Planning Commission Minutes 04-12-1988
Tuesday, April 12, 1988 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present:
Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, Cindy Lemm, Dan McConnon
Members Absent:
Joyce Dowling
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Richard Carlson at
7:30 p.m.
Motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the
minutes of the regular meeting held February 9, 1988. Motion carried
unanimously with Dan McConnon abstaining and Joyce Dowling absent.
Public Hearing - A variance request to allow a loading berth to be
constructed in the public right-of-way setback requirement. Applicant,
Automatic Garage Door company.
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, explained to planning Commission
members the applicant's proposed variance request. The main concern in
the explanation of the applicant's proposed building addition was that of
semi-truck tractors loading and unloading up to the existing unloading
dock. The semi-truck tractor would encroach onto the Cedar Street public
right-of-way and actually, when backed up to the loading dock, the
semi-tractor would be parked on the public right-of-way.
Zoning Administrator Anderson also indicated to Planning Commission
members that in their agenda supplement were two other alternatives that
the City staff had come up with on the Automatic Garage Door company's
variance request. The first option was to place the loading dock area
into a portion of the building. Therefore, the semi-truck tractor, when
backed up to the loading dock, would not be parked on the public
right-of-way; however, it would need to enter onto the Cedar Street
public right-of-way to accommodate the maneuvering of the semi-trailer up
to the unloading dock.
The second option showed where another addition would be constructed onto
their proposed addition where the semi-truck tractor would enter from the
southeast driveway and proceed along the driving portion of the parking
lot, therefore backing in along side of the building up to the loading
dock addition.
Mr. Greg Tobias, Manager of the Automatic Garage Door Company, was
present to explain to Planning Commission members some of the operations
of his business and the circulation of the products within the existing
building and within the proposed additions. He indicated he would like
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the Planning commission members to consider his request as submitted in
that approximately one-third of the 52 weeks in the year of which would
be once a week, a semi-truck tractor with a trailer does come to drop off
part of or an entire load of doors at their facility. This truck when at
the unloading dock may be there from a minimum of probably 20 minutes to
a maximum of approximately 2 hours to unload the entire trailer. Of the
two options shown by the City staff, Mr. Tobias had not had a chance to
check into the pricing as to what it would cost to renovate their plans;
but the second option would clearly not be workable within their project,
and the first option could be a possibility but would be more expensive
than their original project.
Commission members felt uncomfortable with the semi-truck tractor and
trailer actually driving up onto probably the entire portion of Cedar
Street and then backing up to the unloading dock. Commission members
also questioned that the amount of traffic that is on that road right now
may be minimal; however, as the city grows and development occurs, this
could become part of an arterial road which could possibly hook up with
the proposed Kent Kjellberg development immediately south of this.
Chairperson Richard Carlson then asked for any input from the pUblic, and
there was none. He turned it back to the Planning Commission members for
any further input. With no further input from the Planning Commission
members, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan Mcconnon, to
deny the variance request to allow a loading berth to be constructed in
the public right-of-way setback requirement. Motion carried unanimously
with Joyce Dowling absent. Reason for denial: First, the semi-truck
tractor would have to drive up onto the entire portion of Cedar Street
and then back the semi-truck tractor trailer up to the unloading dock;
and secondly, when parked at the unloading dock, the tractor itself would
be sitting on the Cedar Street public right-of-way. Both of these are
safety concerns of the Planning Commission.
Public Hearing - A variance request to allow construction of a garage
addition within the sideyard setback requirement. Applicant, Harvey
Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, explained to Planning Commission
members the applicant's proposed variance request. The applicant would
like to construct a 6' x 26' addition onto his existing garage. If the
addition is allowed to be constructed, at the front portion of the garage
it would be within 6 feet of the side lot line, and to the rear of the
proposed garage addition it would be within 11 feet of the side lot
line. The separation between structures with the proposed addition we
would have 18 feet of area in the front portion of the garage between
structures and in the rear portion we would have 28 feet of land area
between the rear portion of the garage and the rear of the adjoining
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property house. There also being 6-foot utility easements on each side
of the property line, the proposed garage addition would come up to the
easement in the front most portion of the garage addition. With the
configuration of the lots being pie-shaped, the lots get wider as we get
to the rear of the property.
With no input from the pUblic, Chairperson Richard Carlson asked for any
input from the Planning Commission members. With no input from the
Planning Commission members, motion was made by Cindy Lemm, seconded by
Dan McConnon, to approve the variance request to allow construction of a
garage addition within the sideyard setback requirement. Motion carried
unanimously with Joyce Dowling absent.
1. planning Commission member applicant interviews. Council action:
Appointed one of the Planning Commission members' recommendations.
2. Tabled request for a final plat review of a proposed new subdivision
plat. Applicant, City of Monticello. Council action: Approved as per
planning Commission recommendation.
Sketch plan review of a proposed new subdivision plat. Applicant, Kent
Kjellberg. Council action: No Council action needed, as the request was
tabled by the Planning Commission. Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant City
Administrator, updated the Planning Commission members on the progress of
Mr. Kjellberg's subdivision preliminary plat. He indicated to Planning
Commission members that if the information is received by this Thursday
and upon favorable review by the City staff members, the preliminary plat
for Mr. Kjellberg's residential subdivision will be coming back before
them at their next regularly scheduled meeting. planning Commission
member, Mr. Dan McConnon, questioned if he could meet with City staff
members to go over Mr. Kjellberg's proposed plat. Gary Anderson
suggested to Mr. McConnon that he wait until after the City staff has a
chance to meet with the developer sometime after ThurSday, and then he
can look at the proposed preliminary plat as well as the original
drawings which led up to the preliminary plat.
4. Additional discussion on an upcoming zoning seminar.
Gary Anderson indicated to planning Commission members he felt it would
be a worthwhile seminar for the new Planning Commission member as well as
the existing Planning Commission members present. If they would like to
attend, please fill out the application submitted as soon as possible.
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5. It was the consensus of the four planning Commission members present to
set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission
meeting for May 10, 1988, 7:30 p.m.
6. Before the adjournment, Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, indicated to
the Planning Commission members that Mr. David Hornig's proposed
subsidized elderly and subsidized family project has been asked to be
revised to accommodate family subsidized housing only. He indicated to
the Planning Commission members that the City staff will be meeting with
Mr. Hornig to go over his new site plan for that. If there are any
changes which need any type of planning Commission action, it would have
to come back before them at their next regularly scheduled meeting if it
was done in its entirety. One way or another, the site plan would come
back to the Planning Commission members for their review at the next
regularly scheduled meeting if it is ready.
7. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan MCConnon, to adjourn. The
meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Anderson
Zoning Administrator