adjacent roads and right-of-way. The property is described as follows: • Description to be inserted here prior to submitting request to county auditor for certification 2.03.3 Type of District The TIF District is established as an "economic development" district pursuant to Sections 469.174 subdivision 12, and 469.176, subdivision 4c, of the TIF Act. The TIF Act allow tax increments from an economic development district to be used to provide improvements, loans, subsidies, grants, interest rate subsidies, or assistance in any form to developments consisting of buildings and ancillary facilities, if all the following conditions are met: (1) it will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state or municipality; or (2) it will result in increased employment in the state; or (3) it will result in preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the state. The Development will meet these conditions. Revenue derived from tax increment from an economic development district may not be used to provide improvements, loans, subsidies, grants, interest rate subsidies, or assistance in any form to developments consisting of buildings and ancillary facilities, if more than 15 percent of the buildings and facilities (determined on the basis of square footage) are used for a purpose other than: (1) the manufacturing or production of tangible personal property, including processing resulting in the change in condition of the property; (2) warehousing, storage, and distribution of tangible personal property, excluding retail sales; (3) research and development related to the activities listed in clause (1) or (2); (4) telemarketing if that activity is the exclusive use of the property; (5) tourism facilities; or (6) space necessary for and related to the activities listed in clauses (1) to (5). The Development is for warehousing and distribution of tangible personal property, and 100% of the planned building (on a square footage basis) will be used for this purpose. The Development is a qualified facility and meets these requirements in the TIF Act. SECTION 2.04 PLAN FOR USE OF TAX INCREMENT 2.04.7 Estimated Tax Increment The original net tax capacity of value of the TIF District will be set by the County Auditor upon request for certification. For the purposes of the TIF Plan, the estimated original net tax capacity is $24,346. This amount is estimated based on the most recent published estimated market value DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 of $1,217,300 for the parcels within the boundaries of the TIF District; with tax capacity value calculated for commercial property. The total tax capacity value of the property after development completion (for taxes payable in 2024) is estimated to be $88,660. This amount is based on a total estimated taxable market value of $4,433,000 with property classified as commercial. The estimated difference between the total tax capacity value after development completion and the original net tax capacity value is the captured tax capacity value in the amount of $64,314 for the creation of tax increment. The total local tax rate for taxes payable in 2021 is 95.95%. The TIF Plan assumes this rate for purpose of calculating tax increments for the TIF District. At the time of the certification of the original net tax capacity for the TIF District, the County Auditor shall certify the original local tax rate that will apply to the TIF District. The original local tax rate is the sum of all the local tax rates, excluding that portion of the school rate attributable to the general education levy under Minnesota Statutes section 126C.13, that apply to a property in the TIF District. The local tax rate to be certified is the rate in effect for the same taxes payable year applicable to the tax capacity values certified as the TIF District's original tax capacity. The resulting tax capacity rate is the original local tax rate for the life of the TIF District. Under these assumptions, the estimated annual tax increment in the first year of tax increment collection will be $61,709. The actual tax increment will vary according to the certified original tax capacity value and original tax rate, the actual property value produced by the proposed development and the changes in property value and state tax policy over the life of the district. It is the intent of the City and the Authority to retain 100% of the captured tax capacity value for the duration of the TIF District. Exhibit II contains the projected tax increment over the life of the TIF District. 2.04.2 Public Development Costs The Authority will use tax increment to pay Public Development Costs. The Authority anticipates the use of tax increment to pay administrative expenses for the TIF District and to reimburse the Developer for land acquisition, site improvements, utilities, and financing costs. A contract between the Authority and the Developer will define the means for verifying the Public Development Costs eligible for reimbursement and the means of disbursing tax increments collected by the Authority. 2.04.3 Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds The estimated sources of revenue, along with the estimated Public Development Costss of the TIF District, are itemized in Figure 2-1 that follows. Such costs are eligible for reimbursement from tax increments, and other listed sources of revenue from the TIF District. The City and Authority reserve the right to administratively adjust the amount of any of the Public Development Cost items listed in Figure 2-1, so long as the total combined estimated amount, not including financing costs, is not increased. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 4 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 FIGURE 2-1 ESTIMATED SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS Estimated Project/Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues (from tax increment generated by the district) Tax increment revenues distributed from the County $584,616 Interest and investment earnings $10,000 Sales/lease proceeds $0 Market value homestead credit $0 Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues $594,616 Estimated Project/Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Project costs Land/building acquisition $300,000 Site improvements/preparation costs $53,324 Utilities $54,305 Other qualifying improvements $0 Construction of affordable housing $0 Small city authorized costs, if not already included above $0 Administrative costs $58,462 Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs $466,091 Estimated financing costs Interest expense $128,525 Total Estimated Project/Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $594,616 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued $466,091 Note: For Figure 2-1, Project Costs means Public Development Costs. 2.04.4 Administrative Expense The Authority reserves the right to retain up to ten percent (10%) of tax increment revenues, in addition to any required fees paid to the State and County. The Authority will use these monies to pay for and reimburse the Authority for costs of administering the TIF District allowed by the TIF Act. The estimated amount of tax increment revenue planned to pay administrative expense is shown in Figure 2-1. Anticipated administrative expenses of the TIF District include annual audit of the fund for TIF District, preparation of annual reporting, legal publication of annual report, and administration of the development agreement. 2.04.5 County Road Costs The proposed development will not substantially increase the use of county roads and necessitate the need to use tax increments to pay for county road improvements. 2.04.6 Bonded Indebtedness The total amount of bonds estimated to be issued is shown in Figure 2-1. The City will not issue any general obligation bonded indebtedness as a result of the TIF Plan. The Authority intends to use tax increments to reimburse itself for administrative costs and to reimburse the Developer on a pay -go basis for land acquisition, site improvements, and utilities, with interest. Pursuant to Section 469.178, subdivision 7 of the TIF Act, the City or the Authority may advance DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 or loan money to finance expenditures, under Section 469.176, subdivision 4 of the TIF Act, from the general funds of the City or the Authority or any other legally authorized fund to finance qualified expenditures, subject to the following provisions: (a) Not later than 60 days after money is transferred, advanced, or spent, whichever is earliest, the loan or advance must be authorized by resolution of the City or of the Authority, whichever has jurisdiction over the fund from which the advance or loan is authorized. (b) The resolution may generally grant to the City or the Authority the power to make interfund loans under one or more tax increment financing plans or for one or more districts. The resolution may be adopted before or after the adoption of the tax increment financing plan or the creation of the tax increment financing district from which the advance or loan is to be repaid. (c) The terms and conditions for repayment of the loan must be provided in writing. The written terms and conditions may be in any form, but must include, at a minimum, the principal amount, the interest rate, and maximum term. Written terms may be modified or amended in writing by the City or the Authority before the latest decertification of any tax increment financing district from which the interfund loan is to be repaid. The maximum rate of interest permitted to be charged is limited to the greater of the rates specified under Minnesota Statutes, Section 270C.40 or 549.09 as of the date the loan or advance is authorized, unless the written agreement states that the maximum interest rate will fluctuate as the interest rates specified under Minnesota Statutes, Section 270C.40 or 549.09 are from time to time adjusted. Loans or advances may be structured as draw- down or line -of -credit obligations of the lending fund. (d) The Authority shall report in the annual report submitted under Section 469.175, subdivision 6 of the TIF Act: (1) the amount of any interfund loan or advance made in a calendar year; and (2) any amendment of an interfund loan or advance made in a calendar year. 2.04.7 Duration of TIF District The duration to collect and spend tax increments on eligible purposes is set at the maximum duration of eight (8) years after the date of receipt of the first tax increment or nine (9) years of tax increment collection. The estimated decertification date is 12/31/2032. 2.04.8 Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions Exhibits III and IV show the estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions if the maximum projected retained captured net tax capacity of the TIF District was hypothetically available to the other taxing jurisdictions. The City and the Authority believe that there will be no adverse impact on other taxing jurisdictions during the life of the TIF District, since the proposed development would not have occurred without the establishment of the TIF District and the provision of public assistance. A positive impact on other taxing jurisdictions will occur when the TIF District is decertified and the development therein becomes part of the general tax base. The City and the Authority anticipate minimal impact of the proposed development on city - provided services. There may be minimal borrowing costs to the City or the Authority for the Development. A manageable increase in water and sewer usage is expected. It is anticipated that there may be a slight but manageable increase in police and fire protection duties due to the development. 2.04.9 Prior Planned Improvements There have been no building permits issued in the last 18 months in conjunction with any of the properties within the TIF District. The Authority will include this statement with the request for certification to the County Auditor. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 6 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 ARTICLE III —ADMINISTERING THE TIF DISTRICT SECTION 3.01 FILING AND CERTIFICATION The filing and certification of the TIF Plan consists of the following steps: 1. Upon adoption of the TIF Plan, the Authority shall submit a copy of the TIF Plan to the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Office of the State Auditor. 2. The Authority shall request that the County Auditor certify the original net tax capacity and net tax capacity rate of the TIF District. To assist the County Auditor in this process, the Authority shall submit copies of the TIF Plan, the resolution establishing the TIF District and adopting the TIF Plan, and a listing of any prior planned improvements. 