Planning Commission Minutes 09-06-1988
Tuesday, september 6, 1988 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present:
Richard carlson, Richard Martie, Mori Molane, Dan McConnon.
Members Absent:
Cindy Lemm
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill.
Meeting called to order by Chairman Richard Carlson at 7:34 p.m.
As no minutes were sent out with the agenda, there were no minutes to
Public Hearing - A variance Request to Allow Expansion of an Existing
parking Lot up to within the Five (5) Foot Green Area Setback
Requirement. Applicant, Monticello Eduplay Child Care Center.
Mr. Ken Canton was present to propose the variance request to allow
construction of a parking lot expansion of an existing parking lot up to
within the five foot green area requirement. The proposed parking lot
expansion would allow a redesign of the existing parking spaces and allow
the employees only to park in this new parking lot area. We do, however,
have public utilities which run beneath this area which Mr. Canton is
proposing for the new parking lot. The City Attorney, Tom Hayes, will be
drafting a document regarding whose responsibility it is for the upkeep
and restoration and/or repair of this area in the public utility
With no input from the public, Chairman Richard Carlson then turned the
meeting over for any input from the Planning Commission members. Mr. Dan
McConnon questioned backing out of this new parking lot onto part of the
hard surfaced parking area for the Wendy's fast food restaurant. This
area of Wendy's parking lot is primarily set up to allow movement of
semi-truck tractors in and out of their existing parking lot. The
agreement which Mr. Hayes will be drafting will cover the usage of all
three property owners involved.
with no further input from the public or Planning commission members,
motion was made by Mori Malone, seconded by Dan McConnon, to approve the
variance request to allow expansion of an existing parking lot up to
within the five foot green area setback requirement. Motion carried
unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent.
Public Hearing - A variance request to allow a pylon sign to be
constructed in excess of the maximum sign square footage and height
requirements. Applicant, Tom Thumb store.
Mr. Jack Lawrence, owner of Sign crafters Sign company, was present to
propose his applicant's (Tom Thumb store) request to allow a pylon sign to
be constructed in excess of the maximum sign square footage and sign
height requirements. The trend in the Tom Thumb food store chain is that
Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/88
the petroleum supplier is having their own sign and the Tom Thumb food
store also has their own separate identification pylon sign. The main
objective of the additional sign height and square footage requirements is
to get some sort of visual contact from the freeway, either eastbound or
westbound on Interstate 94. Mr. Lawrence noted that there were several
other cases which variances were applied for and approved for additional
sign height and/or sign square footage.
Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for any further input
from the public. With no input from the public, he then opened the
meeting for any input from city staff and/or Planning Commission members.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill questioned using both signs together. Mr. Lawrence
responded that the petroleum supplier, Phillips Petroleum company, would
like its own identity. Chairperson Richard Carlson questioned if the
property was within 800 lineal feet of 1-94.
with no further input from the Planning Commission members and/or city
staff, a motion was made by Dan McConnon, seconded by Richard Martie, to
approve the variance request to allow up to 50 feet in height and up to
264 square feet of sign area for this pylon sign. Motion carried
unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent.
Mr. MCConnon questioned if the City staff could look into what other
communities are requiring in a major exposure of a freeway, highway, or
other major highways with pylon sign height and square footage
requirements and get back to them at some time in the upcoming meetings.
5. Public Hearing - A variance request to allow a parking lot to be
constructed within the five foot green area requirement. A request to
allow this parking lot to be constructed in two phases. Applicant, Bridge
Water Telephone Company.
Mr. paul Lutzke was present to propose Bridge Water Telephone company's
variance request to be allowed to construct a parking lot in two phases
and also to be allowed to construct the parking area up to within the five
foot green area requirement.
With no further input from the public, Chairperson Richard carlson then
opened it up for any input from the City staff and/or the Planning
Commission members. Mr. Jeff O'Neill indicated that he felt that there
were too many variance requests and that the applicant should redesign
their parking lot so as to limit the number of variance requests in their
application. Mr. Paul Lutzke questioned if some other type of material
could be put in the green area proposed in front of their building, as the
problem that they have when snow falls is the snow and salt is plowed off
of Highway 25 onto their shrubs in front of their building and more or
less kills their shrubs in the spring. Mr. Dan MCConnon questioned the
relocating of the current west access to this proposed residential lot.
Mr. Gary Anderson, zoning Administrator, indicated to Mr. MCConnon that in
all likelihood a relocation of this existing driveway cut could not be
Planning commission Minutes - 9/6/88
relocated, as the State has already granted one access, and the relocation
may not be to their satisfaction. Mr. Jeff O'Neill questioned if the
Department of Transportation would allow even the use of this access for
another use other than the single family use that is currently there.
With no further input from the Planning Commission members and/or City
staff, a motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Mori Malone, to
table the variance request to allow a parking lot to be constructed within
the five foot green area requirement and to table the request to allow a
parking lot to be constructed in two phases. Motion carried unanimously
with Cindy Lemm absent. Reason for tabling of the request is that the
applicant should go back and see if the parking lot can be reconstructed
so as not to require as many variances as was presented in their first
Rezoning request to rezone a lot from R-l (single family residential) to
R-2 (single and two family residential). If rezoned, a request to replat
this residential lot into eight townhouse lots and one common area lot.
