IEDC Minutes - 05/03/2022MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, May 3, 2022 — 7:00 a.m. Monticello Community Center, North Mississippi Room Participants who chose to attend remotely joined via Microsoft Teams. Members: Vice Chairperson Sarah Kortmansky, Joni Pawelk, Bill Fair, Steve Johnson, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Don Roberts, Andrew Tapper, Randy Skarphol, Eric Olson Liaisons: Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares, Marcy Anderson, Jolene Foss 1. Call to Order Vice -President Sarah Kortmansky called the meeting to order at 7:02 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: WAYNE ELAM MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 3, 2022, MINUTES. MOTION SECONDED BY ANDREW TAPPER. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda None. 4. Consideration of Recommendine Annroval of New Member Economic Development Director Jim Thares presented nominee Randi Meyer qualifications. RANDY SKARPHOL MOVED TO APPROVE RANDI MEYER AS A NEW MEMBER OF THE INDUSTIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. MOTION SECONDED BY WAYNE ELAM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. Table Topic — Legislative Update Bruce Nustad, President of MN Retail Association, provided a legislative update of Unemployment Insurance affecting retailers. The pandemic produced a drain on retailers and industrial operations. In 2021 the Federal Government gave funds to states for unemployment. Minnesota legislators debated where exactly how to utilize the funding for about a year. The legislators just passed a bill on Friday afternoon (04-29-22) resolving the funding allocation impasse. A portion of the funding will be set aside for groups including first responders, front line workers, medical staff, and retail employees. 6. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development Prospects List Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, provided an overview of prospects highlighted on the staff report. b. Project List Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, provided an overview of current projects highlighted on the staff report including UMC completion of addition; project EMMA II — light industrial assembly; project Cougar — precision Machining Mfg.; Nuss is complete; Washburn to be presented to TIF the Planning Commission May meeting; project Nutt — co -working space. c. Planning Commission Agenda (attached) Mr. Thares provided an overview of the Planning Commission Regular Meeting agenda scheduled for May 18th, 2022. d. City Council Rachel Leonard, City Administrator, presented an update on recent Council actions including approving preliminary and final plat for Spaeth Third Addition; Conditional Use Permit for PUD on an existing restaurant; valuation of TIF District 1-42 and 1-43; Grant application for WiHa Tools of a job creation Fund; TIF funding for Block 52. e. Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) Update by Jolene Ms. Foss provided an update of highlighting upcoming Capacity Building Workshop; CPO Class Trade Show May 25th; Legislative update June 30St; September 13th -2 01h Annual Golf Tournament. f. Chamber of Commerce Marcy Anderson, Chamber of Commerce Director, highlighted the Chamber move to 118 West 6th Street, Suite B.; Royalty Program — 6 candidates; Industry Tours following the Chamber Lunch June 21St; Mentoring Program; Golf Tournament May 19th; Walk and Roll June 11th; Taking applications for Taste of Monticello; noted the upcoming Riverfest July14-17tH 7. Adjournment JONI PAWELK MOVED TO ADJOURN. LUKE DAHLHEIMER SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:40 A.M. Recorder: Vicki Leerhoff Approved: June 8/?6K Attest: ZLOt t /' Ja es T ares, Economic Development Manager