City Council Minutes 03-28-2022 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, March 28, 2022 — 5 p.m.
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Sam Murdoff
Absent: None
Staff: Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Matt Leonard, Sarah Rathlisberger, Tom
Pawelk, and Jennifer Schreiber
Others: Wayne Elam, Heather Lorch (Capstone), Steven Bona (Capstone), and Ryan Cross
1. Call to Order
Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m.
2. East Bertram Area Development and Public/Private Improvement Discussion &
Direction Workshop
Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, presented an overview of the
area which included the School Boulevard street section design and alignment and
property ownership and phasing. Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works Director
gave cost estimates of two options for roadway — parkway versus regular residential
street and the assessment process.
Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Director, then presented a spreadsheet of project costs
and funding. This data showed that there is a gap of needed funding of $895,620. There
was some discussion on the reason for the gap. Steve Bona, Capstone, noted that the
developer would not be able to cover these costs.
Councilmember Fair expressed support for funding the additional cost of the project
because of the benefit the City has for extending the road and having a development.
Councilmember Gabler questioned the timeline of the project and when the City would
need to contribute money. Mr. Bona responded that they would work with the City to
cover the gap and are planning for 50% of the construction of the road to be in 2023 and
the remaining in 2024. Councilmember Murdoff expressed his opposition to having the
City cover the remaining costs.
Matt Leonard noted that one funding mechanism could be a 3 -5 -year deferred
assessment. The City and developer would have to agree on a cost. Mayor Hilgart
questioned the ability to upfront the cost of the road. Sarah Rathlisberger noted that
the City's responsibility for the road is $1,756,010, which is eligible for bonding. Matt
Leonard added that the City could apply for a RAISE grant but was not certain on how
the project would score.
Steve Bona commented that Capstone needs direction either way as they are on a
timeline on the land purchase.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — March 28, 2022
The City Council discussed paying a portion of the $895,620 shortfall, however, there
was definitive amount decided nor a consensus made. Mayor Hilgart noted that the City
could possibly fund part of the gap, but no amount was noted. Councilmember Fair
noted he would support funding it all. Councilmember Murdoff stated he would support
no additional funding and Councilmember Gabler, and Davidson noted they would
support half of the gap. Steve Bona commented that the developers would not be able
to fund half of the gap.
There was no further discussion.
3. Adjournment
By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Jennifer Schreibe
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — March 28, 2022