If replatted, a conditional use request to allow up to eight townhouses on
an R-2 (single and two family residential lot). Applicant, Floyd
Mr. Floyd Markling was represented by one of the attorneys, Mr. Brad
Larson, of the Metcalf and Larson law firm. Mr. Larson indicated to
planning commission members Mr. Markling's request to rezone the existing
unplatted lot of record, which was the former Betty Grossnickle single
family residence, from R-l (single family residential) to R-2 (single and
two family residential) zoning. The applicant, Mr. Markling, is proposing
to build eight townhouses, with four of them being continuous on each side
of a private road going up to service these townhouses. If the property
is approved for rezoning, Mr. Markling is seeking a request to replat this
existing residential lot to be replatted into eight townhouse lots and one
common area lot. If it is allowed to be replatted, a conditional use
request to allow up to eight townhouses on an R-2 (single and two family
residential) lot. Jeff O'Neill indicated to Planning Commission members
that the developer has met or exceeded all of the minimum setback and
building square footage requirements.
with no further input from the public or from the Planning Commission
members or City staff, motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan
McConnon, to approve the rezoning request to rezone a lot from R-l (single
family residential) to R-2 (single and two family residential). Motion
carried unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent. Motion by Mori Malone,
seconded by Dan MCConnon, to approve a request to replat this residential
lot into eight townhouse lots and one cornmon area lot. Motion carried
unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent. Motion by Dan McConnon, seconded by
Richard Martie, to approve the conditional use request to allow up to
eight townhouses on an R-2 (single and two family residential) lot.
Motion carried unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent.
Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/88
Simple subdivision request to subdivide one unplatted lot into two
unplatted lots. Applicant, Tom Holthaus.
Mr. Tom Holthaus was not present to propose his simple subdivision
request. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, indicated to planning
Commission members Mr. Holthaus's request to subdivide off the portion of
where the existing house currently sits with sufficient land area there to
meet or exceed the minimum lot area of 12,000 sq ft that is required by
ordinance. The remainder of this unplatted residential land would go into
an outlot of which Mr. Holthaus could resubdivide at some point in time in
the future. Chairperson Richard Carlson then opened the meeting for any
input from the public.
There being no input from the public, motion was made by Dan McConnon,
seconded by Mori Malone, to approve the simple subdivision request to
subdivide one unplatted lot into two unplatted lots. By platting, the
condition to this being platted, we eliminate the metes and bounds
description for this unplatted residential lot, therefore, having a
subdivision plat with lots and blocks within this plat. In this case, it
would be one block with one lot in it and an outlot within this
subdivision plat. The motion carried unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent.
Tabled request for a preliminary plat review for a proposed new
subdivision plat. Applicant, Charles Ritze.
Mr. Charles Ritze was present to propose that his tabled preliminary plat
request be brought forth to the Planning Commission members again with the
suggestive comment from the planning Commission members and the City
Council members being that he work out something with this adjoining
property owner to the north, Mr. Reinhold Yager. Mr. Ritze had indicated
that he has been able to work out an agreement with Mr. Yager, also
represented by his two sons. Having heard from Mr. Ritze, Mr. Carlson
then opened the meeting for any information from the public. The only
information coming from the public was approval from the yagers that they
had come to an agreement with Mr. Ritze on this proposed preliminary plat
Motion by Dan MCConnon, seconded by Mori Malone, to approve a preliminary
plat request for a proposed new subdivision plat. Motion carried
unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent.
Site plan review - 28-unit subsidized elderly apartment building.
Mr. Brad Larson was present to propose the site plan for the proposed new
28-unit subsidized elderly housing complex. Mr. Larson indicated the
proposed minimum rents for these new apartments would be approximately
$220 to $230 per month per unit. Mr. Larson's proposed site plan was,
however, laid out with less than the minimum parking stalls as required by
ordinance, minimum driveway aisle width, and less than minimum parking
space size requirement.
Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/88
The planning Commission members were supportive of Mr. Larson's 28-unit
subsidized elderly project site plan, but they felt that Mr. Larson should
contact his architect and come back with a more revised layout to limit
the number of variances that would be needed.
Landscaping requirements update.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill updated the planning Commission members on the
development of the possible reduction as to the landscaping ordinance.
3. Building exterior requirements update.
Mr. Jeff O'Neill updated the Planning Commission members on some proposed
changes to the building exterior requirements.
4. Variance request to allow construction of a garage addition within the
front and side yard setback requirements. Applicant, James Cellette.
council action: No action necessary, as there was no appeal.
5. Variance request to allow construction of a new detached garage within the
side yard setback requirement. Applicant, Kermit Bensen.
Council action: No action necessary, as there was no appeal.
variance request to allow two driveway curb cuts in excess of the maximum
allowed. Applicant, M & P Transport.
Council action: No action necessary, as there was no appeal.
7. variance request to allow a driveway to be reconstructed within the side
yard setback requirement. Applicant, Michael Wieber.
Council action: No action necessary, as there was no appeal.
8. variance request to allow placement of a pylon sign within the setback
requirement from a public right-of-way. Applicant, J & K properties.
COuncil action: No action necessary, as there was no appeal.
9. Motion by Dan Mcconnon, seconded by Mori Malone, to set the next tentative
date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for October 4, 1988,
7:30 p.m.
10. Motion by Dan McConnon, seconded by Mori Malone, to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
zoning Administrator