Planning Commission Minutes 02-09-1988
Tuesday, February 9, 1988 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present:
Richard carlson, Richard Martie, Cindy Lemm.
Members Absent:
Joyce Dowling.
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson.
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at
7:32 p.m.
Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the
minutes of the regular meeting held December 8, 1987. Motion carried
unanimously with Joyce Dowling absent.
Motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to acknowledge
the meeting notes taken of the regular meeting held January 12, 1988.
Motion carried unanimously with Joyce Dowling absent.
Public Hearing - A variance request to allow a proposed residential lot,
when platted, to have less than the minimum lot frontage on a public
right-of-way. Applicant, Charles Ritze.
Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, indicated to planning commission
members that Mr. Ritze was back before them with a variance request to
have less than the minimum lot frontage on a public right-of-way. As
indicated on the enclosed preliminary plat site plan, Mr. Ritze currently
has 15 feet of frontage on a pUblic right-of-way. Chairperson Richard
Carlson then opened the meeting for input from the public. Mr. Randy
Yager, son of abutting property owner Reinhold Yager, questioned why the
need for a minimum amount of lot frontage. zoning Administrator Anderson
indicated to Mr. Yager the intent of it was to allow sufficient room to
accommodate a driveway and the removal of snow so that when snow is
removed from the driveway it is placed onto one's own property.
Mr. Yager also indicated that Mr. Ritze has not talked to his father,
Reinhold Yager, to discuss some sort of possible exchange of land or a
monetary amount for the land which is needed for the total frontage on a
public right-of-way. With no further input from the public, Chairperson
Richard Carlson closed the public hearing and entertained for any
additional comments from Planning Commission members.
With no further input from the planning Commission members, motion was
made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to deny the variance
request to allow a proposed residential lot, when platted, to have less
than the minimum lot frontage on a public right-of-way. Motion carried
unanimously with Joyce Dowling absent. Reason for denial: Commission
members failed to see any undue hardship created by such a variance
request and there simply is not sufficient lot frontage on a public
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Tabled request for a preliminary plat review of a proposed new
subdivision plat. Applicant, Charles Ritze.
zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members
that with the previous public hearing and the variance request by
Mr. Ritze being denied, there is no further action needed on this
preliminary plat request.
Public Hearing - A conditional use request to allow as a home occupation
a beauty shop in an R-I (single family residential) zone. Applicant,
Karla Dickey.
Karla Dickey was present to propose a conditional use request to be
allowed as a home occupation a beauty shop to be operated out of her
single family residential home. Chairperson Richard Carlson opened the
meeting for any input from the public. With no input from the public, he
turned it back to any discussion amongst the Planning Commission
members. A question was raised by Commission member Richard Martie if
Mrs. Dickey was aware of the conditions which go along with a home
occupation. Mrs. Dickey indicated she was aware of the conditions that
go along with the home occupation section of the ordinance. Chairperson
Richard Carlson questioned how many of these home occupation beauty shop
businesses we currently have in the city. Zoning Administrator Anderson
indicated that since he has come here in 1983 there has only been one
issued and that was this past September of 1987 to Mrs. Hoerschler, with
the other one being approximately one block from her residence an
existing beauty shop operated out of a house. If this one was approved,
we would have a total of three that have been allowed to exist as a home
occupation only under a conditional use.
With no further discussion, Chairperson Richard Carlson entertained for a
motion. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the
conditional use request to allow as a home occupation a beauty shop in an
R-l (single family residential) zone. Motion carried unanimously with
Joyce Dowling absent.
Public Hearing - A conditional use request to allow construction of more
than one building on an unplatted lot. A conditional use request to
allow construction of an apartment building in excess of the maximum
number of units allowed. Applicant, David Hornig.
Mr. David Hornig was present to propose his conditional use requests, the
first one to allow construction of more than one apartment building on an
unplatted lot, and the second to allow an apartment building to be
constructed in excess of the maximum number of units allowed. Mr. Hornig
indicated that under phase one, which would be approximately the notherly
one-half of this unplatted tract of land, he is proposing to construct
one 36-unit elderly housing project and one subsidized family housing
project. The second phase proposes to be two l2-unit family subsidized
housing units. Mr. Hornig indicated according to the wright county
Assessor, the 36-unit elderly and l2-unit family subsidized
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apartment building would approximately bring an additional $31,000 to the
city's tax base. Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the public
hearing portion of this request. With no input from the public,
Mr. Carlson entertained for any discussion from the Planning Commission
members present. Mr. Carlson questioned as to what type of construction
these apartment buildings would be. Mr. Hornig indicated the apartment
building units would be approximately 80-85% brick with the balance being
cedar. Mr. Carlson also questioned a time table for phase two.
Mr. Hornig indicated it could possibly be one to two years after the
completion of the first phase of the project should funding be approved
for his project. The applicant, Mr. Hornig, would have to have another
certificate of needs study done to see if there is a need for additional
units to be constructed first of all. Mr. Carlson also questioned
whether the West Seventh Street extension would be done at the same time
as the completion of the phase two of this project. Zoning Administrator
Anderson indicated to Mr. Carlson that the extension of West Seventh
Street would more than likely be completed at the same time as the
completion of phase two of Mr. Hornig's project in that future
development would dictate as to when West Seventh Street would be
extended and completed.
Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Chairperson Richard Carlson
that he received a letter from one of the affected property owners, and
he would like it read aloud as public testimony in this conditional use
request. Chairperson Richard Carlson read the letter that was received
from Mr. John Beattie representing his company, J.B. properties, and all
of the owners and investors of the apartment buildings which his firm
manages for these investors. With no further input from Planning
Commission members, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy
Lernrn, to approve the conditional use request to allow construction of
more than one building on an unplatted lot; and approve the conditional
use request to allow construction of an apartment building in excess of
the maximum number of units allowed with the following conditions:
A. The buildings be allowed to be constructed in two phases.
B. A portion of this unplatted property be dedicated as shown on the
enclosed site plan to the City for the public right-of-way needed for
the proposed extension of West Seventh Street.
Motion carried unanimously with Joyce Dowling absent.
8. Public Hearing - A rezoning request to rezone part of an unplatted tract
of land from B-3 (highway business) to PZM (performance zone mixed)
zoning. If property is rezoned, a conditional use request to allow
construction of an apartment building in excess of the maximum number of
units allowed. Applicant, Metcalf & Larson.
Mr. Jim Metcalf was present to propose a rezoning request to rezone a
portion of an unplatted tract of land owned by Mr. Stuart Hoglund.
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If the property is rezoned, Mr. Metcalf would like to be allowed to
construct a 26-unit family subsidized apartment building on this site.
In review of the site plan which was submitted by the applicant, the
minimum lot square footage, building setbacks, open parking spaces, and
enclosed garage spaces have met or exceeded the minimum requirements of
our ordinance. One thing to note is that additional land area was
required to accommodate on-site holding area ponds for water run-off from
the building and the asphalt parking lot and driveways for this
particular project.
Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened it for any input from the
public. With no input from the public, he opened it for discussion that
the planning Commission members may have with the applicant. Commission
members thought the project would be a good project for the area. They
were very uncomfortable with just rezoning a portion of this unplatted
land. Commission members felt that if the entire area of land owned by
Mr. Hoglund would be proposed to be rezoned, they would look favorably at
rezoning of the entire area.
With no further input from the Planning Commission members, motion was
made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the rezoning
request to rezone part of an unplatted tract of land from B-3 (highway
business) to PZM (performance zone mixed) zoning with the following
condition: That the entire unplatted tract of land be rezoned. Motion
carried unanimously with Joyce Dowling absent. ~1otion was made by
Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the conditional use
request to allow construction of an apartment building in excess of the
maximum number of units allowed with the following condition: That the
entire area of this unplatted tract of land be rezoned. Motion carried
unanimously with Joyce Dowling absent.
Public Hearing - A rezoning request to rezone platted lots from B-4
(regional business) to PZM (performance zone mixed) zoning. If property
is rezoned, a conditional use request to allow construction of an
apartment building in excess of the maximum number of units allowed.
Applicant, Metcalf & Larson.
Mr. Jim Metcalf was present to propose rezoning of a portion of Block 51
from B-4 (regional business) to PZM (performance zone mixed) to
accommodate construction of a proposed 28-unit subsidized elderly
project. The site plan as presented met the minimum requirements of the
ordinance. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated there were three
additional properties with businesses currently operating that would have
to be purchased or obtained on an option prior to this becoming a
proposed project. These properties could be acquired, relocation of
these three businesses could take place, demolition of their buildings,
and we would then have a site that would be ready to sell to the
applicant, Mr. Jim Metcalf.
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Mr. Ken Maus, President of the Monticello HRA, was present to update the
Planning Commission members on the progress they have accomplished in the
negotiations for the purchase of these three business buildings. With no
input from the public, Mr. Carlson opened it up for any discussion with
planning Commission members. Chairperson Richard Carlson questioned as
to what would be happening within the alley. Currently as it exists,
there is no alley there even though it's being used as alley; it's all
private property. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated it could be
negotiated for purchase of that as part of the tax increment district to
re-establish the alley-way through there with the City retaining the
ownership of that.
With no further input from the Planning Commission members, motion was
made by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to approve the rezoning
request to rezone platted lots from B-4 (regional business) to PZM
(performance zone mixed) zoning with the following conditions:
1. The rezoning request be approved for a period not to exceed
December 31, 1988, or sooner if the application for the proposed
subsidized elderly project is not approved.
2. A revised final site plan be submitted to the Planning Commission in
its entirety prior to the application for a building permit.
Motion carried unanimously with Joyce Dowling absent. Motion was made by
Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the conditional use
request to allow construction of an apartment building in excess of the
maximum number of units allowed. Motion carried unanimously with Joyce
Dowling absent.
1. Conditional use request to allow outdoor sales in a B-3 (highway
business) zone. Applicant, Monticello Housing and RV Center, Inc.
Council action: Approved with conditions.
2. Tabled request for a preliminary plat review of a proposed new
subdivision plat. Applicant, Charles Ritze. Council action: Table the
preliminary plat request. Inform Mr. Ritze he could apply for a variance
City of Monticello Annexation Update. Zoning Administrator Anderson
asked Mr. Jim Metcalf, who was present at the meeting, if he could
explain to planning Commission members some of the action that was taken
by the Municipal Board at the annexation hearing held this afternoon.
Mr. Metcalf indicated portions would be annexed into the city with the
new area proposed being part of Kent Kjellberg's property consisting of
approximately 90 acres, and part of the area owned by Mr. John Sandberg
on what is known as the Halliger Tree Farm. The total acreage possible
to come into the city when he left the meeting was approximately 160
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Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Cindy Lemm, to set the next
tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for
Tuesday, March 8, 1988, 7:30 p.m.
5. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Zoning Administrator