3. The Authority shall send the Assessor for the County any assessment agreement establishing the minimum market value of land and improvements in the TIF District and shall request that the County Assessor review and certify the assessment agreement as reasonable. SECTION 3.02 MODIFICATIONS OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN The City and the Authority reserve the right to modify the TIF District and the TIF Plan. Under current State Law, the following actions can only be approved after satisfying all the necessary requirements for approval of the original TIF Plan (including notifications and public hearing): ■ Reduction or enlargement in the geographic area of the Redevelopment Project or the TIF District. ■ Increase in the amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred. ■ Increase in the amount of capitalized interest. ■ Increase in that portion of the captured net tax capacity to be retained by the Authority. ■ Increase in the total estimated Public Development Costs. ■ Designation of additional property to be acquired by the Authority. Other modifications can be made by resolution of the City and the Authority. In addition, the original approval process does not apply if (1) the only modification is elimination of parcels from the TIF District and (2) the current net tax capacity of the parcels eliminated equals or exceeds the net tax capacity of those parcels in the TIF District's original net tax capacity, or the City and the Authority agree that the TIF District's original net tax capacity will be reduced by no more than the current net tax capacity of the parcels eliminated. The Authority must notify the County Auditor of any modification that reduces or enlarges the geographic area of the TIF District. The geographic area of the TIF District may be reduced but not enlarged after five years following the date of certification. SECTION 3.03 FOUR-YEAR KNOCKDOWN RULE The provision of the TIF Act referred to as the Four -Year Knockdown Rule requires development activity to take place on each parcel within a tax increment financing (TIF) district within four years from the date of certification of the original net tax capacity of the district. If development activity on a parcel has not begun within the required time frame, no additional tax increment may be collected from that parcel and its value must be excluded from the district's original net tax capacity. Development activity includes demolition, rehabilitation, renovation or site improvement, including a qualified improvement of an adjacent street, has commenced on a parcel located DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 7 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 within the TIF District. If no development activity has occurred within four years from the date of certification then that parcel shall be excluded from the TIF District and the original net tax capacity shall be adjusted accordingly. The Authority must submit to the County Auditor, by February 1 of the fifth year, evidence that the required activity has taken place for each parcel in the TIF District. If a parcel is excluded from the TIF District and the City, the Authority, or owner of the parcel subsequently commences any of the above activities, the Authority shall certify to the County Auditor that such activity has commenced and the parcel shall once again be included in the TIF District. The County Auditor shall certify the net tax capacity of the parcel, as most recently certified by the Commissioner of Revenue, and add such amount to the original net tax capacity of the TIF District. SECTION 3.04 POOLING AND FIVE-YEAR RULE At least 80% of the tax increments (not including administrative expenses) from the TIF District (the "In -District Percentage") must be expended on activities within the TIF District, including payment on any bonds for which the proceeds were used to finance activities within the TIF District. Up to 20% of the tax increments from the TIF District may be used to finance activities outside the TIF District but within the boundaries of the Redevelopment Project. Tax increments are considered to have been "spent" within the TIF District if such amounts are: • actually paid to a third party for activities performed within the TIF District within five years after certification of the district; • used to pay bonds that were issued and sold to a third party, the proceeds of which are reasonably expected on the date of issuance to be spent within the later of the five-year period or a reasonable temporary period or are deposited in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund. • used to make payments or reimbursements to a third party under binding contracts for activities performed within the TIF District, which were entered into within five years after certification of the district; or • used to reimburse a party for payment of eligible costs (including interest) incurred within five years from certification of the district. It is anticipated that all tax increments to be collected from within the TIF District and distributed by the County will be spent or obligated within five years from the date of certification of the TIF District. SECTION 3.05 FINANCIAL REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS The Authority will comply with the annual reporting requirements of the TIF Act pursuant to the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor. Under current law, the Authority must prepare and submit a report on the TIF District on or before August 1 of each year. The Authority must also annually publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the City an annual statement for the TIF District, in the format as prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor. The reporting and disclosure requirements outlined in this section begin with the year a tax increment financing district is certified, and shall end in the year in which both the district has been decertified and all tax increments have been spent or returned to the County for redistribution. Failure to meet these requirements, as determined by the State Auditors Office, may result in suspension of distribution of tax increments. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 8 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 SECTION 3.06 BUSINESS SUBSIDY COMPLIANCE The Authority will comply with the business subsidies requirements specified in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 Exhibit I Monticello EDA Tax Increment Financing District No. TIF 1-44 Present Value Analysis As Required By Statute Minnesota Statutes 469.175(3)(2) Washburn POS Expansion 1 Estimated Future Market Value w/ Tax Increment Financing 2 Payable 2021 Market Value 3 Market Value Increase (1-2) 4 Present Value of Future Tax Increments 5 Market Value Increase Less PV of Tax Increments 6 Estimated Future Market Value w/o Tax Increment Financing 7 Payable 2021 Market Value 8 Market Value Increase (6-7) 9 Increase in MV From TIF ' Assume 1.00% annual appreciation over 8 year life of district. 4,800,304 ' 1,217,300 3,583,004 491,545 3,091,459 1,318,161 ' 1,217,300 100,861 2,990,597 2 Z Statutory compliance achieved if increase in market value from TIF (Line 9) is greater than or equal to zero. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 10 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 Exhibit II City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing District No. TIF 1-44 (Economic Development) Washburn POS Expansion Projected Tax Increments from Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Key Asssumptions 1 Taxable market value (TMV) annual growth assumption = 1.00% 2 Original Tax Capacity Rate estimated based on Taxes Payable Year 2021. 3 Election for captured tax capacity is 100.00% 4 Base Tax Capacity is calculated based on a TMV = $1,217,300. 5 Present value is calculated based on semi-annual payments, stated rate in the schedule above, and date of 1/1/2023. 6 Assumption for TMV = Total added building expansion SF of 45,000 at $75.00 per SF. TMV includes valuation of existing property proposed to be included within TIF District. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 11 3.00% Taxable TIF Taxes Less Base Captured Captured Less Available Market Tax Tax Rate Present District Payable Tax Tax 2 Tax State Tax 5 Year Year Value Capacity Capacity a Capacity a Increments Fee Increments Value (TMV) " 6 1 2024 4,433,000 88,660 (24,346) 64,314 95.95% 61,709 (222) 61,487 56,828 2 2025 4,477,330 89,547 (24,346) 65,201 95.95% 62,559 (225) 62,334 112,015 3 2026 4,522,103 90,442 (24,346) 66,096 95.95% 63,419 (228) 63,191 165,608 4 2027 4,567,324 91,346 (24,346) 67,000 95.95% 64,286 (231) 64,055 217,652 5 2028 4,612,998 92,260 (24,346) 67,914 95.95% 65,163 (235) 64,928 268,187 6 2029 4,659,128 93,183 (24,346) 68,837 95.95% 66,048 (238) 65,810 317,258 7 2030 4,705,719 94,114 (24,346) 69,768 95.95% 66,942 (241) 66,701 364,906 8 2031 4,752,776 95,056 (24,346) 70,710 95.95% 67,845 (244) 67,601 411,171 9 2032 4,800,304 96,006 (24,346) 71,660 95.95% 68,757 (248) 68,509 456,091 586,728 (2,112) 584,616 TOTAL = Key Asssumptions 1 Taxable market value (TMV) annual growth assumption = 1.00% 2 Original Tax Capacity Rate estimated based on Taxes Payable Year 2021. 3 Election for captured tax capacity is 100.00% 4 Base Tax Capacity is calculated based on a TMV = $1,217,300. 5 Present value is calculated based on semi-annual payments, stated rate in the schedule above, and date of 1/1/2023. 6 Assumption for TMV = Total added building expansion SF of 45,000 at $75.00 per SF. TMV includes valuation of existing property proposed to be included within TIF District. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 11 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 Exhibit III Monticello EDA Tax Increment Financing District No. TIF 1-44 Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions (Taxes Payable 2021) Washburn POS Expansion Annual Tax Increment Estimated Annual Captured Tax Capacity (Full Development) $71,660 Payable 2021 Local Tax Rate 95.949% Estimated Annual Tax Increment $68,757 Percent of Tax Base Net Tax Net Tax Captured Percent of Capacity Tax Capacity % of Total Increment Total NTC (NTC) Capacity City of Monticello 31,796,124 71,660 0.23% Wright County 191,418,817 71,660 0.04% ISD 882 42,943,725 71,660 0.17% Dollar Impact of Affected Taxing Jurisdictions NOTE NO. 1: Assuming that ALL of the captured tax capacity would be available to all taxing jurisdictions even if the City does not create the Tax Increment District, the creation of the District will reduce tax capacities and increase the local tax rate as illustrated in the above tables. NOTE NO. 2: Assuming that NONE of the captured tax capacity would be available to the taxing jurisdiction if the City did not create the Tax Increment District, then the plan has virtually no initial effect on the tax capacities of the taxing jurisdictions. However, once the District is established, allowable costs paid from the increments, and the District is terminated, all taxing jurisdictions will experience an increase in their tax base. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 12 Net Tax Tax Added Local Capacity % of Total Increment Tax Rate (NTC) Share City of Monticello 35.659% 37.165% 25,553 0.080% Wright County 43.719% 45.565% 31,329 0.016% ISD 882 15.390% 16.040% 11,028 0.026% Other 1.181% 1.231% 846 Totals 95.949% 100.000% 68,756 NOTE NO. 1: Assuming that ALL of the captured tax capacity would be available to all taxing jurisdictions even if the City does not create the Tax Increment District, the creation of the District will reduce tax capacities and increase the local tax rate as illustrated in the above tables. NOTE NO. 2: Assuming that NONE of the captured tax capacity would be available to the taxing jurisdiction if the City did not create the Tax Increment District, then the plan has virtually no initial effect on the tax capacities of the taxing jurisdictions. However, once the District is established, allowable costs paid from the increments, and the District is terminated, all taxing jurisdictions will experience an increase in their tax base. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 12 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 1 Exhibit IV 4,433,000 88,660 (24,346) 64,314 City of Monticello 22,934 28,117 9,898 760 Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. TIF 1-44 4,477,330 89,547 (24,346) Washburn POS Expansion 62,5S9 23,2SO 28,50S 10,034 Estimated Tax Increments Over Maximum Life of District 3 2026 4,522,103 90,442 Based on Pay 2021 Tax Rate = 95.949% 35.659% 43.719% 15.390% 7.787% New Estimated City County School Other TIF Taxes Taxable New Base Captured Total TIF TIF TIF TIF District Payable Market Tax Tax Tax Tax Related Related Related Related Year Year Value Capacity Capacity Capacity Increment Share Share Share Share 1 2024 4,433,000 88,660 (24,346) 64,314 61,709 22,934 28,117 9,898 760 2 202S 4,477,330 89,547 (24,346) 6S,201 62,5S9 23,2SO 28,50S 10,034 770 3 2026 4,522,103 90,442 (24,346) 66,096 63,419 23,569 28,897 10,172 781 4 2027 4,567,324 91,346 (24,346) 67,000 64,286 23,892 29,292 10,311 791 5 2028 4,612,998 92,260 (24,346) 67,914 65,163 24,217 29,691 10,452 803 6 2029 4,659,128 93,183 (24,346) 68,837 66,048 24,546 30,095 10,594 813 7 2030 4,705,719 94,114 (24,346) 69,768 66,942 24,879 30,502 10,737 824 8 2031 4,752,776 9S,OS6 (24,346) 70,710 67,84S 25,214 30,913 10,882 836 9 2032 4,800,304 96,006 (24,346) 71,660 68,757 25,553 31,329 11,028 847 Total 586,728 218,054 267,341 94,108 7,225 Note: The Estimated Total Tax Increment shown above is before deducting the State Auditor's fee, which is payable at a rate of 0.36% of the Total Tax Increment collected. Exhibit II provides Estimated Total Tax Increment after deducting for the State Auditor's fee. DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 13 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 EXHIBIT V Map of Boundaries of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-44 �7 DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 14 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-44 EXHIBIT VI Map of Boundaries of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I DRAFT FOR PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 11, 2022 15 NORTHLAND PUBLIC FINANCE MEMORANDUM To: Jim Thares, City of Monticello From: Tammy Omdal Date: April 4, 2022 Re: Proposed Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-44 The City of Monticello (the "City") and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "EDA) received an application for financial assistance from Washburn Computer Group (the "Developer") for the construction of an approximately 45,000 square foot expansion to an existing 33,000 square foot building to provide a facility for warehousing and distribution (the "Project)". The site for the Project is located on two parcels at the corner of Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue NE the City (the "Property"). The City will hold a public hearing on April 11, 2022 to consider the establishment of Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. 1-44 (the "TIF District") within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1. Following the public hearing the City Council may consider adoption of a resolution to establish the TIF District. The establishment of the TIF District by the City provides the authority for the EDA to consider approval of the TIF District and financial assistance to the Developer for the Project at a future date. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information on tax increment financing authority and process followed for establishing the TIF District, along with a summary of the plan for the TIF District. Background on TIF Authority Tax increment financing (TIF) is a statutory financing tool to promote economic development, redevelopment, and housing development in areas where it would otherwise not occur. The establishment of a TIF district allows a city or an authority to "capture" the revenues generated by the increase in net tax capacity resulting from new development within a designated geographic area called a TIF district. The revenue comes from the increase in property taxes, with some limited exceptions to the taxes that may be captured within a TIF district. For example, referendum taxes and state property taxes cannot be captured with a TIF district. The maximum duration to capture the tax increments from an economic development district is 8 years after the first year of tax increment collections for a total of 9 years. A city/authority may use tax increments to finance public improvements and other qualifying costs related to the new development that generated the increase in net tax capacity. Certain findings must be made by a city/authority when approving a TIF district, including a finding that the project, as Northland Securities, Inc. 150 South Fifth Street Suite 3300, Minneapolis, MN 55402, Main Tel. 612-851-5900 www.nortMandsecurities.com Member FINRA and SIFC I Registered with SEC and MSRB Monticello TIF District 144 April 4, 2022 Page 2 proposed, is feasible only through assistance, in part, from tax increment financing. This is commonly referred to as a "but for" finding. Economic Development TIF District The purpose of an economic development district is generally to assist development of a manufacturing facility, among other purposes. Tax increments from an economic development district can be used to provide improvements, loans, subsidies, grants, interest rate subsidies, or assistance in any form to developments consisting of buildings and ancillary facilities, if certain conditions are met. The conditions are as follows: (1) it will discourage commerce, industry, or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state or municipality; or (2) it will result in increased employment in the state; or (3) it will result in preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the state. The Project qualifies as an economic development TIF district. The Project is for warehousing and distribution, and 100% of the planned building (on a square footage basis) will be used for this purpose. Process for Approval The first step in creating the TIF District is the adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan for the TIF District (the "TIF Plan"). The TIF Plan provides information about the Project to be funded with tax increment from the TIF district and authorizes the use of tax increment from the district to pay TIF - eligible project costs, among other items. A tax increment financing district administered by the EDA (after establishment by the City) must be located within the boundaries of a specified redevelopment project area. The EDA has previously established the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1(the "Project Area"), as modified over time, and set the boundaries of the Project Area as shown in the map included in Exhibit VI of the TIF Plan. No modification to the Project Area or Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area is proposed. After the TIF District is established by the City, the EDA may consider its actions, including entering into a contract for private development with the Developer for tax increment financing assistance. The proposed terms of the contract and project specifics remain under discussion. Notice to County and School District Before the public hearing and the establishment of a TIF district, the City/EDA must provide certain notices to the county and the school district, including providing a copy of a draft TIF plan. The county and school district may comment on the proposed TIF district but cannot prevent the creation of the TIF district. On behalf of the City/EDA, Northland submitted a letter and a draft copy of the TIF Plan for the TIF District to Wright County and Monticello Public School (District No. 882) on March 11, 2022 asking to receive comments. No written or oral comments were received by Northland. Monticello TIF District 144 April 4, 2022 Page 3 Adoption of TIF Plan Following the public hearing, the City Council may adopt the resolution approving the establishment of the TIF District within the Project Area and the adoption of the TIF Plan relating thereto (the "Resolution"). TIF Plan Summary TIF plans can be confusing, as the plans tend to contain technical language that is required by the statutes that govern tax increment. The summary that follows is provided to highlight the key elements of the TIF Plan. A complete copy of the draft TIF Plan is available and included in the packet for the City Council meeting. In summary, the TIF Plan provides for the EDA to capture 100% of the tax increments collected from the Property within the TIF District to reimburse certain TIF eligible project costs incurred by the Developer, and to reimburse the EDA for administrative costs of the TIF District. Item Plan Section Comments City Plans and 2.02.2 Section 2.02 of the TIF Plan summarizes the proposed Development development and explains how this development is Program consistent with local plans and policies of the City. Boundaries of TIF 2.03.2 The TIF District includes two parcels. The parcels are District owned by private parties. The Developer owns one of the two parcels and plans to acquire the second parcel for the expansion. Type of District 2.03.3 The TIF District is an economic development district. The district will meet the statutory criteria for this type of district as a warehousing and distribution facility. Estimated Tax 2.04.1 The Project is estimated to create annual tax increment Increment revenue of $61,709 in the first year of the TIF District or upon completion of development. This amount is based on the following factors: • Total estimated taxable market value of the Property of $4,433,000 after completion to be classified as commercial -industrial. • The original net tax capacity value of the TIF District is estimated based on the current market value of the Property for taxes payable in 2022. A property's net tax capacity is determined by multiplying the property's taxable market value by the relevant class rate or rates. Class rates are set by statute, vary by property type, and are uniform statewide. For Monticello TIF District 1-44 April 4, 2022 Page 4 Item Plan Section Comments purpose of calculating tax increments, the county auditor will set the original net tax capacity value of the TIF District based on the future use (commercial - industrial). • The estimated local tax rate is estimated at 95.95% in the TIF Plan and includes the city, county, school, and other local taxing jurisdictions tax rates pursuant to the provisions in the TIF Act. This rate is used to estimate the future tax increments. Upon request to the county auditor to certify the TIF District, and the anticipated timing of the request, it is anticipated the final certified tax rate for the TIF District will be based on the local tax rate for taxes payable in 2022. The actual estimated market value of the property will be set by the Assessor after completion of construction. Changes in property values and tax rates will alter the amount of tax increment revenue from year-to-year. The TIF Plan includes estimates for planning purposes only, and the actual amounts will vary. Project Costs, 2.04.2 Tax increment revenue will be used to pay Project Costs Estimated Source 2.04.3 related to development of the Property. The TIF Plan and Uses of provides for the reimbursement of up to $466,091 of total Funds, 2.04.4 estimated Project costs. The Project Costs include Administrative $300,000 for land acquisition, $43,324 for site Expense improvement/preparation costs, $54,305 for utilities, and $58,462 for administrative costs. Reimbursement of Project Costs will be on a pay -go basis. As tax increment is collected by the EDA upon distribution of taxes from the county, the EDA will use the available tax increments to reimburse the Developer and itself for actual costs incurred. The terms for payment to the Developer will be detailed in a written contract between the EDA and the Developer. The terms remain subject to final negotiations. Bonded 2.04.6 All payments made by the EDA will be on a "pay -go" Indebtedness basis payable solely from available tax increments and will not be a general obligation of the City. Monticello TIF District 144 April 4, 2022 Page 5 Item Plan Section Comments Duration 2.04.7 The TIF Plan elects a duration of nine (9) years which is the maximum duration allowed for an economic development district. The estimated month and year of first receipt of tax increment is July 2024. The estimated required decertification date based on year 2024 as the first year of tax increment collection is December 31, 2032. S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ■ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A 24 25 26 27 EM S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i 10 11 12 13 - 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 - 24 25 26 27M 29 30 31 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24M 26M 28 29 30 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8M 10F1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22- 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 City of Monticello Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. TIF 1-44 Economic Development TIF District Washburn POS Expansion Public Hearing on April 11 February 9 EDA request City Council call for hearing February 14 City Council calls for public hearing March 11 Last day for notice and TIF plan and fiscal implications to County and School District March 28 Last day to submit notice to newspaper March 31 Publication date for hearing notice April 5 Planning Commission review April 11 Public hearing and establishment of TIF District April 13 EDA approval of TIF May 2 Request certification by County May 2 Submit plan to State June 30 Certification of TIF District by this Date Notes: 1 1 Denotes City Council meeting dates 2 Denotes EDA meeting dates 4 Denotes Planning Commission meeting date 5 City publication dates need to be confirmed and added to calendar TIF for Economic Development NORTHLAND �,,r- PUBLIC FINANCE 1/25/2022 Beacon Wright County, MN Overview Date created: 9/21/2021 Last Data Uploaded: 9/21/202110:02:15 AM Developed by(� Schneider GEOSPATIAL Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL MUNICL P RIVATEC L TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits 0i c t FOl Parcels Torrens EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 8. Consideration of Adopting Resolution No. 2022-10 Requesting the City Council Call for a Public Hearing related to establishment of Economic Development TIF District #1-46 Supporting Wiha Tools Manufacturing and Warehouse Facility Proposal (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider adopting Resolution No. 2022-10 requesting the City Council call for a public hearing related to the proposed establihment of an Economic Development Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District (#1-46). The recent submittal of a TIF Application by Wiha Tools indicates that the company plans to construct a 60,000 to 70,000 square foot facility on a vacant site located on 7t" Street East. Wiha Tools is a manufacturer and distributor of premium hand tools. They are currently located in a 26,475 square foot building located at 1348 Dundas Circle. They have been operating from the current location in Monticello since 1996 and expanded that building in 2004. Wiha also purchased a building (11,500 square feet) located at 1347 Dundas Circle in 2005. This building is across the street from the production and warehouse which it is using for its administrative office and finance staff. It too was added onto in 2014. Due to steady continued growth, Wiha Tools has determined that it needs to nearly double its space to meet growing customer demand and that its current facilities are inadequate to support the expected growth. Willi Hahn Corporation, USA dba Wiha Tools is a unit of a German based international manufacturer and distributor of a quality hand tools used by contractors. Wiha is proposing to develop a new 60,000 to 70,000 square foot production and warehouse facility on a vacant 12 -acre site along 7t" Street East. The site is large enough to accommodate a second phase expansion increasing the building to 120,000 square feet. The estimated cost for phase 1 of the proposal is $11,800,000 +/- including nearly $2,000,000 of new equipment. The company currently employs 64 FTE and plans to add 59 new staff with the expansion proposal. A project sources and uses provided by Wiha Tools shows the various proposal components. The total project cost is $11,800,000. In addition to TIF assistance, City staff have suggested several other potential assistance programs in addition to TIF as possible solutions. Those economic development assistance tools include: • MN -DEED - Job Creation Fund (JCF) Grant program • MN -DEED - Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) Program • Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan Program Staff have already been arranged meetings with MN -DEED managers reviewing the potential role that the JCF or MIF programs can play in the proposed development. As noted, in the TIF application, Wiha Tools is indicating that without TIF and other assistance, to fund the project and specifically write down the land purchase costs, site preparation and grading components, the proposed expansion will not proceed. EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 Alternatives for the company would be to continue to operate from its current site and find additional space to rent. Currently, there are no available 70,000 +/- square foot buildings for rent in the City of Monticello. The company's ideal plan is to develop a new building in the City of Monticello where it has been growing and has access to a stable, reliable workforce. Staff have developed a scoring system to evaluate the merits of economic development projects. It has been used consistently since 2016. Based on the metrics, the score for the Wiha Corp development proposal is 34.5. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The Economic Development Manager and the Community Development Director have been involved in the initial work tasks related to the Wiha expansion proposal. It should be noted that if the EDA approves moving forward with the TIF assistance, a significant number of action steps and tasks lie ahead for the proposal. A TIF review and approval calendar is included illustrating the key milestones. A projection of the number of hours that will be allocated to the proposal is approximately 55 to 70. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budgetary impact related to EDA consideration of Resolution #2020-10 asking the City Council to call for a public hearing related to establishment of an Economic Development TIF District is minimal at this point in time. Wiha has submitted the required TIF application fee of $12,500 to cover consultant fees related to the TIF review process. A3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPACT: Continuing to support Monticello industrial firms who meet the City's goals for employment and tax base is consistent with the Monticello 2040 Value Statement of "A diversified and strong local economy competitive at regional, state and national levels." The Monticello 2040 + Plan's Economic Development Chapter includes numerous statements aligning with this proposed expansion, including those for business retention, reinvestment, tax base expansion and workforce development. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-10 requesting the City Council call for a public hearing related to the establishment of Economic Development TIF District #1-46 supporting Wiha Tools proposed development of a new 60,000 to 70,000 square foot manufacturing and warehouse facility. 