Planning Commission Minutes 09-14-1988 (Special Meeting) . MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING september 14, 1988 - 7:15 p.m. Members Present: Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, Mori Malone, Dan McConnon. Members Absent: Cindy Lemrn Staff Present: Gary Anderson 1. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Carlson at 7:17 p.m. 2. Reconsideration of a variance Request to allow a parking lot to be constructed within the five (5) foot green area requirement. A request to allow this parking lot to be constructed in two phases. Applicant, Bridge Water Telephone company. . Mr. Robert Rierson was present to ask the planning Commission members to reconsider their tabled variance request from the september 6, 1988 Monticello Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Rierson indicating to planning Commission members the urgency to commence with the construction of his new parking lot subject to the planning Commission variance approvals. Mr. Rierson indicated that at the september 6, 1988 Planning Commission meeting, an employee of his, Mr. Paul Lutzke, was present to represent Bridge Water Telephone company with Mr. Rierson having previous commitments. Mr. Rierson indicated that some possible misinformation may have been given out at that time as he only had Mr. Lutzke to attend to represent Bridge Water Telephone, not informing them, nor does Mr. Lutzke have authority to make judgements of approval without Mr. Rierson's consent. Mr. Rierson indicated that the property has been purchased, that the actual purchase of the property with the closing will come on or before the 18th of October. Immediately or there after on the closing on the 18th, Mr. Rierson has a contract with veit Construction to demolish the house and the garage to get the site ready for the new parking lot. Mr. Rierson said that they would like to leave at least 60 feet of separation from the existing building on the southerly 60 feet of this lot to allow for possible expansion for sometime onto the future of the Bridge Water Telephone company building. This 60 foot portion of land would be left in the green area which now exists. Mr. Rierson also indicated that the driveway entrance which currently exists on Highway 25 would be closed up and it would be a single entrance/exit only constructed on East Third Street. Much discussion centered on the limitations of the green are which separates this property from the next adjoining property to the east. The intent of the discussion here was to create as much green area as possible in this location of the side lot line. . With no further input from the Planning Commission members or from the applicant, Mr. Rierson, or from City Staff, a motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan McConnon to approve the variance request to allow a parking lot to be constucted with more than 25 percent of the parking spaces to be compact parking spaces. with the total number of spaces not to exceed ten. Motion carried unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent. 1 Special Planning Minutes 9/14/88 . Motion by Dan McConnon, seconded by Mori Malone to approve the variance request to allow the parking lot to be constructed up to within two feet of the west property line and to allow the remainder of the area not taken Up by the parking lot to be put into green area on the east side of this lot. Motion carried unanimously with cindy Lemm absent. Motion by Mori Malone, seconded by Dan McConnon to approve the variance request to allow a driveway to encroach within a five foot driveway separation from the side lot line. Motion carried unanimously with Cindy Lemm absent. 3. Motion by Dan McConnon, seconded by Mori Malone to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, ~~ zoning Administrator . . 2