Planning Commission Minutes 03-10-1987 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 10, 1987 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Richard Carlson, Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Barbara Koropchak Members Absent: Richard Martie Staff Present: Thomas Eidem, Gary Anderson 1 . The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at 7:33 p.m. 2. Motion by Jim Ridgeway, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the February 10, 1987, Planning Commission minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Annexation of the Entire Monticello Orderly Annexation Area - Tom Eidem. Mr. Tom Eidem, City Administrator, was present to explain to Planning Commission members the City's proposal for annexation of the entire Monticello Orderly Annexation Area. Mr. Eidem explained that the public hearing, as of last night's Council meeting, was still on for March 18, 1987, beginning at 9:00 a.m., and to be continued for up to three days of public hearing testimony. Mr. Eidem showed two maps which were posted on an easel showing the proposed area to be annexed and how it fit into the existing city boundaries. Mr. Eidem indicated to Planning Commission members some of the positive and negative effects which could happen if any or part of the annexation would occur. The City would like to see all or part of the entire Orderly Annexation Area annexed into the City or that the whole Orderly Annexation Board be dissolved. The City is currently paying approximately $27,000 per year to the Monticello Township for the orderly Annexation Board. That money is used to subsidize keeping the Township residents' taxes at a lower rate. Mr. Eidem encouraged Planning Commission members to take part, if they would like,in part or all of the public testimony at the public hearing. Commission members did raise some questions in regards to annexation. They are as follOws. Is the City set up to handle the entire Orderly Annexation Area from the standpoint of utilities? City Administrator Tom Eidem indicated that the City is set up to handle the entire Orderly Annexation Area to be served with utilities; however, it may not be financially feasible for the City to do the entire thing at one time. How is the City to serve an existing residential development of minimum one acre lots? Mr. Eidem indicated the approximate cost right now to date would be approximately $38,000 to serve a one acre residential lot in the Orderly Annexation Area. Under county standards, that is the minimum lot size they allow in a residential development in the township or into the county. However, if it is brought into -1- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 3/10/87 the City, depending on where the house is placed on the one acre lot, one could conceivably have two additional lots on either side or on one side of their existing home to sell off for a new house to be built. With no further information from Mr. Eidem, Planning Commission members thanked him for the input on the pending annexation public hearing process. 4. Zoning Conference Report - Gary Anderson. Gary Anderson, zoning Administrator, explained to Planning Commission members and City Administrator that Planning Commission members Richard Carlson, Mr. Jim Ridgeway, and himself had attended a zoning seminar at the Earl Brown Center on the U of M campus on March 5, 1987. Anderson indicated that he felt the overall course was very informative, as much of the oral information as well as some of the written information that was presented in the packet actually related to many of the issues that the Planning Commission and the zoning Administrator had dealt with in previous Planning Commission meetings. Planning Commission members Jim Ridgeway and Richard Carlson also indicated to those of us in attendance the input they got out of the zoning seminar. Commission members felt that the Zoning Administrator should have copies made of the written information that we received at the seminar and pass it on to the Planning Commission members which weren't able to attend and also onto City Council members. zoning Administrator Anderson said that he would have the information copied and have it distributed within the week. The fOllowing additional information items were passed on to Planning Commission members for their information. Additional Information Items 1. Simple subdivision request, Nick Kampa; request approved with conditions as recommended by Planning Commission. 2. Simple subdivision request, Russell Lovegren; request approved with conditions except the minimum lot width for Parcel A was decreased from 90 feet to 85 feet, with the lot width of Parcel B increased from 75 feet to 80 feet. 3. Conditional use request, Thomas Holthaus; request continued to March 23, 1987, City Council meeting. 4. The public hearing for the annexation of the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area will be held March 18 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Monticello City Council Chambers. 5. Motion by Barbara Koropchak, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for April 14, 1987, 7:30 p.m. -2- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 3/10/87 6. Motion by Jim Ridgeway, seconded by Barbara Koropchak, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4~~ Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator -3-