2. Motion to table consideration of Resolution No. 2020-10 for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. Wiha Tools is proposing a sizeable new industrial building Ua EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 at a vacant site along 7th Street East. The 12 -acre +/- site is zoned IBC. Wiha Tools is engaged primarily in light assembly, packaging and distribution of hand tools and as such it is a light industrial type of activity. They perform all activities in their facility and do not have any outside storage needs. Wiha will add 59 new FTE jobs and increase its local payroll by over $3,600,000 per year through the additional staff. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution No. 2022-10 B. TIF Application with supporting exhibits C. TIF #1-46 Review and Approval Calendar D. Project Score and Comparative Ranking CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2022-10 RESOLUTION REQUESTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-46 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") previously established its Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Redevelopment Project") and has previously created multiple tax increment financing districts within the Redevelopment Project, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended (the "TIF Act"), in an effort to encourage the redevelopment and development of certain designated areas within the City; and WHEREAS, the City has transferred the administration and control of its tax increment financing districts to the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Authority recognizes an ongoing need to encourage economic development opportunities within the Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, the Authority is proposing the creation of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-46 (the "TIF District"), an economic development district, within the Redevelopment Project, and the approval of a Tax Increment Financing Plan ("TIF Plan") for the TIF District, pursuant to and in accordance with Section 469.175 of the TIF Act, for the purpose of assisting the expansion of an existing production facility and fostering the creation of jobs within the City; and WHEREAS, the creation of tax increment financing districts must be approved by the City Council of the City after a duly noticed public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board as follows: 1. The Authority hereby requests that the Council call for a public hearing to be held on June 27, 2022 or a later date to be determined by the Executive Director in accordance with the TIF Act, to consider the proposed establishment of the TIF District and the adoption of a TIF Plan for the TIF District, and to cause notice of said public hearing to be given as required by law. 2. The Authority directs the Executive Director to transmit copies of the TIF Plan to the Planning Commission of the City and requests the Planning Commission's written opinion indicating whether the proposed TIF Plan is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan of the City, prior to the date of the public hearing. 3. The Executive Director of the Authority is hereby directed to submit a copy of the TIF Plan to the Council for its approval. N4N190\1\789473.vl 4. The Authority directs the Executive Director to transmit the TIF Plan to Wright County and Independent School District No. 882 (Monticello Public Schools) in accordance with the TIF Act. 5. Staff and consultants are authorized and directed to take all other steps necessary to prepare the TIF Plan and related documents and to undertake other actions necessary to bring the TIF Plan before the Council. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 13t' day of April, 2022. President Attest: Executive Director N4N190\1\789473.vl CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BUSINESS SUBSIDY APPLICATION BUSINESS ASSISTANCE FINANCING Legal name of applicant: Willi Hahn Corporation Address: 1348 Dundas Circle, Monticello, MN 55362 Telephone number: Name of contact person: 763-295-6591 Eric Iverson REQUESTED INFORMATION Addendum shall be attached hereto addressing in detail the following: 1. A map showing the exact boundaries of proposed development. 2. Give a general description of the project including size and location of building(s); business type or use; traffic information including parking, projected vehicle counts and traffic flow; timing of the project; estimated market value following completion. 3. The existing Comprehensive Guide Plan Land Use designation and zoning of the property. Include a statement as to how the proposed development will conform to the land use designation and how the property will be zoned. 4. A statement identifying how the increment assistance will be used and why it is necessary to undertake the project. 5. A statement identifying the public benefits of the proposal including estimated increase in property valuation, new jobs to be created, hourly wages and other community assets. b. A written description of the developer's business, principals, history and past projects I understand that the application fee will be used for EDA staff and consultant costs and may be partially refundable if the request for assistance is withdrawn. Refunds will be made at the discretion of the EDA Board and be based on the costs incurred by the EDA prior to withdraw of the request for assistance. If the initial application fee is insufficient, I will be responsible for additional deposits. SIGNATURE Applicant's signature: Date: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Application for Business Assistance Financing GENERAL INFORMATION: Business Name. Willi Hahn Corporation Date: April 5, 2022 Address: 1348 Dundas Circle, Monticello, MN 55362 Type (Partnership, etc.): Corporation Authorized Representative: Eric Iverson Description of Business: Distributor of small hand tools Legal Counsel: Mark Hart at Courey, Kosanda & Zimmer, PA Address: 505 Hwy 169 N, Suite 350, Minneapolis MN 55441 FINANCIAL BACKGROUND: 1. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? IRS 2. Have you ever defaulted on any loan commitment? 11 3. Have you applied for conventional financing for the project? No 4. List financial references: a. US Bank b. C. 2 Phone: 763-271-4528 Phone: 763-398-0062 5. Have you ever used Business Assistance Financing before? If yes, what, where and when? PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Location of Proposed Project: East 7th Street in Monticello No 2. Amount of Business Assistance requested? $2,438,000 3. Need for Business Assistance: Growth of business requiring expansion 4. Present ownership of site: Ron Maas 5. Number of permanent jobs created as a result of project? Expect additional 50-75 jobs within 5 years 6. Estimated annual sales: Present: $36,000,000 Future: $70,000,000 (5 years) 7. Market value of project following completion: After Phase i should be approximately $5,000,000 Phase II expected to add an additional $5,500,000+ 8. Anticipated start date: Summer 2022 - Land Close Completion Date: Winter 2023 Fall 2022 - Land grading Spring 2023 - Building construction FINANCIAL INFORMATION: 1. Estimated project related costs: a. Land acquisition b. Site development c. Building cost d. Equipment e. Architectural/engineering fee f. Legal fees g. Off-site development costs $800,000 $1,638,000 3 2. Source of financing: a. Private financing institution b. Tax increment funds c. Other public funds $ $5,000,000 *See Letter of Intent for Financing Information $2,438,000 $1,160,000 d. Developer equity $3,220,000 PLEASE INCLUDE: 1. Preliminary financial commitment from bank. 2. Plans and drawing of project. 3. Background material of company. 4. Pro Forma analysis. S. Financial statements. 6. Statement of property ownership or control. 7. Payment of application fee of $14,4AOr effective 1-1-2022 fee is $12,500 • w7ha�R Tools that work for you April 4, 2022 Willi Hahn Corporation USA 1348 Dundas Circle Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 To whom it may concern, This letter is to inform the City of Monticello, in coordination with the Tax Incentive Financing (TIF) application, that we are finalizing approvals from our parent company in Germany to purchase land in Monticello. Once we receive the internal approval for the land purchase, which we are expecting to obtain by Friday, April 8, we intend to make a competitive offer on the parcel with hopes that a finalized purchase agreement is in place within a couple weeks. We anticipate no issues in the negotiation process that would cause us to note come into possession of the property. The land acquisition and building construction will be financed through multiple means. We intend to utilize various state and local incentive programs that will help us create multiple jobs for the area. Outside of the incentive process, we are planning to mainly rely on internal financing through our parent company. They have a revolving line of credit with a local bank that they can draw on, which they have agreed to do and pass on to us in the form of an intercompany loan. This loan will be paid back using the same method as a conventional mortgage loan and will be at the rate that they are able to borrow the funds at, so long as that rate is at or above the applicable federal rate (AFR) for intercompany loans agreed to by the Internal Revenue Service. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Thank you, Eric Iverson Chief Financial Officer Willi Hahn Corporation USA Willi Hahn Corporation USA 1348 Dundas Circle Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 800-494-6104 Fax: 800-494-7456 www.wihatools.com Business Subsidy Application 1. See Below f] 2. We anticipate building a 60,000 square foot facility (Phase 1), with further plans to increase the size to 120,000 in the future (60,000 square feet as Phase 11) as business growth dictates the need. We will use the facility for light manufacturing, which will mainly include light assembly and shipping of finished products. We anticipate starting the project in the late Spring of 2023 with completion in late 2023. The market value will be approximately $4.5M for the Phase I, with an additional $4.5M -$5M once Phase II is completed. Anticipated traffic flow is as follows: a. Currently 75 personal cars daily for employees, with future state in 5 years closer to 150 cars b. Currently 10 LTL semi -trucks per week on average — expect this to approximately double in five years c. Currently 2-3 smaller parcel trucks per day, which should stay fairly consistent with increase in business d. Owned box truck is expected to have two deliveries per week 3. The land is currently zoned IBC and approved for Light Industrial Use. We intend to use the site for light assembly and distribution in the near future, with the potential to include injection molding and steel machining / heat treating in the future, which both fall under the Light Industrial Use designation. 4. The incremental assistance is required for us to move forward with the project 5. Assuming the anticipated growth, we expect the property value to increase to approximately $9M within five years after the project is completed (which assumes Phase I and Phase II are both completed). Within that same five-year period, we anticipate adding at least 50 full-time blue-collar jobs and 10-15 white collar jobs. We also partner with Monticello High School to offer a work program which we intend to grow from our current roster of 4 students to over 15 students. The breakdown on the expected wages are as follows: a. Minimum starting wage for inexperienced blue-collar full-time employees is $16 per hour, plus comprehensive benefits and bonus potential i. Average hourly wage for blue collar employees is currently $18 per hour plus benefits/ bonus potential b. Most white-collar employees can expect an annual salary in excess of $50,000 plus benefits/ bonus potential 6. We are anticipating that Kinghorn Construction, a family-owned company based in Rogers, MN, will be coordinating all construction / development activities. Kinghorn was established in 1979 and has done multiple commercial buildings and warehouses throughout the immediate area. Kinghorn built our current main facility and completed a building addition as well. Some of the other past projects include (details at kinghornconstruction.com): a. Delta Modtech in Ramsey, MN b. Clam Outdoors in Rogers, MN c. Northwest Machine in Rogers, MN d. FedEx distribution center in Rogers, MN e. Westbrook Community Church in Chaska, MN About Wiha Tools Founded in 1939, Wiha has become a leading global manufacturer of hand tools and solutions for professional tradespeople and industrial markets. Currently, over 1,400 Wiha employees manufacture and market award-winning Wiha premium tools. A host of awards underline that Wiha has set the standard in functionality, design, and quality. Willi Hahn Corporation USA, dba Wiha Tools and in operation since 1985, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wiha Werkzeuge Gmbh Schonach, Germany. Wiha Tools USA is the largest Wiha subsidiary, offering over 3,500 products from our Monticello, Minnesota-based North American Headquarters. Wiha USA services North, Central, and South America. With over 80 years of manufacturing experience, Wiha has become a world leader in producing premium quality German hand tools focusing on application -driven design, engineered specifically for professional tradespeople. Wiha's commitment is to premium quality, innovation, and unparalleled customer service. As a TOP 100 most innovative medium-sized German enterprise, the family-owned company received the Manufacturing Excellence Award (MX Award) as the best German SME (Small Medium Enterprise). Wiha is the first-hand tool manufacturer in the world to receive the internationally recognized AGR (Aktion Gesunder Rucken) seal of approval. Wiha's innovative approach offers real added value and user benefits in increased efficiency and everyday work functionality. N Q LO M _O N N fi: cz O O CD cz Q 00 L O O H E cz i cz CO (D �-- cz S_ 1-- - Q) Cli � (n O O O Fn - co O L >1 Q � L CCS 0 Q cn E O O O U +-� N > S= 4-1 � U CZ O � '- O N �-- cz U cn cz — � CCS S= � CCS E m S= cz CZ O N cn cn � N O � Cll � N s= � O � co — cz L i .......... 