IEDC Minutes - 03/01/2022MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 — 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center The meeting will be In -Person -Remote hybrid to accommodate those who prefer to minimize contact with others due to COVID-19. The North Mississippi Room at the MCC will be set up to allow attendees to socially spread out. Participants who choose to attend remotely will be able to do so via Go -To: Members Present: Chairperson Liz Calpas, Vice Chairperson Sarah Kortmansky, Joni Pawelk, Bill Fair, Darek Vetsch, Kevin Steffensmeier, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Andrew Tapper, Randy Skarphol, Eric Olson Liaisons Present: Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Marcy Anderson, Dave Tombers 1. Call to Order President Liz Calpas called the regular meeting of the Monticello IEDC to order at 7:05 a.m. The IEDC was joined by two Monticello High School Students, Emily Zukaina Al - Mohamed and Natalie Emmerich, as well as Monticello business owner Greg Ashfeld. 2. Approve Minutes: a. February 11t, 2022 meeting minutes LUKE DAHLHEIMER MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 1, 2022. ERIC OLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda None 4. Consideration of Recommending Approval of Prospective New Member Jim Thares noted that the applicant, Kathleen Massmann, is the owner of Healing Moments counseling center. They recently moved into a new building in the Pointes-At- Cedar mixed-use development along the Cedar Street side, across from Pizza Ranch. There was minimal discussion among the group. SARAH KORTMANSKY MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE KATHLEEN MASSMANN AS A NEW MEMBER, SUBJECT TO CITY COUCIL FINAL DECISION ON MARCH 14, 2022. WAYNE ELAM SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Consideration of Update - CET Grant Task Component - Industrial Land Capacity Analysis — Angela Schumann and Jim Thares Community Development Director Angela Schumann and Economic Development Manager Jim Thares presented on the agenda item. 6. Reports (Verbal Reuorts): a. Economic Development • Prospects List • 2022 BR&E Visits - Volunteers for Visits Mr. Thares provided an overview of the prospect list and the project updates to the IEDC and the public guest attendees. It was recommended that the IEDC members may want to volunteer to attend the upcoming BR&E Visit scheduled for March 11, 2022 as that is a core part of the 2022 Action Statements. Sarah Kortmansky and Randy Skarphol volunteered to attend. b. Planning Commission Agenda (attached) Ms. Schumann provided an overview of the Planning Commission Regular Meeting agenda scheduled for March 1, 2022. c. City Council City Administrator Rachel Leonard provided an update on recent Council action and upcoming meetings. d. Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) update Jolene Foss was absent, so Jim Thares provided an update from notes sent by Jolene. The Wright County EDP recently completed its 2022-2024 Strategic Plan. It is very comprehensive and can be found on the website. e. Chamber of Commerce Executive Director of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce Marcy Anderson provided an update on Chamber news and upcoming events. 7. Adiournment (8:00am) ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO IEDC. LUKE DAHLHEIMER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:02 A.M. /yo Recorded By: Hayden Stensgard Atte w� Jim hares, ApJhomic Development Manager