City Council Agenda Packet 10-11-2021AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 11, 2021— 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Monticello Community Center 4:30 p.m. Chelsea Commons Name 5:00 p.m. Wright County Sheriff Deringer Mayor: Lloyd Hilgart Council Members: Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Brian Hudgins, Sam Murdoff 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Manufacturer's Week Proclamation C. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. D. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from September 27, 2021 • Regular Meeting Minutes from September 27, 2021 E. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, except for referral to staff for future report. F. Public Services Announcements • Fall Leaf Pick-up • Water Shut Off at Dog Park G. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC • Planning Commission H. Department Updates • Construction Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-76 accepting a grant of $6,269 from the Central Minnesota Arts Board Creative Support for Community Portraits project E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-77 declaring a vacancy on the City Council and Resolution 2021-78 approving appointment of William Fair to vacant City Council seat F. Consideration of calling for a special meeting on Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 7:30 a.m. for approval of bills G. Consideration of approving Resolution 2021-79 declaring the official intent of the City of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the City H. Consideration of approving Resolution 2021-80 providing for the prepayment and redemption of the City's outstanding General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A I. Consideration of accepting Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) Shovel Ready Certification Quotes and authorizing a service agreement with WSB & Associates in an amount not to exceed $29,500 J. Consideration of authorizing an expenditure of $61,320 and approve proposals from WSB for platting services for a portion of City/EDA property at Otter Creek Business Park K. Consideration of authorizing staff to solicit proposals for engineering services for the School Boulevard Safety Improvements project L. Consideration of authorizing a letter of support for Wright County 2021 Highway Safety Improvement Plan (HSIP) grant application administered by MNDOT M. Consideration of authorizing Michels Power, Inc. to install FiberNet Facilities for the Featherstone 51" and Edmonson Ridge Developments in the amount of $170,415.10 N. Consideration of approving a policy for Sewer Availability Charges for reclaim car wash systems 0. Consideration of approving an assessment agreement for payment of Sewer Access & Availability Charges for RRG Holdings LLC P. Consideration of approving the purchase of two 2022 Toro 7200 zero -turn mowers and a 2022 Toro 4110-D mower from MTI Distributing for a total amount of $127,391.87 Q. Consideration of a request to approve an amended Final Plat for Stony Brook Village for a boundary line adjustment. Applicant: Mark Elliot Homes R. Consideration of a request for amendment to Planned Unit Development for expansion of an existing Vehicle Sales & Rental use in a B-3 (Highway Business District). Applicant: Ashbrook, Aeron 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of appointing a member to the City Council to the Chelsea Commons Professional Engineering, Park & Open Space Planning and Landscape Architecture Services proposal review team and a member to the Chelsea Commons Zoning Work Group S. Adjournment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 27, 2021— 5:45 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Charlotte Gabler, Jim Davidson, Brian Hudgins, and Sam Murdoff Absent: Lloyd Hilgart Others: Rachel Leonard, Sarah Rathlisberger, and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Acting Mayor Gabler called special meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. 2. City Council Vacancy Discussion Rachel Leonard, City Administrator, noted that Councilmember Hudgins submitted his resignation, and his last meeting is October 11, 2021. At the October 11 meeting, the City Council will formally declare a vacancy. Staff recommended appointing a new councilmember the same evening. There was discussion about reviewing the remaining applications received in January to fill the remaining two years of Mayor Hilgart's previous council seat, which expires December 31, 2022. After some discussion, there was consensus to contact previous City Councilmember Bill Fair for his interest in serving. Mr. Fair was one of the previous applicants for the vacant seat. It was noted that if Mr. Fair has not agreed by October 1, 2021 or is no longer interested, the two of the remaining original candidates would be interviewed for the position. The new councilmember will be sworn in prior to the October 25, 2021 meeting. 3. Adjournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Council Special Meeting Minutes — September 27, 2021 City Administrator REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 27, 2021— 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Charlotte Gabler, Jim Davidson, Brian Hudgins, and Sam Murdoff Absent: Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Acting Mayor Gabler called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Davidson moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from September 13, 2021 • Regular Meeting Minutes from September 13, 2021 Councilmember Hudgins moved approval of both sets of minutes. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments E. Public Service Announcements Communications Coordinator Haley Foster announced the following: • Final Farmers Market is September 23, 2021. • Fall Leaf pick up is October 23. • Fall clean up at Riverside Cemetery is week of October 25. • October is Manufacturing Month I Minnesota. A recognition breakfast is scheduled for October 14. • Downtown Trick or Treat is October 28 from 4 — 6 p.m. F. Council Liaison Updates • Library Board — Acting Mayor Gabler noted that the library's service levels are almost back to normal. There has been some slight maintenance and painting at the library. • Parks, Arts & Recreation — Councilmember Murdoff provided an update. The commission reviewed and supported the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan and reviewed an Eagle Scout project that will be completed. They were updated on MontiArts and their effort to establish an intern program, and the Safe Routes to School program which included installing a path in Cardinal Hills area. City Council Minutes: September 27, 2021 Page 1 1 5 • 1-94 Coalition — Acting Mayor Gabler stated that the group received an update on the federal process. F. Department Update • Construction Update — Matt Leonard provided an update on the DMV project, Fenning Avenue project, and the 1-94 project. • Ellison Park Improvement Project Update—Tom Pawelk provided an update on the Ellison Park bathroom project. The current park restroom is closed. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Murdoff moved approval of the Consent Agenda with the exclusion of item I and the correction on dollar amount on item K. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Action taken: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total of $1,078,407.43. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for city departments. Action taken: Approved the hires for MCC and Parks and Recreation and departures for MCC, DMV, and Fire Department. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property for the Street Department. Action taken: Approved as presented. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-72 approving donations received from Fire Department fundraiser held at Hi -Way Liquors. Action taken: Adopted resolution accepting the donation. Consideration of approving purchase of a lighted monument sign at the new DMV location from Scenic Signs for $16,690. Action taken: Purchase was approved. Consideration of approving the City of Monticello's membership for League of Minnesota Cities and authorizing payment of dues in the amount of $13,662. Action taken: Membership and payment of dues were approved. G. Consideration of approving change orders for renovation of the new DMV location for a total of $47,850. Action taken: Change orders were approved. H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-75 approving a sign retroreflectivity evaluation policy. Action taken: Policy was approved. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-74 approving an adjustment to the Planned Unit Development of Edmonson Ridge incorporating additional and modified building design plans. Applicant: LSW Investment, LLC. Action taken: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of an Automotive Wash Facility in a B-4, Regional Business District. City Council Minutes: September 27, 2021 Page 2 1 5 Applicant: Take 5 Car Wash. Action taken: Approved the Conditional Use Permit based on findings inn Resolution PC -2021-031 and on the conditions identified in Exhibit Z of the Council report. K. Consideration of authorizing an expenditure of $65,400 for preparation of a wetland delineation and plans and specifications for grading and stormwater improvements for a portion of City/EDA property at Otter Creek. Action taken: Approved the amount of $87,300 which was note by Angela Schumann, Community Development Director. L. Consideration of approving an amendment to the First Amendment to the Development Contract for the Nuss Truck & Equipment Planned Unit Development for modifications to stormwater fees. Action taken: Approved the amendment contingent upon execution and recording of the amended contract. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-74 approving an adjustment to the Planned Unit Development of Edmonson Ridge incorporating additional and modified building design plans. Applicant; LSW Investment, LLC. Item was removed for clarification by Angela Schumann. Ms. Schumann noted that plans may vary when they come back in terms of materials. In addition, it was noted that not all designs will meet the 15% of brick or stone specifically. Staff recommended approval and commented that the plans will be approved administratively. Acting Mayor Gabler moved to adopt Resolution 2021-74 subject to conditions in Exhibit Z. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearings: 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-71 setting the 2022 City of Monticello Preliminary Tax Levy Sarah Rathlisberger presented the 2022 preliminary tax levy which must be certified to the County Auditor/Treasurer on or before September 30. The combined EDA levy and the proposed City levy is $311,000 or 2.7% greater than 2021. The final 2021 budget and tax levy will be adopted at the December 13, 2021 City Council meeting. There was minimal discussion. Councilmember Davidson moved to adopt resolution setting the 2022 preliminary tax levy. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes: September 27, 2021 Page 3 1 5 B. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-73 approving an amendment to the Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan (Comprehensive Plan) adopting the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan and approving project planning expenditures over budeet in the amount of 511.771 Angela Schumann introduced the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan including information on what the plan includes, the project genesis, site context, and relationship to other plans, including the Monticello 2040 Plan. Steve Grittman, NAC, gave a presentation on the plan. Goals and final concept plans were highlighted. Mr. Grittman reviewed the focus of the three pools and biome areas. Jim Stremel, WSB & Associates, reviewed the traffic impacts, stormwater management, and the concept grading plan. Angela Schumann reviewed the plan implementation. Ms. Shuman noted that the Park, Arts, and Recreation Commission unanimously recommended approval. A public hearing for a Comprehensive Plan amendment, that was continued, was held by the Planning Commission prior to the City Council meeting. The amendment was approved. At the Planning commission meeting concerns were expressed in regard of the potential closing of Dundas Road and the impact on Oakwood Industrial Park. There were also concerns expressed that adequate notice was not provided to those property owners and about the cost of the park. Acting Mayor Gabler questioned the amount of park land and trails this development would add and how the parks compared to our current parks. Ms. Schumann noted that it is approximately 32 acres of park. Ms. Schumann then touched on marketing the plan to the community. There is currently a poll being conducted on naming the project area. The name approval will be brought forward to a future meeting. Councilmembers held brief discussion and expressed support. The following members of the public addressed the City Council: Mike Mossey-211 Dundas Road (location of business). Mr. Mossey expressed concern about the lack of notice or information provided to business owners along Dundas Road. He commented that he just found out about the possibility of Dundas Road being closed and it greatly effects his business. Holly Newman — Big Lake. Ms. Newman's mother resides in Monticello. She questioned the traffic impact numbers and if they will keep increasing with development. She also questioned the three -biome project and the cost of this portion of the project. Rachel Leonard responded that more detailed plans, such as landscaping, will be part of the engineering and landscaping plans that will be presented in the future. City Council Minutes: September 27, 2021 Page 4 1 5 Acting Mayor Gabler moved to adopt Resolution 2021-73 approving an amendment to the Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan (Comprehensive Plan) adopting the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan, with revisions as recommended by the City Council. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Acting Mayor Gabler moved approval of $11,771 in planning expenses incurred by Northwest Associated Consultants for additional Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan expenses related to the City land acquisition plan revisions. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of authorizine a Reauest For Proaosal for Drofessional Engineering, Landscape Architecture, and Park & Open Space Planning services for the Chelsea Commons area Angela Schumann gave a brief overview of the RFP which is broken into two primary project phases. The first phase includes the detailed construction grading plan for the site. The second phase requires completion of plan and specifications for the "baseline" improvements. There was minimal discussion. Councilmember Murdoff moved approval of authorizing the Request for Proposal. Councilmember Hudgins seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Other Discussion: City Councilmember Hudgins noted that he is resigned as Councilmember and October 11, 2021 will be his last meeting. 6. Adjournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes: September 27, 2021 Page 5 1 5 City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2A. Consideration of approving payment of bills Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Finance Director 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $3,939,610.86. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. I. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of bill and purchase card registers as presented. SUPPORTING DATA • Bill registers and purchase card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 10/04/2021 - 10:58AM Batch: 00215.09.2021 - 215.09.2021 Xcel/CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Moiiii6effo Y Reference Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 09/30/2021 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 15.00 09/30/2021 101-42700-438100 09/30/2021 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 16.11 09/30/2021 101-41941-438100 09/30/2021 5828859-8 - Storage Garage 15.00 09/30/2021 101-41940-438100 09/30/2021 5864452-7 - Library 21.00 09/30/2021 101-45501-438100 09/30/2021 5837384-6 - Publc Works 75.22 09/30/2021 101-43127-438100 09/30/2021 6401745330-5 - 349 W Broadway 16.11 09/30/2021 101-45204-438100 09/30/2021 5788570-9 - Hi Way Liquor 22.54 09/30/2021 609-49754-438100 09/30/2021 5804618-6 - Parks (Fallon) 15.00 09/30/2021 101-45201-438100 09/30/2021 8235333-5 - P.C. (U Fab) 16.11 09/30/2021 101-41941-438100 09/30/2021 5843395-4 - DMV 15.00 09/30/2021 653-41990-438100 09/30/2021 5768542-2 - MCC 1,006.35 09/30/2021 226-45126-438100 09/30/2021 5768542-2 - City Hall 43.52 09/30/2021 101-41940-438100 09/30/2021 5820786-1 - Public Works 15.00 09/30/2021 101-43127-438100 09/30/2021 5799425-3 - Public Works 29.94 09/30/2021 101-43127-438100 09/30/2021 5821009-7 - Parks 29.94 09/30/2021 101-42200-438100 09/30/2021 5768542-2 - National Guard 21.76 09/30/2021 101-42800-438100 09/30/2021 5768542-2 - Senior Center 16.32 09/30/2021 101-45175-438100 09/30/2021 8000015233-2 - WWTP 1,896.60 09/30/2021 602-49480-438100 09/30/2021 5806932-9 - Parks 15.00 09/30/2021 101-45201-438100 09/30/2021 5799427-9 - Public Works 15.00 09/30/2021 101-43127-438100 09/30/2021 6402462182-9 - Help Center 16.11 09/30/2021 653-41990-438100 09/30/2021 6402123338-8 - 112 W River St 27.73 09/30/2021 101-45201-438100 09/30/2021 6402504048-2 - 107 Broadway W 15.65 09/30/2021 101-45204-438100 09/30/2021 11077481-7 - Fire Station 79.38 09/30/2021 101-42200-438100 09/30/2021 6402504046-6 - 101 Broadway W 22.54 09/30/2021 101-45204-438100 Check Total: 3,477.93 Vendor: 5188 HEALTHY CONTRIBUTIONS Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 9/29/2021 AARP Supplement/At Your Best 7.05 09/30/2021 226-45122-430900 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/04/2021 - 10:58 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/04/2021 - 10:58 AM) Page 2 Check Total: 7.05 Vendor: 2659 LAND TITLE INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 9/22/2021 Land Purchase PID 155-230-000010 3,247,007.59 09/30/2021 400-43300-451020 Check Total: 3,247,007.59 Vendor: 3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 10/1/2021 Life Insurance - Oct 2021 2,737.14 09/30/2021 101-00000-217066 Check Total: 2,737.14 Vendor: 5415 MII LIFE INSURANCE INC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 15833046 Participant Fee - Sept 2021 36.90 09/30/2021 101-41800-413500 39951242 FSA- Dependent Care 497.86 09/30/2021 101-00000-217200 39951242 FSA -Medical 531.49 09/30/2021 101-00000-217300 39956870 FSA- Dependent Care 692.00 09/30/2021 101-00000-217200 39956870 FSA -Medical 489.08 09/30/2021 101-00000-217300 39964879 FSA -Medical 4.83 09/30/2021 101-00000-217300 39964879 FSA- Dependent Care 497.86 09/30/2021 101-00000-217200 Check Total: 2,750.02 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 9/30/2021 Brain Tree cc Fees (Bldg) 251.12 09/30/2021 101-42400-443980 Check Total: 251.12 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 9/30/2021 51-9391437-3 - Prairie Center 271.19 09/30/2021 101-41941-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505909-4 - DMV/Food Shelf 360.54 09/30/2021 653-41990-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505915-2 - Parks 651.93 09/30/2021 101-45201-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505911-8 -MCC 10,146.30 09/30/2021 226-45126-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505912-9 - Animal Shelter 214.62 09/30/2021 101-42700-438100 9/30/2021 51-4271112-2 - Library 1,054.94 09/30/2021 101-45501-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505907-2 - Park Lots- auto 73.83 09/30/2021 101-43160-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 92.69 09/30/2021 101-43160-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505905-0 - Water 9,993.39 09/30/2021 601-49440-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505915-2 - Ice Rink 33% 84.34 09/30/2021 601-49440-438100 9/30/2021 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- 51-6505908-3 17.95 09/30/2021 101-42500-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 2,240.09 09/30/2021 101-41940-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage 1,176.56 09/30/2021 101-43127-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505913-0 - Fire Station 1,409.59 09/30/2021 101-42200-438100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/04/2021 - 10:58 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/30/2021 51-7780310-4 - Bldg. Inspec. G 40.46 09/30/2021 101-41940-438100 9/30/2021 51-0623082-8 - MontiArts 45.88 09/30/2021 101-45204-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505915-2 - NSP- Softball 246.34 09/30/2021 101-45203-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505910-7- Liquor Store 2,041.46 09/30/2021 609-49754-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505906-1 - Sewer 1,163.12 09/30/2021 602-49490-438100 9/30/2021 51-0395766-0 - Ramsey Pumphous 5,856.43 09/30/2021 601-49440-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 527.08 09/30/2021 101-45175-438100 9/30/2021 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 14,929.52 09/30/2021 602-49480-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505915-2 - NSP- consc/sec. 50.35 09/30/2021 101-45203-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights 12,533.37 09/30/2021 101-43160-438100 9/30/2021 51-0371645-4 - SwanCam 19.32 09/30/2021 101-45201-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 263.54 09/30/2021 101-42800-438100 9/30/2021 51-6505913-0- Parks Bldg 470.40 09/30/2021 101-45201-438100 9/30/2021 51-13295413-8-103 Pine St 42.29 09/30/2021 213-46301-438100 9/30/2021 51-13295413-8 - Parks 20.50 09/30/2021 101-45201-438100 9/30/2021 51-13295413-8 - Water 20.49 09/30/2021 601-49440-438100 9/30/2021 51-13295413-8 -Streets 20.49 09/30/2021 101-43120-438100 9/30/2021 51-0013373403-2 - MontiArts 358.00 09/30/2021 101-45204-438100 9/30/2021 Solar Rewards Credit -42,663.88 09/30/2021 101-41310-362140 9/30/2021 amount booked to AR 2,785.48 09/30/2021 101-00000-115030 9/30/2021 51-0013701515-4 - ZPARKS-ELREST - more pi 1,165.31 09/30/2021 400-43300-453010 Check Total: 27,723.91 Total for Check Run: 3,283,954.76 Total of Number of Checks: 7 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/11/2021 Approved by Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/04/2021 - 10:58 AM) Page 3 Accounts Payable CITY' OF Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Moiiii6effo User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 10/06/2021 - 10:06AM Batch: 00202.10.2021 - 00202.10.2021 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1008 ACOUSTICS ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 156575 Repair Kwik Wall Folding Doors in Mississippi, 3,529.00 10/12/2021 701-00000-440100 Check Total: 3,529.00 Vendor: 1021 AME RED E MIX INC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 136252 East Bridge Park - (2) CY. 4000F 6% AE Exterii 450.00 10/12/2021 101-45201-421990 136822 Deegan/School Blvd - (7) cy. 3F52F 984.00 10/12/2021 101-43120-421990 136909 Deegan Ave - (5) cy. - 4500F 6% AE Exterior; si 775.00 10/12/2021 101-43120-421990 136945 313 W. 3rd St - (4) cy. 3F52F 668.00 10/12/2021 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 2,877.00 Vendor: 5750 ALICIA MAI AMUNDSON Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 10/4/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/23/21 166.00 10/12/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 166.00 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 3498677 resale - beer 194.35 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 3498957 resale - wine 102.25 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 3498958 resale - beer 106.30 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 402.90 Vendor: 4046 AST SPORTS, INC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 5244 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM - (11) crest; (11) embroidery 275.00 10/12/2021 101-42500-421990 Check Total: 275.00 Vendor: 2808 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False Pay App #1 19C003 CONSTR - 2021 SCADA Improvement 30,875.00 10/12/2021 601-49440-453010 Pay App #1 19C003 CONSTR - 2021 SCADA Improvement 30,875.00 10/12/2021 602-49490-453010 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 2 Check Total: 61,750.00 Vendor: 5486 HEIDI BARTHEL Check Sequence: 7 10/4/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/23/21 37.00 10/12/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 37.00 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 8 103993000 freight 1.57 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 103993000 resale- condiments 102.35 10/12/2021 609-49750-425500 103993000 resale- mix 81.60 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 103993000 asst. bags 157.30 10/12/2021 609-49754-421990 104008000 freight 1.33 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 104008000 resale- mix 78.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 104008000 asst. bags 213.00 10/12/2021 609-49754-421990 91363000 resale- liquor 2,888.10 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 91363000 resale- wine 72.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 91363000 freight 37.20 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 91443400 resale- liquor 1,366.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 91443400 freight 12.30 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 91461000 resale- liquor 3,747.69 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 91501900 resale- liquor 5,789.35 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 91501900 resale- wine 50.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 91501900 freight 67.43 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 91595000 resale- liquor creditinv. # 91501900 -349.90 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 91595000 freight credit inv. # 91501900 -3.10 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 14,312.22 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 9 257565 resale- beer credit -62.64 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 257566 resale- soda pop 149.67 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 257567 resale- beer 2,397.50 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 257568 Credit for Outdated Product - pop -182.52 10/12/2021 226-45125-425410 257569 Resale - pop, Gatorade, juice 316.28 10/12/2021 226-45125-425410 258277 resale- beer 96.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 258279 resale- beer 185.50 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 259786 resale- soda pop 116.16 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 259787 resale- mix 75.30 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 259787 resale- beer 1,884.90 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 3042 resale- beer 79.20 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 3 Check Total: 5,055.35 Vendor: 1074 BOLTON AND MENK INC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 0276215 200002 CONSTR - 2020 Stormwater Improvem 6,020.00 10/12/2021 652-00000-165010 0276221 ZPARKS ELREST - Ellison Park Restroom Suri 195.00 10/12/2021 400-43300-453010 0276222 21C005 - Sewer Comp Plan 1,923.00 10/12/2021 601-49440-431990 Check Total: 8,138.00 Vendor: 1083 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True B267564 DMV Relocation - Ltd Area Hazardous Building 1,775.00 10/12/2021 653-00000-165010 Check Total: 1,775.00 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 341164578 resale- liquor 4,471.83 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 341164578 resale- wine 582.70 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 341164578 resale- mix 71.41 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 341164578 freight 67.65 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 341164579 resale- beer 122.75 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 341269075 resale- liquor 4,060.51 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 341269075 resale- wine 316.73 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 341269075 freight 59.69 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 341269076 resale- beer 232.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 9,985.27 Vendor: 5699 BRETH-ZENZEN FIRE PROTECTION, LLC Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 13024 moved sprinkler head 150.00 10/12/2021 101-42200-440100 Check Total: 150.00 Vendor: 2890 BROTHERS FIRE & SECURITY CO Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True W14524 2021 annual fire sprinkler inspection - PW 185.00 10/12/2021 701-00000-431990 Check Total: 185.00 Vendor: 1801 CANNON RIVER WINERY Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 12275 resale- wine 312.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 312.00 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 2600118 resale- beer 22,330.84 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2600118 resale- beer n/a 289.60 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 2602796 resale- beer 10,462.53 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 2602796 resale- beer n/a 304.58 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 2602963 resale- beer credit -417.75 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 32,969.80 Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 21930 resale- wine 909.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 909.00 Vendor: 5799 YAIR CARVAJALINO Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 10/4/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/23 & 35.00 10/12/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 35.00 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 0000139032 high pressure medium cylinder - Shop 9.00 10/12/2021 101-43127-421990 0000140303 Monthly Tank Rental 65.00 10/12/2021 226-45124-421600 0000500664 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (639 lbs) 172.03 10/12/2021 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 246.03 Vendor: 5726 CENTRAL MINNESOTA MOW & SNOW Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 1439 Hillside Cemetery - Sept. lawn care 550.00 10/12/2021 101-45201-431050 1439 Riverside Cemetery - Sept. lawn care 2,250.00 10/12/2021 215-49010-431050 Check Total: 2,800.00 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 1464339 resale - beer 19,374.98 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 1464339 resale - beer n/a 108.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 1465944 resale - beer n/a 242.20 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 1465944 resale - beer 7,289.11 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 1467897 resale - beer 27,617.07 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 1467897 resale - beer n/a 138.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 1468100 resale - beer n/a 80.20 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 1468100 resale - beer 1,530.95 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 1469698 resale - beer 5,038.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 1469919 resale - beer credit -126.35 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 1471255 resale - beer 108.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 1471508 resale - beer 1,835.80 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 1471508 resale - beer n/a 57.80 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 5 Check Total: 63,293.76 Vendor: 4361 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC. Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 10144725 (2) paper towels; (2) can liner; bx. urinal screens 230.97 10/12/2021 701-00000-421990 Check Total: 230.97 Vendor: 1131 DAMA METAL PRODUCTS INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 15782 S-3 Model F.D. Key Box w/Tamper SW (25) 4,620.00 10/12/2021 101-42400-421990 Check Total: 4,620.00 Vendor: 5686 DEZIEL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 10/5/2021 Refund - Bldg Permit #21-00724 44.20 10/12/2021 101-42400-322110 Check Total: 44.20 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: True 1206573 resale - beer 1,199.25 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 1751000095 resale - beer credit -36.20 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 1,163.05 Vendor: 5340 DISGRUNTLED BREWING DISGRUNTLED Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 38 resale- beer 177.60 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 177.60 Vendor: 5545 DRASTIC MEASURES BREWING, LLC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 1613 resale- beer 449.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 449.00 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 854854 FiberNet Facility Installation Featherstone 5th A 304.59 10/12/2021 656-00000-165010 854855 202138 - Aeron PUD PH Ad# 1169747 110.76 10/12/2021 101-41910-435100 854856 202136 -Affordable Storage Amend Ad# 11698 119.99 10/12/2021 101-41910-435100 854857 Shoreland Corrective Amend Ad# 1169860 110.76 10/12/2021 101-41910-435100 854858 202127 -McCarty CUP PH Ad# 1169865 129.22 10/12/2021 101-41910-435100 854859 202137 - Baldur PUD PH Ad# 1169870 129.22 10/12/2021 101-41910-435100 854860 Chelsea PH AD# 1169876 129.22 10/12/2021 101-41910-435100 855832 Janitorial Services Bids Ad# 1171330 156.91 10/12/2021 701-00000-443990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 6 Check Total: 1,190.67 Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 10/4/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/23/21 117.00 10/12/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 117.00 Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True 10/4/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/23/21 22.00 10/12/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 22.00 Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 1090602 (259) tickets Sept. 2021 - 1/2 Water 174.83 10/12/2021 601-49440-432770 1090602 (259) tickets Sept. 2021 - 1/2 Sewer 174.82 10/12/2021 602-49490-432770 Check Total: 349.65 Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 9068639641 Polyethylene Tubing (3) 52.77 10/12/2021 701-00000-421990 Check Total: 52.77 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: True 6023894 chemical for city wells - chlorine; hydro. acid; et 10,522.96 10/12/2021 601-49440-421600 6028238 Pool Chemicals 997.42 10/12/2021 226-45124-421600 6030150 Aluminum Sulfate Liquid - WWTP 6,550.66 10/12/2021 602-49480-421990 Check Total: 18,071.04 Vendor: 4650 JASEN HOGLUND Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 01929 custom lettering #105 15.00 10/12/2021 101-43120-422110 Check Total: 15.00 Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 09/18/21 acct. # 1400-017-223-399 fuel slips 8/19-9/18/21 292.20 10/12/2021 101-42200-421200 Check Total: 292.20 Vendor: 5487 JONATHAN HOPKINS Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 10/4/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/23/21 10.00 10/12/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 10.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5489 HR GREEN INC Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 146491A TED Grant Application 5,112.50 10/12/2021 101-43111-431990 146491B TEDI Grant Application 5,112.50 10/12/2021 101-43111-431990 Check Total: 10,225.00 Vendor: 5512 HYDROCORP HYDRO -DESIGNS, INC. Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True 0063831 -IN Cross Connection Control Program - Insp & Rpt 741.00 10/12/2021 601-49440-431990 Check Total: 741.00 Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False Nov 2021 Health Insurance - Union - Nov 2021 18,550.00 10/12/2021 101-00000-217061 Check Total: 18,550.00 Vendor: 5819 JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE, INC. Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 65625 16' retainer/astragal; #6 heay hinge; 5.25 hr. labs 1,020.25 10/12/2021 101-42200-440100 Check Total: 1,020.25 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 1892250 resale - liquor 4,925.01 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 1892250 freight 81.67 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 1892251 freight 64.04 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 1892251 resale - wine 2,648.32 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 1893511 resale- liquor 1,415.55 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 1893511 freight 19.40 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 1893512 freight 5.96 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 1893512 resale- wine 220.60 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 1895796 resale- liquor 1,122.47 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 1895796 freight 17.88 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 1897073 resale- liquor 4,291.24 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 1897073 freight 55.16 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 1897074 freight 77.84 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 1897074 resale - wine 2,602.40 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 1897074 resale - mix 171.90 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 1898364 freight 39.55 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 1898364 resale- liquor 4,477.95 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 1898365 freight 19.63 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 1898365 resale- wine 743.72 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 1898365 resale- mix 70.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 1898366 resale- beer 51.20 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 1900621 resale- wine 434.75 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1900621 freight 5.96 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 23,562.20 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 140645 resale - wine 288.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 140645 freight 7.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 141187 freight 30.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 141187 resale- wine 2,235.12 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 2,560.12 Vendor: 4192 KATIE SUE LILLO Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: True 10/4/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/30/21 218.00 10/12/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 218.00 Vendor: 1296 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 361818 (2) spill shield 136.12 10/12/2021 101-43125-422100 Check Total: 136.12 Vendor: 3933 CHARLES LONG Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 10/4/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/23/21 107.00 10/12/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 107.00 Vendor: 5642 LOONEY BIN BREWING, LLC Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 3095 resale- beer 328.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 328.00 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: True 40166 resale- beer 780.61 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 40397 resale- beer 563.50 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 9284 CM resale- beer credit -12.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 1,332.11 Vendor: 1933 M & M EXPRESS SALES & SERVICE Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 333798 gear head; chain; 18" bar st; etc 338.11 10/12/2021 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 338.11 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 329130 resale- cigarettes 1,218.08 10/12/2021 609-49750-425500 329130 resale- cigars; tobacco; soda pop; barware; etc 399.99 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 1,618.07 Vendor: 1386 M -R SIGN CO INC Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True 213887 (43) STOP signs 3,224.54 10/12/2021 101-43120-422600 Check Total: 3,224.54 Vendor: 1229 MARRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: True 1928 Business Cards (MF) (500) 83.50 10/12/2021 101-43115-421990 1928 Business Cards (HS) (500) 83.50 10/12/2021 101-41910-421990 1928 Business Cards (TP) (500) (1/2) 41.75 10/12/2021 101-45201-421990 1928 Business Cards (TP) (500) (1/2) 41.75 10/12/2021 226-45122-421990 Check Total: 250.50 Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: True 22630176 (618) gal. unleaded @ $2.557 1,579.94 10/12/2021 101-43120-421200 22630177 (737) gal. diesel @ $2.851 2,101.21 10/12/2021 101-43120-421200 Check Total: 3,681.15 Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 454331208 9/24/21 - 10/24/21 - Contract Payment 1,367.27 10/12/2021 702-00000-441500 454331208 Supply Freight Fee 35.00 10/12/2021 702-00000-441500 Check Total: 1,402.27 Vendor: 5309 MHSRC/RANGE Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 629430-8854 (8) Wing & Plow Class ID 48339 2,200.00 10/12/2021 101-43120-433100 Check Total: 2,200.00 Vendor: 4667 MILLNER VINEYARD, LLC Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 292921-453 resale- wine 315.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 315.00 Vendor: 2653 MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE - NOTE Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 10/4/2021 Notary Commission Application (HS) 120.00 10/12/2021 101-41910-443990 Check Total: 120.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1371 MONTICELLO FIREMEN RELIEF ASSOC Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 9/30/2021 Pass Thru to Monti Fire Relief - Rec'd 9/30/21 - 23,385.21 10/12/2021 101-42202-443950 9/30/2021 Pass Thru to Monti Fire Relief - Rec'd 9/30/21 - 111,305.68 10/12/2021 101-42202-443950 Check Total: 134,690.89 Vendor: 4691 MONTICELLO MEMORIALS, LLC Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 21829 personalized niche front- T.L. 185.00 10/12/2021 215-49010-431990 Check Total: 185.00 Vendor: 2512 MONTICELLO PLBG HTG AC LLC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 23463 annual test on all sprinkler systems - Parks 535.00 10/12/2021 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 535.00 Vendor: 1913 NEW FRANCE WINE Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 178327 resale - wine 304.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 178327 freight 5.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 309.00 Vendor: 5820 NORTHFACE CONSTRUCTION Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 10/4/2021 Refund Building Permit #21-00810 97.50 10/12/2021 101-42400-322110 Check Total: 97.50 Vendor: 1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 6789 202041 - Chelsea Commons Project 2,365.00 10/12/2021 101-41941-431990 Check Total: 2,365.00 Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: True 25462 202041 - Chelsea Common Small Area Study 11,771.35 10/12/2021 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 11,771.35 Vendor: 4551 NOVAK BUILDERS & REMODELERS Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 9/27/2021 Escrow Refund - 8525 Ebben Circle/Featherston 2,000.00 10/12/2021 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 15616 (8.57) SPWEA240B 518.23 10/12/2021 101-43120-422400 15627 (2) AC Fines mix 170.00 10/12/2021 101-43120-422400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 15634 (3) AC Fines mix 255.00 10/12/2021 101-43120-422400 Check Total: 943.23 Vendor: 1417 OSC OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True 3506091 medium cylinder - Shop 13.80 10/12/2021 101-43127-421990 3506527 medium; large cylinder - recurring Parks 41.40 10/12/2021 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 55.20 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 6273949 resale - liquor 1,522.27 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 6273949 freight 20.86 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 6274925 freight 34.25 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 6274925 resale- liquor 2,990.06 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 6274926 resale- wine 1,588.02 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 6274926 resale- mix 240.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 6274926 freight 42.19 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 6276765 freight 47.69 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 6276765 resale- liquor 2,302.15 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 6277654 resale - liquor 1,824.75 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 6277654 freight 17.90 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 6278699 freight 19.51 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 6278699 resale- liquor 1,754.27 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 6278700 resale- liquor 99.25 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 6278700 freight 1.49 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 6280364 resale - liquor 514.