0 10 14 0 L T C M 0- E E O U to (0 rm v U) cz O 4— O U) co Q U) O H U c� m O N L Q U cCS - O Q Q) c� Cl) U 0 i O 4-1 ctS � O Q O O c� N � O N Q � � C N (3) U � L a� 0 0 U_ U U Q M N Q E O U N 4- cz N O c� C c� N O � O N N +� N O N � N � C: N _ ccS � O Q W L O U— — N U N —C +— Q) O c� C O U O Co CT }' X Y V) E c� +- N O U 4O } _ O 06 = E c� O O >' D _0 Q o U D O c� cz Q _ E U Cf) N � I coo � O-) G) m m 0') T T T T T M N 174 0 U) c ca CL 0 0 +n (0 ►1 G 00 T— o O CV _0 "= U + Cll N X N c� f- Q) N c� Cf) Cll c� U m U C: N 70 Q N>_ (� N Z 0 C>1 N CU N Cll Q � O C 4- }' cn � — Y (D _ U) U - O U O cz � O Q Cn (a)4-1 O O 4- Q O Cll O O QLC'7 X U CD j N L U U C N c�0 N > U N .O O 0O N N N — = Q N a) E U D U O 4 � } C — N E � z 0 +- Q E0 CU Cll Cf) CU OU U ctS) U M v N �O U :3o U cz D — O O -+- 7C) co� Cl) Cll u — N cz IL U QL + Cll U C- O U E 7C) N 70 (!) >1O N c� U cn O N O N N O Q CD (D O T LO CO t` O O T T T T T— O o O O O O O O O CV CV CV CV N CV CV CV 00 T— o O CV S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10M 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24M 26 27 28 29 30 31 City of Monticello Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. TIF 1-44 Economic Development TIF District Project Shepherd - Bowers Site Public Hearing on June 27 April 13 EDA request City Council call for hearing April 25 City Council calls for public hearing May 27 Last day for notice and TIF plan and fiscal implications to County and School District June 7 Planning Commission review June 13 Last day to submit notice to newspaper June 16 Publication date for hearing notice June 22 EDA approval of TIF subject to City Council approval June 27 Public hearing and establishment of TIF District June 29 Request certification by County June 30 Certification of TIF District Date July 8 Submit plan to State Notes: 1 Denotes City Council meeting dates 2 Denotes EDA meeting dates 4 Denotes Planning Commission meeting date 5 City publication dates need to be confirmed and added to calendar NORTHLAND PUBLIC FINANCE TIF for Economic Development 4/5/2022 Name of Project: 041o"1I�o2Z, \e_c SYIPA� v 1. Number of New Employees Point Value Number +1 1-5 +2 6-15 +3 16-30 +4 31-50 +5 51 + 2. Number of Jobs Per Acre Point Value Number Per Acre +1 1— 2 per acre +2 3 — 4 per acre +3 �5—�6e �ac e +4 6 — 7 per acre +5 8 + per acre 3. Average Wages for New Jobs Point Value Pay Range Dollar Weighting +1 $15,000-24,999 $20,000 +2 $25,000-29,999 $27,500 +3 $30,000-44,999 $37,500 +4 $45,000-59,999 $52,500 +5 $60,000+ $60,000 4. Public Assistance per New Jobs OO OC7�DPublic Assistance 5qNumber of new jobs created 2 Total Empl sl$3 W Public Assistance per new job Point Value Public Dollars Invested Per New Job +1 Over $50,000 +2 $40,000 to $49,999 +3 $30,000 to $39,999 +4 $20,000 to $29,999 +5 $0 to $19,999 5. Number of Years of TIF Assistance Needed +0 s +1 8 years +2 7 years or less 6. Developed Assessed Value Per Acre Point Value Value Per Acre +1 $150,000-199,999 +2 $200,000-349,999 +3 $350,000-499,999 +4 $500,000-599,999 +5 $600,000+ 7. Business Retention Point Value Number of Retained Jobs +0.5 1-5 jobs +1 6-10 jobs +1.5 11-30 jobs +2 31-50 jobs +2.5 50-100 'ob +3 101 + jobs 3 O 8. Ratio of Private versus Public Investment in Project $ 10 ,10 0 a DO Private Investment 1 0(2 0 EDA/Public Investment • 1 n DO Total Investment _LD.7 Z- Ratio of Private versus Public financing Point Value Ratio +1 over 2:1 +2 over 3:1 +3 over 4:1 +4 over 5:1 +5 rLr 6:1 or greate I-C4,o 1Q., 9. Significant Community Impact Point Value Unsubsidized Spin -Off development potential +1 Low potential fors in -off of unsubsidiud cleveloomen + Moderate potential for spin-off unsubsidized development +3 High potential for spin-off unsubsidized development 10. Tenure in Business Operation Point Value Number of Years in Business +1 Five years or less a+3 6 to 10 year:::::11 years or more El 11. Environmental Impacts Point Value Types of Environmental Issues +1 Enhances the environments aspects of a site via clean-up 'of or improved aesthetics via unique site or architectural features -0- No impacts -1 Noise Issues -2 Noise and negative visual aesthetics -3 Noise, odors, dust, traffic and negative visual aesthetics WORKSHEET SUMMARY Factors Total Points #1. Number of New Employees S-(1-5) #2. Number of Jobs Per Acre (1-5) #3. Average Wages for New Jobs 26-30 #4. Public Assistance Per New Job 100 percent discount from market price = $1.00 for the entire lot #5. Number of Years of TIF Assistance (1-2) #6. Developed Assessed Value Per Acre (1-5) #7. Business Retention (# of Jobs) (.5-3) #8. Ratio of Private to Public Invest. J (1-5) #9. Significant Impact/Comp Plan Goals (1-3) #10. Number of Years of Business Oper. (1-3) #11. Environmental Impacts (-3 to +1) 34--o5 Total Points Total Possible Points = 42 Total Worksheet Points Equated to Land Price Total Overall Points Price for Otter Creek Land 1-5 $3.16 per sq. ft. (No TIF) 5-10 $3.16 per sq. ft. with TIF as a land reimbursement to developer 11-15 20 percent discount from market price = $2.53 per sq. ft. 16-20 40 percent discount from market price = $1.90 per sq. ft. 21-25 60 percent discount from market price = $1.26 per sq. ft. 26-30 80 percent discount from market price = $.63 per sq. ft. 31-42 100 percent discount from market price = $1.00 for the entire lot 5 v U C t0 N •N N 3 N a -a a� a� � a o a, m 0 _>, E °' N CL ._ GJ L OV — u i +m+ ,v_, N� a v Y 41 C E 0 C E •r_ O 0 u N4-1 m N 3 J Qi E N > 0 > E NO 4A m NO = t/1 -p a� GC N O 0 r E n > J _ � > �� •_ tu0 .N "0 a N w 3 L = _ tO O •^ c E N > L- J N G •-, ''' G1 G� > _ = tw .N N a�0 F- L a O •+ v�f O � > + N .0 .O c� > a � is fC > Qi 4-0 o 0 V �+- L N N a •E w Q% b.0 2 Q O N M N ��-1 w ('14 NiiiLn Ln LA N Ln Cr N M Ln M N M > L Al W O V k%i u � E O r_ O u W v E _ m Z V G% • O a >m Q V V Z O O Z V •C^ aQ („� m O .N >•N Q i O N _ L Y i O m O •E t a mm) .Q O = m a w O •E_ s o 00 V •^ m O Y U .G ^ C O �+ L- i 0 L- V4-1 N s C N `1 O c o - LA U .� N O � C a, s a t Ln V .� N d cn o d Y O a m m a EDA: 04/13/22 9. Consideration of approving a Contract with Northland Securities, Inc. (NSI) in the amount of $9,200 for Financial Planning Services related to establishing Economic Development Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District #146 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider approving a specific project -based Contract with Northland Securities, Inc. (NSI) related to creation of Economic Development Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District #1-46 in support of Wiha Tools' proposed new industrial -facility at a vacant site along 7th Street East. In the TIF Application submitted by Wiha Tools, it indicates an expected total investment for a 60,000 to 70,000 square foot building to be 9,200,000. The company is seeking TIF assistance to offset the land acquisition and site preparation costs. The submittal of the TIF application by Wiha Tools warrants EDA consideration of entering into a contract with NSI to obtain financial planning and analysis services as well as guidance in the required steps in establishing a new Economic Development TIF District. The attached proposal outlines specific services related to development parcel valuation data, review of the proposed financing structure, the project pro forma and preparation of the critical "but for" findings. It also covers formatting and distribution of various notices, planning documents, completion of a TIF Plan and attendance at two key meetings. It does not include legal documents such as resolutions and development agreements. Ultimately, if a new Economic Development TIF District is not approved by the City Council or the EDA, NSI will only bill for actual work performed based on an hourly rate of $215. NSI will also coordinate with the City's legal counsel as required for the project. Al. STAFF IMPACT: TIF Districts are extremely complicated tax -based financial assistance tools used to support new economic development proposals. There are several legal and critical financial review steps that are required in establishing a new TIF District. Under the proposed contract, NSI will analyze property value and financing data and prepare a TIF Plan specifically tailored to the proposal and the development site. They will also prepare the essential "but -for" findings. In-house staff will support and collaborate with NSI by providing application submittal materials and guidance related to EDA discussions regarding potential TIF assistance for Wiha Tools' proposed industrial facility. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The funds to pay for the proposed NSI contract will come from the $12,500 TIF application fee from Wiha Tools. Additional costs beyond the initial TIF fee will be invoiced to Wiha Tools as per NSI service invoices. Fees incurred for legal documents, contracts, resolutions, etc. related to establishing the TIF District are not included in the NSI services contract. Those costs will be separate and will also be invoiced to Wiha Tools. EDA: 04/13/22 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve NSI Financial Planning Agreement for services related to creation of a Economic Development TIF District 1-46. 2. Motion to table consideration of the NSI Financial Planning Agreement for services related to creation of Economic Development TIF District 1-46. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. The NSI Financial Planning Services Agreement is essential to ensure the EDA stays within the bounds of all required steps and notices when creating a new TIF District. TIF districts have impacts across several taxing jurisdictions (city, school district and county). Therefore, it important that staff have the support of consultants such as NSI to perform specialized TIF Plan analytical work and preparation of specific documents that are required in creating a new TIF District. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. NSI Financial Planning Services Agreement —TIF District #1-46 b. TIF Review and Approval Calendar — TIF District #1-46 2 FINANCIAL PLANNING AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND NORTHLAND SECURITIES, INC. TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOMENT) DISTRICT NO. 146 This Agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, Minnesota (hereinafter the "EDA") and Northland Securities, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota (hereinafter "NSP'). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the EDA desires to use the services of NSI for financial planning assistance related to the proposed establishment of a Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. 1-46 (the "TIF District") to provide financial assistance to a private company for the construction of a building for qualified economic development purposes (the "Project"). WHEREAS, the Project is intended solely for financial planning and NSI is not providing advice on the timing, terms, structure or similar matters related to a specific bond issue. WHEREAS, NSI desires to furnish services to the EDA as hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY NSI The scope of work will undertake the process and financial planning to establish the TIF District. Legal services to draft or review the plan for the establishment of the TIF District (the "TIF Plan"), resolutions, and agreements are not provided by NSI and are not subject to this agreement. NSI will provide the following services: 1. Collect data for the TIF District and the Project, including: a. Parcel identification numbers for all parcels within the Development District and theTIF District. b. Estimated market value and tax capacity value for all parcels within the TIF District. c. Current property tax rates for all jurisdictions. d. Map showing project location and parcel boundaries. 2. Evaluate and advise the EDA on the type of tax increment financing district and provide guidance on statutory findings. 3. Collect data about the Project, including: a. Type, size, value, and timing of proposed development. b. Activities and estimated costs (project budget) to be paid by the TIF District. 4. Review basis for findings for establishing TIF District, including: Agreement (Economic Development TIF Page 1 a. Statutory criteria for proposed district. b. Developer justification ("but for') for the use of tax increment. c. Review and analyze Developer construction pro forma and operating pro forma for the Project. d. Prepare memorandum for the EDA presenting the findings. S. Review and analyze developer financial information, including project pro forma, and other relevant information provided by the developer. 6. Prepare memorandum for the EDA with the results of the evaluation of the information provided by the developer and the need for financial assistance as requested by the developer. 7. Determine basic understanding of key criteria for the process including: a. Boundaries of Development District and the TIF District. b. Specific development objectives to address in the planning documents beyondthe Project, including decertification of an existing tax increment financing district. 8. Obtain any additional data not collected in item #1, including: a. Building permits issued for parcels in the TIF District over the past 18 months. b. Current comprehensive plan. 9. Set and distribute calendar of meetings and key dates. 10. Assist with preparation of notice of hearing and comply with statutory requirements for mailing and publication. 11. Complete financial evaluation of request for public financial assistance and prepare memorandum with findings. 12. Assist the EDA's attorney with drafting of the development agreement for the Project. 13. Prepare planning documents including modification of the Redevelopment Project, if necessary, and Tax Increment Financing Plan for the TIF District. 14. Distribute draft planning documents with letter of explanation and other supporting information to the county and the school district. 15. Assist with preparation of resolutions authorizing the TIF District and approvingthe TIF Plan. 16. Prepare and distribute resolution for planning commission findings, if necessary (scope does not include NSI attendance at planning commission meeting). 17. Prepare and distribute packet for public hearing including the TIF Plan and approving resolution and interfund loan resolutions (if loan is proposed). 18. Attend and facilitate the EDA meeting to consider approval of the TIF Districtand agreement for the Project. 19. Assist City staff in preparing presentation for the public hearing and City Council meeting to consider approval of the TIF District. 20. Prepare electronic transcript of documents for the establishment of the TIF District. Agreement (Economic Development TIF Page 2 21. Submit request to the county for certification of the TIF District. 22. File district with the Office of the State Auditor and the State of Minnesota. COMPENSATION The budget for undertaking the tasks in this agreement is an amount not to exceed $9,200. The amount is based on the estimated number of hours required to complete these tasks at an hourly billing rate of $215 per hour plus reimbursable expenses for travel, printing, and mailing. NSI will bill monthly for actual services performed and reimbursable expenses. The EDA may at its discretion authorize NSI to undertake additional tasks, including meeting attendance, beyond the tasks listed above. Additional planning services will be billed monthly at a rate of $215 per hour. Invoices will detail the work performed, requested compensation for the period and show amounts previously billed. ASSIGNED NSI EMPLOYEE The NSI employee responsible for providing services pursuant to this agreement and for the services performed is Tammy Omdal, Managing Director. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS The terms and provisions of this Agreement are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the EDA and NSI and their successors or assigns. DISCLAIMER In performing service under this agreement, NSI is relying on the accuracy of information provided by the developer for the proposed project, and the EDA. Services provided by NSI will be based on current state law of Minnesota. The parties agree that the State of Minnesota property tax system and other laws may change and may affect the accuracy and validity of services provided by NSI. NSI will perform its work using the best available information. The EDA recognizes and accepts that future property values, tax levies and tax rates may vary from the assumptions used byNSI and such changes may affect the work product produced and provided by NSI. TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT This Agreement may be terminated by thirty (30) days written notice by either the EDA or NSI. In the event of early termination by the EDA, NSI shall provide the EDA with an itemized hourly statement of services already provided. All billable hours by NSI shall be billed at the stated hourly rates should early termination occur. Agreement (Economic Development TIF Page 3 Dated this day of , 2022. Northland Securities, Inc. By:. Tammy Omdal Managing Director, Public Finance City of Monticello Economic Development Authority By: Title Agreement (Economic Development TIF Page 4 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10M 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24M 26 27 28 29 30 31 City of Monticello Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. TIF 1-44 Economic Development TIF District Project Shepherd - Bowers Site Public Hearing on June 27 April 13 EDA request City Council call for hearing April 25 City Council calls for public hearing May 27 Last day for notice and TIF plan and fiscal implications to County and School District June 7 Planning Commission review June 13 Last day to submit notice to newspaper June 16 Publication date for hearing notice June 22 EDA approval of TIF subject to City Council approval June 27 Public hearing and establishment of TIF District June 29 Request certification by County June 30 Certification of TIF District Date July 8 Submit plan to State Notes: 1 Denotes City Council meeting dates 2 Denotes EDA meeting dates 4 Denotes Planning Commission meeting date 5 City publication dates need to be confirmed and added to calendar NORTHLAND PUBLIC FINANCE TIF for Economic Development 4/5/2022 EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 10. Consideration of Authorizing a Contract for Hazardous Materials Survey of Substandard and/or Blighted Buildings on Block 52 to WSB & Associates in the Amount of $14,460 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider actions related to future redevelopment -demolition of buildings in Block 52. A Hazardous Materials Survey is required as part of the structure demolition activities that are expected to place in the near future. Identifying the types and amounts of various hazardous materials will help define the way the demolition will occur. All EDA owned properties in Block 52 except one are vacant and able to be surveyed. It is anticipated the business tenant is scheduled to relocate within the coming weeks. Following the relocation of the last tenant, the hazardous materials survey will be completed to prepare for the demolition process. The Hazardous Materials Survey will not be completed until all properties outlined in the RFP are vacant. The EDA authorized the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) related to a Hazardous Materials Survey at the March 9, 2022, regular meeting. The RFP remained open until March 30, 2022, to allow adequate time for potential contractors to submit proposals to the EDA. The EDA received two proposals for the identified scope of work. Through the evaluation process at the staff level, it was concluded that based on the scope of work and cost analysis outlined, WSB & Associates is capable of providing deliverables in a timely manner, at a reasonable cost. Al. Budget Impact: The cost of the scope of work outlined in the proposal is $14, 460. Funding may be sourced from increment generated from new development in Block 52 (TIF#1-45) and/or existing TIF District with extra funding, 1-6 funds, 1- 22. In the interim period, the EDA General Fund has sufficient funding to cover the expected cost of the work. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The Community & Economic Development Coordinator and Economic Development Manager will coordinate with the awarded contractor on timing of the study to take place, as well as deliverables. Staff is available to offer assistance in providing materials for reference as well. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to Authorizing a Contract for Hazardous Materials Survey of Substandard and/or Blighted Buildings on Block 52 to WSB & Associates in the Amount of $14,460 2. Motion to table consideration of authorizing a Contract for Hazardous Materials Survey of Substandard and/or Blighted Buildings on Block 52 to WSB & Associates in the Amount of $14,460 for additional research and/or discussion. EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. Staff is confident in WSB's capability of completing the scope of work outlined in their proposal and providing deliverables D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. WSB & Associates Submitted Proposal B. City of Monticello RFP C. Site Aerial wsb March 30, 2022 Jim Thares Economic Development Manager - City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Scope of Work and Cost — Asbestos and Regulated Material Assessments Proposed Block 52 Redevelopment City Owned Parcels Monticello, Minnesota Dear Mr. Thares: 2 Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. Outlined below is a scope of work 0 and cost estimate to perform Asbestos and Regulated Material (ARM) Assessments for the Block Z 52 Redevelopment Project located in Monticello, Minnesota. The Block 52 Redevelopment is in M downtown Monticello and includes the below addresses and Wright County Parcels (Property): Property Addresses • 121 West Broadway Street, 113 West Broadway Street, 107 West Broadway Street, 101 co West Broadway Street, 103 Pine Street, and 112 West River Street M Property Parcels • 155010052031,155010052060,155010052070,155010052071,155010052090, 155010052101,155010052102, 155010052110, 155010052120, and 155010052131 ID WSB understands that the Property contains six commercial buildings owned by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (City). The Property buildings were constructed z from approximately 1910-1940 and several of the buildings share existing walls (i.e., common walls). U) J 0 The purpose of the ARM Assessments is to identify asbestos and other regulated materials at the LU six Property buildings that will require special management prior to and/or during demolition Z activities. One ARM Assessment will be completed for each building. The following items will be 75 completed as part of the ARM Assessments: Asbestos Sampling CDM LU WSB will perform destructive asbestos sampling at the Property buildings to identify friable and co non -friable asbestos -containing materials (ACM) in accordance with EPA, MPCA, and MDH rules and regulations. WSB will identify ACM that could become friable during demolition activities, and U) according to State and Federal regulations, would require abatement prior to disturbance. The LU inspection and sampling will be performed by US EPA -accredited and MDH-certified Asbestos W Inspectors. Building materials disturbed during sampling will not be replaced/repaired. a Q Asbestos Laboratory Analysis z UJ Samples shall be submitted to a laboratory accredited for the analysis of asbestos bulk samples under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). Samples of suspect materials will be analyzed on a first positive stop basis. Analysis shall be performed by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM), EPA Method 600/R-93-116 (Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials). For materials with low (less than 10%) concentrations of asbestos, a point count quantification of asbestos concentrations can be performed. Mr. Jim Thares March 30, 2022 Page 2 Limited Lead -Based Paint Samoli WSB will collect lead-based paint (LBP) chip samples from painted/coated concrete surfaces at the Property buildings that have the potential to be recycled during the demolition process. At a minimum, paint sampling will be completed for satisfying MPCA requirements for concrete recycling and reuse. If LBP is detected, the surfaces will be identified as requiring special management during recycling. Reaulated Materials Inventory WSB will complete a room -by -room inventory of regulated materials at the Property buildings that may require special handling or disposal prior to demolition. WSB will note other items present that may require special attention prior to or during demolition including wells, septic systems, sumps, above/underground tanks, hoists, and oil water separators. Final Documentation and Reoortina WSB will summarize the results of the ARM Assessments in six final reports. One report will be prepared for each Property building. At a minimum, each report will include the following: • Scope of work • Sampling methods and procedures • Figures identifying ACM sample locations • Regulated materials inventory o Includes completion of the MPCA Pre-Renovation/Demolition Environmental Checklist • Investigation results including locations and quantities of identified ACM • Conclusions and recommendations Total Cost and Schedule The cost to perform the above-described ARM Assessments is a lump sum of $14,460. The estimated time to complete the work is three to four weeks after authorization. Acceptance This letter represents our understanding of the proposed scope of services. If this proposal is found acceptable, we will prepare a Professional Services Agreement for the work described above. If you have any questions about this proposal, please feel free to call Ryan Spencer at 612-723-3644 or email at rspencer@wsbeng.com. This fee proposal is valid for 90 days from the creation date. WSB may reissue a revised proposal upon request if the indicated period has lapsed. We appreciate the opportunity of being considered for this project and we look forward to working with you. Mr. Jim Thares March 30, 2022 Page 3 Sincerely, WSB pkr-� Ryan Spencer, CHMM Director of EIR Ben Fehr Environmental Scientist I hereby authorize the above scope of work, schedule, and cost. Name (Print) Signature Date Enclosures WSB 2022 Rate Schedule 2022 Rate Schedule PRINCIPAL I ASSOCIATE $162-$206 SR. PROJECT MANAGER I SR. PROJECT ENGINEER $162-$206 PROJECT MANAGER $143-$159 PROJECT ENGINEER I GRADUATE ENGINEER $97-$158 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I ENGINEERING SPECIALIST $62-$154 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT I SR. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT $73-$154 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST I SR. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST $60-$151 PLANNER I SR. PLANNER $75-$159 GIS SPECIALIST I SR. GIS SPECIALIST $72-$159 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER $98-$128 SURVEY One -Person Crew $159 Two -Person Crew $207 OFFICE TECHNICIAN $56-$97 ws b Costs associated with word processing, cell phones, reproduction of common correspondence, and mailing are included in the above hourly rates. Vehicle mileage is included in our billing rates [excluding geotechnical and construction materials testing (CMT) service rates]. Mileage can be charged separately, if specifically outlined by contract. I Reimbursable expenses include costs associated with plan, specification, and report reproduction; permit fees; delivery costs; etc. I Multiple rates illustrate the varying levels of experience within each category. I Rate Schedule is adjusted annually. WSBENG.COM Request for Proposal (RFP) Pre -Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey March 4, 2022 The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) is releasing the Request for Proposal (RFP) regarding services for a Pre -Demolition Hazardous Materials Building Survey. The Survey will identify existing hazardous materials in the buildings and/or sites and specify its removal and process. The area where the buildings are located is confined to Block 52 which is located in the core of the historic downtown area of the City of Monticello. The EDA and City combined currently own 83 percent of the land area of the Block and six building structures located on the subject parcels. All of the Block 52 buildings owned by the EDA are of an age and vintage (1910 to 1940) that they may have minor amounts of various hazardous materials such as asbestos or other such substances. The pre -demolition hazardous material building surveys will be performed in general compliance with applicable federal and state regulations for the six properties identified for demolition. The properties identified for possible demolition are located on Block 52 in Monticello, MN with addresses listed below. 1. 121 West Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 2. 113 West Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 3. 107 West Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 4. 101 West Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 5. 103 Pine Street, Monticello, MN 55362 6. 