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 6280364 freight 2.98 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 6280365 freight 36.31 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 6280365 resale- wine 1,412.20 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 643221 resale - liquor credit inv. # 6256255 -17.57 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 14,452.58 Vendor: 5454 PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 1100 Cleaning Services - Sept 2021 7,115.00 10/12/2021 701-00000-431100 Check Total: 7,115.00 Vendor: 5821 PROMINENT CONSTRUCTION Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 9/27/2021 Refund Building Permit #2021-00334 97.50 10/12/2021 101-42400-322110 Check Total: 97.50 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5431 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 10/3/2021 Postage Purchased 9/23/21 1,000.00 10/12/2021 101-00000-155010 10/3/2021 Postage EDA (Tapper) 3.01 10/12/2021 213-46301-432200 10/3/2021 Postage for Title Registrations & Plates (17) 127.15 10/12/2021 653-41990-432200 Check Total: 1,130.16 Vendor: 5713 R.D.OFFUTT COMPANY Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False E0082314 2021 TM TC -16 Trailer 13,001.20 10/12/2021 703-00000-165010 Check Total: 13,001.20 Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 766719 Food for Concession Resale @ MCC 508.89 10/12/2021 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 508.89 Vendor: 5502 ALEX ROWLAND Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: True 10/4/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/30/21 69.00 10/12/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 69.00 Vendor: 1467 ROYAL TIRE INC Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 312-38146 Tender 11 -(2) tire rotate; (2) tire repair 125.86 10/12/2021 101-42200-440500 Check Total: 125.86 Vendor: 5523 RUSTECH BREWING COMPANY, LLC Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 1082 resale- beer 560.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 560.00 Vendor: 5079 S W WOLD Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 9/30/2021 Escrow Refund - 9131 Apple Lane/Autumn Rid€ 2,000.00 10/12/2021 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 4660 SAFE -FAST, INC Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 251525 (3) parka; (4) jackets; (7) hoodie; (3) pigskin glo 549.25 10/12/2021 101-43120-421990 251525 (3) parka; (4) jackets; (7) hoodie; (3) pigskin glo 94.90 10/12/2021 101-43111-421990 251526 (2) bomber jacket; (6) sweatshirt - 1/2 Water 214.30 10/12/2021 601-49440-421990 251526 (2) bomber jacket; (6) sweatshirt - 1/2 Sewer 214.30 10/12/2021 602-49490-421990 Check Total: 1,072.75 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2016 SCENIC SIGN CORPORATION Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 4532 Deposit on New DMV Sign 8,745.00 10/12/2021 653-00000-165010 Check Total: 8,745.00 Vendor: 3751 CHRISTINE SCHYMA Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 10/4/2021 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/23 & ! 150.00 10/12/2021 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 150.00 Vendor: 1485 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: True 770535 Commercial Monitoring Services - 10/1/21 - 9/3, 180.00 10/12/2021 101-41310-431990 Check Total: 180.00 Vendor: 5211 RANDI ANN SMELSER Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: True Oct 1st Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,622.25 10/12/2021 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,622.25 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 2128934 resale- wine 1,578.32 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 2128934 freight 32.67 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 2131698 resale- liquor 1,484.10 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 2131698 freight 15.40 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 2131699 freight 29.40 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 2131699 resale - wine 1,623.31 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 4,763.20 Vendor: 1507 STREICHERS INC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 11527178 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM - (12) polo shirts 559.88 10/12/2021 101-42500-421990 Check Total: 559.88 Vendor: 4459 JAMES THARES Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: True 10/4/2021 Mileage Reimbursement - Sept 2021 (324 miles) 181.44 10/12/2021 213-46301-433100 Check Total: 181.44 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 917217 resale - cocktail kit; barware 90.03 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 917220 resale - barware 175.91 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 919947 resale - barware; bottle bags; etc. 302.58 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 14 Check Total: 568.52 Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L. Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: True 90291988 April - June 2021 Cargill Lab Testing 3,819.35 10/12/2021 602-49480-430800 Check Total: 3,819.35 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: True 2774321 resale- soda pop 334.20 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 334.20 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 287309 resale- wine 272.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 287309 resale- liquor 157.75 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 287309 freight 10.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 287310 freight 7.50 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 287310 resale- wine 312.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 287793 freight 25.50 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 287793 resale - liquor 736.25 10/12/2021 609-49750-425100 287793 resale - wine 360.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 287793 resale - mix 120.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 2,001.00 Vendor: 5341 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICES, INC. Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 11658 leak locate service 9/1/21 443.55 10/12/2021 601-49440-440100 Check Total: 443.55 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 7349032 resale- wine 1,350.00 10/12/2021 609-49750-425300 7349032 freight 13.43 10/12/2021 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,363.43 Vendor: 5635 WK & ASSOCIATES LLC Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False Oct Monthly Storage Rent (1/3) 200.00 10/12/2021 101-45201-443990 Oct Monthly Storage Rent (1/3) 200.00 10/12/2021 101-43120-443990 Oct Monthly Storage Rent (1/3) 200.00 10/12/2021 101-43125-443990 Check Total: 600.00 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 14 Invoice No Description October Amount Payment Date Acct Number Oct 2021 - Deputies Contract 129,301.25 10/12/2021 101-42100-430500 Check Total: 129,301.25 Total for Check Run: 655,656.10 Total of Number of Checks: 92 Reference The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/11/2021 Approved by Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/06/2021 - 10:06 AM) Page 15 City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Human Resources Manager 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve new hires and departures for city departments. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Council is asked to ratify the attached list of new hires and departures for the City. This listing includes full-time, part-time, seasonal, and temporary employees. The listing may also include status changes and promotions. I. Budget Impact: Positions are generally included in the budget. II. Staff Workload Impact: If new position, there may be some training involved. If terminated position, existing staff will cover hours as needed, until replacement. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of new hires and departures as identified on the attached list. SUPPORTING DATA • List of new hires and terminated employees. Name Tristan Simard Name Maria Sakry Tara Lamb Lifeguard Title NEW EMPLOYEES Department Hire Date MCC 9/30/21 TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason Voluntary Voluntary New Hire and Terms City Council 2021: 10/4/2021 Class PT Department Last Day Class MCC 7/1/21 PT Liquor Store 8/2/21 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2021: 10/4/2021 City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus City property Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item N/A 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A N/A There is no report this City Council Cycle. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2D. Consideration of approving Resolution 2021-76 accepting grant of $6,269 from the Central Minnesota Arts Board Creative Surmort for Communitv Portraits aroiect Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item City Clerk 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: MontiArts Consultant City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2021-76 accepting a $6,269 grant from the Central Minnesota Arts Board for Community Portraits project with a visiting MN artist. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As required by state statute, if the City accepts a grant, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the grant and its use. MontiArts was awarded a $6,269 grant from CMAB for the Community Portraits project with visiting MN artists. They received $5,018 of the grant. The remainder will be received at completion of the project. There is no local match for this grant. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the resolution accepting the grant. SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2021-76 City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-77 declaring a vacancy on the City Council and Resolution 2021-78 appointing William Fair to fill the term expiring December 31, 2022 (RL/JS) Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item City Administrator/City Clerk 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2021-77 declaring a vacancy on the City Council and adopt Resolution 2021-78 appointing William Fair to fill the term expiring December 31, 2022. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION February 1, 2021: City Council interviewed six candidates to fill the remainder of Mayor Hilgart's Council term. City Council approved the appointment of Brian Hudgins to fulfill the remainder of the term expiring December 31, 2022. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Councilmember Brian Hudgins notified staff on September 13, 2021 that he is resigning as Councilmember, and October 11, 2021 will be his last City Council meeting. State law provides that statutory city councils fill the vacancy as soon as possible. At the Special City Council meeting on September 27, 2021, the Council and staff discussed the remaining candidates from January and agreed that William Fair would be the most qualified candidate because of his prior public service and knowledge of City business. Staff contacted Mr. Fair and he agreed to serve the rest of the term, which expires December 31, 2022. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of declaring the vacancy and appointing William Fair to serve the remainder of the vacant position. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2021-77 B. Resolution 2021-78 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2021-77 RESOLUTION DECLARING A CITY COUNCIL VACANCY WHEREAS, Brian Hudgins was appointed as City Council member to fill a vacant seat on February 8, 2021; and WHEREAS, said office has a four-year term that expires December 31, 2022; WHEREAS, Brian Hudgins noted his resignation following the completion of the October 11, 2021 City Council meeting, thereby vacating his City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota that effective October 12, 2021, the City Council declares a vacancy to exist in the office of the City Council. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 11th day of October, 2021. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2021-78 RESOLUTION APPROVING APPOINTMENT TO VACANT CITY COUNCIL SEAT WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council has approved the appointment of William Fair to fill the vacant seat on the Monticello City Council until the next scheduled Municipal Election; and WHEREAS, the elected candidate shall fill the seat until December 31, 2022. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota hereby approved the appointment of William Fair as Monticello City Councilmember to a term which expires December 31, 2022. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 11th day of October, 2021. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2F. Consideration of calling for a special meeting on Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 7:30 a.m. for approval of bills. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Finance Director 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to call for a special meeting on Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 7:30 a.m. for approval of bills. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Minnesota Statute 471.425, subd. 2(a) requires municipalities which hold council meetings at least once per month to pay claims within 35 days of receipt. Due to the holidays in late December, the City Council does not hold a second regular meeting. The absence of a second meeting could lead to bills paid late, so staff is recommending Council meet for a special meeting at the end of December to approve bills. Budget Impact: None. The city will avoid late fees and/or penalties by holding a special meeting to approve bills. II. Staff Impact: None. Staff will prepare the bill register as they would for a regular Council meeting. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends calling for a special meeting on Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 7:30 a.m. for approval of bills. SUPPORTING DATA • None City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-79 declaring the official intent of the City of Monticello to reimburse certain Issued by the City. nditures from the aroceeds of bonds to be Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Finance Director 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator /_T41111 I IQ L11:410111*11LSD: Motion of adopting Resolution 2021-78 Declaring the Official Intent of the City of Monticello to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of Bonds to be Issued by the City. PRIOR COUNCIL ACTION September 27, 2021: Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-73 approving an Amendment to the Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan (Comprehensive Plan) adopting the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan. Consideration of authorizing a Request for Proposal for professional Engineering, Landscape Architecture, and Park & Open Space Planning services for the Chelsea Commons area. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Over the past 10 months, the City has been planning for future development in what is currently known as the Chelsea Commons area. City Council adopted a Small Area Plan (SAP) and authorized staff to advertise a Request for Proposal (RFP) to begin construction phase work on the project. A significant portion of the work to be completed in 2022 is related to the material excavation required to build the central water feature, which is not a cash outlay for the City. Additional costs related to the RFP and other preliminary project expenditures is currently budgeted for $2,700,000 in 2022. However, the reimbursement resolution allows up to $5,000,000 of reimbursable costs to be incurred prior to the bond sale. It is expected that bonds, which will not be issued until early 2023, will be the primary funding source of the project. Now that expenditures are being incurred, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires the City to adopt a reimbursement resolution in order for costs expended prior to the bond sale can be reimbursed with bonds. Budget Impact: None. The Resolution allows, but does not require, Council to issue bonds in the future to fund project costs related to the Chelsea Commons area. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 II. Staff Impact: None. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of Resolution 2021-79 Declaring the Official Intent of the City of Monticello to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of Bonds to be Issued by the City. SUPPORTING DATA • Draft Resolution 2021-79 City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2021-80 Providing for the Prepayment and Redemption of a Portion of the City's General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Finance Director 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2021-80 Resolution Providing for the Prepayment and Redemption of a Portion of the City's General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND To fund the judgment related to the default of the 2008 Telecommunications Revenue Bonds, the City issued General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A. While the operations of FiberNet have improved, the City still uses the tax levy to make payments on the 2014A bonds. The 2014A bonds have a call date of December 15, 2021, and staff is recommending City Council use existing funds to pay off the $3,925,000 outstanding bonds, which have original maturity dates from 2022 through 2030. Interest rates on 2014A bond maturities recommended for early redemption range from 2.75% to 3.50%. By calling these bonds early, the city will save $690,059 in future interest payments. The 2014A bonds also included a portion for equipment acquisitions in the Central Equipment Fund. However, the equipment portion is paid out of the Central Equipment Fund using lease payments rather than tax levy. Staff recommends paying the equipment portion, totaling $180,000 plus interest, as scheduled through maturity in 2024. Budget Impact: Approximately $150,000 in the 2014A Bond sub -fund and $3,775,000 in the Capital Projects Fund. II. Staff Impact: None. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of Resolution 2021-80 Resolution Providing for the Prepayment and Redemption of a Portion of the City's General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A. SUPPORTING DATA • Draft Resolution 2021-80 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-80 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE PREPAYMENT AND REDEMPTION OF A PORTION OF THE CITY'S GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2014A BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: 1. The City previously issued its General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A (the "Bonds"), dated as of December 18, 2014, in the original aggregate principal amount of $6,595,000. The Bonds are currently outstanding in the principal amount of $4,540,000 and are subject to call for prior redemption on December 15, 2021 at a price of par plus accrued interest. Redemption may be in whole or in part, and if in part, at the option of the City and in such order as the City will determine and within a maturity selected by the U.S. Bank National Association, Saint Paul, Minnesota, acting as the registrar for the Bonds (the "Registrar"). Prepayments will be at a price of par plus accrued interest. 2. It is determined that it is in the best interests of the sound financial management of the City that a portion of the Bonds maturing December 15, 2022 through December 15, 2030 (the "Redeemed Portion") be prepaid and redeemed on December 15, 2021, or the first date for which the Registrar of the Bonds can provide proper notice to the holders of the Bonds, and the Redeemed Portion is hereby called for redemption in the aggregate principal amount of $3,925,000. 3. The Registrar is authorized and directed to mail notice of call for redemption of the Redeemed Portion in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT A to the registered owners of the Bonds to be redeemed at the address shown on the registration books kept by the Registrar. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota this I I' day of October, 2021. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk DOC SOPEN\MN190\1 69\748973.v5-9/29/21 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF CALL FOR PARTIAL REDEMPTION $6,595,000 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS SERIES 2014A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, by order of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), there have been called for redemption and prepayment on December 15, 2021 a portion of the bonds (the "Redeemed Portion") of the City designated as General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A, dated as of December 18, 2014, having stated maturity dates of December 15 in the years 2022 through 2030, both inclusive, totaling $3,925,000 in principal amount, and with the following CUSIP numbers: Year of Maturity Amount CUSIP 2022 $385,000 614468 G42 2023 395,000 614468 G59 2024 405,000 614468 G67 2025 420,000 614468 G75 2026 435,000 614468 G83 2027 445,000 614468 G91 2028 465,000 614468 H25 2029 480,000 614468 H33 2030 495,000 614468 H41 The Redeemed Portion is being called at a price of par plus accrued interest to December 15, 2021, on which date all interest on said Redeemed Portion will cease to accrue. Redemption shall be within a maturity chosen by random selection by U.S. Bank National Association, as paying agent and registrar. The Holders of the bonds hereby called for partial redemption are requested to present their bond for payment at the main office of U.S. Bank National Association, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on or before December 15, 2021. U.S. Bank National Association Corporate Trust Services 111 Fillmore Avenue East St. Paul, MN 55107 Important Notice: In compliance with the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2009, the paying agent is required to withhold a specified percentage of the principal amount of the redemption price payable to the holder of any bonds subject to redemption and prepayment on the redemption date, unless the paying agent is provided with the Social Security Number or Federal Employer Identification Number of the holder, properly certified. Submission of a fully executed Request for A-1 DOCSOPEN\MN190\1 69\748973.v5-9/29/21 Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, Form W-9 (Rev. December 2011), will satisfy the requirements of this paragraph. Dated: .2021. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA By /s/ Rachel Leonard City Administrator City of Monticello, Minnesota A-2 DOCSOPEN\MN190\1 69\748973.v5-9/29/21 City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 21. Consideration of accepting Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) Shovel Ready Certification Quotes and authorizing a service agreement with WSB & Associates in an amount not to exceed $29,500 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Economic Development Manager 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director, City Engineer -Public Works Director, City City Administrator Clerk ACTION REQUESTED Motion to accept Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) Shovel Ready certification quotes and authorize a service contract with WSB & Associates in an amount not to exceed $29,500. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION September 13, 2021: Authorized issuance of Shovel Ready RFP REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City is using the funds received through the Community Energy Transition (CET) Grant to create a Strategic Transition Plan as well as implement tangible projects to support economic development initiatives. Shovel Ready certification of three City -EDA owned sites in Otter Creek Business Park was included as a specific goal in the CET Grant. The certification indicates to prospective buyers that the sites can be purchased with minimal physical or site complications, thus allowing the City to compete at a high level for industrial development attraction and retention. For sites to be certified Shovel Ready, MN -DEED requires an application and a specific list of required studies and documents to be submitted for review. The recently issued RFP outlined a scope of work involving completion of the required studies and surveys and packaging/preparing the Shovel Ready application documents for three separate sites for eventual submittal to the State. A total of $50,000 was designated for industrial site surveys and Shovel Ready related work items in the CET grant. The City received four qualified quotes for services to complete the site certification process for the three parcels in Otter Creek Business Park. The cost for completion ranged from $16,800 (this proposal had several required third -party tasks with yet to be determined costs) to $35,900. WSB submitted the most complete proposal, consistent with project desired project outcomes and identifying costs for all required tasks. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 They also have extensive familiarity with Otter Creek Business Park parcels from previous work involving surveying and environmental studies. If the Council authorizes a service contract for completing the Shovel Ready Certification work activities, it will help the City be more competitive in industrial site searches. Under the timeline in the submitted RFP, the entire Certification process is expected to be achieved by early spring 2022. Budget Impact: The budget impact may be up to $29,500 as identified in the WSB proposal. Funding for this activity will be sourced from the CET Grant as outlined in the original grant submittal and the Grant Contract between MN -DEED and the City executed in March 2021. The total CET grant award is $500,000. Staff targeted CET spending into two project phases. The first phase focused on strategic planning and was estimated to utilize $235,000 in funding, of which approximately $164,172 has been allocated. The second phase was focused on site development tools for economic development opportunity and was estimated to utilize the remaining $265,000. The $61,320 in funding for this project is proposed to come from this second phase. In conjunction with the prior commitment of $87,300 (grading and stormwater plans), and $61,320 (platting), that leaves a remaining balance in the second phase of CET funding of $86,880 II. Staff Workload Impact: Completing the steps within the service agreement can be accomplished with existing staff. Work relevant to Council consideration of the quotes included: preparation of the RFP document, review of the submitted proposals and completion of the staff report. Staff participation is expected to include the Community Development Director, the City Engineer/Public Works Director, and the Economic Development Manager. III. Comprehensive Plan Update: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends accepting the quote from WSB & Associates and authorizing staff to negotiate a service contract for completion of Shovel Ready documentation and/or studies for three sites in Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP). SUPPORTING DATA A. WSB Shovel Ready RFP Proposal B. RFP — Shovel Ready Certification for OCBP C. CET Grant Agreement with Work Activity -Budget 2 0 U 0. z W m U) 0 0 00 v v Cl) m v z ui J 0 CL Q W z z 0 0 CO W H 7) U) wsb September 21, 2020 Jim Thares Economic Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 56069 RE: Shovel Ready Site Certification Dear Mr. Thares: Thank you for the opportunity to work with the City of Monticello on the development of the application packet for the shovel ready site certification of the Monticello Site. This letter includes a scope of work and fee proposal to complete the limited Site Certification information for the development site in Monticello identified in illustration below: CO The services included in this scope are ALTA Survey, Desktop Cultural/Biological Evaluation, Z Wetland and Zoning Assessment, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), and LU Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation. WSB understands the site certifications services are a being completed for preliminary planning and environmental due diligence. WSB further a understand that the Cultural/Biological ical evaluations, Wetland and Zoning Assessments will be z 9 g X desktop reviews and not require on-site observations. The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, Geotechnical Investigation and ALTA Survey will require a site visit. Jim Thares September 21, 2020 Page 2 WSB is proposing the following structure for the project to allow for the site to be efficiently reviewed and the information to be provided to the city in a timely manner. Jim Thares City of Economic Development Monticello Manager The following Site Certification tasks are included in this scope: Task 1: WSB will complete an ALTA Survey which will Options 1-6 and 11 from Table A Task 2: Cultural Resource Study WSB will coordinate and complete a desktop Phase 1A Cultural Resource Reviews within the Area of Potential Effect (APE), or one -mile vicinity, for the development site. The cultural resource study will be completed as a level of due diligence for Section 106 of National Historic Preservation Act. The purpose is to learn whether any significant archaeological or architectural properties exist within the APE. The Phase 1A review will meet the standards, requirements, and guidelines of the Secretary of the Interior's qualifications as outlined in 36CFR800, for conducting work in the state. Review of cultural resource studies may include coordination with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the Office of the State Archaeologist, and the Tribal Historic Preservation Office. If results of the Phase 1A Cultural Resource Research indicate that a Phase 1 field survey needs to be completed, WSB will coordinate that work with the city as necessary under a separate authorization. A Phase 1 survey will further assist in understanding these sites and help identify if previously unrecorded sites exist within the project area. Subsequent fieldwork would be conducted in accordance with SHPO requirements. Compliance reports will be issued upon completion of research and (if required) fieldwork. Results of the field survey will form the basis for a project report. The report will include a discussion of historical context, inventory results, applicable evaluations, and management recommendations for Section 106 clearance or additional work should it be required (for example - assessment of project effects). This report will meet SHPO standards for Section 106 compliance. If cultural resources are identified during the survey, WSB will provide preliminary evaluation and additional recommendations for site avoidance, impact minimization, or mitigation and assist in agency compliance. The results of the cultural resource study will be summarized in a Cultural/Biological Evaluation report prepared for the site. Jim Thares September 21, 2020 Page 3 Task 3: Endangered Species Review WSB will complete state species data requests through the Department of Natural Resources (or applicable agency) for the site. The species data requests provide information on the state's rare plants, animals, native plant communities, and other rare features. The results of the state search will be summarized in the Cultural/Biological Evaluation report. WSB will also complete reviews for Federal US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Section 7 Endangered Species, Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), and Eagles Desktop Review. Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (Section 7), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) requires Federal Agencies to consider effects of its undertakings/actions on listed species, and to minimize adverse effects. WSB will review the applicable USFWS Region list of species (which are known to occur in the County of concern) and compare species preferred habitat with known site habitat. If necessary, WSB will coordinate with the USFWS directly. If the city has existing USFWS documentation associated with the site/facilities, WSB may review other pertinent information, if available. The MBTA protects various species of migratory birds that occur in North America. Documented nesting or congregational areas will be identified and evaluated in accordance with applicable USFWS guidance. Desktop review for habitat and occurrences of Bald and Golden Eagles will be completed for the BGEPA. WSB will review any state -level database information regarding known eagle nest locations and summarize the results within the Cultural/Biological Evaluation report. The results of the endangered species review will be summarized in a Cultural/Biological Evaluation report prepared for the site. Task 4: Level 1 Wetland Delineation A level 1 desktop assessment for wetlands will be completed referencing various mapping resources to identify where wetlands likely exist within the site. The level 1 wetland delineation will be completed in conformance with the US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (US Army Corps of Engineers, 1987) and applicable Regional Supplement guidance. WSB will review County Soil Survey information, state Public Waters information, the National Wetlands Inventory, FEMA flood zone map, LiDAR contours, antecedent precipitation records, and historic aerial photos for the site, along with other available information. A summary memorandum and wetland figure depicting probable wetland locations will be prepared. This task does not include obtaining wetland delineation boundary concurrence from regulating agencies since this work is only a desktop review. Information from this review would be the basis for further onsite Level 2 field verification later, which is not included in this scope of services. Should a Level 2 verification be required that would be completed for an additional cost of $4,000. The results of the Level 1 wetland delineation will be summarized in a Cultural/Biological Evaluation report prepared for the site. Task 5: Land Use and Zoning Review WSB will review and summarize the local zoning framework and requirements for the site. Existing land use, potential soil suitability and geological constraints, topography, utility rights of way, vegetation cover types, other special considerations such as airport runway clear zones and nearby nature preserves, etc. will reviewed. The results of the land use and zoning review will be summarized in a Land Use and Zoning Review report prepared for the site. Jim Thares September 21, 2020 Page 4 Task 6: Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) The Phase I ESA will be performed in general conformance with the ASTM E1527-13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments. The following items will be performed as part of the Phase I ESA: Historic Records Review WSB will obtain federal and state regulatory database information for the property from a commercial regulatory vendor to evaluate for potential environmental conditions. This work will not include a detailed review of all the sites listed in the regulatory database searches. The following historical records will be reviewed: • Sanborn Fire Insurance Rate Maps • Historic Aerial Photography • City Directories • Historic Topographic Maps • Federal EPA -listed sites including NPL, CERCLIS, RCRA, and ERNS • State -listed sites including UST, LUST, spills, landfills, and other state listed sites • Regulatory file review for applicable sites as required per ASTM E 1527-13 Interviews WSB will conduct interviews with property representatives (via phone or in person) regarding past and current property use activities. Any entity relying on the Phase I ESA will complete a User Questionnaire provided by WSB. The following representatives will be contacted and interviewed (if available): • Current or past property owners • Current property management or maintenance staff • City building and inspection department • City fire department Property Reconnaissance WSB will make a direct visual inspection of the property and adjoining properties. All adjoining properties will be viewed from the public right-of-way. The property reconnaissance will include observation and documentation of the following: • Location of visible above ground or underground storage tanks • Location of chemical or hazardous material storage • Location of water bodies (if present) • Condition of vegetation and exposed soils • General property topography • Photographic documentation Reporting WSB will summarize the results of the Phase I ESA in a final documentation report. This task does not include those items considered non -scope by ASTM Standard E1527-13 such as: asbestos, lead-based paint, radon, lead in drinking water, wetlands, regulatory compliance, cultural/historic resources, industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, biological agents, or mold sampling and analysis. Should a Phase 2 ESA be warranted, (currently not included in this scope of work) that would be completed for $12,000-$15,000. Jim Thares September 21, 2020 Page 5 The report will follow the format described in the ASTM E1527-13 and shall at a minimum include the following: • Supporting documentation upon which the findings and opinions are based • Scope of services performed • A "findings" section which will include any recognized environmental conditions (RECs) • The opinion of the environmental professional • Any conclusions drawn from the assessment Task 7: Geotechnical Investigation WSB will conduct a desktop review of the of the site to gain information regarding geotechnical aspects of the site. WSB will review pertinent public domain information that is readily available for the site in question. We will prepare a report discussing our findings and provide comments as to the site's suitability for construction of the proposed structures. Should the project move forward, this review will also help us select potential borehole locations and scope out services for a Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation or a Geotechnical Evaluation depending on how the project progresses. Should the City want to have soil borings completed those would be completed under a separate proposal. Desktop Geotechnical Engineering Report The desktop geotechnical engineering report will include: • Review of available historic aerial photographs, geological atlases, UDAR maps and other selected public information that will aid in identifying subsurface conditions • Broad discussions on potential geotechnical conditions that may impact building and site development • Preliminary comments and discussion of: o Excavation and dewatering considerations o Site preparation and earthwork considerations o Potential foundation types General Scope Assumptions The following general scope assumptions are provided: • Tasks 2-5 are desktop reviews and will be summarized in a final site evaluation report. • Tasks 1, 6 and 7 will require a site visit and be summarized in standalone reports prepared for the site. • The City and WSB will arrange site access and provide associated documentation to complete Tasks 1, 6 and 7. • Task 6 does not include an Environmental Lien Search or Account Activity and Use Limitation search to satisfy the All -Appropriate Inquiry rule. If this search is required, the service can be provided for an additional $200. • If reliance letters are desired, they can be provided for an additional $400 per letter. • The city will provide one review/comment of all reports. • If additional work is required beyond the above-described scope, it will be completed upon written authorization from the City. Jim Thares September 21, 2020 Page 6 The final comprehensive report for the site will be created in a format that meets the requirements of the city for the shovel ready application. The report shall be provided in both a printed and electronic copy. Scheduling of Projects Upon receiving notice to proceed (NTP), we would anticipate the following schedule for completion of the review of the site. The NTP would include the identification of the proposed site and the required right of entry to proposed site for the completion of the field exploration. • Mobilization to a site within 2-3 weeks of NTP. • Preliminary draft reports completed within 3 weeks of completion of field explorations. • Final reports to City in 30-45 days from NTP excluding any required responses from governmental agencies. • This schedule would anticipate no additional work being required for the site for the completion of the proposed tasks. Total Proposed Fee (Tasks 1-7) The proposed fee for the above-described professional services is a not to exceed total of $29,500 for the Monticello site. Table 1: Overall Fee Summary Tasks Monticello Site Fee Task 1 — ALTA Survey $3,000 Task 2 - Cultural Resource Stud(Desktop) $3,000 Task 3 - Endangered Species Review(Desktop) $1,200 Task 4 - Level 1 Wetland Delineation(Desktop) $1,800 Task 5 - Land Use and Zoning Review $7,500 Task 6 - Phase 1 ESA $5,000 Task 7 - Geotechnical Investigation(assuming borings) $8,000 Totals $29,500 We appreciate the opportunity to submit this scope and fee proposal. Upon authorization of this scope, WSB can proceed with the tasks within 30 days. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact Jim Gromberg at (763) 762-2846. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Brian Bourassa Jim Gromberg Principal Economic Development Coordinator Request for Proposal (RFP) Shovel Ready Certification Application and Supporting Documentation for Industrial Sites in Monticello, MN Three Sites located in Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) Monticello, Minnesota September 8, 2021 This Request for Proposal (RFP) is for work to complete the required documents and/or studies/assessments necessary to certify as "Shovel Ready" several industrial sites located in the City of Monticello, MN. Completing the Shovel Ready documentation and study steps is an important economic development tool allowing the City to compete at a high level in the arena of industrial development attraction and retention. The project goal is to certify the sites that are currently owned by the City and/or the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) as Shovel Ready. In doing so, these parcels will qualify for local, regional, and national industrial facility site searches which use the Shovel Ready documentation steps. The City is seeking a completed turnkey, shovel ready application submittal packet for three separate sites owned by the City/EDA. The project deliverable goal is to enable the City to submit the prepared Shovel Ready Application and all required completed documents/studies to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (MN -DEED) for final review and certification action. Upon completion of the process to certify the City's publicly owned sites as Shovel Ready, the City may also seek to engage several local landowners with the appropriate industrial zoning designations and encourage them to participate in the Shovel Ready documentation steps as well. Further information about this potential may be known by early 2022. MN -DEED has comprehensive information regarding the Shovel Ready Certification program on its website. The link is shown below: httr)s://mn. Dov/deed/government/shovel-readv/shovel-readv/ A listing of the required Shovel Ready documents is shown below Alta Survey a. ALTA Survey Information - ASC 2005 b. ALTA Survey - ASC 2005 Table A options 1-6 & 11 2. Application a. Shovel Ready Application Spreadsheet 3. Building Permit - Site Review Process a. Action required and schedule of local site plan approval b. Action required for building permit application and approval 4. Community Profile - Quality of Life a. Current Community Profile (from MN -DEED) b. Quality of Life Information 5. Environmental and Historical Review a. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment - ASTM Standard E 1527-13 b. Phase II, if Recommended in Phase I -ASTM Standard E 1527-13 c. Historical Review of Site d. Identification of Wetlands via National Wetland Inventory (USFWS) e. Desktop review of Archeological/Cultural Resources (SHPO) f. Desktop review of Threatened and Endangered Species (DNR and FWS) 6. Geo -Technical Soil Tests a. Geo -Technical Soil Tests - ASTM Standard D 420 7. Maps a. Site Map b. Street Map indicating roads and site access c. Topographical Map 8. Ownership Control - Title Commitment a. Proof of Ownership or control - deed, option, or purchase agreement b. Title Commitment- 2006 ALTA Commitment Form 9. Site Information a. Site Information Matrix b. Survey Showing Existing and/or future rail extension (if applicable) c. Site Marketing Materials 10. Site Photos a. Aerial Photos - Site must have border -boundary line shown on the photo b. At Grade Site Photos 11. Utility Information a. Chemical profile of municipal water supply - Consumer Confidence Report 2 b. MPCA MS4 - (Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) and SWPPP (Small Municipal Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan - Requirements) c. SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan d. Maps/drawing showing utilities 12. Zoning Ordinances a. Zoning Ordinances b. Zoning Maps The City of Monticello currently owns 3 parcels that it seeks to certify as shovel ready. The sites and parcel information are included as Exhibit B. of the RFP. Proposals should include the proposed cost and schedule required for completion of the certification documents/studies for each of the sites in the RFP. The Proposal should also identify staff and/or consultant services that will be involved in the work tasks as well as hourly rates. An initial Project Scope/Understanding meeting is required to be included within the proposals. The desired end -product will be separate Shovel Ready submittal packets (with all required documents -studies) for each site. The Minnesota DEED website contains a sample of all required supporting documents and or studies. The website link connecting to each sample document is shown below: Shovel Ready Document samples https://mn.2ov/deed/government/shovel-ready/shovel- ready /. City staff may also have access to some of the required documents and/or studies and can make those available to the selected RFP responder, as needed or requested, to complete the turnkey submittal packets. Examples of these documents include City land development and building permitting process and ordinances, the City ordinance regarding the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as well as City street and utility maps. The City is requesting end -product deliverables be in the following format: three (3) bound hard copy submittal documents and three (3) electronic USB drives (stick drives) for each separate site [a total of nine (9) bound documents and nine (9) USB (stick) drives]. If the selected RFP responder, in the process of completing the certification documents/studies and or steps, identifies a City consideration or action related to one or more of the sites, the RFP responder shall promptly notify the City of the action it believes would help rectify the issue and allow further work in completing the Shovel Ready documentation to proceed. The deadline for submittal of Shovel Ready Certification RFPs is Wednesday September 22, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. (Noon). The City reserves the right to reject any one and all RFP submittals due to price and/or adjust the scope of the RFP as needed. Questions about the RFP can be directed to: Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, phone 763-271-3254 or by email at jim.thares(a-)ci.monticello.mn.us. 9 EXHIBITS Exhibit A. MN Shovel Ready Sites - Required Application Exhibits Exhibit B. Map of three sites in Otter Creek Business Park (yellow highlight) Exhibit C. Minnesota DEED Shovel Ready Coordinator Contact information 4 OCBP Shovel Ready Sites I in= 376 ft Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development(MN-DEED) Shovel Ready Program Program Manager Contact Information STATE OF MINNESOTA SC #: 189661 GRANT CONTRACT AGREEMENT DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Community Energy Transition Grant Contract Agreement Grant No: CETG-21-0004-Z-FY21 Strategic Transition Plan Project This grant contract agreement is between the State of Minnesota, acting through the Department of Employment and Economic Development, Business and Community Development Division, (STATE) and City of Monticello ("GRANTEE"). Recitals 1. Under Minn. Stat. § 116J.55 the State is empowered to enter into this grant. 2. The State is in need of programs to do the following: address the economic dislocation associated with the closure of a local electric generating plant. 3. The Grantee represents that it is duly qualified and agrees to perform all services described in this grant contract agreement to the satisfaction of the State. Grant Contract Agreement 1 Term of Grant Contract Agreement 1.1 Effective date: January 29, 2021, or the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minn. Stat. § 168.98, Subd. 5, whichever is later. Per Minn. Stat. § 1613.98, Subd. 7, no payments will be made to the Grantee until this grant contract agreement is fully executed. The Grantee must not begin work under this grant contract agreement until this contract is fully executed and the Grantee has been notified by the State's Authorized Representative to begin the work. 1.2 Expiration date: June 30, 2022. 1.3 Survival of Terms. The following clauses survive the expiration or cancellation of this grant contract agreement: 4.2 (c) Program Income; 8. Liability; 9. Accounting; 10. Government Data Practices; 12. Publicity and Endorsement; 13. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue; 15. Data Disclosure; 16. Reporting; 17. Conflict of Interest; and 18. Minnesota Business Subsidy Law. 2 Grantee's Duties 2.1 Duties, Deliverables, and Completion Dates. The Grantee, who is not a state employee, will perform the following duties and provide the deliverables as outlined below. (a) Administer these grant funds in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 116J.55 and the application submitted on January 4, 2021 for funding for the Strategic Transition Plan Project, which is incorporated into this grant contract agreement and the provisions of this grant contract agreement. Any modification made to the approved application must be approved by the State. (b) Provide evidence to the State prior to the closeout of the grant that the budgeted activities in Section 4.1(a) below have been completed. I of 7 (c) Provide evidence to the State prior to the closeout of the grant that the budgeted activities in Section 4.1(a) below have been completed. (d) Adhere to all other requirements of this grant contract agreement. 2.2 Provisions for Contracts and Sub grants. (a) Contract Provisions. The Grantee must include in any contract and sub -grant, in addition to provisions that define a sound and complete agreement, such provisions that require contractors and sub -grantees to comply with applicable state and federal laws. Along with such provisions, the Grantee must require that contractors performing work covered by this grant be in compliance with all applicable OSHA regulations. (b) Ineligible Use of Grant Funds. The dollars awarded under this grant contract agreement are grant funds and shall only be used by Grantee or awarded by Grantee to third parties as grant funds and cannot take the form of a loan under any circumstance. Grantee shall not use, treat, or convert the grant funds into an interest bearing loan, a non-interest bearing loan, a deferred loan, a forgivable deferred loan or any other type of loan. Further, Grantee shall include in any contract or sub -grant awarding the grant funds to a third party all the provisions and requirements of this grant contract agreement, including the requirement that these dollars are grant funds only and cannot be used, treated or converted into any type of loan. (c) Job Listing Agreements. Minn. Stat. § I I6L.66, subd.1, requires a business or private enterprise to list any vacant or new positions with the state workforce center if it receives $200,000 or more a year in grants from the State. If applicable, the business or private enterprise shall list any job vacancy in its personnel complement with MinnesotaWorks.net at www.minnesotaworks.net as soon as it occurs. (d) Payment of Contractors and Subcontractors. The Grantee must ensure that all contractors and subcontractors performing work covered by this grant are paid for their work that is satisfactorily completed. 3 Time The Grantee must comply with all the time requirements described in this grant contract agreement. In the performance of this grant, time is of the essence. 4 Consideration and Payment 4.1 Consideration. State will pay the Grantee under this grant contract agreement as follows: (a) Eligible Costs. The following table represents the total Eligible Costs. Activities Amount Strategic Transition Plan $19000 Survey of Identified ED/Industrial Sites $50,000 Financing Model $45,000 AUAR and Environmental Studies of Identified ED/Industrial Sites $75,000 Predesi n of Utilities/Roads for Identified ED Sites $100,000 Marketing Materials for New ED Sites and Loo net Subscription Fees $25,000 Legislative and Resource Initiatives $15,000 TOTAL $500,000 2of7 (b) Total Obligation. The total obligation of the State for all compensation and reimbursements to the Grantee under this grant contract agreement will not exceed $500,000. There are no matching funds required for this program, however any costs which exceed the grant award amount will be the responsibility of the Grantee. 4.2 Payment (a) Invoices. The State will disburse funds to the Grantee pursuant to this Contract, based upon payment requests submitted by the Grantee and reviewed and approved by the State. Payment requests must be accompanied by supporting invoices that relate to the activities in the approved budget. The State will provide payment request forms. Invoices may be submitted on a monthly basis; however, at a minimum, an invoice for an award shall be submitted by the grantee for expenses incurred 25 days after the end date of the state fiscal year of June 30th. In order to ensure that all funds are drawn prior to the expiration date of the grant, all payment requests must be received at least 30 days prior to the grant -term expiration date. (b) Eligible Costs. Eligible costs'include the costs identified in the Section 4.1(a) of this Contract that are incurred during the contract period. The Grantee may not use these funds to provide loans to other entities or for administrative costs associated with managing the project this grant is funding. (c) Program Income. Program income generated from grant -funded activities must be returned to the State unless the State has approved a re -use of the income. 4.3 Contracting and Bidding Requirements. Grantees that are municipalities must comply with Minn. Stat. §471.345 if they are contracting funds from this grant contract agreement for any supplies, materials, equipment or the rental thereof, or the construction, alteration, repair or maintenance of real or personal property. The Grantee must not contract with vendors who are suspended or debarred in Minnesota: http://www.mmd.admin.state.mn.us/debarredreport.asp 5 Conditions of Payment All services provided by the Grantee under this grant contract agreement must be performed to the State's satisfaction, as determined at the sole discretion of the State's Authorized Representative and in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The Grantee will not receive payment for work found by the State to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state, or local law. 6 Authorized Representative The State's Authorized Representative is Claudia Ursulescu Kracht, Project Manager, 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200, St. Paul, MN 55101, 651-259-7448, Claudia.ursulescu.krachtkstate.mn.us, or his/her successor, and has the responsibility to monitor the Grantee's performance and the authority to accept the services provided under this grant contract agreement. If the services are satisfactory, the State's Authorized Representative will certify acceptance on each invoice submitted for payment. The Grantee's Authorized Representative is Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, 763-271-3254, jim.tharesgci.monticello.mn.us. If the Grantee's Authorized Representative changes at any time during this grant contract agreement, the Grantee must immediately notify the State. 3 of 7 7 Assignment, Amendments, Waiver, and Grant Contract Agreement Complete 7.1 Assignment. The Grantee shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this grant contract agreement without the prior written consent of the State, approved by the same parties who executed and approved this grant contract agreement, or their successors in office. 7.2 Amendments. (a) Amendments. Any amendments to this grant contract agreement, with the exception of Grant Adjustment Notices (GANs), must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original grant contract agreement, or their successors in office (b) Grant Adjustment Notices (GANs). GANs must be approved by the State in writing, and require a written change request by the Grantee. A GAN may be used for the purposes of transferring budget amounts between line items that do not change the contract value, or other grant status activity. All other changes require a formal amendment as stated in paragraph 7.2(a). 7.3 Waiver. If the State fails to enforce any provision of this grant contract agreement, that failure does not waive the provision or the State's right to enforce it. 7.4 Grant Contract Agreement Complete. This grant contract agreement contains all negotiations and agreements between the State and the Grantee. No other understanding regarding this grant contract agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 8 Liability Subject to the provisions and limitations of Minn. Stat. § 466, the Grantee must indemnify, save, and hold the State, its agents, and employees harmless from any claims or causes of action, including attorney's fees incurred by the State, arising from the performance of this grant contract agreement by the Grantee or the Grantee's agents or employees. This clause will not be construed to bar any legal remedies the Grantee may have for the State's failure to fulfill its obligations under this grant contract agreement. 9 Accounting Under Minn. Stat. § 1613.98, subd. 8, the Grantee's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the Grantee or other party relevant to this grant contract agreement or transaction are subject to examination by the State and/or the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this grant contract agreement, receipt and approval of all final reports, or the required period of time to satisfy all state and program retention requirements, whichever is later. The Grantee shall maintain adequate financial records consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. The Grantee shall submit accounting system records that track the use of grant proceeds and all matching funds by eligible Project Costs for each year in which grant disbursement and expenditures were made. The records shall reflect both expenditures and revenues and shall be submitted after all grant proceeds and matching funds have been expended or at the State's request. 10 Government Data Practices and Intellectual Property 10.1 Government Data Practices The Grantee and State must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, as it applies to all data provided by the State under this grant contract agreement, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Grantee under this grant contract agreement. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the Grantee or the State. If the Grantee receives a request to release the data referred to in this Clause, the Grantee must 4 of 7 immediately notify the State. The State will give the Grantee instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. The Grantee's response to the request shall comply with applicable law. 10.2 Intellectual Property Rights. The Grantee represents and warrants that Grantee's intellectual property used in the performance of this Contract does not and will not infringe upon any intellectual property rights of other persons or entities. Notwithstanding Clause 8, the Grantee will indemnify; defend, to the extent permitted by the Attorney General; and hold harmless the State, at the Grantee's expense, from any action or claim brought against the State to the extent that it is based on a claim that all or part of Grantee's intellectual property used in the performance of this Contract infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. The Grantee will be responsible for payment of any and all such claims, demands, obligations, liabilities, costs, and damages, including but not limited to, attorney fees. If such a claim or action arises, or in the Grantee's or the State's opinion is likely to arise, the Grantee must, at the State's discretion, either procure for the State the right or license to use the intellectual property rights at issue or replace or modify the allegedly infringing intellectual property as necessary and appropriate to obviate the infringement claim. This remedy of the State will be in addition to and not exclusive of other remedies provided by law. 11 Workers' Compensation The Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with Minn. Stat. § 176.181, subd. 2, pertaining to workers' compensation insurance coverage. The Grantee's employees and agents will not be considered State employees. Any claims that may arise under the Minnesota Workers' Compensation Act on behalf of these employees and any claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of these employees are in no way the State's obligation or responsibility. 12 Publicity and Endorsement 12.1 Publicity. Any publicity regarding the subject matter of this grant contract agreement must identify the State as the sponsoring agency. For purposes of this provision, publicity includes notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar public notices prepared by or for the Grantee individually or jointly with others, or any subcontractors, with respect to the program, publications, or services provided resulting from this grant contract agreement. 12.2 Endorsement. The Grantee must not claim that the State endorses its products or services. 13 Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue Minnesota law, without regard to its choice -of -law provisions, governs this grant contract agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings out of this grant contract agreement, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 14 Termination 14.1 Termination by the State. The State may immediately terminate this grant contract agreement with or without cause, upon 30 days' written notice to the Grantee. Upon termination, the Grantee will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. 14.2 Termination for Cause. The State may immediately terminate this grant contract agreement if the State finds that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this grant contract agreement, that reasonable progress has not been made or that the purposes for which the funds were granted have not been or will not be fulfilled. The State may take action to protect the interests of the State of Minnesota, including the refusal to disburse additional funds and requiring the return of all or part of the funds already disbursed. 5 of 7 14.3 Termination for Insufficient Funding. The State may immediately terminate this grant contract agreement if: (a) It does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature; or, (b) If funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here. Termination must be by written or fax notice to the Grantee. The State is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination. However, the Grantee will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if the contract is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source, not to appropriate funds. The State must provide the Grantee notice of the lack of funding within a reasonable time of the State's receiving that notice. 15 Data Disclosure Under Minn. Stat. § 270C.65, subd. 3, and other applicable law, the Grantee consents to disclosure of its social security number, federal employer tax identification number, and/or Minnesota tax identification number, already provided to the State, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. These identification numbers may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws which could result in action requiring the Grantee to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities, if any. Other Provisions 16 Reporting Grantee must submit to the State annual reports on the use of funds and the progress of the Project covering July 1 st through June 30th of each year. The reports must be received by the State no later than July 25th of each year. The reports must identify specific Project goals listed in the application and quantitatively and qualitatively measure the progress of such goals. Grant payments shall not be made on grants, or subsequent grant awards made to the grantee, with past due progress reports. In addition, the Grantee shall submit a final report. The State will provide reporting forms. 17 Conflict of Interest The State will take steps to prevent individual and organizational conflicts of interest in reference to Grantees per Minn. Stat. § 1613.98 and Department of Administration, Office of Grants Management, Policy Number 08-01 Conflict of Interest Policy for State Grant -Making. When a conflict of interest concerning State grant -making is suspected, disclosed, or discovered, transparency shall be the guiding principle in addressing it. In cases where a potential or actual individual or organizational conflict of interest is suspected, disclosed, or discovered by the Grantee throughout the life of the grant contract agreement, they must immediately notify the State for appropriate action steps to be taken, as defined above. 18 Minnesota Business Subsidy Law The Grantee must comply, if appropriate, with the Minnesota Business Subsidy Law, Minn. Stat. § 116J.993. 6 of 7 1. STATE ENCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION Individual certifies that funds have been encumbered as required by Minn. Stat. 16A.15. Signed: ,&SuL Ci Date: 2/19/21 SWIFT Contract/PO No(s). 189661 PR 60089 PO 3-427076 2. GRANTEE 3. STATE AGENCY By: (w'lth delegated authority) Title: Deputy Commissioner Date: IYlarch 12 21 The Grantee certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the grant contract agreement on behalf of the Grantee as required by applicable art'cles, bylaw, resolutions, or ordinances. By: Name and Title: Date: a d Na �end Title: Date: 2 / X4 �?-o Grantee: City of Monticello Grant Name: Strategic Transition Plan Grant Number: CETG-21-0004-Z-FY2l 7of7 Distribution: Agency Grantee State's Authorized Representative - Photo Copy City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2J. Consideration to authorize an expenditure of $61,320 and approve proposals from WSB for platting services for a portion of City/EDA property at Otter Creek Business Park. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Community Development Director 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Public Works Director/City Engineer, City Administrator Finance Director, Economic Development Manager ACTION REQUESTED Motion to authorize an expenditure of $61,320 and approve proposals from WSB for platting services for a portion of City/EDA property at Otter Creek Business Park. PREVIOUS ACTION September 27, 2021: Council approved of an expenditure of $87,300 for wetland delineation and plans and specifications for grading, street and utility and stormwater improvements for a portion of City/EDA property at Otter Creek REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Consistent with the goals of the Community Energy Transition (CET) grant, a series of funding requests will be made to the City Council with the goal of achieving shovel -ready status for the balance of Otter Creek Business Park. The current request is to authorize the preparation of plat documents in three areas within the park, located along Dalton Court and along 9011 Street/Dalton Way and Chelsea Road. The CET grant award supports the City's transition from an energy -based economy, funding uses which encourage additional tax base generation and employment. The City and EDA own the properties known as Otter Creek Business Park, acquiring the properties with the specific intention of the development of jobs and tax base. Many of the vacant properties within the Park require additional improvements to enhance their marketability and to certify the sites as "shovel -ready" by the State. The City has asked WSB & Associates to prepare a proposal for platting in the Otter Creek Business Park to support certification of the remaining areas of the park as shovel -ready, as well as facilitate future industrial development or development expansions. WSB has familiarity with City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 Otter Creek, having prepared prior plats, plans and specifications and stormwater analysis for the area. In addition, WSB's previously authorized work on the grading and stormwater improvements will correspond with platting to maximize efficiency on both projects. To allow the City and EDA to proceed with platting on an as -needed basis in response to development and development expansion, the platting has been proposed in three areas and corresponding proposals. While staff is seeking approval for all three platting projects, they will be timed in concert with expansion and/or development planning and in conjunction with CET funding requirements. Council, as opposed to the EDA, is asked to authorize the request as both the primary owner of the parcels in Otter Creek at present, and as the recipient of the grant funds. Budget Impact: $61,320 in the engineering department of the General Fund, which will be offset with CET grant proceeds. The total CET grant award is $500,000. Staff targeted CET spending into two project phases. The first phase focused on strategic planning and was estimated to utilize $235,000 in funding, of which approximately $164,172 has been allocated. The second phase was focused on site development tools for economic development opportunity and was estimated to utilize the remaining $265,000. The $61,320 in funding for this project is proposed to come from this second phase. With the prior commitment of $87,300, that leaves a remaining balance in the second phase of CET funding of $116,380. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time for administration of the project, including coordination with WSB, is estimated at 10-20 hours. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan's Economic Development chapter cites that "One of the top priorities is to allow for expansion and diversification of the community's employment and tax base. Over time, Monticello will need to increase tax revenue due to the planned future closure of Xcel MNGP." Further the Implementation Chapter of the Plan includes the following Economic Development Goal Statement: stable and expanding tax base that diversifies the city's economy and creates a sustainable employment to offset the eventual closure of the Xcel Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. Facilitating the opportunity for industrial development on lands already owned by the City and EDA for this purpose is in direct alignment with the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the proposal for platting. Preparation of the remaining lots at Otter Creek will support the marketing and development of the sites for industrial use and potentially accelerate the establishment of tax base and living wage employment within the City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 park. The proposed project supports continued efforts for a sustainable transition from an energy economy and a stable economic future for the community. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image, Otter Creek Business Park B. Proposals for Services, dated October 7, 2021 i 71 OTr E ,. COUNTY ROAD -39-E CHUB VIEW'DR ?. I GOLF_COUR'$ 'RD r- jm'; ,.#�" ! Cj� _ P.4'IRWAY'DR 7TH ST W 14 BHT Q 1 �•r yR 3 . h a ' i • . eC wes,ro,o. R o � .� �• 4 SAV 'N NAHAV" A Q z 0 wsb October 7, 2021 Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Plat Area 1 Proposal for Surveying Services, Preliminary and Final Plat of approximately 8 acre site. The area to be platted, includes Lot 1, Block 1, Outlot A, and Outlot B, Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition, in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. Existing PID#'s are 155191000010, 155191000020 and 155191001010. (Parcels depicted on Exhibit A of page 3) These parcels will be combined into 1 lot and 1 Outlot by this platting. Dear Angela, On behalf of WSB, I am pleased to respond to your request for proposal for surveying services. It is my understanding that you are looking for a preliminary and final plat of the above described area. In addition, you need preparation of two proposed easements to go along with this platting. Our scope is as follows: Task 1- Preliminary Plat • Review title information and compute property boundary. • Field crew to perform topography, existing conditions and boundary field work. • Review and verify property boundary with field information. • Coordination with design engineer. • Create a Preliminary Plat which will include the boundary, existing conditions, and proposed information. • Submit plat to City for review and approval. • Make final revisions per any comments. Task 2 - Final Plat • Preliminary Plat to Final Plat. • Create drawing suitable for City and County review. • Submit Plat and Title Commitment to county for review. • Make any necessary County revisions. • Make Mylars of Final Plat for recording. • Field crew to set monuments at each corner per statutes. Task 3 - Trail Easement • By Minnesota statute, "Easements created on the plat shall be limited to public utility and/ or drainage easements as defined in section Minnesota Statute 505.01, Subdivision 3, paragraph (b), (h), and (j)." Thus, we will prepare a separate Exhibit and Description for the Trail Easement. Trail Easement to be recorded by separate document in coincidence with the plat recording. Task 4 - Cross -Access Easement By Minnesota statute, "Easements created on the plat shall be limited to public utility and/ or drainage easements as defined in section Minnesota Statute 505.01, Subdivision 3, paragraph (b), (h), and (j)." Thus, we will prepare a separate Exhibit and Description for the Cross -Access Easement. Cross -Access Easement to be recorded by separate document in coincidence with the plat recording. WSB will prepare this survey for the following lump sum fee: • Task 1 fee • Task 2 fee • Task 3 and 4 Fee $6,296.00 $3,304.00 $1,600.00 *The following are pass-through expenses and cost may vary, WSB does not mark up these expenses. • Title Commitment fees $1,800.00* • Plat checking fees $400.00* • Mylar fee $600.00* *Title commitments for each parcel will be necessary to complete the platting. Client to provide or WSB can order as an additional pass-through expense. These are typically ± $600.00 per commitment. If there are any significant unforeseen title complexities, we may require additional fee, we would let you know in advance if this were to happen. We can begin field work within 1 week of receiving a signed contract. Title commitments, however, will be necessary to continue with and complete the platting process. We are looking forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at 612-209-9051. If you agree with the terms as outlined above, please sign where indicated below and return. Sincerely, WSB Jeremy Honga, PLS 612-209-9051 NA Title Date EXHIBITA A wsb October 07, 2021 Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Plat Area 2 Proposal for Surveying Services, Preliminary and Final Plat of approximately 33 acre site. The area to be platted, includes Outlot A, Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition and Outlot A, Outlot B and Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 4th Addition, in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. Existing PID#'s are 155194000010, 155223000010, 155223000020 and 155223001010. (Parcels depicted on Exhibit A of page 3) These parcels will be combined into 1 Lot and 2 Outlots by this platting. Dear Angela, On behalf of WSB, I am pleased to respond to your request for proposal for surveying services. It is my understanding that you are looking for a preliminary and final plat of the above described area. Our scope is as follows: Task 1- Preliminary Plat • Review title information and compute property boundary. • Field crew to perform topography, existing conditions and boundary field work. • Review and verify property boundary with field information. • Coordination with design engineer. • Create a Preliminary Plat which will include the boundary, existing conditions, and proposed information. • Submit plat to City for review and approval. • Make final revisions per any comments. Task 2 - Final Plat • Preliminary Plat to Final Plat. • Create drawing suitable for City and County review. • Submit Plat and Title Commitment to county for review. • Make any necessary County revisions. • Make Mylars of Final Plat for recording. • Field crew to set monuments at each corner per statutes. WSB will prepare this survey for the following lump sum fee: • Task 1 fee • Task 2 fee $12,128.00 $6,012.00 *The following are pass-through expenses and cost may vary, WSB does not mark up these expenses. • Title Commitment fees $2,400.00* • Plat checking fees $420.00* • Mylar fee $1,000.00* *Title commitments for each parcel will be necessary to complete the platting. Client to provide or WSB can order as an additional pass-through expense. These are typically ± $600.00 per commitment. If there are any significant unforeseen title complexities, we may require additional fee, we would let you know in advance if this were to happen. We can begin field work within 1 week of receiving a signed contract. Title commitments, however, will be necessary to continue with and complete the platting process. We are looking forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at 612-209-9051. If you agree with the terms as outlined above, please sign where indicated below and return. Sincerely, WSB Jeremy Honga, PLS 612-209-9051 By Title Date EXHIBITA A wsb October 07, 2021 Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Plat Area 3 Proposal for Surveying Services, Preliminary and Final Plat of approximately 61 acre site. The area to be platted, includes Outlot A, 90th Street 3rd Addition and part of Outlot E, Otter Creek Crossing, and Outlot F, Otter Creek Crossing, in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. Existing PID#'s are 155185000010, 155171000050, and 155171000060. (Parcels depicted on Exhibit A of page 3) These parcels will be combined into 2 Lots and 1 Outlot by this platting. Dear Angela, On behalf of WSB, I am pleased to respond to your request for proposal for surveying services. It is my understanding that you are looking for a preliminary and final plat of the above described area. Our scope is as follows: Task 1- Preliminary Plat • Review title information and compute property boundary. • Field crew to perform topography, existing conditions and boundary field work. • Review and verify property boundary with field information. • Coordination with design engineer. • Create a Preliminary Plat which will include the boundary, existing conditions, and proposed information. • Submit plat to City for review and approval. • Make final revisions per any comments. Task 2 - Final Plat • Preliminary Plat to Final Plat. • Create drawing suitable for City and County review. • Submit Plat and Title Commitment to county for review. • Make any necessary County revisions. • Make Mylars of Final Plat for recording. • Field crew to set monuments at each corner per statutes. WSB will prepare this survey for the following lump sum fee: • Task 1 fee • Task 2 fee $15,328.00 $6,812.00 *The following are pass-through expenses and cost may vary, WSB does not mark up these expenses. • Title Commitment fees $1,800.00* • Plat checking fees $420.00* • Mylar fee $1,000.00* *Title commitments for each parcel will be necessary to complete the platting. Client to provide or WSB can order as an additional pass-through expense. These are typically ± $600.00 per commitment. If there are any significant unforeseen title complexities, we may require additional fee, we would let you know in advance if this were to happen. We can begin field work within 1 week of receiving a signed contract. Title commitments, however, will be necessary to continue with and complete the platting process. We are looking forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at 612-209-9051. If you agree with the terms as outlined above, please sign where indicated below and return. Sincerely, WSB Jeremy Honga, PLS 612-209-9051 By Title Date EXHIBITA City Council Agenda: 10/11/21 2K. Consideration of authorizing staff to solicit proposals for engineering services for the School Boulevard Safety Improvements project. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item City Engineer/Public Works Director 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director, City Administrator Finance Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to authorize staff to solicit proposals for engineering services for the School Boulevard Safety Improvements project. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION December 30, 2020: City Council authorized the submission of the FY 2025 Transportation Alternatives grant for the completion of School Boulevard Safety improvements. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In 2020, the City and Monticello School District received a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grant from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) to complete an engineering study for safety improvements that could be made to the 120 -acre school complex along School Boulevard that includes the Monticello High School, Little Mountain Elementary, and Eastview Elementary. This study identified several improvements that could be made. Following the completion of the engineering study, the City and Monticello School District applied for an SRTS infrastructure grant. In April 2021, the City was notified that the grant application was awarded $330,051 from MNDOT to complete the project. The total project is estimated at $750,000. The items included in the project: • New pedestrian crossing at Meadow Oak Avenue and Fenning Avenue. • Extension of the sidewalk in front of Eastview Education Center connecting south to School Boulevard. • Enhanced pedestrian crossing with center refuge island on School Boulevard at Pelican Lane. • Removal of pedestrian crossing on School Boulevard at Eider Lane. City Council Agenda: 10/11/21 • Enhanced pedestrian crossing with center refuge island on School Boulevard between Eider Lane and Fallon Avenue. • Improvements to the School Boulevard High School entrance to include right -turn channelization for vehicles exiting the parking lot and a refuge island for pedestrians. • Install radar feedback speed signs on School Boulevard. • Extend trail on the south side of School Boulevard between Cardinal Hills Park and Fenning Avenue. A request for proposals would be advertised on the city website as well as the League of MN Cities website. Submissions will be evaluated by using the following criteria: 1. Consulting firm and key project staff experience with similar projects. (25%) 2. Proposed approach to completing the project. (25%) 3. Proven track record in successfully completing similar projects utilizing federal funds. (25%) 4. Proposed consultant cost. (25%) The anticipated project schedule includes a bid date in February of 2021 with construction being complete prior to school starting in the fall of 2022. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION I. Budget Impact: The project budget is $750,000 which includes engineering and construction. Funding would be split between the Capital Projects Fund and the Park and Pathway Fund in 2022. The grant proceeds in the amount of $330,051 will be available from MNDOT in 2025. The Monticello School District has also committed $55,000 for this project. When these contributions are received, they will be used to replenish the Capital Projects Fund. II. Staff Workload Impact: City engineering and community development staff will be involved in the development of this project. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends proceeding with issuing an RFP for completing School Boulevard Safety Improvements. SUPPORTING DATA • Project Map and Figures z , ._ > cu Q Ocz cu o o O N U O d .N t C - C N o s f- d CL 2- a O N O • r 0 x m z U W rnO I � �1 8l HVSO �J • 84G 0) '� f o �� • , ESS! ro�aci (� a wwc> m 0 r •� ` 1 Q _0) ca U _ U W '' � �. • r ^' x w 3 0 = 1j• N .y '0 o {• i .. > W LU J 0 I . c x lir 00 U� O m _ O � � 1 M0 0 _ � U U > U) �� I N O U �jO_1 C O- U)i� S W cz �I • n O Id ;. O L Ma) �� O s �. JF w c .T. W .4 o Ntt, -� ro _2 U_ • •� • J w i a) 0 _4 n w anuany uollL=l �~ t q Q T E 4 > aa) d E E E > a N T 1Z � c E m E oo m > U �5 2 L 7 Y d =1 LL ca 3 a o _T ca N U c� N CL 1 1' c DRAFT KEY PROJECT ITEMS Trail Connection Eight foot wide trail connection from the existing trail to the proposed crosswalk on the north approach of the roundabout. Allows a connection from the crosswalk to the existing multi use path and to the Eastview Education Center. Curb Ramp ADA -compliant curb ramps increase accessibility throughout the internal sidewalk network. $15,000 - $20,000 Crosswalk Markings Directs people where to cross the parking lot and alerts drivers. Crosswalk is at least 6 -feet wide. Sidewalk Internal sidewalk where parent pick-up and drop-off is expanded to eight -feet wide and extended to School Boulevard to allow for a longer pick-up/drop-off area and provide a connection from the south. Longer pick-up/drop-off area will help minimize queues into $40,000- $50,000 the roundabout at Fenning Avenue and Meadow Oak Avenue. MONTICELLO SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL ENGINEERING STUDY 65 DRAFT 0 PEDESTRIAN & BIKE CRASHES 0 and 0 KEY PROJECT ITEMS cc TRAFFIC VOLUMES P� School Boulevard - 6,800 PEDESTRIAN & BIKE VOLUMES TRAFFIC SPEED 40-60 pedestrians (D School Boulevard (East) - Posted 40 MPH, 15-25 bicyclists School Zone 30 MPH Infrastructure Improvement Description and Benefit Average Pavement Markings and Install to clearly delineate the crossing path of pedestrians. Detectable Warnings $60,000 Pedestrian Island Creates a two-stage crossing while reducing the crossing distance and exposure of people Refuee (median) crossing to vehicles. Estimated Crash Modification Factor of 69 to 74 percent. Rectangular Rapid Important at high-volume locations to enhance the safety and comfort to cross which could Flashing Beacon eliminate a potential barrier to walking or bicycling. Yield compliance of 70 to 95 percent. $25,000 (RRFB) Estimated Crash Modification Factor of 53 percent. MONTICELLO SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL ENGINEERING STUDY 69 I.7:0_1aI KEY PROJECT ITEMS • PEDESTRIAN & BIKE CRASHES 0 and 0 PEDESTRIAN & BIKE VOLUMES 10-20 pedestrians 5-10 bicyclists cc TRAFFIC VOLUMES P� School Boulevard - 6,800 TRAFFIC SPEED School Boulevard (East) - Posted 40 MPH, School Zone 30 MPH Pavement Markings and Install to clearly delineate the crossing path of pedestrians. Detectable Warnings $50,000 Pedestrian Island Creates a two-stage crossing while reducing the crossing distance and exposure of people Refuge (median) crossing to vehicles. Estimated Crash Modification Factor of 69 to 74 percent. Rectangular Rapid Important at high-volume locations to enhance the safety and comfort to cross which could Flashing Beacon eliminate a potential barrier to walking or bicycling. Yield compliance of 70 to 95 percent. $25,000 (RRFB) Estimated Crash Modification Factor of 53 percent. MONTICELLO SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL ENGINEERING STUDY 68 •1:y_1aI KEY PROJECT ITEMS PEDESTRIAN & BIKE CRASHES TRAFFIC VOLUMES 1 minor injury crash P � School Boulevard - 6,800 PEDESTRIAN & BIKE VOLUMES TRAFFIC SPEED 50-80 pedestrians, 20-40 bicyclists (D School Boulevard (East) - Posted 40 MPH, School Zone - 30 MPH Infrastructure Improvement Description and Benefits Avg. Co -- LED Flashing Replace the existing school zonespeed limit signs currently installed along School Boulevard with School Speed Zone LED flashing signs. The sign wouldflashyellow and white LED lights surrounding the sign during $5,000 Signs school arrival and departure periods. The sign can be programmed for specific time of day, day of week, and month of year functionality to ensure it only flashes when necessary. MONTICELLO SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL ENGINEERING STUDY DRAFT --: PEDESTRIAN & BIKE CRASHES • 1 minor injury crash PEDESTRIAN & BIKE VOLUMES 10-20 pedestrians 5-10 bicyclists KEY PROJECT ITEMS cc� TRAFFIC VOLUMES PP�i School Boulevard - 6,800 TRAFFIC SPEED School Boulevard (East) - Posted 40 MPH, School Zone 30 MPH Right -Turn Reconstruct and extend the existing median into a right -turn channelized island to force Channelization Median motorists to turn southbound right out of the driveway. This will prevent motorists from turning left and encourage a better internal circulation. Curb Ramp ADA -compliant curb ramps increase accessibility across the north approach of the School $65,000 Boulevard and West High School Lot intersection. Crosswalk Markings Directs people where to cross and alerts drivers. Crosswalk is at least 6 -feet wide. MONTICELLO SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL ENGINEERING STUDY 64 City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2L. Consideration of approving a letter of support of Wright County's Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant application administered by MNDOT. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Public Works Director/City Engineer 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve a letter of support signed by the mayor for Wright County's Highway Safety Improvement Program grant application. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) has a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) that provides federal funding encouraging widespread deployment of safety measures. The current grant solicitation has $13 million available statewide with a maximum award of $500,000 per agency. Projects are selected based on the following criteria: • Is the project identified in a safety plan focusing on fatal and serious crashes? • Is the project a low-cost solution? • Does the project cover a large area? • Does the project promote partnership between agencies? • Does the project align with the HSIP program goals? Wright County is proposing to request $436,950 in federal funding to upgrade nine signalized intersections that are within the cities of Monticello, Albertville, St. Michael, and Otsego. These intersections would be upgraded with some of the following upgrades varying by intersection: • Confirmation lights to allow for the police departments to enforce red light compliance. • Update signal heads with retro -reflective backplates. • Update Signals to meet ADA requirements. • Update pedestrian signals to include countdown timers. The intersections that would be included in this application for Monticello are as follows: • Broadway/Fenning • Broadway/Hart Boulevard — Hospital • Broadway/Highland Way City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 I. Budget Impact: The matching funds for the project would be 100% funded by Wright County. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload would be minimal. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: Providing for a safe community is incorporated inn the Monticello 2040 Vision Statement, as a principal Value Statement in the vision. Further, the Monticello's 2040 Plan's Implementation chapter cites continued cooperation with local partners like Wright County on road improvements which furthers the mutual goals of the City and County (page 186). STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approving a letter in support signed by the mayor for Wright County's HSIP grant application. SUPPORTING DATA A. Draft Grant Application B. Letter of Support DEPARTMENT OF IL TRANSPORTATION Due Nov. 24, 2021 Greater Minnesota, Local HSIP Solicitation Application for Federal Safety Funds 1. Contact Information Details 2. Funding Details Federal Funds Local Match Total Cost $436,950.00 + $48,550.00 = $485,500 NOTE: maximum of $500,000 in federal funds per agency per project. Preferred Funding Year(s) Flexible Funding Notes None. 3. Project Description 'n'County or Counties Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) 3 Wright Twin Cities Metropolitan Council NOTE: if any portion of the project is located within MPO boundaries, a letter of support / priority from the MPO is needed. Estimated Output Units 0.0 Miles 9 Intersections 0 Curves NOTE: estimate output for one of three metric: number of miles, number of intersections, or number of curves. Application for Local HSIP Page 1 of 3 4. Selection Criteria Describe how project was identified. Projects identified in County Road Safety Plan as high risk and priority location projects, see attached project sheets. Is this project in partnership with another agency? No 5. Crash Data for Reactive Projects ONLY: Jan. 1, 2016 through Dec. 31, 2020 Number of Crashes K B C PDO —Votal All Crash Types 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE: set filters to 2016 through 2020 in MnCMAT if you submit an Intersection Report or Section Report. OPTIONAL: Crashes by Basic Type Pedestrian Bicyclist 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single Vehicle Run -off-road 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single Vehicle Other Sideswipe Same Direction Sideswipe Opposing Direction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rear End 0 0 0 0 0 0 Head On 0 0 0 0 0 0 Left Turn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Angle Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ITIONAL: Description of any unique characteristic None. Reactive projects must have a benefit -cost ratio greater than 1.00; to simplify this analysis, OTE will conduct the calculation. An electronic copy of the analysis output will be available upon request. 6. OPTIONAL: Additional Notes Additional Notes for Selection Committee See attached intersection specific project cost estimate. The urban intersections were identified through the County Road Safety Plan and identify varies safety strategies at each intersection. Each intersection is unique and some of the proposed improvements trigger additional ADA improvements such as compliant landings and ramps as required by Wright County's ADA transition plan. The County Road Safety Plan identified confirmation lights as a safety strategy at four intersections. A collaborative effort between Highway and Law Enforcement staff identified five additional intersections to nominate for confirmation lights to create a consistent corridor for enforcement. 7. Submission Information Submit this application via PDF to SafetVProlect.DOT@state.mn.us by November 24, 2021. Please include the following as necessary: • Map of project location(s) • County Road Safety Plan project sheet(s) • Letters of support a. Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) if within borders b. MnDOT District Traffic Engineer if work performed in MnDOT right-of-way Signal Location City Strategy Confirmation Lights Update Signal Head Hardware (retro -fit backplates) (Yellow Reflective Shield) Update Signal to meet MUTCD requirements (ADA compliant push buttons, landings and curb ramps) Countdown timers CSAH 18-CSAH 39/CSAH 75 Monticello $ 1,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 7,000.00 CSAH 19-CSAH 18 Albertville $ 1,500.00 $ 5,000.00 CSAH 19 -57th St Albertville $ 1,500.00 CSAH 19 -Birch Ave/Frankfort Pkwy St. Michael $ 1,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 7,000.00 CSAH 19-CSAH 37 Albertville $ 1,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 7,000.00 CSAH 19 -Outlet Mall Albertville $ 1,500.00 CSAH 42 -85th St. Otsego $ 1,500.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 7,000.00 CSAH 75 -Hart Blvd (Hospital) Monticello $ 1,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 7,000.00 CSAH 75 -Hart Blvd Monticello $ 1,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 13,500.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 400,000.00 $ 42,000.00 Project Total $485,500.00 County nominated to provide consistancy throught the corridor ADA compliant improvements required due to addition of push buttons Urban (Ped/Bike) Intersection on CSAH 18 at CSAH 39/CSAH 75 Roadway Information Description: 7th St County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Commercial Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 18' Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 10,650 I` Minor ADT: 5,700 Total Entering ADT: 16,350 5 -year Crash History (2011- 2015) Total Right Severe Right Total Severe Angle Angle Crash Frequency: 31 1 8 1 Density (per int. per yr): 6.2 0.2 1.6 0.2 Rate (per MVM): 1.0 3.4 0.3 3.4 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Value Threshold Star Assignment Traffic Control Device: Signal Signal Entering ADT(vpd): 16,350 >_ 12,000 Adjacent Development: Present Present Max Number Of Lanes Crossed: 6 >_ 4 Presence of Sidewalk: Some Some, None Presence of Refuge Island: None Presence of Transit Stop: None Pedestrian Crossing Type: Markings Markings Total Stars ****** Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost HAWK: Proactive $150,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Median Refuge Island: Proactive $12,000 Each 0 $0 Curb Extension: Proactive $10,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Countdown Timers: Proactive $7,000 Each 1 $7,000 Leading Ped Interval: Proactive $25,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RRFB w/ Refuge Island: Proactive $20,000 Each 0 $0 RRFB: Proactive $15,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Head Hardware: Proactive $5,000 Each 1 $5,000 Update Signal to Meet Proactive $100,000 Each 0 $0 MUTCD Recommendation: Mini Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $2,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: $12,000 Systemic Project ✓ Notes - Project Page #: 5 Intersection ID: 18.001 CRSP 2 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Vehicle) Intersection on CSAH 18 at CSAH 39/CSAH 75 Roadway Information Description: 7th St County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Commercial Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 18 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 10,650 Minor ADT: 5,700 Total Entering ADT: 16,350 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Total Crash Frequency: 31 Density (per int. per yr): 6.2 Rate (per MVM): 1.0 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Severe 1 0.2 3.4 Threshold Commercial Signal >_ 12,000 X Curb, Depressed, Barrier, Mixed >_ 10 Present >40 >_35 Permitted, Permitted/Protected >_ 2 Left Turn, >_ 2 Thru Lane Total Right Severe Right Angle Angle 8 1 1.6 0.2 0.3 3.4 Star Assignment Total Stars ******** Value Context Zone: Commercial Traffic Control Device: Signal Entering ADT(vpd): 16,350 Leg Configuration: X Major Division Type: Curb Alignment Skew (degrees): 0 Adjacent Development: Present Major Approach Speed Limit (mph): 45 Minor Approach Speed Limit (mph: 35 Major Approach Left $1,250,000 Turn Lane Phasing: Protected 1 st Major Approach RCI: Turn Lane Configuration: LLTTR Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Severe 1 0.2 3.4 Threshold Commercial Signal >_ 12,000 X Curb, Depressed, Barrier, Mixed >_ 10 Present >40 >_35 Permitted, Permitted/Protected >_ 2 Left Turn, >_ 2 Thru Lane Total Right Severe Right Angle Angle 8 1 1.6 0.2 0.3 3.4 Star Assignment Total Stars ******** Votes - Project Page #: 3 Intersection ID: 18.001 CRSP 2 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Confirmation Lights: Proactive $1,500 Per Intersection 1 $1,500 Signalized RCI: Proactive $1,250,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RCI: Proactive $1,000,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Hardware: Proactive $50,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Intersection Lighting: Proactive $15,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $3,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: $1,500 Systemic Project ✓ Votes - Project Page #: 3 Intersection ID: 18.001 CRSP 2 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Ped/Bike) Intersection on CSAH 18 at La Beaux Ave NE Roadway Information Description: La Beaux Ave NE County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Residential Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 18 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: None Major ADT: 14,800 Minor ADT: 6,950 Total Entering ADT: 21,750 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Tota I Crash Frequency: 27 Density (per int. per yr): 5.4 Rate (per MVM): 0.7 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Traffic Control Device: Entering ADT(vpd): Adjacent Development: Max Number Of Lanes Crossed: Presence of Sidewalk: Presence of Refuge Island: Presence of Transit Stop Pedestrian Crossing Type: Severe Total Right Severe Right 0 5 0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 Value Threshold Star Assignment Signal Signal Total Cost 21,750 >_ 12,000 $150,000 None Present $0 6 >_4 $12,000 Some Some, None $0 None Proactive $10,000 None 0 $0 Markings Markings $7,000 Each Total Stars ***** Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 9 Intersection ID: 18.022 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost HAWK: Proactive $150,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Median Refuge Island: Proactive $12,000 Each 0 $0 Curb Extension: Proactive $10,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Countdown Timers: Proactive $7,000 Each 0 $0 Leading Ped Interval: Proactive $25,000 Per Intersection 1 $25,000 RRFB w/ Refuge Island: Proactive $20,000 Each 0 $0 RRFB: Proactive $15,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Head Hardware: Proactive $5,000 Each 1 $5,000 Update Signal to Meet Proactive $100,000 Each 0 $0 MUTCD Recommendation: Mini Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $2,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: $30,000 Systemic Project ✓ Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 9 Intersection ID: 18.022 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Vehicle) Intersection on CSAH 18 at La Beaux Ave NE Roadway Information Description: La Beaux Ave NE County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Residential Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 18 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: None Major ADT: 14,800 Minor ADT: 6,950 Total Entering ADT: 21,750 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Total Severe Total Right Severe Right Angle Angle Crash Frequency: 27 0 5 0 Density (per int. per yr): 5.4 0.0 1.0 0.0 Rate (per MVM): 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.0 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Value Threshold Star Assignment Context Zone: Residential Commercial Traffic Control Device: Signal Signal Entering ADT(vpd): 21,750 >_ 12,000 Leg Configuration: X X Major Division Type: Curb Curb, Depressed, Barrier, Mixed Alignment Skew (degrees): 0 >_ 10 Adjacent Development: None Present Major Approach Speed Limit (mph): 55 >40 Minor Approach Speed Limit (mph: 45 >_35 Major Approach Left Permitted/ Permitted, Turn Lane Phasing: Protected Permitted/Protected 1 st Major Approach ? 2 Left Turn, LTTR Turn Lane Configuration: >_ 2 Thru Lane Total Stars ******* Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Confirmation Lights: Proactive $1,500 Per Intersection 1 $1,500 Signalized RCI: Proactive $1,250,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RCI: Proactive $1,000,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Hardware: Proactive $50,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Intersection Lighting: Proactive $15,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $3,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: $1,500 Systemic Project ✓ Votes - Project Page #: 7 Intersection ID: 18.022 CRSP 2 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Ped/Bike) Intersection on CSAH 19 at 57th St NE Roadway Information Description: 57th St NE County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Residential Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 19 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 11,950 Minor ADT: 5,125 Total Entering ADT: 17,075 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Tota I Crash Frequency: 23 Density (per int. per yr): 4.6 Rate (per MVM): 0.7 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Traffic Control Device: Entering ADT(vpd): Adjacent Development: Max Number Of Lanes Crossed: Presence of Sidewalk: Presence of Refuge Island: Presence of Transit Stop Pedestrian Crossing Type: Severe Total Right Severe Right 1 7 0 0.2 1.4 0.0 3.2 0.2 0.0 Value Threshold Star Assignment Signal Signal Total Cost 17,075 >_ 12,000 $150,000 Present Present $0 6 >_4 $12,000 Some Some, None $0 None Proactive $10,000 None 0 $0 Markings Markings $7,000 Each Total Stars ****** Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 3 Intersection ID: 19.030 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost HAWK: Proactive $150,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Median Refuge Island: Proactive $12,000 Each 0 $0 Curb Extension: Proactive $10,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Countdown Timers: Proactive $7,000 Each 1 $7,000 Leading Ped Interval: Proactive $25,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RRFB w/ Refuge Island: Proactive $20,000 Each 0 $0 RRFB: Proactive $15,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Head Hardware: Proactive $5,000 Each 0 $0 Update Signal to Meet Proactive $100,000 Each 1 $100,000 MUTCD Recommendation: Mini Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $2,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: 07,000 Systemic Project ✓ Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 3 Intersection ID: 19.030 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Vehicle) Intersection on CSAH 19 at 57th St NE Roadway Information Description: 57th St NE County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Residential Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 19 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 11,950 Minor ADT: 5,125 Total Entering ADT: 17,075 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Total Crash Frequency: 23 Density (per int. per yr): 4.6 Rate (per MVM): 0.7 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Severe 1 0.2 3.2 Threshold Commercial Signal >_ 12,000 X Curb, Depressed, Barrier, Mixed >_ 10 Present >40 >_35 Permitted, Permitted/Protected >_ 2 Left Turn, >_ 2 Thru Lane Total Right Severe Right Angle Angle 7 0 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 Star Assignment Total Stars ******* Value Context Zone: Residential Traffic Control Device: Signal Entering ADT(vpd): 17,075 Leg Configuration: X Major Division Type: Curb Alignment Skew (degrees): 0 Adjacent Development: Present Major Approach Speed Limit (mph): 30 Minor Approach Speed Limit (mph: 30 Major Approach Left Permitted/ Turn Lane Phasing: Protected 1 st Major Approach Proactive Turn Lane Configuration: LTTR Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Severe 1 0.2 3.2 Threshold Commercial Signal >_ 12,000 X Curb, Depressed, Barrier, Mixed >_ 10 Present >40 >_35 Permitted, Permitted/Protected >_ 2 Left Turn, >_ 2 Thru Lane Total Right Severe Right Angle Angle 7 0 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 Star Assignment Total Stars ******* Votes - Project Page #: 10 Intersection ID: 19.030 CRSP 2 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Confirmation Lights: Proactive $1,500 Per Intersection 1 $1,500 Signalized RCI: Proactive $1,250,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RCI: Proactive $1,000,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Hardware: Proactive $50,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Intersection Lighting: Proactive $15,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $3,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: $1,500 Systemic Project ✓ Votes - Project Page #: 10 Intersection ID: 19.030 CRSP 2 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Ped/Bike) Intersection on CSAH 19 at Birch Ave Roadway Information Description: Birch Ave County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Residential Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 19 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 11,600 Minor ADT: 2,425 Total Entering ADT: 14,025 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Tota I Crash Frequency: 10 Density (per int. per yr): 2.0 Rate (per MVM): 0.4 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Traffic Control Device: Entering ADT(vpd): Adjacent Development: Max Number Of Lanes Crossed: Presence of Sidewalk: Presence of Refuge Island: Presence of Transit Stop Pedestrian Crossing Type: Severe Total Right Severe Right 0 1 0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Value Threshold Star Assignment Signal Signal Total Cost 14,025 >_ 12,000 $150,000 None Present $0 6 >_4 $12,000 Some Some, None $0 None Proactive $10,000 None 0 $0 Markings Markings $7,000 Each Total Stars ***** Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 18 Intersection ID: 19.024 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost HAWK: Proactive $150,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Median Refuge Island: Proactive $12,000 Each 0 $0 Curb Extension: Proactive $10,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Countdown Timers: Proactive $7,000 Each 1 $7,000 Leading Ped Interval: Proactive $25,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RRFB w/ Refuge Island: Proactive $20,000 Each 0 $0 RRFB: Proactive $15,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Head Hardware: Proactive $5,000 Each 1 $5,000 Update Signal to Meet Proactive $100,000 Each 0 $0 MUTCD Recommendation: Mini Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $2,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: $12,000 Systemic Project ✓ Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 18 Intersection ID: 19.024 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Vehicle) Intersection on CSAH 19 at Birch Ave Roadway Information Description: Birch Ave County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Residential Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 19 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 11,600 Minor ADT: 2,425 Total Entering ADT: 14,025 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Total Crash Frequency: 10 Density (per int. per yr): 2.0 Rate (per MVM): 0.4 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Severe Total Right Severe Right 0 0.0 0.0 Threshold Commercial Signal >_ 12,000 X Curb, Depressed, Barrier, Mixed >_ 10 Present >40 >_35 Permitted, Permitted/Protected >_ 2 Left Turn, >_ 2 Thru Lane 1 0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Star Assignment Total Stars ****** Value Context Zone: Residential Traffic Control Device: Signal Entering ADT(vpd): 14,025 Leg Configuration: X Major Division Type: Curb Alignment Skew (degrees): 0 Adjacent Development: None Major Approach Speed Limit (mph): 30 Minor Approach Speed Limit (mph: 30 Major Approach Left Permitted/ Turn Lane Phasing: Protected 1 st Major Approach Proactive Turn Lane Configuration: LTTR Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Severe Total Right Severe Right 0 0.0 0.0 Threshold Commercial Signal >_ 12,000 X Curb, Depressed, Barrier, Mixed >_ 10 Present >40 >_35 Permitted, Permitted/Protected >_ 2 Left Turn, >_ 2 Thru Lane 1 0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Star Assignment Total Stars ****** Votes - :RSP 2 Project Page #: 22 Intersection ID: 19.024 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Confirmation Lights: Proactive $1,500 Per Intersection 1 $1,500 Signalized RCI: Proactive $1,250,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RCI: Proactive $1,000,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Hardware: Proactive $50,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Intersection Lighting: Proactive $15,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $3,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: $1,500 Systemic Project ✓ Votes - :RSP 2 Project Page #: 22 Intersection ID: 19.024 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Ped/Bike) Intersection on CSAH 19 at CSAH 37 Roadway Information Description: CSAH 37 County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Commercial Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 19 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 17,700 Minor ADT: 8,850 Total Entering ADT: 26,550 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Tota I Crash Frequency: 36 Density (per int. per yr): 7.2 Rate (per MVM): 0.7 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Traffic Control Device: Entering ADT(vpd): Adjacent Development: Max Number Of Lanes Crossed: Presence of Sidewalk: Presence of Refuge Island: Presence of Transit Stop Pedestrian Crossing Type: Severe Total Right Severe Right 0 7 0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 Value Threshold Star Assignment Signal Signal Total Cost 26,550 >_ 12,000 $150,000 Present Present $0 6 >_4 $12,000 Some Some, None $0 None Proactive $10,000 None 0 $0 Markings Markings $7,000 Each Total Stars ****** Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 7 Intersection ID: 19.032 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost HAWK: Proactive $150,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Median Refuge Island: Proactive $12,000 Each 0 $0 Curb Extension: Proactive $10,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Countdown Timers: Proactive $7,000 Each 1 $7,000 Leading Ped Interval: Proactive $25,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RRFB w/ Refuge Island: Proactive $20,000 Each 0 $0 RRFB: Proactive $15,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Head Hardware: Proactive $5,000 Each 0 $0 Update Signal to Meet Proactive $100,000 Each 1 $100,000 MUTCD Recommendation: Mini Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $2,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: 07,000 Systemic Project ✓ Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 7 Intersection ID: 19.032 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Vehicle) Intersection on CSAH 19 at CSAH 37 Roadway Information Description: CSAH 37 County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Commercial Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 19 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 17,700 Minor ADT: 8,850 Total Entering ADT: 26,550 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Total Crash Frequency: 36 Density (per int. per yr): 7.2 Rate (per MVM): 0.7 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Severe 0 0.0 0.0 Threshold Commercial Signal >_ 12,000 X Curb, Depressed, Barrier, Mixed >_ 10 Present >40 >_35 Permitted, Permitted/Protected >_ 2 Left Turn, >_ 2 Thru Lane Total Right Severe Right Angle Angle 7 0 1.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 Star Assignment Total Stars ******** Value Context Zone: Commercial Traffic Control Device: Signal Entering ADT(vpd): 26,550 Leg Configuration: X Major Division Type: Curb Alignment Skew (degrees): 0 Adjacent Development: Present Major Approach Speed Limit (mph): 30 Minor Approach Speed Limit (mph: 30 Major Approach Left Permitted/ Turn Lane Phasing: Protected 1 st Major Approach RCI: Turn Lane Configuration: LTTR Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Severe 0 0.0 0.0 Threshold Commercial Signal >_ 12,000 X Curb, Depressed, Barrier, Mixed >_ 10 Present >40 >_35 Permitted, Permitted/Protected >_ 2 Left Turn, >_ 2 Thru Lane Total Right Severe Right Angle Angle 7 0 1.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 Star Assignment Total Stars ******** Votes - Project Page #: 6 Intersection ID: 19.032 CRSP 2 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Confirmation Lights: Proactive $1,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Signalized RCI: Proactive $1,250,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RCI: Proactive $1,000,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Hardware: Proactive $5,000 Per Intersection 1 $5,000 Intersection Lighting: Proactive $15,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $3,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: $5,000 Systemic Project ✓ Votes - Project Page #: 6 Intersection ID: 19.032 CRSP 2 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Ped/Bike) Intersection on CSAH 42 at 85th St NE Roadway Information Description: 85th St NE County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Residential Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 42 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 7,900 Minor ADT: 1,865 Total Entering ADT: 9,765 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Tota I Crash Frequency: 3 Density (per int. per yr): 0.6 Rate (per MVM): 0.2 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Traffic Control Device: Entering ADT(vpd): Adjacent Development: Max Number Of Lanes Crossed: Presence of Sidewalk: Presence of Refuge Island: Presence of Transit Stop Pedestrian Crossing Type: Severe Total Right Severe Right 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Value Threshold Star Assignment Signal Signal Total Cost 9,765 >_ 12,000 $150,000 None Present $0 7 >_4 $12,000 Some Some, None $0 None Proactive $10,000 None 0 $0 Markings Markings $7,000 Each Total Stars **** Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 33 Intersection ID: 42.006 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost HAWK: Proactive $150,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Median Refuge Island: Proactive $12,000 Each 0 $0 Curb Extension: Proactive $10,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Countdown Timers: Proactive $7,000 Each 1 $7,000 Leading Ped Interval: Proactive $25,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RRFB w/ Refuge Island: Proactive $20,000 Each 0 $0 RRFB: Proactive $15,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Head Hardware: Proactive $5,000 Each 0 $0 Update Signal to Meet Proactive $100,000 Each 1 $100,000 MUTCD Recommendation: Mini Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $2,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: 07,000 Systemic Project ✓ Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 33 Intersection ID: 42.006 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Ped/Bike) Intersection on CSAH 75 at Hospital Roadway Information Description: Hart Blvd County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Campus Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 75 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 9,300 Minor ADT: 592 Total Entering ADT: 9,892 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Tota I Crash Frequency: 0 Density (per int. per yr): 0.0 Rate (per MVM): 0.0 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Traffic Control Device: Entering ADT(vpd): Adjacent Development: Max Number Of Lanes Crossed: Presence of Sidewalk: Presence of Refuge Island: Presence of Transit Stop Pedestrian Crossing Type: Severe Total Right Severe Right 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Value Threshold Star Assignment Signal Signal Total Cost 9,892 >_ 12,000 $150,000 Present Present $0 6 >_4 $12,000 Some Some, None $0 None Proactive $10,000 None 0 $0 Markings Markings $7,000 Each Total Stars ***** Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 8 Intersection ID: 75.054 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost HAWK: Proactive $150,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Median Refuge Island: Proactive $12,000 Each 0 $0 Curb Extension: Proactive $10,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Countdown Timers: Proactive $7,000 Each 1 $7,000 Leading Ped Interval: Proactive $25,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RRFB w/ Refuge Island: Proactive $20,000 Each 0 $0 RRFB: Proactive $15,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Head Hardware: Proactive $5,000 Each 1 $5,000 Update Signal to Meet Proactive $100,000 Each 0 $0 MUTCD Recommendation: Mini Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $2,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: $12,000 Systemic Project ✓ Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 8 Intersection ID: 75.054 Date: 4/27/2020 Urban (Ped/Bike) Intersection on CSAH 75 at Hart Blvd Roadway Information Description: Hart Blvd County: Wright Area Type: Suburban Context Zone: Commercial Segment Route System: CSAH Segment Route No: 75 Design Type: Traditional Configuration: X Traffic Control Device: Signal Street Lights: Present Flasher: NV Major ADT: 9,300 Minor ADT: 592 Total Entering ADT: 9,892 Crash Data 5 -year Crash History (2011 - 2015) Tota I Crash Frequency: 1 Density (per int. per yr): 0.2 Rate (per MVM): 0.1 Systemic Safety Risk Factors Traffic Control Device: Entering ADT(vpd): Adjacent Development: Max Number Of Lanes Crossed: Presence of Sidewalk: Presence of Refuge Island: Presence of Transit Stop Pedestrian Crossing Type: Severe Total Right Severe Right 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Value Threshold Star Assignment Signal Signal Total Cost 9,892 >_ 12,000 $150,000 None Present $0 6 >_4 $12,000 Some Some, None $0 None Proactive $10,000 None 0 $0 Markings Markings $7,000 Each Total Stars **** Priority Location ✓ List of Strategies Considered Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 20 Intersection ID: 75.056 Date: 4/27/2020 Type Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost HAWK: Proactive $150,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Median Refuge Island: Proactive $12,000 Each 0 $0 Curb Extension: Proactive $10,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Countdown Timers: Proactive $7,000 Each 1 $7,000 Leading Ped Interval: Proactive $25,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 RRFB w/ Refuge Island: Proactive $20,000 Each 0 $0 RRFB: Proactive $15,000 Per Intersection 0 $0 Upgrade Signal Head Hardware: Proactive $5,000 Each 1 $5,000 Update Signal to Meet Proactive $100,000 Each 0 $0 MUTCD Recommendation: Mini Roundabout: Proactive $3,000,000 Each 0 $0 Upgrade Signs & Markings: Proactive $2,500 Per Intersection 0 $0 Total Estimated Project Cost: $12,000 Systemic Project ✓ Notes - CRSP 2 Project Page #: 20 Intersection ID: 75.056 Date: 4/27/2020 cCITY OF !Monticello October 11, 2021 Dear Grant Reviewers. PHONE: 763-295-2711 FAX: 763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 The City of Monticello is pleased to support the Wright County's grant application for the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). This project was identified in the Wright County Road Safety Plan and would help improve the safety on roadways throughout Wright County. This project is proposed to update three intersections within the City of Monticello as well as others within the County. The proposed signal upgrades will improve the safety for both motorists and pedestrians at these busy intersections on the county's roadway network. I encourage you to support Wright County's application for these significant safety improvements for our community. Sincerely, Lloyd Hilgart Mayor www.ci.monticello.mn.us City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2M. Consideration of Authorizing Michels Power, Inc. to install FiberNet Facilities for the Featherstone 5th and Edmonson Ridge Developments in the amount of $170,415.10. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Project Engineer 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: City Engineer/Public Works Director, City Administrator Finance Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to authorize a contract with Michels Power Inc. to install FiberNet Facilities for the Featherstone 5th and Edmonson Ridge Developments in the amount of $170,415.10. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to authorize extending fiber optic services into the 26 -unit Featherstone 5th Addition and the 54 -unit Edmonson Ridge development currently under construction. Conduit was installed within the development in the joint trench as part of the development agreement. This project will include extending fiber from existing neighborhoods to the new development, within the existing conduit. Arvig provided a layout and draft specifications for City staff to use for obtaining sealed bids. The project specifications were posted on QuestCDN and a public notice was in the paper. Staff also notified companies that bid on previous projects; only one bid was received from Michels Power Inc. Budget Impact: $170,415.10 in the Fiber Optics Fund. The conduit previously installed under joint trench was installed at a cost of $32,129.46 for a total project cost of $202,544.56. The engineers estimate for the total cost was $183,530.43. II. Staff Workload Impact: Arvig staff will be responsible for managing and monitoring the installation process. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of a contract with Michels Power Inc. to install Fibernet Facilities to the Featherstone 5th and Edmonson Ridge Developments in the amount of $170,415.10 City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 SUPPORTING DATA • Bid tabulation FIBERNET FACILITY INSTALLATION FOR THE FEATHERSTONE 5th and EDMONSON RIDGE DEVELOPMENTS (#8036553) Owner: Monticello, City of 10/05/202110:00 AM CDT Michels Power, Inc. Item Item Description UofM Quantity Unit Price Extension Featherstone 5th 1 PULL CABLE & TRACER WIRE THROUGH EXISTING DUCT Ln Ft 3410 $0.19 $647.90 2 FURNISH AND INSTALL 24 STRAND FIBER BFO24 Ln Ft 2110 $2.90 $6,119.00 3 FURNISH AND INSTALL 48 STRAND FIBER BFO48 Ln Ft 400 $2.90 $1,160.00 4 FURNISH AND INSTALL 144 STRAND FIBER BFO144 Ln Ft 900 $2.90 $2,610.00 5 FURNISH AND INSTALL SDR11 2" HDPE duct Ln Ft 400 $19.10 $7,640.00 6 Fusion SPLICING EA 148 $56.40 $8,347.20 7 CONNECT INTO EXISTING PEDESTAL/VAULT EA 1 $343.92 $343.92 8 FURNISH AND INSTALL 30X48x30 VAULT with 8' ground rod EA 8 $1,885.76 $15,086.08 9 FURNISH AND INSTALL 22 Tier Split Top Lid EA 8 $305.00 $2,440.00 10 FURNISH AND INSTALL FIBER PEDESTAL with 8' ground rod EA 5 $171.96 $859.80 11 FURNISH AND INSTALL Flower Pots EA 13 $354.96 $4,614.48 12 FURNISH AND INSTALL C -Case EA 5 $450.00 $2,250.00 13 FURNISH AND INSTALL Fiber Tray EA 5 $54.60 $273.00 14 FURNISH AND INSTALL Splice protector EA 148 $0.79 $116.92 15 FURNISH AND INSTALL Fiber Optic Marker EA 8 $159.18 $1,273.44 16 FURNISH AND INSTALLTracer Wire Ln Ft 3410 $0.31 $1,057.10 17 FURNISH AND INSTALL MULTIPORTTERMINAL8PORT EA 1 $342.70 $342.70 18 FURNISH AND INSTALL MULTIPORT TERMINAL 6 PORT EA 2 $342.70 $685.40 19 FURNISH AND INSTALL MULTIPORT TERMINALL 4 PORT EA 2 $342.70 $685.40 20 RESTORATION LS 1 $3,783.11 $3,783.11 Subtotal $60,335.45 Edmonson Ridge 1.1 PULL CABLE & TRACER WIRE THROUGH EXISTING DUCT Ln Ft 11528 $0.19 $2,190.32 2.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL 24 STRAND FIBER BFO24 Ln Ft 1700 $2.90 $4,930.00 3.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL 144 STRAND FIBER BFO144 Ln Ft 4828 $2.90 $14,001.20 4.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL SDR111.25" HDPE DUCT(2) BM60(1X2X1.25) Ln Ft 1072 $18.86 $20,217.92 5.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL SDR111.25" HDPE DUCT(1) BM60(1X1X1.25) Ln Ft 356 $18.03 $6,418.68 6.1 Fusion SPLICING EA 184 $56.40 $10,377.60 7.1 CONNECT INTO EXISTING PEDESTAL/VAULT EA 1 $343.92 $343.92 8.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL 30X48x30 VAULT with 8' ground rod EA 12 $1,885.76 $22,629.12 9.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL 22 Tier Split Top Lid EA 12 $305.00 $3,660.00 10.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL FIBER PEDESTALwith 8' ground rod EA 8 $171.96 $1,375.68 11.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL Flower Pots EA 27 $268.98 $7,262.46 12.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL C -Case EA 11 $450.00 $4,950.00 13.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL Fiber Tray EA 11 $54.60 $600.60 14.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL Splice protectors EA 184 $0.79 $145.36 15.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL Fiber Optic Marker EA 12 $159.18 $1,910.16 16.1 FURNISH AND INSTALLTracer Wire Ln Ft 11528 $0.31 $3,573.68 17.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL MULTIPORT TERMINAL 8 PORT EA 6 $342.70 $2,056.20 18.1 FURNISH AND INSTALL MULTIPORT TERMINALL 4 PORT EA 2 $342.70 $685.40 19.1 RESTORATION LS 1 $2,751.35 $2,751.35 Subtotal $110,079.65 Base Bid Total: $170,415.10 City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2N. Consideration of approving a Policy for Sewer Availability Charges for reclaim car wash systems. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item City Engineer/Public Works Director 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Project Engineer, Community City Administrator Development Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve a policy for sewer availability charges for reclaim car wash systems. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Code section 50.01 states that for commercial facilities, including car washes, the City utilizes the most recent version of the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) criteria for determining the number of SAC units. MCES has a set of specific SAC calculations for car wash systems that use reclaimed water; the calculation reflects the different impact on the sewer system when a reclaim system is used. To clearly detail the calculation criteria to prospective operators and to establish best management practices for these systems, staff requests that the City Council adopt a policy outlining the requirements. As the City uses the MCES calculation, the policy developed for Council consideration uses similar criteria. The policy also helps to ensure the safety of our water system and that the reclaim systems remain in operation. Failure to properly charge the SAC fee could inadvertently shift this cost burden to other rate payers. To determine the correct number of SAC units per MCES guidelines for a reclaim car wash system, the applicant must provide the quantities of fresh water required for each different wash and equipment cycles. To ensure that the impact to the City's sewer system is adequately quantified the applicant must also meet the following conditions: • Allow facilities to be inspected to ensure that no cross -connections between the reclaimed water system and the potable water systems exist. • Provide a detailed plan showing reclaim water system and potable water system connections. • Secure required permitting. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 • Allow the reclaim system to be bypassed only for maintenance. If the system is bypassed longer than 14 days, the SAC fees will be re -calculated per MCES calculations for car wash facilities not utilizing reclaimed water systems. City notification of maintenance bypass is required. If it is determined that the reclaim system has been eliminated or bypassed for longer than 14 days, the SAC fee will be recalculated and billed to the property. I. Budget Impact: No budget impact is expected from this policy. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impact will be minimal. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approving a policy for SAC fees for reclaim car wash systems. The proposed policy provides clarity of information on application of city fees to the user and ensures that the city's municipal systems are securely and adequately protected and maintained. SUPPORTING DATA • Sewer Availability Charges for reclaim car wash systems policy. CITY OF City Policy and Mont 1eflo Procedure SECTION: PUBLIC WORKS NO: FIN - REFERENCE: Date: October 11, 2021 Next Review Date: TITLE: Sewer Availability Charge for Reclaim Car Wash Systems 1.0 Purpose This policy sets guidelines for calculating sewer availability charges for reclaim car wash systems and requirements for these systems. 2.0 Policy City Code section 50.01 states that for commercial facilities which include car washes the city utilizes the most recent version of the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) criteria for determining the number of SAC units. For car wash facilities that use reclaimed water the MCES has established SAC calculations for these facilities. As per City Code 50.01 it is the City's policy to utilize this criterion. The application for a plumbing permit to install a car wash reclaim system must include the quantities of fresh water required for each different wash and equipment cycles. Car wash facilities that utilize reclaim systems must also meet the following conditions: • Allow facilities to be inspected on a schedule to be set by the City of Monticello to ensure that no cross -connections between the reclaimed water system and the potable water systems exist. • Provide a detailed plan showing reclaim water system and potable water system connections. • All required permitting for the system shall be obtained. • The reclaim system can only be bypassed for maintenance. If the system is bypassed longer than 14 -days the SAC fees will be re -calculated per MCES calculations for car wash facilities not utilizing re-claimed water systems. The system operator must inform the City of Monticello of start and end dates of bypass for maintenance. 3.0 Scope This policy applies to all properties constructing or reconstructing a reclaim car wash system utilizing the city's water and sewer systems. 4.0 Implementation Process • Staff will review SAC fees and construction plans at the time of building/plumbing permit. Staff will monitor water usage for facilities utilizing a reclaim car wash system for usage changes and inspect systems if changes occur. SAC fees will be recalculated and billed if reclaim system has been bypassed longer than 14 -days. REFERENCE TO RELATED POLICIES HISTORY Approval Date: October 11, 2021 Approved by: City Council Amendment Date: Approved by: Amendment Date: Approved by: City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 20. Consideration to approve an assessment agreement for payment of Sewer Access & Availability Charges for RRG Holdings LLC Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Community Development Director 10/11/21 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Finance Director, Public Works City Administrator Director/City Engineer ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve an assessment agreement for payment of Sewer Access & Availability Charges for RRG Holdings LLC. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND RRG Holdings, LLC has requested that the City Council approve the assessment of sewer access and availability charges associated with the construction of their car wash facility on Lot 1, Block 1 of the Kampschroer Addition. The development charges requested for assessment include only sewer access charges (SAC). Trunk area and water access charges (WAC) are proposed to be paid with the building permit. It has been the past practice of the city to allow the assessment of SAC for commercial and industrial development, while requiring an interest payment for the financing of these costs. The assessment agreement presented for consideration includes the terms and conditions of the proposed assessment. The principal amount of $141,226.39 will be assessed over a ten- year period at an interest rate of 2% over prime, with the addition of a one-time $5.75 set-up and maintenance fee. The term and interest rate are consistent with the city's assessment policy. Included in the agreement is the required language waiving a public hearing and any right to appeal the assessment. The developer has paid all other development escrows as required by the development agreement and has submitted the required securities for landscaping and site grading. Budget Impact: The budget impact of the requested action is minimal. While the development places an immediate impact on the sewer system, which is intended to be offset by the SAC charge, the interest is intended to cover the city's carrying cost. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 II. Staff Workload Impact: Limited to preparation of the staff report and agreement, estimated at 1 hour. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: Continuing to support new and expanding business is consistent with Monticello 2040's goals for economic development. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the assessment agreement. Approval of the agreement is consistent with past policy of the city allowing development charges to be financed by the city for commercial and industrial development projects. SUPPORTING DATA • Sewer Access & Availability Assessment Agreement, Kampschroer Addition SEWER AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT Date: October 11, 2021 The undersigned, owners of the property described below, have previously entered into a Development Contract for a commercial development called the Kampschroer Addition, that Agreement dated August 23rd, 2021, and recorded as #A1485345. Pursuant to that Agreement, the owners of the property described below, as Developers, are obligated to pay certain charges and fees to the City as a condition of the development. The owners now desire, and the City is willing, to finance the payment of some of those charges through use of an assessment against the property. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 444, and in particular Section 444.075, Subd 3, Subd. 3a, and Subd. 3e, hereby petition the City Council of the City of Monticello to certify to the county auditor the Sewer Availability Charges (SAC) due by the owners to the City as a result of improvements to, and change of uses of the building, against the property served as approved in the Agreement specified above, and to have those charges collected as other taxes are collected, with said charge of $141,232.14 to be spread over a period of ten (10) years with equal installments at an interest rate of two (2%) percent over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. The undersigned owners further herby waive on behalf of themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, the right to a public hearing or notice of a public hearing for the levy of these charges, and any right to appeal said assessment as otherwise allowed by Minnesota Statutes or other law. 2123060 SAC Amount to be certified: TOTAL Amount to be certified: Property Owner's Name and Address: Property being Assessed: Property Owner's Signature: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) $141,232.14 $141,232.14 RRG Holdings LLC 682 55th Street NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 Wright County PIN: 155-267-001010 Address: 1301 Cedar Street RRG Holdings LLC Cory Kampschroer, Its Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of _, 2021, by Cory Kampschroer, the Manager of RRG Holdings LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on its behalf. Notary Public 2123060 Examined, checked, and found to be in proper form and to be signed by the required property owners of property affected by the connection to service petitioned for. City Clerk 2123060 EXHIBIT A Legal Description Lot 1, Block 1, Kampschroer Addition 2123060 City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2P. Consideration of approving the purchase of three mowers, including two 2022 Toro 7200 Zero -turn mowers and one 2022 Toro 4110-D mower, from MTI Distributing for a total of $127,391.87 and declaring the 2013 mowers being replaced as surplus Property for sale at public auction. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Parks & Recreation Director 10/11/2021 ❑x Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Finance Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the purchase of three mowers, including two 2022 Toro 7200 zero -turn mowers and one 2022 Toro 4110-D mower, from MTI Distributing for a total of $127,391.87 and declaring the 2013 mowers being replaced as surplus property for sale at public auction. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to accept the state contract quote from MTI Distributing and to authorize the purchase of three new mowers, including two Toro 7200 Zero -turns and one Toro 4110-D, all 2022 models, for the Parks, Arts & Recreation Department. The new mowers will replace two 2013 7210 Toro zero -turns (3,OOOhrs) and one 2013 Toro 4100-D (4,OOOhrs) which are currently part of the parks' maintenance fleet. The purchase of the new mowers will be used for city-wide turf maintenance. Staff is recognizing material shortages throughout the turf industry. Currently, turf vendors are requesting 2022 orders to be placed in the fall of 2021 to be sure orders arrive in 2022. Staff is requesting City Council to approve the purchase of the new equipment in 2021 prior to the final budget approval for 2022. No payments will be made to MTI Distributing until after equipment is in our possession in 2022. I. Budget Impact: $150,000 is included in the preliminary 2022 Central Equipment Fund budget for the purchase of these three mowers. The annual rental payment for this purchase is $22,200 from the parks department in the General Fund. The 2013 replacement mowers will be brought to public auction for resale after the new mowers arrive. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 II. Staff Workload Impact: Improve staff efficiencies. III. Comprehensive Plan Update: N/A. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the purchase of three new 2022 model year mowers, including two Toro 7200 Zero -turn mowers and one Toro 4110-D mower, from MTI Distributing for a total cost of $127,391.87 and to declare the 2013 mowers being replaced as surplus property for sale at public auction. SUPPORTING DATA A. Pictures of current mowers. B. State contract proposal. C. Additional quotes. q inti Tom Pawelk City of Monticello MTI Distributing Equipment Proposal September 28, 2021 Expiration Date: 10/13/2021 MINNESOTA STATE CONTRACT PRICING - CONTRACT #188861 Qty Model Description Unit Price Extended Price Number 2 30495 Groundsmaster 7200 No Deck $16,977.22 $33,954.44 2 30456 60 Inch Side Discharge Deck $3,486.94 $6,973.88 1 30644 Groundsmaster 4110-D (T4) $83,278.31 $83,278.31 1 31526 4WD Flow Divider Kit $982.19 $982.19 1 31693 North American Road Light Kit (MY21 & Newer) $1,553.05 $1,553.05 1 radio RADIO $650.00 $650.00 TOTALS Equipment Total $127,391.87 6.875% Sales/Use Tax Exempt Total $127,391.87 Quote is valid for 30 days Net 30 Terms with qualified credit New Toro commercial equipment comes with a two-year manufacturer warranty Equipment delivery at no additional charge All commercial products purchased by a credit card will be subject to a 2.5% service fee. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this quote. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting us. Larry Gorman Karen Wangensteen Outside Sales Representative Inside Sales Representative 612-877-0830 763-592-5643 MTI Distributing, Inc. • 4830 Azelia Avenue N. #100 • Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 a 0'00F9 IYA44fo& i Acct #: City of Monticello Attn: Tom Pawelk PRICE QUOTATION Whitey Anderson Territory Manager 911 Tower Road Mundelein, IL 60060 Cell (630) 251-4832 Fax (847) 678-5511 wanderson(@reinders.com Quote I D Quotes Good $19,000.00 $38,000.00 for 30 days Quote Date Tax Not Included 10/1/21 In Quote Qty Model # Description Total 2 30495 Groundsmaster 7200 No Deck $19,000.00 $38,000.00 2 30456 60 Inch Side Discharge Deck $4,000.00 $8,000.00 1 30644 Groundsmaster 4110-D (T4) $90,000.00 1 31526 4WD Flow Divider Kit $1,000.00 1 31693 North American Road Light Kit (MY21 & Newer) $2,000.00 1 Radio RADIO $750.00 Sub -Total $139,750.00 Sales Tax $0.00 Total $139,750.00 Proposal Summary and Agreeme I am pleased to submit the attached proposal for your consideration This is a proposal on the goods named, subject to the following conditions: The prices and terms on this proposal are not subject to verbal changes or other agreements unless approved in writing by the seller. All proposals and agreements are contingent on availability of product from the manufacturer. Typographical errors are subject to correction. All prices quoted include delivery to your facility unless otherwise stated. The preceding pricing is valid for 30 days unless otherwise stated. Prices include assembly where applicable and accessibility to parts and service manuals. Timing at delivery may vary and is subject to manufacturer's availability. Purchaser is responsible for applicable taxes. All financed items will require lease documentation be returned to the finance company and approved for shipment by the lessor before delivery can be completed. ORDER ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT By signing below, I am authorizing Reinders, Inc. to proceed with fulfilling the product order based on the quote I.D.# noted and that I have reviewed the quote in its entirety. Unless otherwise indicated I agree to accept delivery on the earliest date that this product can be shipped to our location(s). Any and all trades associated with this order will be ready for pick up at time of delivery of this order. A 2.5% service fee will apply for all credit card transactions. Quote I.D. # Authorized Signature: Print Name: Date: Whitey Anderson Territory Manager Reinders, Inc. Accepted Equipment Delivery Date 1420I CHALCO VALLEY PARKWAY OMAHA, NE 68138-6193 i �,..�ss.v4� � 1 : • : • 11 TURF IRPJGATION FAX (402) 895�8913 October 4, 2021 City of Monticello, MN Mr. Pawelk —Thanks for the opportunity to quote you on the following products. Description Toro Groundsmaster 7200D 60"Side discharge deck Toro Groundsmaster 411OD 4WD flow divider kit Selling Price ' 11 31693 N.A. road light kit 1,677.00 Radio 796.00 Grand total ® Pricing includes setup, freight, a ® Toro commercial equipment an delivery and is valid for 30 days, includes a 2 -yea • Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Alan Johnson Commercial Sales r or 1,500 hour wa rra nty. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2Q. Consideration of a request to approve an amended Final Plat for Stony Brook Village for a plat boundary line adjustment. Applicant: Mark Elliot Homes Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Community Development Director 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: City Planner, Project Engineer, City City Administrator Attorney ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2021-81 approving the amended Final Plat of Stony Brook Village, subject to the Conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the October 11, 2021 report. PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION September 13, 2021: Approval of Final Plat, Rezoning to PUD, Final Stage PUD for Stony Brook Village REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The September 13, 2021 Council staff report for the final plat of Stony Brook Village noted that the applicant continued to work through resolution of property line issues on the west boundary of the plat. The plat documents showed a discrepancy in the legal description along the west boundary adjacent to the single-family neighborhood. As a result, no legal description was included on the final plat included for Council consideration. Review of the plat was based on the legal description included with the applicant's submitted title commitment. Currently the applicant is proposing a final plat which excludes any land still in process of ownership resolution. The revised final plat is presented to Council to provide for record of the revision. The revised final plat shifts the southwesterly boundary of the plat eastward. The approved preliminary plat illustrated the southwesterly boundary discrepancy area in hatching. As illustrated on the approved preliminary plat, the proposed buildings will still continue to meet the required 30' setback with the shift. The northwesterly boundary appears to be consistent with the prior proposed final plat. The Building Department has also confirmed that the street name as proposed is acceptable to the city, although subject to Wright County surveyor's comment. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 The final plat also now includes a legal description, which is subject to revision and review by the County Surveyor for consistency with the proposed boundary. The prior conditions relating to resolution of the legal description to the satisfaction of the Wright County surveyor are still applicable, as are all previously approved conditions. In addition, the current consideration includes a requirement for submission of updated title and legal description which is subject to the comment of the City Attorney. I. Budget Impact: Review of the revised plat by staff and the City Attorney and expenses for the review covered by the applicant's escrow II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff review for this item is approximately 1 hour. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: Consideration of the item relates to the Monticello 2040 Plan's goals for a full range of housing to meet the community's needs. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the amended Final Plat of Stony Brook Village, subject to the original conditions assigned on September 13, 2021, as well as those added or amended as part of the October 11, 2021 approval. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2021-81 B. Proposed Final Plat of Stony Brook Village C. Final Plat of Stony Brook, approved September 13, 2021 D. Approved Preliminary Plat of Stony Brook Village City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Stony Brook Village Final Plat 1. Submission of plans illustrating additional use of LP siding materials on the building exterior, specifically the front facade. 2. Plat addressing is subject to City review and comment. 3. Revise the landscaping plan to accurately detail Specimen Tree loss replacement required by city ordinance. 4. Address the discrepancy in west lot line location to the satisfaction of the County Surveyor as a part of the Plat recording process. 5. The applicant shall escrow $50,000 with a title company to be released at such time as the City determines that the necessary quiet title and/or recording actions have occurred as related to the amended plat boundary. 6. No quiet title action or other property interest related to the resolution of the plat boundary shall impede the City's right of way for 7t" Street. 7. The applicant shall provide the city with an updated final accurate legal description for the plat and updated title commitment for review by the City Attorney. 8. Compliance with the terms of the City's engineering staff letter dated August 17th, 2021. 9. Association documents are subject to the review and comment of the City Attorney and shall provide for individual and common maintenance responsibilities, as well as accessory structure allowances. 10. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. 11. The applicant enters into a stormwater maintenance agreement as a condition of Final Plat and PUD approval. 12. Comments and recommendations of other staff and City Council. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-81 APPROVING AN AMENDED FINAL PLAT FOR STONY BROOK VILLAGE, A RESIDENTIAL SUBDVISION WHEREAS, the subject site consists of unplatted property along Elm Street in the R- 2, Single and Two -Family Residential Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into 28 two- family unit lots and one common lot, along with public street dedication and other features, under a PUD; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for medium density residential uses under the label Mixed Neighborhood in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD, along with the companion Plat, are consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for industrial uses; and WHEREAS, the plat will comply with the required policies and requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, contingent on conditions noted in this resolution and upcoming Final Plat review comments; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 6th, 2021 on the Preliminary Plat application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Preliminary Plat with conditions at its regular meeting of July 26, 2021; and WHEREAS, on September 13th, 2021, the City Council approved the Final Plat for Stony Brook Village, subject to the resolution of the final boundary and legal description for the plat; and WHEREAS, the applicant has provided an amended Final Plat intended to address the amended plat boundary; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello has considered all of the comments and the staff report of September 13th, 2021 and October 11th, 2021, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the approval: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-81 The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed improvements and parcels to a low to medium density residential use. The proposed improvements on the site under the Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a mixed residential area. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The development and building designs successfully fulfill the intent of the City's development plans and regulations. The flexibility from Subdivision Regulations in the Plat for the project is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the City Council hereby approves the amended Final Plat for Stony Brook Village, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Submission of plans illustrating additional use of LP siding materials on the building exterior, specifically the front facade. 2. Plat addressing is subject to City review and comment. 3. Revise the landscaping plan to accurately detail Specimen Tree loss replacement required by city ordinance. 4. Address the discrepancy in west lot line location to the satisfaction of the County Surveyor as a part of the Plat recording process. 5. The applicant shall escrow $50,000 with a title company to be released at such time as the City determines that the necessary quiet title and/or recording actions have occurred as related to the amended plat boundary. 6. No quiet title action or other property interest related to the resolution of the plat boundary shall impede the City's necessary right of way interests for 7th Street. 7. The applicant shall provide an updated final legal description and title commitment subject for review by the City Attorney. 8. The applicant provide the city with a final accurate legal description for the plat and updated title commitment. 9. Compliance with the terms of the City's engineering staff letter dated August 17th, 2021. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-81 10. Association documents are subject to the review and comment of the City Attorney and shall provide for individual and common maintenance responsibilities, as well as accessory structure allowances. 11. The applicant enters into a development agreement as a condition of Final Plat and Final PUD approval. 12. The applicant enters into a stormwater maintenance agreement as a condition of Final Plat and PUD approval. 13. Comments and recommendations of other staff and City Council. ADOPTED this 111h day of October 2021, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL A 3 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor STONY BROOK VILLAGE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: that Mark Elliot Homes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: That part of the East 30 acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of the 30 acre tract; thence Northerly along the west line of said tract distant 659.0 feet; thence easterly distant 680.4 feet to the centerline of Township Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of said Township Road distant 703.8 feet to the South line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10; thence westerly along said south line distant 274.0 feet to the point of beginning. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as STONY BROOK VILLAGE and does hereby donate and dedicate the public ways, as shown on this plat and also dedicate the easements as created by this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of hereby review and approve this plat of STONY BROOK VILLAGE. 13 51 Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNEOTA 20 the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did This plat of STONY BROOK VILLAGE was approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of In witness whereof said Mark Elliot Homes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of , 20 and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2. ,20 MARK ELLIOT HOMES LLC By (Signature) Its STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of (Signature) Notary Public, My Commission Expires SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE (Name Printed) 20 by of Mark Elliot Homes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. County, (Name Printed) its I, Mathew J. Welinski, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota, that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey, that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on the plat, that all monuments depicted on the plat have been or will be correctly set within one year as indicated on the plat; that all water boundaries and wet lands as defined in MS Section 505.0 7, Subd. 3 existing as of the date of this certification are shown and labeled on the plat; and that all public ways are shown and labeled on the plat. Dated this day of Mathew J. Welinski, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 53596 STATE OF COUNTY OF 20 The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me on this day of Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 53596. (Signature) Notary Public, My Commission Expires County, 20 by Mathew J. Welinski, Licensed Land (Name Printed) By Mayor WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR By City Administrator I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of ,20 By Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY LAND RECORDS Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year 20 Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered on this By By day of Wright County Land Records Administration Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this at o'clock M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve By Wright County Recorder on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota day of as Document No. 20 20 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets \-Found 1/2 Inch Open I I II I / ,-Found 1/2 Inch Open -Found 1/2 Inch Open; LS #15233 L1 0') LU u � 0 (YJ N 10 LU Ln J IICD z.� w O N C — w N Z LJ 11 \ East line of the West 10 acres of the SE 1/4 of of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 10 I 12 I � \ East line of the recorded plat -- —------� of COUNTY CLUB MANOR & as monumented \ Found 1/2 Inch Open- rn15 Ln \ I 16 \ -'^ CD CD \ 17 \ 18 - W t 1' f th E30 STONY BROOK VILLAGE hi ,`1 2631.53 J N8837'72"W / N 1/4 Cor of Sec. 10,-' LL, / Twp. 121, Rge. 25 N NE Cor of the NE 1/4 of -� Found Wright County 6 Sec. 10, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 Cast Iron Monument I L o Found Wright County Ln Cast Iron Monument S 1/4 Corof Sec. 10,-, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 Found Wright County Cast Iron Monument �J ,-W 1/4 Cor of Sec. 10, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 I Found Wright County Cast Iron Monument /1 J � Y I I �O Found 1/2 Inch Open-' es ine o e ast acres of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 10 I ,,-SW Cor of the East 30 acres of the SE 1/4 of \ � the NE 1/4 of Sec. 10 / / I iTl /1 T A ' VV I L.V I / / / / / A / \ \ 66 U / V 0 Southerly line of the recorded-� (680.4 DEED) plat of HAROLD RUFF'S \ ,; S83°11'23"E ADDITION & as monumented i \ 676.19 (MEAS) ; \ (' i Found 1/2 Inch Open-\ a� 44, � v oar, ov ��o INSET- ---- <C/ --centerline of Township (SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS) 1 / �fi Road as traveled 26 I 4 L- S --1 1 r � L, r' )� �� v 27 28 r' L v 0 '3 I -r�A���. 1 VVI �A • /, yV 29 ° V centerline of Township Road as traveled 3� \ / Found 1/2 Inch Open;-\ LS #15233 � 4354.53 — — — N88°50'01"W / S88°49'47"E 307.38 (MEAS) SE Cor of the recorded plat -/ \ (274.0 DEED) of COUNTY CLUB MANOR; \ / Found 1/2 Inch Open S. G 0 v o wV Ln v �Ln 0 oaj� c w v LU CSE South line of the SE 1/4 E 1/4 Cor Sec. 10,-�` of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 10 Twp. er1, f Rge. 25 �\ (corner falls on a telephone manhole) �\ 681.39 — — — — S88°50'00"E -Found Cotton Gin Spike VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) A 11�/ 7 / f Alr- 4 1A /V rr I r /VL_ 1/ / -r � I 7TH STREET W - 4 SITE ELM STREET - I I I I ^ini a i e ^r- a/ e V r CITY OF MONTICELLO SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 O SET 1/2" BY 14" IRON PIPE WITH CAP #53596 • FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED ON PLAT BEARING ORIENTATION: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR S 88°49'47" E SCALE IN FEET I %�� I 0 60 120 180 SCALE: 1 INCH = 60 FEET Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 2 of 3 Sheets rn rn a; rn Lu N N 0 r - PAI N M Ln Lr) 0 0 0 PM S88049'47" E 307.38 STONY BROOK VILLAGE S83°11'23"E 676.19 771�/ \- Found Cotton Gin Spike INSET (FROM SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS) A SET 1/2" BY 14" IRON PIPE WITH CAP #53596 FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED ON PLAT BEARING ORIENTATION: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR S 88°4947" E SCALE IN FEET I — !I 0 40 80 120 SCALE: 1 INCH = 40 FEET Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet X of X Sheets STONY BROOK VILLAGE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: that Mark Elliot Homes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: TYPE LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as STONY BROOK VILLAGE and does hereby donate and dedicate the public ways, as shown on this plat and also dedicate the easements as created by this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of hereby review and approve this plat of STONY BROOK VILLAGE. M Gni Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNEOTA ,20 , the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did In witness whereof said Mark Elliot Homes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of This plat of STONY BROOK VILLAGE was approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of 20 20 , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2. MARK ELLIOT HOMES LLC By (Signature) Its STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of (Signature) Notary Public, My Commission Expires SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE (Name Printed) ,20 ,by of Mark Elliot Homes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. County, (Name Printed) its I, Mathew J. Welinski, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on the plat; that all monuments depicted on the plat have been or will be correctly set within one year as indicated on the plat; that all water boundaries and wet lands as defined in MS Section 505.01, Subd. 3 existing as of the date of this certification are shown and labeled on the plat, and that all public ways are shown and labeled on the plat. Dated this , day of Mathew J. Welinski, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 53596 STATE OF COUNTY OF ,20 The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me on this day of Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 53596. (Signature) Notary Public, My Commission Expires County, ,20 , by Mathew J. Welinski, Licensed Land (Name Printed) By Mayor WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR By City Administrator I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of ,20 By Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY LAND RECORDS Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered on this day of —,20 By By Wright County Land Records Administration Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this at o'clock M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. , Sleeve By Wright County Recorder day of , as Document No. ,20 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets ,-W 1/4 Cor of Sec. 10, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 / Found Wright County Cast Iron Monument /1 J � Y I I -Found 1/2 Inch Open _j I I I II I I I -7 I / ,-Found 1/2 Inch Open I I I ,— I -Found 1/2 Inch Open; LS #15233 L L1� � II I �> 0 YJ 10 0 Lu Ln" II wo �) o v� c — w N Z i LJ 11 \ East line of the West 10 acres of the SE 1/4 of of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 10 I 12 I � \ East line of the recorded plat ----\------_ 13 of COUNTY CLUB MANOR & as monumented I I I � \ 14 ' Found 1/2 Inch Open-/ I I � \ 15 O rn Ln110 I w I 16 o \ z 17 I II \ 1 I 41 Found 1/2 Inch Open-' /' I iT/ /1T A 4336.14 — — — N88°50'01 "W SE Cor of the recorded plat of COUNTY CLUB MANOR; Found 1/2 Inch Open STONY BROOK VILLAGE ,` 2631.53 J N8837'72"W / N 1/4 Cor of Sec. 10,-' LL, i Twp. 121, Rge. 25 N NE Cor of the NE 1/4 of -' Found Wright County o Sec. 10, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 Cast Iron Monument I L o Found Wright County Ln Cast Iron Monument S 1/4 Corof Sec. 10,-, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 Found Wright County Cast Iron Monument �J (274.0 DEED) - y I / I / / I \ I / VICINITY MAP \ (NOT TO SCALE) \ \ AiIA/ 4 i, Air- \ I V Y r I/ `r / V L_ i/ `r \ � I \ I 7TH STREET W - SITE / / I ^y/ \ \ 66 ELM STREET— \ / 0 Southerly line of the recorded—� (6804 DEED) plat of HAROLD RUFF'S \ ,; S83°11'23"E ADDITION & as monumented \ I A A I 676.19 (MEAS) ; i Found 1/2 Inch Open -\ 4.Q CITY OF MONTICELLO ^, ^� I SECTION 10, To 121, RANGE 25 �A) �0 N o� �\oo N � z I SET- ---centerline of Township 1 /A Road as traveled 3 OF 3 SHEETS) /Q I �,y , . � -centerline of Township / Road as traveled /� 00 South line of the SE 1/4 <<1 of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 10 i -Found Cotton Gin Spike 681.39 S88°50'00"E 0 v o wV Ln v �Ln 0 o Z c w v L� LU E 1/4 Cor of Sec. 10, Twp. 121, Rge. 25 �� I (corner falls on a telephone manhole) O SET 1/2" BY 14" IRON PIPE WITH CAP #53596 • FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED ON PLAT BEARING ORIENTATION: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR S 88°49'47" E SCALE IN FEET 0 60 120 180 SCALE: 1 INCH = 60 FEET Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 2 of 3 Sheets STONY BROOK VILLAGE I \ \ -Found 1/2 Inch Open; LS #15233 S84°02'52"E S83011'23"E 676.19 56.67S89°53'52"E 90.00 N78 -744,51,W 633.80 11 -23.70- 00 0� 45.00 45.00 S79°09' 42" �C, R 9° 45.00 E 90.00 N7 ° 2 9 `'' 37 S9„ 5-A 00 0 0 0 0 45.00 2.79 W F coo w co N o 42.39 �0o n 01, w Q w 7 00 o S6S, Drainage & Utility Easement 2�9° 7 °o P O P o 80 6 W o 4.00 S4'7S,F over all of Lot 29 0v', o 0 0 CO 5 00 o0 9000 0° z z � o CO �,ti� qs0 tiSS° l 10 d o S cu 2�9° ci O ��� z o uoi P T �� /9S ��" dL� �� 4� �G/ ° ° z ° h INSET moo, 00 45.00 45.00 0 0 �"'� `� ^n' Ln � ,�°° N89°53'52"W 90.00 45.0p =tip o� 3 0� SS (FROM SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS) ?O° p0 c�1°� N79°0942„ 45.00 IS00 8807 Rh Sc,O �ti 55.52 �/ 90.00 =�' ��o° F9000 1 D'' S° 4;24 23 4500 0) 4S ,�� c�'� o L c 7 j2 4p 7 " 6SS. S �� ^` o° 00 S89°05'53"W 82.00 p � 7 , 2 C) D�p - S83°11'23"E 55.52 _ M9000 4500 �� CD o L o Q° �pL Rc 2327„ °� 00 o �' �C \ 73jS 00 '� 1 Q/. Z �9 63 4S o .00 Ln S89005'55"W 82.00 Ln 55.52 ' /l/S(90 01- Ln Lnoto R� 07,� z0 1 2 0 z ��� 4 �; 746.86 7 9 00 4500 Lri 7 0 --- --- --- N89°05'25"E 82.00 2423 Z7" �S8 � � y LU S89°05'55"W 82.00 o S7 R C) o? 9 4°1420-,F \ DO 0 30 30 0 2 Ln 6 Ln S p 4 N89°05'55"E 82.00 o S �'r o o� q 4 S6° i 40 h � ° 0 500 0384 8° 8 /-F/ Q �. LU N89°05'25"E 82.00 w o F S0 F �O-0 C) I rn in 9 8 / � 0 13 o m m m �y Q00 // o Ln rn 77 Ln o v v 0 J °� Ln o ^� 2 7 0 4500 �S8 CD u� o U o 0 0 0 O C? N� 25 � N tilzr Ln 68-65 Ln S89°05'55"W 82.00 0 2$ oo S73°5232"F LU � O S89°05'25"W 82.00 - - 1 O N CD z p 14 z N4500 ^cb 0 L�� �w 0 00 } Zr, ° �� X20° Q� �� X60° o r- z o, O � z `i' S89°05'55"W 82.00 O �'s�s °�� 0 °� 912 0 1 M CDv~i CD `�� 24 �� 00 0 z N89°05'55"E 82.00 I v -P 90 OCP� g2�° '00 40 `1 O SET 7/2" BY 74" IRON PIPE WITH CAP #53596 15 0 0 os� '0 °052$23 � o • FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED ON PLAT C) Iq oo 'o Drainage & Utility Easement CY),' �, Drainage - over all of Lot 29 & Utility Ln S89°05'55"W 82.00 I o i Easement �� ° BEARING ORIENTATION: i °29 Ln 00 0 0 30 0`° 00 0° o i �i g��'2 THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 70, C) 0 16 C) z ��,� �o ��°052 z TOWNSHIP 727, RANGE 25 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR S 88°49'47" E Lri C) co LriLUS a ^� S89005 55"W 82.00 `v 6 - 30.00 30.00 S S, S89°06'22"W S89°05'25"W -�:t 83007'4 11E 82.00 0 o c� \` Drainage 63 8?00 m Md &Utility 6S CD ° �;� Easement _ 0 17 23��00° S 22 63° ao 2 0 > F82oo In "' 0 00 n' S83°48"W 82.00 moo. n, 07' "' S89°17'11"W 90.00 21 Found 1/2 Inch Open- `fl o o ^� P v' 18 45.00 45.00 N63° o 0 0 4>O>' o (o 082 0 0 0 00 � 0 0 S83007 -48" \N 82.00 "' N N co Co Co >� 19 20 No 01 N N v S.-, o 0 0 2 � ,�y ��60 "°�� 'Ib SCALE IN FEET CD S �9 45.00 45.00 i�Q F� S89°17'11"W 90.00 /A cb,0Q) 0 40 80 120 vv // SCALE: 7 INCH = 40 FEET 119.12 154.05 52.59 S88049'47"E 325.77 Found 1/2 Inch Open Found Cotton Gin Spike Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet X of X Sheets V C a� V Ln 0 LA 0 a 0 0 v N 0 N O DESIGNED: CTY CHECKED: JHB DRAWN: CTY HORIZONTAL SCALE: 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 10' OR 5' INITIAL ISSUE: 04/05/21 REVISIONS: A 05/03/21 ADDED DRIVEWAYS A 08/16/21 REVISED PER FINAL PLAT A A ❑A PREPARED FOR: MARK ELLIOT HOMES 17769 KENWOOD TRAIL LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55044 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA CORY MEYER DATE: 05/03/21 LICENSE NO. 26971 STONY BROOK VILLAGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance That part of the East 30 acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of the 30 acre tract; thence Northerly along the west line of said tract distant 659.0 feet; thence easterly distant 680.4 feet to the centerline of Township Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of said Township Road distant 703.8 feet to the South line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10; thence westerly along said south line distant 274.0 feet to the point of beginning. SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA • EXISTING ZONING: • GRnSS SITF ARFA- MAJOR R.O.W. (7TH ST W & ELM ST): NET SITE AREA: • DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY TWINHOMES: • PROJECT DENSITY: GROSS: N ET: LOT STANDARDS STANDARD R-2 STANDARDS SETBACKS FRONT 30' MIN SIDE INTERIOR LOT 10'/10'; 20' BTW BLDGS SIDE CORNER LOT 20' REAR 30' DEVELOPMENT NOTES R-2 7.50 AC 6.72 AC 28 HOMES ±3.73 UN/AC ±4.17 U N/AC TYPICAL TWNHOME LOT DETAIL 5' 45 45 40 40 N00 00 L 1 00 00 LnLn N 00 X,XXX SF X,XXX SF 40 40 45 T45 TYPICAL LOT DIMENSION 1. ALL LOT DIMENSIONS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST FOOT. 2. ALL AREAS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST SQUARE FOOT. 3. STREET NAMES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY. 4. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED OVER ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES AND UP TO 1 FOOT ABOVE THE HIGH WATER LEVEL OF ALL PONDS. 5. STREET WIDTHS ARE SHOWN FROM BACK OF CURB TO BACK OF CURB. SITE LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED Westwood Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc 5' LOT NUMBER LOT AREA ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTY LINE LOT LINE SETBACK LINE EASEMENT LINE CURB AND GUTTER TIP -OUT CURB AND GUTTER POND NORMAL WATER LEVEL RETAINING WALL 0' 50' 100' 150' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET NUMBER: 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PROJECT NUMBER: 0030308.00 I DATE: 05/03/21 11 W 0 a J J 0 0 ckC m z P__ City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 2R. Consideration to approve a request for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for expansion of an existing Vehicle Sales & Rental use in a B-3 (Highway Business District). Applicant: Ashbrook, Aeron Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item Northwest Associated Consultants 10/11/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director, City Administrator Chief Building and Zoning Official, Project Engineer, Fire Marshal ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve an Amendment to Planned Unit Development for expansion of an existing Vehicle Sales & Rental use in a B-3 (Highway Business District) based on findings in Planning Commission Resolution PC -2021-034 and subject to Conditions in Exhibits Z. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Descriptions: Lot 1, Block 1, Carcone Addition & Lot 1, Block 2, Carcone Addition PIDs: 155-217-001010 & 155-217-002010 Addresses: 1001 State Highway 25 South & 103 Sandberg Road Planning Case Number: 2021-038 Request(s): Planned Unit Development Amendment to allow an addition to an automotive detail service building in a B-3, Highway Business District. Deadline for Decision: November 23, 2021 (60 -day deadline) January 22, 2022 (120 -day deadline) Land Use Designation: Regional Commercial Zoning Designation: B-3, Highway Business City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 The purpose of the B -3, Highway Business District is to provide for limited commercial and service activities and provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. The Zoning Map detail below illustrates the location of the two parcels of land which comprise West Metro Buick GMC. WEST METRO rn Overlays/Environmental Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Automobile Sales, Display, and Service Surrounding Land Uses: North: Interstate 94 East: Automobile Dealerships South: Childcare Facility West: Vacant Commercial Project Description: In response to increased service department needs, the applicant wishes to construct an addition to the automobile dealership's detail service building located on the 1.2 -acre west parcel. Two building addition alternatives have been submitted. "Plan A" calls for a single -story 2,736 square feet service bay addition to the City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 existing 4,495 detail building. "Plan B" calls for a two-story addition, with the same building footprint as "Plan A," but would include office space above the service bay addition. Background: The west parcel, upon which the building addition is proposed, was previously granted an amendment to accommodate a small, detached photo studio building in the southwest corner of the site. The new addition would extend toward the south from the existing building, resulting in only a slight impact on site circulation around the property. No other changes to the site are proposed. ANALYSIS Planned Unit Development Amendment. In this case, the purpose of the PUD amendment is to accommodate a proposed expansion to the automobile dealership's detail service building located on the west parcel (103 Sandberg Road). Site Access and Circulation. No changes to site access have been proposed. The expanded detail service building would continue to be accessed via the existing entrance along Sandberg Avenue. The area of the site upon which the building addition is proposed is presently used for automobile parking/staging (see aerial photograph). In this regard, the existing vehicle circulation routes on the site will be maintained. Off -Street Parking. The submitted site plan illustrates only eight off-street parking spaces, two of which are reserved as accessible stalls. Recognizing that numerous vehicles have historically been parked or stored on the site, it is recommended that the site plan be modified to depict intended off-street parking areas and related drives aisles. The potential addition of 2,736 square feet of new office space upon the site, as proposed in "Plan B," could generate a need for additional employee parking. The applicant has indicated no new employees are being added corresponding to the addition and therefore no additional employee parking is required at this time. However, the applicant has indicated that should it be necessary, employee parking exists off site as needed. Setbacks. As shown below, the proposed building addition meets applicable B-3 Districts setback requirements. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 Maximum Height. Within B-3 zoning Districts, a maximum principal height of 30 feet is allowed. Greater structure heights are however, allowed by conditional use permit. "Plan B," which includes a second story office component, illustrates a proposed building height of 30' - 2". As a condition of planned unit development amendment approval, it is recommended that the height of the building be reduced to 30 feet. Finish Materials. According to the Ordinance, buildings in B-3 Districts must adhere to the following material requirements, per Section 4.11 (D): (2) Buildings in these zoning districts shall maintain a high standard of architectural and aesthetic compatibility with conforming surrounding properties to ensure that they will not adversely impact the property values of the abutting properties and shall have a positive impact on the public health, safety, and general welfare, insofar as practicable. ii. Metal exterior finishes shall be permitted only where coordinated into the overall architectural design of the structure, such as in window and doorframes, mansard roofs or parapets, and other similar features, and in no case shall constitute more than 15% of the total exterior finish of the building. While the applicant has indicated that finish materials will match the existing detail service building, specific finish materials have not been specified. As a condition of planned unit development amendment approval, it is recommended that the submitted building elevations be modified to specify (document) intended finish materials. The existing building is a combination of white -painted brick and concrete block. Lighting. The applicant has indicated that the only change to existing site lighting will be wall - mounted LED lighting which will be affixed to the building addition. Such lighting is not expected to increase existing footcandle readings which exist along shared property lines and the centerline of Oakwood Drive. Signage. The applicant has indicated that all new signage will match existing site signage and that new wall signs may be provided on the south fagade of the proposed building addition. The applicant has also indicated that "numbers" may be provided on the overhead doors of the various vehicle bays. Required Setback Proposed Setback East Front Yard 30 feet 63 feet South Side Yard 10 feet 33 feet West Rear Yard 30 feet 77 feet Maximum Height. Within B-3 zoning Districts, a maximum principal height of 30 feet is allowed. Greater structure heights are however, allowed by conditional use permit. "Plan B," which includes a second story office component, illustrates a proposed building height of 30' - 2". As a condition of planned unit development amendment approval, it is recommended that the height of the building be reduced to 30 feet. Finish Materials. According to the Ordinance, buildings in B-3 Districts must adhere to the following material requirements, per Section 4.11 (D): (2) Buildings in these zoning districts shall maintain a high standard of architectural and aesthetic compatibility with conforming surrounding properties to ensure that they will not adversely impact the property values of the abutting properties and shall have a positive impact on the public health, safety, and general welfare, insofar as practicable. ii. Metal exterior finishes shall be permitted only where coordinated into the overall architectural design of the structure, such as in window and doorframes, mansard roofs or parapets, and other similar features, and in no case shall constitute more than 15% of the total exterior finish of the building. While the applicant has indicated that finish materials will match the existing detail service building, specific finish materials have not been specified. As a condition of planned unit development amendment approval, it is recommended that the submitted building elevations be modified to specify (document) intended finish materials. The existing building is a combination of white -painted brick and concrete block. Lighting. The applicant has indicated that the only change to existing site lighting will be wall - mounted LED lighting which will be affixed to the building addition. Such lighting is not expected to increase existing footcandle readings which exist along shared property lines and the centerline of Oakwood Drive. Signage. The applicant has indicated that all new signage will match existing site signage and that new wall signs may be provided on the south fagade of the proposed building addition. The applicant has also indicated that "numbers" may be provided on the overhead doors of the various vehicle bays. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 As a condition of planned unit development amendment approval, all new site signage shall be subject to sign permit processing. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. The entire site is presently hard surfaced. In this regard, the proposed building addition is not expected to increase site drainage. If any drainage issues/concerns presently exist on the site, the planned unit development amendment process does provide the City with an opportunity to address such issues. The City Engineer's office has indicated that detailed drainage information shall be provided at building permit. Issues related to site grading, drainage and utilities are therefore subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission reviewed this item and held a public hearing on the request on October 5, 2021. There was no public present to address the Commission on the item. The Commission requested clarification on the location of employee parking. It was noted that parking exists in areas of the two West Metro parcels and off-site as needed. Following brief discussion, the Commission unanimously recommended approval of the amendment to the conditional use permit for planned unit development. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City Staff recommends approval of the Planned Unit Development Amendment to allow either "Plan A" or "Plan 6," as proposed by the applicant upon the 103 Sandberg Road site, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. Staff have added one condition to Exhibit Z since the time of the Planning Commission recommendation. It relates to the administrative requirement for execution of an amendment to the Planned Unit Development Agreement for the Carcone Addition reflecting the proposed change. City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 SUPPORTING DATA A. PC Resolution 2021-034, Planned Unit Development Amendment B. Aerial Image C. Applicant Narrative D. Plan A w/No Upper Office — Site, Building Elevations and Floor Plan E. Plan B w/ Upper Office — Site, Building Elevations and Floor Plans F. Colored Building Rendering Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z Planned Unit Development Amendment West Metro Buick GMC Lot 1, Block 1, Carcone Addition & Lot 1, Block 2, Carcone Addition 1001 State Highway 25 South & 103 Sandberg Road 1. The site plan shall be modified to specify intended off-street parking areas and related drives aisles. 2. The applicant address, to the satisfaction of the City, the handling of increased parking demand which may result from the addition of 2,736 square feet of new office space included in the "Plan B" development option. This dedicated parking should include adequate parking for employee counts under either option, and avoid on -street parking needs. 3. The height of the two-story development option (Plan A) shall be reduced to 30 feet. 4. The submitted building elevations shall be modified to specify intended finish materials that match the existing structure. 5. All new site signage shall be subject to sign permit processing. 6. Issues related to site grading, drainage and utilities shall be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. 7. Execution of an Amendment to Planned Unit Development agreement. (Added condition) CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-034 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE WEST METRO BUICK GMC PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REVISING THE SITE AND USE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE SUBJECT PARCEL IN THE B-3 ZONING DISTRICT PID:155217002010 WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to construct an expansion of the current service building for the applicant's automobile dealership; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned B-3, Highway Commercial, and is subject to a previously approved Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Regional Commercial" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking the amendment to accommodate a revised site plan and parking accommodations for the site employees and staff; and WHEREAS, the applicant has provided materials otherwise documenting compliance with the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the B-3 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 5t", 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the B-3, Highway Business Zoning District. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-034 ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Jeff Sell I Request for Planned Unit Development Amendment for Building Expansion 155217002010 1 Lot 1, Block 2, Carcone Addition Created by: City of Monticello At West Metro Buick GMC, we strive to provide an outstanding experience to our customers from the moment they step into the dealership and all the way through the life of the vehicle. We have grown our sales department over the years and are proud to have become the number one volume Buick and GMC dealer in Minnesota. While our sales department has grown, our service department has struggled to keep up with the increased demand. Our current wait time for a customer to receive an oil change is between one and two weeks, and our goal is to provide same-day service. General Motors sees electric vehicles as the future of the automotive industry, and we will be receiving our first electric GMC Hummer pickup truck later this year. Among the electric vehicle upgrade requirements include devoting two of our service bays to EV service, charging, and battery replacements. We are already lacking the space to properly serve our customers and losing two bays would only further our troubles. We believe that an expansion to our detail building across the street from our main dealership is the best option to grow our service department to meet our current and future customers' needs. Two building options are proposed: A one-story addition to add service bays, and a two- story addition to add a new office above the service bays. The second story office would allow us to move our office staff to create more space inside the dealership for an internet sales department expansion. We are still exploring our options regarding the two proposed plans. We are seeking approval for both options while we make our final decision. appreciate your time, and I thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jeff Sell Owner West Metro Buick GMC West Metro GMC PUD Notes: 1. We are submitting 2 plans, a. option 1 does not have offices above new shop addition b. Option 2 has new offices above new shop. Final decisions will be made after final numbers are received. 2. Lighting a. Existing site is fully lite, additional to the existing site lighting we will be adding led wall packs to new addition 3. Landscaping a. Building addition location has no new green area, entire building site is existing bituminous. All original landscaping to remain 4. Building Materials a. All building materials to match exiting 5. Signage a. All signage to match existing i. Possible signage sites are numbers of overhead doors ii. Building signage on south side of new addition West Metro GMC PUD Notes: 1. We are submitting 2 plans, a. option 1 does not have offices above new shop addition b. Option 2 has new offices above new shop. i. Final decisions will be made after final numbers are received. 2. Lighting a. Existing site is fully lite, additional to the existing site lighting we will be adding led wall packs to new addition 3. Landscaping a. Building addition location has no new green area, entire building site is existing bituminous. All original landscaping to remain 4. Building Materials a. All building materials to match exiting i. Concrete block painted white ii. Bar joist ceilings iii. EPDM roof finish with black coping iv. White overhead doors 5. Signage i. West Metro confirmed no signage on this building 42�`Q3 2 " E �. 7.79 N 570 2 55 , E = 78.83 ME \ LP O� C❑NC1 CURB o \ Q0LP L \ \ J 6 112102 ACRES \\\ BIT, SURFACE ) \\\ \ \\ FIB d 4 CONICc. e \ \ ° ° a d \\ TEL 0 U I—L 0 T /5? ON! �t SITE PLAN 1 9) —20'—o" O'O" ,E LP N �t J L n ( BIT, SURFACE In �Q U NEW ADDITION 2,736 SF m 30 LP o i 6 ae a as ° ° a- a d a C❑NC 70'-M a cU w XIS TIAV V) J 0 3l lL 011e' ti 1 LP 12 n C BIT, I SURFACE 5I ------65.6 ---—■ LP 6" PLUM I 2 61'-11 F' PREP❑ 30 x 30 C BIT. SU DACE ) � BENCHMARK - TDP OF CNC. -? i PAD AT DUMP SITE p;W _ _ J � DRAINAGE & UTILITY E�, oj `D S 86016 w LP FE SITE DATA SITE AREA 52 71631 SF 0 COVERAGE BY BUILDING 7 157.5 SF 13.57o COVERAGE BY PAVING 37)025.5 SF 707o COVERAGE BY GREEN SPACE — 8)533.31 SF 16.5% Cwf1l MH MH L956 COMM NO Mil -IGS DATE 91 61 2I REVISION PROJECT NAME z �(OD 13 W z o r , OI Ld ,1D Q 1--1 O Ld w U-) Q Q W U W z U �Z =Q UW LoLiW I I I I Q w 'L � � o Vi Z�H I I D } 0 I I J I I Q /J W -1 1 o 1 a Li a U L7 f W I ^ I Vl f O O r } Q I 3 F 3 I Z Li Q I W H H J I (L X: IZ Q' W H I� dzw lw Ll QW IW I HVI La w< Z 1f If I I W 3Z 10 I U O 12 I wo�wo iu W(L I La I W W W 2 z I Q w X: aUz -1Z PROJECT NAME SHEETA I N0. z �(OD H W z o r , OI ,1D Q 1--1 O 0 w U-) Q W LL -1 z U �Z =Q Q w 'L � � o Q u�O W Z ED U az Q /J W OU W2: Q U L7 W �a W O Q = 3 SHEETA I N0. z �(OD H W z o r , OI ,1D 1--1 Lo Ln w Q o0 ()J (y) (y) w U �Z =Q W w 'L � z � Z ED U az /J LdH W2: Q U L7 W �a Q = 3 U uo SHEETA I N0. 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A2 —11 FtRST FLOOR PLAN 1 /^ 99 99--]'—O" 9-19099 EAST ELEVATION CD CD CD�II GLASS BLOCK IL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L, L---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J Ln N 42 326 E 1 .79 N 57° 2'S5' E j 78.83 ME ON! �t SITE PLAN 1 9) 2 O9 0 " ,E 5 954 1111111111111JI 1. 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Consideration to appoint a member of the City Council to the Chelsea Commons Professional Engineering, Park & Open Space Planning and Landscape Architecture Services proposal review team and a member to the Chelsea Commons Zoning Work Group Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Regular Agenda Item Community Development Director 10/11/2021 ❑ Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to appoint Councilmember to serve on the proposal review team for the Chelsea Commons Professional Engineering, Park & Open Space Planning and Landscape Architecture Services project. Motion to appoint Councilmember to serve on the Chelsea Commons Zoning Work Group. PREVIOUS ACTION September 27, 2021: Adoption of the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan September 27, 2021: Authorization of RFP for Chelsea Commons site planning REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Moving into implementation of the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan (SAP), the City Council is asked to continue their leadership for the project, appointing a representative to two temporary committees working on separate components of the project. Proposal Review Team. The first requested appointee would be part of the team responsible for reviewing submitted proposals for the Chelsea Commons Professional Engineering, Park & Open Space Planning and Landscape Architecture Services. The Request for Proposal (RFP) focuses on the completion of the first stage of the central system of public spaces and amenities. These improvements are intended to encourage and accelerate private development, and to create a strong sense of place for the community. City Council, Planning Commission, Park, Arts & Recreation Commission (PARC), staff and community members at - large will also serve on the team. The commitment for the proposal review team will require review and ranking of received proposals, preparation for review discussion, and recommendation for interview. It is expected that the full Council will interview the consultant candidates selected by the proposal review City Council Agenda: 10/11/2021 team. Only one meeting is anticipated and a total of 5-10 hours, pending the number of proposals received. Zoning Ordinance Work Group. The second requested appointee would serve on a Zoning Ordinance work group. To achieve the vision for Chelsea Commons, the SAP's implementation strategies call specifically for zoning ordinances which address uses, density, and performance standards. These include landscaping, building materials, parking, etc. Staff proposes to form a work group including representatives from the City Council, Planning Commission, EDA, community at -large, and the Chelsea Commons property owners. A draft work schedule is attached with estimated time commitment. Budget Impact: There is no direct impact to the budget for formation of the task groups. There will be a budget impact if Council approves the scope of services proposed within the selected design services proposal. There will also be a budget impact for work to amend the zoning ordinance, which will be covered by the 2021/2022 Planning and Zoning budget. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff will provide direct support to the two working groups, with estimated staff time at approximately 40-50 hours. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The efforts of these two proposed work groups directly align with the implementation strategies of the adopted Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan. The RFP review team will assist in the selection of a consultant responsible for the execution of the anchoring public amenities at Chelsea Commons. Through collaboration, the Zoning Ordinance work group will prepare a set of zoning standards designed to achieve development consistent with the adopted Small Area Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends Council's continued involvement as the Chelsea Commons SAP is implemented. Staff defers to the Council on appointments. SUPPORTING DATA A. Chelsea Commons Professional Engineering, Park & Open Space Planning and Landscape Architecture Services RFP B. Zoning Ordinance Work Group— Proposed Schedule C. Excerpts, Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan CITY OF --,AM�flo onti REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING, PARK & OPEN SPACE PLANNING AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SERVICES MONTICELLO CHELSEA COMMONS PLANS & IMPROVEMENTS DUE 11:30 AM I OCTOBER 22, 2021 SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION & PROJECT OVERVIEW Contract Administration All persons or firms downloading this RFP are requested to register their name and email address by sending an email to hayden.stensgard@ci.monticello.mn.us. Any revisions or corrections to this RFP, after it has been advertised, will be communicated to those registered RFP holders. Failure to register your contact information is at your own risk. A proposal will not be considered if it fails to include all requested information as detailed in this original RFP and any subsequent modifications. Acceptance of Proposal Contents The contents of this RFP will be included as part of the contractual obligations if a contract ensues. All information in the proposal is subject to disclosure under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13 — Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Project Vision and Overview "Chelsea Commons" is the reimagining of a prominent land area in the core of Monticello. Chelsea Commons will be an exceptional neighborhood in which to live, work and play. The 100 -acre Chelsea Commons project area combines a varied mix of commercial services, residential living opportunities, and public open space amenities. Chelsea Commons is centered on a significant recreational water feature and surrounded by a series of interconnected public spaces for discovery. Chelsea Commons is intended to inspire remarkable private development that values and builds on these distinctive public areas. Chelsea Commons will be a magnet for the Monticello community and beyond. Request for Proposals Chelsea Commons I Plans & Improvements Page 2 of 10 The City of Monticello has prepared a prior Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan and other planning initiatives and documents which will serve as foundation for the construction level plans and specifications requested within this document. In addition to the Small Area Plan, the city has completed: • Preliminary Engineering Analysis — Grading, Earthwork & Stormwater Management Analysis • Traffic Impact Study • Financial Impact Analysis The City intends to retain a professional consulting firm to provide the professional engineering, park planning and landscape architecture services needed to successfully implement the design and construction of the proposed "Chelsea Commons". Improvements The improvements to be undertaken with this project are to be consistent with the "Chelsea Commons" Small Area Plan, including landscaping theme; public pathways and open space; preliminary grading, earthwork and stormwater management plan; and roadway reconfiguration plan. Construction will occur in multiple phases, with grading and removals expected to begin in spring 2022. To reduce costs the city plans to utilize the site as a borrow pit and allow contractors to remove material from the ponds in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 construction seasons if needed. The initial series of public improvements are anticipated to be prepared and constructed in two phases. The consultant is expected to provide engineering and planning services, as well as plans and specification bid documents, and bidding and construction management for the two phases of improvements as follows: Phase I: Bid date — March 1St, 2022 • Mass site grading (less material to be exported per above) to allow for building pad development and temporary stormwater pond construction. o Mass grading to also include grading of other city owned properties which requires additional fill material. One of the sites, 203 Chelsea Road, is the intended location of a future municipal water treatment plant. The other site is located in the Otter Creek Industrial Park and it is unknown at this time if any fill material is required. If fill material is required that would be included in this phase of the project. • Site grading to include grading of the proposed pathway network and other park amenities. • Removal of a portion of Dundas Road from Edmonson Avenue to the Storagel-ink Monticello entrance. Request for Proposals Chelsea Commons I Plans & Improvements -------------------------- Page 3 of 10 • Relocation of public utilities associated with the Dundas Road removal and coordination with private utility relocation. • Installation of stormwater infrastructure necessary to support development occurring prior to the construction of Phase II. Infrastructure to be deigned to support the central lakes/stormwater pond to avoid any removals in Phase II. • Confirmation of length, width, area, quantity, etc. for all planned public improvements. Phase II: Bid date anticipated -January 15th, 2023 • Design and installation of central lake/stormwater pond feature with clay liner. • Design and installation of baseline pathway network around the central lakes/stormwater pond, including multiple surface treatments, grades and widths as described in the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan; plan for connectivity to the larger community pathway system and adjacent streets. • Design and installation of irrigation re -use system throughout public spaces and integrated into the central lakes/stormwater pond feature. • Installation of water augmentation system in support of the central lakes/stormwater pond. • Installation of aeration system in support of the central lakes/stormwater pond. • Installation of public parking lot near primary City open space/park. • Installation of a lighting system. • Installation of utility conduit throughout public spaces. • Construction design of public park along Cedar Street. • Construction design of landscape architecture throughout public spaces, including: o Adherence to the biome theme of the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan o Location, species, quantity, size o Detailed planting specifications o Creation of unifying project elements o Identification of coordinated wayfinding sign system locations o Recommendations for reconstruction of Edmonson Avenue with boulevard and corridor treatments o Recommendations for roundabout center design and adjacent corridor enhancements (Cedar, School, Chelsea) o Recommendations for private area landscaping treatments • Consideration for the location and integration of public art in all forms — visual, performing, etc. • Address accessibility needs and requirements in all plans and identify any architectural, transportation, communication, or service barriers that may limit the use of the park. • Installation of other components identified following the Baseline improvement evaluation and confirmation exercise. Request for Proposals Chelsea Commons I Plans & Improvements -------------------------- Page 4 of 10 The Capital Improvement Plan estimate for total investment of this portion of the project (design, construction, testing, etc.) is approximately $11,872,500. SECTION 2: OVERALL SCOPE OF SERVICES A team of consultants may partner to provide a comprehensive proposal as outlined. If the proposal includes the services of multiple firms, one consulting firm must be identified as lead and primary contact and a clear delineation of scope services for each firm identified. The services required of the Consultant(s) are anticipated to be provided beginning in November 2021 and ending when the warranty inspection for the constructed improvements has been completed for each of the two phases. The following are general work tasks and deliverables that shall be included in the Consultants' scope for each of Phase I and II: 1. Topographic survey of the full Chelsea Commons site 2. Coordination and meetings with city staff and boards a. Detailed staff and project scoping meeting: may require two sessions b. Project team/staff coordination meetings at regular intervals i. Meeting summaries to be provided c. (3) PARC meetings d. (3) City Council meetings e. (2) Joint PARC/Planning Commission/City Council meeting 3. Detailed project timeline with meeting and deliverable dates 4. Project evaluation & recommendation a. Evaluate the proposed Baseline, Good and Great improvement scenarios identified in the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan. Provide recommendation and rationale for a specific set of Baseline, Good and Great improvements based on the final project design for landscaping, parks, pathways and open space b. Provide additional recommendations, plans and cost estimates which may result from the planning and public engagement exercise Public involvement and meetings a. Public engagement activities directed at visual and design preference components of the plan (Note: These engagements are intended to further define design aspects of the implemented plan, and are not a revision of the SAP design theme itself.) b. (1) public open house corresponding to Phase II for the final landscaping, park, pathway and open space plans c. Project on a page graphic/text piece describing the project vision and implementation Request for Proposals Chelsea Commons I Plans & Improvements Page 5 of 10 -------------------------- d. Project webcam installation and coordination e. Two 3-D project visualizations: one of the Baseline condition and the second of the area at full build -out f. Clearly detail any additional public engagement activity recommended and include task assignment responsibility (City or consultant) 6. Design, including Plans and Specifications for Phase 1 and 2 of the project in accordance with City standards and as outlined in Section I: Improvements. a. AutoCAD and GIS files for all plans, multiple layers anticipated 7. Contract bidding, award, and records management for both phases of the project. 8. Permitting submission and management for both Phases. 9. Construction inspection, staking and management services. 10. Warranty inspection. 11. Develop exhibits and assistance with administering contracts for borrow material removal. The City requires the consultant to have a Project Manager assigned to coordinate throughout the plan development and construction process and a full-time project inspector on-site during all work. To achieve consistency with the vision established by the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan, proposing firms shall include consultation with Northwest Associated Consultants (NAC). Northwest Associated Consultants has provided the City with an estimate of time and hourly rate for this collaboration, which will be budgeted separately. This amount shall not be included in the consultants not to exceed fee for the project. All permits and other regulatory review fees shall be paid by the engineering consultant and will be reimbursed by the City. These costs shall not be included in the consultants not to exceed fee for the project but shall be itemized within the proposal for project estimation purposes. SECTION 3: PROPOSALS The proposal shall contain the information summarized below. Additional information is allowable if directly relevant to the proposed project. Proposal Format The submittal should follow the Table of Contents listed below: Request for Proposals Chelsea Commons I Plans & Improvements -------------------------- 1 . General Information 2. Project Understanding 3. Project Approach 4. Proposed Project Team and Experience 5. Comparable Project References 6. Schedule 7. Any Additional Information as Needed 8. Total Consultant Cost by Phase 9. Insurance Certificate A brief description of each section is included below. 1. General Information Page 6 of 10 General information and a brief history of the Consultant's firm. Include similar information on key subconsultants, if any, proposed for the project. 2. Project Understanding A summary of the Consultant's understanding of the work. 3. Project Approach Provide specific approaches, methods, and assumptions that will be utilized to accomplish the development of this project, including each work phase. Include details about the Consultant's approach to coordinating a public process. 4. Proposed Proiect Team and Experience ■ Identify the key project team members and describe their specific roles on the project. Include key team members from sub -consultant firms if any. ■ Describe relevant experience and provide information on at least three (3) reference projects completed in the last ten (10) years. Provide personal references and contact information. ■ Include one-page resumes only for key members of the project team. 5. Comparable Proiect References ■ Provide summary information on the consultant's experience with comparable projects. ■ Include specific descriptions of proposed team members' roles on reference projects. ■ Provide a contact name and information for each comparable project. 6. Schedule A proposed schedule from project initiation to final completion of construction. The schedule should include a listing of key tasks within each phase, key milestones and approximate dates, and deliverables. Request for Proposals Chelsea Commons I Plans & Improvements -------------------------- Phase 1 60% plans: January 15, 2022 90% plans: February 15, 2022 Phase 2 60% plans: October 15, 2022 90% plans: December 15, 2022 Page 7 of 10 7. Additional Information Include any other information that is believed to be pertinent, but not specifically requested elsewhere in this RFP. 8. Total Consultant Cost Proposal costs should be itemized as follows: 1. Proposed costs for each component scope of work for the project as listed in Section 1 General Information & Project Overview and for the deliverables in Section 2 Overall Scope of Services. 2. Hourly rates for all consultant employees who are expected to work on this project. These rates shall be the agreed upon costs for any additional services requested by the City, above what is detailed in the scope of this RFP. 3. Reimbursable costs including detail of service or item and applicable charge per unit. 4. Not to Exceed cost for the project. 9. Insurance Certificate Indicate ability to provide all necessary insurance certificates. SECTION 4: CONSULTANT SELECTION Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by a team of City staff on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Consulting firm references and qualifications 2. Key project staff experience with similar projects. 3. Proven track record in successfully completing similar projects on time and within budget. Successful experience of both the firm itself and the individual team members will be considered. 4. Proposed approach to completing the project. 5. In addition to understanding technical issues and having sound technical/ engineering expertise, the Consultant must also have an awareness and understanding of the social/political issues that can surround projects of this Request for Proposals Chelsea Commons I Plans & Improvements -------------------------- Page 8 of 10 nature and must possess the personal and leadership skills necessary to navigate the project through the public process. 6. Proven successful construction management of projects of this nature is required. This includes the effective coordination and management of private and public utilities, contractors, adjacent property owners, and other stakeholders. 7. Proposed consultant cost. Following review of the Proposals the City may ask Consultants to interview and/or make a presentation to City representatives, which may include City Boards and Commissions. Consultants selected for interview will be prepared to interview the week of November 15Y, 2021. The City will select a consultant to negotiate a contract as follows: 1. If, for any reason, a firm is not able to commence the services in that firm's Proposal within 30 days of the award, the City reserves the right to contract with another qualified firm. 2. The City shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the Consultant prior to the signing of a contract including, but not limited to, the Proposal preparation, attendance at interviews, or final contract negotiations. 3. The Proposal must be signed in ink by an official authorized to bind the Consultant to its provisions that will be included as part of an eventual contract. The Proposal must include a statement as to the period during which the Proposal remains valid. This period must be at least 90 days from the date of the submittal. 4. The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals submittals or to request additional information from any or all of the proposing firms. SECTION 5: CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Upon selection of a Consultant, an Agreement or Contract for Services, attached to this RFP, shall be entered into by the City and the Consultant. It is expected that the contract will provide for compensation for actual work completed on a not to exceed basis, and the following conditions: 1. Deletions of specific itemized work tasks will be at the discretion of the City. Payment or reimbursement shall be made based on tasks that have been satisfactorily completed. Billing that exceeds the not to exceed amount will not be compensated unless a contract extension has been approved in advance by the City. 2. The City shall retain ownership of all documents, plans, maps, reports and data prepared under this proposal. In addition to being provided hard copy Request for Proposals Chelsea Commons I Plans & Improvements -------------------------- Page 9 of 10 and digital documents throughout the project, upon completion the consultant shall supply the City with a fully scanned (Laserfiche) project file including all project components. 3. If, for any reason, the Consultant is unable to fulfill the obligations under the contract in a timely and proper manner, the City shall reserve the right to terminate the contract by written notice. In this event, the firm shall be entitled to just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory completed work tasks, as determined by the City Engineer. 4. The Consultant shall not assign or transfer any interest in the contract without prior written consent of the City. 5. The Consultant shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in accordance with Section 466.04 of the Minnesota Statutes. 6. The Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Monticello, its officials, employees and agents, from any and all claims, causes of action, lawsuits, damages, losses or expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the Consultant's (including its officials, agents, subconsultants or employees) performance of the duties required under the contract, provided that any such claim, damages, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, diseases or death or injury to or destruction of property including the loss of use resulting therefrom and is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission or willful misconduct of Consultant. 7. The Consultant contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8. Project summaries shall be submitted with each invoice during the course of the project. Each summary shall detail the amount billed to date, work items that need to be completed, the estimated costs to complete these tasks and the projected timeline for the completion of the project. Invoices submitted to the City shall include a detailed breakdown of times, personnel, mileage, etc. chargeable for that period. SECTION 6: CONCLUSION AND SUBMITTAL Any requests for additional information that may be needed for the preparation of the proposal should be directed via email to Angela Schumann at Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us . All questions must be received before 11:30 am, October 11, 2021. No responses will be provided for questions received after that time. Please provide 10 paper and one electronic (pdf) copies of the Proposal for the evaluation process. Request for Proposals Chelsea Commons I Plans & Improvements -------------------------- Proposals shall be addressed to: Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 55362 Proposals will be accepted until 11:30 a.m. on October 22, 2021 Attachments: Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan, with appendices Page 10 of 10 Chelsea Commons Zoning Work Group Schedule No later than October 13: Establish appointees to Work Group October 18: Preparation of outline for review at Project Communications October 18-25: Prepare code language outline and visual preference materials October 26: Provide materials to the Work Group for review (2 hours of review estimated) November 1: WORK GROUP MEETING: Outline reviewed by work group (Monday) for direction and comment (2 hour meeting estimated) November 3-10: Prepare zoning ordinance for review November 11: Provide materials to Work Group (2-3 hours of review estimated) November 15: WORK GROUP MEETING: Review the draft ordinance (Monday) (2 hour meeting estimated) December: FLEXIBLE AS NEEDED; meeting to review final draft ordinance (2 hour meeting estimated) January 4: Planning Commission public hearing and recommendation on proposed ordinance January 10/24: City Council decision on proposed ordinance PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STEPS To proceed from Plan to Implementation, there are number of next steps to achieve the vision established for Chelsea Commons. The Plan and its Appendices provide a high-level guide for the development of Chelsea Commons. The following items, among others, will be a part of the ongoing preparation and implementation for both private development review and public infrastructure construction. It is also realistic to anticipate that, as with any Plan, things can and do change. Amendments to the Plan of significant impact may require re -adoption or amendment consistent with the City's PUD zoning thresholds identifies in the zoning ordinance. EXISTING USES Within the Chelsea Commons area are a variety of existing property owners, many of which are longstanding occupants of the property on which they are located. The Chelsea Commons Plan anticipates their continued integration within the project, until such time that the property owners elect otherwise. Along Cedar Street, the Storagel-ink self storage facility at Dundas and Cedar takes its access from Dundas Road, which for much of the project area is scheduled to be removed. However, this section from Cedar to the entrance of the self -storage facility is programmed for continuation to ensure both that access and access to other commercial uses on the lands north of Dundas. The final design of the termination of Dundas at this point has not been addressed but would be a part of the reconstruction planning when Dundas is to be removed. It is noted that the facility itself has few natural connections to the Chelsea Commons park space. It is anticipated that the development of the public spaces in this area — both to the east and to the south — will be dominated by significant grading and vegetative planting to screen the use from the public areas. There are opportunities in this area to incorporate business plans with surrounding Chelsea Commons construction, and the City intends to continue working with the owners of the facility. Farther to the south, Aldi grocery occupies the corner of Cedar Street and School Boulevard. Aldi has recently undergone a small expansion. This use, while not a classic neighbor of a large public space, is considered a compatible commercial facility within the larger planning concept. Additional commercial space is shown adjacent to the Aldi property, which could be utilized for further expansion, or other compatible commercial uses. Commercial space is also programmed for land adjoining the northerly boundary of the Aldi site near the Commons property, which is viewed as more viable for entertainment commercial. Aldi has a current joint - parking relationship with the currently vacant land to the east. The City views this as a model for the Chelsea Commons area in an effort to limit the amount of pavement and provide parking supplies that are well matched with the variety of commercial uses in the area. Finally, along Edmonson Avenue, there is a one -acre parcel occupied by a collection of buildings with a variety of uses, including rental residential and rental storage area. This property is a legal nonconformity, and as such, is privileged to retain its current buildings and uses as long as the owner maintains them. At some point in the future, upon the owners interest, redevelopment of this site would be envisioned by the Chelsea Commons Plan. Under the current concept, this parcel would be utilized for both public access to Chelsea Commons, and for private redevelopment purposes as multi -family residential. As noted, there is no specific timeframe, other than the owner's plans, for redevelopment of this parcel. PLAN EVOLUTION As the Chelsea Commons Small Area Plan is adopted as part of the Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan, any substantive changes to the plan's guidance would require a comprehensive plan amendment. It is anticipated that small adjustment consistent with the vision, guiding principles and goals of the Plan may occur over time. GRADING, PARK PLANNING & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE While the Small Area Plan provides a contextual guide for the overall area, neither the SAP nor its appendices provide final detail on items such as landscaping quantities and selection, sign design, lighting standards, etc. Additional design attention is required to ensure that both the City and the development community understands the scope of the vision for the commons area and its translation to on -the -ground improvements. CONSTRUCTION -LEVEL PLANS Each construction project will require separate construction planning and bid documentation as is typical for any large public improvement project. It is critical that the Small Area Plan and its Appendix documents serve as the foundation for these plans in order to properly translate the Plan Vision to reality. LAND USE REGULATIONS/PROCESS To have its greatest effect, this Plan will be incorporated into the City's 2040 Comprehensive Plan as an amendment. Changes to the Plan that require substantive recalculation of the project vision would require amendment under that process, and/or, revision per the amendment/adjustment processes of the City PUD zoning regulations. In that regard, it is expected that to best incorporate the intentions of this Plan, its vision, goals, and objectives, would be the adoption of a PUD zoning district applying to the Chelsea Commons district area. Process for projects within the district would proceed per the requirements of the PUD process, giving development parties an opportunity to meet directly with public officials and jointly identify project and Plan goals together. Depending on complexity, projects may process in one or more review phases to approval under the PUD zoning ordinance processes in place. PARK, PATHWAYS AND OPEN SPACE Parks, pathways and open space for Chelsea Commons will be accomplished through the application of a variety of tools. Right of way dedication and construction of road improvements will be one such tool. Private pathway development serving internal property purposes will also play an important role in connecting residents and businesses to the larger open space system. Park dedication requirements are an additional and improvement tools. As a part of the general stormwater requirements, large portions of the pond area and construction will be required which will fulfill both the stormwater management and open space aspects of the Commons area. How these components of the system will be constructed, and 391 Page who will be responsible for their construction and financing, is the focus of the following implementation recommendation. Private Internal Paths and Sidewalks. These connections are entirely on private property and serve to connect private property users with other facilities, such as parking areas, building access points. They often extend to the limits of the property to connect the property users to the external public systems — parks, sidewalks, pathways, roadways. These improvements will be required of all private development and will be a component of the site plan review for those projects. The land and construction costs of these improvements will be a private expense. External Collector Roadway Pathways. At the perimeter of the project area, there are some locations (particularly Edmonson Avenue, and intersection improvements around the district) that will require upgrading of the roadway and intersections. With these improvements, the private landowners fronting on those roadways will be required to dedicate the full dimension of the right of way and roadway along their frontages. With the roadway improvements will be a pathway od sidewalk of the City's design, which will be an integral part of the roadway improvement and constructed within the existing or newly dedicated right of way of the abutting road. The land dedication and construction costs of these improvements will be a private expense. At several locations around Chelsea Commons, wider landscaped gateways are planned. These gateways are will utilize sculpted topography, landscape materials, and a pathway design complementing the biome materials to which the gateway leads. At the external points, the gateways will include wayfinding signage, and small seating areas which hint at the larger project beyond. The land dedication and construction costs of these improvements will be a public expense. When private development provides the land, and constructs the improvements, those costs shall be credited against the required park dedication for the project. The City may negotiate additional density setbacks, or other development enhancements in exchange for these improvements, at the City's sole discretion. ChPIr,Pa Commons Pond Pathway. The primary circuit pathway within the public park space surrounding the pond will be a public asset. Private development will be required to extend pedestrian connections to the public circuit pathway at the developer's private expense, similar to required sidewalk connections on private property through a publicly dedicated street boulevard. Where private development constructs a portion of the primary pond pathway, the construction expense will be credited against the property owner's required park dedication. Chelsea Commons Land Area. Each developer, as a part of the residential plat, or Planned Unit Development application, will be required to dedicate a portion of their property toward parks and open space, pursuant to the City's subdivision ordinance and any unique regulations applicable to Chelsea Commons. The City may, at its discretion, require a land dedication from said development, or a cash -in - lieu payment per its applicable schedule, or a combination of the two. The City may, under appropriate authority, make particular park dedication requirements of the Chelsea Commons Small Area. Dedication credit will not be provided for lands under electric transmission lines, but those areas may be utilized for pond, stormwater pretreatment, gateway construction, public, private, and/or share parking, or other allowable uses under approved site plans. Chelsea Commons Ponding Areas. Each developer, as a part of the private development of land, is responsible for the dedication, construction and maintenance of areas for stormwater management, including volume control, rate control, stormwater quality, and infiltration. The City will require that to the extent possible, all such requirements will be designed and installed to facilitate the City's Chelsea Commons plan, requiring the capture of stormwater, its pretreatment cleaning, and retention of said water in the main pond. It will be a requirement for development within the district that land required from each development will be provided for these purposes, and appropriate ponds and water courses constructed, as necessary to treat the stormwater from each private development project, in the proportion at which the project generates demand. These costs are to be attributed to private development as directly paid construction costs, or reservation of such improvements to the City, at a rate paid to the City commensurate with the cost of direct construction. Due to the unique aspects of the Chelsea Commons project, park dedication credit may also be attributable to pond areas beyond that required for stormwater management. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP The Plan was developed on the foundation of shared public and private investment in the Chelsea Commons area. With each public and private development, the City will need to evaluate the balance of public and private investment. This balance is especially important when considering the interaction between the public and private spaces and the value and impact to the broader community. The City should also monitor opportunities to implement private partnerships for operations and maintenance within the Plan consistent with the overall vision. For example, incorporation of shared amenities in private developments and/or agreements for private operations of public facilities. FINANCIAL PLANNING/FUNDING The Small Area Plan undertook a parallel track of phased project cost estimation and cost/revenue analysis. These were each done with the conceptual working plans made a part of this document. It is likely that as the City proceeds, ongoing analysis of phasing and cost estimating will be necessary, both to understand future impacts as real-world priorities change, but also to monitor original estimates and re - track if necessary. A separate financial impact analysis is a part of the Chelsea Commons Small Area Study, which utilizes preliminary cost estimates developed by the design group, and a phasing plan development by staff and the consultants. That analysis is provided as a supplement to this document, and as noted above, is expected to be regularly monitored for long-term use. In addition to the financial impact modeling, the City will need to evaluate the tools refenced within the financial impact analysis or adoption and their application to the full plan area and to individual development projects. These may include trunk fees, park dedication changes, or special improvement districts. 40 1 As design and analysis of the project evolved, elements of the project were assorted to three basic categories of improvements for cost estimation purposes. However, it will be important for policymakers to provide direction on selection and combination of elements, which may be scaled or phased at the City's discretion and in tandem with private investment levels. Baseline Fundamentals. These are the basic infrastructure components of the public project that are necessary for minimum project function and would have a useful life that extends beyond the implementation of the vision, such that "upgrade" of the component would be unreasonably inefficient. The most fundamental example of this is the lake construction, its shoreline elements, and the water - quality improvements necessary to ensure its proper function. -,00d" Level Essential Amenities Amenities in this category include the components of the Plan that are considered essential to the eventual development of the district, but which may be reasonably phased in to accommodate financial modeling that makes the element feasible, or that matches it with the timing of development in its zone. An example of this category would be Pavilion building. While it is a critical component to the overall project design, it may make sense to phase in its implementation to fit a longer- term financial plan for the commons area. "Great" Level Improved Amenities. These components are those that most believe are substantively positive contributions to the open space features, but which would be suitable to phase into a much longer time horizon as they would not be considered essential to the project. An example might be a sculpture garden, or paddleboat rental. 41 1 ,yGNT COGy�. f9r R 5 G4/`r Monticello Monthly Report 2021 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sean Deringer 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 QPpFE55I0NA�rS Printed on =t •-1.201 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 911 Abandoned Total: 5 09/14/21 06:54 911 Abandoned 2021079607 911 09/20/21 09:45 911 Abandoned 2021081754 911 09/23/21 18:07 911 Abandoned 2021082886 911 09/23/21 18:39 911 Abandoned 2021082891 911 09/30/21 17:58 911 Abandoned 2021085187 911 911 Abandoned; Intoxicated Person Total: 1 911 09/18/21 10:06 911 Abandoned; 2021081088 911 Abandoned WP21025439 911 911 Abandoned; Traffic - Complaint Total: 1 911 09/14/21 16:59 911 Abandoned; Traffic 2021079797 Traffic - Complaint WP21024995 911 911 Hang-up Total: 25 09/03/21 10:08 911 Hang-up 2021075895 911 09/03/21 16:07 911 Hang-up 2021076027 911 09/04/21 09:15 911 Hang-up 2021076270 911 09/06/21 19:55 911 Hang-up 2021077163 911 09/07/21 16:12 911 Hang-up 2021077406 911 09/07/21 18:22 911 Hang-up 2021077456 911 09/09/21 18:27 911 Hang-up 2021078099 911 09/10/21 20:36 911 Hang-up 2021078512 911 09/11/21 11:34 911 Hang-up 2021078683 911 09/12/21 10:03 911 Hang-up 2021079024 911 09/14/21 14:45 911 Hang-up 2021079746 911 09/15/21 13:49 911 Hang-up 2021080052 911 09/16/21 16:05 911 Hang-up 2021080487 911 09/18/21 21:00 911 Hang-up 2021081298 911 09/19/21 10:37 911 Hang-up 2021081448 911 09/20/21 12:33 911 Hang-up 2021081789 911 09/21/21 07:15 911 Hang-up 2021082018 911 09/21/21 20:32 911 Hang-up 2021082268 911 09/23/21 12:14 911 Hang-up 2021082762 911 09/25/21 00:45 911 Hang-up 2021083333 911 09/27/21 16:20 911 Hang-up 2021084159 911 09/27/21 18:11 911 Hang-up 2021084197 911 09/28/21 16:14 911 Hang-up 2021084505 911 09/28/21 17:03 911 Hang-up 2021084521 911 09/30/21 09:17 911 Hang-up 2021085028 911 911 Hang-up; Medical - Sick Total: 1 Page 1 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/23/21 00:06 911 Hang-up; Medical - 2021082675 911 Hang-up; Prowler Total: 1 09/19/21 04:03 911 Hang-up; Prowler 2021081402 911 Open Line Total: 70 Final Incident Case Number How Reported 911 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21025534 911 09/01/21 11:44 911 Open Line 2021075295 911 09/01/21 12:08 911 Open Line 2021075304 911 09/01/21 14:39 911 Open Line 2021075337 911 09/01/21 16:26 911 Open Line 2021075367 911 09/01/21 17:57 911 Open Line 2021075389 911 09/01/21 18:21 911 Open Line 2021075394 911 09/02/21 09:49 911 Open Line 2021075579 911 09/02/21 11:43 911 Open Line 2021075617 911 09/02/21 17:03 911 Open Line 2021075720 911 09/03/21 17:15 911 Open Line 2021076058 911 09/04/21 01:09 911 Open Line 2021076224 911 09/04/21 13:25 911 Open Line 2021076343 911 09/05/21 10:08 911 Open Line 2021076641 911 09/05/21 12:49 911 Open Line 2021076672 911 09/05/21 17:20 911 Open Line 2021076765 911 09/05/21 18:32 911 Open Line 2021076792 911 09/06/21 14:10 911 Open Line 2021077050 911 09/06/21 16:15 911 Open Line 2021077083 911 09/07/21 12:37 911 Open Line 2021077345 911 09/08/21 06:39 911 Open Line 2021077568 911 09/08/21 09:26 911 Open Line 2021077595 911 09/08/21 16:19 911 Open Line 2021077719 911 09/08/21 16:19 911 Open Line 2021077720 911 09/08/21 23:02 911 Open Line 2021077838 911 09/09/21 09:13 911 Open Line 2021077904 911 09/09/21 12:05 911 Open Line 2021077966 911 09/09/21 14:30 911 Open Line 2021078009 911 09/10/21 07:36 911 Open Line 2021078240 911 09/10/21 13:09 911 Open Line 2021078330 911 09/10/21 14:24 911 Open Line 2021078354 911 09/10/21 17:14 911 Open Line 2021078435 911 09/10/21 21:36 911 Open Line 2021078536 911 09/11/21 20:12 911 Open Line 2021078862 911 09/14/21 08:24 911 Open Line 2021079628 911 09/14/21 10:39 911 Open Line 2021079665 911 09/14/21 13:34 911 Open Line 2021079718 911 09/14/21 13:40 911 Open Line 2021079720 911 09/14/21 13:43 911 Open Line 2021079722 911 09/14/21 13:51 911 Open Line 2021079724 911 09/14/21 15:01 911 Open Line 2021079751 911 09/14/21 16:28 911 Open Line 2021079783 911 Page 2 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/14/21 16:59 911 Open Line 2021079798 2021080984 911 09/14/21 19:19 911 Open Line 2021079842 Agency Assist 911 09/15/21 14:34 911 Open Line 2021080068 09/18/21 15:48 911 09/15/21 18:04 911 Open Line 2021080153 Phone 911 09/15/21 19:59 911 Open Line 2021080209 WP21025903 911 09/15/21 21:28 911 Open Line 2021080240 Agency Assist 911 09/16/21 20:40 911 Open Line 2021080585 911 09/17/21 06:31 911 Open Line 2021080664 911 09/17/21 13:47 911 Open Line 2021080790 911 Open Line WSR0210253M 1 09/17/21 15:07 911 Open Line 2021080823 911 09/18/21 14:59 911 Open Line 2021081165 911 09/19/21 13:45 911 Open Line 2021081490 911 09/19/21 16:11 911 Open Line 2021081541 911 09/20/21 12:51 911 Open Line 2021081795 911 09/21/21 12:10 911 Open Line 2021082098 911 09/21/21 18:30 911 Open Line 2021082223 911 09/24/21 11:35 911 Open Line 2021083057 911 09/24/21 22:01 911 Open Line 2021083283 911 09/25/21 07:45 911 Open Line 2021083365 911 09/25/21 13:58 911 Open Line 2021083453 911 09/26/21 03:28 911 Open Line 2021083663 911 09/26/21 08:52 911 Open Line 2021083687 911 09/26/21 09:13 911 Open Line 2021083693 911 09/27/21 03:36 911 Open Line 2021083962 911 09/27/21 11:37 911 Open Line 2021084069 911 09/27/21 14:29 911 Open Line 2021084130 911 09/28/21 07:07 911 Open Line 2021084334 911 09/29/21 14:05 911 Open Line 2021084763 911 09/29/21 15:51 911 Open Line 2021084796 911 911 Open Line; Missing Person Total: 1 09/08/21 11:39 911 Open Line; Missing 2021077631 Check Welfare WP21024344 911 911 Text Total: 2 09/12/21 13:40 911 Text 2021079080 Text 09/22/21 19:08 911 Text 2021082598 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21025915 Text Abandoned Vehicle Total: 2 09/13/21 22:51 Abandoned Vehicle 2021079572 Abandoned Vehicle WP21024911 Phone 09/15/21 16:13 Abandoned Vehicle 2021080109 Abandoned Vehicle WP21025107 Phone Agency Assist Total: 11 09/11/21 18:04 Agency Assist 2021078809 Citizen Aid WP21024689 Phone 09/17/21 22:53 Agency Assist 2021080984 Agency Assist WP21025401 Phone 09/18/21 12:37 Agency Assist 2021081132 Warrant - Attempt WP21025448 Phone 09/18/21 15:48 Agency Assist 2021081188 Agency Assist WP21025468 Phone 09/22/21 17:45 Agency Assist 2021082577 Agency Assist WP21025903 Phone 09/23/21 14:28 Agency Assist 2021082797 Agency Assist WP21025975 Phone Page 3 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/24/21 21:19 Agency Assist 2021083261 Agency Assist WP21026119 Phone 09/25/21 01:12 Agency Assist 2021083338 Agency Assist WP21026143 Phone 09/26/21 12:18 Agency Assist 2021083736 Agency Assist WP21026258 Phone 09/28/21 10:30 Agency Assist 2021084395 Agency Assist WP21026455 Phone 09/29/21 12:19 Agency Assist 2021084736 Agency Assist WP21026557 Phone Alarm Total: 1 Animal 2021081764 Animal WP21025640 911 09/18/2101:07 Alarm 2021081021 Animal WP21026291 Officer Animal Total: 9 09/02/2106:48 Animal 2021075538 Animal WP21023735 Phone 09/04/2113:39 Animal 2021076352 Animal WP21023934 Phone 09/05/2106:47 Animal 2021076610 Animal WP21024009 Phone 09/08/2116:50 Animal 2021077728 Check Welfare WP21023859 Phone 09/09/2111:53 Animal 2021077959 Animal WP21024431 Phone 09/12/21 16:20 Animal 2021079123 Animal WP21024779 911 09/20/21 10:37 Animal 2021081764 Animal WP21025640 911 09/26/2117:29 Animal 2021083839 Animal WP21026291 Phone 09/27/21 06:04 Animal 2021083968 Animal WP21026327 911 Animal - Barking Dog Total: 8 2021077714 Check Welfare WP21024374 911 09/04/21 12:58 Animal - Barking Dog 2021076335 Animal - Barking Dog WP21023932 Phone 09/17/21 21:31 Animal - Barking Dog 2021080954 Animal - Barking Dog WP21025390 911 09/21/21 17:42 Animal - Barking Dog 2021082208 Animal - Barking Dog WP21025791 Phone 09/21/21 18:05 Animal - Barking Dog 2021082217 Animal - Barking Dog WP21025794 Phone 09/28/21 05:16 Animal - Barking Dog 2021084321 Animal - Barking Dog WP21026425 Phone 09/28/21 20:20 Animal - Barking Dog 2021084574 Animal - Barking Dog WP21026504 Phone 09/30/21 11:20 Animal - Barking Dog 2021085053 Animal - Barking Dog WP21026676 Phone 09/30/21 20:19 Animal - Barking Dog 2021085229 Animal - Barking Dog WP21026717 Phone Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 1 09/01/21 11:48 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2021075300 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP21023640 Phone Assault Total: 1 09/24/2121:43 Assault 2021083277 Assault WP21026127 Phone Check Welfare Total: 36 09/01/21 04:09 Check Welfare 2021075215 DUI WP21023615 911 09/02/21 07:49 Check Welfare 2021075550 Check Welfare WP21023711 Phone 09/03/21 08:08 Check Welfare 2021075874 Check Welfare WP21023807 Phone 09/03/21 16:50 Check Welfare 2021076045 Check Welfare WP21023859 911 09/03/21 21:09 Check Welfare 2021076148 Check Welfare WP21023885 09/05/21 20:55 Check Welfare 2021076844 Check Welfare WP21024076 911 09/07/21 09:53 Check Welfare 2021077306 Check Welfare WP21024219 Phone 09/07/21 10:10 Check Welfare 2021077310 Check Welfare WP21024221 Phone 09/07/21 10:31 Check Welfare 2021077318 Check Welfare WP21024227 Phone 09/08/21 16:02 Check Welfare 2021077714 Check Welfare WP21024374 911 09/09/21 16:28 Check Welfare 2021078049 Check Welfare WP21024456 Phone 09/11/21 04:32 Check Welfare 2021078623 Check Welfare WP21024637 911 Page 4 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/12/21 03:05 09/13/21 12:26 09/13/21 18:41 09/14/21 06:07 09/14/21 15:44 09/14/21 21:52 09/15/21 12:48 09/16/21 15:58 09/16/21 20:08 09/17/21 08:34 09/17/21 19:54 09/18/21 18:34 09/18/21 19:24 09/19/21 10:20 09/20/21 16:52 09/20/21 22:12 09/22/21 14:26 09/22/21 16:36 09/23/21 11:47 09/23/21 19:10 09/24/21 16:23 09/30/21 18:41 09/30/21 19:40 09/30/21 21:38 Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Citizen Aid Total: 12 09/06/21 08:27 Citizen Aid 09/07/21 07:13 Citizen Aid 09/07/21 18:49 Citizen Aid 09/07/21 19:18 Citizen Aid 09/08/21 12:33 Citizen Aid 09/09/21 13:10 Citizen Aid 09/20/21 16:03 Citizen Aid 09/25/21 03:30 Citizen Aid 09/26/21 17:39 Citizen Aid 09/26/21 20:58 Citizen Aid 09/29/21 10:59 Citizen Aid 09/29/21 15:13 Citizen Aid Civil Complaint Total: 27 09/02/21 10:50 Civil Complaint 09/02/21 17:56 Civil Complaint 09/02/21 18:21 Civil Complaint 09/03/21 12:33 Civil Complaint 09/03/21 16:59 Civil Complaint 09/04/21 14:06 Civil Complaint 09/04/21 22:28 Civil Complaint 2021078980 2021079381 2021079526 2021079603 2021079768 2021079887 2021080029 2021080483 2021080573 2021080697 2021080921 2021081241 2021081259 2021081441 2021081865 2021081966 2021082484 2021082547 2021082753 2021082897 2021083173 2021085200 2021085217 2021085254 2021076958 2021077266 2021077464 2021077471 2021077648 2021077986 2021081846 2021083351 2021083842 2021083905 2021084720 2021084789 2021075597 2021075739 2021075750 2021075938 2021076051 2021076358 2021076532 Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Court Order Violation Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Citizen Aid Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint WP21024731 Phone WP21024861 911 WP21024900 Phone WP21024922 911 WP21024976 Phone WP21025019 911 WP21025079 Phone WP21025245 Phone WP21025270 Phone WP21025299 Phone WP21025380 Phone WP21025484 Phone WP21025490 911 WP21025549 911 WP21025680 Phone WP21025713 Phone WP21025874 Phone WP21025894 911 WP21025964 Phone WP21026007 911 WP21026092 Phone WP21026706 Phone WP21026714 Phone WP21026727 911 WP21024114 Phone WP21024202 911 WP21024287 Phone 911 WP21024347 Phone WP21024439 Phone WP21025674 Phone WP21026150 911 911 WP21026307 Phone WP21026550 Phone WP21026574 Phone WP21023721 Phone WP21023760 Phone WP21023765 Phone WP21023824 Phone WP21023861 Phone WP21023935 Phone WP21023983 Phone Page 5 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/05/21 14:59 09/06/21 09:00 09/08/21 18:21 09/09/21 10:36 09/10/21 11:38 09/10/21 14:02 09/11/21 12:30 09/11/21 15:31 09/11/21 16:34 09/15/21 18:34 09/17/21 14:59 09/19/21 17:42 09/20/21 12:21 09/20/21 14:45 09/20/21 20:22 09/22/21 16:32 09/26/21 14:07 09/27/21 09:58 09/29/21 20:55 09/30/21 17:46 Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint 2021076718 2021076967 2021077762 2021077931 2021078303 2021078347 2021078702 2021078761 2021078775 2021080173 2021080817 2021081580 2021081788 2021081824 2021081936 2021082541 2021083785 2021084030 2021084910 2021085182 Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Child Custody Court Order Violation Civil Child Custody Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Medical - Psychiatric - Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Child Custody Civil Complaint; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 09/21/21 08:27 Civil Complaint; 2021082037 Civil Complaint Civil Complaint; Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 1 09/08/21 15:45 Civil Complaint; Fraud - 2021077709 Fraud - Checks Civil Process Total: 53 09/01/21 15:11 Civil Process 09/01/21 15:25 Civil Process 09/01/21 15:34 Civil Process 09/02/21 07:43 Civil Process 09/02/21 11:42 Civil Process 09/02/21 11:54 Civil Process 09/02/21 12:09 Civil Process 09/02/21 12:20 Civil Process 09/02/21 13:50 Civil Process 09/02/21 14:05 Civil Process 09/03/21 08:21 Civil Process 09/03/21 08:30 Civil Process 09/03/21 08:31 Civil Process 09/03/21 11:36 Civil Process 09/03/21 11:53 Civil Process 09/03/21 15:02 Civil Process 09/03/21 15:19 Civil Process 09/07/21 09:13 Civil Process 09/09/21 10:38 Civil Process 09/09/21 10:56 Civil Process 2021075349 2021075352 2021075353 2021075547 2021075615 2021075624 2021075632 2021075635 2021075651 2021075654 2021075879 2021075881 2021075882 2021075917 2021075922 2021075995 2021076002 2021077296 2021077933 2021077942 Civil Process WP21024042 Phone WP21024116 Phone WP21024386 Phone WP21024424 Phone WP21024524 Phone WP21024543 Phone WP21024662 Phone WP21024675 Phone WP21024677 Phone WP21025123 Phone WP21025342 Phone WP21025581 Phone WP21025651 Phone WP21025666 Phone WP21025706 Officer WP21025891 Phone WP21026273 WP21026346 Phone WP21026620 Phone WP21026702 911 WP21025737 Phone LVA LVA D)Z19Y19M al iTO7 Ta Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer WCVL2102373Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Page 6 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/09/21 11:08 Civil Process 2021077946 Officer 09/09/21 16:10 Civil Process 2021078043 Officer 09/09/21 16:31 Civil Process 2021078051 Officer 09/09/21 16:59 Civil Process 2021078062 Officer 09/10/21 09:25 Civil Process 2021078266 Officer 09/13/21 11:43 Civil Process 2021079370 09/14/21 08:01 Civil Process 2021079622 Officer 09/15/21 10:50 Civil Process 2021080007 Officer 09/16/21 08:08 Civil Process 2021080319 Officer 09/16/21 13:41 Civil Process 2021080430 Officer 09/16/21 13:57 Civil Process 2021080433 Officer 09/17/21 08:00 Civil Process 2021080685 Officer 09/20/21 16:17 Civil Process 2021081854 Officer 09/21/21 10:00 Civil Process 2021082067 09/21/21 10:08 Civil Process 2021082069 Officer 09/21/21 15:18 Civil Process 2021082153 Officer 09/21/21 15:29 Civil Process 2021082158 Officer 09/21/21 15:48 Civil Process 2021082168 Officer 09/21/21 16:00 Civil Process 2021082174 Officer 09/21/21 18:44 Civil Process 2021082231 Civil Process WP21025805 Officer 09/22/21 11:53 Civil Process 2021082435 Officer 09/22/21 12:45 Civil Process 2021082452 Officer 09/23/21 07:43 Civil Process 2021082704 09/23/21 11:53 Civil Process 2021082756 Officer 09/23/21 13:32 Civil Process 2021082781 Officer 09/24/21 09:55 Civil Process 2021083028 Officer 09/24/21 15:56 Civil Process 2021083161 Officer 09/28/21 08:58 Civil Process 2021084364 Officer 09/28/21 09:28 Civil Process 2021084370 Officer 09/30/21 09:05 Civil Process 2021085024 Officer 09/30/21 16:17 Civil Process 2021085141 Officer 09/30/21 16:34 Civil Process 2021085146 Officer 09/30/21 16:59 Civil Process 2021085158 Officer Civil Process; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 2 09/20/21 15:55 Civil Process; Dispatch 2021081844 Officer 09/21/21 09:25 Civil Process; Dispatch 2021082058 Officer Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 3 09/17/21 03:12 Commercial Fire Alarm 2021080652 Phone 09/22/21 14:50 Commercial Fire Alarm 2021082504 Phone 09/28/21 20:54 Commercial Fire Alarm 2021084589 Phone Commercial General Alarm Total: 36 09/01/21 13:41 Commercial General 2021075323 Phone 09/01/21 18:54 Commercial General 2021075403 Phone 09/02/21 07:07 Commercial General 2021075541 Phone 09/03/21 04:27 Commercial General 2021075853 Phone Page 7 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/03/21 06:03 Commercial General 2021075858 Criminal Damage to Property WP21024939 Phone 09/03/21 06:27 Commercial General 2021075860 Phone Phone 09/03/21 20:42 Commercial General 2021076138 Disabled Vehicle Phone 09/04/21 05:49 Commercial General 2021076247 Disabled Vehicle Phone 09/04/21 21:05 Commercial General 2021076508 2021083891 Phone 09/05/21 20:35 Commercial General 2021076836 Phone 09/06/21 02:36 Commercial General 2021076932 Phone 09/06/21 08:21 Commercial General 2021076954 Phone 09/06/21 18:38 Commercial General 2021077133 Phone 09/06/21 19:12 Commercial General 2021077146 Phone 09/07/21 02:34 Commercial General 2021077241 Commercial General Alarm WP21024191 Phone 09/08/21 02:37 Commercial General 2021077551 Commercial General Alarm WP21024319 Phone 09/08/21 05:29 Commercial General 2021077562 Phone 09/09/21 20:39 Commercial General 2021078158 Phone 09/10/21 20:47 Commercial General 2021078520 Phone 09/11/21 09:23 Commercial General 2021078649 Phone 09/11/21 20:37 Commercial General 2021078879 Phone 09/12/21 21:28 Commercial General 2021079235 Phone 09/16/21 03:42 Commercial General 2021080294 Phone 09/17/21 00:18 Commercial General 2021080635 Phone 09/19/21 01:24 Commercial General 2021081380 Phone 09/19/21 05:55 Commercial General 2021081406 Phone 09/21/21 11:48 Commercial General 2021082093 Phone 09/22/21 05:24 Commercial General 2021082336 Phone 09/22/21 09:00 Commercial General 2021082386 Phone 09/23/21 07:49 Commercial General 2021082705 Phone 09/24/21 00:14 Commercial General 2021082958 Phone 09/24/21 22:19 Commercial General 2021083293 Phone 09/25/21 03:30 Commercial General 2021083352 Phone 09/25/21 06:50 Commercial General 2021083360 Phone 09/27/21 10:38 Commercial General 2021084045 Phone 09/30/21 21:37 Commercial General 2021085253 Phone Court Order Violation Total: 3 09/01/21 10:30 Court Order Violation 2021075278 Court Order Violation WP21023633 Phone 09/03/21 21:28 Court Order Violation 2021076158 Civil Complaint WP21023887 Phone 09/10/21 15:51 Court Order Violation 2021078401 Civil Complaint WP21024564 Phone Criminal Damage to Property Total: 4 09/02/21 17:58 Criminal Damage to 2021075741 Criminal Damage to Property WP21023761 911 09/14/21 10:02 Criminal Damage to 2021079658 Criminal Damage to Property WP21024939 Phone 09/19/21 22:47 Criminal Damage to 2021081674 Criminal Damage to Property WP21025614 Phone 09/22/21 12:08 Criminal Damage to 2021082443 MVA - Hit & Run WP21025863 911 Disabled Vehicle Total: 2 09/17/21 18:02 Disabled Vehicle 2021080895 Phone 09/26/21 20:14 Disabled Vehicle 2021083891 Phone Page 8 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Divert Hospital Total: 17 09/02/21 12:30 Disturbance Divert Hospital 2021075638 09/04/21 02:54 09/06/21 21:26 Divert Hospital 2021076234 09/04/21 08:13 Disturbance Divert Hospital 2021076259 09/04/21 15:41 09/09/21 18:24 Divert Hospital 2021076391 09/07/21 01:20 Disturbance Divert Hospital 2021077237 09/07/21 16:32 09/14/21 20:20 Divert Hospital 2021077418 09/07/21 18:43 Disturbance Divert Hospital 2021077461 09/08/21 23:00 09/24/21 21:52 Divert Hospital 2021077837 09/14/21 01:31 Disturbance Divert Hospital 2021079583 09/15/21 18:27 09/29/21 23:50 Divert Hospital 2021080168 09/17/21 23:07 Divert Hospital 2021080988 09/18/21 09:54 Divert Hospital 2021081084 09/19/21 17:26 Divert Hospital 2021081575 09/24/21 14:12 Divert Hospital 2021083118 09/24/21 22:32 Divert Hospital 2021083297 09/27/21 18:08 Divert Hospital 2021084196 09/30/21 17:38 Divert Hospital 2021085176 Domestic Disturbance Total: 15 09/02/21 10:12 Domestic Disturbance 2021075587 09/03/21 12:30 Domestic Disturbance 2021075936 09/06/21 21:26 Domestic Disturbance 2021077192 09/07/21 19:42 Domestic Disturbance 2021077474 09/08/21 15:43 Domestic Disturbance 2021077705 09/09/21 18:24 Domestic Disturbance 2021078097 09/10/21 08:29 Domestic Disturbance 2021078251 09/11/21 03:39 Domestic Disturbance 2021078619 09/14/21 20:20 Domestic Disturbance 2021079860 09/17/21 21:35 Domestic Disturbance 2021080956 09/23/21 23:27 Domestic Disturbance 2021082950 09/24/21 21:52 Domestic Disturbance 2021083279 09/26/21 12:34 Domestic Disturbance 2021083742 09/29/21 17:08 Domestic Disturbance 2021084825 09/29/21 23:50 Domestic Disturbance 2021084968 Domestic Disturbance; Assault Total: 1 09/24/21 20:05 Domestic Disturbance; 2021083244 Drugs Total: 1 09/22/2113:28 Drugs 2021082464 Dumping Total: 1 09/09/2120:09 Dumping 2021078146 Extra Patrol Total: 1 09/15/21 17:31 Extra Patrol 2021080141 Unwanted Person Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Neighborhood Dispute Agency Assist Domestic Disturbance Drugs Dumping Extra Patrol Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone WP21023717 911 WP21023823 911 WP21024178 Phone WP21024291 911 WP21024371 911 WP21024466 911 WSRO2102450Rhone WP21024633 911 WP21025012 911 WP21025391 911 WP21026025 911 WP21026128 911 WP21026261 911 WP21026587 Phone WP21026631 911 WP21026114 911 WP21025868 Phone WP21024477 911 WP21025118 Phone Page 9 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Fight Total: 2 09/11/21 01:59 Fight 2021078606 Fight WP21024630 911 09/22/2120:58 Fight 2021082641 Fight WP21025923 Phone Fire - Gas Leak Total: 2 09/05/21 16:11 Fire - Gas Leak 2021076743 Fire - Gas Leak WP21024049 Phone 09/19/21 02:21 Fire - Gas Leak 2021081391 Fire - Gas Leak WP21025527 911 Fire - Other Total: 1 09/01/21 22:43 Fire - Other 2021075477 Fire - Other WP21023693 911 Fire - Smoke - Odor Total: 1 09/10/21 08:28 Fire - Smoke - Odor 2021078250 Fire - Smoke - Odor WP21024502 Phone Fire - Structure Total: 1 09/29/21 23:45 Fire - Structure 2021084966 Fire - Structure WP21026629 911 Fire - Vehicle Total: 1 09/24/21 11:56 Fire - Vehicle 2021083067 Fire - Vehicle WP21026057 911 Fireworks Total: 2 09/12/2119:43 Fireworks 2021079186 Fireworks WP21024796 Phone 09/12/2120:12 Fireworks 2021079199 Fireworks WP21024800 Phone Found Person Total: 1 09/24/21 13:27 Found Person 2021083102 Found Person WSR0210260EA I Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 5 09/10/21 12:55 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2021078325 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP21024534 Phone 09/15/21 17:14 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2021080133 Civil Complaint WP21025115 Phone 09/20/21 12:34 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2021081790 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP21025653 Phone 09/21/21 09:38 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2021082062 Fraud - Forgery WP21025746 Phone 09/28/21 11:26 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2021084409 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP21026458 Fraud - Forgery Total: 2 09/07/21 17:28 Fraud - Forgery 2021077435 Fraud - Forgery WP21024278 Phone 09/22/21 15:46 Fraud - Forgery 2021082522 Fraud - Forgery WP21025887 Phone Fraud - Internet Total: 2 09/02/21 14:49 Fraud - Internet 2021075671 Fraud - Internet WP21023746 Phone 09/23/21 10:38 Fraud -Internet 2021082730 Fraud -Internet WP21025956 Funeral Escort Total: 2 09/07/21 10:17 Funeral Escort 2021077314 Phone 09/09/21 12:57 Funeral Escort 2021077984 Phone Gun Incident Total: 1 09/08/21 01:49 Gun Incident 2021077548 Disorderly WP21024315 911 Harassment Total: 9 09/05/2112:21 Harassment 2021076664 Harassment WP21024029 Phone Page 10 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/09/21 19:17 Harassment 2021078119 Civil Complaint WP21024476 Phone 09/12/2111:56 2021081971 Harassment 2021079051 Harassment WP21024751 Phone 09/16/2112:45 Info Harassment 2021080409 Info; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 Juvenile - Complaint Phone 09/19/2107:20 2021082983 Harassment 2021081412 Harassment WP21025538 Phone 09/20/2112:00 2021081034 Intoxicated Person Harassment 2021081785 Harassment WP21025649 Phone 09/25/2112:53 09/16/21 18:48 Harassment 2021083440 Harassment WP21026181 Phone 09/28/2115:40 Juvenile - Complaint Harassment 2021084490 Harassment WP21026482 Phone 09/29/2117:05 2021084979 Harassment 2021084822 Harassment WP21026586 Phone Indecent Exposure Total: 1 09/16/21 22:24 Indecent Exposure 2021080616 Indecent Exposure WP21025278 Phone Info Total: 6 09/03/21 21:17 Info 2021076151 Phone 09/14/21 08:46 Info 2021079636 Phone 09/17/21 22:34 Info 2021080980 911 09/20/21 22:24 Info 2021081971 Other 09/22/21 09:28 Info 2021082394 Phone 09/23/21 23:39 Info 2021082952 Phone Info; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 Juvenile - Complaint 09/24/21 05:55 Info; Dispatch - CAD - 2021082983 Phone Intoxicated Person Total: 2 Juvenile - Complaint 2021079753 09/18/21 03:00 Intoxicated Person 2021081034 Intoxicated Person WP21025414 911 09/25/21 18:56 Intoxicated Person 2021083539 Intoxicated Person WP21026207 Phone Juvenile - Complaint Total: 10 09/03/21 22:11 Juvenile - Complaint 2021076182 Juvenile - Complaint WP21023893 911 09/06/21 01:05 Juvenile - Complaint 2021076917 Juvenile - Complaint WP21024098 Phone 09/12/21 12:23 Juvenile - Complaint 2021079059 Juvenile - Complaint WP21024754 Phone 09/12/21 13:43 Juvenile - Complaint 2021079081 Juvenile - Complaint WP21024765 Phone 09/14/21 13:15 Juvenile - Complaint 2021079710 Juvenile - Complaint WP21024961 Phone 09/14/21 15:04 Juvenile - Complaint 2021079753 Juvenile - Complaint WP21024970 Phone 09/16/21 09:18 Juvenile - Complaint 2021080340 School Threats WSR02102517Mone 09/25/21 11:57 09/16/21 18:48 Juvenile - Complaint 2021080549 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21025263 911 09/19/21 19:22 Juvenile - Complaint 2021081621 Juvenile - Complaint WP21025592 911 09/30/21 01:32 Juvenile - Complaint 2021084979 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21026636 911 Lift Assist Total: 4 09/02/21 18:07 Lift Assist 2021075745 Lift Assist WP21023764 Phone 09/08/21 03:28 Lift Assist 2021077554 Text 09/09/21 06:50 Lift Assist 2021077873 09/21/21 11:27 Lift Assist 2021082087 Lock Out - Lock In Total: 3 09/14/21 22:49 Lock Out - Lock In 2021079901 Lock Out - Lock In WP21025025 Phone 09/24/21 14:53 Lock Out - Lock In 2021083134 Lock Out - Lock In WP21026074 Phone 09/25/21 11:57 Lock Out - Lock In 2021083428 Lock Out - Lock In WP21026175 911 Page 11 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Lost - Found Property Total: 7 09/01/21 08:28 2021079000 Lost - Found Property 2021075245 09/07/21 18:19 2021081765 Lost - Found Property 2021077455 09/16/21 09:43 09/13/21 10:47 Lost - Found Property 2021080348 09/19/21 14:54 09/16/21 14:57 Lost - Found Property 2021081516 09/20/21 18:58 2021083353 Lost - Found Property 2021081910 09/24/21 16:06 Medical - Carbon Lost - Found Property 2021083166 09/30/21 07:09 09/03/21 15:59 Lost - Found Property 2021084991 Medical - Abdominal Pain Total: 4 09/12/21 08:09 Medical - Abdominal 2021079000 09/14/21 20:36 Medical - Abdominal 2021079865 09/20/21 10:41 Medical - Abdominal 2021081765 09/22/21 15:18 Medical - Abdominal 2021082513 Medical - Allergies - Stings Total: 3 09/13/21 10:47 Medical - Allergies - 2021079354 09/15/21 15:02 Medical - Allergies - 2021080080 09/16/21 14:57 Medical - Allergies - 2021080459 Medical - Back Pain Total: 1 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Lost - Found Property WP21023622 Lost - Found Property WP21024283 Lost - Found Property WSRO21025178 Lost - Found Property WP21025568 Lost - Found Property WP21025695 Lost - Found Property WP21026090 Lost - Found Property WP21026643 911 Phone 911 Phone 911 Phone 911 09/29/21 07:43 Medical - Back Pain 2021084666 911 Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations Total: 3 09/11/21 00:17 Medical - Bleeding - 2021078588 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WP21024626 911 09/16/21 00:44 Medical - Bleeding - 2021080283 911 09/24/21 16:05 Medical - Bleeding - 2021083165 911 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 7 09/02/21 09:26 Medical - Breathing 2021075571 911 09/05/21 06:38 Medical - Breathing 2021076609 911 09/16/21 16:27 Medical - Breathing 2021080496 911 09/19/21 14:14 Medical - Breathing 2021081499 911 09/22/21 19:18 Medical - Breathing 2021082602 911 09/23/21 16:43 Medical - Breathing 2021082853 911 09/25/21 03:36 Medical - Breathing 2021083353 911 Medical - Carbon Monoxide Inhalation Total: 1 09/15/21 16:50 Medical - Carbon 2021080129 911 Medical - Diabetic Total: 2 09/03/21 15:59 Medical - Diabetic 2021076022 911 09/23/21 02:12 Medical - Diabetic 2021082686 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 13 09/02/21 13:35 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021075649 911 09/04/21 01:54 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021076230 911 09/04/21 17:33 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021076436 911 09/05/21 15:08 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021076722 Phone Page 12 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/09/21 14:12 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021078005 911 09/17/21 13:51 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021080792 Phone 09/18/21 13:36 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021081144 Phone 09/19/21 01:23 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021081379 911 09/19/21 21:32 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021081659 911 09/20/21 08:35 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021081735 911 09/22/21 18:05 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021082586 911 09/26/21 18:20 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021083850 911 09/30/21 01:13 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021084978 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet; 911 Text Total: 1 09/18/21 15:27 09/07/21 00:37 Medical - Fall Under 6 2021077234 911 Medical - Headache Total: 1 09/21/21 20:13 Medical - Psychiatric - 09/20/21 19:35 Medical - Headache 2021081919 911 Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 1 2021082930 09/06/21 17:06 Medical - Overdose - 2021077101 911 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 11 09/04/21 00:40 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021076220 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21023899 911 09/06/21 13:28 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021077032 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21024138 Phone 09/06/21 20:00 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021077167 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21024168 Phone 09/06/21 20:36 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021077181 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21024173 911 09/09/21 17:24 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021078072 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21024462 911 09/12/21 13:48 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021079086 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21024767 Phone 09/16/21 06:10 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021080299 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21025155 Phone 09/18/21 15:27 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021081175 Medical - Unknown WP21025462 911 09/21/21 20:13 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021082260 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21025806 911 09/23/21 21:24 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021082930 Medical - Sick WP21026020 911 09/24/21 04:32 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021082976 Medical - Psychiatric - WP21026029 911 Medical - Seizure Total: 7 09/01/21 09:33 Medical - Seizure 2021075258 Death Investigation - Natural WP21023645 911 09/02/21 11:03 Medical - Seizure 2021075604 911 09/11/21 13:04 Medical - Seizure 2021078714 911 09/12/21 14:18 Medical - Seizure 2021079094 911 09/13/21 10:55 Medical - Seizure 2021079357 911 09/19/21 16:39 Medical - Seizure 2021081557 911 09/24/21 07:21 Medical - Seizure 2021082995 911 Medical - Sick Total: 20 09/01/21 22:51 Medical - Sick 2021075480 911 09/02/21 17:26 Medical - Sick 2021075728 911 09/03/21 09:40 Medical - Sick 2021075890 911 09/04/21 11:39 Medical - Sick 2021076311 911 09/04/21 12:56 Medical - Sick 2021076333 911 09/05/21 13:51 Medical - Sick 2021076698 911 09/06/21 14:46 Medical - Sick 2021077057 911 Page 13 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/06/21 15:01 Medical - Sick 2021077063 911 09/08/21 17:04 Medical - Sick 2021077735 911 09/11/21 17:48 Medical - Sick 2021078797 911 09/12/21 10:52 Medical - Sick 2021079035 911 09/16/21 00:17 Medical - Sick 2021080275 911 09/17/21 19:58 Medical - Sick 2021080922 911 09/18/21 08:32 Medical - Sick 2021081061 911 09/22/21 05:31 Medical - Sick 2021082337 911 09/26/21 12:24 Medical - Sick 2021083739 Medical - Sick WP21026268 911 09/26/21 18:49 Medical - Sick 2021083858 911 09/26/21 19:05 Medical - Sick 2021083865 911 09/27/21 03:57 Medical - Sick 2021083963 911 09/28/21 21:22 Medical - Sick 2021084598 911 Medical - Stroke Total: 1 09/30/21 09:00 Medical - Stroke 2021085023 911 Medical - Trauma Total: 1 09/02/21 18:45 Medical - Trauma 2021075757 911 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 3 09/06/21 14:11 Medical - Unconscious - 2021077051 Phone 09/06/21 20:26 Medical - Unconscious - 2021077177 Medical - Unconscious - WP21024174 911 09/14/21 13:15 Medical - Unconscious - 2021079709 Phone Medical - Unknown Total: 1 09/14/21 16:00 Medical - Unknown 2021079775 Missing Person Total: 3 09/18/21 18:52 Missing Person 09/21/21 18:45 Missing Person 09/24/21 21:22 Missing Person Motorist Aid Total: 2 09/20/21 17:03 Motorist Aid 09/21/21 01:31 Motorist Aid MVA - Car Deer Total: 2 09/20/21 18:19 MVA - Car Deer 09/21/21 02:54 MVA - Car Deer MVA - Hit & Run Total: 6 09/04/21 15:46 MVA - Hit & Run 09/06/21 17:05 MVA - Hit & Run 09/08/21 19:49 MVA - Hit & Run 09/10/21 18:54 MVA - Hit & Run 09/27/21 05:08 MVA - Hit & Run 09/30/21 10:55 MVA - Hit & Run 2021081247 Medical - Psychiatric - 2021082233 Missing Person 2021083264 Missing Person 2021081871 2021081995 2021081897 MVA - Car Deer 2021082000 MVA - Car Deer 2021076392 MVA - Hit & Run 2021077099 2021077795 Citizen Aid 2021078474 MVA - Hit & Run 2021083967 MVA - Hit & Run 2021085045 MVA - Hit & Run MVA - Hit & Run; Traffic - Complaint Total: 1 911 WP21025485 911 WP21025798 911 WP21026121 911 Phone Phone WP21025692 Phone WP21025727 Phone WP21023946 WP21024396 WP21024591 WP21026326 911 WP21026665 Page 14 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/14/21 11:53 MVA - Hit & Run; Traffic 2021079689 Traffic - Complaint WP21024950 MVA - Injuries Total: 2 09/19/21 00:12 MVA - Injuries 2021081361 Off -Road Vehicle Complaint WP21025520 911 09/29/21 21:19 MVA - Injuries 2021084922 MVA - Fatality WP21026621 911 MVA - No Injuries Total: 33 09/03/21 11:32 MVA - No Injuries 2021075915 911 09/03/21 16:29 MVA - No Injuries 2021076037 MVA - No Injuries WP21023856 911 09/04/21 21:35 MVA - No Injuries 2021076516 MVA - No Injuries WP21023981 09/05/21 10:11 MVA - No Injuries 2021076642 MVA - No Injuries WP21024017 09/05/21 10:45 MVA - No Injuries 2021076648 MVA - No Injuries WP21024021 09/07/21 04:33 MVA - No Injuries 2021077249 MVA - No Injuries WP21024194 09/07/21 10:20 MVA - No Injuries 2021077316 MVA - No Injuries WP21024224 09/07/21 17:37 MVA - No Injuries 2021077438 MVA - No Injuries WP21024279 09/08/21 16:21 MVA - No Injuries 2021077721 MVA - No Injuries WP21024377 09/09/21 17:46 MVA - No Injuries 2021078083 MVA - No Injuries WP21024463 911 09/13/21 05:48 MVA - No Injuries 2021079281 MVA - No Injuries WP21024824 911 09/13/21 11:34 MVA - No Injuries 2021079368 MVA - No Injuries WP21024857 911 09/13/21 14:29 MVA - No Injuries 2021079424 MVA - No Injuries WP21024875 09/14/21 12:13 MVA - No Injuries 2021079695 MVA - No Injuries WP21024952 09/14/21 16:55 MVA - No Injuries 2021079796 Agency Assist WP21024990 911 09/15/21 13:49 MVA - No Injuries 2021080051 MVA - No Injuries WP21025087 09/15/21 14:10 MVA - No Injuries 2021080064 MVA - No Injuries WP21025091 09/16/21 14:22 MVA - No Injuries 2021080446 MVA - No Injuries WP21025222 09/17/21 14:51 MVA - No Injuries 2021080813 MVA - No Injuries WP21025338 911 09/19/21 16:27 MVA - No Injuries 2021081550 MVA - Hit & Run WP21025577 911 09/20/21 16:49 MVA - No Injuries 2021081863 MVA - No Injuries WP21025686 911 09/21/21 12:13 MVA - No Injuries 2021082100 MVA - No Injuries WSRO21025759 09/23/21 17:25 MVA - No Injuries 2021082871 MVA - No Injuries WP21025996 911 09/24/21 21:30 MVA - No Injuries 2021083268 MVA - No Injuries WP21026122 911 09/25/21 21:12 MVA - No Injuries 2021083588 MVA - No Injuries WP21026215 09/26/21 12:36 MVA - No Injuries 2021083743 MVA - No Injuries WP21026266 09/27/21 10:44 MVA - No Injuries 2021084048 09/27/21 11:37 MVA - No Injuries 2021084068 911 09/27/21 17:28 MVA - No Injuries 2021084179 MVA - No Injuries WP21026386 09/28/21 14:14 MVA - No Injuries 2021084464 MVA - No Injuries WP21026475 09/29/21 07:34 MVA - No Injuries 2021084663 911 09/29/21 11:28 MVA - No Injuries 2021084723 MVA - No Injuries WP21026552 911 09/29/21 17:55 MVA - No Injuries 2021084845 MVA - No Injuries WP21026597 MVA - No Injuries; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 2 09/03/21 16:00 MVA - No Injuries; 2021076023 MVA - No Injuries WP21023851 09/10/21 18:35 MVA - No Injuries; 2021078468 MVA - No Injuries WP21024590 911 Noise Total: 10 09/06/2101:56 Noise 2021076925 Noise WP21024104 09/15/21 17:25 Noise 2021080138 Traffic - Complaint WP21025117 Page 15 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/15/2119:18 09/13/21 08:11 Noise 2021080192 Noise WP21025130 09/17/21 14:43 Noise 2021080807 Traffic - Complaint WP21025340 09/18/21 11:17 Noise 2021081106 Noise WP21025445 911 09/18/2119:03 Ordinance Violation Noise 2021081249 Noise WP21025486 09/19/2102:01 WP21025547 Noise 2021081389 Noise WP21025526 09/25/2118:56 Park Incident Total: 1 Noise 2021083538 Noise WP21026206 09/25/2122:28 2021078859 Noise 2021083613 Noise WP21026223 09/26/2101:38 WP21024527 Noise 2021083649 Noise WP21026232 Open Door - Window Total: 2 09/10/2119:38 Parking 09/16/21 15:57 Open Door - Window 2021080481 Open Door - Window WP21025243 09/19/21 00:29 Open Door - Window 2021081364 Open Door - Window WP21025521 Ordinance Violation Total: 7 09/08/21 13:49 Ordinance Violation 2021077673 Ordinance Violation WP21024359 09/13/21 08:11 Ordinance Violation 2021079311 Ordinance Violation WPRK21024836 09/15/21 16:14 Ordinance Violation 2021080110 Ordinance Violation WP21025108 09/17/21 23:26 Ordinance Violation 2021080994 Ordinance Violation WPRK21025403 09/19/21 10:16 Ordinance Violation 2021081438 Ordinance Violation WP21025546 09/19/21 10:21 Ordinance Violation 2021081444 Ordinance Violation WP21025547 09/25/21 10:32 Ordinance Violation 2021083407 Ordinance Violation WP21026167 Park Incident Total: 1 09/10/2107:57 Parking 09/11/21 20:03 Park Incident 2021078859 Park Incident WPRK21024698 Parking Total: 14 09/01/2123:37 Parking 2021075493 Parking WP21023698 09/03/21 14:20 Parking 2021075974 Parking WP21023840 09/03/2115:51 Parking 2021076015 Parking WP21023850 09/07/2116:23 Parking 2021077413 Parking WP21024267 09/08/21 19:22 Parking 2021077785 Parking WP21024393 09/09/2114:06 Parking 2021078004 Parking WP21024446 09/10/2107:57 Parking 2021078243 Parking WP21024499 09/10/2112:11 Parking 2021078314 Parking WP21024527 09/10/2118:36 Parking 2021078470 Parking WP21024589 09/10/2119:38 Parking 2021078484 Parking WP21024595 09/12/2112:48 Parking 2021079069 Parking WP21024760 09/12/2113:34 Parking 2021079077 Parking WP21024762 09/15/2112:40 Parking 2021080025 Parking WP21025078 09/28/21 15:36 Parking 2021084488 Parking WP21026480 Parking; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 09/18/21 14:47 Parking; Dispatch - 2021081163 Parking WP21025460 Phone Call Total: 2 09/20/21 19:17 Phone Call 2021081915 Other 09/27/21 10:40 Phone Call 2021084047 Other Probation Check Total: 11 Page 16 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/08/21 16:53 Probation Check 2021077729 Officer 09/08/21 17:31 Probation Check 2021077743 Officer 09/09/21 18:41 Probation Check 2021078103 Officer 09/09/21 