112 River Street, Monticello, MN 55362 RFP responders should include all costs associated with staff time (including travel) and materials to perform the inspections and complete appropriate reports -studies. Responders should also include evidence of credentials to perform desired work components and a sample list of past similar inspection projects completed in Minnesota. Attached Exhibits A and B provide additional information including an aerial photo where the demolition will be taking place, as well as the Pre-Renovation/Demolition Environmental Checklist from the Minnesota Pollution and Control Agency. The deadline for submittal of the RFP is March 30, at 4:00 p.m. RFP Questions about the RFP can be directed to Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, phone # 763- 271-3254 or email at nim.tharesCa�ci.monticello.mn.us. RFP responses should be submitted via email to Jim.thares(cD-ci.monticello.mn.us and/or Hayden.stensgard(a-)ci.monticello.mn.us. EDA Agenda — 4/13/2022 11. Consideration of Authorizing a Contract for Structural Engineering Analvsis of Block 52 Buildings and Demolition Mitigation Recommendations Related to Demolition of Buildings -Structures in Block 52 to WSB & Associates in the Amount of $24,500 and the Completion of a Phase I ESA by WSB & Associates at a Negotiated Price Not to Exceed $5,300 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND The EDA is asked to consider authorizing a contract for a Limited Environmental and Structural Engineering Analysis in connection with the Block 52 Redevelopment Proposal. With the completion of these two studies, it will assist with the proposed demolition of the EDA -owned buildings on Block 52. Benefits of this completed work will provide an understanding of the structural engineering component of the Block 52 buildings that are proposed to be demolished as part of the redevelopment efforts. A particular subject of the analysis is the shared wall between the EDA owned 121 West Broadway building and the privately owned 149 West Broadway building (Mattress Store) as there is a shared wall between these two structures. On March 9, 2022, the EDA authorized a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Limited Environmental and Structural Engineering Analysis in connection with the Block 52 Redevelopment project. The RFP remained open until March 30, 2022, and the city received one bid from WSB & Associates. The scope of work included in the submitted proposal is attached as an exhibit to this agenda item It should be noted that Phase 1 Environmental Studies have been completed for several Block 52 properties completed since 2018. With that in mind, staff will want to further discuss this situation regarding the extent of the need for Phase 1 ESA on those sites and negotiate the value of those services for the remaining properties in the Block 52. Remaining tenants in the buildings have all made plans to vacate by early May 2022. Once the tenants vacate the buildings, the structures will then be secured. Staff believe the next logical step following tenant move outs involve limited environmental and structural engineering analysis. Al. Staff Workload Impact: Staff involved in this process include the Community Development Director, the Economic Development Manager and the Financial Advisor and EDA Attorney. The administration and execution of the actual evaluation and analysis work tasks may also require coordination between the Community Development, Department of Building Safety, Engineering and Public Works departments. A2. Budget Impact: The costs of the scope of work described in the proposal submitted by WSB & Associates is at $29,800. Funding may be sourced from EDA Agenda — 4/13/2022 increment generated from new development in Block 52 (TIF#1-45) and/or existing TIF District with extra funding, 1-6 funds, 1-22. In the interim period, the EDA General Fund has sufficient funding to cover the expected cost of the work. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to authorize a contract for structural engineering analysis of buildings and demolition mitigation recommendations related to demolition of buildings - structures in Block 52 to WSB & Associates in the amount of $24,500 and the completion of a Phase I ESA by WSB & Associates at a negotiated price not to exceed $5,300. 2. Motion to table for additional research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the EDA move forward with alternative #1. The timeline of the redevelopment process is consistent with the request of this scope work to be done. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. WSB & Associates Proposal B. Site Aerial C. City of Monticello RFP 2 wsb March 30, 2022 Jim Thares Economic Development Manager - City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Scope of Work and Cost — Phase I ESA & Structural Assessment Proposed Block 52 Redevelopment - City Owned Parcels Monticello, Minnesota Dear Mr. Thares: 2 Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. Outlined below is a scope of work 0 and cost estimate to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Structural Z Assessment for the Block 52 Redevelopment Project located in Monticello, Minnesota. The Block LU 52 Redevelopment is in downtown Monticello and includes the below addresses and Wright U) County Parcels (Property): 0 Property Addresses 0 co0 121 West Broadway Street, 113 West Broadway Street, 107 West Broadway Street, 101 West Broadway Street, 103 Pine Street, and 112 West River Street M Property Parcels 0 155010052031,155010052060,155010052070,155010052071,155010052090, 155010052101,155010052102, 155010052110, 155010052120, and 155010052131 a WSB understands that the Property contains six commercial buildings owned by the City of Z Monticello Economic Development Authority (City). The Property buildings were constructed from approximately 1910-1940 and several of the buildings share existing walls (i.e., common walls). Currently, the structural details associated with the Property buildings are unknown, as J well as potential environmental liabilities associated with the Property. To assist with future W demolition and redevelopment planning of the Property, the following tasks will be performed as Z part of this scope of work: 5 — Task 1 — Phase I ESA 0 0 co The Phase I ESA will be performed in general compliance with the ASTM E1527-13 Standard LU Practice for Environmental Site Assessments. The following items will be performed as part of U) the Phase I ESA: U) 0 Historical Records Review Z) o Federal and state regulatory database information for the Property will be W obtained from a commercial regulatory vendor to evaluate for potential 'a recognized environmental conditions (RECs). a o Based on available information, the following two (2) MPCA regulatory file W reviews will be required: ■ LS0019812 (southeast adjacent site) — Former Phillips 66 Gas Station, 100 Broadway Street East ■ PB4857 (southeast adjacent site) — Former Phillips 66 Gas Station, 100 Broadway Street East Mr. Jim Thares March 30, 2022 Page 2 • Interviews o Property representatives will be contacted (via phone or in person) regarding past and current Property use activities. • Site Reconnaissance o Direct visual inspection of the Property and adjoining sites will be completed. o All Property areas, including the interior of buildings and storage structures, will be accessed as part of the site reconnaissance. The adjoining sites will be viewed from the public right-of-way areas. Reporting o The results of the Phase I ESA will be summarized in a final documentation report in accordance with the ASTM E1527-13. o This task does not include those items considered non -scope by ASTM Standard E1527-13 including asbestos, lead-based paint, radon, lead in drinking water, wetlands, regulatory compliance, cultural/historic resources, industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, biological agents, or mold sampling and analysis. Task 2 — Structural Assessment WSB led by Carl Osberg, PE will structurally evaluate the existing Property structures to be demolished and the adjoining building to remain. He will be supported by Sam Konieczny, PE, SE. Both Carl and Sam have recent experience in evaluating buildings and disconnecting adjoining building for demolition in Hopkins and Melrose, MN. We understand the developer will provide demolition plans. Thus, Carl and Sam will provide the following to the City to ensure the plans are properly developed: • Site Visit and Existing Conditions Report o Field measure, photograph and evaluate the existing buildings, utilities, lots, etc. o Closely evaluate the building connections to the adjoining building that are to remain o Summarize in an existing conditions report • Structural Analysis o Perform structural analysis where needed using STADD modeling and hand calculations Demolition Evaluation Report o State structural integrity and potential impacts of demolition o Address additional constraints such as utility connection o Submit a Demolition Evaluation Report summarizing the existing condition for each structure that outlines the building condition, age, potential impacts of demolition, potential costs, and other considerations (utilities, traffic impacts) o Deliver necessary forms for each structure o Include sketches and commentary for demolition procedures including: ■ Building at 121 West Broadway (common roof and wall) with need special details for removal — cutting, shoring, etc. ■ Notes and descriptions on mitigating public impacts — sidewalk closures, utility relocations, lane closures, access points ■ ROW lines and construction limits and mitigation strategies ■ Vibration monitoring plan — develop vibration limits and requirements building disconnect to 121 West Broadway • dictate monitoring and survey of other surrounding structures as needed Mr. Jim Thares March 30, 2022 Page 3 • prescribe hours and limits of demolition activities o Develop a cost estimate for structural demolition • Other Potential Tasks - Not Included in Fee o Official Preconstruction Surveys and Reports of Buildings in project area to remain o Field Vibration Monitoring during demolition o Demolition Inspection and Oversite Total Cost and Schedule The cost to perform the above described Phase I ESA and Structural Assessment is a lump sum of $29,800. The table below presents the estimated schedule and cost breakdown for each task presented in this scope. Task Estimated Schedule Cost 1) Phase I ESA 30-45 Days $5,300 2) Structural Assessment and Reports 45-60 Days $24,500 Total $29,800 Acceptance This letter represents our understanding of the proposed scope of services. If this proposal is found acceptable, we will prepare a Professional Services Agreement for the work described above. If you have any questions about this proposal, please feel free to call Ryan Spencer at 612-723-3644 or email at rspencer@wsbeng.com. This fee proposal is valid for 90 days from the creation date. WSB may reissue a revised proposal upon request if the indicated period has lapsed. We appreciate the opportunity of being considered for this project and we look forward to working with you. Sincerely, WSB 94vn� Ryan Spencer, CHMM Director of EIR (�J /A Carl Oberg, PE Director of Structures I hereby authorize the above scope of work, schedule, and cost. Name (Print) Signature Date Enclosures WSB 2022 Rate Schedule 2022 Rate Schedule PRINCIPAL I ASSOCIATE $162-$206 SR. PROJECT MANAGER I SR. PROJECT ENGINEER $162-$206 PROJECT MANAGER $143-$159 PROJECT ENGINEER I GRADUATE ENGINEER $97-$158 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I ENGINEERING SPECIALIST $62-$154 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT I SR. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT $73-$154 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST I SR. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST $60-$151 PLANNER I SR. PLANNER $75-$159 GIS SPECIALIST I SR. GIS SPECIALIST $72-$159 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER $98-$128 SURVEY One -Person Crew $159 Two -Person Crew $207 OFFICE TECHNICIAN $56-$97 ws b Costs associated with word processing, cell phones, reproduction of common correspondence, and mailing are included in the above hourly rates. Vehicle mileage is included in our billing rates [excluding geotechnical and construction materials testing (CMT) service rates]. Mileage can be charged separately, if specifically outlined by contract. I Reimbursable expenses include costs associated with plan, specification, and report reproduction; permit fees; delivery costs; etc. I Multiple rates illustrate the varying levels of experience within each category. I Rate Schedule is adjusted annually. WSBENG.COM Request for Proposal (RFP) Limited Environmental and Structural Engineering Analysis Block 52 March 4, 2022 The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) is releasing the Request for Proposal (RFP) regarding services for a Limited Environmental and Structural Engineering Analysis related to Block 52 Redevelopment activities and more specifically the proposed demolition of six existing building structures. Several of these EDA owned building structures have shared walls (commons walls). That condition is also the status of an EDA owned building that is proposed to be demolished along with a building that is privately owned that is expected to remain in place and continue to house the current occupant, a mattress store. It should be noted that all the Block 52 buildings are of an age and vintage (1910 to 1940) that there may be structural conditions that warrant further understanding and impact mitigation steps/procedures. Also, to be noted, several of the buildings have basement areas constructed of field stone/boulder rock materials. The area where the buildings are located is confined to Block 52 which is located in the core of the historic downtown area of the City of Monticello. The EDA and City combined currently own 83 percent of the land area of the Block. Those parcels contain six (6) building structures. The Block 52 properties owned by the EDA identified for proposed demolition are listed below. 1. 121 West Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 *** 2. 113 West Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 3. 107 West Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 4. 101 West Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 5. 103 Pine Street, Monticello, MN 55362 6. 112 River Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Please note that the building located at 121 West Broadway *** shares a wall and roof connection with the privately owned building located at 149 West Broadway (this building is privately owned and currently houses a mattress store). It is expected that the Scope of Work will include the evaluation of all buildings related to demolition activities and processes in regard to interactions with Broadway Street and Pine Street (MNTH#25), identification of impacts and recommended mitigation actions. All the buildings have public services (sewer and water) served from the Public ROW. The building's interaction with the public infrastructure systems should be evaluated with impacts identified and recommended mitigated steps/procedures to maintain public infrastructure system functional integrity. In addition, the zero -lot line building setback from the ROW condition and interaction with the sidewalk-public walkways should be further evaluated in the realm of potential need for structural support to avoid damage and maintain infrastructure system integrity due to the proposed demolition work. RFP responders should include all costs associated with staff time (including travel) and materials to perform the inspections and complete appropriate reports-studies. Responders should also include evidence of credentials to perform desired work components and a sample list of past similar inspection projects completed in Minnesota. The RFP responder(s) should be aware that the selected RFP Responder will be asked to provide liability insurance as part of entering into a contract for services. Attached Exhibit A provides additional information including an aerial photo where the demolition will be taking place. The EDA may seek additional information from the RFP responders as needed. It also reserves the right to modify the scope of work as part of entering into a potential service contract. Finally, the EDA also reserves the right to reject any and all RFP submittals if it is deemed appropriate based on cost, timeline adjustments or other factors. The deadline for submittal of the RFP is March 30, at 4:00 p.m. RFP Questions about the RFP can be directed to Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, phone # 763- 271-3254 or email at iim.tharesCa�.ci.monticello.mn.us. RFP responses should be submitted via email to Jim.thares(aD-ci.monticello.mn.us and/or Hayden.stensgardCcDci.monticello.mn.us. EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 12. Consideration of Update of MN DEED Redevelopment Grant Approval - $517,500 related to Block 52 Redevelopment Proposal (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This is an update to the EDA regarding the Redevelopment Grant application that was authorized to be submitted to MN -DEED for the February 1, 2022 deadline. The EDA President was notified via email on April 1, 2022 that the Grant application was among 8 that were approved for funding. A Grant Agreement contract will be forthcoming and need to be reviewed and approved by the EDA at a future meeting. This funding will help the EDA continue to pursue it goals of a significant and catalyst style redevelopment in Block 52. A summary outline of the Grant award is also attached to this staff report. Al. Budget Impact: No impact. A2. Staff Workload Impact: No impact. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. No motion — informational only. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No staff recommendation is needed. This is an informational update to the EDA regarding the status of the Redevelopment Grant. At a future meeting, a grant agreement will be presented to the EDA for consideration. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Grant Award Letter — April 1, 2022 B. Summary Grant Outline Information April 1, 2022 Steve Johnson President, Monticello EDA 505 Walnut St. Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Johnson: Re: Grant Awards — Redevelopment Grant Program Sent via email to: Steve.Johnson@ix.netcom.com The Department of Employment and Economic Development is pleased to announce the recent awards from the Redevelopment Grant Program. Following is a list of the projects selected for funding along with the grant amounts. GRANTEE PROJECT GRANT AWARD Bloomington G ropolis Investments $58,400 Browns Valley ToughAg Redevelopment $117,000 Duluth EDA Historic Duluth Armory $672,918 Edina 7001 France Avenue $650,000 Faribault Farmer Seed and Nursery $611,455 Mankato Range Street Redevelopment $299,479 Monticello EDA Block 52 Redevelopment $517,500 St. Paul 176 South Robert Street $158,196 Total $3,084,948 The Redevelopment Grant Program continues to be a very popular program that is over -subscribed with funding requests. We are very proud of this program and the positive effects it has on communities. We are pleased to partner with our grantees to revitalize areas and provide opportunities for job creation and tax base increases that help our communities and State thrive. Congratulations to the above grant recipients! They can be proud of a job well done! For additional information, contact Kristin Lukes, Brownfields and Redevelopment Director at 651-259-7451. Regards, IXZIV�� Steve Grove Commissioner C: Senator Bruce D. Anderson Representative Marion O'Neill Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Economic Development Division, Office of Community Finance 332 Minnesota St. Ste. E200, St. Paul, MN 55101 mn.gov/deed April 5, 2022 Jim Thares Economic Development Manager 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Sent via email: jim.thares@ci.monticello.mn.us Re: Redevelopment Grant Award for the Block 52 Redevelopment Project Dear Mr. Thares: Congratulations on your recent Redevelopment Grant award of $517,500 from the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). I wanted to introduce myself as the DEED project manager for this grant. The purpose of this letter is to share information necessary for the administration of this grant. Grant Agreement A grant agreement will be emailed to you soon. Please read it carefully, sign, and return to DEED via email as soon as possible. Signatures must be those authorized in the application's resolution. Once the grant agreement is fully executed, work may begin, and funds may be requested and disbursed. A few noteworthy sections of the grant agreement include: Clause 1.1 Effective Date: Costs incurred prior to the execution of the grant agreement are not eligible for reimbursement. Do not commence any work under the contract without prior approval from DEED. Clause 1.2 Expiration Date: All eligible activities listed in the grant agreement must be completed and all funds must be drawn by June 30, 2025. Clause 2.1 Duties, Deliverables, and Completion Dates: Grant funds were awarded for the project described in the application. Any modifications to that project, including, but not limited to, the redevelopment plan, development plan, budget, or schedule must be approved by DEED. Please notify DEED of any changes to the project immediately. Clause 4.1 (a) Project Costs: This is the grant's approved budget. Only the activities listed in this section of grant agreement are eligible for grant reimbursement and/or match. Clause 4.2 (a) Invoices: DEED makes payments on a reimbursement basis and will provide a payment request form once the grant agreement is fully executed. Payment requests submitted to DEED must be accompanied by supporting invoices from the general contractor and subcontractors performing the grant related work. Invoices must clearly state what work was completed, the dates the work was completed, and that work must directly relate to the activities listed in the approved budget. The state's fiscal year ends June 30th. The grantee should make every effort to submit costs for the same fiscal year in which they were incurred. Additionally, final payment requests must be submitted to DEED 30 days prior to the grant -term expiration date. Business and Community Development Division Vt National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, E200 Saint Paul, MN 55101 www.mn.gov/deed Jim Thares April 5, 2022 Page 2 Clause 6 Authorized Representative: If the grantee's representative changes, please notify DEED immediately. Clause 9 Accounting: DEED staff is required to audit the grant within one year of the grant's status change to "closed, pending monitoring." This change in grant status typically occurs once 100% of grant funds have been disbursed or the grant term ends. Be sure to retain all documents related to the grant. An audit of your accounting records will be conducted and must clearly show DEED funds (and any matching funds, if applicable) as revenues and expenditures. Clause 14.2 Termination for Cause: Redevelopment activities funded by the grant must commence shortly after receiving an award, and the first Reimbursement Request must be submitted to DEED by June 30, 2023. The request must include invoices for eligible redevelopment costs incurred after the grant was awarded. Failure to meet this deadline may result in the termination of the grant. Clause 15 Grant Repayment: Repayment of the grant will be required if the project fails to substantially provide the benefits listed in the grant application within five years from the date of the award. These benefits are listed below. Clause 17 Reporting: Annual reports must be submitted to DEED no later than July 25th until project benefits are achieved. Annual report forms will be provided by your DEED project manager. Clause 19 Minnesota Business Subsidy Law: This grant may be considered a business subsidy under Minn. Stat. § 116J.993, Subd. 3. It is the grantee's responsibility to determine applicability. Project Benefits The application for which this grant award is made was scored using strict criteria. The project benefits included in your application outscored others that did not receive funding. Therefore, it is important that the benefits listed in the application are achieved. For this project, the expected benefits are: Local Tax Base Increase: $284,510 New Jobs: 45 Retained Jobs: 36 Private Investment (construction costs): $26,317,000 Total Housing Units: 87 Affordable Housing Units: 0 Lastly, DEED wants to emphasize the importance of communication throughout the life of the project. We understand that projects are fluid and changes are sometimes necessary. We are invested in this project and want it to succeed. Clear and open communication is key to making the necessary adjustments to keep the project moving forward. DEED is excited to partner with you on the Block 52 Redevelopment Project. If you have any questions, please contact me at 651-259-7448 or Claudia.ursulescu.kracht@state.mn.us. Sincerely, Claudia Ursulescu Kracht Brownfields and Redevelopment Unit EDA Agenda: 04/13/22 13. Economic Development Director's Report (JT) A. Prospect List Update: Please see the updated Prospect List as Exhibit A. Date of Contact L/12/2016 L/17/2016 /22/2017 /22/2018 1/29/2018 12/14/2018 3/28/2019 5/9/2019 8/16/2019 9/19/2019 1/20/2020 8/27/2020 12/23/2020 11/5/2020 04/08/2022 Building -Facility Retained lobs New lobs Total Investment Project Status 65,000 sq. ft. 0 55- $2,500,000 Active Search 100 58,000 sq. ft. 205 60 $10,831,000 Almost Done 70,000 sq. ft. 0 49 $5,480,000 On Hold 20,000 sq. ft. +/- 42 10 to $4,500,000 On Hold 20 12,000 sq. ft. 10 $1,200,000 Concept Stage Project Comet PROSPECT LIST Company Name Business Category Project Description MN DEED Prospect Metal Mfg. Exist Facility + Equip Project Armstrong Precision Machining New Facility Constr. + Equip UMC Co -Working Space Project #6580 Metal Mfg. New Facility Constr. Karlsburger Foods Food Prod uc Facilty Expansion Project Blitzen Precision Machining Exist Bldg or New Const. 04/08/2022 Building -Facility Retained lobs New lobs Total Investment Project Status 65,000 sq. ft. 0 55- $2,500,000 Active Search 100 58,000 sq. ft. 205 60 $10,831,000 Almost Done 70,000 sq. ft. 0 49 $5,480,000 On Hold 20,000 sq. ft. +/- 42 10 to $4,500,000 On Hold 20 12,000 sq. ft. 10 $1,200,000 Concept Stage Project Comet Commercial Bus New Const. 1,700 sq. ft. +/- 7 $700,000 Active Search Project Nutt Co -Working Space Existing Building ? ? ? ? Concept Stage Project FSJP Light Mfg -Res. Lab New Construction 20,000 sq. ft. 0 20+/- $1,400,000 Active Search Project Jaguar Office New Construction 22,000 sq. ft. 22 4 $2,700,000 Active Search Project Kata Service New Construction 22,000 to 35,000 sq. 0 25 $7,900,000 Concept Stage ft. Project Panda v3 Service -Child Care New Construction 10,500 sq. ft. 0 21 $4,100,000 Active Search Project Nuss Combo Service -sale New Construction 30,000 sq. ft. 0 20 to $3,500,000 Almost Done 30 Project TO Industrial Existing or New Construction 10,000 to 15,000 sq. 0 5 to 7 $800,000 Concept Stage ft. Project Flower Office Existing 7,000-8,000 sq. ft. 0 12 $750,000 Concept Stage 2/16/2021 3/19/2021 2/28/2022 6/16/2021 6/30/2021 7/29/2021 10/28/2021 Project Cold Industrial -Warehouse -Di New Construction 80,000 sq. ft. 0 21 $12,000,000 Concept Stage stri Project Orion Warehouse-Distributi New Construction 832,500 sq. ft. 0 500 $125,000,000 Active Search on Project Emma II Light Ind -Assembly New Construction 20,000 sq. ff. 0 4 $1,350,000 Active Search Project UBAA Child Care Services New Construction or Exist 5,000 sq. ft. 0 14 to 19 $2,000,000 Act Search Project Ecosphere Industrial Tech Mfg. New Construction 1,000,000 sq. ft. 0 1122 $85,000,000 Act Search Project BA710 Lt Assem-Distribute New Construction 6,500 to 7,000 sq. ft 0 10 $650,000 Active Search ' Project Stallion Technology Service New Construction 42,000 sq. ft. 40 $3,600,000 Active Search 2/7/2022 I Project Shepherd Lt Assembly Distribution New Construction 75,000 sq. ft. 11 Contacts: M =05 YTD = 07 75 $10,500,000 Active Search 2 0 U c� Z W CO U) 0 00 m Z �i J 0 a a W Z Z 2 a a Cl) W U) T W Z) Z W a a Z W X 0 wsb Memorandum To: Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager From: Jim Gromberg, Economic Development Coordinator Date: April 7, 2022 Re: Project Updates WSB Project No. 013322-00 Thank you for the opportunity to continue to assist the City of Monticello in their continued efforts to provide economic vitality for the community and the residents. Below are updates on some of the projects and insights to the trends currently facing the city. The city currently has a number of projects in progress for the continued growth the Commercial/Industrial tax base. In addition to the tax base growth these projects will also allow for the continued availability of employment opportunities in Monticello. Project Updates: Washburn Manufacturing: • Proposed expansion of the Washburn facility to the south to allow for the continued growth of the company. • Company principals currently reside in Missouri and have strong ties to their communities presenting a strong possibility of the relocation of the company. • Property to the south is controlled by Moon Motors that are complementing the development of a new warehouse to support growth at the dealership. • Company growth has restricted the use of state assistance programs based on immediate need of additional employees. • Company has completed and submitted TIF application and are in the process of completing and updated Job Creation Fund application reflecting the lower number of positions to be created. • The company is activity adding forty positions to the workforce. • The company has met with the PACE Loan group to determine their unique funding process could replace the lost state assistance. Project Emma/Moon Motors: • The company has submitted a TIF application for the potential development of the facility on an EDA owned lot in the OCBP. • They have concerns on selling the lot to the south of Washburn prior to an agreement for the purchase of the EDA owned lot. • The EDA may want to consider the development of an option for Moon Motors allowing them the ability to purchase the lot with certain restrictions for the development of the site. • This could alleviate their fears of not having a site for the facility with the sale to Washburn of the other property. • The option will also allow for the Washburn project to continue to move forward. • The EDA should encourage the company to maximize the size of the facility to meet the need for warehousing space in the city and to increase the potential TIF generation. Monticello EDA April 7, 2021 Page 2 Project Shepard: • The company has identified a site (not in the OCBP) for the new facility. • The proposed project would be in the 60-80,000 SF size. • The project will include significant job growth and the potential relocation of employees from another facility. • The company is currently considering requesting TIF assistance for the project and the use of DEED funding sources., Please let me know if you have any questions concerning the above projects or require additional information on the projects. In addition, let me know if you have additional projects that should be reviewed and included.