18:54 Probation Check 2021078112 Officer 09/09/21 19:22 Probation Check 2021078122 Officer 09/15/21 19:18 Probation Check 2021080191 Officer 09/17/21 13:20 Probation Check 2021080783 Officer 09/22/21 15:53 Probation Check 2021082525 Officer 09/22/21 16:19 Probation Check 2021082535 Officer 09/24/21 13:34 Probation Check 2021083104 Officer 09/26/21 14:05 Probation Check 2021083784 Officer Public Works - Utilities Total: 1 09/24/21 16:52 Public Works - Utilities 2021083183 Public Works - Utilities WP21026097 Phone Pursuit Total: 1 09/17/2109:14 Pursuit 2021080708 Pursuit WSIU2102530(Dfficer Repossession Total: 4 09/07/2103:36 Repossession 2021077244 09/14/2112:03 Repossession 2021079694 Repossession WP21025183 09/25/2122:33 Repossession 2021083617 911 09/29/2100:28 Repossession 2021084633 Residential Fire Alarm Total: 1 2021083454 09/24/21 06:18 Residential Fire Alarm 2021082986 Phone Residential General Alarm Total: 5 09/01/21 21:32 Residential General 2021075452 Phone 09/09/21 12:50 Residential General 2021077981 Phone 09/13/21 17:49 Residential General 2021079504 Phone 09/25/21 14:01 Residential General 2021083454 Phone 09/26/21 01:54 Residential General 2021083653 Phone Residential Medical Alarm Total: 3 09/08/21 03:12 Residential Medical 2021077552 Phone 09/19/21 09:39 Residential Medical 2021081429 Phone 09/26/21 05:06 Residential Medical 2021083667 Phone Search Warrant Total: 1 09/14/21 09:44 Search Warrant 2021079651 Search Warrant WP21024936 Officer SIA Area Watch Total: 9 09/10/21 07:21 SIA Area Watch 2021078237 09/10/21 08:39 SIA Area Watch 2021078253 09/10/21 15:07 SIA Area Watch 2021078377 09/14/21 14:31 SIA Area Watch 2021079742 09/19/21 07:09 SIA Area Watch 2021081411 09/20/21 07:12 SIA Area Watch 2021081713 09/21/21 07:14 SIA Area Watch 2021082016 Page 17 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/24/21 08:33 SIA Area Watch 2021083007 09/28/21 00:02 SIA Area Watch 2021084300 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 16 09/02/21 10:04 SIA Business Walk 2021075583 09/07/21 04:09 SIA Business Walk 2021077245 09/08/21 17:47 SIA Business Walk 2021077749 09/08/21 21:29 SIA Business Walk 2021077822 09/09/21 09:35 SIA Business Walk 2021077910 09/09/21 15:16 SIA Business Walk 2021078020 09/18/21 09:04 SIA Business Walk 2021081071 09/18/21 09:31 SIA Business Walk 2021081079 09/18/21 10:03 SIA Business Walk 2021081087 09/20/21 14:02 SIA Business Walk 2021081813 09/24/21 09:52 SIA Business Walk 2021083027 09/25/21 07:28 SIA Business Walk 2021083364 09/25/21 10:28 SIA Business Walk 2021083402 09/25/21 14:41 SIA Business Walk 2021083467 09/26/21 10:52 SIA Business Walk 2021083710 09/26/21 14:50 SIA Business Walk 2021083795 SIA Citizen Aid Total: 1 09/18/21 19:19 SIA Citizen Aid 2021081255 SIA City Council - City Hall Total: 2 09/13/21 17:30 SIA City Council - City 2021079497 09/27/21 17:29 SIA City Council - City 2021084180 SIA Community Engagement Total: 1 09/10/21 16:54 SIA Community 2021078431 SIA Community Presentation Total: 1 09/19/21 11:43 SIA Community 2021081463 SIA Door Check Total: 3 09/05/21 20:58 SIA Door Check 2021076847 09/09/21 01:50 SIA Door Check 2021077860 09/25/21 23:00 SIA Door Check 2021083623 SIA Other Total: 1 09/15/21 16:38 SIA Other 2021080125 SIA Parks Total: 31 09/01/21 00:27 SIA Parks 2021075198 09/03/21 23:17 SIA Parks 2021076201 09/04/21 22:59 SIA Parks 2021076549 09/05/21 19:01 SIA Parks 2021076802 09/06/21 01:03 SIA Parks 2021076916 09/06/21 10:00 SIA Parks 2021076985 09/06/21 23:49 SIA Parks 2021077228 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Officer Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21024405 Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Page 18 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Stoparm Violation Initial Call CFS # 09/08/21 10:40 Surveillance Total: 4 SIA Parks 2021077618 09/11/21 01:03 Surveillance SIA Parks 2021078595 09/11/21 19:54 SIA Parks 2021078853 09/12/21 11:45 SIA Parks 2021079047 09/13/21 08:01 SIA Parks 2021079309 09/13/21 15:33 SIA Parks 2021079448 09/15/21 00:46 SIA Parks 2021079915 09/15/21 23:14 SIA Parks 2021080267 09/16/21 08:02 SIA Parks 2021080315 09/17/21 19:00 SIA Parks 2021080906 09/17/21 23:05 SIA Parks 2021080987 09/18/21 08:54 SIA Parks 2021081068 09/18/21 11:15 SIA Parks 2021081105 09/20/21 01:31 SIA Parks 2021081696 09/20/21 08:03 SIA Parks 2021081727 09/20/21 09:32 SIA Parks 2021081751 09/20/21 18:22 SIA Parks 2021081899 09/24/21 10:34 SIA Parks 2021083037 09/24/21 18:10 SIA Parks 2021083212 09/25/21 11:03 SIA Parks 2021083414 09/25/21 23:42 SIA Parks 2021083629 09/26/21 13:26 SIA Parks 2021083770 09/28/21 08:03 SIA Parks 2021084345 09/30/21 23:20 SIA Parks 2021085284 Sign - Signal Repair Total: 1 09/20/21 09:26 Sign - Signal Repair Soliciting Total: 1 09/26/2118:18 Soliciting Squad Damage Total: 1 09/07/21 23:15 Squad Damage Stalking Total: 1 09/07/2105:44 Stalking Stolen - Vehicle Total: 1 09/22/21 16:04 Stolen - Vehicle Stoparm Violation Total: 3 09/16/21 07:09 Stoparm Violation 09/23/21 12:54 Stoparm Violation 09/28/21 17:23 Stoparm Violation Surveillance Total: 4 09/01/2108:28 Surveillance 09/10/2115:48 Surveillance 09/20/2117:28 Surveillance 2021081746 Final Incident 2021083849 Soliciting 2021077528 Squad Damage Case Number How Reported Officer Officer Phone WP21026292 Phone WP21024310 2021077258 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21024200 911 2021082529 Stolen - Vehicle 2021080306 Stoparm Violation 2021082769 Traffic - Complaint 2021084525 Stoparm Violation 2021075246 2021078399 2021081881 PAyAWIlk 1:11-I1 ♦,�T.Ti'M WP21025158 Other WP21025967 Other WP21026493 Other Page 19 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/28/2118:47 Surveillance 2021084549 Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 18 09/05/21 19:46 Suspicious - 2021076821 09/11/21 20:48 Suspicious - 2021078885 09/12/21 11:47 Suspicious - 2021079050 09/12/21 19:38 Suspicious - 2021079183 09/13/21 16:42 Suspicious - 2021079474 09/14/21 17:54 Suspicious - 2021079818 09/19/21 19:09 Suspicious - 2021081616 09/22/21 14:48 Suspicious - 2021082499 09/22/21 18:38 Suspicious - 2021082592 09/24/21 12:41 Suspicious - 2021083082 09/25/21 21:42 Suspicious - 2021083594 09/25/21 22:07 Suspicious - 2021083603 09/26/21 19:38 Suspicious - 2021083879 09/27/21 11:19 Suspicious - 2021084063 09/27/21 13:17 Suspicious - 2021084108 09/27/21 13:18 Suspicious - 2021084109 09/27/21 18:55 Suspicious - 2021084210 09/27/21 21:45 Suspicious - 2021084261 Suspicious - Item Total: 1 09/29/21 14:37 Suspicious - Item 2021084776 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 15 09/05/21 07:03 Suspicious - Person - 2021076611 09/06/21 01:54 Suspicious - Person - 2021076923 09/11/21 18:00 Suspicious - Person - 2021078806 09/12/21 07:02 Suspicious - Person - 2021078992 09/12/21 19:40 Suspicious - Person - 2021079184 09/13/21 18:33 Suspicious - Person - 2021079524 09/16/21 15:38 Suspicious - Person - 2021080479 09/17/21 19:01 Suspicious - Person - 2021080907 09/19/21 20:34 Suspicious - Person - 2021081640 09/20/21 06:42 Suspicious - Person - 2021081710 09/20/21 23:52 Suspicious - Person - 2021081987 09/24/21 15:32 Suspicious - Person - 2021083152 09/24/21 20:24 Suspicious - Person - 2021083246 09/26/21 02:40 Suspicious - Person - 2021083658 09/26/21 23:12 Suspicious - Person - 2021083943 Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Citizen Aid Suspicious - Circumstances Stolen - Vehicle Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Juvenile - Complaint Suspicious - Item WP21024068 Phone WP21024702 911 WP21024749 Phone WP21024793 911 WP21024887 Phone WP21025002 Phone WP21025590 Phone WP21025879 Phone WP21025911 Phone WP21026059 Phone WP21026217 Phone WP21026221 911 WP21026298 Phone WP21026352 Phone WP21026369 Phone WP21026368 Phone WP21026393 Phone WP21026408 Phone WP21026572 911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21024010 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21024102 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21024688 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21024733 911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21024795 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21024899 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21025239 911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21025376 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21025601 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21025623 Phone Citizen Aid WP21025719 Officer Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21026083 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21026115 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21026238 911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21026318 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle; Extra Patrol Total: 1 09/07/21 19:37 Suspicious - Person - 2021077473 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP21024290 Phone Theft Total: 8 09/02/2107:29 Theft 2021075545 Theft WP21023709 Phone 09/12/21 20:54 Theft 2021079222 Theft WP21024806 911 09/14/21 17:21 Theft 2021079808 Civil Complaint WP21024998 Phone Page 20 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/21/2122:48 Theft Phone 2021082298 Theft Phone WP21025816 Phone 09/26/2112:59 Theft WP21023650 2021083759 Theft 08:56 WP21026267 Phone 09/28/2111:00 Theft Theft - Identity Theft 2021084399 Theft 09/30/21 WP21026456 Phone 09/28/2111:55 Theft 2021085120 2021084416 Theft Phone WP21026461 Phone 09/29/2117:35 Theft WP21026617 2021084836 Theft Traffic - Complaint WP21026594 Phone Theft - From Vehicle Total: 6 09/09/21 20:37 Traffic - Complaint 2021078157 09/05/21 11:36 Theft - From Vehicle 2021076652 Theft - From Vehicle WP21024025 911 09/10/21 18:22 Theft - From Vehicle 2021078463 Theft - From Vehicle WP21024588 Phone 09/13/21 16:26 Theft - From Vehicle 2021079469 Theft - From Vehicle WP21024885 Phone 09/26/21 11:55 Theft - From Vehicle 2021083727 Theft - From Vehicle WP21026257 Phone 09/28/21 21:10 Theft - From Vehicle 2021084594 Theft - From Vehicle WP21026507 911 09/29/21 12:18 Theft - From Vehicle 2021084735 Theft - From Vehicle WP21026556 Theft - Identity Theft Total: 4 09/01/21 10:09 2021078449 Theft - Identity Theft 2021075268 Theft - Identity Theft WP21023629 Phone 09/01/21 13:20 Phone Theft - Identity Theft 2021075320 Theft - Identity Theft WP21023650 Phone 09/30/21 08:56 2021085058 Theft - Identity Theft 2021085020 Theft - Identity Theft WP21026655 Phone 09/30/21 14:50 Phone Theft - Identity Theft 2021085120 Fraud - Internet WP21026687 Phone Theft - Shoplifting Total: 4 09/10/21 17:40 Theft - Shoplifting 2021078449 Theft - Shoplifting WP21024584 Phone 09/12/21 17:14 Theft - Shoplifting 2021079132 Theft - Shoplifting WP21024781 Phone 09/24/21 15:35 Theft - Shoplifting 2021083154 Theft - Shoplifting WP21026085 911 09/30/21 11:41 Theft - Shoplifting 2021085058 Theft - Shoplifting WP21026673 911 Threats Total: 7 09/01/21 14:41 Threats 2021075338 Threats WP21023657 911 09/04/21 18:31 Threats 2021076458 Threats WP21023962 911 09/07/21 11:04 Threats 2021077328 Threats WP21024233 Phone 09/15/21 17:32 Threats 2021080142 Threats WP21025120 911 09/16/2116:24 Threats 2021080495 Threats WP21025250 Phone 09/27/21 21:03 Threats 2021084248 Threats WP21026404 Phone 09/29/21 20:27 Threats 2021084900 Suspicious - Circumstances WP21026617 Phone Traffic - Complaint Total: 29 09/02/21 15:41 Traffic - Complaint 2021075690 Traffic - Complaint WP21023753 Phone 09/02/21 16:15 Traffic - Complaint 2021075704 Traffic - Complaint WP21023755 Phone 09/02/21 16:48 Traffic - Complaint 2021075716 Traffic - Complaint WP21023758 911 09/02/21 20:11 Traffic - Complaint 2021075781 Traffic - Complaint WP21023776 911 09/04/21 08:30 Traffic - Complaint 2021076261 Traffic - Complaint WP21023911 911 09/04/21 08:52 Traffic - Complaint 2021076265 Traffic - Complaint WP21023912 Phone 09/07/21 16:34 Traffic - Complaint 2021077419 Traffic - Complaint WP21024270 Phone 09/07/21 20:04 Traffic - Complaint 2021077480 Traffic - Complaint WP21024294 911 09/09/21 20:37 Traffic - Complaint 2021078157 911 09/10/21 13:31 Traffic - Complaint 2021078337 Traffic - Complaint WP21024541 Phone 09/11/21 21:11 Traffic - Complaint 2021078901 Traffic - Complaint WP21024706 Phone 09/12/21 20:16 Traffic - Complaint 2021079205 Traffic - Complaint WP21024802 911 09/13/21 15:25 Traffic - Complaint 2021079443 Traffic - Complaint WP21024878 Phone Page 21 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/13/21 17:49 Traffic - Complaint 2021079505 Traffic - Complaint WP21024893 Phone 09/14/21 07:23 Traffic - Complaint 2021079613 Traffic - Complaint WP21024927 Phone 09/14/21 07:26 Traffic - Complaint 2021079615 Traffic - Complaint WP21024928 Phone 09/14/21 07:49 Traffic - Complaint 2021079619 09/01/21 20:38 Traffic Stop 911 09/14/21 16:50 Traffic - Complaint 2021079794 Traffic - Complaint WP21024988 Phone 09/15/21 20:56 Traffic - Complaint 2021080230 Traffic - Complaint WP21025142 911 09/17/21 16:59 Traffic - Complaint 2021080863 Traffic - Complaint WP21025361 Phone 09/19/21 10:34 Traffic - Complaint 2021081446 Traffic - Complaint WP21025550 Phone 09/21/21 11:54 Traffic - Complaint 2021082095 Traffic - Complaint WP21025757 Phone 09/21/21 12:11 Traffic - Complaint 2021082099 Traffic - Complaint WP21025760 Phone 09/21/21 20:50 Traffic - Complaint 2021082272 Traffic - Complaint WP21025809 Phone 09/21/21 22:36 Traffic - Complaint 2021082294 Traffic - Complaint WP21025815 911 09/28/21 19:29 Traffic - Complaint 2021084559 Traffic - Complaint WP21026499 Phone 09/28/21 21:10 Traffic - Complaint 2021084593 Traffic - Complaint WP21026510 Phone 09/30/21 00:12 Traffic - Complaint 2021084974 Officer 09/02/21 02:39 911 09/30/21 19:19 Traffic - Complaint 2021085211 Traffic - Complaint WP21026710 911 Traffic - Hazard Total: 1 Officer 09/02/21 09:48 Traffic Stop 2021075578 09/10/21 06:02 Traffic - Hazard 2021078228 Traffic - Hazard WP21024494 Phone Traffic - Hazard; Sign - Signal Repair Total: 1 2021075676 Theft - Shoplifting 09/18/21 16:47 Traffic - Hazard; Sign - 2021081205 MVA - Hit & Run WP21025473 911 Traffic Stop Total: 327 09/01/21 06:40 Traffic Stop 2021075229 Officer 09/01/21 06:48 Traffic Stop 2021075230 Warrant - Arrest WP21023619 Officer 09/01/21 13:02 Traffic Stop 2021075316 Medical - Chest Pain BP21007521 Officer 09/01/21 19:17 Traffic Stop 2021075407 Officer 09/01/21 19:32 Traffic Stop 2021075416 Officer 09/01/21 20:38 Traffic Stop 2021075440 Traffic Stop WP21023681 Officer 09/01/21 21:18 Traffic Stop 2021075448 Officer 09/01/21 22:02 Traffic Stop 2021075460 Officer 09/01/21 22:08 Traffic Stop 2021075462 Officer 09/01/21 22:20 Traffic Stop 2021075465 Officer 09/01/21 22:26 Traffic Stop 2021075469 Officer 09/01/21 22:32 Traffic Stop 2021075470 Traffic Stop WP21023690 Officer 09/01/21 23:09 Traffic Stop 2021075485 Officer 09/01/21 23:18 Traffic Stop 2021075488 Officer 09/01/21 23:26 Traffic Stop 2021075490 Officer 09/01/21 23:58 Traffic Stop 2021075503 Pursuit WP21023700 Officer 09/02/21 01:13 Traffic Stop 2021075512 Traffic Stop WP21023702 Officer 09/02/21 02:16 Traffic Stop 2021075520 Officer 09/02/21 02:39 Traffic Stop 2021075522 Officer 09/02/21 09:43 Traffic Stop 2021075574 Officer 09/02/21 09:48 Traffic Stop 2021075578 Officer 09/02/21 12:32 Traffic Stop 2021075639 Officer 09/02/21 15:02 Traffic Stop 2021075676 Theft - Shoplifting WP21023748 Officer 09/02/21 15:49 Traffic Stop 2021075693 Officer Page 22 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/02/21 16:09 Traffic Stop 2021075700 Officer 09/02/21 16:59 Traffic Stop 2021075717 Officer 09/02/21 17:31 Traffic Stop 2021075730 Officer 09/02/21 17:36 Traffic Stop 2021075732 Officer 09/02/21 17:58 Traffic Stop 2021075740 Traffic Stop WP21023763 Officer 09/02/21 19:24 Traffic Stop 2021075763 Officer 09/02/21 19:29 Traffic Stop 2021075765 Officer 09/02/21 19:36 Traffic Stop 2021075770 Warrant - Arrest WP21023770 Officer 09/02/21 21:35 Traffic Stop 2021075797 Officer 09/02/21 21:47 Traffic Stop 2021075800 Officer 09/02/21 21:56 Traffic Stop 2021075802 Officer 09/02/21 22:03 Traffic Stop 2021075804 Officer 09/02/21 22:11 Traffic Stop 2021075809 Officer 09/02/21 22:37 Traffic Stop 2021075814 Officer 09/02/21 23:01 Traffic Stop 2021075817 Officer 09/02/21 23:18 Traffic Stop 2021075819 Officer 09/03/21 00:56 Traffic Stop 2021075828 Officer 09/03/21 02:17 Traffic Stop 2021075841 Officer 09/03/21 03:04 Traffic Stop 2021075845 Officer 09/03/21 03:37 Traffic Stop 2021075849 Officer 09/03/21 03:44 Traffic Stop 2021075850 Traffic Stop WP21023800 Officer 09/03/21 12:00 Traffic Stop 2021075924 Traffic Stop WP21023820 Officer 09/03/21 13:01 Traffic Stop 2021075946 Traffic Stop WP21023826 Officer 09/03/21 17:19 Traffic Stop 2021076059 Officer 09/03/21 17:33 Traffic Stop 2021076062 Traffic Stop WP21023862 Officer 09/03/21 18:40 Traffic Stop 2021076089 Officer 09/03/21 20:33 Traffic Stop 2021076135 Officer 09/03/21 21:40 Traffic Stop 2021076167 Officer 09/03/21 21:42 Traffic Stop 2021076170 Officer 09/03/21 21:50 Traffic Stop 2021076175 Officer 09/03/21 23:05 Traffic Stop 2021076199 Officer 09/03/21 23:16 Traffic Stop 2021076200 Officer 09/03/21 23:42 Traffic Stop 2021076210 Officer 09/04/21 07:13 Traffic Stop 2021076255 Officer 09/04/21 09:32 Traffic Stop 2021076277 Officer 09/04/21 12:17 Traffic Stop 2021076325 Officer 09/04/21 12:34 Traffic Stop 2021076328 Traffic Stop WP21023930 Officer 09/04/21 12:59 Traffic Stop 2021076336 Officer 09/04/21 13:21 Traffic Stop 2021076342 Officer 09/04/21 13:31 Traffic Stop 2021076344 Officer 09/04/21 14:31 Traffic Stop 2021076368 Officer 09/04/21 15:16 Traffic Stop 2021076386 Officer 09/04/21 17:53 Traffic Stop 2021076441 Officer 09/04/21 18:08 Traffic Stop 2021076449 DUI WP21023961 Officer 09/04/21 19:47 Traffic Stop 2021076487 Traffic Stop WP21024215 Officer 09/04/21 20:28 Traffic Stop 2021076500 Officer 09/04/21 21:28 Traffic Stop 2021076513 Traffic Stop WP21023979 Officer Page 23 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/04/21 22:02 Traffic Stop 2021076526 Officer 09/04/21 22:36 Traffic Stop 2021076536 Officer 09/04/21 22:36 Traffic Stop 2021076537 Officer 09/04/21 23:10 Traffic Stop 2021076553 Officer 09/05/21 00:20 Traffic Stop 2021076572 Officer 09/05/21 00:37 Traffic Stop 2021076574 Officer 09/05/21 00:42 Traffic Stop 2021076576 Officer 09/05/21 04:29 Traffic Stop 2021076602 Traffic Stop WP21024003 Officer 09/05/21 10:13 Traffic Stop 2021076643 Traffic Stop WP21024018 Officer 09/05/21 12:05 Traffic Stop 2021076657 Officer 09/05/21 13:38 Traffic Stop 2021076690 Officer 09/05/21 14:19 Traffic Stop 2021076706 Officer 09/05/21 14:36 Traffic Stop 2021076713 Officer 09/05/21 17:11 Traffic Stop 2021076762 Officer 09/05/21 17:20 Traffic Stop 2021076766 Officer 09/05/21 17:27 Traffic Stop 2021076769 Officer 09/05/21 17:58 Traffic Stop 2021076779 Officer 09/05/21 18:31 Traffic Stop 2021076791 Officer 09/05/21 18:44 Traffic Stop 2021076793 Officer 09/05/21 18:51 Traffic Stop 2021076796 Officer 09/05/21 19:05 Traffic Stop 2021076805 Traffic Stop WP21024061 Officer 09/05/21 19:21 Traffic Stop 2021076810 Officer 09/05/21 20:56 Traffic Stop 2021076846 Officer 09/05/21 21:48 Traffic Stop 2021076870 Officer 09/05/21 22:09 Traffic Stop 2021076876 Officer 09/05/21 22:26 Traffic Stop 2021076881 Officer 09/05/21 23:36 Traffic Stop 2021076896 Officer 09/05/21 23:48 Traffic Stop 2021076900 Officer 09/06/21 05:36 Traffic Stop 2021076941 Officer 09/06/21 10:20 Traffic Stop 2021076991 Officer 09/06/21 10:22 Traffic Stop 2021076992 Officer 09/06/21 10:31 Traffic Stop 2021076994 Officer 09/06/21 10:45 Traffic Stop 2021076998 Officer 09/06/21 11:54 Traffic Stop 2021077010 Traffic Stop WP21024127 Officer 09/06/21 15:27 Traffic Stop 2021077068 Officer 09/06/21 16:20 Traffic Stop 2021077086 Traffic Stop WP21024154 Officer 09/06/21 17:03 Traffic Stop 2021077098 Officer 09/06/21 17:26 Traffic Stop 2021077106 Officer 09/06/21 17:58 Traffic Stop 2021077121 Officer 09/06/21 18:53 Traffic Stop 2021077139 Officer 09/06/21 19:22 Traffic Stop 2021077152 Officer 09/06/21 19:35 Traffic Stop 2021077155 Officer 09/06/21 20:12 Traffic Stop 2021077169 Traffic Stop WP21024170 Officer 09/06/21 21:06 Traffic Stop 2021077186 Officer 09/06/21 21:10 Traffic Stop 2021077188 Officer 09/06/21 21:30 Traffic Stop 2021077195 Officer 09/06/21 21:37 Traffic Stop 2021077198 Officer Page 24 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/06/21 21:39 Traffic Stop 2021077200 Officer 09/06/21 21:44 Traffic Stop 2021077201 Officer 09/06/21 21:46 Traffic Stop 2021077202 Officer 09/07/21 00:18 Traffic Stop 2021077232 Officer 09/07/21 13:28 Traffic Stop 2021077354 Officer 09/07/21 14:01 Traffic Stop 2021077364 Officer 09/07/21 14:19 Traffic Stop 2021077368 Officer 09/07/21 14:23 Traffic Stop 2021077370 09/07/21 17:02 Traffic Stop 2021077429 Officer 09/07/21 18:06 Traffic Stop 2021077451 Officer 09/07/21 18:16 Traffic Stop 2021077454 Officer 09/07/21 20:47 Traffic Stop 2021077490 Officer 09/08/21 00:54 Traffic Stop 2021077537 Drugs WP21024318 Officer 09/08/21 10:12 Traffic Stop 2021077609 Officer 09/08/21 10:54 Traffic Stop 2021077620 Officer 09/08/21 11:01 Traffic Stop 2021077622 Officer 09/08/21 12:48 Traffic Stop 2021077652 Traffic Stop WP21024349 Officer 09/08/21 17:31 Traffic Stop 2021077744 Officer 09/08/21 20:45 Traffic Stop 2021077813 Officer 09/09/21 08:28 Traffic Stop 2021077891 Traffic Stop WP21024418 Officer 09/09/21 08:46 Traffic Stop 2021077900 Officer 09/09/21 11:53 Traffic Stop 2021077958 Officer 09/09/21 13:52 Traffic Stop 2021077997 Traffic Stop WP21024442 Officer 09/09/21 15:31 Traffic Stop 2021078027 Officer 09/09/21 16:12 Traffic Stop 2021078044 Traffic Stop WP21024453 Officer 09/09/21 19:41 Traffic Stop 2021078132 Officer 09/09/21 20:40 Traffic Stop 2021078159 Officer 09/09/21 20:51 Traffic Stop 2021078164 Officer 09/10/21 04:47 Traffic Stop 2021078223 Officer 09/10/21 14:50 Traffic Stop 2021078370 Traffic Stop WP21024555 Officer 09/10/21 16:15 Traffic Stop 2021078409 Officer 09/10/21 20:55 Traffic Stop 2021078521 Officer 09/10/21 21:04 Traffic Stop 2021078523 Officer 09/10/21 21:15 Traffic Stop 2021078529 Officer 09/10/21 23:02 Traffic Stop 2021078563 Officer 09/11/21 02:18 Traffic Stop 2021078610 Officer 09/11/21 18:33 Traffic Stop 2021078816 Officer 09/11/21 20:22 Traffic Stop 2021078866 Officer 09/11/21 20:37 Traffic Stop 2021078880 Officer 09/11/21 20:50 Traffic Stop 2021078889 Traffic Stop WP21024703 Officer 09/11/21 21:32 Traffic Stop 2021078912 Officer 09/11/21 21:37 Traffic Stop 2021078915 Officer 09/11/21 22:20 Traffic Stop 2021078923 Drugs WP21024714 Officer 09/11/21 23:26 Traffic Stop 2021078940 Officer 09/12/21 06:44 Traffic Stop 2021078990 Officer 09/12/21 09:31 Traffic Stop 2021079015 Officer 09/12/21 15:43 Traffic Stop 2021079115 Officer Page 25 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/12/21 19:05 Traffic Stop 2021079171 Officer 09/12/21 20:12 Traffic Stop 2021079200 Officer 09/12/21 20:47 Traffic Stop 2021079217 Officer 09/12/21 21:02 Traffic Stop 2021079224 Officer 09/12/21 22:44 Traffic Stop 2021079246 Traffic Stop WP21024811 Officer 09/13/21 00:30 Traffic Stop 2021079257 Traffic Stop WP21024817 Officer 09/13/21 02:07 Traffic Stop 2021079267 Officer 09/13/21 07:56 Traffic Stop 2021079307 Traffic Stop WP21024833 Officer 09/13/21 08:30 Traffic Stop 2021079322 Traffic Stop WP21024838 Officer 09/13/21 13:25 Traffic Stop 2021079399 DUI WP21024870 Officer 09/13/21 20:12 Traffic Stop 2021079542 Traffic Stop WP21024904 Officer 09/13/21 21:03 Traffic Stop 2021079555 Traffic Stop WP21024908 Officer 09/13/21 22:42 Traffic Stop 2021079569 Officer 09/14/21 02:25 Traffic Stop 2021079588 Officer 09/14/21 10:53 Traffic Stop 2021079668 Traffic Stop WP21024943 Officer 09/14/21 11:38 Traffic Stop 2021079683 Traffic Stop WP21024948 Officer 09/14/21 14:39 Traffic Stop 2021079745 Officer 09/14/21 17:47 Traffic Stop 2021079815 Traffic Stop WP21025001 Officer 09/14/21 18:20 Traffic Stop 2021079830 Officer 09/14/21 20:39 Traffic Stop 2021079869 Officer 09/15/21 16:03 Traffic Stop 2021080106 Drugs WSIU2102510®fficer 09/15/21 16:25 Traffic Stop 2021080115 Officer 09/16/21 00:08 Traffic Stop 2021080272 Officer 09/16/21 04:51 Traffic Stop 2021080298 Officer 09/16/21 17:17 Traffic Stop 2021080525 Officer 09/16/21 19:04 Traffic Stop 2021080551 Traffic Stop WP21025265 Officer 09/16/21 20:20 Traffic Stop 2021080581 Officer 09/16/21 21:01 Traffic Stop 2021080593 Officer 09/17/21 08:13 Traffic Stop 2021080689 Officer 09/17/21 09:08 Traffic Stop 2021080705 Officer 09/17/21 09:40 Traffic Stop 2021080718 Officer 09/17/21 15:17 Traffic Stop 2021080827 Officer 09/17/21 20:23 Traffic Stop 2021080931 Officer 09/17/21 20:25 Traffic Stop 2021080933 Officer 09/17/21 20:44 Traffic Stop 2021080938 Officer 09/17/21 21:28 Traffic Stop 2021080951 Officer 09/17/21 22:22 Traffic Stop 2021080975 Officer 09/17/21 23:29 Traffic Stop 2021080995 Officer 09/18/21 01:45 Traffic Stop 2021081027 Officer 09/18/21 01:54 Traffic Stop 2021081028 Officer 09/18/21 07:04 Traffic Stop 2021081051 Officer 09/18/21 14:13 Traffic Stop 2021081155 Traffic Stop WP21025458 Officer 09/18/21 15:26 Traffic Stop 2021081173 Officer 09/18/21 15:40 Traffic Stop 2021081178 Traffic Stop WP21025464 Officer 09/18/21 15:59 Traffic Stop 2021081192 Officer 09/18/21 16:27 Traffic Stop 2021081199 Officer 09/18/21 16:51 Traffic Stop 2021081206 Traffic Stop WP21025474 Officer Page 26 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/18/21 17:20 Traffic Stop 2021081217 Officer 09/18/21 19:19 Traffic Stop 2021081256 Officer 09/18/21 20:11 Traffic Stop 2021081277 Officer 09/18/21 20:40 Traffic Stop 2021081289 Officer 09/18/21 20:47 Traffic Stop 2021081293 Officer 09/18/21 21:15 Traffic Stop 2021081303 Officer 09/18/21 21:16 Traffic Stop 2021081304 Officer 09/18/21 21:25 Traffic Stop 2021081307 Officer 09/18/21 21:33 Traffic Stop 2021081309 Officer 09/18/21 22:38 Traffic Stop 2021081336 Officer 09/19/21 02:20 Traffic Stop 2021081390 Officer 09/19/21 03:09 Traffic Stop 2021081397 DUI WP21025531 Officer 09/19/21 13:30 Traffic Stop 2021081487 Officer 09/19/21 13:59 Traffic Stop 2021081496 Officer 09/19/21 14:08 Traffic Stop 2021081498 Officer 09/19/21 14:20 Traffic Stop 2021081500 Traffic Stop WP21025564 Officer 09/19/21 14:42 Traffic Stop 2021081509 Officer 09/19/21 15:43 Traffic Stop 2021081526 Officer 09/19/21 15:58 Traffic Stop 2021081536 Traffic Stop WP21025573 Officer 09/19/21 17:19 Traffic Stop 2021081572 Officer 09/19/21 17:28 Traffic Stop 2021081576 Officer 09/19/21 17:34 Traffic Stop 2021081577 Officer 09/19/21 17:41 Traffic Stop 2021081578 Officer 09/19/21 17:48 Traffic Stop 2021081581 Officer 09/19/21 18:03 Traffic Stop 2021081588 DUI WP21025584 Officer 09/19/21 18:52 Traffic Stop 2021081609 Traffic Stop WP21025587 Officer 09/19/21 20:12 Traffic Stop 2021081636 Officer 09/20/21 01:15 Traffic Stop 2021081695 Officer 09/20/21 08:03 Traffic Stop 2021081726 Officer 09/20/21 09:31 Traffic Stop 2021081749 Officer 09/20/21 16:33 Traffic Stop 2021081858 Officer 09/20/21 17:04 Traffic Stop 2021081872 Officer 09/20/21 20:29 Traffic Stop 2021081938 Officer 09/20/21 20:49 Traffic Stop 2021081946 Officer 09/20/21 21:06 Traffic Stop 2021081950 Officer 09/20/21 21:25 Traffic Stop 2021081956 Officer 09/20/21 22:02 Traffic Stop 2021081965 Traffic Stop WP21025711 Officer 09/20/21 23:14 Traffic Stop 2021081979 Officer 09/20/21 23:29 Traffic Stop 2021081983 Officer 09/21/21 10:39 Traffic Stop 2021082075 Officer 09/21/21 11:25 Traffic Stop 2021082085 Officer 09/21/21 20:42 Traffic Stop 2021082270 Officer 09/22/21 15:53 Traffic Stop 2021082526 Officer 09/22/21 20:02 Traffic Stop 2021082620 Officer 09/22/21 22:16 Traffic Stop 2021082658 Officer 09/22/21 22:40 Traffic Stop 2021082665 Officer 09/22/21 23:19 Traffic Stop 2021082670 Officer Page 27 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/22/21 23:35 Traffic Stop 2021082673 Officer 09/23/21 00:40 Traffic Stop 2021082681 Traffic Stop WP21025936 Phone 09/23/21 01:02 Traffic Stop 2021082682 Traffic Stop WP21025937 Officer 09/23/21 07:32 Traffic Stop 2021082700 Officer 09/23/21 14:30 Traffic Stop 2021082798 Officer 09/23/21 14:35 Traffic Stop 2021082799 Warrant - Arrest WSIU2102597®fficer 09/23/21 16:43 Traffic Stop 2021082852 Traffic Stop WP21025990 Officer 09/23/21 20:08 Traffic Stop 2021082914 Officer 09/23/21 22:28 Traffic Stop 2021082944 Officer 09/24/21 07:03 Traffic Stop 2021082992 Officer 09/24/21 08:45 Traffic Stop 2021083011 Officer 09/24/21 19:33 Traffic Stop 2021083233 Officer 09/24/21 19:40 Traffic Stop 2021083234 Officer 09/24/21 19:43 Traffic Stop 2021083236 Officer 09/25/21 02:12 Traffic Stop 2021083345 Officer 09/25/21 11:21 Traffic Stop 2021083420 Officer 09/25/21 12:07 Traffic Stop 2021083429 09/25/21 12:25 Traffic Stop 2021083434 Officer 09/25/21 15:15 Traffic Stop 2021083483 09/25/21 15:39 Traffic Stop 2021083488 Traffic Stop WP21026193 09/25/21 16:21 Traffic Stop 2021083506 Traffic Stop WP21026199 Officer 09/25/21 20:07 Traffic Stop 2021083563 09/25/21 20:32 Traffic Stop 2021083573 Officer 09/26/21 00:37 Traffic Stop 2021083639 Officer 09/26/21 02:11 Traffic Stop 2021083655 DUI WP21026237 Officer 09/26/21 20:11 Traffic Stop 2021083889 Officer 09/26/21 21:25 Traffic Stop 2021083918 Officer 09/26/21 23:07 Traffic Stop 2021083942 Officer 09/27/21 10:32 Traffic Stop 2021084041 Officer 09/27/21 11:08 Traffic Stop 2021084060 Officer 09/27/21 14:15 Traffic Stop 2021084125 Officer 09/27/21 15:48 Traffic Stop 2021084151 Officer 09/27/21 16:06 Traffic Stop 2021084156 Officer 09/27/21 17:29 Traffic Stop 2021084181 Officer 09/27/21 20:19 Traffic Stop 2021084235 Officer 09/27/21 22:29 Traffic Stop 2021084273 Officer 09/27/21 23:15 Traffic Stop 2021084289 Traffic Stop WP21026419 Officer 09/28/21 00:33 Traffic Stop 2021084306 Officer 09/28/21 03:19 Traffic Stop 2021084314 Officer 09/28/21 04:12 Traffic Stop 2021084317 Officer 09/28/21 13:02 Traffic Stop 2021084437 Officer 09/28/21 14:43 Traffic Stop 2021084471 Officer 09/28/21 16:07 Traffic Stop 2021084501 Officer 09/28/21 16:39 Traffic Stop 2021084514 Officer 09/28/21 16:56 Traffic Stop 2021084518 Traffic Stop WSIU21026492Jfficer 09/28/21 17:36 Traffic Stop 2021084531 Officer 09/28/21 18:01 Traffic Stop 2021084540 Officer Page 28 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 09/28/21 19:18 Traffic Stop 2021084555 09/13/2106:43 Training Officer 09/28/21 19:28 Traffic Stop 2021084558 09/17/2107:22 Training Officer 09/28/21 20:04 Traffic Stop 2021084572 09/22/2108:00 Training Officer 09/28/21 21:09 Traffic Stop 2021084592 Traffic Stop WP21026509 Officer 09/28/21 21:49 Traffic Stop 2021084608 Traffic Stop WP21026515 Officer 09/28/21 22:00 Traffic Stop 2021084612 Traffic Stop WP21026516 Officer 09/28/21 22:20 Traffic Stop 2021084615 Traffic Stop WP21026518 Officer 09/28/21 23:37 Traffic Stop 2021084624 Officer 09/29/21 01:20 Traffic Stop 2021084640 Officer 09/29/21 07:45 Traffic Stop 2021084667 Traffic Stop WP21026531 Officer 09/29/21 16:47 Traffic Stop 2021084815 Officer 09/29/21 19:21 Traffic Stop 2021084866 Traffic Stop WP21026609 Officer 09/29/21 20:08 Traffic Stop 2021084892 Officer 09/29/21 20:15 Traffic Stop 2021084895 Officer 09/29/21 20:49 Traffic Stop 2021084908 Officer 09/29/21 21:06 Traffic Stop 2021084915 Officer 09/30/21 08:44 Traffic Stop 2021085014 Officer 09/30/21 16:47 Traffic Stop 2021085151 Officer 09/30/21 20:05 Traffic Stop 2021085221 Officer 09/30/21 21:09 Traffic Stop 2021085242 Officer 09/30/21 22:46 Traffic Stop 2021085273 Traffic Stop WP21026733 Officer Training Total: 12 09/03/2107:56 Training 2021075870 09/06/2114:52 Training 2021077060 09/09/2107:40 Training 2021077882 09/13/2106:43 Training 2021079288 09/16/2109:07 Training 2021080338 09/17/2107:22 Training 2021080675 09/21/2109:52 Training 2021082066 09/22/2108:00 Training 2021082368 09/23/2107:07 Training 2021082699 09/27/2106:44 Training 2021083975 09/28/2111:57 Training 2021084417 09/28/2117:17 Training 2021084523 Trespass Total: 1 09/02/21 14:37 Trespass 2021075666 Trespass WP21023741 Unwanted Person Total: 6 09/03/21 03:55 Unwanted Person 2021075851 Robbery WP21023801 911 09/08/21 11:59 Unwanted Person 2021077634 Unwanted Person WP21024345 911 09/19/21 15:54 Unwanted Person 2021081533 Unwanted Person WP21025571 911 09/22/21 15:35 Unwanted Person 2021082520 Unwanted Person WP21025885 Phone 09/27/21 11:04 Unwanted Person 2021084056 Unwanted Person WP21026351 Phone 09/28/21 08:49 Unwanted Person 2021084360 Unwanted Person WP21026440 Phone Warrant - Arrest Total: 3 Page 29 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 09/06/21 22:14 Warrant - Arrest 2021077211 Warrant - Arrest 09/15/21 13:16 Warrant - Arrest 2021080039 Warrant - Arrest 09/16/21 20:00 Warrant - Arrest 2021080572 Warrant - Arrest Warrant - Attempt Total: 3 09/12/21 17:49 Warrant - Attempt 2021079146 09/18/21 14:28 Warrant - Attempt 2021081159 09/25/21 09:58 Warrant - Attempt 2021083393 Total Records: 1142 Case Number How Reported WP21024182 Officer WSIU21025084Dfficer WP21025269 Officer Officer Page 30 of 30 Monticello Patrol Hour Summary Hours Purchased Per Contract: 1 19,032.00 Starting Hours (beginning of month): 6,094.00 M -T -D (detailed below): 1,619.75 Balance going forward (to next month): 4,474.25 Y -T -D: 1 14,557.75 Shift Start Shift Stop Date Shift Start Time Shift Stop Date Time Schedule Position Time Type Regular Hours 1 -Sep -21 6:00 1 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 1 -Sep -21 8:00 1 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 1 -Sep -21 12:00 1 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 1 -Sep -21 12:00 1 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 1 -Sep -21 18:00 2 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 1 -Sep -21 18:00 2 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -21 4:00 2 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 2.00 2 -Sep -21 6:00 2 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -21 8:00 2 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -21 12:00 2 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -21 14:00 3 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -21 18:00 2 -Sep -21 19:30 Monticello (52) 3211 OT - Regular 1.50 2 -Sep -21 18:00 3 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 2 -Sep -21 20:00 3 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 3 -Sep -21 6:00 3 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 3 -Sep -21 8:00 3 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 3 -Sep -21 12:00 3 -Sep -21 21:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 9.00 3 -Sep -21 18:00 4 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 3 -Sep -21 20:00 4 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 4 -Sep -21 6:00 4 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 4 -Sep -21 8:00 4 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 4 -Sep -21 12:00 4 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 4 -Sep -21 18:00 5 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 4 -Sep -21 20:00 5 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 5 -Sep -21 6:00 5 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 5 -Sep -21 8:00 5 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 5 -Sep -21 12:00 5 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 5 -Sep -21 18:00 6 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 5 -Sep -21 20:00 6 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 6 -Sep -21 6:00 6 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 6 -Sep -21 8:00 6 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 6 -Sep -21 12:00 6 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 6 -Sep -21 18:00 7 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 6 -Sep -21 20:00 7 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -21 6:00 7 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -21 8:00 7 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -21 12:00 7 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -21 14:00 8 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -21 16:00 8 -Sep -21 2:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 7 -Sep -21 20:00 8 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 8 -Sep -21 6:00 8 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 8 -Sep -21 8:00 8 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 8 -Sep -21 12:00 8 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 8 -Sep -21 12:00 8 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 8 -Sep -21 18:00 9 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 8 -Sep -21 20:00 9 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 4.00 9 -Sep -21 2:45 9 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 3.25 9 -Sep -21 6:00 9 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 9 -Sep -21 12:00 9 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 9 -Sep -21 14:00 10 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 9 -Sep -21 20:00 10 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 9 -Sep -21 20:00 10 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 10 -Sep -21 6:00 10 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 12.00 10 -Sep -21 6:00 10 -Sep -21 13:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 7.00 10 -Sep -21 12:00 10 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 10 -Sep -21 14:00 11 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 10 -Sep -21 20:00 11 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 10 -Sep -21 20:00 11 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 11 -Sep -21 6:00 11 -Sep -21 14:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 8.00 11 -Sep -21 10:00 11 -Sep -21 20:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Regular 10.00 11 -Sep -21 13:00 11 -Sep -21 23:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 11 -Sep -21 14:00 11 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 2.00 11 -Sep -21 20:00 12 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 11 -Sep -21 20:00 12 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 12 -Sep -21 6:00 12 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 12 -Sep -21 8:00 12 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 12 -Sep -21 12:00 12 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 12 -Sep -21 18:00 13 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 12 -Sep -21 20:00 13 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -21 6:00 13 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -21 8:00 13 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -21 12:00 13 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -21 18:00 14 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 13 -Sep -21 20:00 14 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -21 6:00 14 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -21 8:00 14 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -21 12:00 14 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -21 16:00 15 -Sep -21 2:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 14 -Sep -21 20:00 15 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 15-5ep-21 6:00 15-5ep-21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 15 -Sep -21 8:00 15 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 15 -Sep -21 12:00 15 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 4.00 15 -Sep -21 14:00 16 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 15 -Sep -21 16:00 16 -Sep -21 2:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 15 -Sep -21 16:00 15 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 2.00 15 -Sep -21 20:00 16 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -21 6:00 16 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -21 8:00 16 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -21 12:00 16 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -21 14:00 17 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -21 18:00 17 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 16 -Sep -21 20:00 17 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 17 -Sep -21 6:00 17 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 17 -Sep -21 8:00 17 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 17 -Sep -21 12:00 17 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 17 -Sep -21 14:00 18 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 17 -Sep -21 18:00 18 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 17 -Sep -21 20:00 18 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 18 -Sep -21 6:00 18 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 18 -Sep -21 10:00 18 -Sep -21 20:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 18 -Sep -21 12:00 18 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 18 -Sep -21 14:00 19 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 18 -Sep -21 18:00 19 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 18 -Sep -21 20:00 19 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -21 6:00 19 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -21 8:00 19 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -21 12:00 19 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -21 14:00 20 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -21 18:00 20 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 19 -Sep -21 20:00 20 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 20 -Sep -21 6:00 20 -Sep -21 14:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 8.00 20 -Sep -21 8:00 20 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 20 -Sep -21 12:00 20 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 20 -Sep -21 14:00 20 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 2.00 20 -Sep -21 18:00 21 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 20 -Sep -21 20:00 21 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 21 -Sep -21 6:00 21 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 21 -Sep -21 8:00 21 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 21 -Sep -21 12:00 21 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 21 -Sep -21 16:00 22 -Sep -21 2:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 21 -Sep -21 20:00 22 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 22 -Sep -21 6:00 22 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 22 -Sep -21 10:00 22 -Sep -21 20:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 22 -Sep -21 12:00 22 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 22 -Sep -21 18:00 23 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 22 -Sep -21 21:00 23 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 9.00 23 -Sep -21 6:00 23 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -21 8:00 23 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -21 12:00 23 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -21 14:00 24 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -21 18:00 24 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 23 -Sep -21 20:00 24 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -21 6:00 24 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -21 8:00 24 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -21 12:00 24 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -21 14:00 25 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -21 18:00 25 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 24 -Sep -21 20:00 25 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -21 6:00 25 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -21 8:00 25 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -21 10:00 25 -Sep -21 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -21 14:00 26 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -21 20:00 26 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 25 -Sep -21 20:00 26 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 26 -Sep -21 6:00 26 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 26 -Sep -21 8:00 26 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 26 -Sep -21 14:00 27 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 26 -Sep -21 20:00 27 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 26 -Sep -21 20:00 27 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -21 6:00 27 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -21 8:00 27 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -21 14:00 28 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -21 20:00 28 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 27 -Sep -21 20:00 28 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 28 -Sep -21 6:00 28 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 28 -Sep -21 8:00 28 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 28 -Sep -21 14:00 29 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 28 -Sep -21 18:00 29 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 28 -Sep -21 20:00 29 -Sep -21 2:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 6.00 29 -Sep -21 6:00 29 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 29 -Sep -21 8:00 29 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 29 -Sep -21 14:00 30 -Sep -21 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Regular 10.00 29 -Sep -21 18:00 30 -Sep -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 29 -Sep -21 20:00 30 -Sep -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 30 -Sep -21 6:00 30 -Sep -21 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Regular 10.00 30 -Sep -21 8:00 30 -Sep -21 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Regular 10.00 30 -Sep -21 12:00 30 -Sep -21 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Regular 10.00 30 -Sep -21 18:00 1 -Oct -21 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Regular 10.00 30 -Sep -21 20:00 1 -Oct -21 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Regular 10.00 TOTAL: 1619.75